牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

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牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)(精选20篇)由网友“代滚”投稿提供,下面是小编为大家整理后的牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计),仅供参考,大家一起来看看吧。

牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

篇1:牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Period :One

Content: Comic strip& Welcome to the unit .

Analysis of learning:This section introduces the idea of shopping for a particular.

purpose :buying a birthday present .Ss are encouraged to use vocabulary to talk about popular presents .

Objectives:1.Congnition objecttive.

a:To introduce vocabulary about common presents for teenagers

b:To activate existing vocabulary and learn new words related to the unit’s theme .

2.Skill objective.

a:To guess meaning from pictures

b:To sort vocabulary

3.Situation objective

To arouse Ss ‘interest and train Ss’ communicative ability

Emphasis and difficulty: Some new words and phrases .

Method :Task Teaching Method

Procedures :

Teaching Activities Learning Activites

Stage1.Warm up

Ⅰ.Greetings Ⅱ.Every day English1. Today is Monday .What day is tomorrow?2. How old are you ?3. When is your birthday ?4. (Objectives:to practise oral English and to arouse Ss interest). Ⅲ.Revision Ⅰ.Greeting Ⅱ.Everyday EnglishⅢ.Revision

Stage2:Learn the part on page 70 .

Task1:To talk about the pictures on page 70.

1. Show the pictures2. Ask some questions to check the understanding 1. Read the pictures quickly.2. Answer questions a:What does Spotty want to do ?3.Read again and answer questions.a:Who want to buy things ?b:Does he have any money?c:Who gives him the money? d:Who will carry all the bags ?4.Act out the conversation

Activity2:Help Spotty decide which to buy

1. Make sure Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg :We know Spotty wants to buy a lot of things .Let’s guess what it will buy?2.Go through the answers with the class ,identify the words which students do not know and present them. 1. Volunteers say out some words related to the theme .2. Read the new words 3. Look at the pictures4. Guess general meanings of new words by looking at pictures and keywords 5. Practice the new words 6. Sort the vocabulary eg:food :book:toy:decoration:

Task 2.To talk about the presents

Activity 1.To discuss what presents Simon and Sandy like

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Divide Ss into pairs 3. Walk around and give Ss help if necessary4. Encourage Ss to do as much of the task as they can on their own. 1. Look at the pictures in part 1 on page 71.Find which items they can recognize and whether they know the words in English2. Exchage their answers 3. Parctice the words with the help of the teacher .4. Look at the pictures again and report which presents are suitable for boys and which presents are suitable for girls.5. Write down the suitable presents for Simon and Sandy in Part 2 and give reasons for their answers 6. Point out the presents that are suitbable for both.7. Check their lists in pairs 8. Present the result

Activity2:To discuss the presents Ss like

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Present some new words on the blackboard.(They are about the name of the shops ) 1. Read the new words on the blackboard 2. Think about the presents they like 3. Talk about the presents they like and exchange their opinions 4. Give out reasons for the choices. 5. Dicuss where they can buy the present 6. Practice the new words

Stage 3:Homework :An oral reportRequsts:1 To do a survery .You should go into some different shops yourself .and look carefully to find some goods in the shop .The price is also very important2.Do the repont as the model :You can buy …in … And the price is …

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period :Two

Content: Part A of Reading

Analysis of Learning: Ss have known somethng about shopping. So during this course.I just let the Ss understand how to go shopping in English.

Objectve: 1.Cognition objective:

a.To get Ss to consolidate the patterns:“there is /are…”

b.To ger Ss to learn some expressions of shopping

2.Shiu objective:

To get Ss to grasp the languages of shopping skillfully duning the creative situation

3.Situation objective:

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss ability of reading

Emphasis and difficulty: some usages of the expressions such as:Can I help you?

“How much is lare…?”

does Ido…cost?

Aids:Pictures recorder ,slides

Method:Situation Teaching Method


Teaching Actiuities Learning Actiuities

Stage 1:warm-up

Ⅰ.Gereetings Ⅱ.Everyday English1. Do you like playing football?2. Is there a football in the classroom?3. Do you have any money?4. Let’s go shopping shall we?(objectives:to practise oral English and to review previous Lesson)Ⅲ.Revision 1. Play a game (Finding the objects)a pen too apples a ruler there oranges2.Give an example and ask the Ss to make a dialoguepresent a basketball.A:I like basketball .Do you like it?B:Yes.This basketball is new .Where do you buy it ?A:In the shop .B:I want to buy it,I want you to go shopping with me.A:All right .Let’s go shopping together (objectives:to review the patterns. “There is / are…”to animate the class atmosphere and arouse the Ss’ interest ) Ⅰ.Greetings Ⅱ.Evenday EnglishⅢ.Revision1. Play the games 2. SA:There is a pen in the box SB:There are two apples in the bag .If someone finds the objects ,I will give it to him or her .3. Act out the dialogiue .Practise according to the example and key words given by T (shown on slides )A dress like Want to…go shopping Let’s…

Step 2.Lead into reading

Ⅰ. Present some languages about shopping a. show a table on slides b. According to the table get the Ss to answer some questions?e.g :How much is it ?How much does it cost?What size the dress?Could you try it on ?What colour is it ?Ⅱ.Present two watches. Let the student have a free talk.Ⅲ. Present the two conversations. 1. Practise :Ask Ss to say something about the table (see appendix 1)e.g :Understand the sentences and try fo give correct answers to the questions ,given by T.2. Practise in pairs using the hings given by T.a:Ask the Ss to act the dialogue out .b:According to the talk,let Ss draw a table.3. Reading.Group discussion:a: Talk about the picture with the following questions and then ask one S of each group to report their result.Questions: Where is Amy? What is she doing? Why does she go shopping? Who will be 15 years old?b: Fill in the blanks.,listen to the tape, do some comprehension exercises and find the answers Ss write down all the items Amy looked at and list their cost.

Stage 3: Practice 4. Practice

a: Listen to the tape again.b:Pick out the shopkeer’s and buyer’s languages and write them on the blackboard.c:Have a dialogue in pairs according to the words on the blackboard.

Stage 4: Production 5. Production

Ⅰ. Present some objects and ask Ss to talk about them including the structures learned this class.Ⅱ. Play a game.Ⅲ. Exercitation a: Goup discussions about some objects.b: Whisper the price.Divide the class intor rows. Give clear instruction about the sequence of how the message should be passed on from the first to the last.c: Arrage the right order of the dialogue csee appendix 37

Siage 5: Extension activity.Gives the situation.When Sandy receives the clips, she wants to exchange it. What will she says to the shopkeeper .What will the shopkeep say to her make a dialogve in pairs.

