关于备考材料,建议大家按照OG、官方真题Official(TOEFL Practice Online)、其他各种辅导书籍的顺序来做。ETS出的题目永远都是最具有参考价值的。
正如阅读部分,听力能力的提高也是一个长期的过程。其实除了写作可以短期速成以外,提高英语能力的本身也是一个缓慢的过程。我们可以平时多听英语广播、看英文节目或看原版英文电影。很多小马过河听力老师推荐的“听写”方法,是锻炼听力能力的好办法。在做听写时,我们可以将听写的内容和出题的内容进行比较和总结。这样可以帮助我们识别听力的重要出题点,摸清ETS的出题思路。因为听力考试是在模拟美国课堂和生活的真实场景,所考察的题目也通常是讲座或者对话中重要的信息点。在练听力时,我们应该尤其重视多次重复的内容、谈话者重音强调的内容、谈话者给出的建议、谈话者对某个问题做出解释(暗示问题的重要性)、意思出现转折的地方、重要的人名等。通过不断的总结,我们对于听力内容会更有主动权。虽然真正的听力考试并不是听写,但我们可以对于需要重点注意的地方尽可能多记笔记。有可能的话,把speaker的每一句话记下来(主要是key word)来辅助回忆。
首先,按照口语的题目,逐个练习。这里要向大家推荐一个很好用的软件:Cool Edit。练习的时候严格控制时间,把自己说的录下来,从里面找自己说的不好的地方(比如不知道说什么、说的不连贯、发音不好、语调平淡等)。针对不同的问题逐个改进,坚持不断地练下去,过一段时间你会发现:我的口语竟然提高了这么多!这是我个人非常推崇的备考办法。
另外,我们如何知道自己的语音语调是不是标准呢?我们还要听native speaker的样本。大家在网上可以搜到一个叫做《iBT托福口语考试答题方法及范例The ibt TOEFL Master Speaking》的视频文件,里面针对6道不同的题目都给了完美的native speaker的作答,极具参考价值,可以让我们真切地感触到“连贯”。另一个很好的资源是美剧。我们可以模仿经典的《老友记》中人物的发音。
最后,分享一个非常非常有用的小技巧:关于15秒钟应该怎么利用。建议大家拿到口语题目后,立刻构思出回答的要点,然后抓住15秒钟的时间提前练习,组织好自己开头的语言。这样等到真正的45秒钟开始时,我们相当于多了一次“重新说”的机会,有更大的可能性把开头表达得更完善,这个对于后来的叙述是有关键影响的。我们说:Well begin is half done. 试想大家如果开头的话就乱了阵脚,肯定很泄气。这个小办法也绝对适用于全部6道口语题。
最开始练习independent writing时,同学们往往会遇到不知如何下手的问题。因此,我们在练习的初期,可以先阅读一些新托福写作的范文、相关书籍;精读里面的文章,注意作者的文章结构和展开方式,同时积累例子和细节。这样,我们对于独立写作的套路就有了基本的了解。另外在关注文章的展开方式时,我们同样可以学习范文里的句式结构和高深的词汇。并不是鼓励大家抄袭,而是真正地掌握较高级的句子结构和较复杂的词汇,这些都会给我们的作文加分。
经过了范文学习的过程,我们就可以开始针对不同话题的文章思考自己的观点,列出提纲,寻找supporting details。这样,在做好了充分的准备后,我们就可以有准备地开始真正的练笔阶段。特别要说明的是,如果同学们没有好的模拟写作小软件,建议使用windows自带的写字板,切忌使用Microsoft Word等具有纠错功能的软件进行模拟写作。在练笔的最初阶段可以不计时间,但熟悉了写作的流程后一定要每次写作都计时,模拟真实的考试环境。
Integrated writing部分是听力和写作的结合,不需要大家发表个人观点,因此考察的是听力能力和复述的能力。在听力前的三分钟要认真阅读题目中的文字,文字中会有3个支持文字观点的论据,听力则会针对这三个观点逐个展开。对于听力部分,同样提醒大家要多做笔记,记住细节,在作文展开中体现出来。因为综合写作的模式比较固定,因此可以提前准备好模版和固定的句式。注意,一篇高分的综合写作一定有变化多样的句式,这个在我们准备模版的时候一定要体现出来。
Some animal behaviorists argue that certain animals can remember past events, anticipate future ones, make plans and choices, and coordinate activities within a group. These scientists, however, are cautious about the extent to which animals can be credited with conscious processing.
Explanations of animal behavior that leave out any sort of consciousness at all and ascribe actions entirely to instinct leave many questions unanswered. One example of such unexplained behavior: honeybees communicate the sources of nectar to one another by doing a dance in a figure-eight pattern. The orientation of the dance conveys the position of the food relative to the sun's position in the sky, and the speed of the dance tells how far the food source is from the hive. Most researchers assume that the ability to perform and encode the dance is innate and shows no special intelligence. But in one study, when experimenters kept changing the site of the food source, each time moving the food 25 percent farther from the previous site, foraging honeybees began to anticipate where the food source would appear next. When the researchers arrived at the new location, they would find the bees circling the spot, waiting for their food. No one has yet explained how bees, whose brains weigh four ten-thousandths of an ounce, could have inferred the location of the new site.
