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The reading argues that Americans need to switch from their private automobiles to public transportation. Rebutting the reading, ←动词分词引导的(原因、条件、方式)前置的状语,陈述听力材料和阅读材料之间的关系: the lecturer contends that changing the long-formed habit would be impractical and ineffective.


According the reading, in some cities around the globe, public transportation is so developed that a traveler can reach any part of a city without driving. This situation is, according to the lecture, however only possible in a city, where all destinations are within short distances, and impossible in the US, which has a vast land 【接下来的转述是重要难点:】that cannot be fully covered by any public transportation.←措辞关键:this situation为主语,后面两个表语并列,精简了句子,以及后面的两次定语从句。


Second, the reading is concerned about automobile transportation’s carbon emissions and the consequent global warming effect, and shows favor to public transportation for its less carbon emissions per passenger. In response,←陈述听力材料和阅读材料之间的关系: the lecture states that car manufacturers are making electric cars, which have no environmental hazard / are friendly to the environment, as the replacement of the fossil-fuel-driven cars.


基于《金牌教程》Page 112/114的综合写作材料的综合写作技法讲解



Reading的开头段落中的信息重点很不明显,需要依靠全文和听力材料判断:The reading and lecture argue over whether Empress Cixi has been fairly judged, and the lecturerefutes the multiple points of criticism in the reading.


According to the reading passage, Cixi was upset by Emperor Guangxu’s dismissal of many Chinese administrators during his reforms, and put Guangxu under house arrest, and was the most probable suspect of Guangxu’s death. This opinion is opposed by the lecturer. The lecture indicates that Cixi protected China from foreign rule, 通过状语从句形式把听力原文中并列的信息整合组织到一个句子里:as she intervened, using troops, with Guangxu’s handing over Chinese sovereignty to the Japanese.


The reading also points out that Cixi’s aggressive act, permitting the Boxers to attach European diplomats and missionaries, to break away from European powers and their political and religious influence was counterproductive. The lecturer counter-argues that Cixi’s act had a good intent, which is to liberate China from foreign control, and 精选动词很重要:defends Cixi by stating that the express accepted the responsibility and showed acceptance to foreigners.



对于独立写作题干中的比较笼统抽象名词(noun),我们可以从多个角度(angles)拆成很多小的单元(parts),各个击破它们(one by one)。这里包含的四个方面,取首字母,即N-A-P-O。




价值判断类,简而言之就是,题干中包含一些感情色彩的词汇,比如better, best, necessary, positive等 。在文章论述过程中,会讨论某个对象或者现象“好不好”。




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problems affecting people’s life can be solved within our life time.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.

3.2019/1109 Many filmmakers make movies based on books. some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which one do you prefer?


The best solution for parents to prepare their children for elementary (primary) school.

a) young children practice reading books

b) parents reading books loudly for children

c) practice conversation with adults








Do you agree or disagree with the statement: students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? it is difficult for teachers to be both popular (students like them) and effective to help students learning.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The most important problems affecting people’s life can be solved within our life time.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvements of the quality of people's lives have already taken place.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The rapid development of cities is contributive to social progress. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.




Do you agree or disagree with the statement?



Which kind of professors will you choose when selecting the courses? Which one do you prefer?




positive, unnecessary


too much ,only



价值判断类文章讨论的内容是“是不是”。总结下来就是1. 同意or不同意 2 ,偏向性3. 是不是。




A是abstract和plural 两个词共有的字母a

W指的是when, where和who



PAW原则中的P指的是题干中出现的表示并列的介词preposition, 比如“and”和“or”

EG1 /0324 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People should take time to relax with hobbies and physical activities different from what they do at work.