Homework1. Practise the two conversation in Pairs .2. Do the survey

Appendix 1:a dress size colour price discouat

6 red ¥50 10%

Appendix3:a:Lt’s forty douars b:Lt’s too pretty c:How about the blue one?d:Can I help you?e:I’d like a skirt ror my daughter f:She wears size 8g:OK,i’l take it h:Wat couour does she like best?I:How much does it cost?J: What size does she wear?K:She likes blue best. Appendix 2:Things Amy looked at cost





( By Chen Yuhong from Jinhu ShiYan Middle School)

Unit 5 : Going Shopping


Content: Reading:Part B(2)and Part C

Analysics of lesrning :Ss have kmown the two conversaions about shopping and some awareness of different registers .So during this period ,Ss will pay more attention to learn how to solve problem on shopping .

Objectives :1、Congnition objective:

a:To get Ss to grasp some words and phrases

b:To get Ss to consolidate “There be ”structure

2Skilll object

a:To get Ss to learn how to locate spacific informarion by reading

b:To get Ss to learn to solve some problems about shopping .

3、Situafion objecfive .

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss reading ability .

Emphasis and difficulty:

Some phra?? Shopping .

Aids:Pictures ,sliders.

Method:Task Teaching Method .


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stagel:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage2:Learn Part B and Part C of Reading

Task1: To do a wh-survey

Activify1:To discuss the table on page 72

1、Make sure that Ss understand the purposeof the activity 2、Show Ss the table and the explain it 3、Ask Ss some questions to check for understandingeg a:How many glrls would like the hair clips as a present?b:What is the most popular presents for boys? 1、Read the table on page722、Answer the kuestions3、Discuss the results in pairs.egS1.Do boys like hair clips?S2.No,they don’t.S1.Who like hair clips?S2.Some girls.S1.How many girls like hair clips?S2.There’re four .

Activity2:To discuss what your classmate like

1. Write some names of goods on the blackbard.2. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg:Now Let me know what your classmate like?3. Write the model on the blackboard.4. Encourge Ss to be voluntres. 1. Read the names in the blackboard.2. Voluteers ask questions about all the tems on the board and mark down the number of the students who put their hands for each item.3. Display the results on the blackboatd.eg:There’re twenty girls who like CDs.There’re31boys who like football.4.Present the survey in a bar chart. Use their creativity to make the bar chart look intresting by adding colours and illustrations.

Activity 3 : To discuss the price

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of activity.eg: Now let’s suppose one price to each item.2. Divide Ss into pairs.3. give some examples to Ss.eg: If I have ¥20,I can buy 20 cards or 5 cakds and a CD.Please work out the things you can buy with 30 yuan? 1. Dicuss the prices in pairs and give out a rational one.Write it down on the board.eg: A CD costs ¥15, and a card costs ¥1, and so on .2. Work out the price of all the things their classmates like.eg: A hair clip costs ¥2.There’re four girls who like hair clips. They cost ¥8 all together.3. Work out the things they can buy with some certain money.4. Exchange the answers in class.

Task2 To learn to solve problems about shopping

Activity 1: To help kitty decide which to buy

1. Make sute that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg: Kitty also wants to buy Simon and Sandy some presents. She has 25 yuan .She does not want to buy the same things as Amy did. Can you help her?2. Walk around the class and provide help in terms of vocabulary.3. Go through the answer with the whole class. If ther are different interpretations ask Ss to check the conversations again. 1. Read the two conversations carefully and try to find out what presents Amy has bought for Simion and Sandy.Finish the table below.Presents Amy has bought for Siman for Sandy


2. Read the conversations again to find out the price of the goods.Finish the table below.Good footballcards last year’s footballcard Hair clips CD


3. Answer True or False questions to understand the conversations.4. Finish the exercises on page72.5. Dicuss the answers.

Activity 2 : To make up a conversation in a shop.

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity .eg: Suppose you are Kitty .Now you are in a shop and you want to buy a football card and a CD for your friend Siman and Sandy .Please make up a conversation between the shop assistant and you.2.Walk around and give them help if necessary. 1. Choose roles2. Prepare the conversation on seat.3. Practice the conversation.4. Act out the conversation.eg:S1:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?S2:Yes,I’d like something for my friend Siman.S1:We have some beautiful football cards today.S2:Very good. Simon likes football very much . How much is it?S1:It’s ¥10.S2:It’s not expensive. I’ll take it.

Activity 3 : Written work. To finish a conversation about shopping.

1. Show Ss the exercise and make sure. Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Check the answers and correct mistakes if necessary. 1. Read the exercise 2. Dicuss the answers in pairs.3. Read the conversation together.4. Act out the conversation.

Stage 3: Homework.

Write a conversation in a shop.

Signpost: Tomarrow is your friend Simon’s birthday. You want to buy him something he likes as a birthday present and you only have ¥20.

Unit 5 Going Shopping


Content: Reading:Part B(2)and Part C

Analysis of learning :Ss have known the two conversations about shopping and some awareness of different registers .So during this period ,Ss will pay more attention to learn how to solve problem on shopping .

Objectives :1、Congnition objective:

a:To get Ss to grasp some words and phrases

b:To get Ss to consolidate “There be ”structure

2Skilll object

a:To get Ss to learn how to locate specific information by reading

b:To get Ss to learn to solve some problems about shopping .

3、Situation objective .

To arouse Ss interest and train Ss reading ability .

Emphasis and difficulty: Some words and phrases

Aids: Pictures ,sliders.

Method: Task Teaching Method .


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stagel:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage2:Learn Part B and Part C of Reading

Task1: To do a wh-survey

Activify1:To discuss the table on page 72

1、Make sure that Ss understand the purposeof the activity 2、Show Ss the table and then explain it 3、Ask Ss some questions to check for understandingeg a:How many girls would like the hair clips as a present?b:What is the most popular presents for boys? 1、Read the table on page722、Answer the questions3、Discuss the results in pairs.egS1.Do boys like hair clips?S2.No,they don’t.S1.Who like hair clips?S2.Some girls.S1.How many girls like hair clips?S2.There’re four .

Activity2:To discuss what your classmate like

1. Write some names of goods on the blackboard.2. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg:Now Let me know what your classmates like?3. Write the model on the blackboard.4. Encourage Ss to be volunteers. 1. Read the names on the blackboard.2.Voluteers ask questions about all the terms on the board and mark down the number of the students who put their hands for each item.2. Display the results on the blackboard.eg: There’re twenty girls who like CDs.There’re 31 boys who like football.4.Present the survey in a bar chart. Use their creativity to make the bar chart look interesting by adding colors and illustrations.

Activity 3 : To discuss the price

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of activity.eg: Now let’s suppose one price to each item.2. Divide Ss into pairs.3. give some examples to Ss.eg: If I have ¥20,I can buy 20 cards or 5 cards and a CD. Please work out the things you can buy with 30 yuan. 1. Discuss the prices in pairs and give out a rational one. Write it down on the board.eg: A CD costs ¥15, and a card costs ¥1, and so on .2. Work out the price of all the things their classmates like.eg: A hair clip costs ¥2.There’re four girls who like hair clips. They cost ¥8 all together.3. Work out the things they can buy with some certain money.4. Exchange the answers in class.

