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1. vocabulary:

difficulty, pronounce, fall(n.), ask...for, pardon, medicine, however, British, a great many, store, and so on, the same as, more or less, reason, Europe, cent, Indian, cookbook, change...into, explain

2. Oral English:

1) Would you please say that again more slowly ? 你能慢慢地再说一遍吗?

2) Pardon ? 你说什么?

3) I'm sorry . I know only a little English / I don't quite follow you.


4) How do you pronounce / spell ... ? 你怎么读/拼......

5) I have some difficulty in doing sth. 我在做...方面有困难.

6) What does ... mean ? ... 是什么意思?

3. 语法:学习直接引语和间接引语



The dialogue is quite simple, so the teacher can encourage the Ss to act it out in class. Also the students can make up some related dialogues. when it comes to the text, the content is quite dull.

To make it more interesting, the teacher can tell a joke in the beginning. When dealing with the content of the text, the teacher can focus on some exercises, such as Choose and Fill in blanks.


1.difficulty n.困难,艰难,难事;有可数名词和不可数名词两种用法?


have no/find(some, any, much) difficulty with sth./(in) doing sth.?

There is no (some, any, much) difficulty (in) doing sth.?

I had no difficulty in learning English.?

There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.?


This book is full of difficulties.?

In face of so many difficulties, we never appeared to be afraid.?

2. come about


(1)You failed the exam. How did it come about? 这次考试你怎么不及格?

(2)Sometimes it is hard to tell how a quarrel (争吵) comes about.


△联想 come 构成的短语有:

come across偶然遇到;come to do 开始做……; come along一道去、快点、过来;come true 变成现实;come from 来自、出生于;come near 临近;come to an end 结束;come down 下来、流传下来;come into use 开始使用;come back 回来、回想;come into power 上台;come out 出来、长出、被出版;come into being 产生;come on 进行、进展、赶快、来!加油;come to oneself 苏醒;come up 发生、被提出、长出、发芽。

3. And so on


(1)Vegetables are potatoes, beas, cabbages and so on.蔬来有土豆、豆子、白莱等等。

(2)They asked what my name was, where I lived, who my parents were, and so on..


4. more or less

这是个固定词组,意为( about, almost, nearly) 大约,或多或少,大体上。在句中作状语,可放在修饰词之前,也可放在句末,用逗号与句子分开。例如:

(1)The work is more or less finished. 这项工作大体完成了。

(2)The trip will take ten days more or less. 这次旅行约需十天时间。

(3)I hope my advice will be more or less helpful to you.


5. When do you take your next exams?

1) 注意exam / examination 同动词的搭配:

take / have an exam (学生参加考试);give(students)an exam 老师考学生;

hold an exam 举行考试; pass an exam 考试合格;

fail (in ) an exam 考试不合格

2) 注意本句中用一般现在时表示一般将来时。有这种用法的动词有:take, begin, get, go, start, leave等,表示按计划或时刻表将要发生的事情。如:

When does the winter holiday begin? 寒假什么时候开始?

The plane takes off at 9:30 a. m. 飞机上午九点三十分起飞。

6. I have some difficulty in pronouncing some of the words in English。

I have some difficulties with pronunciation.


a. have + difficulty + (in) doing sth. 其中介词in可省略。它表示“在做某事时有困难”、“在……方面费劲”。difficulty前可用some, great, much, little, no等词饰饰。例如:

You' ll have no difficulty ( in ) finding his house, for he is well known in this area.

b. have + difficulty/difficulties + with sth. 名词前用介词with,不用in, 且with不可省略。例如:

I'm having some difficulty with my daughter's maths homework.

c. There is no (some, much, any) difficulty (in) doing sth.

d. do sth. with/without any difficulty

e .find difficulty (in) doing sth.


(1)There was much difficulty (in) explaining it to him.


(2)I find some difficulty (in) learning Russian. 我觉得学俄语有些困难。

(3)He finished his homework without (any) difficulty.


(4)His English was very bad and he spoke with difficulty.


7. At first, the language stayed the same as th language used in Britain. 起初这种语言同在英国使用的语言仍然相同。

But Americans still talk about “fall” just as people do in some parts of western English. 但是美国人还是说 “fall” , 就像英格兰西部有些地区的人说 “fall”一样。

1)stay 在句中相当于连系动词,意为“保持某种状态”;相当于keep的意思,通常接形容词作表语,无被动语态。它还可以用作不及物动词,表示“停留”等,例如:

The shop stayed open till 6 o’clock. 这家商店一直营业到六点。

句式一:stay + 形,维持(……的状态)。如:

The windows stayed open all the night.


You should stay in bed.

句式三:stay (+ 副),留宿,客居,暂住。如:

How long did you stay in New York?

2)the same as / the same …as 是“和……一样”的意思。在same之前总要加定冠词the。 as 是关系代词,引导限制性定语从句,as 在定语从句中作主语、宾语或表语。as 从句可用省略形式。如:

This is the same material as is used in building the bridge. 这和建那座桥所用的材料一样。(as 作主语)

3)just as 意为“正如,恰似”,as 是连词,引导一个方式状语从句,有时也可引导表语从句。如:

She loves singing just as her mother did. 她喜欢唱歌,正像她妈妈过去喜欢唱歌一样。

Jack didn’t feel just as his wife did. 汤姆并不像他妻子感受的那样。(引导表语从句。)

8.Would you please say that again more slowly? = Will you please say that again more slowly? = Please say that again more slowly.

“Would/will you please. . . ?”是婉转提出要求时的礼貌用语,用would比用will更加礼貌,多用于对陌生人或长辈说话的场合。注意该句型后接动词原形,肯定回答:Yes, I will. / Sure, / All right. Certainly. / Yes, please. 否定回答:No, I won’t. / I’m sorry, but I can’t. / No, thank you.

