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可以从句子的两个方面来判断句子之间的关系:1. 主要意思方面;2. 关联词。

a. 并列关系


b. 概述与详述(抽象与具体)关系


一般概述性或抽象内容涵盖内容广,但已引起歧义,可以让人们不禁问出how, what, why等问题。详述性或具体的句子相对于概述性或抽象句子具体且明确。

c. 转折关系

转折关系的两句话总的来说一般用表示转折关系的关联词连接,意思方面来看有两种关系,(1) 意思的方面相同但意思相反; (2) 意思的方面不同。

d. 因果关系




对于单独的一个段落,不考察在文章中的地位(或与其他段落的段落关系)时,段落内部主要有Main Idea及Detail.

1. 显性Main Idea及Topic Sentence的位置。

1. Main Idea: 主要思想,分为段落层面Main Idea和 篇章层面Main Idea.

Main Idea分为显性和隐性。

显性的Main Idea: 作者在文章中明确给出表达主要思想的概括性句子。

隐性的Main Idea: 作者在文章中未给出表达主要思想的概括性句子,需要考生根据文中信息总结得出。

2. Thesis Statement: 涵盖Topic的 篇章主题句,显性 篇章层面Main Idea。

3. Topic Sentence: 涵盖某一Aspect的一段或某几段论述部分的主题句,显性段落层面Main Idea。







此外,《新托福考试官方指南》中的所有文章的最后一道题主要有两种类型:1. 总结题;2. 填表题。在实际考试中,还出现过既没有总结题,也没有填表题的情况。因此,我们按照有无总结题来分类,分为有总结题的文章,和无总结题的托福阅读文章。



词 汇

与旧托福相比,新托福的阅读考试尽管有很大改变,但大多都是形式主义,考生只要词汇基础扎实,一样可取得理想成绩。而且一般托福的词汇比较多的出现首先是在阅读里, 如果考生能够一眼看过去就知道这个词什么意思,那么在阅读考试的主动权也就掌握在自己手里了,而现行托福阅读题对词汇量的要求约为8000左右,因此考生一定要配备应试新托福阅读第一兵器——词汇,要坚持把单词书完整“啃”下并彻底消化,打好词汇量基础。当然要把一整本词汇书“啃”下并消化,除了勤劳,还要注意单词的记忆技巧,不能光靠“蛮力”,那样容易产生疲倦感和厌恶感,反而产生负面效果。单词的记忆技巧主要有以下几种:

谐音记忆 如:lethal可记成“离骚”

联想记忆 如:battlefield(战场)可以联想为“打仗battle的场所field当然就是战场啦”。

比较记忆 如:形近单词ethnical和ethical相比,ethnical比ethical多个字母n,这种情况下我们可以把ethnical中的n想成nation,“种族ethnical中包含了一个民族”。

发音记忆 如:exacerbate的音标为[eks's?(:)bet],遵循了发音规律,考生掌握了该单词字母组合的发音规律,边读边背,就可以很轻松的记住它了。

词群记忆 如:在背foremost一词时,考生应同时想托福阅读中foremost的解释“leading”一词。

拆分记忆 如:interchangeable可以拆为前缀inter- 、词根change ,后缀-able 。

滚动记忆 如:如果背单词表,在第一天背了10个单词,那么第二天在背新的


语 法

















前面曾提到新托福的阅读文章的字数从之前的350字左右增加到目前650-700字/篇,尽管时间也相应增加了,可相对来说时间还是比较紧张的,因此快速的阅读能力是非常重要的。在此建议考生在备考时必须要配备第四大兵器—— 阅读速度。考生在练习提高阅读速度时应努力做到:





托福阅读得高分不难 定位点很重要



Two species of deer have been prevalent in the Puget Sound area of Washington State in the Pacific Northwest of the United States. The black-tailed deer, a lowland, west-side cousin of the mule deer of eastern Washington, is now the most common. The other species, the Columbian white-tailed deer, in earlier times was common in the open prairie country, it is now restricted to the low, marshy islands and flood plains along the lower Columbia River.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is true of the white-tailed deer of Puget Sound

A. It is native to lowlands and marshes.

B. It is more closely related to the mule deer of eastern Washington than to other types of deer.

C. It has replaced the black-tailed deer in the open prairie.

D. It no longer lives in a particular type of habitat that it once occupied.

这是一个典型的细节题,在该题题干中,有的考生会选择Puget Sound作为关键词回原文定位,因为它是专有名词,在文中会比较显眼。但是如果一旦选择了这个地名,势必会定位在该段的第一句话,托福细节题往往是定位在哪句就在哪句找答案,这样的话考生是选不出正确答案的,因为定位不精确。其实正确的关键词应该是white-tailed deer,这个用连字符连接的词在文章中也是比较醒目的,按该词定位应是该段最后一句话。所以根据它的意思应该选D项。其中A项与原句意思不符,B和C都与定位句信息无关。我们再来看另外一个否定事实细节题的例子:

Plant communities assemble themselves flexibly, and their structure depends on the particular history of the area. Ecologists use the term “succession” to refer to the changes that happen in plant communities and ecosystems over time. The first community in a succession is called a pioneer community, while the long-lived community at the end of succession is called a climax community. Pioneer and successional plant communities are said to change over periods from 1 to 500 years. These changes—in plant numbers and the mix of species—are cumulative. Climax communities themselves change but over periods of time greater than about 500 years.