Task2 To learn to solve problems about shopping

Activity 1: To help Kitty decide which to buy

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity.eg: Kitty also wants to buy Simon and Sandy some presents. She has 25 yuan .She does not want to buy the same things as Amy did. Can you help her?2. Walk around the class and provide help in terms of vocabulary.3. Go through the answer with the whole class. If there are different interpretations, ask Ss to check the conversations again. 1.Listen to the two conversations carefully and try to find out what presents Amy has bought for Simon and Sandy. Finish the table below.Presents Amy has bought for Simon for Sandy


2.Listen to the conversations again to find out the price of the goods. Finish the table below.Good footballcards last year’s football card Hair clips CDS


3Answer True or False questions to check understanding .4.Finish the exercises on page72.5.Dicuss the answers.

Activity 2 : To make up a conversation in a shop.

1. Make sure that Ss understand the purpose of the activity .eg: Suppose you are Kitty .Now you are in a shop and you want to buy a football card and a CD for your friend Simon and Sandy .Please make up a conversation between the shop assistant and you.2.Walk around and give them help if necessary. 1. Choose roles2. Prepare the conversation on seat.3. Practice the conversation.4. Act out the conversation.eg:S1:Good morning, sir. Can I help you?S2:Yes,I’d like something for my friend Simon.S1:We have some beautiful football cards today.S2:Very good. Simon likes football very much . How much is it?S1:It’s ¥10.S2:It’s not expensive. I’ll take it.

Activity 3 : Written work. To finish a conversation about shopping.

1. Show Ss the exercise and make sure. Ss understand the purpose of the activity.2. Check the answers and correct mistakes if necessary. 1. Read the exercise 2. Discuss the answers in pairs.3. Read the conversation together.4. Act out the conversation.

Stage 3: Homework.

Write a conversation in a shop.

Signpost: Tomorrow is your friend Simon’s birthday. You want to buy him something he likes as a birthday present and you only have ¥20.

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Four

Content: Vocabulary

Analysis of learning: Let Ss learn more words and phrases about shopping

Objectives:1、Target language

vegetables, comic book, Walkman, shoes, tennis racket, T-shirt, bookshop, clothes shop, shoe shop, electrical shop, sports shop, supermarket.

2、Language skills

To guess the meaning of words by recognizing shopping items and relating them to typical shops.

3、Self –learning ability

How to use these words in real situations.

Emphasis and difficulty: Some new words and phrases

Teaching method: Task-based Learning Method


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision1、Retell Reading 2、Make up a dialogue in a shop

Stage 2: Learn Vocabulary

Task 1:To talk about the pictures on Page 75.

1、Ask Ss what shops they know.2、Show the pictures on P75.3、Tell Ss to check their answers in pairs.4、Ask Ss to read the names of the shops together. 1、List as many shops as they can. e.g. book shop, shoe shop, toy shop, sports shop, clothes shop, flower shop, supermarket2、Write the names of the shops.Underneath the pictures on their own.3、Check in pairs.4、Read together.

Task 2:

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose of the activity.e.g. Kitty bought a lot of thing.Write their names under the pictures.Where did kitty buy these things?Write the numbers of the shops in Part A in the boxes. 1、Look at the pictures on page75.Volunteers to describe the objects.2、Ss match these items with the shops in Part A by writing the correct number in each of boxes.3、Practice saying .e.g. Kitty bought vegetables in the supermarket.4、Say together.

Extension activities

1、Write the names of some shops on the board. 1、Ss identify a range of different items they can buy in these shops.e.g. Chemist: shampoo, toothpaste, medicine, Butcher: chicken, pork, beef, eggs.

Activity 2:

1、To ask students to draw shops from the nearest shopping mall.2、Ask them to write the items sold in each shop under the picture. 1、Write the names of the shops in large letters above the shops.2、Write and check.3、To describe.

Stage 3:Homework

1、To copy these words phrases2、To write more names and phrases of the shops and the names of the goods in them.

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Five

Contents: Grammar: Part A、Part B1

Analysis of learning: This section helps the Ss summarize

①The usage of the structure “there be ”

②The present continuous tense

a. What are they doing?

b. Asking questions about what people are doing.

Objectives:1、Language skills

a: To use “there is” and “there are” to introduce new things.

b: To use “there is” before a singular noun.

c: To use “there are” before a plural noun.

d: Use the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.

2、Self-learning ability

Try to get the rules by themselves.

3、Emphasis and difficulty:

Help the Ss use them probably and correctly.


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision

Stage 2:Learn Part A and Part B of Grammar

Task 1: Using “there is”/ “there are”

Activity 1:To Present “there be”

1、We use “there is” before a singular noun.We use “there are” before a plural noun. a man some bread six people lots of bogs Is there ……?Are there ……?2、Show some more pictures. 1、Ss should use this structure to describe other places .e.g. a modern building. a nice bedroom . a school library a big farm2、Answer Questionse.g.a .Are there many sheep in the farm?(Yes, there are./No, there aren’t.)b. Is there a lovely toy in the bedroom?(Yes, there is./No, there isn’t.)

Activity 2: Send an e-mail

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose .2、Tell Ss to use this model e-mail to talk about other things. e g. a youth club, a cinema, a restaurant. 1、Look at P76.2、Complete the sentences with “there is” and “there are”3、Check and read it to each other in pairs.4、Write an e-mail describing their school based on the model .5、Do extension activity.

Task 2: Using the present continuous tense to talk about things that are happening now.

Activity 1: What are they doing?

1、Make sure Ss understand the purpose.2、Ask some questions with mime and gestures for emphasis.3、T makes statements about yourself e.g. I am enjoying myself. I am having a great time.I am talking to all of you. 4、Ask Ss what kind of statements and questions T has formulated.5、Ask Ss to study the table on P77.6、Explain to Ss how we form the ‘- ing’ form of a verb with the reference to the table on Page 78.7、Remind Ss that the verb ‘to be ’ goes at the beginning of the question. Questions:1、What are you doing? Are you writing a letter to me? Are you singing……? Are you playing the piano right now? Are you swimming now? etc……2、Elicit the ideas about things going on now, at present, at the moment, right now. 3、Go through the table. Point out that we can make negative sentences by adding ‘not’ after the verb ‘to be’.4、Describe what the sentences below the pictures. Ss complete the sentences individually.5、Check in pairs.6、Work out the rules.7、Answer questions according to the pictures.a: What is Simon doing?b: Are Kitty and Sandy eating ice cream?c: This is Millie. What is she doing?d: Is Daniel doing his homework?(No, he is playing computer games.)Are you playing computer games too?(No, we’re having an English class.)

Stage 3: HomeworkWorkbook P69A & P70 B1 B2 B3

Unit5 Going Shopping

Period Six

Contents: Grammar: PartB2 Part C

Analysis of learning: ①Part B2 ask Ss to talk and use things that are happening now freely and correctly .

②Part C let Ss use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people/things when it is clear who or what we are referring to.