9.In China about seven people in ten speak putonghua.

in 作介词,表示比例、比率,例如:

One in ten students could solve the problem.

10.I know only a little English. 我只懂一点英语.

little 作“少”解,有否定的意味,即“少得几乎没有”(almost no)的意思,a little虽然也作“少”解,但有肯定的意味,“即虽少但还有一点”的意思.而only a little 却是否定的.和little 同义,在非正式文体中一般用only a little来代替little.


A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink? 我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?

B:Sure. There is a little water in the bottle. Take it.好的,瓶里还有一点水,拿去吧。

A:I'm thirsty. Can you give me some water to drink?我渴了,给我一点水喝好吗?

B:I'm sorry, but there is little / only a little water in the bottle.


1.no longer 与no more

这是一对近义词,都作“不再”、“再也不”(for no further period of time )解,一般可通用。

1)no more一般位于句末或句首,而no longer则可用于实义动词之前,助动词或连系动词之后,或者位于句尾。例如:

(1)He still smoked, but he drank no more. 他还在吸烟,但不再喝酒了。

(2)They are no longer staying with us. 他们不再跟我们住在一起。

2) no more = not. . . any more, no longer = not. . . any longer. no more/ longer 是正式用法,not. . . any more/longer 比较自然。如:

(1)I do not see him any more/any longer.我不能再看到他了。

(2)I did not feel sick any more. 我不再感到恶心了。

3)no more (not. ..any more) 强调数量和程度,表示动作不再重复,一般指把现在的情况将来对比,即“现在如何如何,将来不再这样(now, but not in the future)”. no longer(not. . .any longer) 强调时间,表示动作不再延缓,一般是现在的情况同过去对比,即“过去如何如何,现在不再这样(once, but not now) 。”


(1)She is not a child any longer.

= She is no longer a child. 她再也不是个孩子了。

(2)I won't do such stupid things any more.

= I'll do such stupid things no more. 我(今后)再也不干这种蠢事了。

2. 辨析 however / but / while


We love peace, but we are not afraid of war.

This plan is all right; however, it can be made better.

I’m interested in sports while my brother is fond of music.

He is young, but he knows a lot. 他尚年幼,但懂得却多。

Later, however, he decided to go. 可后来他决定去了。

3.A great many words and expressions have come into the language from American English…


修饰可名词:many; a great (good, large ) number of; quite a few; numbers of; many a ; a great (good) many; scores of 等。many a ,其意近似于many , 但many a 后边接可数名词单数,如:

Many a student has such a question.

修饰不可数名词:much; a great (good ) deal of; a large amount of; large amounts of等。

既可修饰可数名词,也可修饰不可数名词:a lot of (lots of ); plenty of; a large quantity of; large quantities of 等。

plenty of, a lot of / lots of常用在肯定句中,否定句中多用many或much 。如:

Today I haven’t much work to do. 今天我没有许多事做。

4. Now ask your partner for the answers.

句式“ask + 名(人)+ for +名”意为“向(某人)请求……”;“向(某人)要求……”,例如:

He asked his parents for a motorcycle.


句式一:ask +for+名,向……要,例如:

After dinner I asked for coffee.

句式二:ask +名(+ for/to+ 名), 请……,例如:

I have been asked for (to) dinner tonight.

句式三:ask + 名(人)+副词+for / to + 名,请……,例如:

He asked me in for a cup of coffee.

I asked her out to lunch.

句式四:ask for + 人,要求(人)来(接电话),例如:

A Mr Simpson from Sydney is asking for the manager.



(1)It was Paul’s first important lesson as a student of Chemistry and he never forgot it.

(2)Don't treat me as a child. 别把我当小孩看待。

(3)He is well-known as a writer. 作为一名作家他很出名。


a. 引导时间状语从句,意为“当……时候”,“随着……”“一边……一边……”。如:

He saw his daughter as he was getting off the bus.


b. 引导原因状语从句,意为“因为”,“既然”,as = since(语气比because弱)。as原因状语从句多位于主句前。如:

(1)As (Since) you are not feeling well, you may stay home.


(2)As he was ill, I went without him. 因为他有病,我独自去了。

c. 引导比较状语从句,“像……一样。”常用于as(副词)…as和not as …as结构中。如:

(3)The book is not so easy as you imagine. 这本书不像你想象的那么容易。

d. 引导方式状语从句,意为“按照”、“如同”。

She loves singing just as her mother did.她正像她母亲一样喜欢唱歌。

3)as用作关系代词,引导定语从句,意为“像……的人/物”,“如……那样。”主要用于such …as, the same …as 结构中,在从句中作主语、宾语、表语。例如:

Such books as you bought yesterday are helpful to children.像你昨天买的那些书对孩子们有益。




例如:Tom said, “My brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.”

Tom said that his brother had been a worker for two years before he came here.

2) 间接引语中动词所表示的动作或状态说话时仍继续进行或存在进,其时态不变。

例如:”I am eight.” the boy said. The boy said that he is eight.

3) 直接引语中,如果表示过去的时间状语用来表示事态发生或存在的具体时间,变间接引语时,其谓语动词仍用一般过去时。



例如:He says, “I have accepted her invitation.” He says that he has accepted her invitation.


例如:’I insist that you give up smoking,’ said the doctor.

The doctor insisted that he give up smoking.


8).如果直接引语是以would like 作谓语的特殊疑问句,间接引语中would like 不变;如果直接引语是一般疑问句,like 之后接动名词或名词作宾语,间接引语中would like也不变。

2.直接引语是祈使句变间接引语,通常将say 改为ask 或tell, order等词,构成ask (tell, order) sb. to do sth.结构。原祈使句如果是否定的,要在不定式结构前加not,原祈使句中如果带有please一词,间接引语也不再使用。

例如:‘Please open the second window,’ he said. He asked me to open the second window.