According to paragraph 1, which of the following is NOT true of climax communities

A. They occur at the end of a succession.

B. They last longer than any other type of community.

C. The numbers of plants in them and the mix of species do not change

D. They remain stable for at least 500 years at a time.

这个题大家都会选择用climax communities去定位,但在定位过程中会出现很多问题。首先考生要学会跳跃式定位,即根据文章中特殊的标点符号以及最醒目的词来搜索我们真正需要的关键词。文中的particular是加了阴影的,succession是在引号里面的,都非常醒目,通过看这两个词我们会发现它们附近没有我们需要的东西;再比较突出的就是数字及破折号,在500的上方有a climax community,但它是单数,与题干关键词不完全匹配,细节题讲究的是精确定位,所以我们应该选择500斜下方的Climax communities,即该段的最后一句话。否定事实细节题的出题思路有两种:一是无中生有,即根据定位点的内容,四个选项只有一个没有提到,这种思路多适用于选项比较简短的题目;二是张冠李戴,即根据定位点的内容表述,只有一个选项与之矛盾,这种思路多适应于选项比较长的题目。就这个例题而言,根据定位的最后一句话,从表述上来说跟它相关的只有C和D两个选项,D项的意思与原句相符,而C项与原句矛盾,所以正确答案是C。




第一招 把握大基调 所谓把握大基调,说白了,就是当作者在讨论一个东西的时候,要先明确褒贬喜恶,到底是在说它的好处还是劣势,这种基调尤其体现在对比之中。也就是以前语文老师常说的,把握中心思想!

第二招 抓准逻辑词 抓准逻辑词非常关键,它代表了行文结构的逻辑关系,这方面在句子简化题和修辞目的题上尤为重要。因为这两类题型的逻辑性很强,而选项中也会有明显的逻辑词,当抓住逻辑词后,就可以根据逻辑词轻松地排除明显错误的选项,提高做题速度和准确率。

第三招 理清文章脉络 总结题以及段落修辞目的题考察对整段话或整篇文章的理解,这就要求分析整段话或全篇的结构,这就要抓住各段落的topic sentence以及全篇的thesis statement。





推断题就是所需要的信息都包含在文章中,但是没有直接加以说明,需要考生从已知中推出。推理题的题干中常出现infer, imply , most likely (least likely) 或probably 等词语。根据OG, 在IBT 阅读的3篇文章中,每篇会有0-2道这类问题,一次考试总共有3-4道推理题。





3、集合概念推理 :一个大的集合的两个方面形成对比,两者之间存在着互补性关系,也就是一个的增加意味着另一个的减少。反之,相同。这个比较抽象,我们来看一个例子:

例如:Both the number and the percentage of people in the United States involved in nonagricultural pursuits expanded rapidly during the half century following the civil war, with some of the most dramatic increases occurring in thedomains of transportation, manufacturing, and trade and distribution.

What can be inferred from the passage about the agricultural sector of the economy after the Civil War?

(A) New technological developments had little effect on farmers.

(B) The percentage of the total population working in agriculture declined.

(C) Many farms destroyed in the war were rebuilt after the war.

(D) Farmers achieved new prosperity because of better rural transportation.




2.关键词: 表示多少的副词: many , some, much of, several , a few ,most …;情态动词:may, can , could…;表示过去的:used to be , was, were , at one time, previously ;表示不是唯一的: not only ,not exclusively等。





We have been talking about some of the effects that the human beings had on the earth. One you may not be aware of is that we actually begin to change the length of the day. In the other way to say, one day is the amount of time the earth needs to spin completely around an axis, the imaginary line around the center of the earth, from the north to the south. And of course there are a lot of physical causes that can affect the speed of the earth’s rotation, but there was only one that is direct result of the human activity. Since 1950, human beings have built about ten thousand artificial reservoirs all over the world. These reservoirs have redistributed tremendous amount of the earth water. When they are used to be in the area near the equator, the imaginary line surround the middle of the earth, it’s now the reservoirs in the areas of different latitudes. The latitude matters because, well, thinking the earth and axis, the equator contains the areas on the earth that are the farthest away from axis. So water has been redistributed from the equator regions, then wherever the water is, to it’s close to the earth axis. It’s like when ice skaters perform spins when those skaters put their arms enclose to their bodies, they spin faster. So the earth is spinning faster because the reservoirs have redistributed the water close to its axis. And because the earth was spinning faster, since 1950 the length of day has decreased by about 8 millionths of second. I know that doesn’t sound like much but significant in that this is the first time that human beings ever had measurable affect on the earth’s motion.