1、Target language

a. The usage of the present continuous tense.

b. Personal pronouns (object form)

2、Language skills

a. To use the present continuous tense

b. To introduce personal to refer to someone/something.

3、Self-learning ability

To get to the rules by practising.


Teaching Activities Learning Activities

Stage 1:Warm up

Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Revision Ⅰ:GreetingsⅡ:Everyday EnglishⅢ:Show some of the Ss e-mails to their friends.

Stage 2: Learn P78B2

Task 1: To talk about and complete the conversation.

Activity 1: Talking on the picture.

1、Ask Ss to look at the picture . Tell them that Sandy and Amy are talking on the phone.2、Ask questions. 1、Check their answers with a partner by role-playing the conversation.2、Answer some questions according to the conversation.a. Is Amy studying at the moment?b. Who is visiting her?c. What is her cousin doing now?d. What is Amy doing now ?3、Act out the conversation.4、Talking on the phone.e.g.S1: Hello, where are you?S2: I am walking in the street.S1: What are you doing now?S2: I’m buying something to eat.S1: Are you buying for me? S2: Yes. I’m having it now.

Stage 3:Learn P79C

Task1: Use personal pronouns to replace nouns for people /things

Activity 1: Discuss the table on P79

1、Work through the sample sentences on P79. 2、Write some more sample sentences on the blackboard to practice.3、Explain the difference between the subject form and object form. 1、Make sure to understand how each pronouns is related to the subject in the first sentence.2、Work on more sample sentences.a. My shoes are too big for . b. Do your shoes fit ? Yes, do. c. My mum likes these apples.I can get for .

Activity 2:Tallking to sb.

1、Explain to Ss that Daniel is talking to his father on the phone.2、Complete the sentences with personal pronouns (object form). 1、Read the conversation in pairs.2、Complete the sentences3、Fill in the blanks with the correct personal pronouns.■Look at your shoes. They are very dirty. You should clean .■That is Sally’s book. I will give it back to tomorrow.■I need a school bag. My mother is going to buy one.■The principal asked my class to meet him at ten O’clock. He is taking to the Science Museum. ■I left my football at Tom’s house. I will get later.■My brother likes eating apple pies. I am going to buy one.

Stage 4: HomeworkDo workbook: P75

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period Nine

Context: Check out (P85)

Analysis of learning: This section divides into two parts. Part A checks the usage of “there be” and the present continuous tense. Part B checks the vocabulary.

objectives: 1.to check the usage of “there is/there are”, the present continuous tense and personal pronouns.

2.to revise vocabulary related to shopping.

3.to encourage students to help others.

Emphasis and difficulty: “there be”& present continuous tense.

Teaching aids: computer and over-head projector.

Method: Task Teaching Method

Background: This section encourages students to find out how much they have learned and how well their learning strategies are working. Part A of the Checkout sections is set in the context of helping people.

Step I: Revise the grammar: “there be” & present continuous tense.

A. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of “there be”.

1._________ a book on the teachers' desk.

2._________ some bread in the fridge.

3._________ five hair clips in the box.

4._________ some toys in the shopping mall.

B. Ask the students to change the upper forms into negative forms and interrogative forms, pay attention to “some” and “any”.

1.There is a book on the teachers' desk.

There is not a book on the teachers' desk.

Is there a book on the teachers' desk?

4.There are some toys in the shopping mall.

There are not any toys in the shopping mall.

Are there any toys in the shopping mall?

C. Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the given verbs.

1.The boy (run) on the playground now.

2.Don't (close) the window, please.

3.Where is mum? She (cook) in the kitchen.

4.Look, the children (laugh) happily.

II. Part A of check out.

A. Tell students that part A gives them an opportunity to check how well they can use “there is/there are” constructions, the present continuous tense and the object forms of personal to complete the text.

B. Students fill in the blanks on their own. For less able students they may do this exercise in pairs. Ask students to check their answers with their partners. Ask for volunteers to read out the description for each picture. If students have made an error, ask them to refer back to the relevant section to find out where they have gone wrong.

III. Part B of check out.

A. Tell students to look at the word search puzzle in part B. Hidden inside are eight words from this unit. One has been found already.Ask students to look for the other seven wordson their own.

B. Students check their answers with a partner. Tell them to write any problem words on their flash cards which they have learned how to make in unit 3.

IV. Production.

A. Ask students to tell a story based on the four pictures, using

“there be” and present continuous tense.

eg. Helping people in a shopping mall

I'm going shopping on Saturday. There are many people. They are carrying big shopping bags. I'm standing outside a toy hop. There is a woman inside the shop….

C. Ask students to make their own word search puzzles with ther words they have learned in the unit.

Unit 5 Going Shopping

Period Ten

Content: Revision

Analysis of learning: Unit five introduces the idea of shopping for a particular purpose: buying a birthday present. students are encouraged to use vocabulary to talk about popular presents.

objectives:1.to grasp the construction of “there be” and the present

continuous tense.

2.to review the words and phrases.

Emphasis and difficulty: grammar and phrases.

Teaching aids: computer and over-head projector.

Revision of Language points:

I. Important expressions

a new shopping mall called Sunnyside Shopping Mall

the same things as

show sb. around sp.

on the top ( ground, first, second, third… ) floor

a computer games centre

write to me write an e-mail to his friend

over / on the phone

wait for one's turn

I'm waiting for my turn to ask the question.

help the children from poor areas

donate some money / raise some money for sb.

call us on 5551 3871

a pair of football boots

try it / them on try the coat on = try on the coat

five more new words

outside a toy shop

call 110 for help

have a stomach ache

play with sb. / sth.

Don't play with the fire. It's dangerous.

Do you like playing with your sister?

buy him a MP3 player = buy a MP3 player for him

get online = visit the Internet = surf the Internet

write a thank-you letter to sb.

II. Useful sentence structures

1. I want you to go shopping with me today.

I need you to carry all the bags.

want / need sb. to do sth.

2. All right, here's my purse.

Here comes the bus.

Here's an apple for you.

3. Amy wants to buy some presents for Simon and Sandy.

4. Can I help you? What are you looking for?

5. How much do the cards cost?

= How much are the cards?

= What's the price of these cards?

= How much do you pay for these cards?

= How much do you spend on these cards?

= How much do you spend ( in ) buying these cards?

6. There's a discount on last year's cards.

Is there a discount if I buy the whole set?

7. I prefer to buy new cards. ( prefer to do sth. )

prefer A to B

I prefer apples to pears.

I prefer watching TV to playing football.

8. These hair clips are beautiful, and they match her favorite T-shirt. ( = go with )

We must find a tie to match your suit.

Her clothes don't match her age.

9. I don't have enough money to buy her a CD.

I am not tall enough to reach the basket.

10. There is a big new shopping mall near my school. It is called Sunnyside.

11. The mall opens from 9a.m. to 10p.m..

12. Millie is paying for her new shoes.

How much should I pay for the computer?