Other behaviors that may indicate some cognition include tool use. Many animals, like the otter who uses a stone to crack mussel shells, are capable of using objects in the natural environment as rudimentary tools. One researcher has found that mother chimpanzees occasionally show their young how to use tools to open hard nuts. In one study, chimpanzees compared two pairs of food wells containing chocolate chips. One pair might contain, say, five chips and three chips, the other four chips and three chips. Allowed to choose which pair they wanted, the chimpanzees almost always chose the one with the higher total, showing some sort of summing ability. Other chimpanzees have learned to use numerals to label quantities of items and do simple sums.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The role of instinct in animal behavior
(B) Observations that suggest consciousness in animal behavior
(C) The use of food in studies of animal behavior
(D) Differences between the behavior of animals in their natural environments and in laboratory
2. Which of the following is NOT discussed as an ability animals are thought to have?
(A) Selecting among choices
(B) Anticipating events to come
(C) Remembering past experiences
(D) Communicating emotions
3. What is the purpose of the honeybee dance?
(A) To determine the quantity of food at a site
(B) To communicate the location of food
(C) To increase the speed of travel to food sources
(D) To identify the type of nectar that is available
4. The word yet in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) however
(B) since
(C) generally
(D) so far
5. What did researchers discover in the study of honeybees discussed in paragraph 2?
(A) Bees are able to travel at greater speeds than scientists thought.
(B) The bees could travel 25% farther than scientists expected.
(C) The bees were able to determine in advance where scientists would place their food.
(D) Changing the location of food caused bees to decrease their dance activity.
6. It can be inferred from the passage that brain size is assumed to
(A) be an indicator of cognitive ability
(B) vary among individuals within a species
(C) be related to food consumption
(D) correspond to levels of activity
7. Why are otters and mussel shells included in the discussion in paragraph 3?
(A) To provide an example of tool use among animals
(B) To prove that certain species demonstrate greater ability in tool use than other species
(C) To illustrate how otters are using objects as tools
(D) To demonstrate why mother chimpanzees show their young how to use tools
8. The word rudimentary in line 20 is closest in meaning to
(A) superior
(B) original
(C) basic
(D) technical
9. It can be inferred from the statement about mother chimpanzees and their young (lines 20-22)
that young chimpanzees have difficulty
(A) communicating with their mothers
(B) adding quantities
(C) making choices
(D) opening hard nuts
10. The phrase the one in line 24-25 refers to the
(A) study
(B) pair
(C) chimpanzee
(D) ability
11. Scientists concluded from the experiment with chimpanzees and chocolate chips that
(A) lack abilities that other primates have
(B) prefer to work in pairs or groups
(C) exhibit behavior that indicates certain mathematical abilities
(D) have difficulty selecting when given choices
A survey is a study, generally in the form of an interview or a questionnaire that provides information concerning how people think and act. In the United States, the best-known surveys are the Gallup poll and the Harris poll. As anyone who watches the news during presidential campaigns knows, these polls have become an important part of political life in the United States.
North Americans are familiar with the many person-on-the-street interviews on local television news shows. While such interviews can be highly entertaining, they are not necessarily an accurate indication of public opinion. First, they reflect the opinions of only those people who appear at a certain location. Thus, such samples can be biased in favor of commuters, middle-class shoppers, or factory workers, depending on which area the newspeople select. Second, television interviews tend to attract outgoing people who are willing to appear on the air, while they frighten away others who may feel intimidated by a camera. A survey must be based on a precise, representative sampling if it is to genuinely reflect a broad range of the population.
In preparing to conduct a survey, sociologists must exercise great care in the wording of questions. An effective survey question must be simple and clear enough for people to understand it. It must also be specific enough so that there are no problems in interpreting the results. Even questions that are less structured must be carefully phrased in order to elicit the type of information desired. Surveys can be indispensable sources of information, but only if the sampling is done properly and the questions are worded accurately.
There are two main forms of surveys: the interview and the questionnaire. Each of these forms of survey research has its advantages. An interviewer can obtain a high response rate because people find it more difficult to turn down a personal request for an interview than to throw away a written questionnaire. In addition, an interviewer can go beyond written questions and probe for a subject's underlying feelings and reasons. However, questionnaires have the advantage of being cheaper and more consistent.
