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篇1:译林牛津 初三 周末英语竞技场:初三班讲义(一)


---- 初三精品班讲义(一)

一、 Learning approach(学习方法)



1、 向往着美好的目标,切忌怀疑自己,畏缩不前。染上信心不足这种精神萎缩症的人是很难成功的。学外语要坚信自己一定能达到目的,坚信自己的毅力和语言才干。

2、 切忌三天打鱼两天晒网。学习外语一天也不能中断,哪怕每天能挤出十分钟来看一看、背一背也好。一日之计在于晨,早晨是学外语的好时光,若实在没时间,起码能在洗脸刷牙时听听外语录音或广播也行。

3、 学习感到厌倦了,不必过于勉强继续,但也不能扔下不学,最好是变换一下学习方法和形式,如听有趣的外语故事、看外语电影,或改学别的科目以做调节。

4、 外语好比一个堡垒,必须从四面八方向其包围进攻。除了学习课本外,读外文报纸、听外语广播、看外语电影、听外语歌曲、听外语讲座,甚至可阅读外语的商品说明书等等,都是好办法,要多管齐下。

5、 应随时记下并背出常用的句型,并更换成分进行练习,以达熟练运用。

6、 抄录和记忆句型及习惯用语时要用单数第一人称。这主要是让人有一种切身的感受,在心理上构成一种语言环境,从而提高学习的效果。

7、 不要脱离上下文孤立地死记硬背,要将单词和成语置于具体的上下文语言环境中,联系起来理解记忆。

8、 在旅行或干手工活时,不要放弃学习的机会,应尽可能“心译”你接触到的东西,如一闪而过的广告,听到别人聊天的话语。这样既是休息,也是学习。但做得不好甚至做得很糟时,切勿失去信心。

9、 不要反复去看那些未经老师修改的练习,因为只有那些被证明是正确无误的东西 ,才具有思考和牢记的价值。


二.Intensive Reading(精读)


English is a language all around the world. There are more than 42 countries where the most of the people speak English. Most native speakers of English are found in the United Kingdom, the United States of America, Canada, Australia, South Africa, Ireland and New Zealand . In total (总计,总共), for more than 375 million people English is their mother tongue. An equal number of people learn English as a second language. These people will perhaps speak the language of their own country at home with their family, but the language of the government(政府) ,schools newspapers and TV is English. This situation is found in countries such as India, Pakistan, Nigeria and the Philippines.

However the number of people who learn English as a foreign language is more than 750 million. Every where in the world children go to school to learn English. Most people learn English for five or six years at high school. In China students learn English at school as a foreign language, except for those in Hong Kong, where many people speak English as a first or a second language.

In only fifty years, English has developed into the language most widely spoken and used in the world. English is the working language of most international organizations(国际组织), international trade and tourism. Businessmen and tourists often come to China without being able to speak Chinese. Chinese businessmen, taxi drivers and students talk with them using English. English is also the language of global culture(全球文化), such as popular music and the Internet. You can listen to English songs on the radio or use English to communicate with people around the world through the Internet. With so many people communicating in English every day, it will become more and more important to have a good knowledge of English.

1) Word study

( ) mother tongue A .the same

( ) communicate B. information and understanding about a subject

( ) knowledge C. travel

( ) trade D. the activity of buying, selling or exchanging goods

( ) tourism E. native language/ first language

2) Fast Reading

Q: What are the different roles(角色) that English plays in communication in different countries?

a.________________________ b. ________________________

c.________________________ d. ________________________

e. ________________________

3) Further Reading:

Para.1-2: Read the two paragraphs carefully and fill in the blanks

English Country People

native language

second language

foreign language over 375 million

Para 3: Answer the questions:

Q1 Where is English used as the working language?


Q2 Who use it as the working language?


4) Do “T” or “F”

( ) 1. Most English speakers of English are found in the UK, the USA, Canada, North Africa, Austria, Ireland and New Zealand.

( ) 2. Less people learn English as second language than the people whose native language is English.

( ) 3. Hong Kong people do not learn English as a foreign language.

( )4.English is the working language of most international organizations, international trade and tourism.

( ) 5.The total number of speakers of English is a billion.

5) Fill in the blanks

English is a ___________ _________ all around the world. For more than 375 million people in countries such as __________ and _________, English is their ________ ________. Another 375 million people _______ ________ as a second language. However , most people learn English at school as a _________

__________. The English language ______ also _______ by most international organizations as their working language, as well as in international _______ and _________.Most foreigners visiting China are either _____________ or _________. If they can’t _________ Chinese, they use __________ to communicate with Chinese people. In global culture, for example the Internet or pop music, English is widely used. In the future we will be speaking Chinese with our _________, but we will be _________ English with people around the world for our work.

三.Extensive Reading(泛读)


Many students want to know about the differences between American English and British English. How did these differences come about? There is no quick answer to this question. At first the language in Britain and America was the same. In 1776 America became an independent(独立) country. After that, the language slowly began to change. For a long time the language in America stayed the same, while the language in English changed. For example, 300 years ago the English talked about “fall”. In the same way, most British people talk about “autumn”, but Americans still talk about “fall”. In the same way Americans still use the way: “I guess” (meaning “I think”), just as the British did 300 years ago.

After the same time, British English and American English started borrowing words from other languages. For example, the British took “typhoon” from Chinese, while the Americans took “tornado” from Spanish.

In 1828 Noah Webster published the first American dictionary. He wanted to make American English different from British English, so he changed the spelling of many words. That’s why the words colour, center and traveler are spelt color, center and traveler in American English. Except for these differences in spelling, written English is more or less the same in both British and American English.

The differences are greater in the spoken language . For example, Americans say dance/ /, and in southern England they say / /. In American they pronounce not / /; in southern England they say / /. However, most of the time people from the two people fro the two countries do not have any difficulty in understanding each other.

Answer the following questions by choosing the best answer

( ) 1. America stopped being of England in _____.

A. 1707 B. 1828 C. 1776 D. 1911

( ) 2. Which of the following statement is true?

A. After 1828 America English and British English stayed the same.

B. After 1828 America English changed but British English stayed the same.

C. After 1828 British English changed but America English stayed the same.

D. After 1828 both British English and America English changed.

( ) 3. British English is different from American English because ______

A. British decided to change the spelling of many American words

B. American English changed but British English stayed the same

C. The American and British English took different words from other language

D. America is a bigger country

( ) 4. Noah Webster was ________.

A. an American president B. a Spanish farmer

C. a British teacher D. an American writer

四.Exercises (时态专练)

1. Mr.Smith wanted ______(have) his holiday in Washington.

2. The new students are _________(interest) in _________(read) English.

3. There _________(be) a beautiful house here since 1987.

4. The boy ___________(make) _________(copy) the words many times yesterday.

5. Wei Fang isn’t here. She _________(go) to the library.

6. I want to know whether you __________(come) to my party tomorrow or not.

7. Will you please ___________(not make) so much noise?

8. She said she _________(fly) to France the next week.

9. She _______(buy) a newspaper a moment ago, but she _________(not read) it yet.

10. The windows of our house _________(clean) once a week.

11. Could you tell me if it _________(rain) tomorrow?

12. I want you to know that _______(take) medicine on time is necessary.

13. There is a shop _________(sell) all kinds of things there.

14. It took him half an hour _________(finish)________(do) his homework.

15. What ________you _________(do) this time yesterday?

16. My mother told me that the earth __________(go) around the sun..

17. Jim always practises ________ (swim) in the river nearby.

18. _________(watch) their sick dogs _______(die) is very painful.

19. What do you think ________(happen) to her?.

20. It’s said that the world’s population _________(slow) down in a few yeas.

五.Beyond-curriculum Knowledge(课外知识)

The difference between British English and American English

(1) words differences

Chinese Br. English Am. English

出租车 taxi cab

罐头 tin can

糖果 sweets candy

汽油 petrol gasoline

地铁 underground subway

人行道 pavement sidewalk

卡车 lorry truck

停车场 car park Parking lot

大学 university college

假期 holiday vacation

秋天 autumn fall

垃圾 rubbish garbage

公寓 flat apartment

一楼 ground floor first floor

电梯 lift elevator

学期 term semester

高中 Sec. school High school

饼干 biscuit cookie

商店 shop store

(2) Spelling differences

中心 centre center

米 metre meter

剧院 theatre theater

劳动 labour labor

颜色 colour color

喜爱 favour favor

领居 neighbour neighbor

荣誉 honour honor

港口 harbour harbor

对话 dialogue dialog

旅行者 traveller traveler

灰色 grey cray

飞机 aeroplane airplane

支票 cheque check



1. - Help yourself to.- Thanks. Mmm... it tastes good. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chickenD. any chicken2. Twelve were hurt, but no were lost in that accident. A. person; life B. people; lives C. peoples; lives D. persons; life3. - Why couldn't you get to Hong Kong that night? - Because 10: 30 all the trains had left the station. A. of B. at C. by D. until4. - I'm looking forward taking a holiday in Hainan. - So am I. It's great to be holiday there. A. for; on B. to; at C. to; on D. for; at5.Mum had asked Mike to close the windows before he went out,

Mike forgot to do so. A. Though; B. Though; butC. Till;不填 D. Until; then 6.-I have three English dictionaries.

-I have nine. I have three times you. A. as much asB. as many as C. as little asD. less than7. Suddenly Edward came in and said he had to tell the class. A.anything important B. important everything C. something important D. important something8.- Why is easy for such a young girl to learn three foreign languages so well? - Because Britain, Germany and France are all very near______country. A. it; his B. that; hisC. she; her D. it; her9.- What did the scientist say? - He said he wondered if into space by spaceship one day. A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly10. - Here's somebody at the door. Who it be? Is it the postman? - No. It be him. It's just seven o'clock. It's too early. A. may; can't B. will; won't C. may; mustn't D. must; may not

No one knows how the huge rocks and ___ without our modern machines eight hundred years ago. A. are cut; moved B. were cut; move

C. are cut; moving D. were cut; moved12. The man who lived alone on that island thought henever_______. A. will; find B. would; be found C. is; found D. had; been found13. The old people lonely at all since we began to visit them once a week. A. don't feelB. hasn't feltC. haven't feltD. didn't feel14. - Where were you in July last year? - This time last year my family and I my grandparents in New York. A. was visitingB. visited C. had visitedD. were visiting15.- When Mr Harris the town for Sydney?

- I think it last December. A. did; leave; was B. did; leave; is C. has; left; was D. does; leave; is16. You'd better when your mouth is full of food. A. don't speak B. not to speakC. not speakD. not speaking17. Look at the sign on the wall! Stop photo graphs, please. A. to take B. taking C. take D. not taking

18.How long have you this book?

A. boughtB. borrowed C. hadD. Lent

19. This match made them at last. A. happily B. quickly C. slowly D . friendly

20. There are so many buildings on side of the mad.

A. all B. eitherC. both D.every

21. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than in Harbin. A. that B. it C. this D. One

22.- What day is it?- .

A. It's a fine day B. It's Tuesday C. It's June 26th D. It's wet

23.- Pass me the paper, please. - . A. Here you are B. Hare it is C. Give it to me D. Here is it

24.I'm still hungry. Could I have two pieces of bread, please? A. much B. manyC. more D. most

25.It's very cold today. You'd better put your coat when you go out. A. away B. down C. on D. up

26.-I'm sorry I my homework at home. - That's all right. Don't forget it to school this afternoon. A. forget ...to take B. forget... to bring

C. left...to take D. left... to bring

27.Where are the students? Are they in ? A. the Room 406 B. Room 406C. the 406 RoomD. 406 Room

28.- I hear your father to Japan once. - Yes. He there last year. A. went... has been B. has been ...went

C. goes... wentD. has been... has been

29.The flowers start to in spring. A. come in B. come out C. come from D. come to

30.Look! beautiful that lake is!

A. What B. How C. How aD. What a

Keys: 1-5 CBCCA 6-10 BCDBA

11-15 DBCDA 16-20 CBCDB

21-25 ABACC 26-30 DBBBB


Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to __3__ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, There was someone __5__ in the next seat. __6__ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and __7__ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didn’t want to have any __8__. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in __9__.Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, then __11__ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something __12__ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!

1. A. stole B. bought C. sold D. wrote

2. A. went B. satC. seated D. looked

3. A. sitB. seat C. lieD. laugh

4. A. pushed B. took C. put D. pulled

5. A. jumping B. playing C. sitting D. sleeping

6. A. HeB. ItC. Who D. What

7. A. cutB. washed C. covered D. colored

8. A. coffee B. trouble C. chocolate D. matter

9. A. carelessness B. anger C. surprise D. happiness

10. A. first B. second C. very D. last

11. A. stood B. took C. cried D. looked

12. A. strange B. wrong C. OK D. funny

13. A. andB. but C. soD. while

14. A. spelt B. corrected C. made D. found

15. A. finish B. leave C. jump D. shop


1. B.为了消磨时间,“我”买了报纸和巧克力,故选bought.

2. A.由文章推理出,“我”走进了一家咖啡店,故应选went。

3. A. to sit at 是作为tables的后置定语,意为“可以在旁边就坐的桌子” .

4. C.按常理“我”应把报纸等放在桌子上,而不是推到或拉到桌子上故应选 put.

5. C.由下文可知,回来时“我”发现他开始吃“我”的东西,说明他坐在桌旁,故选 sitting.

6. A.由下文可知,对方是一个男子,故用he指代。

7. D.头发应是被染成红色的,故应选colored.

8. B.面对这样一个男子,“我”不想惹麻烦,trouble合乎文意为正确选项。

9. C.由下文可知,“我”吃的是这个男子的巧克力,这引起了对方的某一反应,比较四个选项,再根据上文,用名词surprise比较合乎当时的情形。

10. B.习惯用语“a second + 名词”,常用来表示“再一个,又一个”。

11. A.根据文意可知那个男孩起身要走,故选择stood.

12. B.男孩生气了,必定说了发泄的话,比较四个选项wrong为最佳选择。

13. B.男孩骂了“我”导致大家都朝“我”看,而“我”不想与他争吵,可见“我”的反应与上文描述的气氛恰恰相反,故选择but构成转折关系。

14. C.固定搭配make a mistake意为“犯了个错误”。

15. B.“我” 在喝完咖啡准备离开时发现了自己的过错,故应选leave.



Christmas Eve means a warm get-together with friends, a candlelight dinner, or perhaps a celebration at a pub(酒馆) for students. But, for Cai Yingjie, the night has a different meaning: helping beggars(乞丐) and the homeless(people without homes)。 Cai, who is a student in journalism at Tsinghua, could be found at Beijing's Wudaokou Light Railway Station that special evening. When she saw an old beggar, she took the cold, rough hands of the woman with her warm, clean hands, and gave the woman some warm bread and helped her put on a pair of new gloves(手套)。 The woman was surprised for a few seconds, then burst into tears, saying “for the first time I feel respected(尊重)”。 Cai said, “A beggar's life is very hard. That's why I want to help them.” Cai was one of 14 Tsinghua students spending Christmas Eve among the poor. They walked in the cold wind along the streets from 4 to 7 pm on Friday, visiting 15 beggars in Beijing's Haidian District. They brought bread and gloves with them, and stopped to greet beggars and offer them some of the warm food. Each beggar greeted them with a look of surprise. “I know the activity can't help much, but it's meant to show our respect and care for beggars and the homeless who have been neglected for so long,” said Sun, head of the group. “And Christmas is a good time for that.”1. What does Christmas Eve mean to the 14 Tsinghua students? A. Taking 15 beggars to Tsinghua. B. Getting together with friends. C. Showing care to the beggars and the homeless. D. Selling bread and gloves to the beggars.2. What does the beggar mean by saying “for the first time I feel respected”? A. The beggar has been waiting for Cai for long. B. The beggar hasn't been shown care for so long. C. The beggar has been respecting Cai for a long time. D. This is the first time the beggar has seen Tsinghua students.3. What did each beggar feel when they received greetings? A. Sad. B. Amazed. C. Frightened. D. Proud.4. The word “neglected” in the last passage means _______. A. protected B. found C. taken care ofD. given no enough care


1. 选C.第1段的最后一句…helping beggars(乞丐) and the homeless(people without homes)。 就是他们的决定,即去帮助那些乞丐和无家可归的人,给他们以关爱。答案选C.2. 选B.根据第3段中的 woman所说的话:…for the first time I feel respected(尊重)。 我们可以推断出:乞丐们有太长的时间没人关心了。故答案为B.3. 选B. 在第6段中有这样一句Each beggar greeted them with a look of surprise. 而B选项中Amazed 的同义表达就是surprised,所以答案为B.4. 选D.本文讲述了14个清华学子在平安夜帮助流浪汉和乞丐们的故事。这些流浪汉和乞丐们都感到十分的意外和温暖,我们由此可推断他们应该是长期given no enough care(被忽视的)原因。这样我们就可以排除A、B、C三项,最后正确答案为D.