13. I can't hear you well. Can you say it again?

14. What size are your feet?

What size do you wear?

15. It is very easy to find.

16. I like watching a film before going shopping.

17. When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish.

18. he mall is a really fun place to go. It is a good place to meet friends.

19. She is crying with her hand on her stomach.

20. We help each other. I help her with Chinese. She helps me with English.

III. Improve yourself
















篇2:牛津7AUnit 4(译林牛津版八年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Period 1

Teaching Contents

1. Comic strip.

2. Welcome to the unit.

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge objectives:

1) To revise old vocabulary and learn new vocabulary about food.

2) To talk about likes and dislikes with regard to food.

2. Ability objectives:

1) Express likes and dislikes.

2) Learning how to talk about the kinds of food they like and dislike.

3. Emotion objectives:

To help the students have a healthy lifestyle and diet.

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading and writing

Teaching Materials:

1) Student’s book 7 A, page 55.

2) Some pictures of several kinds of food.

3) Slide shows.

Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task

1) Warming-up

Let’s sing a song to relax.

2) Free talk

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

S: Good morning, Miss…

T: In the last weeks, we’ve talked about festivals. What do we do on Festivals?

S1: We have parties.

S2: We often have big meals.

T: Yes, people eat different food on different festivals, right? What do people eat on Thanksgiving Day?

S1: Turkeys.

T: What do we eat on Spring Festival?

S2: Dumplings.

T: Great. Boys and girl, do you know some other food?

S1: Eggs.

S2: Bread, oranges.

T: Very good. Please look at the food.

(Show them a picture, in which the food is classified like the form on page 55, and then teach them the new words:

vegetable, hamburger, a bowl of rice . After showing these new words, teach them to read and remember these words which will appear in the lesson.)

T: Do you like these food?

S: Yes.

T: The food look very good, so I am a little hungry. ( with the gesture, let the students know the meaning of this word and write it on the blackboard) I want some fish. I like fish very much, and fish is my favourite food. But I don’t like chicken. I hate chicken.

(Write these two new words on the Bb and lead them to read.)

2. While-task

1) Presentation

T: Please look at the form on page 55, Tom, I like fish, what food do you like?

S: Hamburgs.

T: Do you love it?

S: Yes, I eat it every day.

T: Do you like rice?

S: No, I don’t

T: Thanks. You don’t like rice. So you dislike rice. Boys and girls, we know Tom’s favourite food , but how about your favourite food?

2) Practice

T: Please work in pairs and fill in the form.

(Give them 3 minutes to do it, then ask some of them to act it out )

3. Post-task

1) Presentation

T: Boys and girl, look at him. He is my friend, Jack. He is very …

(Show them a picture of a fat man.)

S: Fat.

T: Yes. Can you guess which food he loves?

S: Hamburgers.

T: You’re very clever. He loves hamburgers very much, and eats it every day.

Do you think he is a healthy person? (with gesture teach these two new words)

S: No.

T: Why?

S: He eats too much.

T: Yes. And he never does sports, he never exercises. (write this word on the Bb)

But he wants to be fit like him. (Show another picture of a very healthy and strong man)

Can you help him?

S: He can’t eat too much.

S2: He can run every day.

T: Yes, he can exercise. What can he eat?

S1: Vegetables.

S2: Rice.

T: Great. He needs a healthy diet. ( Write the two new words on the Bb and teach them to read.)

With the help of diet, he will have energy. (write it on the Bb and tell them the meaning of it in English.)

2) Comic strip

T: Now, boys and girls, listen to the tape and answer these two questions.

(Show the questions on the screen.)

1. What time is it?

2. Does Eddie often exercise?

(Ask the Ss to answer the questions.)

T: Now, please open your books, turn to page 54. Read after the tape.

(After reading after the tape, let them read by themselves in roles.)

S: …

3) Practice

T: Now, work in pairs to act it out.

(Give them 3 minutes to prepare it, then ask some pairs to act it out. )


1) Copy the new words.

2) Write five sentences about your family like this:

My father loves/likes…. My mother ….

3) Get ready for Reading on page 56.

Unit 4 Food

Period 2: Reading

Study Tasks:

1. Practice the technique of skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for details

2. Master the usages of : lifestyle, before, diet, energy, exercise, fast food, healthy, important, seldom, tired, top

3. Know how to keep healthy by doing exercise and have a suitable diet every day

Topic: Unit 4 What's your favourite food?

Contents: Reading(I) in Unit 4

Important points: the technique to skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for details

Difficult points: 1. the relationship between diet and overall health

2. the teachique to skimming for overall comprehension and scanning for details

Teaching procedures:

Pre-task 1) Revision

Help the students revise “What is your favourite food?” and the answers:“ My favourite food is... I like ... I love...” by making dialogues like this:

S1: What’s your favourite food?

S2: My favourite food is rice and chicken. What about you?

S1: My favourite food is fish and rice.

2) Lead-in

1. T: Show some pictures of playing basketball/football/tennis/volleyball... pictures of running/jumping/swimming/dancing... to the class with the questions:

T: S1, do you exercise at school?

S1: Yes, I do.

T: What exercise do you like?

S1: I like basketball/football/running...

2. T: Ask the whole class to discuss. “Why do we exercise every day?” (Write the sentence on the blackboard and explain. Give them 2minutes to discuss.)


3. (Have some students to report.)

T: To exercise is very good for our health. But food is also important for our health. What do you eat every day?

S1: I eat rice, apples, oranges, meat... every day.

T: What's your favourite food?

S2: I eat bread, milk, pork, bananas...every day.

Task circle 1) Listen and answer. (Kitty)

Let the Ss look at some questions about Kitty before they listen to the tape.

1. How often does Kitty dance?

2. Where did Kitty get her energy?

3. Why did Kitty change her diet?

Then ask the Ss to answer the questions.

2) Read and complete B2 (Kitty)

Ask the Ss to read Reading A by themselves. When they read, they’d better underline the new words. Then the teacher will get them to guess the meaning and explain. Then ask the Ss to complete B2 (Kitty) according to the text.

3) Read and answer. (Daniel)

Let the Ss look at some questions about Daniel before they read the text.

1. How often does Daniel swim?

2. Why did Kitty change her diet?

3. What does Daniel usually have for breakfast?

Then ask them to read the text to find the answers.

4) Complete B2 (Daniel)

Ask the Ss to complete B2 according to the text (Reading B).

5) Listen and repeat (Daniel)

Ask the Ss to listen to the tape and repeat after the tape sentence by sentence.

Read the passages in corals.

Post task 1) Do B1

Ask the Ss to do B1. Let them match the words on the left with the meaning on the right. Then check the answers: 1 dancer e , 2 energy f , 3 healthy d , 4 diet h , 5 seldom a , 6 top b , 7 lifestyle c , 8 exercise g

2) Complete C2

Tell students to do C2 individually, then ask them to check their answers with a partner. Refer back to the text if there are any disagreements.