1. What does the passage mainly discuss?
(A) The history of surveys in North America
(B) The principles of conducting surveys
(C) Problems associated with interpreting surveys
(D) The importance of polls in American political life
2. The word they in line 8 refers to
(A) North Americans
(B) news shows
(C) interviews
(D) opinions
3. According to the passage , the main disadvantage of person-on-the-street interviews is that
(A) are not based on a representative sampling
(B) are used only on television
(C) are not carefully worded
(D) reflect political opinions
4. The word precise in line 13 is closest in meaning to
(A) planned
(B) rational
(C) required
(D) accurate
5. According to paragraph 3, which of the following is most important for an effective survey?
(A) A high number of respondents
(B) Carefully worded questions
(C) An interviewer's ability to measure respondents' feelings
(D) A sociologist who is able to interpret the results
6. The word exercise in line 15 is closest in meaning to
(A) utilize
(B) consider
(C) design
(D) defend
7. The word elicit in line 19 is closest in meaning to
(A) compose
(B) rule out
(C) predict
(D) bring out
8. It can be inferred from the passage that one reason that sociologists may become frustrated
with questionnaires is that
(A) respondents often do not complete and return questionnaires
(B) questionnaires are often difficult to read
(C) questionnaires are expensive and difficult to distribute
(D) respondents are too eager to supplement questions with their own opinions
9. According to the passage , one advantage of live interviews over questionnaires is that live
(A) cost less
(B) can produce more information
(C) are easier to interpret
(D) minimize the influence of the researcher
10. The word probe in line 26 is closest in meaning to
(A) explore
(B) influence
(C) analyze
(D) apply
11. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?
(A) Survey (line 1)
(B) Public opinion (line 8)
(C) Representative sampling (line 13)
(D) Response rate (line 24)
有例子、学生提问、奇怪语气的地方打上标记。这种情况下一般能网罗一半以上的题目。 顺便说一句,我觉得这个笔记方法对于口语来说也是适用的,我口语不算高只有26,但后四题都是good,不得不说笔记功劳大大的。
You are the members of two clubs in your school, but you have to quit one because this semester you have a lot of schoolwork to do. Which one do you prefer to quit? And why?
1)hiking club
2)speech and debate club
Sample Response
If I were too busy to participate in both the hiking and speech club, I would quit the hiking club.
Although hiking is fun to do with friends, I can do it on my own whenever I have time. By contrast, it is impossible to get feedback about a speech or participate in a debate by myself.
Plus, I want to focus on things that will help me get a good job. Speech and debate are important work skills, so I think it is better to practice those now and do hiking later when I have more time.
Because speech and debate are hard to do on my own but are important for getting a good job, I would keep attending that club.
The community school is going to start new courses on weekends for students to study. Which of the following courses would you like to choose?
--courses on how to deliver a speech
--courses on improving your photography
--courses on business skills
Sample Response
If I could take courses on the weekend, I would be most interested in classes about business skills because I could use them in both my work and private life.
Clearly, business skills would be helpful for work because I could do my job better. I would like to learn about writing different types of letters to clients and using my computer for work purposes.
However, business skills would be helpful in my private life, too. For example, I would like to learn to manage money better. I could learn about keeping records and making a budget in a business class.
Since business skills are useful for all aspects of my life, I would be most interested in taking classes about them if I had the chance.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier to be an adult than to be a child.
Sample Response
I think that it is easier to be an adult than a child. Children have their basic needs taken care of, but adults have more freedom to live the way they want to.
First, adults understand how to solve problems. Instead of relying on parents for explanations and solutions, they can search for their own answers. As a result, adults have less worry because they can solve their own problems.
Second, adults can decide about many things that children must accept. For example, they can decide where to live or travel, how to spend money, and what to eat. It is more fun to make these decisions than rely on someone else.
Since adults have the freedom to solve their own problems and make decisions, I think it is easier to be an adult than a child.
Which of the following methods do you think can help freshman students learn about their campus?
--Arrange a partner from sophomore students
--Organize a campus tour
--Set up a Q & A center
Sample Response
I think the best way for a school to teach its freshmen students about its campus is to pair each student with a sophomore.
Every student has different concerns, and some of the questions may be very specialized. Asking a person one-on-one is the most efficient way of addressing individual questions.
Since sophomores have recently gone through the process of entering the school, they also understand the fears that the freshmen face. They can offer needed friendship and support to make the students comfortable.
Pairing a new student with a sophomore is therefore the best way to teach freshmen about a campus.
比如:Improving school is most important factor to sucessful development of country. 看到most ,我们自然想到用他因法。
形式主语,主动,被动,动名词To do作主语,倒装句,there be,以及强调句等等。特别强调一点,为了使你文章的逻辑清晰可见,要使用逻辑连接词。
论述方法:条件(假设)法,比如:if 我按照论点那样做,就能cause siginificant effects,除了用if,还能有with, when, only through + 方式+倒装等。
托福独立写作怎样得高分 ETS提出了三方面要求
很多同学会认为,好的结构,就是给段落的开头加上first, second, 给结尾加上in conclusion,但这种观点并不准确。
OG中指出 “be aware that just using transition words, such as first or second does not guarantee that your essay is organized. The points you make must all relate to the topic of the essay and to the main idea you are presenting in response.”