What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage. Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save you life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts. From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury. The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building. Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room. On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.1. It is important to _______. A. put out the fire in the burning house B. know the ways to escape the fire C. jump off a burning house D. keep the door closed2. It is possible to escape through the windows _______. A. if there are some bushes on the ground B. if you are strong enough C. if you live on a lower floor D. If you have a long rope3. Which of the following escaping way is NOT right? _______. A. You can escape though stairways.

B. You can choose fire escapes. C. Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.

D. Use a lift to come down at once.4. Open the window so that _______ if the building is on fire. A. you can get fresh air B. you can call for help C. you can easily jump off D. you can be seen first5. The best title of the passage is _______. A. Escaping from the Windows B. Save Yourself in the Burning House C. Knowledge on FireD. Waiting for Help


1. 选B.从句子It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,…可知,当房子着火后,最重要的是你要知道the ways to escape the fire(逃生方式),故答案选B.2. 选C.在短文的第2段说到…from the lower floors of building escaping through windows is possible.故选C.3. 选D.在短文中特别强调在大火发生时,人们可以从 stairways 和 fire escapes逃生, but not lifts(但不能从电梯),因为那是相当危险的。4. 选A.在短文的第5段提到了可…keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air…可知。5. 选B.通读全文后,短文的大意很明显,在着火的大楼中自救的方法应是短文的主题,故选B.

篇3:译林牛津 高一unit1 task1


Period 8 Task ( Reporting school activities )

Teaching Aims:

1) Get Ss to understand what is a programme

2) Practise Ss listening ability

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Review and lead-in

Ask Ss to remember a passage “My Final Year”. From this passage, let Ss understand after-school activities can also help Ss get into a good college. Then tell Ss

in the task we’ll report school activities in this unit and before learning it we must know the programme of school activities.

Step 2. Understand a programme

1. Ask Ss to read the introduction to programme, and find out:

a. What is a programme?

b. What does a programme include?

2. Take today for example. Ask Ss to complete the programme.

Date: 15th Sept.

Day: Thur.

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Classroom7

Event (activity): having English class

3. Listen to the tape

a. First make up a dialogue with a student. It’s about a programme of our school. At the same time, ask one student to the blackboard to fill in the form as the following.

Event Time

Get up 6.00 a.m.

Have breakfast 6.30 a.m.

Have classes 7.00 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

Have lunch 12.00 a.m.

Have classes 2.20 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Have supper 6.30 p.m.

Do homework 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Go to bed 11.00 p.m.

b. Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable on page 12.

Ask Ss to listen twice, then check with desk mate, at last listen again and check the answers together.

Step 3. Complete a timetable for a school programme

1. Ask Ss to read the timetable on page13, then listen to the tape twice.

2. Check the answers.

Step 4. Assignment

Ask Ss to make up a dialogue according to the timetable.


M7U2 Grammar and usage





(1)How did the quarrel________ ___________ (发生)?

(2)Doctors are ________ _______ (调查)the case for new treatment.

(3)The girl doesn’t ________ _______(像)her parents at all.

(4)How can you ______ _______ _______(容忍)this for so long?

(5)It is not right to _________ _______ ______(瞧不起)those who have AIDS.

(6)_______ ________ ________(当心) cars while you are crossing the street.

(7)______ _______ _______ _______ (照看)the baby while I am out.

(8)Please ______ _______ _______ (注意) what the teacher is saying.

(9)The war __________ ___________ (爆发)in 1934.

(10)We’ve__________ __________ __________ (吃完了)our food.





(1) 动词短语定义


(2) 一般动词短语可以分为以下几类:



Whether we will go climbing depends on the weather. 我们会不会去爬山要看天气。

He is searching for his glasses. 他在找眼镜。



Wipe the dirt out on your shoes, please. / Wipe out the dirt on your shoes, please.


There is dirt on your shoes. Wipe it out. 你的鞋上有脏东西,请擦掉。

3. 动词+副词+介词

这类机构中,介词的宾语不能置于介词之前,eg. be fed up with 厌倦 ;catch up with 赶上; go on with 与------相处; hold on to 坚持.

4. 动词+名词+ 介词

常见短语有: take care of 照顾,照料; make room for 给…腾地方; make friends with

与…交朋友; play a joke on 戏弄某人; have a look at 看一看; say goodbye to 告辞等



He wondered whether the newcomer was worthy of trust.他不知道那个新来的是否值得信任。

I was deeply upset about it.。那件事情我厌烦透了。

常见短语有: be late for 迟到 be angry with 生气 be busy with 忙于

be short for 是…的简称 be interested in 对…感兴趣

be good at 擅长 be different from 与…不同 be good/bad for 对…有益/害

6. 动词+反身代词+介词

常见短语有: help oneself to 随便吃 give oneself to 热心于 occupy oneself with 忙于

enjoy oneself 玩得开心 dress oneself in 穿着 devote oneself to 专心,致力于,献身

(3) 常用短语动词:


bring back 带回,想起 figure out 算出

break out 爆发 pick out 选出

die down 逐渐平息 burn down 烧毁

come out 出来,出版 show off 卖弄

break down 破坏 calm down平静下来

pay off 还清债务 tear up 撕碎

fix up 安排,安装 put off 推迟

bing up 抚养,提出 keep up 保持

hold up 举起,受阻 build up 建立


care for 关心,喜欢 call for 需要

suffer from 受…苦 result from 由于

bring about 引起 think about 思考

depend on 依靠,根据 deal with 处理

approve of 赞成 begin with 从…开始

yield to 屈服于 object to 反对

appeal to 恳求 apply to 申请


add up to 总计 look forward to 盼望

catch up with 赶上 go on with 继续

keep up with 赶上 get on with 与…相处


be angry with 生气 be interested in 对…感兴趣

be famous for 因…而出名 devote oneself to 致力于

be different from 与…不同 make fun of 取笑

come into being 形成 get rid of 摆脱

keep an eye on 留意,照看 take pride in 以…自傲

assure sb. of sth. 使确信


1. We tried to find a table for seven,but they were all .

A. given away B. kept away C. taken up D. used up

2. Would you please ______ the paper for me and see if there are any obvious mistakes?

A. look around B. look into C. look up D. look through

3. During the war there was a serious lack of food. It was not unusual that even the wealthy families had to ______ bread for days.

A. eat up B. give away C. do without D. deal with

4. It is reported that the police will soon ____ the case of two missing children.

A. look upon B. look after C. look into D. look out

5. I tried phoning her office, but I couldn’t__________.

A. get along B. get on C. get to D. get through

6. A notice was in order to remind the students of the changed lecture time.

A. sent up B. given up C. set up D. put up

7. ---- Sorry, I have to ______ now. It’s time for class.

---- OK, I’ll call back later.

A. hang up B. break up C. give up D. hold up

8. ---- I' m surprised to hear that Sue and Paul have __ .

----So am I. They seemed very happy together when I last saw them.

A. broken up B. finished up C. divided up D. closed up

9. Practisig Chinese kung fu can not only ________ one’s strength, but also develop one’s character.

A. bring up B. take up C. build up D. pull up

10. -Have you __________?

-No. I had the wrong number.

A. got in B. got away C. got off D. got through

11. We thought of selling this old furniture, but we’ve decided to _____ it. It might be valuable.

A. hold on to B. keep up with C. turn to D. look after

12. Can you make a sentence to _____ the meaning of the phrase?

A. show off B. turn out C. bring out D. take in

13. New reports say peace talks between the two countries have ____ with no agreement reached.

A. broken down B. broken out C. broken in D. broken up

14. We are going to ____ with some friends fro a picnic. Would you like to join us?

A. get in B. get over C. get along D. get together

15. I don’t ____ rock’n’roll. It’s much too noisy for my taste.

A. go after B. go away with C. go into D. go in for

16. It was not a serious illness, and she soon ____ it.

A. got over B. got on with C. got around D. got out of

17.It is certain that he will ____ his business to his son when he gets old.

A. take over B. think over C. hand over D. go over

18. It’s ten years since the scientist ____ on his life’s work of discovering the valuable chemical.

A. made for B. set out C. took off D. turned up

19. Could you please tell me where you bought the shoes you ____ yesterday?

A. tried on B. put on C. had on D. pulled on

20. He accidentally ____ he had quarreled with his wife and that he hadn’t been home for a couple of weeks.

A. let out B. took care C. made sure D. made out

21. We have to ____ the wheat as soon as possible because a storm is on the way.

A. get away B. get across C. get through D. get in

22. It’s the present situation in poor areas that ___ much higher spending on education and training.

A. answers for B. provides for C. calls for D. plans for

23. His idea of having weekly family meals together, which seemed difficult at first, has ___ many good changes in their lives.

A. got through B. resulted from C. turned into D. brought about Ks5u

24. This dictionary is being printed and it will soon ____ .

A. turn out B. come out C. start out D. go out

25. I was just talking to Margaret when Jackson ____.

A. cut in B. cut down C. cut out D. cut up

26. This picture was taken a long time ago. I wonder if you can ____ my father.

A. find out B. pick out C. look out D. speak out

27. Please tell me how the accident __. I am still in the dark.

A. came by B. came upon C. came to D. came about

28. There were a lot of people standing at the door and the small girl couldn’t get ____.

A. between B. through C. across D. beyond

29. ---How are you managing to do your work without an assistant?

---Well, I ____ somehow.

A. get along B. come on C. watch out D. set off

30. As I grew up in a small town at the foot of a mountain, the visit to the village ____ scenes of my childhood.

A. called up B. called for C. called on D. called in

31. Although the wind has ____, the rain remains steady, so you still need a raincoat.

A. turned up B. gone back C. died down D. blown out

32. We’re trying to ring you back, Bryan, but we think we ___ your number incorrectly.

A. looked up B. took down C. worked out D. brought about

33. With no one to ____ in such a frightening situation, she felt very helpless.

A. turn to B. turn on C. turn off D. turn over

答案:课前导学 come about looking into take after put up with , look down upon , watch out for keep an eye on pay attention to broke out run out of




31-33 CBA

篇5:module1 unit1 教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)


单 元:Unit 1 School life

板 块:Reading 1

Thoughts on the design:

在完成了welcome板块的学习后,阅读一名从中国到英国的交换生的介绍文章。让学生在阅读过程中使用skimming理解文章大意,用scanning 获取细节信息,之后再对文章作综合回顾。然后,引导学生换个角度,从英国学生的角度来看待中国的学校生活,模仿课文,从不同的方面介绍中国的校园生活。

Teaching objectives:

1. to help the Ss master the reading skills of skimming and scanning.

2. to guide the Ss to understand the passage and learn about more details of school life in the UK.

3. to encourage the Ss to learn to view our school life in a different perspective.

Step 1. Lead-in

1. [Teacher] We’ve learned a little about the difference between schools in China and in the UK.

2. [Brainstorming] If you were an exchange student in a UK school, what would you enjoy most?

3. Collect answers from a few students.

4. [Teacher] Today we’ll read an article from a school magazine, written by Wei Hua, who studied in the UK for one year. Let’s find out what she finds enjoyable.

[设计思路]:从上一课时涉及的中英学校生活差异谈起,问学生什么是他们心目中英国校园生活最让人喜欢的部分,从而引出课文的enjoyable experience。

Step 2. Reading for general ideas

1. Introduce the reading skill: skimming.

2. Teacher can start with the title and the first paragraph so that the Ss know how to work out the general idea of each paragraph.

3. [pairwork] Ask the Ss to work in pairs. Go through the passage quickly to find out the main idea of each paragraph.Check answers one by one paragraph.


Step 3. Reading for details

1. Introduce the reading skill: scanning.

2. Teacher can do Q1, Q2 in Part A first.

3. [Individual work]Ask Ss to do Q3 in Part A and questions in C1 individually.

Check answers with the Ss.

4. [Listening and reading] Ask Ss to go through the questions in C2.

Then listen and read after the recording. Ask Ss to answer the questions using their own words.

[设计思路]: 示范传授scanning的运用,并辅以相关练习,让学生在阅读中掌握阅读方法。

Step 4. Consolidation

1. [Task-based reading] Ask the Ss to do the task-based reading and check answers.

Aspects Details

General impression It was a different but exciting and enjoyable 1. ______________

Assembly Students should attend it on the first day and the 2. ____________

Will tell the rules of the school during that period.

Class Our class is of the 3._______ size; we would never study in a fixed classroom.

Subjects English I practiced it every day, so it got 4. ________ a lot.

French I had an 5. _______ French class on Tuesday evenings.

Cooking I learned a lot and could make delicious cakes.

Selective ones Students can 6. _______ studying some subjects if they don’t like them.

7. _________ It was not heavy but a bit 8. ______________

Spare time I played football with others, 9. _______ under a tree and went to the Computer Club where I could send e-mails to my family and friends 10. _________ of charge.

Keys: 1-5 expericenced headmaster average improved extra

6-10 stop Homework challenging relaxed free


Step 5. Discussion

1. [groupwork] Suppose you were Daniel, a UK student in China on a student exchange programme, write a passage for him entitled “School life in China”. Discuss what will be covered in the passage. Draw the outline and present.


Step 6. Homework

1. Revise the text and do part E.

2. Prepare for an interview with Wei Hua.

篇6:Lost Civilization教案 (译林牛津版英语高一)






















Step1 .Revision

Go over the words

Match the words with their definitions

( ) 1.take over A place a dead body in a grave

( ) 2.erupt B rich

( ) 3.unfoutunately C huge

( ) 4.hawre D take control of

( ) 5.wealthy E sadly ,unluckily

( ) 6.ruins F provide space for

( ) 7.enormous G parts of a building that

remain after it has been badly

damaged or destroyed. .

( ) 8. .bury H (of a volcano)throw out lava and ash




1. T: Now let’s talk about two questions with your partners?

Can you name some buildings that would represent ancient civilizations in China?

What does the title Lost Civilizations mean?