1。 假如基础一般的同学,想要参加托福考试,最好提前3-4个月预备起来。一本好的词汇书是必不可少的。其实背哪一本词汇书不是重点所在,重要的是能够持之以恒,天天对所背的词汇进行复习和总结。因为你在做词汇题时假如能碰到你熟悉的词,可以节省你会到文章中去看上下文猜词的时间。虽然不能保证背到就一定能考到,但是单词可以帮助你更好的理解文章。曾经有一名语言专家这样说过:“Without grammar, little can be conveyed and without vocabulary, nothing can be conveyed。”足以说明词汇的重要性。

2。 然后要从理解文章的结构开始理解文章。我们要明白,托福考试的阅读文章都是北美校园基础课程的文章,基本没有做过改动。所以文章的结构就是完全按照美式作文的五段法,我们的考生只要用这样的方式去分析每一篇文章,就会发现他们的结构是大同小异的。

3。 积累背景知识对我们来说相当的重要,因此我们在做新托福阅读的题目的同时,也应该在空余的时候多阅读课外读物,原版杂志。譬如,国家地理,自然,今日美国等一些闻名的原版杂志,这不仅可以扩充我们的背景知识,同时也可以补充我们在词汇量上的不足。

4。 在复习的最后阶段,做做模拟练习题是必不可少的。假如有条件的话,最好做一下模考软件。因为这样可以模拟新托福机考的真实场景。比较推荐的模考软件有Barron, Kaplan以及一些比较权威的模考网站。当然在你报名时托福官方网站提供给你的那一套不完整的模考题也是很有参考价值的。




1. Topic: 文章标题,即文章主要论述的对象。

2. Aspect: 作者围绕文章标题Topic进一步阐述的方面。

3. Attitude: 作者态度。

注意:Topic, Aspect和Attitude均为单词或短语,一般不是句子。

4. Main Idea (MI): 主要思想,分为段落层面Main Idea和 篇章层面Main Idea。

Main Idea分为显性和隐性。

显性的Main Idea: 作者在文章中明确给出表达主要思想的概括性句子。

隐性的Main Idea: 作者在文章中未给出表达主要思想的概括性句子,需要考生根据文


5. Thesis Statement (ThS): 涵盖Topic的 篇章主题句,显性 篇章层面Main Idea。

6. Topic Sentence (TS): 涵盖某一Aspect的一段或某几段主题句,显性段落层面Main


注意:在《Merriam-Webster's Collegiate Dictionary》中,Topic Sentence的解释为:a sentence that states the main thought of a paragraph or of a larger unit of discourse and is usually placed at or near the beginning。

从该定义中可以看出:(1) 一个段落中最多只有1个TS; (2) TS也可作为多段概述性内容

7. Detail (D): 细节

Detail分为:Major Detail(MaD)和Minor Detail (MiD)




可以从句子的两个方面来判断句子之间的关系:1. 主要意思方面;2. 关联词

1. 并列关系


例1:1Most investigators concur that certain facial expressions suggest the same emotions in all people. 2Moreover, people in diverse cultures recognize the emotions manifested by the facial expressions.






例2:1Tunas, mackerels, and billfishes have made streamlining into an art form. 2Their bodies are sleek and compact.




常见表并列关系的关联词有:and, furthermore, in addition, additionally, similarly, likewise, as well as, besides, also, moreover, even等。

2. 概述与详述(抽象与具体)关系


一般概述性或抽象内容涵盖内容广,但已引起歧义,可以让人们不禁问出how, what, why等问题。详述性或具体的句子相对于概述性或抽象句子具体且明确如例3,例4。

例3:1Perhaps most important of all to these and other fast swimmers is their ability to sense and make use of swirls and eddies (circular currents) in the water. 2They can glide past eddies that would slow them down and then gain extra thrust by “pushing off” the eddies.


句1与句2的意思方面均为swimmers运用swirls and eddies,但句1概述地描述为:sense and make use of, 句2出现具体动作描述glide past...and then gain extra thrust.

例4:1Loie Fuller was an important and innovative dancer.2Fuller devised a type of dance that focused on the shifting play of lights and colors on the voluminous skirts or draperies she wore, which she kept in constant motion principally through movements of her arms, sometimes extended with wands concealed under her costumes.

解析:句1中出现形容词important and innovative。

句2通过具体事例devise a type of dance体现出形容词innovative。



(1)名词复数: causes, effects, adaptations, aspects, benefits等;

(2)动词: benefit, develop, improve, evolve等动词;

(3)形容词: important, innovative, great, intense, attractive, despondent等;

(4)副词: successfully, hard, bravely, carefully等(往往与动词搭配)。

3. 转折关系

转折关系的两句话总的来说一般用表示转折关系的关联词连接,意思方面来看有两种关系,(1) 意思的方面相同但意思相反,如例5; (2) 意思的方面不同,如例6。

例5:1It might be that a “stiff” lip suppresses emotional response -- as long as the lip is not quivering with fear or tension. 2But when the emotion that leads to stiffening the lip is more intense, and involves strong muscle tension, facial feedback may heighten emotional response.


句1:a stiff lip suppresses emotional response

句2:导致stiffening the lip的情感更加强烈时,facial feedback heighten emotional response。

例6:1The whale retained a tail and lacked a fluke, the major means of locomotion in modern cetaceans. 2The structure of the backbone shows, however, that Ambulocetus swam like modern whales by moving the rear portion of its body up and down, even though a fluke was missing.