想要得到高分,还需要保证unity(统一), progression(推进), and coherence(连贯),也就是所给出的分论点能够证明总论点,并且段落中的每一句话都能够证明分论点,即文章要扣题。
首先,对于词汇,评分标准要求variety和appropriate word choice。
Appropriate word choice要求考生选词恰当。大多数同学在写作时,容易忽略所选词汇是否符合语言习惯。比如,big, huge, gigantic三个词中,gigantic相对高级,但当形容一个人眼睛很大时,显然用big eyes表达更自然。所以,大家在选词时,一定要首先保证词汇准确得当,再考虑其它。
最后,关于语言错误,OG中指出文中可以出现小的语言错误。“小错误”,指的是不影响理解的错误。例如,偶尔出现单数三人称动词后面忘加s,并不会影响考官对作文的阅读。但如果出现类似 “Some lies are acceptable in terms of making people’s life more profusely. Not everybody has to know the truth, and it will lead them more happier not knowing it” 这样的句子,考官会读起来会很费解,那么就会造成扣分。
I 准确的句子表达
1. 句型分析
a. Even though I usually know what I have to say, I cannot always express myself correctly in English.
这句话是一个复合句,由even though引导的让步状语从句。
b. This challenges me to practice my spoken English, with the result that I can complete the speaking tasks more fluently and quickly.
c. I think this is less than ideal because any differences in opinion become personal conflicts, and therefore that might jeopardize the employee’s job.
上句话是一个并列复杂句。and 连接了两个句子,是一个并列句;because引导的原因状语从句。
d. Shallow writing is indicative of weak critical-thinking skills, and such writing, which is often described as “sophomoric”, receives low mark.
2. 有问题的句子的列举
1). 破碎句
破碎句:She singing alone. (无谓语,singing是现在分词)
正确句:She is singing alone.
破碎句:He did not come. Because he was sick. (从句单独成句)
正确句:He did not come because he was sick.
What makes a good parent?
What are some of the qualities of a good parent? Use specific details and examples to explain your answer.
Being a parent is the oldest job in existence. Even in the time of the cavemen, it was important to be a good parent. What it means to be a good parent has evolved greatly over the years. In today's society, however, I believe that there are three important characteristics that indicate whether a person is a good parent or not.
The first of these traits is the capacity for love. Children must feel loved by their parents if they are going to grow into well-developed, stable adults. Children who grow up in a house filled with love are relaxed and peaceful, and do not cause trouble. These children demonstrate good social skills, and are usually well-liked by others. In contrast, it has been shown that children who grow up in unloving families are anxious and mean-spirited.
Trust is also very important for a child's development. If a parent is always prying into a child's privacy, the child will think he/she is doing something wrong to deserve such mistrust. This leads to the child hiding things from the parent, which therefore leads to dishonesty. Also, trust leads to independence. When children are trusted, they feel more pressure to keep that trust, and therefore act honestly. They will make wise decisions, which will allow them to grow into independent adults.
It is also of utmost importance for a parent to have a well-developed sense of responsibility. A parent must be able to be present for the child twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. The parent must organize everything for a child, especially one under the age of ten. This requires careful planning and multi-tasking. If a person is ready to become a parent, they must be ready for all of these added responsibilities.
In conclusion, a good parent has a large capacity for love, is trusting, and must be very responsible. Without these key attributes, the child will suffer and grow into a dysfunctional adult. One must take the job of parenting very seriously to ensure the child's healthy development. By harnessing the above-mentioned qualities, parents will ensure that their child will be the best they can be.
If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it?
Holidays honor people or events. If you could create a new holiday, what person or event would it honor and how would you want people to celebrate it? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.
Holidays are an excellent way to allow societies to honor people or events that have helped their country or the world. There are many things that deserve to be recognized in our culture, but there is one group of people that is underappreciated in society today: inventors. If I were to create a new holiday, it would be to pay respect to these important people and their creations. Inventors are members of the most unappreciated profession in society today. Without inventors, all civilizations would still be living in the stone age, with no running water, no electricity, and more generally, no comforts. Many inventors create simple objects that do not seem that amazing, but upon closer inspection, one realizes that all inventions contribute greatly to convenience. All societies should pay homage to these great people by honoring them with a holiday.
The first way we could honor inventors is by opening exhibitions in galleries and museums dedicated to the inventions of current and past inventors. Many people have no idea where the greatest inventions came from. By displaying the life work of inventors, people will gain a new appreciation for them. This would also be a learning experience for the public, as they could see what current inventors are working on, and get excited about the upcoming progresses in society.
We could also honor inventors by having a school day dedicated to inventions. It is important to encourage school-aged children to use their imagination to come up with inventions of their own. The school system is excellent in China, but it does not promote free thinking. Children need to be given the opportunity to discover new creations on their own. By having a day dedicated to this, young people would become more interested in the manufacturing of new products and ideas.
So, I believe that inventors deserve their own holiday. They have provided society with so much comfort and convenience. By honoring inventors, we will show them how much we appreciate their efforts, as well as encourage our children to come up with new ideas of their own.