2.T:In this passage,, there are two lost civilizations .What are they? (showing some pictures of Pompeii and Loulan)

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Pompeii

T: Do you know which place these pictures describe ?

S: Loulan

T: Have you ever been to Pompeii and Loulan ?

S: _________

T: Have you known about them ?

S: _________

T: Would you like to visit them?

S: __________

Now let’s go with Ann together.



Step3 Reading




T: Now read the passage quickly and answer the following “T” or “F” questions.

A. The author is going to China by air next week.( Day1-15th July)

The city of Pompeii was founded in the 7th century BC.(Day2-16th July)

C. The city of Pompeii wasn’t found until the 18th century.( Day3-17th July)

D. Loulan was a stopping point on the famous silk road between the east and the west almost years age (Day10 –24th July )

E. Pompeii and Loulan were lost for the same reason.(Day11-25th July )

(2)T: Now read the passage carefully and answer the following wh-questions.

A. What happened to Pompeii in August AD79?

B How was the buried city discovered ?

C Where were the stepping stones along the road in Pompeii used for ?

D. Why was Loulan an important city about 2000 years ago?

How do many people think Loulan disappeared?

F. What is one main similarity between Pompeii and Loulan?

(3)T: Now read the passage more carefully and fill in the following blanks with proper words and phrases

Pompeii Loulan

Where was it located ① China

When was it founded? In the 8th century BC ②

What kind of city was it? A rich city ③

Why was it destroyed? ④ ⑤

How was it discovered In the 18 century ,a farmer found some stone with writing on it, then people started to dig ⑥

What can you find about the city now ? Streets with ⑦,houses with⑧,bodies of people that had been turned to stone the city walls,⑨, ⑩ that ran through the middle of the city

(4)Choose the best answer according to the passage.

( ) A. Which of the following statements is not true?

a. Both of the two cities were lost civilizations about 2000 years ago.

b. Both of the two cities were discovered by local people.

c. Pompeii was destroyed by a volcano while Loulan was gradually covered over by sandstorms.

d. Pompeii was in Italy while Loulan was in China.

( ) B. The purpose of writing this passage is ____

a. show how happy the writer was to have such a chance to visit the sites.

b. to arouse people’s sense of protecting civilizations.

c. to compare the civilizations of Pompeii and Loulan destroyed.

d. to tell us how Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed.




T: As we all know there were lots of ancient civilizations in the world in history.

Some of them have disappeared while others remain today .such as the Great wall, the Terracotta Warriors ,the Hanging Gardens ,Pyramids and so on (showing some pictures of them)

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(1)If you have a chance ,which place would you like to visit most? Why?

T :From the passage we know Pompeii and Loulan were destroyed by nature.

But I think human may also destroy our civilizations. If we want to make our civilizations exist for ever, I think we should make people have the sense of protecting our civilizations

Now let’s discuss in groups.

(2) What can we do to make people have the sense at protesting our civilizations?



Step4 Consolidation

做学生用书Part E、F Page.45

Step5 Summary


Step6 Homework


篇7:一般过去时复习教案 (译林牛津版英语七年级)


1. 一般过去时




时间状语:yesterday, in the past, ... ago, the day before yesterday, the other day, this morning, last week, in +过去时间

2. 动词过去式的变化规则



(3)动词以y结尾,且y前是辅音,则变y为i再加ed。如:carry- carried ,cry-cried
















3. 一般过去时的否定句:




-Were you happy yesterday?

-Yes, I was.


Did she do well in Chinese when she was at school?

Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.


1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改为否定句)Lucy ______ ______ her homework at home.

2.He found some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句)_____ he _____ _____ meat in the fridge.

3.She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ________ she _______ there.

4.There was some orange in the cup.(改为一般疑问句)

________ there _______ orange in the cup?

5. We visited our teacher last night.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you ________ last night?

6. Do you go to school by bus every Monday?(用 last Monday 替换 every Monday)

_________ you ___________ to school by bus ___________ ______________?

7.My family went to the beach last week.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ __________ family ___________ last week?

8. He cleaned his room yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ____________ he__________ yesterday?



1. I ___________ (have ) an exciting party last weekend.

2. --_______she ____(play) her guitar (吉他) yesterday?--No, she ____.

3.-What ___________Tom __________ (do) on Saturday evening?

--He _________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

4. They all ____________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _____________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

6. -When __________ you ____________(write) this song?

--I ____________(write) it last year.

7.My friend, Carol, _______(study) for the maths test and ____________(practise) English last night.

8. --____ Mr Li _____ (do) the project on Monday morning.--Yes, he ___.

9. -How _______________(be) Jim's weekend? --It ____________(be not ) bad.

10. --__________(be) your mother a sales assistant(售货员) last year?

--No, she ______________.

11. I ____________(go) to the park last weekend.

12. When ___________Sam ____________(do) his homework last night?

13. Linda _____________(clean) the room yesterday.

14. My grandfather _____________(be) sick last week.

15. He often ______(play) basketball after school when he was a student.

16. They ____________(be)very happy to hear the good news yesterday.

17. I _______________(see) him today. He went to see his grandmother.

18. I ______________(be) busy last week.

19. Mary ____________(not visit) her aunt last month.

20. There ____________(be) a lot of people in this village five years ago.

21. I _______________(buy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.

22. She _______________(give) me a book a moment ago.

23. The girl _______________(get) up early this morning.

24. They _______________(take) photos near the river an hour ago.

25. He __________________(not draw) pictures yesterday evening.

26. Mr Green _____________(come) to visit me last night.

27. The teacher _______________(agree)(同意) to our idea yesterday.

28. He said he _________________(feel) terrible.

29. They _____________(make) him work twelve hours a day last year.

30. I _______________(see) him in the library two days ago.

31. She ________(write) her address on the blackboard ten minutes ago.

32. The government ______________(build) a new bridge last year.

33. Tom ___________(spend) the weekend with the animals into the zoo.

34. Linda _______________(know) the bad news right now.

35. The boss(老板) __________(drive) his car to London for a holiday.



结构:主语+will do

主语+am/is/are going to do

I/We+shall do



时间状语:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this evening, soon, in+一段时间, someday, sometime,

in the future

一、一般将来时 be going to

1.be going to 意为“计划或打算做某事”它通常与表示将来的时间状语连用。

如:this morning, this afternoon, this evening

next week, next month, next year, the next day

tomorrow, soon

2.be going to 的一般疑问句,be动词随主语的变化而变化以及回答形式。

如:Are you/they going to bring some snacks to the party? Is he/she going to bring some snacks to the party?

Yes, we/they are. Yes, he/she is.

No, we/they aren’t.No, he/she isn’t.

be going to的特殊疑问句,由what,when.where,who 引导。





3.表示将来的时间状语:tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in the future等。


1).肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+其他成分 如:I will go to the library. 我将去图书馆。

2).一般疑问句:will+主语+动词原形+其他成分 如:Will you cook fish for me?


( )1.Look out! The train _____.

A.came B.will come C.is coming D.is going to come

( )2.My sister _____ nine years old in a month.

A.was B.is C.will be D.is going to be

( )3.--I am waiting here for an hour.

--Sorry, I _____ you were here.

A.don’t knowB.didn’t know C.won’t know D.am not knowing

( )4.--Look at the sign. You cannot smoke here.

--Sorry, I _____ it.

A.don’t see B.didn’t see C.won’t see D.am not seeing

( )5.Tom _____ his grandparents this afternoon..

A.visits B.will visitC.is visiting D.visited

( )6.Look at the clock! We _____ late.

A.were B.are going to be C.will be D.was



A different way of learning is widely used in our English study.

Before class, we make study plans first. Then we look up the new words, listen to the recording and read the text. When we meet problem, we can’t solve by ourselves. We always write them down in our notebooks.

In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely. The teacher always offers help when we need. After discussion, it is time for us to give a report to the class. We also make conversations in pairs and practise a lot. It is really good for our listening and speaking.

After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers. We can also surf the Internet for useful information.

In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying. We can make more progress in our study.


Information card

Main idea A different way of learning is 1 used in our English study.

Changes Before class We make study 2 first.

3. class We sit in groups to 4 the problems freely.

After class We have 5 homework so we can go to the library.

Conclusion(结论) In a word, we can manke more progress in the new ways.

1. 2. 3. 4.5.

6. 7. 8. 9.10.




1. He looks ______ than he really is.

A. more young B. more younger C. young D. much younger

2. Some books in this shop are as _____ as those in that shop.

A. expensive B. more expensive C. most expensive D. less expensive

3. He ______ at home, it’s holiday today.

A. maybe B. may C. may be D. may is

4. Tom is one of _______ students in our class.

A. careful B. more careful C. most careful D. the most careful

5. My father has a sense of humour. He always makes _______.

A. our laugh B. us laughing C. us to laugh D. us laugh

6. Tom’s father looks ______at his son, but he didn’t beat him.

A. angry B. happy C. happily D. angrily

7. This problem is ________ that one.

A. more easy than B. not so easy as

C. more easier than D. not as easier as

8. Is there _______ today’s newspaper.

A. something new in B. anything new in

C. new anything on D. new something on

9. _____ is he going to be when he ______up ?

A. When, grows B. Who, will grow C. When, will grow D. What, grows

10. You look ______ your twin brother.

A. the same like B. same as C. alike D. the same as

11. It’s ______ colder today than it was yeaterday.

A. quite B. very C. a little D. more

12. An apple a day keeps doctor away. It means eating an apple can make you ______.

A. health B. keep health C. more health D. healthy

13. Of all the teachers , Mr Brown is ______.

A. young B. younger C. the youngest D. youngest

14. The film is very ______, all of us are ______ with it.

A. bored boring B. bored bored

C. boring bored D. boring boring

15. That _____ a song.

A. sounds likes B. sound like C. sound likes D. sounds like

16. He is much stronger than ______ in his class.

A. the students B. any students C. other student D. any other student

二. 用所给的词的适当形式填空

1. “ Help _____(you) to some fish, please. ” her friend said to her.

2. That black sweater is _______(beautiful) of all.

3. A few American ________(visit) will come to Beijing next Saturday afternoon.

4. Mr. Wang ______(teach) maths in the school a few years ago.

5. Keep quiet, please. The scientist ______ (give) a talk to the students of Grade Three in the meeting-room now.

6. The maths problems are very difficult. We can’t work them out all by ______(we).

7. I ______ (write) to my uncle the day before yesterday.

I ______ (write) another one next month.

8. Mrs. Black stopped ______ (buy) some vegetables on her way home.

9. I am looking forward to ______ (hear) from my pen-friend--- Maggie.

10. Which is ________(fast), a bike, a bus or a plane?

11. He finds his son has a good ______(music) sense.

12. I felt happy when I answered the question ______(correct)


1. It’s 10 minutes’walk from the school(划线提问)

2. Tim usually has lunch at 10:00. (同上)

3. Why not come a little earlier ?(改为同义句)

4. Be late.(改为否定句)

5. I think I can be free at six.(同上)

6. There’re 11 players in a team.(划线提问)

7. He usually comes to school on foot. (同上)

8. We call them moon cakes. (同上)

9. Tom is 11. Tim is 12. (连成一个句子)

10. They are very delicious.(改为感叹句)

11. You cannot write on the desk. (祈使句)

12. She is very tall. (感叹句)

13. How old is he? (不变原意改写句子)

What _____ _____ ______ ?

14. You must look after your things. (不变原意改写句子)

You must ______ ______ ______ your things.


1. 我弟弟乐于帮助他人解决问题。

2. 他将尽力成为一个受欢迎的老师。

3. 由于过多的电脑工作,他的视力很差。

4. 我长大后想成为一个编辑。

5. 我们学校是市里最现代化的学校之一。

6. 你愿意和你的朋友分享快乐吗?

7. 滑冰没有潜水激动人心。

8. 这里的天气比北京的天气暖和得多。

9. 一年中最热的季节是哪个?

10. 我们喜欢与他交朋友,因为他大方而且有幽默感。


Peter lived 1 his mother in a very big house and when she died , the house became too big 2 him , 3 he bought a smaller one in the next street . There was a very nice old clock in 4 first house and when the men came to take his things to the new house for him . Peter thought ,“I’m going to let them carry my beautiful old clock in their truck . Maybe they’ll 5 it and then it will be very expensive to repair . So he 6 and began to carry it down the road in his arms . It was heavy so he stopped two or three 7 to have a rest .

Then suddenly(突然地)a small boy came along the road . He stopped and 8 Peter for a few 9 . Then he said to Peter ,“You are a foolish(愚蠢的) 10 , aren’t you ? Why don’t you buy a watch like everybody else ?”

( )1. A. and B. in C. to D. with

( )2. A. for B. with C. of D. to

( )3. A. and B. or C. but D. so

( )4. A. her B. his C. its D. him

( )5. A. broken B. broke C. break D. breaking

( )6. A. picking it up B. picking them up

C. picks it up D. picked it up

( )7. A. time B. timed C. times D. timing

( )8. A. looked at B. look for C. look after D. looks at

( )9. A. second B. seconds C. minute D. minutes

( )10. A. woman B. boy C. man D. girl


Jack London was a famous American writer . He was born on January 12 , 1876 , in San Francisco , California . His family was very poor , and Jack had to leave school to make money . He worked hard in many different jobs .

Later , Jack returned to school , but he didn’t stay . He wrote ,“Life and pocketbook(袖珍书)were both too short . ”

In 1897 , he went to Alaska to find gold . Instead , he found ideas there for his books and stories . He returned home and started to write . His writings were successful(成功的), and he became rich and famous in his twenties .

Jack London was not a happy man , however . In poor health , he took his own life(自杀)in 1916 . He was only 40 years old .

( )1. Jack London was ________ .

A. a musician B. a writer C. a basketball player D. a teacher

( )2. He went to Alaska _________ .

A. for holidays B. because his wife lived there

C. to find gold D. to meet his parents

( )3. Jack London became rich and famous _________ .

A. when he was thirty B. when he was over twenty

C. in his thirties D. when he was a child

( )4. Which of the following sentences is true ?

A. Jack died in Alaska .

B. Jack was born in London .

C. Jack found gold in Alaska .

D. Jack was a successful writer , but he didn’t live happily .

( )5. Which of the following sentences is not true ?

A. Jack didn’t find gold in Alaska , instead he found ideas for writing .

B. Jack didn’t like to go to school .

C. Jack died in 1916 .

D. Jack had a little education(教育)when he was young .


一、1-5 DACDD 6-10 ABBDD 11-16 CDCCDD

二、1. yourself 2. the most beautiful 3. visitors 4. taught 5. is giving

6. ourselves 7. wrote will write 8. to buy 9. hearing 10. the fastest

11. musical 12. correctly

三、1. How far is it from the school?

2. What time does Tim usually have lunch?

3. Why don’t you come a little earlier?

4. Don’t be late.

5. I don’t think I can be free at six.

6. How many players are there in a team?

7. How does he usually come to school?

8. What do you call them?

9. Tim is (one year) older than Tom.

10. How delicious they are!

11. Don’t write on the desk.

12. How tall she is!

13. is his age

14. take care of

四、1. My younger brother is ready to help others solve problems.

2. He will try his best to be a popular teacher.

3. He has poor eyesight because of too much computer work.

4. I want to be an editor when I grow up.

5. Our school is one of the most modern schools in the city.

6. Are you willing to share joys with your friends.

7. Skating is not as exciting as diving.

8. The weather here is much warmer than that in Beijing.

9. Which is the hottest season in a year?

10. We like to make friends with him because he is generous and has a sense of humour.


六、1-5 BCBDB



一、 宾语从句的连接词:

1、 连词that,只起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,也无词汇意义,在口语中常被省略。

e.g. He knew (that) he should work hard.