常见转折关系关联词:but, yet, however, though, conversely, in contrast, contrast to, on the contrary等表示转折,相反的词或短语

4. 因果关系


例7:1Feeding, courtship, reproduction, and even “rest” are carried out while in constant motion. 2As a result, practically every aspect of the body form and function of these swimming “machines” is adapted to enhance their ability to swim




句2用as a result引导,作者认为句1为句2成因。

常见因果关系关联词:as a result, therefore, thus, as a consequence, consequently, so, hence等



对于单独的一个段落,不考察在文章中的地位(或与其他段落的段落关系)时,段落内部主要有Main Idea及Detail。

1. 显性Main Idea及Topic Sentence的位置

Main Idea显性时,则会明确出现一句能够概括段落主要思想的句子,即Topic Sentence。







在题目上一般是(细节 词汇,细节 作用, 细节 词汇, 细节 词汇 改写, 细节 词汇, 黑点 大意)规律就是每一段都会出细节题(In paragraph n...)再加一道其他题,早期一段只有一道题的情况几乎不存在了。










4,鉴于每段都会出细节题,如果有词汇题等先只看一句话,做完了要看到细节题问的什么再看文章,鉴于有四个选项,选一个对的或者不对的,看的时候自己要边看边总结,比如总结出三个步骤, 解释了三个方面的问题,或者其他。5,要检查,每个不确定的题都标上guess回来看,我不确定的题错的概率还是非常高的。如果不走神的理解全文,一般15分钟是够的,还能剩下几分钟检查。


词汇题、句子改写题——只读该句不读完整段(30‘ _ + 1’_1)耗时3分钟


In the past,whole cities grew from the arduoustask of cutting and piling stone upon. Some of the world’s finest stonearchitecture can be seen in the ruins of the ancient Inca city of Machu Picchu high in the eastern Andes


of Peru.猜词是保证不了完全准了,根据意思,这道题排除BD,剩下AC很是纠结,但是看task本身,skilled task这种说法小奇怪,一般是skilled workers,所以选A

The word “arduous” in the passage is closest inmeaning to






Topic 话题



Aspects 方面




相当于文章的作者对于所讨论话题持怎样的态度。或是积极肯定,或是消极否定,或是保持中立。Topic话题 + Aspects方面 + Attitude态度,前面 3要素加在一起即为标准学术论文体的“T+A+A 篇章结构”。托福文章大部分都是遵循这种结构,考生们能够通过篇首段落信息来把控整个文章话题及大致讨论方向,再抓住文章的各个段落主旨,便可洞悉整个文章脉络和逻辑结构。










典型文章Desert Formation,在文章开头的第一段就出现这样的内容:

The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification.



Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water.

There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes.

这样就交代了两个原因,分别是loss of vegetation和soil’s ability to absorb water.


Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation.




最为典型的是Artisan and Industrialization. 整篇文章也是分为了两个部分,前两段都在说手工作坊时代的生产方法,从第三段开始介绍机器大工业生产的情况以及带来的工人罢工。



典型文章是Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer,前四段介绍了Ogallala含水层的发现以及使用过度带来的问题,后两段就开始介绍治理的方法。



典型的例子就是aggression.开头第一段交代了When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressive behavior. Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressive behavior in people.

于是我们大概知道文章是对aggression的研究方法进行阐述,果然文章非常清楚地用黑体字标注出了三种研究方法,分别是The Biological Approach和The Psychodynamic Approach以及The Cognitive Approach.至此文章结构一目了然,我们很清楚知道文章分成了三个部分,每一部分之间是并列关系。



托福阅读文章结构划分 最全解读


第一种,因果类文章结构,也就是全文都是围绕着某个现象进行解释。典型文章desert formation,在文章开头的第一段就出现这样的内容:The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification. 首先对沙漠的现状进行了描述,紧接着就赶紧扣题下定义,告诉我们什么是沙漠化。现象交代完了之后,出题段的第三段就迅速展开了原因的描述,我们发现第三段和第五段开头分别是这样的:Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. 以及There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes.这样就交代了两个原因,分别是loss of vegetation和soil’s ability to absorb water. 同学们读到这里就要开始有预判断了,预料下面是否开始说一些其他的原因呢?带着这样的疑问去看,发现第六段说的是:Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation. 第九段针对overirrigation展开论述。果然是另外的沙漠化的原因,接着第十段就是对沙漠化的前景进行展望。至此整篇文章的结构就很清楚了。了解了文章的结构对于接下来的文章会有预判断,读起来就会前后连贯,会有效减少文章阅读的心理难度。

第二种文章结构是分类,最典型的例子就是aggression。开头第一段交代了When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressive behavior. Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressive behavior in people. 于是我们大概知道文章是对aggression的研究方法进行阐述,果然文章非常清楚地用黑体字标注出了三种研究方法,分别是The Biological Approach和The Psychodynamic Approach以及The Cognitive Approach.至此文章结构一目了然,我们很清楚知道文章分成了三个部分,每一部分之间是并列关系。最为典型的是artisan and industrialization. 整篇文章也是分为了两个部分,前两段都在说手工作坊时代的生产方法,从第三段开始介绍机器大工业生产的情况以及带来的工人罢工。虽然整篇文章共有6段,但是我们如果可以判断出文章的结构就可以轻易地将文章分为两个部分,而且两部分之间还是比较对比的关系,就将一篇长文章读短了,降低阅读难度。

最后一种文章结构是问题解决方法型,典型文章是Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer,前四段介绍了Ogallala含水层的发现以及使用过度带来的问题,后两段就开始介绍治理的方法。这种文章的结构不如因果类的明显,但是也可以通过这样的思路将文章前后串起来,降低阅读难度。




Although only 1 person in 20 in the Colonial period lived in a city, the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development of North America. They were at the cutting edge of social change. It was in the cities that the elements that can be associated with modern capitalism first appeared — the use of money and commercial paper in place of barter, open competition in place of social deference and hierarchy, with an attendant rise in social disorder, and the appearance of factories using coat or water power in place of independent craftspeople working with hand tools. The cities predicted the future, wrote historian Gary. B. Nash, even though they were but overgrown villages compared to the great urban centers of Europe, the Middle East and China.