TOEFL IBT Speaking Scoring Rubric
Independent Tasks (Questions 1 and 2)
General Description:
The response fulfills the demands of the task, with at most minor lapses in completeness. It is highly intelligible and exhibits sustained, coherent discourse. A response at this level is characterized by all of the following.(具体三点拆分在下面的三项技巧中)
而独立任务题,难就难在 “可控因素”上面。在不知道考官到底想听什么,一气儿乱答的情况下,就造就了屡考屡败的窘迫局面。
一. 发音
Generally well-paced flow (fluid expression). Speech is clear. It may include minor lapses, or minor difficulties with pronunciation or intonation patterns, which do not affect intelligibility。
二. 语言运用
Language Use:
The response demonstrates effective use of grammar and vocabulary.
It exhibits a fairly high degree of automaticity with good control of basic and complex structures (as appropriate).
Some minor (or systemic) errors are noticeable but do not obscure meaning。
“My favorite movie is Amelia for two reasons. First, I have always wanted to go to France and Amelie was filmed in France. I am studying French and I love the sound of the language. I also think Paris is romantic and I want to go to the Louvre. Secondly, Amelie had very good directing. The way the director moved the camera made the movie exciting. So, for these reasons, Amelie is my favorite movie。”(75 words)
三. 话题展开
Topic Development:
Response is sustained and sufficient to the task. It is generally well developed and coherent; relationships between ideas are clear (or clear progression of ideas)。
话题展开,评测的是考生的语言形式要求。很多人认为这是逻辑要求,其实不然和写作类似(甚至弱于写作),此处话题的展开,更多的是语言形式的逻辑,也就是所谓Progression of ideas。
1. 回答必须完成任务,是独立任务的关键,这也是限时说话的意义所在;
2. 回答必须具有清晰(clear)而确定(defined)的语言结构;
3. 回答必须有具体的细节;
4. 回答必须清晰而连贯,保持清晰连贯下的发音或语法错误可以容忍;
5. 回答展现英语语法和词汇的牢固(solid)把握,即使出现错误,亦不可影响实际意义的表达。
208月21日托福独立口语Task 2:
do you agree or disagree that to be a successful businessman, you have to have characteristics like being outgoing or friendly, etc.?
Task 2
Do you agree or disagree with following statement? If you want to succeed in business being outgoing and friendly is very important.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: For the success of business, it is important to be friendly and outgoing.
2016年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 2
I do agree with the statement. Coz first, in workplace, those personality traits help to build up a good relation with others, like your clients, business partners, and employees, which means efficiency and sometime potential business opportunities; but if a person is too introverted, arrogant or bossy, others may feel discouraged to exchange ideas with him, that will lead to misunderstandings and even a strained relationship; second, those features also help to maintain a happy and harmonious family atmosphere, successful businessmen are usually very busy, so they should be more patient, caring and outgoing when dealing with family members who they love the most; a happy family life is just the precondition for a successful business career.
Personally, I totally agree with this statement and business people should be sociable and laid-back. For whatever business people like, marketing manager, sales manager, and even Chief Executive Officer, they need to be friendly. since it can broaden their social connection. Sociable business people attend many social activities, like marketing events, expositions, charitable activities. Thus, they can get to know more business partners and potential clients. Additionally, social people tend to break the ice and build rapport easily, and therefore, it is more likely for them to close business deal.(济南新东方 孟炎)
Sample answer:
I would support the statement by the following points.
Firstly, business is partially about interacting with people, in which interpersonal skill plays a real critical role. For a negotiation between two firms, the process of getting to know each other’s needs is on the top of the list. In order to get to that point, the languages and behaviors the head of the firm use matter a lot to show its kindness and respect to the counterpart. Being friendly and out going is one of the keys during the whole process.
Secondly, for the harmonious phenomenon in the firm. You personality, to some extent, substantially affects the connections among these departments, like the manufacturing department and marketing. If the leader uses his charm in getting two of the departments cooperate in a project. Chances are high for the firm to succeed.
2016年8月21日托福独立口语Task 1:
Which period do you think is most challenging: childhood, teenager or adulthood?
Task 1
Which of the following period do you think is the most difficult one: childhood, teen period and adulthood.
Which of the following period of life do you think is the hardest?
Childhood, teenager, adulthood.
I would say the toughest period during one's life is adulthood. Not like the childhood, we are pursuing our degrees in universities or already doing a job to make a living. In school, we are constantly under lots of pressure, we have to finish the assignments like problem sets, presentations, research papers. After graduation, we have to fulfill all kinds of responsibilities as a professional. On the other hand, being a child or an adolescent is much easier, they just have fun and do not have to worry about anything.
Sample answer:
Life gets harder as you grow. It is when I started to make a living by myself that my awareness of the pressing status arouses. All concerning of life is coming like a torrent overwhelming my head. I was totally at a loss about handling these issues.
Little did I know, that money comes from hard work, which is unknown to me when I actually got every cent from my parents during school time. Now, I have to learn the ways of standing up to life.