2、 连词if 、whether,它们起连接作用,在从句中不作句子成分,作“是否”解,在口语中多用if。

e.g. Tom don't know if/whether his grandpa liked the present.

He asked me whether or not I was coming.

一般情况下,if 和whether可以互换,但以下3种情况只能用whether:

①在不定式前:Whether to go there or not hasn't been decided.

②在介词后:It depends on(依靠) whether it is going to rain.

③与or not连用:They are talking about whether to go there or not.

3、 连接代词who, whom, whose, what, which,连接副词when, where, why, how, 它们起连接作用,作句子成分,各有自己的意义。

e.g. The teacher asked the new students which class he was in.

I wonder where he got so much money.


e.g. I don't know how I should do with the presents. ? I don't know how to do with the presents.


二、 宾语从句的语序:


Can you tell me who(m) do we have to see?(╳)

Can you tell me who(m) we have to see?( √)

The teacher asked the students what they were doing.(思考: what在从句中的成分)

陈述句变为宾语从句时,要注意人称和时态的变化,语序不变。 eg. She said, “I will leave a message on the desk.”‘She said she would leave a message on the desk.

一般疑问句和特殊疑问句变为宾语从句时,也要注意人称和时态的变化,后面接陈述语序。Eg. “Where are the tickets?” I asked him. ' I asked him where the tickets are.

三、 宾语从句的时态呼应:


e.g. I thought (that) you are free today. (╳)

I thought (that) you would be free today. ( √)


e.g. The teacher told us (that) the earth moves around the sun.



9..---How soon will you start your journey?

----I’m not sure. I haven’t decided ______.

A when shall I ask the boss for leave

B where I will go to spend the holiday

C whether I would go by train or by plane

D who could invite me to go


9. Hi, Jim. I hear that you’ve just come back from Sanya. I’m calling to ask .

A. how did you visit the city B. how many days you’ve spend there

C. which hotel you stayed in Sanya D. how you found the seafood there


10.In the UK, a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked________.

A. whether she had been married B. what is her age

C. how much she weighs D. where she comes from

【2013扬州】.---Could you tell me_________?

---More than a year.

A. how soon will Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport be built

B. how long has Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport been in service

C. how soon Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport will be built

D. how long Yangzhou-Taizhou Airport has been in service


11. - Could you tell me ________?

- In August, 2014.

A. where will the Youth Olympic Games take place

B. when will the Youth Olympic Games take place

C. where the Youth Olympic Games will take place

D. when the Youth Olympic Games will take place

四、 宾语从句和状语从句的区分:

e.g. 1) I will go out tomorrow if it is fine.

2) I don't know if the train has arrived.

句1中if引导的是状语从句。这个从句表示“条件”,修饰主句。整个句子的意思是如果明天天气好,我就出去。句2中if引导的是宾语从句,充当谓语动词don't know的宾语。整个句子的意思是我不知道火车是否到达。


1、 可以从整个句式看。状语从句一般可以放在主句的前面或后面(个别除外),宾语从句只能放在主句谓语动词之后。

2、 从引导词看。if充当宾语从句的连接词时,相当于whether, 词义为“是否”,充当状语从句的连接词时,词义为“如果”。when充当宾语从句的连接词时,意为“什么时候”,充当状语从句的连接词时,意为“当……的时候”。

3、 从时态看。if和when作连接词时,引导宾语从句要注意:从句的谓语动词的时态应根据主句的时态作相应的变化。if和when充当从属连词时,引导条件和时间状语从句,若主句的谓语动词用一般将来时,则从句的时态应用一般现在时表示将来。


( )1. When H7N9 bird flu first appeared, people didn't know_______ doctors could cure it.

A. if B. that C. what D. why

( )2. - I wonder_______.

- Shandong Province.

A. when will Peng Liyuan comeB. where Peng Liyuan is from

C. where Peng Liyuan came from D. how Peng Liyuan will come

( )3. I don't understand_______ that everything's fine when it's not.

A. how can he say B. can he say how C. he can say how D. how he can say

( )4. - Do you know_______ this afternoon?

- I'm not sure, but I'll tell you as soon as she_______.

A. how will Betty arrive; startsB. how Betty will arrive; will start

C. what time will Betty arrive; will start. D. what time Betty will arrive; starts

( )5. Please tell me_______ to improve my English.

A. what I can do B. what can I do. C. how I can do D. how can I do

( )6. - Could you tell me_______?

- By searching the Internet.

A. how did Mona get the information B. why Mona got the information

C. how Mona got the information D. why did Mona get the information

( )7. - Philip has gone to New Zealand.

- Oh, can you tell me_______?

A. when did he leave B. when he is leaving C. when he left D. when is he leaving

( )8.- Bob, please tell me_______.

- In South Hill School.

A. where will the match be held B. where the match will be held

C. when will the match be held D. when the match will be held

( )9. - Would you please tell me_______?

- Yes, There's a bank over there.

A. when can I exchange money B. where can I exchange money

C. when I can exchange money D. where I can exchange money

( )10. I don't remember_______ the book yesterday.

A. where I put B. where did I put C. where will I put D. where I will put

( )11. - Would you please tell me_______?

- Bus No. 22 will take you there.

A. who will we go with to Meilanfang Theatre B. what can we see in Qinghu Wetland Park

C. when we will leave for the Wetland ParkD. how we can get to the Old Street

( )12. I wonder_______.

A. what can I do on vacation B. where I can go on vacation C. who can I go on vacation with

( )13. - Could you please tell me_______?

- Yes. There is one on Centre Street.

A. where can I buy some stamps B when you will take your vacation

C. when was the telephone inventedD. if there are any good restaurants around here

( )14. - I wonder when_______ be held.

- If it _______, we'll have it next Monday.

A. the sports meeting will; doesn't rain B. will the sports meeting; doesn't rain

C. the sports meeting will; will not rain

( )15. - Hey! Mike, guess_______ for my coming vacation

- To Hainan Island? You always like somewhere interesting.

A. what I will take B. where I'm going C. when I will leave D. who I'm going with

( )16. - Could you tell me_______?

- At the end of July.

A. how often he heard from his pen pal B. how soon he will be here

C. that he went on vacation D. when you will start your vacation

( )17. - Could you tell me_______ yesterday?

- Because my bike was broken on my way here.

A. why you came late B why do you come late

C. why you come late. D. why did you come late

( )18. Do you know_______ I saw yesterday? It was my favourite star, Jackie!

A whom B when C. where D. how

( )19. - I don't know_______.

- Because he has to look after his mother.

A. why he is leaving B. why is he leaving

C. whether he is leaving D. whether is he leaving

( )20. - Could you tell me_______? I'm going to pick you up at the airport.

- At 15:45 this Friday.

A. where you met me B. who you are coming with

C. when you came here D. what time you are arriving




1.- _______ expensive mobile phone it is?

-Yes, but I think _______ style is quite fashionable.

A. What a;a B.How;the C.What an; the D.How an; the

2.-Congratulations! Among the best pictures in the competition,I found _______. Why did you draw it?

一During the trip to the Yellow Mountain _______ May.

A.yours; in B.yours; on C.you; inD.you; on

3.We have ________ some organizations to help the poor students in the western areas of China.

A.taken up B.put up C.picked up D.set up

4.The book was written in _______ easy English _______ even primary school students could understand it.

A.so; thatB.such; that C.too; to D. very; that

5.一Middle school students don’t know much about shopping online, _______ they?

一 _______. It’s very popu]ar with teenagers.

A.do;NoB.do; YesC.don’t; NO D .don’t; Yes

6.The cakes in the restaurant _______,so they _______ well.

A.are tasted better; are soldB.are t asted well; sell

C.taste terrible; are sold D.taste nice; sell

7.一Shall we meet at the station at 8 am?

-In fact, we _______. The train _______ until l0 a.m.

A.mustn’t; doesn’t leave B.mustn’t; leaves

C.needn’t; won’t leave D.needn’t; will leave

8.一I am out of breath. I can’t go any further.

一_______! I am sure you can make it.

A.No problem B.What a pity C.Not badD.Come on

9.一Would you like some fried rice?

-I would rather eat noodles ________have beef in them.

A.that B.than C.what D.as

10.In the UK, a woman usually doesn’t like to be asked________.

A.whether she had been married B.what is her age

C.how muc h she weighs D.where she comes from



Mental health is about the way you think and feel and your ability to deal with ups and downs. Even though you are mentally healthy, it doesn’t __11__ that you don’t have a menta1 health problem.

Mental health is everyone’s business. We all have times when we feel down or __12___. Most of the time those feelings pass,__13___ sometimes they develop into a more serious problem. It seems that our mental health doesn’t always stay the same. It can change as the environment changes and as you move __14___ different stages(阶段)of your life.

Here are four practical __15___ to look after your mental health. Making simple changes to how you live doesn’t cost much or take up lots of time. Anyone can __16___ them.

●Talk about your feelings. It can help you stay in good mental health. It isn’t a sign of __17___, but part of your ability to do what you can to stay healthy.

●Eat well. What you eat and how you feel are __18___ connected. A proper diet can have a good effect on your mental health.

●Keep in touch. Friends and family members can offer __19___suggestions which may help you keep active and solve practical problems.

●Take a break. It could be a weekend __20___ new places to enjoy the nature, or even a ten-minute break from doing your homework. A few minutes can be enough to relax you.

11.A.agree B.mean C.doubt D.notice

12.A.excitedB.satisfiedC.surprised D stressed

13.A.but B.and C.so D.as

14.A.away B.inside C.throughD.against

15.A.answer B.replies C.ways D.chances

16.A.follow B.find C.advise D.count

17.A.weakness B.lazinessC.happiness D.richness

18.A.easily B.closely C.equallyD.hardly

19.A.difficultB.terrible C.strange D.various

20.A.protecting B.exploring C.providing D.imagining



39.Three __________(four)of the students in our class have handed in their reports.

40.You needn’t be frightened because these insects are completely ____________(harm).

41.If you add some lemonade and sugar,the dish will be much ___________(taste).

42.How ____________(active)they are donating money to help the sick student!

43.Some of the film stars had been ____________(sing)before they entered the film industry.


44.The charity event is ___________(结束). We all think it is a great success.

45.I dislike this channel because ___________(少数)programmes on it are interesting.

46.Ice turns into water when the temperature is ___________(超过)0℃.

47.一Which of these shirts do you like best?

一I’ll take ____________(没有). They are both expensive and out of fashion.

48.The book he is fond of ____________(描述)how birds live.


49.一I phoned you yesterday morning, but you were not in.

一We __________ (fish)by the river.

50.___________ (make)sure that there are no mistakes,he will check the paper carefully.

51.Is the washing machine I have used for a long time worth __________(fix)?

52.There ___________(not be) much snow here in the past three years.

53.I don’t know if we ___________(show) around the History Museum tomorrow afternoon.

篇10:(牛津译林版)初二英语Unit2 School life

Welcome to the unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar


British dustbin lift fall garbage hall movie soccer mixed together subject myself tasty meal twice softball practice senior hero close article admire geography history language PE science useful unimportant boring useless unpopular least alike notebook timetable


1. mixed adj. 混合的 mixed double 混合双打 mix v.混合

This is a mixed school where boys and girls have lessons together.

Oil can not be mixed with water.= Oil and water can not mix.

Mix the paint with water.

2. together adv. 一起

Millie, together with her mother is coming to see us.

We often go to the park together on Sunday.

3. 反身代词myself yourself himself herself itself yourselves themselves ourselves

Help yourself to some apples.

They enjoyed themselves yesterday.

by oneself= alone

I can do it (by) myself/ alone.

You can’t leave her by herself/alone.

4. as well =too 也

My sister likes playing football as well/, too.

He sent his parent a letter and some money as well/, too.

=He sent his parent a letter as well as some money.

We study English and Chinese as well.

=We study English as well as Chinese.

He as well as his friends is going to spend a holiday at the seaside.

5. tasty adj. = delicious 味道好的 taste v.品尝

The mooncake is tasty.

He tasted the soup and find it tasty.

This kind of food tastes good.

6. twice 两次,两倍once three times many times

He goes fishing twice a month.

This box is twice bigger than that one.

I have been there many times.

7. practise v. 练习

You must practise your English.

practise doing sth.

She practises playing badminton once a week.

practice n. v.(美国英语中=practise)

Practice makes perfect.

She needs more practice in playing the piano.

8. close adj. 亲密的,紧靠的

He is my close friend.

Tim is close to his uncle.

He lives close to me.

9. have a great/ wonderful/ hard/… time doing sth.做某事很开心/困难

They had a great time dancing at the party.

They had a hard time bringing up the four children.

10. admire v.敬佩,羡慕

Who do you admire most in your class?

admire sb. for sth.

I admire you for your handwriting.

admiring adj.

He gave me an admiring look.

11. like/ alike 像,like 通常作介词用,alike 通常作形容词。

Your coat is like mine = Your coat and my coat is alike.

12. the same as/ different from与…相同/不同

Daniel’s tie is the same as John’s.

I have the same bike as he (does).=My bike is the same as his.

You made the same mistake as I did.

School life here is quite different from that in Britain.

He has a different temper from his brother.

13. more/ less/ fewer …than…比…多/少

more是 many或much 的比较级,many或much 的最高级是most.

less 是little的比较级,其最高级为 least

fewer 是few的比较级,其最高级为 fewest

He has more disks than I(do /have).

We study fewer subjects than they (do).

I made less money than he (did).



1. ______ most students, he never comes to school late.

A. Like B. As C. For D. To

2. Please do it _____ I told you.

A. like B. as C. according D. for

3. A lot of people tried their best, but ______ people won the price.

A. a few B. few C. little D. a little

4. Why is there ______ traffic on the street in February than in May?

A. less B. fewer C. few D. little

5. Everyone lives _____ now.

A. a happy life B. happy life C. happy lives D. happy living

6. It will be ______ before he gets better.

A. sometimes B. some time C. some times D. sometime

7. This ruler is _____ length as that one.

A. as B. same C. as same D. the same

答案:1. A 2. B 3. B 4. A 5. A 6. B 7. D



1. 家政

2. 烧健康美味的饭菜

3. 也

4. 花很多时间练习开车

5. 相互交谈

6. 在十六岁时

7. 和……一样

8. 与……不同


1. Ann didn’t leave here before her mother came back.(同义句转换)

Ann ______ leave here ______ her mother came back.

2. Meimei dances best of all the girls. (同义句转换)

Meimei dances _______ than ______ _____ ______.

3. The old house isn’t there any longer. (同义句转换)

The old house ______ _______ ______ there.

4. I spent a lot of time practising English. (同义句转换)

It _____ _____ ______ time_____ ______ English.


1. John is a ______(Britain) student, he comes from London.

2. My mother cooks very ______ (taste) meals.

3. You wear your hair in the 1980s style today. It’s ______(popular).

4. I have _______(little) homework than you.

5. You should listen to your teacher ______(careful) and work ______(hard) than before if you want to get the______ (high) points in your class.

6. If you want to be ______, you should cook ______ food and eat ______(health).

7. Our school has the ______(many) students in our city.

8. We have a great time ______(play) softball after school.

9. There is ______(few) water in my bottle than in yours.

10. They were the ______(hero) of the World War II.

11. There are many _____(different) between the two countries.

12. His money is ______(two) more than I.


1. 他们一星期见一次面,相互开心地交谈。

They meet ______ _______ ______ , and ______ ______ ______ ______ _____.