Except for Boston, whose population stabilized at about 16,000 in 1760, cities grew by exponential leaps through the eighteenth century. In the fifteen years prior to the outbreak of the War for independence in 1775, more than 200,000 immigrants arrived on North American shores. This meant that a population the size of Boston was arriving every year, and most of it flowed into the port cities in the Northeast. Philadelphia's population nearly doubted in those years, reaching about 30,000 in 1774, New York grew at almost the same rate, reaching about 25,000 by 1775.

The quality of the hinterland dictated the pace of growth of the cities. The land surrounding Boston had always been poor farm country, and by the mid-eighteenth century it was virtually stripped of its timber. The available farmland was occupied, there was little in the region beyond the city to attract immigrants. New York and Philadelphia, by contrast, served a rich and fertile hinterland laced with navigable watercourses. Scots, Irish, and Germans landed in these cities and followed the rivers inland. The regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia became the breadbaskets of North America, sending grain not only to other colonies but also to England and southern Europe, where crippling droughts in the late 1760's created a whole new market.

1. Which of the following aspects of North America in the eighteenth century does the passage

mainly discuss?

(A) The effects of war on the growth of cities

(B) The growth and influence of cities

(C) The decline of farming in areas surrounding cities

(D) The causes of immigration to cities

2. Why does the author say that the cities had a disproportionate influence on the development

of North America (lines 1-2)?

(A) The influence of the cities was mostly negative

(B) The populations of the cities were small, but their influence was great.

(C) The cities were growing at a great rate.

(D) Most people pretended to live in cities

3. The phrase in place of in lines 4-5 is closest in meaning to

(A) connected to

(B) in addition to

(C) because of

(D) instead of

4. The word attendant in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) avoidable

(B) accompanying

(C) unwelcome

(D) unexpected

5. Which of the following is mentioned as an element of modern capitalism?

(A) Open competition

(B) Social deference

(C) Social hierarchy

(D) Independent craftspeople

6. It can be inferred that in comparison with North American cities, cities in Europe, the Middle

East, and China had

(A) large populations

(B) little independence

(C) frequent social disorder

(D) few power sources

7. The phrase exponential leaps in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) long wars

(B) new laws

(C) rapid increases

(D) exciting changes

8. The word it in line 15 refers to

(A) population

(B) size

(C) Boston

(D) Year

9. How many immigrants arrived in North America between 1760 and 1775?

(A) About 16,000

(B) About 25,000

(C) About 30,000

(D) More than 200,000

10. The word dictated in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) spoiled

(B) reduced

(C) determined

(D) divided

11. The word virtually in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) usually

(B) hardly

(C) very quickly

(D) almost completely

12. The region surrounding New York and Philadelphia is contrasted with the region surrounding

Boston in terms of

(A) quality of farmland

(B) origin of immigrants

(C) opportunities for fishing

(D) type of grain grown

13. Why does the author describe the regions around the cities of New York and Philadelphia as


(A) They produced grain especially for making bread.

(B) They stored large quantities of grain during periods of drought

(C) They supplied grain to other parts of North America and other countries.

(D) They consumed more grain than all the other regions of North America.




The spectacular aurora light displays that appear in Earth's atmosphere around the north and south magnetic poles were once mysterious phenomena. Now, scientists have data from satellites and ground-based observations from which we know that the aurora brilliance is an immense electrical discharge similar to that occurring in a neon sign.

To understand the cause of auroras, first picture the Earth enclosed by its magnetosphere, a huge region created by the Earth's magnetic field. Outside the magnetosphere, blasting toward the earth is the solar wind, a swiftly moving plasma of ionized gases with its own magnetic filed. Charged particles in this solar wind speed earthward along the solar wind's magnetic lines of force with a spiraling motion. The Earth's magnetosphere is a barrier to the solar winds, and forces the charged particles of the solar wind to flow around the magnetosphere itself. But in the polar regions, the magnetic lines of force of the Earth and of the solar wind bunch together. Here many of the solar wind's charged particles break through the magnetosphere and enter Earth's magnetic field. They then spiral back and forth between the Earth's magnetic poles very rapidly. In the polar regions, electrons from the solar wind ionize and excite the atoms and molecules of the upper atmosphere, causing them to emit aurora radiations of visible light.

The colors of an aurora depend on the atoms emitting them. The dominant greenish white light comes from low energy excitation of oxygen atoms. During huge magnetic storms oxygen atoms also undergo high energy excitation and emit crimson light. Excited nitrogen atoms contribute bands of color varying from blue to violet. Viewed from outer space, auroras can be seen as dimly glowing belts wrapped around each of the Earth's magnetic poles. Each aurora hangs like a curtain of light stretching over the polar regions and into the higher latitudes. When the solar flares that result in magnetic storms and aurora activity are very intense, aurora displays may extend as far as the southern regions of the United States.