例如:She said, “What a lovely day.” She remarked with joy that it was such a lovely day.


1、连接代词:who, whose, whom, what, which。有词义,在从句中担任成分,如主语、表语、宾语、或定语等。

2、连接副词:when, where, why, how。有词义,在从句中担任成分,作状语。

3、连接词:that, whether, if, as if。that 无词义,在从句中不担任成分,有时可省略;if (whether), as if虽有词义,但在从句中不担任成分。

注意:连接代词与连接副词在句中不再是疑问句,因而从句中谓语不用疑问式。连接代词与连接副词在从句充当句子成分,连接词whether 和if(是否),as if(好象)在从句中不充当句子成分,只起连接作用。根据句义,如果连接代词与连接副词,whether、if 和as if都用不上时,才用that作连接词(that本身无任何含义)。



e.g. who will go is not important.


e.g. it doesn’t matter so much whether you will come or not.


e.g. that he suddenly fell ill last week made us surprised.



e.g. the question was who could go there.


e.g. my idea is (that) we can get more comrades to help in the work.



e.g. i hope (that) everything is all right.

2、介词之后的宾语从句,不可用which或if连接,要分别用what或 whether。

e.g. i’m interested in whether you’ve finished the work..

i’m interested in what you’ve said.



e.g. i wonder if it doesn’t rain.

②用if 会引起误解,就要用whether。

e.g. please let me know whether you want to go.(此句如果把whether改成if,容易当成条件句理解)

③宾语从句中的whether 与or not直接连用,就不能换成if;不直接连用,可换。

e.g. i don’t know whether or not the report is true.

i don’t know whether/ if the report is true or not.

④介词后的宾语从句要用whether引导。whether 可与不定式连用。whether也可引导主语从句、表语从句、同位语从句,还可引导让步状语从句,以上均不能换成if。但引导条件从句时,只能用if,而不能用whether。

e.g. it depends on whether we have enough time.

they don’t know whether to go there.

please come to see me if you have time.


同位语从句在句中作某一名词的同位语,一般位于该名词(如:news, fact, idea, suggestion, promise等)之后,说明该名词的具体内容。

e.g. i have no idea when he will be back.

the fact that he had not said anything surprised everybody.




1. 最常用连系动词:be(am; is/was; are/were)。

2. 表变化的系动词:get; turn; go; fall; become; grow; come; run。用法注意:在英语中,系动词一般只有一般现在 时和一般过去时两种时态变化形式,没有其他时态变化形式。但表变化的这类系动词除外,它们有各种时态变化。

eg: it is becoming colder and colder.

the food has gone bad.


eg: two years later, he became a teacher.

但two years later, he turned teacher.


3. 所谓“感官动词”:look; sound; taste; smell; feel。一般它们在句子中译成:。。。起来;。。。上去。此类系动词为高考

高频词。eg: the food tasted good.食物尝起来很香。


eg: he looked sadly at the picture. / she looked sad after hearing the news.

tom tasted the food and it tasted good.

4. 表状态的系动词:keep; stay; remain;(依然是;保持)

eg: she remains loyal to her father despite his cruelty towards her.

what a lovely day today! i love fine weather and i hope it will stay fine for some more days.

much remains to be done.

5. 表像系动词:seem; appear。汉语意义:看起来像、似乎、好像。这两个动词有一个共同的特点,即如果要表达时态的变化,需要后接不定时来完成。

eg: he seemed to have caught cold./ when father came in, tom seemed to be eating something.


it seemed that he had caught cold.

when father came in, it seemed that tom was eating something.

6. 终止系动词:prove; turn out。表达“证实、证明、结果为。。。”之意。

eg: he proved (to be) right. / the experiment turned out successful.


1. 一般地说,系动词无进行时态,无被动语态 如:

your hand feels cold.

the soup tastes good.

the dinner smells good.


某些含有变化意义的动态系动词如get, become, grow, turn等的进行时态可与形容词的比较级连用,表示渐进过程,其意思是“越来越……”。例如:

he is growing taller and taller.

our life is getting better and better.

things are getting worse.



不能说:the apple is tasted good.因为taste此时是系动词,“尝起来”之意,指的是苹果的性质,无被动语态)

但我们可以说:the apple is tasted by me.这苹果被我尝了一下。(taste此时指“尝一尝”这一动作,有被动语态)



Eg:The problem is puzzling.这问题令人困惑

主语 连系动词 形容词作表语

The problem is when we can get a pay rise.问题是什么时候我们可以得到加薪.

主语 连系动词 一个句子作表语---表语从句

2.连接表语从句的连接词有:that, what, who, when, where, which, why, whether,how.

He has become a teacher.他已经成为一名教师。

He has become what he wanted to be ten years ago.


She has remained there for an hour.


She has remained where I stood yesterday for an hour.


His suggestion is good.他的建议是好的。

His suggestion is that we should stay calm.


The question is when he can arrive at the hotel.


who will travel with me to Beijing tomorrow.


why he cried yesterday.昨天他为什么哭。

how I can persuade her to join us in the party.


whether the enemy is marching towards us.



Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework exercises.

2 Ask the Ss a few random questions to revise future time and introduce the topic of the unit. For example: What lessons do you have this afternoon / tomorrow? Are you going to do anything special this evening? What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? What are you going to do on Saturday evening? Are you planning to do anything on Sunday?

Step 2 Presentation

SB Page 25, Part 1. Ask questions about the picture, and get Ss to tell you what they think is happening. Teach the new words majority, goods, industry. Read the introduction aloud.