第一步要确定题目类型,这是价值判断的题目。因为题干中出现了情感色彩的词“should”。如果同意题目的观点,总论点是人们应该与通过工作不同的兴趣和开展方式来放松。中间段我们可以从两个角度来写,即根据介词and前后的内容,拆成hobbies 和physical activities 这两项。

第一如果有和工作不相关的hobbies, 这可以扩大我们的视野(万能理由broaden one’s horizon)。我们就可以把自己的触角伸到不同领域,实现全面发展(develop in an all-round way),这样更好地适应社会(be more competitive in adapting to the society).

第二如果我们的physical activities与工作不同,这样可以更好地平衡家庭和生活(strike a balance between work and life)。理由是现在很多人都太忙(full-scheduled),而且是伏案工作(bend over one’s work at desk),如果去做一些体育运动,可以得到更好的放松(relaxation)。当重新回到工作中会更加有精力(energetic),这样可以提高工作效率(万能理由,Improve efficiency)。



EG2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than those made in foreign countries.

虽然题目中包含比较级,但文章要谈论的是“自己家国家的电视和电影节目是不是比其它国家的更有趣”,所以这是一个现象证明的题。我们可以将programs这个词进行拆分,如历史风景类节目(historical and scenic spots),介绍风俗文化的节目(tradition and customs)或者有关政治和宗教的节目(politics and religious beliefs)。


EG3 /0423 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Playing sports teaches people lessons about life.

这是一个现象证明的题。我们可以将sports拆分。比如足球篮球,可以教我们合作和竞争的重要性(the importance of cooperation and competition);从游泳和长跑中我们可以学到耐心(patience)和坚持的力量(persistence);还有近几年比较流行的瑜伽,可以让我们保持平和的心态(a peaceful mind)。

EG42019/0309 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The most important problems affecting people’s life can be solved within our life time.

这又是一道现象证明的题目,原因这里暂不分析。题干中出现的problems太笼统了,到底什么问题呢?我们可以拆分成与教育和健康相关的问题(education and health)。当然也可以对你所熟悉的任何领域的问题进行拆分,只要能把道理讲清楚即可。

拆分法非常灵活!具体来讲,教育方面的问题比如教育的不平等性(educational inequality)一定能通过线上教育(online education)得到解决。再加上政府更有意识(have the awareness)投入在教育上,如果每个人都获得好的教育(decent education),这也会促进经济发展和社会进步(万能理由economic development and social progress).

第二个部分可以写,困扰我们的健康问题如今也会解决。很多疾病因为技术的发展(medical development)变得可以治疗(curable).我们医疗体系也越来越成熟(healthcare systems)。


EG5 2019/0825 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Although science and technology will continue to improve, the most significant improvements of the quality of people's lives have already taken place.



PAW中的最后一项W,即根据时间(when)地点(where) 和人物(who)进行拆分。即在题干中涉及的对象中选择一个,按照年龄场景和职业拆分。

年龄:Children--adults-elders或者Primary students-senior high students-college students

场景school, family and society

职业students, workers

职业拆分成更小单元scientists, teachers, journalists等

EG6 /0104(下午) Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Teachers should assign homework that students must do every day?

这是一道价值判断的题,可以将老师根据工作类型进行细分,分成中小学老师(Primary and high school teachers)和大学老师和教授(teachers and professors )。

前者如果布置作业,学生的压力会太大(suffer from heavy pressure), 有可能还要熬夜赶作业(stay up), 这样不利于提高学习效率(万能理由improve study efficiency). 有些学生甚至产生逆反心理(complain and rebel ),这样学习表现会很差(academic performance)。

而大学老师如果每天都规定任务的话,会让学生为了完成任务而学习(fulfill the task)而不主动做事情(take the initiative to study)。这不利于以后工作(less competitive in the future career)。

EG7 2016/0910 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Neighbors do not depend on each other as before.


首先,对于现在的children and teenagers以及senior citizens,在空余时间(spare time)因为网络的发展(with the coverage of internet),娱乐方式会选择看电视和网络游戏。

而对于adults, 快节奏的生活(the fast-paced society)让他们有不同的时间安排(different time schedule),甚至面对面交流都做不到(face-to-face communication)。要注意在拓展时,和过去进行比较。

EG8 2020/0104 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?It is easier for people today to become more educated.