Studies of auroras have given physicists new information about the behavior of plasmas, which has helped to explain the nature of outer space and is being applied in attempts to harness energy from the fusion of atoms.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The methods used to observe auroras from outer space

(B) The formation and appearance of auroras around the Earth's poles

(C) The factors that cause the variety of colors in auroras

(D) The periodic variation in the display of auroras

2. The word phenomena in line 2 is closest in meaning to

(A) ideas

(B) stars

(C) events

(D) colors

3. The word picture in line 5 is closest in meaning to

(A) frame

(B) imagine

(C) describe

(D) explain

4. The passage describes the magnetosphere as a barrier (line 10) because

(A) its position makes it difficult to be observed from Earth

(B) it prevents particles from the solar wind from easily entering Earth's atmosphere

(C) it increases the speed of particles from the solar wind

(D) it is strongest in the polar regions

5. The word them in line 16 refers to

(A) polar regions

(B) electrons

(C) atoms and molecules

(D) aurora radiations

6. According to the passage , which color appears most frequently in an aurora display?

(A) greenish-white

(B) crimson

(C) blue

(D) violet

7. The word emit in line 20 is closest in meaning to

(A) change from

(B) connect with

(C) add to

(D) give off

8. The word glowing in line 22 is closest in meaning to

(A) shining

(B) moving

(C) charging

(D) hanging

9. Auroras may be seen in the southern regions of the United Sates when

(A) magnetic storms do not affect Earth

(B) solar flares are very intense

(C) the speed of the solar wind is reduced

(D) the excitation of atoms is low

10. The passage supports which of the following statements about scientists'n derstanding of


(A) Before advances in technology, including satellites, scientists knew little about auroras.

(B) New knowledge about the fusion of atoms allowed scientists to learn more about auroras.

(C) Scientists cannot explain the cause of the different colors in auroras.

(D) Until scientists learn more about plasma physics, little knowledge about auroras will be available.

11. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) magnetosphere (line 6)

(B) electrons (line 15)

(C) ionize (line 15)

(D) fusion (line 29)




The history of clinical nutrition, or the study of the relationship between health and how the body takes in and utilizes food substances, can be divided into four distinct eras: the first began in the nineteenth century and extended into the early twentieth century when it was recognized for the first time that food contained constituents that were essential for human function and that different foods provided different amounts of these essential agents. Near the end of this era, research studies demonstrated that rapid weight loss was associated with nitrogen imbalance and could only be rectified by providing adequate dietary protein associated with certain foods.

The second era was initiated in the early decades of the twentieth century and might be called the vitamin period. Vitamins came to be recognized in foods, and deficiency syndromes were described. As vitamins became recognized as essential food constituents necessary for health, it became tempting to suggest that every disease and condition for which there had been no previous effective treatment might be responsive to vitamin therapy. At that point in time, medical schools started to become more interested in having their curricula integrate nutritional concepts into the basic sciences. Much of the focus of this education was on the recognition of vitamin deficiency symptoms. Herein lay the beginning of what ultimately turned from ignorance to denial of the value of nutritional therapies in medicine. Reckless claims were made for effects of vitamins that went far beyond what could actually be achieved from the use of them.

In the third era of nutritional history in the early 1950's to mid-1960s, vitamin therapy began to fall into disrepute. Concomitant with this, nutrition education in medical schools also became less popular. It was just a decade before this that many drug companies had found their vitamin sales skyrocketing and were quick to supply practicing physicians with generous samples of vitamins and literature extolling the virtue of supplementation for a variety of health-related conditions. Expectations as to the success of vitamins in disease control were exaggerated. As is known in retrospect, vitamin and mineral therapies are much less effective when applied to health-crisis conditions than when applied to long-term problems of undernutrition that lead to chronic health problems.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) The effects of vitamins on the human body

(B) The history of food preferences from the nineteenth century to the present

(C) The stages of development of clinical nutrition as a field of study

(D) Nutritional practices of the nineteenth century

2. It can be inferred from the passage that which of the following discoveries was made during the first era in the history of nutrition?

(A) Protein was recognized as an essential component of diet.

(B) Vitamins were synthesized from foods.

(C) Effective techniques of weight loss were determined.

(D) Certain foods were found to be harmful to good health.

3. The word tempting in line 12 is closest in meaning to

(A) necessary

(B) attractive

(C) realistic

(D) correct

4. It can be inferred from the passage that medical schools began to teach concepts of nutrition

in order to

(A) convince medical doctors to participate in research studies on nutrition

(B) encourage medical doctors to apply concepts of nutrition in the treatment of disease

(C) convince doctors to conduct experimental vitamin therapies on their patients

(D) support the creation of artificial vitamins

5. The word Reckless in line 18 is closest in meaning to

(A) recorded

(B) irresponsible

(C) informative

(D) urgent

6. The word 'them in line 19 refers to

(A) therapies

(B) claims

(C) effects

(D) vitamins

7. Why did vitamin therapy begin losing favor in the 1950's

(A) The public lost interest in vitamins.

(B) Medical schools stopped teaching nutritional concepts.

(C) Nutritional research was of poor quality

(D) Claims for the effectiveness of vitamin therapy were seen to be exaggerated.