Task 10: Discussion

T: Boys and girls, what do you learn from the text?

S2: I learn a lot from the text. I think it’s very important to have a healthy diet and a good lifestyle.

S3: I liked hamburgers a lot. But from now on, I will not eat them any more.

S4: I seldom exercised before. I decide to exercise every day.

T: Now if you are healthy, please tell us your diet and lifestyle. If you are not healthy, please tell us your old diet and lifestyle and your plans for your new diet and lifestyle.


1. Write a short passage about your healthy diet and lifestyle or your plans for your new diet and lifestyle. (If some Ss think it hard, the teacher can give them some key words for help.)

2. Recite the text (Reading A & B).


Task:1,To practise the technique of scanning ofr details

2,To know the relationship between diet and overall health

3,To master the usages of the following expressions and words

want to do, for two days,It's important for ...,be good for,eat ...for,not...any more,a

top student,like doing,on the internet,exercise,twice a week,dancer,fast food

4,To finish a class test

Topic:What we eat and how we live

Contents:Reading part in Unit 4

Important points:1,the usages of the expressions and words

2,the technique of scanning for detail

Difficult points:the relationship between diet and overall health

the teachique to scanning for detail

Blackboard design:

What we eat and how we live

Every day,I dance for two hours. It's important for a dancer to be healthy.I know that sweet snacks are not good for me. I always eat an apple for breakfast. I don't eat sweet snacks any more. I am...a top student I like studying. ...on the inernet. After class. I exercise every day for about 30 minutes. I swim twice a week. I always have a healthy meal for dinner.I don't eat fast food any more.

Teaching procedures:

Task One:Show the task for this class (Let the students know they study task):Omission

Task Two:Practise the skill for scanning for the details

1,Give the students papers

2,(The students)Try to read the passage fill the missing words

The girl's name is ______.She is ______ years old.She wants to be a _____.She often dances for _____ _____every day.Before she _____ate fruit and ______.She liked sweet______.Now she often eats_____for breakfast.She doesn't eat ______ _____between meals.

The boy's name is ______.He is a _____student at school.He like ______computer games.He often _____with his friends on the _____.Before he often ate ______for lunch.He wanted to ______basketball but he couldn't run______.So he _____for about half an hour a day.

Task Three:A discussion about food and life styles

1,Show a piece of videos (一段关于胖孩子录像)

2,A discussion

Task Four:Ability test

1,Give the papers

2,Use the expressions to fill in the blank for three hours,want to do,It's important for...,not...any more,eat.for,be good for,like doing...

Jack is an English boy.He ______a football player(足球运动员)He ______football very much.He plays football _______every day.He says playing football ______his health.Before he seldom played football because he couldn't run fast.He often ______meat _____his three meals.He got very fat...

Task Five:Practice

Help the students to master the usages of the expressions

First :T:English S:Chinese Then T:Chinese S:English

1, T:I want to be a dancer.


T:She/He/Miss Li/They/The boy want/wants to be a /an/teacher /singer/dancer/engineer/farmer/....


T: 我/你/他/我们/你们/她们/王先生 ......想成为一名医生/教师/工人......

S:I/you/he/we/you/Mr Wang want/wants to be a/an ......

2,T:I dance for two hours very day.


T:Theboy/girl/man/teachers/women....run(s)/swim(s)/walk(s)/fish(es)/work(s)...for two/three/two and half/hours/thirty/twenty/ten/minutes...every day.

S:那个男孩/女孩/男人/教师们/妇女们......每天跑步 ......两/三/两个半时......


S: I/My friends/His father.....read for one hour/watch TV for 30 minutes......

3,T:It's important for a dancer to be healthy.


T:It's important for you/them/the boy/the old man/...to walk/ swim/to do exercise/get up early .....every day.


T:对我们/你们/他们/平平/杰克......来说,每天读英语/ 每天听录音/散步/打篮球/喝点水/吃点蔬菜......很重要。

S: It's important for us/you/them/Pingping/Jack to read English /listen to the tape/walk/play basketball/eat some vegetables....

4,T:I know that sweet snacks are not good for me.


T:Too much/many meat/sugar/ exercise/sleep/candies...is /are not good for the boy/girl/me/him....


Task Six:Class Practice

一、Fill in the blanks according to the passage

The girl's name is ______.She is ______ years old.She wants to be a _____.She often dances for _____ _____every day.Before she _____ate fruit and ______.She liked sweet______.Now she often eats_____for breakfast.She doesn't eat ______ _____between meals.

The boy's name is ______.He is a _____student at school.He like ______computer games.He often _____with his friends on the _____.Before he often ate ______for lunch.He wanted to ______basketball but he couldn't run______.So he _____for about half an hour a day.

二、Fill in the blanks with the expressions given

Simon is my friend. He wants ____ ____a basketball player.He knows ____ _____for him to run fast. So he runs ____ ____ ____in the morning every day.Before he didn't like running ____ ____.He often _____much chicken and meat ______his supper and he was very fat.His mother told him that too fat ______not _____ _____him. But now,Simon seldom eats chicken and meat.And he gets up early and do exercise every day.

三、Put the following into English


2,明明想成为一个歌唱家。(want to be)

3,对你来说,每天吃一些水果很重要。(It's important...)


5,读书(reading) 你每个人都有好处。(be good for)


Task Seven:Homework and exercise

1,Recite the passage

2,Finish the exercise in the book.

3,Class test 三

A Design for Vocabulary of Unit 4 (period 4 )

Teaching Content: Vocabulary of Unit 4 ( F W E 7A

Teaching Aims: 1. To recognize names of different foods

2. To use adjectives to describe different tastes

Teaching Difficulty: Spelling of the names of the foods

Teaching Importance: To recognize the names of the different foods

Teaching Tools: foods, pictures, a piece of cloth, papers

Teaching Procedure:

I. Greetings and giving the aims of this lesson.

T: Hello, boys and girls. Today we are going to recognize different food and their tastes.

II. Pre-task activity

1. T: Boys and girls, look at my desk. I bring some kinds of food here today. Let’s see who has the best memory. I’ll give you two minutes to look through the food. Then, I’ll cover the food. Who says the most names of the food, who’ll be the winner. And I’ll give him or her the food as a prize.

(Use some foods to make the students interested and excited.)

2. T: Now, boys and girls, look at these pictures. There are many kinds of food on the pictures. Let’s see what are their names. Now, follow me.

(Display the pictures of food with the words underneath them in large and clear letters. Use them to teach the new words. This makes the learning interesting and easy.)

III. Task cycle

Task1. Rearrange the letters of some food.

Boys and girls, let’s come to Part A on P59. Please help Millie rearrange the letters to find out the names of food. After you finish the answers, please put up your hand. Let me see who’ll be the first five students.

(get two students to write their answers on the blackboard and check the answers with the whole class. If your class is a stronger one you can choose other words for food and jumble the letters of each word. Ask for volunteers to write some of these words on blackboard. Work out the answers as a class activity.)