对于children来说,因为国家的发展,家庭收入的提高(higher salaries),父母会在小孩的教育上投入更多.除此之外,他们的老师也受到更先进的教育(advanced education),会帮助到他们。

至于employees, 因为互联网的发展(the wide coverage of internet),使得他们有很多渠道去提升自己. (short-term training for certification, improve skills through online education)。

除此之外,全球化(globalization)的普及,让很多跨国企业(multi-national enterprises)的员工了解不同文化,提高沟通能力(communication skills)。


EG2 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?The movies and television programs made in your own country are more interesting than those made in foreign countries.


比如USA这个文化大熔炉(the melting pot), 有很多节目可以让我们感受到强烈的文化冲击(cultural shock);UK一个日不落帝国(the empire on which the sun never sets )有很多辉煌的文化值得我们学习(the splendid culture);

India,一个神秘的国度(a mysterious place ),吸引我们的是历史和宗教(history and religion).这里拆分时,建议大家选择自己熟悉的国家,这样能更丰富地拓展。我们发现,这个题目可以从PAW中的W即地点来拆分,还可以根据A原则即笼统抽象的复数名词来拆分。


EG9 2018/1110 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Competition among friends usually has a negative impact on friendship.


具体来说,如果朋友间因为business和work产生竞争,帮助我们更好分辨朋友的真假。(distinguish the true relationship),因为很多人会因为自私(selfishness)做一些违背道德的事情。(distort the truth &cheating)。

如果是在生活方面比如Games和sports上的竞争,这样还可以促进交流,更尊重对方(enhance mutual respect)。能顺利通过挑战的关系一定是很坚固的(unbreakable).

EG10 2019/0414 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Students do not respect their teachers as much as they did in the past.


In families, 家长受教育程度更高(well-educated parents)会在注重学习表现(academic performance)的同时,灌输一些价值观念(instill high moral values),比如尊重老师。In school, 学校会开展相关的课程和观看电影来教育孩子(related course and movies);

In societies, 媒体会开展活动(launch activities),评选和宣传好老师(awards and personal honors).而且网络的发达,会将影响力进一步扩大。

2019/0113 Do you agree or disagree with the statement: students nowadays are more interested in politics than in the past.


在用方法W(when where who)分析的例子6-10中,例子7.8和10都是现象证明的题中需要进行古今对比的,所以之后碰到类似的题目可以想一想可否用拆分的方法?


再比如将people根据职业job or careers拆分成企业家,科学家,和新闻工作者。有些科学家和新闻工作者也是企业家,所以也是有相互包含的。如何做到拆分的对象不相似?这个问题之后还可以继续探讨。






即将一些名词(N)通过不同的角度(A)分成几个部分(P),然后每个部分各个击破(One by one)。


拆分题干中介词(Preposition)and或者or连接的名词, 表示抽象概念(Abstract)的名词复数(Plural),和时间(When)地点(Where)人事物(Who) 三个原则.

总结下来就是:What and How ? NAPO and PAW!




1. 可数名词要有冠词代词或复数

Even expert or scholar specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of knowledge in order to succeed.

During high school, a very important time in a person’s education career, student will learn skill necessary to be successful in university and the work world.

第一句句子中的expert和scholar都是可数名词,因此需要在这些词之前加上冠词(定冠词或不定冠词)或物主代词,或变为名词的复数形式。Even experts or scholars specializing in a certain field might cover a vast spectrum of knowledge in order to succeed.

第二句句子中的student和skill也都是可数名词,全句应该改为:During high school, a very important time in a person’s education career, students will learn most of the skills necessary to be successful in university and the work world.

2. 集合名词的单复数要注意


Technology is developing at a remarkable speed that our ancestors might never have foreseen.