8. The phrase concomitant with in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) in conjunction with

(B) prior to

(C) in dispute with

(D) in regard to

9. The word skyrocketing in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) internationally popular

(B) increasing rapidly

(C) acceptable

(D) surprising

10. The word extolling in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) analyzing

(B) questioning

(C) praising

(D) promising

11. The paragraph following the passage most probably discusses

(A) the fourth era of nutrition history

(B) problems associated with undernutrition

(C) how drug companies became successful

(D) why nutrition education lost its appeal


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托福阅读文章结构划分 最全解读


第一种,因果类文章结构,也就是全文都是围绕着某个现象进行解释。典型文章desert formation,在文章开头的第一段就出现这样的内容:The deserts, which already occupy approximately a fourth of the Earth's land surface, have in recent decades been increasing at an alarming pace. The expansion of desert-like conditions into areas where they did not previously exist is called desertification. 首先对沙漠的现状进行了描述,紧接着就赶紧扣题下定义,告诉我们什么是沙漠化。现象交代完了之后,出题段的第三段就迅速展开了原因的描述,我们发现第三段和第五段开头分别是这样的:Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. 以及There is little doubt, however, that desertification in most areas results primarily from human activities rather than natural processes.这样就交代了两个原因,分别是loss of vegetation和soil’s ability to absorb water. 同学们读到这里就要开始有预判断了,预料下面是否开始说一些其他的原因呢?带着这样的疑问去看,发现第六段说的是:Four specific activities have been identified as major contributors to the desertification processes: overcultivation, overgrazing, firewood gathering, and overirrigation. 第九段针对overirrigation展开论述。果然是另外的沙漠化的原因,接着第十段就是对沙漠化的前景进行展望。至此整篇文章的结构就很清楚了。了解了文章的结构对于接下来的文章会有预判断,读起来就会前后连贯,会有效减少文章阅读的心理难度。

第二种文章结构是分类,最典型的例子就是aggression。开头第一段交代了When one animal attacks another, it engages in the most obvious example of aggressive behavior. Psychologists have adopted several approaches to understanding aggressive behavior in people. 于是我们大概知道文章是对aggression的研究方法进行阐述,果然文章非常清楚地用黑体字标注出了三种研究方法,分别是The Biological Approach和The Psychodynamic Approach以及The Cognitive Approach.至此文章结构一目了然,我们很清楚知道文章分成了三个部分,每一部分之间是并列关系。最为典型的是artisan and industrialization. 整篇文章也是分为了两个部分,前两段都在说手工作坊时代的生产方法,从第三段开始介绍机器大工业生产的情况以及带来的工人罢工。虽然整篇文章共有6段,但是我们如果可以判断出文章的结构就可以轻易地将文章分为两个部分,而且两部分之间还是比较对比的关系,就将一篇长文章读短了,降低阅读难度。

最后一种文章结构是问题解决方法型,典型文章是Depletion of the Ogallala Aquifer,前四段介绍了Ogallala含水层的发现以及使用过度带来的问题,后两段就开始介绍治理的方法。这种文章的结构不如因果类的明显,但是也可以通过这样的思路将文章前后串起来,降低阅读难度。



无论是OG还是Delta,都把阅读的题目分成十类,即:Understanding Facts and Details, Identifying Negative Facts, Locating Referents, Understanding Vocabulary in Context, Making Inferences, Determining Purposes, Recognizing Paraphrases(Simplifying sentences), Recognizing Coherence(Sentence inserting), Summarizing Important Ideas and Organizing information.



顾名思义,这种题是要问考生文中的代词具体指代的是什么丁冬,说专业点叫做先行词antecedent.基本可以分为四类。第一是人称代词或者物主代词,如I,you,our,mine;第二类是从句中的引导词,如what,which,who;第三类是指示代词,this,that(包括其指示的名词,如问this reason, that purpose之类的);第四类是其他的代词,all,most,some,many,the former,the latter之类。代词需要遵循的首要原则是就近原则。从前面找离它较近的那个词。找到以后把意义代回到原句中看合适不合适就可以了。OG还特别强调了,注意先行词和代词必须人称、单复数一致。总体来说这种题难度都不大。


先行词,先行词,顾名思义,一般应该在代词前面。根据就近原则就找出来postal service.代回去看看合适不合适,A,distribution有65个office;B销售有65个office,C报纸有65个office,D,邮政服务有65个office.其他几个都太荒诞了。这种题难度相对不大,也就不多说了。


Often enough the craft worker's place of employment in ancient Greece was set in rural isolation. Potter, for instance, found it convenient to locate their workshops near their source of clay, regardless of its relation to the center of settlement. At Corinth and Athens, however, two of the best-known potters' quarters were situated on the cities' outskirts, and potters and makers of terra-cotta figurines were also established well within the city of Athens itself. The techniques of pottery manufacture had evolved well before the Greek period, but marked stylistic developments occurred in shape and in decoration, for example, in the interplay of black and other glazes with the red surface of the fired pot. Athenian black-figure and red-figure decoration, which emphasized human figures rather than animal images, was adopted between 630 and 530 B.C.; its distinctive color and luster were the result of the skillful adjustments of the kiln's temperature during an extended three-stage period if firing the clayware. Whether it was the potters or the vase-painters who initiated changes in firing is unclear, the functions of making and decorating were usually divided between them, but neither group can have been so specialized that they did not share in the concerns of the other.