Task 2. Find how the food tastes.

Wow, look at me. It’s so sour/sweet/spicy/salty.

(Use some pictures of different kinds of food with strong tastes. Mime the words “sour” and “spicy”. Explain these meanings further with pictures.)

Now, boys and girls, let’s come to Part B. How well do you know the different tastes? Look at the pictures, write the correct words under the pictures.

(Ask students to do this task on their own. Compare answers with their partner.)

Task 3.List the names of food, then complete the figure.

Now, look at the figure. Please work in pairs, try to write down the names of food and their tastes. The more, the better.

Food Taste

( Get some students to report orally. )

There is another figure here. Please work in groups of four to complete the following figure .

Taste Food





IV. Post task

Please tell me how many names of food do you list. The more, the better.

(Students report the results to the whole class.)

Well done! Now, let’s see which group finds the most food. That’s the winner of this lesson.(Give some food as prizes.)

V. Homework

Make a survey. Go to the supermarket to find more food and their tastes.

Period 5

Grammar (Part A Adverbs of frequency)

Teaching contents:

the adverbs of frequency


To recognize and use the adverbs of frequency

Teaching Aids:

A computer, a projector

Teaching methods:


Teaching procedures:

Pre-task: 1) Presentation

T: Kate, what’s your favourite sport?

S1: My favourite sport is dancing.

T: So you can say, “I always dance.” Lucy, what sport do you love?

S2: I love swimming.

T: So you can say, “I usually swim.” Jack, do you like playing football?

S3: Yes, I do.

T: So you can say, “I often play football. I don’t like swimming, but swimming is good for my health. So I sometimes go swimming. Lily, do you like playing badminton?

S4: No, I don’t like it. I play it twice a week.

T: So you can say, “I seldom play badminton.” Tom, do you like playing football?

S5: No, I hate it. I will not play it.

T: So you can say, “I never play football.”

2): Tell the Ss the adverbs of frequency

Show the Ss a diagram to tell the adverbs of frequency. (用柱状图表示)

Main task: 1) Ask and answer

T: Tom, how often do you go roller skating? (show a picture of roller skating)

S1: I sometimes play badminton.

Repeat with other adverbs of frequency.

Then the teacher can encourage the students to ask the teacher some questions.

S1: How often do you swim?

T: I often swim.

2): Do Part A1

T: Boys and girls, do you want to know how often our friends exercise?

Ss: Yes.

Then ask the Ss to open their English books to complete the sentences in Part A1. First, let the students work individually. Then ask them to check their answers in pairs. At last, check for the correct use of adverbs as a class activity.

Pre-task: 1) Presentation

Show some kinds of food for lunch and dinner. (one picture for one kind of food)

T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s ice cream.

T: Lucy, how often do you eat ice cream?

S1: Sometimes.

T: And what’re they?

Ss: They’re noodles.

T: Tom, how often do you eat noodles?

S2: I usually eat them.

T: Now let’s see how many times Millie’s classmates eat these kinds of food for lunch and dinner in a week.

Show the table. Then let the Ss ask and answer questions according to the table.

S1: How many times do the boys eat chicken?

S2: They eat it twice a week.

Main task: Do Part A3

Ask the Ss to complete the sentences in Part A3. Then check the answers.

Post- task: Work in pairs and act it out

Ask the Ss to make dialogues about how often they exercise and how often they eat these kinds of food. Then let them act it out.


Ask them to write a short passage to tell how often they themselves and their partners exercise and eat these kinds of food.

Period 6 (Grammar 2)

Teaching contents: 1 To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.

2 To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.

3 Make the students can use the form of a + … + of.

Teaching aims: 1 Make the students grasp the knowledge.

2 Train the abilities of listening, reading, speaking and writing and the studying skills of the students.

3 Make the students cooperate more in class.

Teaching important and difficult points:

1 To recognize and use countable and uncountable nouns.

2 To recognize and use the indefinite articles to talk about things that are countable.

3 Make the students can use the form of a + … + of.

Teaching aids: pictures, real objects and multi-media computer

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Presentation

T: Boys and girls, good morning. First, please look at the screen.

Show a picture of an apple.

T: What’s this?

S: It’s an apple.

T: (show a picture of a glass) What’s this?

S: It’s a glass.

T: Good. What’s this? (show a picture of a piano)

S: It’s a piano.

T: What are these? (show a picture of mangoes)

S: They are mangoes.

Use pictures to teach story, glass, piano, mango, shelf, carrot, tomato, pot, pancake and potato. At the same time, teach the singular and plural forms of these new words. They are stories, glasses, pianos, mangoes, shelves, carrots, tomatoes, pots, pancakes and potatoes.

Show a picture of a Christmas card with wishes on it.

T: You see, it’s a Christmas card. What should we write on it?

S: Merry Christmas!

T: Yes, and it’s a wish. For example, Happy New Year! It’s a wish, too. Any other examples?

S: Happy Teachers’ Day.

T: Good. These nouns are something we can count. So we call them countable nouns. And only countable nouns have plural forms.

Step 2 Conclusion

Conclude the rules that how to form the plural form of most countable nouns. We add ‘-s’ to the singular form. However, there are some exceptions.

Most nouns + s

Nouns ending in a consonant +y -y + ies

Nouns ending in s, sh, ch or x + es

Nouns ending in o + s or + es

Nouns ending in f or fe -f or fe + ves

Step 3 Presentation

T: We saw some pictures of countable nouns. Now let’s see some pictures of another kind of nouns. (show a picture of bread)

Look, what’s this? It’s bread.

T: What is it? (show a picture of water)

S: It’s water.

T: And what’s this? (show a picture of tea)

S: It’s tea.

Use pictures to teach tea, soup and salt.

T: You see, these are something we cannot count. So we call them uncountable nouns.

Step 4 Practice

Do B1 on Page 62.

Check answers and then do B2. Read Millie and her mother’s conversation and write the underline nouns in the correct column of the table.

Then check the answers.

Step 5 Presentation

Show the students a picture of a cup of tea.

T: Now please look at the screen. What’s this?

Ss: It’s tea.

T: Yes, it is. And it’s a cup of tea. We can not say a tea, but a cup of tea. We can use nouns in front of uncountable nouns to show their amounts. Let’s see some other examples.

Show pictures of a glass of milk, a bowl of rice, a packet of salt one by one. Ask the students to read these phrases.

Then show a picture of meat. Teach kilo and a kilo meat.

Then show a picture of two or three glasses of milk. Teach the plural forms of these phrases.

two bowls of rice three cups of tea four kilos of meat

five packets of salt Students read these phrases together.

Conclusion: a … of + uncountable nouns

Show some other pictures. e.g. a bag of apples a box of eggs

two baskets of bananas

T: We can also use nouns in front of uncountable and countable nouns to show their amounts.

Step 6 Practice

Translate some phrases.