2. Kate的毛衣和Helen 的 是一样的。

Kate _____ _____ ______ ______ _____ Helen.

Kate’s ______ ______ ______ ______ _____ Helen’s.

Kate’s ______ _____ _____ Helen’s.

3. 他的答案与你的不同。

His answer is _____ _____ yours.

4. 我们应该用较少的人力与财力把工作做得更好。

We should use ______ people and ______ money to do the work _____.


一、1. home Economics

2. cook healthy and tasty meals

3. as well

4. spend a lot of time practising driving

5. talk with each other

6. at (the age of) 16

7. (be) the same as…

8. be different from…

二、1. didn’t, until 2. better, any other girl 3. is no longer 4. took me much, to practise

三、1. British 2. tasty 3. unpopular 4. less 5. more carefully , harder, highest 6. healthy , healthy, healthily 7. most 8. playing 9. less 10. heroes 11. differences 12. twice

四、1. once a week, have a great time talking

2. has the same sweater as , sweater is the same as, sweater is like

3. different from

4. fewer , less, better


提问是阅读教学中使用得最频繁的教法之一。目前语文教学中已形成众多流派,不管哪一派都离不开设计 问题、提出问题、运用问题,开启学生心智,引导学生理解课文。那么究竟应该如何提问呢?本人认为,要研 究阅读教学如何提问,首先要探讨何以要提问。

作为一种教法,提问是师生课堂会话的方式。提问是一种言语行为,属“语用”范畴,提问时使用的问句 属“语形”范畴,而问句中包含的问题属“语义”范畴。

二十世纪科学哲学的一个重要成果,是发现智力活动的起点在发现和提出问题。英国科学家波普尔科学发 现的模式就是:“问题(1 )--假设(猜测)--验证--问题(2)”。因此, 问题也是教师启发学生, 打开思路,开发智力的钥匙。布鲁纳的“发现法”,第一步设卡,即让学生认识上产生矛盾,发现问题;第二 步设法,就是让学生运用已有知识框架或认识结构,在教师点拔下试作解答;第三步验证,如果解答正确,也 即动用旧框架同化了新信息,进一步丰富了已有的框架,如果错了则帮助学生调整或转换旧框架,形成新框架 ;第四步小结,即反馈、总结。认识心理学中的“SQ4R阅读方法”,首先是预习或概观,在此基础上即是“提 问”,然后精读(阅读、思考),最后是复述和复习,以加深记忆;其主要特征就在于提出问题、回答问题, 对教材进行细致、深化的加工。

阅读理解有不同层次。章熊先生分为:(1 )复述性理解(着眼于表层信息,侧重记忆);(2)解释性理 解(通过信息加工, 由表及里、由此及彼,转化为自己的认识);(3 )评价性理解(对文章价值作用评价) ;(4)创造性理解(超越本文,探索新问题,提出新见解)。按章先生的意见,四个层次由低到高排列,而中 学阶段的阅读理解应以一、二两项为本(注:《特级教师--专家学者之选》。)。理解的层次不同,问题的 层面和提问方法也会有所不同。例如,在低年级使用的谈话法适用于复述性理解,提出反常问题,克服学生思 维定势使用于创造性理解。本人认为,狭义的理解应指“解释性理解”,是实现阅读目标的关键,也是阅读智 力活动的核心,想象、欣赏、评价、记忆、创造、应用都以此为基础。

西方解释学是关于文本意义的解释和理解的一种理论与方法或哲学,有助于探讨“解释性理解”的本质。 解释学认为,阅读是读者和本文的对话、交流。伽达默尔说:“使留传下来的本文成为解释的对象,就意味着 它向解释者提出问题,……理解本文也就是理解这个问题”;而“问题的重建变成了我们自己的提问,这种重 建可以把本文意义理解为其回答”,“我们这些努力要求理解的人,必须通过自己让本文讲话”(注:《哲学 译丛》1986年第三期。)。作为接受者总是以提问者身份出现,而作为本文则以对答者身份出现,双方建立起 问答的伙伴关系;而理解就是通过对话、问答而达到“视界融合”的过程。所谓视界是一个从已有知识框架出 发所能理解的可能范围,读者不断从自己已有视界出发,进入本文的视界,形成一个既非自己也非本文的新视 界,具有新的可能性。达到理解的标准就是解释学家所说的“解释学循环”--整体只有通过理解它的部分才 能得到理解,而对部分的理解又只能通过对整体的理解。“解释学循环”有两层意思:

(一)古典解释学认为,作品自身作为整体包括意义、风格、结构等,作品的各部分诸如章节、词句等, 必须放在这个整体中才获得理解与意义;而作品相对于产生它的整个历史文化背景而言,又是这一文化背景的 部分,作品必须放在这一历史文化背景的整体关系中才能得到理解。对这一层次的“解释学循环”,钱钟书先 生表述得最为清楚:“乾嘉‘朴学’教人,必知字之诂,然后识句之意,而后通全篇之义,进而窥全书之指。 虽然,是特一边耳,亦祗初桄耳。复须解全篇之义乃至全书之指(“志”),庶得以定某句之意(“词”), 解全句之意,庶得以定某字之诂(“文”),或并须晓会作者立言之宗尚,当时流行之文风,以及修词异宜之 着述体裁,方概知全篇或全书之指归。积小以明大,而又举大以贯小,推末以至本,而又探本以穷末;交互往 复,庶几乎义解圆足而免于偏枯,所谓‘阐释之循环’者是矣。”(注:钱锺书《管锥篇》第一册,中华书局 出版。)

(二)当代解释学认为,更重要的是解释者的前理解(已有知识框架)形成的视野(整体)与作品(部分 )的关系。读者已有的知识框架是向本文敞开的倾向性,在已有框架引导下进行理解活动,同时也在理解活动 中受到检验、调整、修正,使本文的意义显现出来,因此理解决不是消极地复制本文,而是一种“生产性”、 “构成性”的努力。伽达默尔认为,理解永远是由整体(读者的前理解)运动到部分(作品),又回到整体( 读者所达到的新的理解)的理解。而所有部分与整体的和谐状态便是正确理解的标准。

根据当代认知科学研究成果,阅读理解同时存在两种信息加工方式:资料驱策加工和概念驱策加工(注: J.R.安德森《认知心理学》,吉林教育出版社出版。)。“资料驱策加工”是对来自本文的信息加工,本文从 低到高有如下分析平面:语音平面、书写平面、词汇语义平面、句法平面、语篇平面和语篇所指平面。对本文 各平面从高到低,从低到高的加工相当于“解释学循环”的第一层意思。可是读者的心智并不是一张“白纸” ,本文仅仅是信息的一个来源,其它信息还来源于读者头脑中已有的知识,一个人对有关本文的知识越多,理 解效果越好,就能以最短时间、最少努力,有选择地使用最有成效的线索探索文章语义和句法制约关系,从本 文中构造出意义,这种加工方式称为“概念驱策加工”。读者头脑中已有的知识相当于解释学家说的“前理解 ”,因此这种加工方式也相当于“解释学循环”的第二层意思。任何认识的发生、发展都是认识的外源因素和 认识的内源因素双向作用的结果,阅读也是双向建构,阅读理解要达到两个平衡:作为客观的本文的整体和部 分的协调,作为主体认知框架的平衡。

阅读教学中,教师的主导作用在于通过提问,引导学生达到“解释性理解”,起导读作用。这就要遵循“ 解释学循环”的原则,启发学生同时进行两种方式的信息加工,提高理解水平,培养迁移能力。


课堂提问的组成是阶梯式的:最高层次是“课”,其次是“课段”,再次是“回合”(一次问和答),最 低层次是“话步”(教师的“问”和学生的“答”)。

我们先讨论“回合”。教师和学生的对话并没有信息沟,教师提问并不是要从学生那里获得信息,而是要 启发学生获得信息或检查学生是否已获得信息。一般会话结构是两话步:一种是A(问)--B(答),A(再问 )--B(再答);一种是A(问)--B(答),B(问)--A(答)。而课堂会话结构是三话步:T(教师问 )--S(学生答)--T(教师评价小结)。第三话步是信息的反馈, 即使有学生能作出正确回答,但不等于 所有学生都能回答,应重复学生的回答以面向全体学生。

由回合到课段,提问有一个开始到结束的框架,每次提问都有一个焦点,如何组织一个课段的提问呢?遵 循“解释学循环”的原则,大致有两种方式。


1、由表层到深层,由具体到抽象。于漪老师《七根火柴》第21 节的提问设计是:(1)无名战士留给人间 的最后话语是什么?(2)无名战士留给人间的最后动作是什么?(这两个是表层问题。)(3 )这些言行显示 了他怎样的心灵、怎样的精神?(4)和一般人相比, 他的伟大之处是什么?(这两个是深层问题。)《截肢 和输血》第1 节提问:(1)白求恩同志是在怎样的气候下赶路的?(冷)(2)作者怎样描写冷?(这两个是 具体的问题)(3)作者着力描写气候寒冷的用意是什么?(这个问题较抽象。)

2、层层深入。如钱梦龙老师《捕蛇者说》第1节的提问:(1 )这种蛇特别,文中用了哪一个字?(“异 ”)(2)“异”在哪里? (归纳为:色、毒、用)(3)作者突出了哪一个?(“毒”)(4)为什么?(陪 衬赋敛之毒)(5)为什么永州人民还“争奔走焉”? (将捕蛇和纳税联在一起)后一问句的焦点以上一问句 提供的新信息为依托,层层递进。


本人在教《白杨礼赞》第7节的提问设计是:(1)上一节从外形上写白杨树不平凡,本节从哪一方面赞美 白杨树的不平凡呢?(内在气质)(2)作者调动哪些手段赞美白杨树的内在气质?(排比、比喻、拟人、对比 、欲扬先抑)(3)“伟丈夫”和“好女子”对比, 这个“好”是什么含义?(美丽)(4)为什么要用这样的 对比和隐喻? (突出其壮美,并由赞美树过渡到赞美人)(5 )作者用什么手法进而揭示其象征意义?(反问 排比句)(6)这几个排比句之间有什么联系? (由外到内,层层深入)(7)四个反问句句式上有什么变化,

怎样逐步深化点出象征意义?(略)(8)这一节在全文起什么作用? (赞美的高潮所在,精华所在)。

在组织课段提问时,要防止孤立式的提问。一位新教师教读《挖荠菜》第2节提了三个问题:(1)“馋” 是什么意思?(2 )馋到什么程度? (3)饿到什么程度?关键要问:为什么要写馋(突出饿)和写“饿”反 映了什么,才能由表及里。


篇12:高中英语教学随笔 (译林牛津版英语高一)








篇13:译林牛津 高一 Asking and directing ways


Giving directions(指路)

I. Useful Expressions

1.-Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema? 对不起,请问到电影院怎么走?

-Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing. You can’t miss it.沿着这条街往前走,在第一个十字路口往右拐弯。你不会找不到的。

2.-Excuse me. Would you mind telling me where the nearest bank is?对不起。告诉我最近的


-Not at all. Follow this road until you come to a bookstore. 一点也不介意。顺着这条路一直走到书店处。

3.-Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?对不起。请问去邮局怎么走?

-Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a bank, turn left. It’s opposite the bank.往这边走约十分钟。当你看到银行时左转弯。它就在银行对面。

4.-Excuse me. Is this the right way to the park?对不起。去公园是不是走这条路?

-I’m afraid you’re going in the opposite direction.恐怕你方向走反了。

5.-Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?对不起。请问去中国银行的路怎么走?-Take bus No. 92, and get off at the next stop.坐92路公共汽车,到下一站下车。

6.-I’m a stranger here. Would you please tell me how to get to this address?我对这儿不熟悉。请问到这个地址怎么走?

-I’m sorry, I’m new around here, too. I saw a policeman standing under the traffic lights. He

will be able to help you.对不起,这儿我也不熟悉。我刚才看到交通灯下有个警察,他会帮助你的。

7.-Excuse me. Which bus goes to the World Park?对不起,请问哪一班公共汽车到世界公园?--Take the No. 4 bus to Peace Road and change there to the No. 8 bus.坐四路车到和平路,然后在那儿换乘八路车。

8.-How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?我怎样才能到达四中?

-It’s on the Fifth Avenue. It’s too far to walk. You’d better take Bus No. 2.在第五大街。步行去太远了。你最好坐2路公共汽车。

9.-Could you direct me to the post office?你能指给我去邮局的路吗?

-It’s about two stop lights from here. The best way to get there is to take a bus.从这儿去大约两个交通灯的路程。去那儿最佳的方法是坐公共汽车。

10.-How far is it from here to your school?从这儿到你校有多远?

-It’s about two miles away. 大约两英里远。

11.-Which direction is the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪个方向?

-It’s in the direction of south. It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. 在南面。从这儿步行约五分钟。

II.Cultural Information

Americans are very direct people. When they want something, they will say “yes” and when they don’t, they will say “no”. If you asked an American standing at the edge of a road how far the next town was, the American would say, “You have a long way to go yet. It is at least 24 miles more.” The traveler might be disappointed(失望), but he would know what to expect, and there would be no misunderstanding. But in some countries, because the man realizes the traveller is tired and eager to reach the next town, he will politely say, “Just down the road.” He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler.

篇14:译林牛津 高一 一模块一单元教案

Grammar and usage

Period one

Teaching aim:

To give a brief introduction to attributive clauses.

Teaching procedures:

1. Tell the students what is attributive clause.

2. Tell the students the basic usage of relative pronouns such as which, who, that, whom, whose and relative adverbs like when, where and why.

3. Ask the students to read the article on Page 9 and find out the attributive clauses in the article.

4. Check the answers with the students.

5. Explain some language points in the article.

6. Give the students some more exercises of attributive clause.

7. Assignment.

Period two

Teaching aim:

To make the students get familiar with attributive clauses and get them to know some more usages of relative pronouns.

Teaching procedures:

1. Check the homework with the students.

2. Ask the students to read the 5 points on Page 10, tell them the usages of different relative pronouns.

3. Fill in the blanks on Page 11, check the answers with the students and explain the language points.

4. Tell the students several points that they must pay attention to when they use attributive clauses.

5. Some exercises which are to review what they learn in this lesson.

6. Assignment.

Unit 1 Project Starting a new after-school activity

Period One

Teaching aims:

To learn two articles about after-school activities in school

To learn the use of as and require

To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the students

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Listen to the recording of the articles on page 18

True or False questions:

1. The radio station is run by the principal.

2. The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school.

3. Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every month.

4. Everyone was nice and friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them.

Step 2: Read the two articles and answer the following questions:

What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?

What do they do when parents come to visit the school?

Who started “Poets of the Next Generation”?

What do the members of the group do when they meet?

Step 3: Fill in the blanks:

The radio station in our school is ____ by the student. Two years ago, I asked the ________ if music could be played during _____ ____. He agreed.

We tell students the _______, _____ _____ and some special messages. During _____ ____ we tell the students what they ______ or _________ do for preparation. When parents come, we play songs _____ by students and _____ them of ______, such as _________ and ______ _____.

Our English teacher Mr Owen started the group “_____________________________”. Group members ____________ to talk about ________ and _______ that we like.