在此句句子中,technology 是不可数名词。考生是否可以将这句句子改成:Various modern technologies are developing at a remarkable speed that our ancestors might never have foreseen呢?technology到底是可数名词还是不可数名词?

当technology理解为抽象的“科学技术”,即强调总称时,是不可数名词,如例句中的Technology is developing at a remarkable speed中的technology正是对“科学技术总称”的指代。当强调“各种各样”科技产品的时候,此时的technology则是可数名词,如例句 Various modern technologies are developing at a remarkable speed. 这类名词称之为“集合名词”,在托福独立写作中,经常使用的“集合名词”还有government,如:

The central government is so concerned about keeping pandas in existence that it is spending millions of dollars trying to determine how to artificially inseminate the giant panda. (中央政府是一级具体的“政府机关”,因此使用可数名词形式)

It is crucial for government to setup more funds by attracting larger investments to solve financial problems encountered during the course of environment-related projects. (这里的政府是“行政机关的总称”,因此使用不可数名词形式)

3. 名词的首字母大写要求介绍



表示历史事件:The Enlightenment

表示历史时期:The Middle Ages

表示书刊、报纸:The New York Times,The Washington Post

表示节日:Christmas,the Spring Festival

表示国家(地区):North America

表示专有名词:the Amazon






Admittedly, books written on the basis of realities is valuable to most people.

A less complicated social environment is the most agreeable condition that help maintain the simplicity of children’s mental world.

第一句句子的主语是books,因此谓语动词应该用复数形式are而不是is,这就是“主谓一致”,即:谓语动词在单复数形式上要和主语保持一致。因此,原句的正确表达为:Admittedly, books written on the basis of realities are valuable to most people.

第二句句子的主语是a less complicated social environment,谓语动词应该用单数形式helps. 因此,原句的正确表达为:A less complicated social environment is the most agreeable condition that helps maintain the simplicity of children’s mental world.


The number of students who walk to school has been significantly increased.

A large number of advertisers are filling commercials with appealing visual effects so as to spark consumers’ desires to buy such targeted products.

在托福独立写作中,the number of和a large number of是考生经常使用的两个短语,前者表示“…的数量”,后者表示“大量的”。第一句句子中的主语是the number of students,“学生的数量”是单数的,所以谓语应该使用单数形式has,而不是have. 又如:There has been a sharp increase in the number of Internet users since last year. 第二句句子中的主语是a large number of advertisers,“大量的广告商”是复数的,所以谓语应该使用复数形式are,而不是is.



Most students like to watch TV cannot finish their homework in time.

Children who find passion in sports holding on to this passion throughout life, which leads to a healthier and more successful future.

第一句句子中like to watch TV和cannot finish their homework in time都是谓语动词,一般而言,两个谓语动词需要用连词(如and或but)进行连接,或者可以将like to watch TV变为从句,如:Most students who like to watch TV cannot finish their homework in time(定语从句).

第二句句子没有谓语。句子中who find passion in sports是修饰children的“定语从句”,which leads to a healthier and more successful future是以which为引导的“非限定性定语从句”。整句句子的谓语动词应该是hold,而不应该使用非谓语形式(holding)。在托福独立写作中,尤其要注意there be句型中“谓语的表现形式”,如:

There are a great variety of articles and topics accurately reflect the diversity of users’ interest.

因为there be句型中的be本身就是谓语成分,所以不能使用reflect,而应改为:There are a great variety of articles and topics that accurately reflect the diversity of users’ interest(定语从句);或There are a great variety of articles and topics accurately reflecting the diversity of users’ interest(非谓语结构)。




Many children can avoid their most disliked courses if they are given the opportunity to choose.

Because the content of an e-book is delivered electronically to their devices, students can shop for e-books and receive them almost immediately, any time of the day or night.



Modern citizens are faced unprecedented psychological pressure when they are heavily loaded with mountains of information from the network of mass media.