2016年8月21日托福独立口语答案Task 1
I think adulthood is the most difficult period in one’s life. First,children and teenagers’ major tasks are to have fun and learn well in school. Those are basically all they need to fulfill. But for adults, they have to shoulder more responsibilities. For example, they need to make money to support their family, spend time to educate kids while take care of their aging parents at the same time. They also have to compete fiercely in workplace for promotion or a pay rise. Thus, they have little time for themselves. Especially in the cosmopolitan cities like Beijing, where the living standards areexorbitant, and
the living pressure for adults is overwhelming.
我们一定要注意到,托福写作是应用写作(practical writing),非创造性写作(creative writing),即考察学生的语言表述能力,而不是文学创作能力。无论是综合写作还是独立写作,考生追求的基本目标是把想说的意思用书面英语表达清楚,让阅卷人读懂和明白。从语言角度来说,有两大标准,即准确性和多样化。能够达到词词准确,又使用到不同的词句来表达相同、相似的意思,从语言角度来说已经符合托福考试的高分要求。
先来说说准确性。譬如这样一个句子:My writing ability increased by reading many books. 拆开来看,每个英文单词对应的中文意思是对的。但存在一个问题,ability和increase是不搭配的。任何一个单词,都不能单纯地说用得好不好。语言是讲究搭配的,简单常见的词只要搭配合适,放置合适的语境,依然可以锻造完美的句子。这个道理和穿衣混搭是一样的。穿着漂亮不在于单品是如何大牌如何昂贵,而在于款式质地的和谐,以及最后的上身效果。在这个句子中,increase表示增加的意思,主要表示数量的增加。尽管有时也能表示程度的增进,但这里和ability的搭配是不正确的。一般我们说develop one's ability,也可以说improve one's ability. 因此,这句话得修改成My writing ability developed by reading many books. 当然还可以修改得更地道一些。后半句想表达“阅读”,学生一般的习惯是把“读”和“书”全部翻译出来。注意,写作是表达,不是翻译。这么写固然是对的,还不够理想。我们进一步把句子修改成My writing ability developed by reading much. 从表达效果来讲,已经“达”了,考生想表述的意思和阅卷人读到的意思完全吻合。当然句子可以再继续修改得更加豪华,本文暂不赘述。
那么,词语的搭配如何检验呢?在各种班型的培训课程中,老师固然会提到一些典型搭配。但更为重要的是考生自己掌握检验的方法。我个人比较推荐Oxford Learner's English Collocation Dictionary(《牛津学生英语搭配词典》),其中的语料来源和实用性都比较好。
关于多样化,举个最普遍的例子:“more and more”这个短语几乎是每个中国学生都使用过的短语。我看到过太多学生的独立写作文章,三四百字的短文里出现了四五次。有学生在开头段便使用了三次。学生重复使用该短语是可以理解的,一个是熟悉,再来字数似乎上去了。其实,稍加思考便知道,如此做法反而在文章开头便向阅卷人暴露了弱处。因此这种不顾语言质量的“凑字数”方法是不可取的。
①用forget(忘记)代替do not remember(没有记住)
②用ignore(忽视)代替do not pay attention to(不注意)
③用now(现在)代替at this point in time(此时此刻)
④用because(由于)代替due to the fact that(鉴于下列事实)
①The government project is important and significant.(这项政府计划是重要的,有重要意义。)
②The government project is significant.(这项政府计划有重要意义。)
第三种方法是在不改变句子含义的前提下,省略所有可以省略的单词,比如在下面例句中,the cover of the book (书的封面)可以省略成the book cover,is red in color(是红色的)可以省略成is red。
①The cover of the book is red in color.(书的封面是红色的)
②The book cover is red.(书的封面是红色的)
①University malls must be accessible and free from congestion in order that students, faculty and employees may have unobstructed passage through those areas of the campus.(校内道路必须是便于通行的,不拥堵的,以便让学生、教师和职员能够无阻碍地通过,到达校园的各处。)
②University malls must be free enough from congestion to allow people to walk through easily.(校内道路不应当拥堵,以便人们顺利通行。)
1.paparazzi 狗仔队
2.mass media 大众媒体
3.entertainment 娱乐
4.journalism 新闻业
5.journal 期刊
6.the latest news 最新消息
7.exclusive news 独家新闻
8.news agency 新闻社
9.news blockout 新闻封锁
10.news censorship 新闻审查
11.freedom of the press 新闻自由
12.coverage 新闻报道
13.do reportage on … 报导…
14.hit the headlines 上头条
15.issue 出版、发行
16.newsstand 报摊
17.free-lancer writer 自由撰稿人
18.chief editor 总编
19.editorial 社论
20.newsworthy 值得报道的
21.barometer 晴雨表
22.the barometer of public opinion 舆论的晴雨表
23.live broadcast 直播
24.quiz show 智力竞争节目
25.game show 游戏节目
26.variety show 综合节目
27.talk show 脱口秀
28.sitcom 情景喜剧
29.soap opera 肥皂剧
30.movie star 电影明星
31.movie king 影帝
32.movie queen 影后
33.affair 绯闻
34.celebrity 名人
35.fame 名声
36.rise to fame 声名鹊起
37.fan 粉丝
38.invade one’s privacy 侵扰了…的隐私
39.misleading 误导性的
40.cheating 欺骗性的
41.popularity 知名度
42.scandal 丑闻
43.sensational 轰动的
44.prevalent 普遍的、流行的
45.imperative 重要的、必要的
46.audience ratings 收视率
47.propaganda 宣传
48.be abducted by 受…诱导
49.purify one’s soul 净化心灵
50.live in virtual would 生活在一个虚拟世界中
51.be a great comfort to somebody 对…来说是一个巨大安慰
52.meet different tastes 满足不同口味
53.provide somebody with something 给…提供…
54.follow the fashion blindly 盲目追逐时尚
55.commit crimes 犯罪
56.be inconceivable to somebody 对…来说是难以想象的
57.impressive 给人印象深刻的
58.right to know 知情权
59.in the disguise of … 打着…的幌子
60.endanger social stability and safety 危害社会稳定和安全
A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.