When I _______ it, I was ________ to write five poems and _____ one ____ to the group. I ______ every one around a tree before I read. The group said they loved the poem I read.

Step 4: Vocabulary and language points:

allow: permit sb./sth. to do sth.

principal: person with the highest authority in certain schools

generation: all people born at about the same time

select: choose sb./sth.

calm: not excited, nervous

require: order or command sth.

The use of as and require

Step 4: Discussion

How do these two activities attract the students?

How do they help the students?


Try to find the answers to the following questions:

What after-school activities do you have in your school?

Do you like them? Why/ Why not?

If you could start a new after-school activity to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new activity would you choose?

Period Two:

Teaching aims:

To do the project of starting a new after-school activity

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Check homework

Every student has to tell their classmates what after-school activities they would like to start if they could. Form groups of members with the same choice and every group consists of at least four students.

Step 2: Plan

Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks.

Research information:

Make the poster:

Present the poster:

Step 3: Prepare

Members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources about after-school activities and posters.

Activity: What does it do? How does it attract new members? How does it help members achieve their goals?

Poster: What does the poster consist of? How does it attract its viewers?

Step 4: Produce

Group members who are making the poster will have to draft the poster based on all the ideas from our previous research and discussion.

When the draft is done, each member should read it carefully and give suggestions on its wording and design.

Assignment: (Assignment)

The poster makers finalizes the poster based on the suggestions of the other group members.

The entire group approve the poster before next period.

In next period, they are to present their poster to the class. Tell the class what is special about their activity.

Unit 1 Task

Teaching aims:

1. Use abbreviation to fill in timetable.

2. Compare information of two different sources.

3. Write a notice with important information and clear expression.


1-1. Introduce abbreviation.

1-2. Complete school programme timetables with abbreviation

1-3. Compare information of 2 different sources.

2-1 Report the timetable

2-2 Find out important information in a notice.

2-3 Write a notice to notify classmates.

by Miranda Gu

Unit One Word power


1. Present one of the school maps from the students’ repairing work. And encourage him or her to tell us how he or she found the way out on the first day. Encourage more students to think of the pattern drills and useful expressions they have learned in junior school:

Do you have any difficulty finding your way out on the first day? If you don’t know your way, how can you ask and answer the way?

2. Encourage more students to talk about the following questions such as: which facility attracts you most in our school? Why? Help the students to recall related words and expressions

What do you think of our canteen? How about the gym? Is our car park ok in the school?

Encourage them to express their genuine opinions.

3. Ask students to focus on the map of Part A first. Read Wei Hua’s thoughts quickly and match her routes on the map. Remind students to pay attention to the usage of the words and expressions on the map.

Vocabulary learning

1. Ask students to do Part B. Write a description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to class 4 and read it to the class.

Sample answers

B If you are standing at the door of the dormitories, first turn right and go past the medical centre and the gym, then turn left and walk until the end of the road. Classroom is on your left.

2. If possible, design some more samples for the students to practice. For example, ask students to mark the shortest way from the science laboratory to classrooms 16-25. This exercise encourages students to familiarize the phrases of finding the way.

3. Ask students to read Part C and complete it. Check the new words in the passage while they give the answers. Aim to make sure the students have done the repairing work of looking up possible new points in the dictionaries before class. available, qualified, access.


C 1 car park 2 classrooms 3 library 4 labs 5 gym 6 swimming pool 7 dormitories 8 medical centre 9 canteen

Vocabulary extension

1. Focus on the equipments of Part D. Ask students to name out some of their names if possible. Then teach new items. Help them to know about each gymnastic items.

2. Ask students to finish Part D and encourage them to have a short discussion like: Do you think it’s important for schools to have a gym? How do you like these equipments?


D 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climbing bars 6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat 3 dumb-bell 5 skipping rope


1. let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D . Learn to make sentences with the key words in Part C.

2. Do Part A and B in writing on Page 85.

3. Pick out attributive clauses in the passage of Part C.

Self-assessment(1)---Reflections on Unit Learning

Class:___________ Name:____________ Unit:____________

Think about this last unit and write your personal reflections on the following:

The ideas for English learning which I have picked up

The cultural information I have learned

The language I have learned

The strategies I have used to improve my English

The amount of effort I have put into using what I have learned

Other thoughts I have about my English learning

Self-assessment(2)---English Proficiency Test(60 minutes/100 points)

Class:___________ Name:____________ Score:__________

Ⅰ. Multiple choice(10 points)

Ⅱ. Close test(30 points)

Ⅲ. Reading comprehension(30 points)

Ⅳ. Vocabulary(10 points)

Ⅴ. Sentence patterns(10 points)

Ⅵ. Error correction(10 points)

篇15:译林牛津 高一 期中复习提纲(Unit-3)


Unit One School Life

Period One : Welcome to the unit and Reading





achieve achievement



prepare preparation

drop dropped dropped dropping


experience (区别) experiment

introduce introduction


be / feel at ease

know of/ about

the way to do / of doing

spend time/money on sth./ (in) doing sth.

as well as

sound like

for free = free of charge

on ( the/ an) average

at the end of…. / by the end of… / in the end

10) used to do sth. / be used to doing / be used to do

11) prepare sth. / prepare for sth. prepare to do sth. make preparations for sth.

make a preparation to do sth.

12) What fun it it! / What fun we had!

13) earn respect from sb. show/have respect for sb.

14) miss doing sth.

15) mean to do / mean doing sth.

16) introduce sb/ oneself to sb.

an introduction to sth.

instruction for sth.

Period Two: Word power and Grammar and usage



recently recent

develop development



display on display








please pleased pleasure pleasant

refer referred referred referring


1) upon/ on doing sth. = as soon as

2) donate sth. to

3) pay attention to fix attention on concentrate one’s attention on

attract one’s attention

4) at the entrance to s.p.

5) prefer to do sth.

prefer sth. to sth.

prefer doing sth. to doing sth.

6) refer to

7) encourage sb. to do sth.

8) make an appointment

9) be available for sb.

10) all year round

11) be experienced in (doing) sth.

12) come up with (区别) come up

13) graduate from

14) develop an interest in doing sth.

15) the other day

Period Three: Task, Project and Self-assessment

















1) compare A with B

compare A to B

2) take turns (to do )

3) regret to do sth.

regret doing sth.

4) inform sb. of/about sth.

inform that (规则从句)

5) allow doing sth.

allow sb. to do sth.

sb. be allowed to

6) suggest doing sth.

suggest that +(should) do

7) require doing sth. == require to be done == need doing

require sb. to do sth.

require that + (should) do

8) approve sth. / sb.

approve of doing sth.

9) have sth. done get sth. done

have sb. do get sb. to do

have sb. doing get sb./sth. doing

10) be responsible for

11) consist of == be make up of

consist in

12) as … as possible/ one can

as many +名词复数+ as

as much +不可数名词+ as

13) be confident about 对自信

Unit Two Growing Pains

Period One: Welcome to the unit and Reading




surprise surprised surprising

bend bent bent

touch touched touching

explain explanation






adult = grown-up




punish punished unpunished

fault mistake false

teenager teenage






1) turn up

2) a waste of sth.

waste time/money on/over sth.

waste time/money (in) doing sth.

3) force sb. to do sth.

4) on vacation

5) can’t wait to do sth.

6) Seen from the tall building, the city is beautiful.

Seeing from the tall building, we found the city (is) beautiful.

7) be supposed to do sth.

8) be/feel/sound frightened

9) sb. be to do sth.

10) What …. do with

How …. Deal with

11) in a mess

12) in charge

in charge of

in the charge of

13) make a decision make a comparison

14) go unpunished/bad/mad/wrong

15) not…any more = no more

not…any longer = no longer

16) deserve sth.

deserve to do sth.

17) be hard on / upon = be strict with

18) be rude to sb./ do sth.

be rude of sb. to do sth.

19) in the form of

20) argue about sth. with sb. = argue with sb. about/ over sth.

argue that ….

argue for sth./ against sth

argue sb. into doing sth / out of doing sth.

21) have no choice but to do sth.

Period Two: Word power and Grammar and usage


1) phone / call sb. on 5555555

2) a no-brainer

3) a wet blanket

4) all ears

5) pull my leg

6) green fingers

7) all thumbs

8) the pot calling the kettle black

9) rain cats and dogs

10) make a mountain out of a molehill

Period Three: Task and Project














mainly = mostly

suggest suggestion





forbid forbade forbidden


boring bored


1) stay up

2) diary entries

3) keep sth. in mind

4) in a good mood

5) be proud of = take pride in

be proud of doing sth.

be proud to do sth.

be proud that …

6) ask for advice

ask sb. for advice

follow/take one’s advice

give advice to sb.

advise sb. to do sth.

advise doing sth.

advise that (should ) do sth.

7) be meant to do sth.

8) what’s up?

9) Don’t you talk to me like that!

10) make a difference

12) after all

in all

above all

13) think of sb. as …

treat sb. as…

consider sb. as …

regard sb. as…

count sb. as ….

13) insist on doing

insist that+ (should) do sth.

14) prevent doing sth.

prevent sb. from doing sth.

15) like crazy

be crazy about

16) forbid doing sth.

forbid sb. to do sth.

forbid sb. from doing sth.

Unit Three Looking good, feeling good


slim slimmer slimmest



ashamed shame, shameful

especially = particularly(尤其) [区别]specially(专门的,特地)

recover(v.) recovery (n.)

failure fail

contain (区别) include

harmful harm be harmful to / do harm to sb. / do sb. harm


operation operate

exact exactly



attractive attract







affect effect

consider(v.) consideration (n.)

fall out

achieve achievement

regular regularly


1. stay healthy/ fit/ slim

keep healthy/ fit /slim

2. by doing sth. 通过方式/途径/手段

3. be dying to do sth.

4. hear from sb. = receive a letter from sb.

5. work out = exercise

work out = figure out

6. be ashamed of sth. / doing sth.

be ashamed to do sth.

be ashamed for sb. (为某人感到羞愧)

ashamed, alone, asleep, awake, alive 后置修饰

7. in the last two months

8. in hospital (区别)in the hospital

9. recover sth.

recover from sth.

10. cause … to do sth.

11. such + a/an + adj. +n. such a long operation

so +adj. + a/an + n. so long a operation

12. A match B

match A with B

13. be worth sth.

be worth doing sth. (不用被动)

14. be amazed at sth.

be amazed to do sth.

15. be/feel/get embarrassed about sth.

be/feel/get embarrassed about doing sth.

16. You look great as you are.

17. go on diet

18. learn from

19. lose weight

put on weight

20. come across 偶遇

21. in secret = secretly

22. get + 过去分词

get hurt/ married/ lost/ dressed / killed

23. build (up)

build up one’s strength

24.at the same time

25. on one’s own

of one’s own

26. consider doing sth.

consider sb./sth (as ) sb./sth.

consider sb. to do sth.

sb. consider it + adj. + to do sth.

consider that (规则从句)

27. affect (v.)

effect (n.)

side effects

come into effect

be of no effect

bring/carry sth. into effect

28. risk doing sth.

take/run the risk

take/run the risk of doing sth. 冒的险

at the risk of 冒的险

at risk 有危险

at one’s own risk (同意) 自行负责(任何损失或危险)

29. turn teacher

become a teacher

30. recognize (v.)

recognize one’s voice

[区别] recognize 在原认识的基础上识别出来的,属于短暂动词。

know 意思是“知道,认识”,指知道某人某物的存在,是延续动词

31. a good idea of sth. / general ideas of an article

32. afford sth.

afford to do sth.

33. make the most of = make the best (use) of = make full use of

make use of , make good use of

34. call sb. names

35. such a thing as sth. / being sth.

36. have a lot of energy

be full of energy

37. along with = together with

38. in the long term / in the short term

39. have / lose control of/over sb./sth.

out/beyond of control

under control

40. take in

41. count

count sb./sth. (as) sb./sth.

count in / out

count out

42. so引导的倒装句j


43. give up on sth./ doing sth.

give away 赠送,泄露

give in 屈服,投降

44. feel relaxed

45. concentrate …on/upon ….

concentrate one’s attention on/upon sth.

concentrate on / upon sth. 全神贯注于

46. a good/large/great amount of +不可数名词 + 谓语动词单数

a good/large/great number of +可数名词复数+ 谓语动词复数

the amount of +不可数名词 + 谓语动词单数

the number of +可数名词+谓语动词单数

47. cheer up

48. as a matter of fact = in fact

49. persuade sb. to do / into doing 说服某人做某事

50. the suggestion is that +(should) not do sth.

篇16:译林牛津 高一Unit 1教案

Unit 1 School Life in the UK

To introduce and develop the theme of school life

To identify the differences between school life in different countries

To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning

To learn some words about school facilities

To learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task and a project

To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Period 1 Welcome to this unit

Teaching objectives:

To introduce and develop the theme of school life

To develop listening and speaking by talking about life in the new school

To know more about classmates

Teaching procedures:

1. Brainstorming

2. Listening and speaking

3. Discussion

4. Further discussion

5. Introducing more information

6. Writing

7. Homework

Period 2 Reading

Teaching objectives:

To develop the skills of skimming and scanning

To know about school life in the UK

To compare school life in the UK and in China

To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Skimming

3. Scanning

4. Detailed reading

5. Thoughts after reading

6. Group work (problem solving)

7. Introducing more information

8. Homework

Period 3 Language focus

Teaching objectives:

To understand new words and expressions and learn how to use them

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Words to be studied and reviewed

4. Phrases to be learned

5. Sentences to be attended to

6. A word quiz

7. Homework

Period 4 Word Power

Teaching objectives:

To learn some words about school facilities

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Warming up

3. Words about school facilities

4. Reading

5. Discussion

6. Writing

7. Group work (problem solving)

8. Homework

Period 5 Project

Teaching objectives:

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a project

To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Background education in the US

3. Starting a project

4. Planning

5. Preparing

6. Producing

7. Homework

Period 6 Grammar and Usage (1)

Teaching objectives:

To learn about attributive clauses ( with that, which, who, whose)

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Searching for attributive clauses in the text

4. Learning grammatical structure of attributive clauses with that, which, who, whose

5. Identifying attributive clauses in a passage

6. Practice 1, 2, 3

7. Homework

Period 7 Grammar and usage (2)

Teaching objectives:

To learn about attributive clauses (with whom and without relative pronouns)

To practice more on the usage of attributive clauses

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of attributive clauses

3. Learning grammatical structures of attributive clauses with whom and then those without relative pronouns

4. Practice 1, 2, 3

5. Homework

Period 8 Task

Teaching objectives:

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task

To develop the skill of comparing information

To develop the skill of reading a timetable and a notice

To learn how to write a notice

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Introducing the task

3. Skill building 1 and task 1

4. Skill building 2 and task 2

5. Skill building 3

6. Homework

Period 9 Presentation of project

Period 10 Evaluation

Unit 1 School life

第二板块 难点剖析


Part A

A1 词语剖析


exciting : adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的

excited: adj. 兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的

excite: v. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动

1. It's so ____ to skate in Pairs. Everyone skates so fast and shouts at the top of his voice


2.she has many new ways to make her students ___________.


3. A successful speaker knows how to _________ the crowd.


Key: exciting; excited; excite

2. experience

experience: [C] 经历,阅历

[U] 经验

v. .经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历

1. Experience teaches; experience does it.


2. Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午,弗兰克.霍金斯给我讲述他年轻时的经历。

3. Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。


1. Jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience. (NMET , 26)

A. /; the B. /; an C. an ;an D. the ;the

2. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _____ in the burning train.