从句中,they (指现代公民,modern citizens)和满载着大量信息(load with mountains of information)是“被动”的关系,而他们和面临空前的心理压力(face unprecedented psychological pressure)是“主动”的关系,所以原句应该改为:Modern citizens are facing unprecedented psychological pressure when they are heavily loaded with mountains of information from the network of mass media.

在托福独立写作中,face是考生经常需要使用到的单词,解释为“面临、直面”,face也是一个很难正确使用的单词。当要表达“他面临着很多生意上的麻烦”意思的时候,考生可以使用He is facing many business troubles. 或者He is faced with many business troubles. 因为face往往用于“主动语态”,而be faced with用于“被动语态”,又如:

When facing overwhelming challenges, each individual should be well equipped with a vast range of knowledge and a broadened mind.

When they are faced with the increasingly powerful domination of money, people ought to take precautions as early as possible so as not to become slaves of wealth.





—>_____ exerts such a profound effect on _____that _____.

满分词汇:尖端的技术—>cutting-edged(adj) technology意思是信息爆炸 —>information explosion/ information overload



高分句型:广告的正面影响—>For customers, advertising plays an imperative part in making them aware of the worth of the product or service...

满分词汇:实事—>current affairs充斥着...—>be awash with/ be inundated with.






—>With these problems and the effect _____ has exerted on _____,many people have begun to wonder _____.

满分词汇:生活节奏加速—>the tempo/pace of life has accelerated导致人与人的疏远—>create alienation between people


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

Your job has a greater effect on one’s overall happiness than your social life does.


Your job has more effects on happiness than your social life does.

题目大意: 你的工作要比你的社交生活对幸福影响更大。此题目涉及到抽象词“幸福”,可能小伙伴们会觉得有些难度,如果大家了解马斯洛的需求层次理论的话,本题目并不难,波波建议大家选择,两者对于幸福有同样的作用,因为工作满足了我们的物质需求,而社交生活满足了我们的社交需求。


There is no denying that happiness originates in the acts of meeting people's various needs. Nowadays some people claim that happiness is more affected by the job they owned than their social life. This is a popular misunderstanding. As far as I am concerned, social life and jobs have the equal role in making people feel happy, because they can respectively satisfy people's different needs.

On the one hand, a decent and well-paid job can provide us with a large amount of money, which could fulfill our material needs and improve our living standards. For example, with adequate financial resources we can live in a spacious and well-decorated house with six bedrooms and eight restrooms. We can travel around the world and visit the Forbidden City inChina, the Liberty Statue inAmericaand the Big Ben inBritain. In addition, such a good deal of money enables us to keep fit by having nutritious diet and mineral water transferred from the water source. Meanwhile, we can hire a personal doctor around the clock in case of any emergence of disease. We do not have to wait for a long time by standing in the long and crowed lines of patients in hospitals. All these things will definitely make us feel happy.

On the other hand, the important role of social life in helping us attain happiness can not be ignored. Confucius, one of the greatest philosophers and educators inChina, once remarked that it is a pleasant thing to meet with a friend from afar, which indicates that friendship is another source of happiness. Participation in social activities will enlarge our social circle and make us make acquaintance with more people. For example, if you are a bookworm, you can take part in readers' association where you will encounter a lot people who share a common interest. Chatting and talking with them will help form a deep friendship and make you have a better mood. The reason underlying the above example is that your need of communicating with others is met by participating in social life.

In conclusion, since happiness depends on the fulfillment of one's need, social life and jobs combines together to make us happy. It is an exaggeration to say that your job has more effects on happiness than your social life.


People tend to have different expectations out of a job, like personal satisfaction, higher pay, respect, and social recognition. Some people are so dedicated to their jobs that they barely have something fun life, while others tend to seek happiness outside of their professional life. Personally, I think my job has a greater impact on my overall happiness than my social life based on the following reasons.