Step 3 Reading

Say Now read the dialogue silently and find out this information: What is being planned at this company? Allow the Ss a few moments to carry out the task. Check the answer. (A new factory may be built.) See if the Ss can guess the meaning of out of work.

Step 4 Dialogue

Speech Cassette Lesson 65. Play the tape of the dialogue for the Ss to listen and follow. Go through the dialogue briefly and make sure the Ss understand it. Ask questions like these: What are people at the company talking about? Who is going to make the decision? Why does the company need to build a new factory? What is the difficulty? Why do some people want the new factory to be built? Why are some people against the new factory? Explain that may have plans expresses uncertainty about the future. Play the tape again. This time the Ss listen and repeat. Then let the Ss practise the dialogue in pairs. You may wish to ask one pair to act the scene in front of the class.


a People have been talking of it a lot recently.:

Note the Present Perfect Continuous Tense to express an activity which started in the past and is still continuing.

b I simply don‘t know. = I honestly don’t know.

c Right now = At this moment

d The problem is … it. = Finding land for building the new factory is a problem ( i.e. difficult).

e The majority of people = Most people

f a number of people = quite a lot of people

g out of work = do not have jobs

h But some people … built on. = Some people do not want them to build a factory on good farm land. Note the structure not want something to be done.

i I can see the problem. = I understand the problem.

j is likely to happen = will probably happen

k It‘s quite likely: Quite emphasizes likely and increases the possibility.

Step 5 Practice

SB Page 25, Part 2. Demonstrate how to make sentences from the table, then get a few Ss to make example sentences. Then let the Ss do this exercise in pairs. At the end get Ss to write down 5 sentences from this table in their exercise books.

Step 6 Workbook

Wb Lesson 65, E__. 1 - 4.

After Ex. 1 is done orally, get the Ss to write the answers in their exercise books.

Both E__. 2 and 3 should be done in pairs first. Then check the answers with the class. Get Ss to translate the sentences into Chinese and ask them to think if they will be able to put them back into English. Pay attention to the sentence structures.

When doing Ex. 4, warn the Ss not to do word for word translation. Special attention should be paid to the sentence patterns and word order.

Step 7 Consolidation

With a good class you can give the Ss the following phrases and get them to make up a dialogue. Write these phrases on the Bb.

I believe you’re right.

What are the problems then?

What do you think is likely to happen?

Write them up on the Bb and demonstrate with a good S how it is possible to make up a dialogue.

A: I think the company will buy more land.

B: I believe you‘re right.

A: But it isn’t likely that the manager will make a decision soon.

B: What are the problems then?

With an ordinary class, just practise the dialogue in Part 1 again.


Finish off the Workbook exercises.

Do Ex. 1 and part of Ex. 4 as written work.



Teaching Aims and demands 本单元通过学习马克·吐温的《百万英镑》并改编成短剧形式的课文,学生能初步了解作者的风格。学生应能在教师的指导下,排演这个短剧。通过对话课的学习与操练,学生接触表示坚持个人意见的常用语句,并要求学生运用到实际会话中。学习并初步掌握as if和no matter引导让步状语从句的用法。 Teaching important and difficult points 1.单词 run, choice, note, change, fool, order, pleasant, right, assistant, customer, foolish, insist, tailor depend, favo(u)r , apologize, excited 2.词组 shop assistant, a clothes shop, give back, or else, change…for …, in the sun, try on, depend on, take place, get off, put on, drop in, once upon a time, do up, in fact, keep back, play the part of, next to 3.交际用语 There seems to be something wrong with it. I would like you to change this blouse. You sold me a blouse that I can’t use any more. I am afraid I can’t do that right now. Why can’t you do something about it? Is anything the matter? 4.语法 学习as if和no matter的用法。


课文建议 在Lesson 38课,建议教师应组织学生1)以节目的形式演出这段对话。2)教师可选取录像或多媒体形式完成此课的教学任务。3)教师把学生分成三人一组,适当准备一些道具排演本课的最后结局的短剧。4)教师要求学生找出能刻画服装店老板人物特征和心理变化的相关语句。如:There’s a customer, Tod, Will you serve him? / No matter what he is wearing , Tod, just show him the cheapest./Come, come. Get him his change, Tod..

对话分析 本单元对话是讲述在服装店调换衣服的经过,学生对其内容较易理解,但一些新单词的用法应掌握,如:customer, run, insist, change…for…。本课中也提供了给学生做相应对话的练习,如:A pair of trousers, A radio的口语练习。

教学重点难点 1.serve的用法

1)serve(sb.) as sth.表示“为(某人)工作,(尤指)当佣人”。 He served as a gardener and chauffeur.他做园艺工人兼司机。 2)serve还可表示“供职,服役”。 He has served his country well.他为国尽职。 3)serve sb. (with sth.). 表示“将(饭菜)端上桌。” Four waiters served lunch for us.有四位服务员招待我们吃午饭。 4)serve 还可用于“(在商店等处)接待(顾客)或为顾客取货物”的意思中。 Are you being served?有售货员接待您吗? He served some sweets to the children.他为孩子们拿来了他们想要的糖。 5)serve 还指“(一份饭)够……”。 This packet of soup serves two.这包汤料够两个人食用。 2.judge的用法 1)judge用作动词,表示作“断定,估计,认为”解。其后可带宾语从句,也可带不定式或形容词、名词等引导的宾补成分。 We judge that they have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。 We judge them to have finished.我们估计他们已经干完了。 She judged him about fifty.她估计他在五十岁左右。 The committee judged it better to start the investigation at once.委员会认为立即开始此项调查。 From his letter, we judged his visit to China a great success.从他的来信判断他对中国的访问非常成功。 2)judge用作“判断,断定”解时,还可接wh—分句或wh—加不定式结构。 I can’t judge whether she was right or wrong.我不能断定她是对还是错。 3)judge还可表示“评判,评价”,可说judge sb. / sth. Don’t judge a man by his looks.勿以貌取人。 4)Judging by / from…(从……来看,据……来判断)是惯用短语,可用来引导独立分句。 Judging from his looks ,he may be sick.从外表看,他或许生病了。 Judging by his accent, he must be from Guangdong.听口音,他准是个广东人。 3.get off的用法 1)get off意为“脱下”。 It’s rather hot today, we must get off the jacket.今天太热了,我们必须脱下夹克衫。 2)注意:get off还可作“下车”;“离开”;“出发”;“起飞”解。 As soon as I got off the bus, I started for the village on foot. 我一下公共汽车,就开始步行到村里去。 We must get off at once or we' II be late我们必须马上走,否则要迟到了。 We got off immediately after breakfast.我们一吃过早饭就出发了。 The plane got off on time. 飞机准时起飞。