A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences

Key: C; D

3. earn

earn v. 挣得,博得 earnings: n. 所得收入

earn one’s living 自行谋生

1. The workers earned less money because they had to pay medical insurance.


2. The old man earned his living as a fisherman.


3. As we know, it’s his honesty that earned the admiration of his friends.


4. It’s said that a person's intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.


注意: earn , gain , win

earn 指为钱(或任何其他报酬)而工作,含有报酬是应得的含义。

win 指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜, 并可能由此得到奖赏。


1. He has________ a lot of money by working part-time job.


2. He wants to ___a trip to Europe in that competition, but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.


3. She ______ enough experience while working for the newspaper.


Key: earned; win;gained

4. respect

n.(与of,for 连用)尊敬, 敬重;方面 respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的

(pl.)敬意;问候 respectfully adv. 尊敬地, 谦恭地

in some/all/few/respects 在一些/所有/极少方面

vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍

1. We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。

2. The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史教师。

3. Please give me respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。

4. Respect yourself, or no one else will. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。

5. The words such as “ Respectfully,yours” can often be seen at the end of the letter. 信的末尾经常写上类似“Respectfully,yours”的字眼以表尊敬。

6. In what respect do you think he is worth praising? 在哪些方面你觉得他值得表扬?


I’m sure she will do as she promised; I’ve got great _________ her.

A. respect for B. respects of C. honor of D. faith in

Key: A

5. achieve

v. 完成, 达到 achievement: [U] 完成,达到;[C]成就, 功绩

make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就

1. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语交谈时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。

2. The success of the experiment proves that we have made great achievements in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究取得很大成就。

3.The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。


Jack London worked very hard and finally he _______ his goal.

A. made B. found C. developed D. achieved

Key: D

6.used to do

used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to do 被用来做。。。

be/get used to doing sth./ sth.习惯于/开始习惯于做。。。

there used to be 某地过去有某物


1.There _________ a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。

2.In our school, candles ____ give light when electricity is cut off. 在我们学校,停电时,就用蜡烛来照亮。

3.I _________ traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.


Key: used to be; are used to;am used to

7. challenge

challenge n./v. 挑战 challenging adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的

1. He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

2. The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。

8. free

adj. 免费的;空闲的

a free meal. 免费的一餐 for free 免费的 free time 空闲时间

1.The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week! 这个姑娘每周`给'她妈妈一件免费的衣服。

2.All the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。


prepare: v准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 preparation: n. 准备, 预备

prepare for…/prepare…for… make preparations for

be prepared for

1. Working on a part-time job can prepare them for a future career.


2. Will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates?


3. Preparations for the top government officers' visit are almost complete.



1. He was _________ to do anything to save the local people.他已经做好一切准备来抢救当地群众。

2. The team __________ themselves for defeat. 这个队心理上已经做好了接受失败的准备。

Key: prepared; has prepared


[U]愉快;开心 adj. funny 有趣的,可笑的

for fun寻找乐趣;当作玩笑;不是认真的 make fun of 捉弄

1.There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。

2.I felt unhappy whenever I was made fun of. 无论何时被人嘲笑,总让我不好受。

3..Fifty years ago , wealthy people would rather hunt wild animals for fun than go sightseeing .五十年前,人们宁愿捕杀野生动物来寻开心也不愿意外出观光。


1.“Mr Alexander doesn't just write____; in fact, writing is his bread and butter.”


2. Mary realized she ________.

A. was playing a joke about B. was making fun

C. was being make fun of D. was made fun

Key: for fun; C

11. drop

v. 1放弃;断绝(往来);滴下, 落下 n. 滴;点

drop sb. a line 写封短信 drop in on sb. 造访某人 drop in at some place 造访某地

1. He seems to have dropped most of his friends. 他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。

2. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

3. A drop of ink may make a million think.(George G Byron)一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。(拜伦)

4.Don’t forget to drop me a line when you are free! 有空时写封信给我!

5.Sorry, we are late-we drop in at a pub on the way! 不好意思迟到了,我们中途去了一趟酒吧。


1.The headmaster asked me to _________ him at his office. 校长让我去他办公室。

2. __________ when you have time.有空时写封信给我。

3. I want to _______ out of math class, which is too hard for me. 我不想上数学课,它对我来说太难了。

Key: drop in on; Drop me a line; drop

12. miss

v. 错过;失去; 想念;思念

miss doing sth. 想念/错过做某事

1. He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground. 他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。

2. Being too tired, he narrowly missed crashing into the tree. 太累了,他差一点撞到树上。

3.I'm sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会怀念他。


My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ______ half of it.(NMET , 30)

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed

13.the way to do 做。。。的方式

the way to do sth.

=the way of doing sth.

=the way (that)

1. Unluckily, we had no way to prove he was stealing money. 不幸地,我们无法证明他在偷钱。

2. There is no way of getting in touch with her. 无法与她取得联系。

3. We feel shame of the way you talked with the old man. 我们为你与那位老人说话的方式感到羞耻。


1. What is the way George thought of ______ enough money to buy the house?

A. to get B. getting C. having got D. being got

Key: A

14. someday=some day

15 regret

regret n.遗憾, 悔恨, 抱歉, 歉意 without regret. 毫无遗憾地

vt. 为...感到遗憾, 后悔, 惋惜, 哀悼, 懊悔

vi. 感到抱歉

Much to my regret, I am not able to accept your invitation. 令我遗憾的是

Her regret was that she never had the chance of seeing him. 遗憾的事


regret to do 很遗憾地要做。。。

regret doing: 为已经做的事后悔


1. I _________(tell)you that you’re not fit for the job. 很遗憾地告诉你

2. To this day I do not _____________(make)the remark. 后悔做了某事

Key: regret to tell; regret having made

Part B

16. develop

develop v. 发展, 发达;洗印, 显影 developing: adj. 发展中的

development: n. 发展 developed: adj. 发达的

1.How can you believe that he developed that small scale shop into a worldwide business!


2.At university he developed a good habit of reading loudly in the morning.


3. Can you develop the film yourself?



Whether it’s a ______ or ______ country depends on the living standard of the common people。


developing; developed

16. donate

donate: v. 捐赠, 赠予 donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献

donate …to… 把。。。捐赠给。。。

The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.


17. close

v. 关, 关闭, 结束, 停止, 使靠近, 靠拢, 会合, 包围

n. 结束

adj.近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的

adv. 接近, 紧密地

1. I live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。

2. How close parents are to their children has a strong effect on the character of the children.父母与孩子有多亲近对孩子的性格有很大影响。

3. As everyone knows, Karl Marx and Engels were close friends. 众所周知,马克思和恩格斯是一对密友。

注意:close , closely的区别



1. Come ______ . I want to tell you something secret. .

2. The police is watching the bank _____.

Key: close closely


(1 )形容詞短语:

be happy with 因。。。感到开心 be challenging for 对。。。有挑战

get interested in 对。。。感兴趣

(2 )动词短语

sit next to 坐在。。。旁边 sound like 听起来像 graduate from 从。。。毕业

donate… to …把。。。捐赠给。。。 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 achieve high grades 获得高分

make a speech 做演讲 develop an interest 养成一种兴趣

(3 )介词短语

than usual 比通常 for free 免费 at lunchtime 在午餐时 at first 起初

on the school field 在操场上

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页A2试试吧!


1. with;

2. to, at ;

3. like;

4. to, at;

5. On;

6. for;

7. about;

8. at;

9. On, on

14. 词形变化

1. enjoy v. 欣赏,喜爱 enjoyable: adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的

2. achieve v. 获得 achievement n. 成就,功绩

3. prepare. v. 准备 preparation n. 准备,预备

4. experience v. 体验 experience. [C] 经历 [U]经验

experienced. adj. 富有经验的

5.help v 帮助 help n. 帮助 helpful adj. 有帮助的

6. introduce v. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍

7. develop v. 发展 development n. 发展 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

8. donate v . 捐赠,赠予 donation n.捐赠品,捐款

9. display v . 陈列,展览 display n. 陈列,展览

10. please v 使。。。喜欢 pleasure n. 愉快;乐事

pleased adj. 高兴的,满足的 pleasing adj. 令人高兴的,合意的

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页A1试试吧!


4. enjoyable

5. experience

6. challenging

7. e-mails

8. funny

9. drop

10. exciting

11. helpful


Part A

1.… It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.(Page 2, Line 18)


It 做形式主语。在这种名词性从句中为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到后面,尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语.此句也可以改写为:To remember all the faces and names was difficult.


1. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

2. ________ worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.

A. That B. It C. What D. There

3. I like ______ is the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (NMET2004, 27)

A. this B. that C. it D. one


1. D 2. B 3. C

2.I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school…(Page 2 , Line 20)


1) 在以前学过的表示比较的句子中,as 或than 后接的多数是名词或代词来担任比较状语。


The elephant is much heavier than the horse. 象比马重。

本句是 what I use to get in my old school 是由从句担任比较状语。


You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.



The important thing is what you do, but not what you say. 重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么。

What make school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. (上海春季,33)使学校引以为豪的是90%以上的学生被重点大学录取。


1. A computer can only do _________ you have instructed it to do.

A. how B. after C. what D. when

2. Perseverance(坚定) is a kind of quality ---- and that’s _________it takes to do anything well.

A. whatB. that C. which D. why

3.After Yang Li Wei succeeded in circling the earth, _______ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space.(上海 2004,37)

A. where B. what C. that D. how

4.No one can be sure _____ in a million years.

A. what man will look like B. what will man look like

C. man will look like whatD. what look will man like(91)


1) C 2) A 3) B 4)A

Part B

3. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.


注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从句。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival…。

On hearing the news, he burst into tears. 一听到这个消息,他放声大哭起来。


1. ______________(一看到这则消息), I immediately rang to see if I could help.

Key: On reading the news

第三板块 语法讲练







1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:

Is he the man who/that wants to see you?


He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.


2) Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:

They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。

3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:

A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)

The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)


代替人 代替物 代替人或物

主语 Who which that

主语 Whom which that

宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)

1. 语法专练

1. 请完成书上P11 练习!


1) which 2)whose 3)who 4)whom/who 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) which/that 9) who

2. 单选:

1. The house _________ the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.

A. that B. where C. what D. when

2 .The book ______ cover is broken, is not mine.

A. which B that C whose D of which

3. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _____ could speak Chinese very well.

A. who B. which C. when D. he

4.This is Mr Smith, ____ I think has something interesting to tell you.

A . who B whom C. that D. x

5. The radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.

A.I bought it B. which I bought it C.I bought D. what I bought

6. In the police station I saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the TV set.

A. whom B. which C. that D. whose

7. .His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.

A. that B. whom C. of whose D. whose

8. A football fan(球迷) is _____ has a strong interest in football.

A. a thing that B. something that C. a person who D. what

9. A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.

A. who B. who’s C. whose D. which

10. He made another wonderful discovery ____ of great importance to science.

A. which is B. which it is C. who is D. it is

11. Those ___ _____ break the rule will be punished.

A that B who C they D whom

12. Do you still remember the days ______ we spent together then?

A when B during which C / D on which

13. 1) Do you know the girl _________ is talking with the director?

2) Do you know the girl _________ the director is talking with?

3) I like the flowers __________ you bought for me very much.

Key: 1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DDCCA 11-12. BC 13. that/who ; whom/who ; which/that

第四板块 单元演练

I 单选

1. Mother is _____ supper and the rest of the family are sitting at the table _____ it.

A preparing, prepared B preparing, prepared for

C preparing for, preparing D prepared for, preparing for

2. Businessman as he is, his main goal is not only to _______ a profit(利润).

A. earn B. challenge C. introduce D. develop

3. In our town, wood can ___________ a fire.

A. be used to make B. be used to making

C. use to make D. used to making

4. I _______ your making desserts after lunchtime.

A. miss B. prepare C. donate D. regret

5. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to ____ out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.

A.leave B. drop C. fall D. go

6. The students at colleges or universities are making ______ for the coming new year.

A. many preparations B. much preparation C. preparation D. preparations

7. Although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to_______ success.

A. challenge B. host C. approve D. achieve

8 The boss ______ company I worked in two years ago has _________ in solving such kind of problem.

A. whose; many experiences B. who; many experiences

C. whose; much experience D. which; much experience

9. I don’t like _______ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

10. Which sentence is wrong?

A. The professor lives in the room whose windows face south.

B. Don’t enter the house its roof has been destroyed in the hurricane.(飓风)

C.We prefer the students who like challenging themselves.

D. I still remember the name of the village we visited last year.

11.Charlie Brown is a ______ boy ____ has a dog and there are many stories of a lot of ______ happens between them.

A. funny; who; fun B. fun; he; fun

C. funny; he; fun D. fun; who; funny

12. Dr. Kelly walked ______ to the window to watch ________ the short man shopping on the street.

A. close; closely B. closely; close

C. close; close D. closely; closely

13. Marie Curie paid no attention _____ the prize that she won because of her achievements in physics.

A. to B. of C. about D. from

14. ----- I would join a party tonight!

----- _____________!

A. For free B. Have fun

C. Good luck! D. Don’t come back too late!

15. I found the homework was not so heavy as ______ I _____ to get in my old school.

A. that; was used B. what; used C. which; used D. that; used

II 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:

earn respect pay attention to inform… of… on doing…

make preparations donate …to… graduate from develop recent

1. I would achieve higher grades if I ____ more ___________ the rules and requirements.

2.After _________ university, he began to earn his living by editing programmes.

3.Things got so bad ________that he decided to go on a diet. recently

4. With hard work, she _________ into a great writer.

5. The works that Guo Moruo ___________ are being displayed in the assembly hall.

6. The sales manager asked his men to ______ him ____ everything about the sales in time.

7. He has never done enough __________for his examinations.

8.______________(hear) that familiar song, he couldn’t help dancing to the music.

9. Give my _______ to your mother, please.

10. He has spent all his ________, so he has to borrow from all of his friends to live through the rest days.

III 动词适当形式填空:

experience achieve challenge prepare broadcast introduce continue respect please regret

1.Have you _______ Yoga? It’s really ___________ to learn from that _________ teacher!

2. Mother is busy in the kitchen, ____________ for the dinner.

3.It’s really a _______ role for him

4. German is a _________ country, while China is a ________ country.

5.We're ___ to listen to her __ voice.

6.You can hear the programme __________ every Wednesday. Don’t miss it!

7. Let me ____ myself first, my name is Jason.

8. According to the weather report, the weather will _________ fine till this weekend..

9. The success of the experiment proves that we have made great ______________ in the study of computer.

10. To our _________, the Japanese never feel _________ for what they did in the second war.

IV 中译英



3. 因为每天花几个小时读英语,我的英语进步了很多。

4. 要放弃自己喜爱的科目很难。


V 完形填空:20

At first I couldn’t believe it! There were no 1 in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to class. Although we all lived “in”, nobody made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out”.

The 2 thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or 3 class. The new ones always went wild 4 , but this never lasted long. The 5 took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like 6 ; never did we have to 7 “stand up”, “sit down” , “speak out”. I don’t 8 one student who didn’t try his best.

The subjects were the same as those in 9 school, but what a difference in the approach! For example, in botany we had 10 classes in the spring or fall, but instead we 11 two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. 12 in winter we each studied a few 13 things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different kinds of storeroom-small ones 14 , but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a 15 time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, 16 the angles and so on . I didn’t take math. I can’t stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. That’s 17 .