New factories often bring many good things to a community, such as jobs and increased prosperity. However, in my opinion, the benefits of having a factory are outweighed by the risks. That is why I oppose the plan to build a factory near my community.
I believe that this city would be harmed by a large factory. In particular, a factory would destroy the quality of the air and water in town. Factories bring smog and pollution. In the long run, the environment will be hurt and people's health will be affected. Having a factory is not worth that rise.
Of course, more jobs will be created by the factory. Our population will grow. To accommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. Do we really want this much growth, so fast? If our town is going in growth, I would prefer slow growth with good planning. I don't want to see rows of cheaply constructed townhouses. Our quality of life must be considered.
I believe that this growth will change our city too much. I love my hometown because it is a safe, small town. It is also easy to travel here. If we must expand to hold new citizens, the small-town feel will be gone. I mould miss that greatly.
A factory would be helpful in some ways. However, I feel that the dangers are greater than the benefits. I cannot support a plan to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the same way.
托福口语的六道题可以分为独 立和综合两个类型(Task 1、2 为独 立题,Task 3、4 、5 、6为综合题)。在评分时,考生的答题录音会在经过数码降噪处理后被自动分为三组,分别是Task1&2,Task3&5和Task4&6,即独立任务(第一组)、校园任务(第二组)和学术任务(第三组);再由经过认证的评分人分别对考生三组任务的录音进行评测,每道题的评分等级由低到高分别用weak,limited,fair和good来标识,最后六道题的总分将被转换为0~30分的标准分,而考生三组题目的最终得分等级,也会标示在电子成绩单上(score report)。
关于评分,托福官方指南OG里面明确指出,托福口语6大任务的3项评分准则包括:delivery, language use and topic development,, 即表述、语言使用和话题展开能力,这三项考核并无优先等级,各占三分之一比重。
口语的一二题可以配合独 立写作一起练习。另外就是准备一些自己的模版。模版对于那些思路不是特别清晰、容易紧张没话说同学的托福独 立口语来说还是非常重要的。可以分析总结一下托福口语会涉及到的话题,几个大分类之间是会有重合部分的,也就是有些东西是很多个问题都可以用的。将那些写成模版背下来,将成为你自己的专属模版。而模版的写作也是要遵循总分总原则、一句中心论点、几句分论点、例子加总结。记得自己测试一下是否可以在限定时间内说(背)完。
大家要知道托福口语考试真正的考察的是语言的实际使用能力,换言之就是,考生对于信息传递的能力。对比托福口语的题型当我们可以清晰的看到,独 立口语题目考生是否能迅速的表达自己的观点,综合口语题目部分就看考生能否准确接收、记录和转述信息了。
Your listener can get confused if you are not consistent. Look atthe following example:
My teacher brought five paper bags to school one day. He put us intogroups and gave each group a bag. You have to take the objects out of the bagsin turn and then a person has to tell a story involving the object from thebag.
The listener may get confused by the change from the past tense tothe present tense, and the change from us to you and then to a person. Thelistener might also be confused by the change from the plural form objects andbags to the singular forms object and bag.
The listener could follow this speaker's ideas better if the speakerwere consistent. Look at the way this example can be improved:
One day my teacher put us into five different groups. He gave eachgroup a bag and told us to take turns pulling out an object and telling theother members of the group a story involving that object.
In order to help your listeners understand, you may need to define aterm that you use in your response. Read the following example:
My hobby is telemark skiing.
If the speaker does not define the term and listeners do not knowwhat telemark skiing is, they might not understand the rest of the passage.Sometimes listeners can guess the meaning through the context of the passage,but sometimes they cannot. Here is the definition this speaker gave of telemarkskiing:
That means skiing using telemark skis.