The broad utility of terra-cotta was such that workers in clay could generally afford to confine themselves to either decorated ware and housewares like cooking pots and storage jars or building materials like roof tiles and drainpipes. Some sixth- and fifth-century B.C. Athenian pottery establishments are known to have concentrated on a limited range of fine ware, but a rural pottery establishment on the island of Thasos produced many types of pottery and roof tiles too, presumably to meet local demand. Molds were used to create particular effects for some products, such as relief-decorated vessels and figurines; for other products such as roof tiles, which were in some quantity, they were used to facilitate mass production. There were also a number of poor-quality figurines and painted pots produced in quantity by easy, inexpensive means — as numerous featureless statuettes and unattractive cases testify.

1. The passage mainly discusses ancient Greek pottery and its

(A) production techniques

(B) similarity to other crafts

(C) unusual materials

(D) resemblance to earlier pottery

2. The phrase regardless of in line 3 is closest in meaning to

(A) as a result of

(B) no matter what

(C) proud of

(D) according to

3. It can be inferred from the passage that most pottery establishments in ancient Greece were


(A) in city centers

(B) on the outskirts of cities

(C) where clay could be found

(D) near other potters' workshops

4. The word marked in line 7 is closest in meaning to

(A) original

(B) attractive

(C) noticeable

(D) patterned

5. The word confine in line 17 is closest in meaning to

(A) adapt

(B) train

(C) restrict

(D) organize

6. It can be inferred from the passage that terra-cotta had which of the following advantages

(A) It did not break during the firing process.

(B) It was less expensive than other available materials.

(C) Its surface had a lasting shine.

(D) It could be used for many purposes.

7. The word presumably in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) frequently

(B) practically

(C) preferably

(D) probably

8. The word they in line 24 refers to

(A) molds

(B) particular effects

(C) products

(D) vessels and figurines

9. According to the passage , all of the following are true of ancient Greek potters and vase

painters EXCEPT:

(A) Their functions were so specialized that they lacked common concerns.

(B) They sometimes produced inferior ware.

(C) They produced pieces that had unusual color and shine.

(D) They decorated many of their works with human images.




Hunting is at best a precarious way of procuring food, even when the diet is supplemented with seeds and fruits. Not long after the last Ice Age, around 7,000 B.C. (during the Neolithic period), some hunters and gatherers began to rely chiefly on agriculture for their sustenance. Others continued the old pastoral and nomadic ways. Indeed, agriculture itself evolved over the course of time, and Neolithic peoples had long known how to grow crops. The real transformation of human life occurred when huge numbers of people began to rely primarily and permanently on the grain they grew and the animals they domesticated.

Agriculture made possible a more stable and secure life. With it Neolithic peoples flourished, fashioning an energetic, creative era. They were responsible for many fundamental inventions and innovations that the modern world takes for granted. First, obviously, is systematic agriculture — that is, the reliance of Neolithic peoples on agriculture as their primary, not merely subsidiary, source of food.

Thus they developed the primary economic activity of the entire ancient world and the basis of all modern life. With the settled routine of Neolithic farmers came the evolution of towns and eventually cities. Neolithic farmers usually raised more food than they could consume, and their surpluses permitted larger, healthier populations. Population growth in turn created an even greater reliance on settled farming, as only systematic agriculture could sustain the increased numbers of people. Since surpluses of food could also be bartered for other commodities, the Neolithic era witnessed the beginnings of large-scale exchange of goods. In time the increasing complexity of Neolithic societies led to the development of writing, prompted by the need to keep records and later by the urge to chronicle experiences, learning, and beliefs.

The transition to settled life also had a profound impact on the family. The shared needs and pressures that encourage extended-family ties are less prominent in settled than in nomadic societies. Bonds to the extended family weakened. In towns and cities, the nuclear family was more dependent on its immediate neighbors than on kinfolk.

1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A) Why many human societies are dependent on agriculture

(B) the changes agriculture brought to human life

(C) How Neolithic peoples discovered agriculture

(D) Why the first agricultural societies failed

2. The word precarious in line 1 is closest in meaning to

(A) uncertain

(B) humble

(C) worthy

(D) unusual

3. The author mentions seeds and fruits in line 2 as examples of

(A) the first crops cultivated by early agricultural societies

(B) foods eaten by hunters and gatherers as a secondary food source

(C) types of food that hunters and gatherers lacked in their diets

(D) the most common foods cultivated by early agricultural societies

4. The word settled in line 15 is closest in meaning to

(A) advanced

(B) original

(C) involved

(D) stable

5. According to the passage , agricultural societies produced larger human populations because


(A) created more varieties of food

(B) created food surpluses

(C) resulted in increases in leisure time

(D) encouraged bartering

6. According to the passage , all of the following led to the development of writing EXCEPT the

(A) need to keep records

(B) desire to write down beliefs

(C) extraction of ink from plants

(D) growth of social complexity

7. The word chronicle in line 23 is closest in meaning to

(A) repeat

(B) exchange

(C) understand

(D) describe

8. According to the passage , how did the shift to agricultural societies impact people's family


(A) The extended family became less important.

(B) Immediate neighbors often became family members.

(C) The nuclear family became self-sufficient.

(D) Family members began to wok together to raise food.

9. The author mentions all of the following as results of the shift to agricultural societies EXCEPT

(A) an increase in invention and innovation

(B) emergence of towns and cities

(C) development of a system of trade

(D) a decrease in warfare

10. Which of the following is true about the human diet prior to the Neolithic period?

(A) It consisted mainly of agricultural products

(B) It varied according to family size.

(C) It was based on hunting and gathering.

(D) It was transformed when large numbers of people no longer depended on the grain they grew



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