4.favor的用法 1)in favor (of )表示“赞成、主张”,常用作表语或后置定语。 The students were in favor of reform. 学生赞成改革。 2)do sb. a favor或do a favor for sb. 是个正式的礼貌用语,意思是 “给某人以恩惠,帮某人的忙”。 Would you do me a favor? 帮我一下好吗? Do me a favor by turning off the radio. 帮我把收音机关掉。 Do me the favor to come. 务请光临。 注:do sb. a favor后接of doing 或不定式时,应将不定冠词a改为定冠词the。

5.put down的用法

1)意为“写下;记下”。 Put down your name and your telephone number.写下你的名字和电话号码。 Put this down in your notebook for future reference.这点记在你的笔记本上,以供今后参考。 2)可作“__;扑灭”。 The fire was finally put down by the firemen.大火最后终于被__员扑灭了。 6.as if的用法 as if 是连词词组,作“好像”、“好似”解,引导表语从句,用于下列句型中: It looks/seems as if ....表示“看起来似乎……”。其中It为无人称代词,本身并无词义。looks / seems是连系动词,as if引出表语从句。 It looks as if it is going to show. 看来,要下雪。 It seemed as if the suit was made to his own measure. 这套衣服看来似乎是按尺寸给他定做的。 除此之处,as if也可以引导方式状语从句,修饰主句的谓语,此时从句中的谓语动词常用虚拟语气。关于这一点,暂可不必向学生交代。 The woman loves the children as if she were their mother.这个妇女爱这些孩子,她好像就是他们的妈妈一样。

7. no matter 的用法

no matter作“无论”、“不管”解,用以引导表示让步的状语从句,常用在下列句型中: 句型中的No matter what (who/when etc.)...分别表示“无论何事”、“无论何人”、“无论何时”等,这个从句可以置主句之前,也可以置主句之后。

由no matter + what等引导的让步状语从句。No matter后面接关系代词或关系副词引导状语从句在句中作让步状语。

No matter what you do, you must be very careful.不管做什么事,你都必须非常细心。 No matter之后可用what以外的关系代词或关系副词。例如:

No matter who you are (=Whoever you are), I’ll never let you in.无论你是谁,我绝不让你进去。

No matter which…无论哪一个…… No matter which you choose(=Whichever you choose), you will be satisfied.不论你选择哪一个,你都会满意的。

No matter where…无论何处;不管在哪里…… No matter where I go (=Wherever I go) , I will be thinking of you. 无论我到哪里,我都会想着你。

No matter when …无论何时,不管什么时候…… I’ll discuss it with you no matter when you like(=whenever like). 你什么时候高兴,我愿意同你讨论这件事。 No matter how..不管……如何;无论……多么…… No matter how hard you try(=However hard you try), you will never be successful. 不管你如何努力,你都不会成功的。 8.drop in, drop in on 与drop in at的区别 drop in 意为“顺便走访” He often drops in for tea. 他经常顺便来喝茶。

drop in on 后接人意为“顺便拜访某人”。

She dropped in on me yesterday.

drop in at后接表示地点的名词意为“顺便来(去)某处看看”。

Tom usually drops in at my place on his way home. 答题时要注意drop in后所接的名词表示的意思。

Jane used to ____ the tailor’s on her way home from work. A. drop in B. drop in on C. drop in at D. drop at 詹妮以前常下班后去成衣店看看。the tailor’s 表示地点,故正确答案为C。

9.run的用法 1)表示“跑,奔跑,赛跑”。

The boy ran off as soon as we appeared.我们一来,孩子们都跑了。

She used to run when she was at college.在大学时她经常练跑步。


Buses to Oxford run every half hour.去牛津的公共汽车每半小时一班。

The trains don’t run on Christmas Day.圣诞节火车停驶。


Could you run me a hot bath?你给我放盆热水洗澡好吗?

Your nose is running.你又流鼻涕了。


I’m afraid the color ran when I washed your new skirt.很遗憾,

我洗你那条新裙子的时候它掉色了。 5)run可表示“融化”。

It was so hot that the butter ran.天太热,黄油开始化了。

The wax began to run. 蜡开始融化了。

6)run还可表示“负责、经营、管理”。 He has no idea of how to run the successful business.他不知道把企业办好的方法。

Stop trying to run my life for me.我的生活用不着你来管。 10.Come, come. Get him his change. Tod. ( = Hurry up. Tod, Give the man his change.) 得了,得了,给他找钱吧,托德。


Come, come, Alice, you must be patient. 好了,爱丽丝,你得忍耐点。



Here is your change. 这是找给你的零钱。


Could you change a 10-yuon note, please? 你能换开10元钱吗?

教学设计方案Lesson 37

Teaching aims 1. Practise in pairs talking about buying clothes in a shop.