First off, for professionals, especially newly minted college graduates, a job can provide them a great sense of satisfaction. When holding a job, one feels that he or she assumes great responsibility and has something offer back to the community regardless of ones’ positions, be it cashier, janitor, professor or even business managers. For instance, an Executive Officer can help to create jobs that benefit lots of people; chefs can create a new dish and release his creativity, at the same time customers will be amazed by his new dish; a professor gets a great sense of accomplishment when he imparts knowledge to his students or comes up a groundbreaking finding in a certain academic field. Though the happiness and satisfaction can be subtle in a working environment, nonetheless, it can be very contagious and eventually makes someone a satisfied person in life.

Additionally, holding a job can offer someone monetary incentive and it can also be an important source of motivation and happiness. Without a decent salary one cannot afford the daily necessities like paying rent, covering living expense, like utility bills, internet bills, to say nothing about living a comfortable life. A recent study on the correlation between monetary compensation and employee satisfactions published by Harvard Business Review suggests that higher financial reward affords great happiness in a working environment. Indeed, the monetary reward from the job can make someone very happy and give them a sense of achievement. With the salary, a young adult can have some disposable income and thus be more financially independent, buy things they like or take a trip somewhere.

In conclusion, a job can provide more happiness than one’s social life since career opportunities provide people a great sense of satisfaction and the monetary incentive associated with jobs can also be an important source of motivation and happiness.


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: One can learn a lot about another person from the books and the movies that the person likes.


Spending a significant amount of time with someone is necessary to get to know their personalities and temperaments. Sometimes, people can also tell a person’s quality and determine his or her personality by analyzing their behaviors. When it comes to the question of whether one can learn about another person from the books or movies that the person likes, I personally am in favor of this statement based on the following reasons.

First off, by judging from the books or movies or even TV programs that someone like we can tell a person’s interests and hobbies, consequently we can learn more about them. For example, My roommate back in college was really into auto magazines, TV shows and even movies featuring fancy sports cars. At first, I didn’t know him so well to know his hobbies and interests, however, I was sure at that time that he must have been a big fan of cars. Indeed, my judgment was right and he was a car freak, he likes all kinds of vehicles like sedan, SUV, recreational vehicles, etc. It is not an exaggeration to claim that he can tell not only the brand but also the version of a specific vehicle by just checking out the picture of the cockpit of the car. Ultimately, we can tell a person’s hobbies by the movies and books they like.

Additionally, the genre of the books that someone reads says a lot about the person’s character and temperament. Actually, it is natural for someone to shape their characters just because the characters in the novels or movies have a dramatic impact on the person’s behavior and attitude, regardless of the types of the characters like fairy, alien or someone with superpower. For instance, girls who read a lot of romantic novels like Gone With the Wind might be very emotional and very committed to someone they love. For someone who read science fiction novels or watch movies featuring future events and exploration of outer space tend to be very creative and willing to take risks, to be more specific, they might be someone who friends can depend on when they got stuck in some sort of exploration.

For someone who likes to read classics of all times like the works by Jane Austen or Ernest Hemingway, they tend to cherish the simplicities and trivialities in lives.

In a nutshell, by judging from the genre of the book that someone reads, not only can we tell a lot about the person’s interests and hobbies but also the person's character and temperament.




Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a ...But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that...Explain...

Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that...

What is more, some students are interested in...

In a word, ...


Some people prefer to A, others believe B, Nowadays some may hold the opinion that ..., but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree/disagree that... MY arguments for this point are listed as follows.

One of the primary causes is that...


But there is a further more subtle point we must consider. Examples.

What is more... Examples...

General speaking ... Recognizing the fact that ...should drive us to conclude that...


Nowadays, some may hold the opinion that ... But others have a negative attitude. As far as I am concerned, I agree that ... My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

I agree with the statement that ...without reservation since ...

Another reason why I agree with the above statement is that I believe that...

In a word, ... Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that...





比如:first of all, the lecturer said that__, which contradicts what is listed on the reading paragraph.

然后用几句话解释下,也就是in another word~之类的。最后结尾可有可无。字数300字以内就可以了,综合写作字数太多反而不太好。





