18 I think I am a better person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. That’s probably a real big 19 between the free school and regular school-the amount of 20 .

1. A. desks B. lights C. students D. buildings

2. A. sad B. last C. good D. strange

3. A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied

4. A. from then on B. just then C. once more D. just then

5. A. freedom B. habit C. time D. people

6. A. workers B. pupils C. gardeners D. grown-ups

7. A. understand B. study C. play D. say

8. A. hear from B. feel like C. think about D. know of

9. A. night B. regular C. small D. real

10. A. all B. short C. no D. indoor

11. A. planted B. studied C. drew D. toured

12. A. Still B. Then C. Yet D. Next

13. A. wild B. successful C. usual D. particular

14. A. as well B. after a while C. of course D. as a result

15. A. funny B. great C. convenient D. thoughtful

16. A. looking out B. taking out C. finding out D. figuring out

17. A. dull B. interesting C. enough D. dangerous

18. A. On the whole B. Once again C. Sooner or later D. After a while

19. A. problem B. chance C. difference D. change

20. A. reading B. gardening C. teaching D. thinking

VI 选词填空:15

experience immediately literature average extra drop poet generation on of with lucky help miss use title

It is not a new thing to ______ the way ____ life in other countries. Three years ago I came to England for further study. _____ landing at the airport, I couldn’t help ________ China! ______, my roommate, a girl who was interested in ________, was very ________ and helped me get ________ to the new life soon. Besides learning, we often went to attend a speech ______ “Shakespeare and his tragedies” in our ______ time.

VII 阅读理解 20%

( A )

Although there are no state controlled survival courses in Britain or the United States, there are various independent organizations offering similar activities.

Students can participate ( take part ) in outdoor training courses through university clubs and societies . Anyone can register ( 登记 ) with such groups, which then organize courses ,training and trips for all members .

One of the most popular outdoor training programmes in both the US and Britain, is Outward Bound ( 户外训练 ). It was founded in 1941 in Wales and attracts hundreds of thousands of adventurous types every year.

The courses are to broaden minds through experiences that build confidence, self-esteem ( 自尊 ) and character. As well as specialist courses such as canoeing, leadership skills and sailing, participants can take part in week long adventure training camps which include a host of sports and survival training education skills.

Michael Williams, an American student, took part in an Outward Bound course last year. He said: “We learned lots of first aid skills, lots of natural history, lots of environmental facts , and participated in a wildlife preservation ( protecting ) programme. Beyond that, my favorite skills learned were sailing and rock climbing.”

Courses can last up to 40 days and are open to anyone over the age of 14. Students must be in general good health, but do not need to be experienced in outdoor-sports. There is no selection process; everyone is welcome, although new participants are advised to pick a course matching their physical power.

Most of the British courses take place in the Beacons in Wales. Another similar organization is the UK Survival School, which includes courses on learning to live with the environment, sailing and winter survival. On a basic survival weekend students will learn how to get water and food, how to make fire and cook with it, to find and build a shelter, control survival life support, how to cross rivers, send off an SOS signal, and to use compasses by day and night.

According to the leaders, such adventures are “an awakening, an exploration into unknown.” Outward Bound believes that participants will “use mind and body traveling some of the earth’s roughest wildness areas.”

( )1. The advantage of the training courses is that _________ .

A. participants can make friends with others

B. participants can visit some places of interest

C. participants can experience different adventures

D. participants can learn how wonderful nature is

( )2. In the Outward Bound course last year , the most exciting experience Michael Williams had was _________ .

A. learning first aid skills B. collecting facts of environment

C. preserving wildlife D. rock climbing and sailing

( )3. What’s the writer’s purpose to write this passage?

A. To introduce the training course to readers.

B. To persuade readers to take part in the training courses.

C. To tell readers the danger of this training course.

D. To introduce the wonders of the world to readers.

( B )

Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.

It's uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).

Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don't be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.

4. What's the best topic for the passage?

A. How to Speak to Foreigners

B. How to Study English Well

C. How to Organize the Idea in English

D. Practise Speaking English All the Time

5. Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because

A. they seldom meet foreigners

B. they seldom practise speaking English

C. they had no chance to speak English

D. they think it's enough to master the basic language structure only

6. So many Chinese students are afraid speak to foreigners because

A. they are afraid they can't understand foreigners

B. they don't think their English is poor

C. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking

D. they didn't tike speaking to foreigners

7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking.

B. If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English.

C. If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well.

D. Any Chinese students can't speak English fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes.

8. In the last paragraph, the expression “get rid of” means_______.

A. throw away B. free oneself from

C. give up D. do with

VIII 作文 10%








生词:才艺大赛 --- talent show 学生会--the Student Union


I 单选:

1~5 C A A A B 6~10 D D C A B 11~15 A A A B B


1. paid… attention to

2. graduating from

3. recently

4. developed

5. donated to

6. inform…of

7. preparations

8. On hearing

9. respects

10. earnings

III 动词适当形式填空:

1. experienced; an experience; experienced

2. preparing

3. challenging

4. developed; developing

5. pleased; pleasing

6. broadcast/broadcasted

7. introduce

8. continue

9. achievements

10. regret; regretted

IV 中译英

1. The government approved the new building plans.

2. I am pleased to experience a different way of life.

3. My English improve a lot as I spent several hours reading English every day.

4. It’s hard to drop some subjects which you like.

5. We regret to inform you that Science Laboratory will be closed next Thursday.

V 完形填空:

1~5 ADCBA 6~10 DCDBC 11~15ABDCB 16`~20 DCACD

VI 选词填空:15

experience; of; On; missing; Luckily; literature; helpful; used; titled; extra

VII 阅读理解

1~3 C D A 4~8 DBCCA


May I have your attention, please? I am happy to inform you that a High School Students’ Talent Show will be held in ChangZhou Television Station on August 20th. This is really a good chance to show your singing , dancing, hosting and different talents. If you would like to have a try, you’ll have to go to the Student Union to sign up before the end of July.

Thanks for your kind attention!

篇17:译林牛津 高一模块1 Unit 1 短语

Phrases In Unit One:

From Welcome to the unit to Reading

1. a time of hard work

2. low-rise buildings

3. (be) at ease with …

4. dream school life

5. have no experience in doing …

6. be happy with …

7. attend assembly/a meeting

8. the best way to do …

9. earn respect from …

10. achieve high grades

11. sound like (a good idea)

12. on average

13. not as … as …

14. used to do …

15. a bit challenging

16. spend … (in) doing …/on …

17. at lunchtime

18. for free

19. on Monday evenings

20. drop some subjects

21. such as …/for example

22. on school field/in the field of …

23. different way of life

24. get a general idea of …

25. word by word

From exercises:

26. encourage … to do …

27. would like to do …

28. first of all

29. introduce … to …

30. surf the internet

31. at assembly/at the meeting

32. not … until …

33. prepare to do …

34. have chances to do …

Phrases In Unit One:

From Welcome to the unit to Reading

1. 努力工作的时代

2. 低矮的建筑

3. (与某人在一起)自由自在

4. 理想的校园生活

5. 没有…的经验

6. 对…很高兴、满意

7. 参加集会、会议

8. 做…的最好方法

9. 赢得…的尊敬

10. 取得好的成绩、高分

11. 听起来好像


13. 不如…

14. 过去常常(现在不这样了)

15. 有些挑战性

16. 在…上花费…(时间、金钱)

17. 午餐时间

18. 免费的

19. 星期一晚上

20. 放弃一些科目

21. 比如、例如

22. 在操场上、在…领域

23. 不同的生活方式

24. 掌握…的大意

25. 逐字逐句地

From exercises:

26. 鼓励…做…

27. 想、要做…

28. 首先

29. 向…介绍…

30. 上网

31. 会上

32. 直到…才…

33. 准备做…

34. 有机会做…

From Word power to Grammar

35. (much) more than …

36. (be) available (for …)

37. far away (from …)

38. make sure that …/of …

39. on campus

40. during break time

41. graduate from …

42. upon/on doing …

43. finish one’s studies

44. develop an interest in doing …

45. return from … to …

46. donate … to …

47. thank … for one’s kindness

48. make a speech about/on …

49. refer to …

50. in this case

51. leave out …

52. instead of …

53. pay attention to …

From Task to Project

54. in short form

55. save space/money

56. have a meeting with …

57. make decisions

58. make comparisons

59. compare … and …

60. the more …, the more …

61. regret to do (say/tell)…

62. inform … of …/that …

63. start a school club

64. be allowed to do …

65. give messages to …

66. be required to do …

67. read … out aloud (to …)

68. make preparations for …

69. be responsible for …

70. do research on …

71. come up with …

72. base … on …/ be based on …

From Word power to Grammar

35 仅仅

36 可利用的

37 远离…

38 确信、弄清楚

39 校园里

40 在休息时间

41 毕业于…

42 一…就…

43 完成学业

44 培养…(方面)的兴趣

45 从…返回…

46 把…捐赠给…

47 感谢…的仁慈、善良

48 做关于…的演讲

49 意指

50 在这种情况下

51 省略

52 而不是

53 注意

From Task to Project

54 以简短的形式

55 节省空间、金钱

56 开会

57 做决定

58 做比较

59 比较A与B

60 越…,越…

61 遗憾、抱歉地说、告知

62 通知…、告知…

63 开办俱乐部

64 允许做…

65 给…些信息

66 被要求做…

67 向…大声地读出、念出…

68 为…做些准备

69 对…负责

70 做研究

71 提出(观点、计划等)

72 以…为基础

篇18:(牛津译林版)初二Unit5 Birdwatchers

Welcome to the unit Reading Vocabulary Grammar(1)


market roast seagull long-winged sparrow northern golden eagle broad hooked nature north-east wildlife provide shelter stay rare red-crowned farm government endangered tourist importance wet state manners irregular dishonest unnecessary impossible unfriendly unwelcome unable incorrect uncommon protected fish litter entrance sandwich gentle gently angry angrily noisy nicely softly


1. birdwatch 是个复合动词,bird和watch存在逻辑上的动宾关系,又如:

booksell 售书 wolfhunt捕狼

go birdwatching 去观鸟

go boating/ fishing/sightseeing/climbing/fox-hunting

2. web-footed 是个复合形容词,类似的有:

a white-haired girl a three-legged table a one-eyed man

a left-handed boy a warm-hearted woman

3. pointed 尖的

a pointed pencil 削尖的铅笔 a pointed article尖锐的文章


a forked road岔道 a forked tail叉状的尾巴

4. golden 金(黄)色的; 镀金的

She has golden hair.

gold 金子;黄金

I have a gold coin.

She has a heart of gold.

I have a voice of gold.


He has a gold watch.

He has a golden watch.

5. broad 宽的, 指道路、河流等时与wide通用,如:

a wide/broad road/ river

形容眼睛、嘴巴时用wide; 在引申用法时也用wide, 如:

Open your mouth wide.

He is a man with wide interests.


His father is a man with a broad heart.

6. brownish 带棕色的

girlish 女孩子气的,reddish 带红色的,childish 孩子气的,foolish傻的

7. provide sth. for sb.= provide sb. with sth.为…提供…

We provided food and shelter for the people in poor areas.

Our school provide us with textbooks.

He has no worries, only himself to provide for.

8. all (the) year round= the whole year 一年到头;终年

I am busy all the year round.

all day/ night long整天/夜 all summer long整个夏天

9. stay n.逗留

Did you enjoy your stay there?

I will go there for a long stay.

v. 逗留,停留

Stay here until we come back.

link v.

I hope the fish will stay alive.

10. alive/ living 活着的,作表语时两者通用

The old man is still alive/ living.

living作前置定语, 也可用于比喻意义;alive作补语或后置定语。

They caught the fox alive.

At last we found three living sheep/ three sheep alive.

11. rare 罕见的 ,稀少的,珍贵的

This kind of bird is becoming rare.

It’s very rare for him to be late.= He is rarely late.

rarely =seldom不常地,属否定副词。

12. make space /room for …为…让出地方/腾出空间

We should make space for the old when we are on the bus.

The table takes up too much room.

It is great fun to travel in space.

13. less and less 越来越少, 修饰不可数名词

There is less and less water on the earth.

fewer and fewer越来越少, 修饰可数名词。

There are fewer and fewer leaves on the trees.

反义词为 more and more

less and less 后接形容词或副词原形,表示“越来越不…”。

The lake is becoming less and less beautiful because of pollution.

14. 使用前缀un-,in-, im-, dis-, ir-来构成形容词的反义词:

a. 大多数形容词前面加un构成反义词,如:

happy- unhappy kind- unkind true- untrue able- unable comfortable- uncomfortable friendly- unfriendly

b. 以c开头的形容词用前缀in-构成反义词, 如:

correct- incorrect

c. 以p开头的形容词用前缀im-构成反义词, 如:

possible- impossible polite- impolite

d. 以r开头的形容词用前缀ir-构成反义词, 如:

regular- irregular

e. 有些形容词用前缀dis-构成反义词, 如:

honest- dishonest agreeable- disagreeable

15. 方式副词的构成

a. 大多数形容词加ly构成副词, 如:

quiet- quietly fluent- fluently

b. 形容词去e加y构成副词,如:

gentle- gently possible- possibly

c. 以y结尾的形容词去 y加ily构成副词,如:

easy- easily happy- happily angry- angrily friendly- friendlily

d. 特殊情况:true- truly shy- shyly whole- wholly good- well

形容词与副词同形,如: fast, early, ill, late, back, straight,alone



1. He didn’t pass the exam. He looks ________(不高兴).

2. “Gardon” is an ______(不正确) spelling. It must be “garden”

3. It’s not good to be an ______(不诚实) boy.

4. He broke his leg yesterday. He is ______(不能) to take part in the sports meeting.

5. Nothing is ________ (不可能) if we put our hearts into it.

6. He thinks it _______(没有必要) to brush the teeth twice a day.

(1. unhappy 2. incorrect 3. dishonest 4. unable 5. impossible 6. unnecessary)



1. 东北

2. 终年

3. 为…腾出空间

4. 长尾巴的海鸥

5. 促使他们采取行动来保护天鹅

6. 进行鸟类统计

7. 越来越贵

8. 自然保护区


1. Look at the sun , it is shining _______(bright).

2. On our way home, it rained _____(heavy).

3. He does everything _____(careful).

4. His father is shouting ______(angry).

5. _______(lucky), he wasn’t hurt badly.

6. You should take more exercise and eat _____(healthy)

7. He is ______(true) sorry about it.

8. The children are playing ________(noisy).


1. 李先生是我们学校最受欢迎的老师之一。

2. 越来越多的鸟类因没有足够的空间而濒临绝迹。

3. 这是许多种鱼类理想的栖息地。

4. 观鸟俱乐部的成员正在研究鸟类数量上的变化。

5. 这条河为我们提供了很多鱼。


一、1. north east 2. all the year round 3. make space for…

4. long-winged seagull 5. make them take actions to protect swans

6. do a bird count 7. more and more expensive 8. a nature reserve

二、1. brightly 2. heavily 3. carefully 4. angrily

5. Luckily 6. healthily 7. truly 8. noisily

三、1. Mr Li is one of the most favourite teachers in our school.

2. More and more bird sare in danger because they do not have enough space.

3. It is the ideal home for many kinds of fish.

4. Members of the Birdwatching Club are studying the change in their numbers.

5.T he river provides many fish for us.




































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