2. Study the language points in lesson 37.

Teaching procedures


1. Check the homework exercises.

2. Revise articles of clothing by asking questions. Get as many as possible from the students and write them on the blackboard.

Questions for the teacher to ask the students:

1) What words have you learned about clothes ?

trousers, coat, jacket, shirt, overcoat……

2) What color do you like best if you buy a blouse ?

a gray one, red one, blue one, black one, yellow one, white one ……

Step Ⅱ Warming-up

Look at the picture on P 55.

1. Ask the students to say something about the picture. Let the students know a new word: blouse.

Answer: It’s a clothes shop. There are many clothes in the shop. Two women are talking now. They are talking about the white blouse and the red blouse in the shop.

2. Ask the students how different clothes are washed. Make a table on the blackboard if you like

as follows:

HOT WASH white cotton

WARM WASH coloured cotton

COLD WASH silk , wool

Step Ⅲ Listening and reading

Let the students listen to the dialogue once or twice and then answer same questions.

1. What did the customer buy last week?

… She bought, a blouse last weds

2. What's wrong with the blouse?

… When doe washed the blouse, the color ran.

3. What did the customer ask the assistant to do?

…She asked the assistant to change the clothes or give the money back to her.

4. Did the assistant give the money back to the customer ? Why ?

…No, because the manager of the shop wasn't in. And the assistant couldn't decide whether to give it back to her or not.

Step Ⅳ Practice

Let students fill in the blanks of the dialogue.

SA: Good afternoon. Can I 1 you ?

C: Yea, please. I 2 this radio the day before yesterday. But there is something 3 with it. Last night it just couldn't. I 4 can't use it.

SA: Let me 5 . It scans as if it hasn't been 6 properly. Has it been left in the sun or__ 7_?

C: Of 8 not. How can I be 9 foolish ?

SA: 10 it's the 11 of the factory that made it. I think I will send back to the 12 and get it repaired.

C: You may 13 it back to the factory, but I would like my money 14 .

SA: I’m 15 I can't do that.

C: Why can't you do 16 about it ? I'd like you to change this 17 or else 18 me my money back.

SA: All right. You can 19 it for another one. Would you please 20 a look at these ones ?


1. help 2. bought 3. wrong 4. work 5. see 6. used 7. rain 8. course 9. that 10. Maybe 11. fault 12. factory 13. send 14. back 15. afraid 16. something 17. radio18. give 19. change 20. have

Fill in the blanks.


Is there ______ _______ ________ the radio?


Please give me _______ the book that you _______from me.


It _______ as if it’s going to_______.


He _______ that he _______ there tomorrow.


Don’t _______ the child stand ________ the sun. 6.我想让汤姆的弟弟去做那项工作。

I would _______ Tom’s brother ________ do the work.


1. anything wrong with 2. back …borrowed 3. seems…snow 4. insists …go 5. have/ keep …in 6. like …to

StepⅤ Language points

Let students read the dialogue and ask them to pay attention to some key sentences and then the teacher gives some brief explanation.

1. There seem (s) to be…

2. like常见的句型是

like sb. to do sth./ like to do sth./ like doing sth.

3. I’m not that foolish = I am not so foolish.

4.It looks as if + 句子 = It seems as if + 句子

5. insist + that - clause + ( should ) + v

Step Ⅵ Further practise

1.Get good pairs of students to act out their dialogues in front of the class without their books if possible.

2. Provide a few situations for the Ss, let them practise the dialogues by dividing the different groups.

1)You have just bought a pair of shoes from a shoe shop. But later you find that the shoes are not of the same size. So you go to the shop again. Make a dialogue between the shop assistant and you.

2) You have just bought a tape—recorder. But it does not work as soon as you get home. So you go back to the shop and ask for a new one..

Step Ⅶ Exercise

Do exercises Ex 1——3. on Page 118.

A customer brought a blouse in a clothes shop last week. She found that the colours _____when she washed it. Thinking that there must be ______wrong with it, she went back to the shop. The shop_____ asked her whether she did not follow the ______and washed it in hot water. The ______said she was not ______foolish. It seemed that it was the ______of the company that produced it .The customer _______that the shop should give her money back, but the shop assistant refused. Finally the customer decided to change the blouse _______another one.


ran, something, assistant, instructions, customer, that (so), insisted, fault, for

StepⅧ Homework

1.Do exercises Ex 2——3. on Page 118.

2.Get the students to do the vocabulary preparation in Lesson 38 .

教学设计方案Lesson 38

Teaching Aims 1. Learn lesson 38 to get brief idea of the story.

2.The students are required to answer some questions.

Step I Revision 1)Check the homework exercises.

2)Oral practice.

1.你的手表有问题吗? 2.我想让你去做这件事。

3.似乎看来这本书被他看完了。 4.我坚持让他把钱还我。

5.对不起,是我的错。 6.你为什么让他一直在田里工作。


1. 1s there anything wrong with your watch?

2. I’d like you to do the work.

3. It seems as if the book has been finished reading by him.

4. I insisted that he (should) give me my money back.

5. I'm sorry. It's my fault.

6. Why did you have him working in the fields?






(1) 从属连词that。在从句中不做成分。

如: The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。 (2) 从属连词whether, as, as if。

如:He looked just as he had looked ten years before.


注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句, 如: All this was over twenty years ago, but it’s as if it was only yesterday. 这都是20多年前的事了,但宛如昨天一样。

注:能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look,sound等。 如: He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。

(3) 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever

在表语从句中做主语、宾语等。 如:That was what she did this morning

(4) 连接副词 where, when, how, why。

如:What I wonder is when he left. 我想知道他是何时离开的。

(5) 连词because可引导表语从句。

如:I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做得太多。

(6) 在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。 如: My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早出发



False: The question is when can he arrive at the hotel.