Even though the speaker defined telemark skiing, listeners still maynot understand what it means because the speaker defined the term with the sameword. To effectively define aword, use a three-part definition:
1. State the word or phrase to be defined.
2. Give the category that the word or phrase fits into.
3. Tell how the word is different from other words that fit the samecategory.
Read this example of an effective definition:
Telemark is a type of alpine skiing in which the boots are connectedto the skis only at the toes, so traditional skiing techniques have to bemodified.
Your listeners will understand your talk better if you organize whatyou say in a logical sequence or linear pattern. This means that you tell thelisteners what you are going to talk about and then go through the points youwant to make. The most common pattern of organization is outlined below:
Introductory statement
Point 1
Point 2
Point 3
Concluding statement
An example of this pattern is shown below:
Breeding butterflies has many advantages for the collector.
1. way of obtaining specimens
2. spares can be released into the wild
3. helps survival because butterflies have been protected fromnatural predators
The experience is a learning experience for the collector and abenefit to the species.
Your listener can understand the flow of your ideas better if youuse parallel structures when you speak. Read the following incorrect example:
My teacher gave interesting assignments and motivating the students.
The listener may be confused because the speaker has mixed differentgrammatical structures. Does the speaker mean my teacher gave interesting andmotivating assignments to the students'? In this sentence, interesting andmotivating are parallel adjectives. Or does the speaker mean My teacher gaveinteresting assignments and motivated the students? In this sentence, gave andmotivated are parallel verbs.
Connecting ideas by using transition words and phrases tells yourlisteners the relationship of one idea to the next. You can signal to yourlistener that you are going to put events in sequence, add information, or makea comparison. You can signal that you want to emphasize or clarify a point.Using transition words and phrases helps your listener follow the flow of yourideas. Read the following example without transitional expressions:
In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarifyscientific principles. Understood those principles better by doing thoseexperiments.
These sentences would flow better if the speaker used transitionalexpressions as in the following example:
In my physics class, we did lots of experiments that helped clarifyscientific principles. As a result, I understood those principles better.
When a speaker keeps repeating a word or phrase, listeners can getconfused. Read the following example:
My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. The assignmentwas on the chalkboard until the teacher erased the assignment after we had alldone the assignment.
This speaker's ideas would be clearer if the repeated words werereplaced with other expressions or with pronouns. Look at the way this examplecan be improved:
My teacher wrote the assignment on the chalkboard. She erased theboard after we had all completed the task.
The word assignment has been replaced with task; the word teacherwith she; and the word chalkboard with board.
篇9:3个技巧 让托福口语得高分
3个技巧 让托福口语得高分
1. 万能方法:答案中只讲benefits,并列明一二三点
Describe the characteristics of a goodteacher. Please state with specific examples and details.
A good teacher should have the following personalities. First of all,a good teacher makes herself available to all students and she knows whichstudent needs extra assistance. Furthermore, a good teacher is an effective communicator, whoknows when she needs to change her communicating techniques to be sure studentscan grasp her ideas. What’smore, she would show her great ability when her students are **mistakes, she would let them know why they are wrong and how they are going todo to correct them, rather than simply punish them. For most students, a goodteacher is also a helper who can lift them to new heights. This must be aphilosophy of every good teacher.
2. 固定模式:基本信息+主体信息 +引申信息
问题1:Describea book that you believe is the most useful to you. Please explain the reasonand include specific examples and details in your explanation.
问题2:Whatdo you do in your spare time? Please include specific details in your statement.(下面的答案可以适用于以上两个题目)
When I have time, I read books. My favorite book is the Old Man and the Sea which is writtenby Ernest Hemingway, one of the greatest American writers. The book toldus a story about an old man called Diego who did fishing in Cuba. Though hecame across lots of difficulties on the sea and came back without a singlefish, he was optimistic and still held the hope. Diego is like a mirror which reflects what Hemingwaywanted to tell all of us: Never give up and the final success will come rightafter the last try. I’ve stuck on that wisdom all the time ever since I readthis book for that story makes me believe there is no stronger thing ever thana strong human belief.
3. 故事性描述,要讲清5个w和1个h,难点在于逻辑感要强,尤其是时间上的顺序
Describe a celebration or moment which hasmade a deep impression on you. Please explain the impression and includespecific examples and details in you explanation.
In my country, the mostimpressive/memorable/popular/favorite/social celebration is Spring Festival,which is also called Chinese Lunar New Year.
On Spring Festival Eve, we Chinesepeople usually do a thorough cleaning for their houses to clean up all theill-fortunes and make the way for the incoming good luck. In the evening, familymembers get together coming back from everywhere, make Jiaozi, sit around thetable, toast to one another and wish everybody good luck and health. After the feast,usually in the midnight, children will gather around to play fireworks to lightup the sky. The nextmorning, people will greet their relatives and friends face to face.
Spring Festival means the wholeworld to Chinese people and we all consider it a chance for family members toreunion and gather best wishes for the coming year.
★ 托福阅读高分攻略
★ 托福阅读高分锦囊
★ 高三高分作文新