Right: The question is when he can arrive at the hotel

2、不可以用if,而用whether 连接表语从句(as if 例外)。


False: The question is if the enemy is marching towards us.

Right: The question is whether the enemy is marching towards us.

Right: It looked as if he had understood this question. that在表语从句中不可以省掉。


“That is why...”是常用句型, 意为“这就是„„的原因/因此„„”, 其中why引导的名词性从句在句中作表语, 该句型通常用于针对前面已经说明过的原因进行总结.

例如:I got up very late, that is why I came to school at this moment. 下面是两个与“That is why...”形式相似的结构, 它们与“That is why...” 2


(1)“That is why...”与“That is the reason why...”同义, 只不过从语法结构上讲, “That is the reason why...”中why引导的是—个定语从句, 将其中的the reason去掉则与“That is why...”结构一样. 例如:That is (the reason) why I cannot agree. 这就是我不能同意的理由。

(2)“That is because...”句型中从属连词because引导的名词性从句在此作表语, 这也是个常用句型, 意为“这就是为什么„„/因为„„”。“That is because...”与“That is why...”之间的不同在于“That is because...”指原因或理由, “That is why...”则指由于各种原因所造成的后果. 例如:He did not see the film last night. That is because he had to help his little sister with her homework. 昨天晚上他没有去看电影, 那是因为他得帮助他的妹妹做作业。 (第一句话说明结果, 第二句话说明原因)

He had seen the film before. That is why he did not see it last night. 他以前曾看过那部电影, 因此他昨天晚上没有去看。 (第一句话说明原因, 第二句话说明结果)



用作表语的从句叫作表语从句,它位于主句中的连系动词之后。引导表语从句的词有从属连词that、whether、as though(if);关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等;关系副词when, where, why, how, however, whenever, wherever等。可以接表语从句的连系动词由be, look, remain, seem等。That引导表语从句时,在口语中,间或可以省略。

The trouble is that we are short of money.困难是我们资金短缺。

That is why stone walls are used instead of fences around New England fields.这就是为什么在新英格兰用石头墙而不用栅栏的原因。

At that time, it seemed as if I couldn't think of the right word anyhow.当时,我似乎怎么也想不出一个恰当的字眼来。



The trouble is (that) she has lost his money. 麻烦的事是他丢了钱。

The question is whether we need more ice cream.问题是我们是否还需要一些冰淇淋。

The problem was that it was too valuable for everyday use.问题是它作为日常之用太贵重了。

What she couldn’t understand was that fewer and fewer students showed interest in her lessons. 我们不能理解越来越少的学生对他的课不感兴趣。


关系代词who, what, which, whom, whose, whatever, whoever, whomever, whichever等引导表语从句,在句中作主语、宾语、表语,关系代词不能省略。

The question is which of us should go.问题是我们哪一个应该去。

The problem was who could do the work.问题是谁能做这项工作。

That's what he is worrying about.那就是他在担心的事。

That's what we should do.那是我们应该做的。


Go and get your coat. It's where you left it. 去把雨衣拿来。就在你原来放的地方。

I had neither a raincoat nor an umbrella. That’s why I got wet through. 我们既没伞也没雨衣,这是我们淋湿的原因。

That is how mice ruin many stores of grain every year.那就是老鼠是怎样每年损害大量粮食的。

That is what he is worried about.那就是他所担心的。

5、由连词because,as if/as though等引导的表语从句。

It looked as if it was going to snow.看起来好像要下雪了。

That's because we never thought of it.这是因为我们从未想过此事。

It seems as if he didn’t know the answer.好像他不知道答案。




The trouble is ________ I have lost his address.


He looked just ________ he had looked ten years before.


The question is ________ they will be able to help us.


All this was over twenty years ago, but it's_____ _____ it was only yesterday.


It looked just _____ _____ it was going to rain.。


The problem is ________ we can get to replace her.。


The question is ________ he did it.。


That was ________ she did this morning on reaching the attic。


My suggestion is ________ we ______ start early tomorrow.。



________ she did is not yet known.


________ this happened is not clear to anyone.


________ comes is welcome.


________ you are is my home ---- my only home.


________ is certain that she will do well in her exam.

6. 他是否会来这里还不清楚。

________ he’ll come here is not clear.

7. 你们当中不论哪个进来将会得到奖

________ of you comes in will receive a prize.


________ comes will be welcomed.


________ he did was right.



He told us_____ he felt ill.


I doubt ________ /________ he will succeed.


I ________ think that you are right.


I don't know ________ to cry or ________ smile.


I wonder ________ it is true or not.


________ or ________ he was, Martin never learned.


I wonder ________ he’s writing to me about.

8. 我会告诉你我为什么要你来

I’ll tell you ________ I asked you to come.


You may do ________ you want.



They were all very much worried over the fact ______ you were sick.


Early in the day came the news ______ Germany had declared war on Russia.


I have no idea ______ he’ll come or not.


The question ______ should do the work requires consideration.


We haven't yet settled the question ______ we are going to spend our summer vacation.


It is a question ______ he did it.


The reason ______ the car was stopped was that the road was slippery.


It remains a question______ we can get so much money in such a short time.


The doctor did a lot to reduce the patient’s fear ______ he would die of the disease.




1. 定义:用作表语的从句叫做表语从句。

2. 构成:关联词+简单句

3. 引导表语从句的关联词的种类:

(1) 从属连词that。如:

The trouble is that I have lost his address. 麻烦是我把他的地址丢了。

(2) 从属连词whether, as, as if。如:

He looked just as he had looked ten years before. 他看起来还与十年前一样。

The question is whether they will be able to help us. 问题是他们是否能帮我们。

注:从属连词if一般不用来引导表语从句,但as if却可引导表语从句,如:

All this was over twenty years ago, but its as if it was only yesterday.


能跟表语从句的谓语动词一般为系动词be, seem, look等。如:

It looked as if it was going to rain. 看起来天要下雨了。

(3)连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which, whoever, whatever, whichever

连接副词 where, when, how, why。

如:The problem is who we can get to replace her. 问题是我们能找到谁去替换她呢。

The question is how he did it. 问题是他是如何做此事的。

That was what she did this morning on reaching the attic. 那就是她今晨上了阁楼干的。


1. 连词because可引导表语从句。如:

I think it is because you are doing too much. 我想这是因为你做得太多。

2. 在一些表示“建议、劝说、命令”的名词后面的表语从句中,谓语动词用虚拟语气。should+动词原形表示,should可省略。如:

My suggestion is that we (should) start early tomorrow. 我的建议是我们明天一早就出发。



引导表语从句的词有连词that, whether,连接代词和连接副词,关系代词型what,以及as if, as though, because等连词。


The question is whether the film is worth seeing. 问题是这部电影是否值得看。

注意:whether 可引导表语从句,但与之同义的if却通常不用于引导表语从句。


You are not who I thought you were. 你已不是我过去所想像的.人。


The problem is how we can find him. 问题是我们如何找到他。


He is no longer what he was. 他已经不是以前的他了。

5、由as if / as though引导

It is not as though we were poor. 又不是我们家里穷。


1. 表语从句只能置于主句后,主句的动词只能是连系动词。名词性从句在系动词后作表语时被称为表语从句。如:

① The problem is how we can get the things we need.


(how 在表语从句中充当方式状语)

② The scissors are not what I need.



2. 注意:“That is why...”是常用句型,意为“这就是……的原因/因此……”,其中why引导的名词性从句在句中作表语,该句型通常用于针对前面已经说明过的原因进行总结。


1)"That is why...”与“That is the reason why...”同义,但“That is the reason why...”中why引导的是定语从句,例如:

That is (the reason) why I cannot agree. 这就是我不能同意的理由。

(2)“That is because...”中从属连词because引导的名词性从句在此作表语,意为“这就是为什么……/因为……”。

“That is because...”指原因或理由,“That is why...”则指由于各种原因所造成的后果, 例如:

He did not see the film last night. That is because he had to help his little sister with her homework. 昨天晚上他没有去看电影,那是因为他得帮助他的妹妹做作业。

He had seen the film before. That is why he did not see it last night. 他以前曾看过那部电影,因此他昨天晚上没有去看。





That’s not what I want. 那不是我要的。

That’s why I have come. 那就是我为什么来了。

My opinion is that things will improve. 我的意见是事情会好起来的。

One advantage of solar energy is that it will never run out. 太阳能的一个优点是永远也不会枯竭。

The truth is that he didn’t really try. 实际情况是他没有真正努力。

The problem is who is to pay and when we can start. 问题是谁来付帐、我们又何时开始。

The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 事实是他注意到车时已经太晚了。

What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我感到吃惊的是他英语讲得那么好。

All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能说的就是我与此事没有关系。

What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。


The fact is that he didn’t notice the car until too late. 事实是他注意到车时已经太晚了。

What surprised me was that he spoke English so well. 使我感到吃惊的是他英语讲得那么好。

All I can say is that I have nothing to do with it. 我能说的就是我与此事没有关系。

What I want to know is where we shall go and whether she will join us. 我想知道的是我们要去什么地方以及她是否加入我们。

此外,表语从句还可由as if (好像)引导。如:

It looked as if it was/were going to rain. (虚拟语气)

Now let’s do some translation:


That is why she had a day off yesterday.


My idea is that individual rights should be fully respected.


The question is whether the God really exists.


What I want to know is how he managed to complete the project in such a short time.

形容词后的that 从句

that 引导的名词性从句还可以用在一些形容词后面。这种句型一般都用人作主语,所用的形容词都是表示思想状况或感情色彩的形容词,如certain, sure, positive, afraid, convinced, anxious, disappointed, worried, glad, happy, sorry, amazed, surprised, aware, doubtful, confident等等。如:

I am sure/certain that he’s at home now. 我肯定他现在在家。

He became angry that you made the same mistake. 你犯了同样的错误,他生气了。

He remains confident that he will win. 他仍然自信他会赢

She is aware that I can’t help her. 她知道我帮不了她的忙。

I am glad that you’ve come. 你来了我很高兴。

He appeared/seemed surprised that I said “no”. 我说不,他似乎很吃惊。

I am afraid that I can’t promise you anything. 恐怕我不能向你保证什么。

We were rather disappointed that you were not able to come yesterday. 昨天你没能来我们有点失望。

I am a bit worried that she will not be able to make it. 我有点担心她做不成这件事情。

what 从句的小结

1.意思是“所….的事/物”, 相当于the thing(s) that…, that which…, 或those which… 可以用于以下情况:




英语语法中的名词性从句,是一个在句子中起名词(属性)作用的句子。名词性从句的功能相当于名词词组, 它在复合句中能担任主语、宾语、表语、同位语、介词宾语等。所以,根据它在句中不同的英语语法功能,名词性从句又可分别称为主语从句、宾语从句、表语从句和同位语从句。




纯连词:that, whether

连接副词:when, where, how, why


My idea is that we meet in the bookstore.


Her doubt is whether you really mean it.


This is where my grandparents lived.


=This is the place wheremy grandparents lived.

That was how she reported to her parents.


= That was the way how she reported to her parents.

That is why we all side with him.


= That is the reason why we all side with him.

Is this what Jim gave you?


= Is this the thing what Jim gave you?

That is what your daughter brought back.




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