1 五杯茶 2 两袋牛奶

3 一碗米饭 4 三袋盐

5 一盒鸡蛋 6 四公斤芒果

Step 7 Exercises

Do the exercise on Page 63, in the kitchen. Read the conversation and fill in the blanks with a or an.

Then check the answers.

Get students read the dialogue together.

T: Pay attention. In this sentence “It takes half _______ hour to cook.” we should put ‘an’ in the blank.

T: We use ‘a’ or ‘an’ before a singular countable noun. If the noun starts with a vowel sound, we use ‘an’. And in the word hour, the letter ‘h’ is silent and it starts with a vowel sound, so we use ‘an’.

T: Let’s see how many letters we can put ‘an’ before them. Please think it over.

Then check answers.

The letters are A, E, F, H, I, L, M, N, O, R, S, X.

Step 8 Production

T: We’ll have a party. We don’t have enough food or drinks. So we should go shopping. Please work in pairs and make up a new dialogue about shopping.

Choose several pairs to perform their dialogues in class.


Write down the dialogue discussed above.

Period 7

A Design for Intergrated skills of Unit Four

Teaching Content:Integrated skills (Part A)

Teaching Aims:Develop four skills by way of talking about “How to keep fit”.

Teaching Tools:recorder,slides,etc.

Teaching Procedure:

I.Greetings and giving the aim of this lesson:

T:Hello,boys and girls. Today we’re going to talk about “How to keep fit”,then please finish the questionnair on Page64. (Explain“ fit”)

II.Pre-task activity:

At the beginning,show some funny pictures to arouse students’ interest in different lifestyles ,food and health issues.

T: Now, please look at this form, it is Wang Ling’s lifestyle, please talk about it, do you think it is a good lifestyle?

exercise Play computer games Eat fruit and vegetables Watch TV Eat fast food

never *

seldom *

sometimes *

often *

always *

(The students have a talk)

S: No. It isn’t a good lifestyle.

T: Good Now would you like to tell me your lifestyles ?

S: Yes.

T: OK. Work in groups .I will give you five minutes ,please talk about your own lifestyles, then I will ask some groups to give us your opinions . You can refer to these questions on the screen:

1. How often do you exercise?

2. How long do you sleep every night?

3. How much TV do you watch every day?

4. How often do you eat cakes, biscuits and sweets?

5. How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?

6. How often do you walk to school?

(The students have a talk.)

T: OK. Time is up. Any groups volunteers?

(Some groups give their opinions, the teacher gives some advice, Then have a free talk to teach new words and phrases :“less than”,“more than ”,“biscuits” and “total”.)

III.Task cycle:

Task 1 : Come to the questionnair.

T: Now you are logging onto the Get Fit website and listening to an online interview with one of the club members, Hu Wen. Then please finish the questionnair on P64.

(Explain the instructions and the purpose of a “lifestyle” questionnaire carefully. The students study the questionnair individually. Check for general understanding and confirm the meanings of adverbs of frequency, individually and in pairs.)

Task 2: Finish the questionnair. Play the recording ,ask students to listen for specific information about Hu Wen ’s lifestyle and tick the correct boxes, ask them to check their answers with a partner. Then check answers as a class activity. Give help and explanations if students have problems. Then encourage them to find the information for themselves and complete the last column of the questionnair.

Task3: Report.Ask students to enter Hu Wen’s score and their own score in the table in PartA3.Students analyze the health scores for Hu Wen and themselves. Read out the three categories. Ask students to put up their hands for each category. Count the number of students in each category to see how healthy or unhealthy the class is. (The teacher can ask the students to draw a chart according to the report for class display.)

IV.Post-task activity:

Task1: Interview. Divide the class into pairs. Ask students to read and understand the questions in PartA4 before they interview their partners. Pay attention to intonation. Ask them to drop their voice at the end of the question. Say some sample questions and ask students to repeat them.

Task 2: Report.Ask students to complete the report in Part A5.Use the information obtained from the questions in Part A4.Ask students to put up their reports, together with the class profile for classroom display.

V. Homework :1. Make a survey: What do your friends have for breakfast/lunch/supper?

See how healthy or unhealthy they are . Tell them to how to keep fit.

2.Make a plan for yourself to tell your classmates how you keep fit.

(The students can choose one as their homework)

A Design for Integrated Skills of Unit 4(Period 8)

Teaching Content:Integrated skills ( Part B )

Teaching Aims:1.Develop four skills

2.Introduce and consolidate common intonation patterns with ‘Wh’ questions.

Teaching Tools:recorder, slides etc.

Teaching Procedure:

I. Greetings and giving the aim of this lesson

T: Hello, boys and girls, today we’re going to talk about food and diet, ask and answer questions about likes and dislikes

II. Pre-task activity.

(First say a rhyme :What would you like?

What would you like? I’d like some rice.

What would you like? I’d like some pies.

Sure,they’re very nice. )

T: Good job.OK,here are Peter’s diets,please talk about them,(give some sentence patterns about like and dislike),then tell your partners what you like and dislike.(make the students work in pairs)

Before Now

seldom Fruit and vegetables seldom Fast food

often Snacks, sweets often Fruit and vegetables

always Fast food always Healthier food

(The students have a report , the teacher gives some advice, then have a free talk to teache new words:“feel”,“luck”,“supermarket”,and“ carry.”

III. Task cycle:

Task 1:Know Meiling and Ricky’s diets .Listen to the tape , make the students listen for some details about Meiling and Ricky’ conversation, then ask the students to repeat the dialogue between Meiling and Ricky.(in chorus, in groups, or in pairs)

Task 2:Act out the dialogue. Ask students to work in pairs , then make some pairs to present the dialogue before the class,make sure that students should be able to role-play this conversation with fluency, eye contact and appropriate intonation.

IV.Post-task activity:

Task 1:Make up new dialogues .Ask students to work in pairs and talk about their own diets. for some weaker classes,allow students to write down their conversations before role-playing them. Remind them that they can use Meiling and Ricky’s conversation as a model.. Ask some pairs to present their conversation to the class. After this ,the teacher can give some advice.

Task2:Extension activity. On Page 67 is a calorie and vitamin chart listing some common food items. Set up an activity to encourage students to talk about their own and their classmates’diets without referring to their books, then ask the students to write a short passage about it .If time permitted,the teacher can give some comment on some passages.

Task 3: Introduce common intonation patterns with ′Wh‵questions.

Make the students talk about their lifestyle and diet, make sure they use ‘Wh’ questions.,(give some sentence patterns), tell them to pay attention to the intonation.Explain that we drop our voice at the end of a ‘Wh’ question to indicate that we have finished speaking .Tell them Wh-words include“ what ”“when ”“ why ”“where ” “who ” “how ” “which ”“whom ”and“ whose.”

Task 4. Pratice. Ask students to listen to the questions on the recording, then repeat each question, make them place the downward arrow on the last word of each question ,ask some students to write an answer to each question, make the students practise saying the questions and the answers in pairs, they can add their own Wh questions about food items and use different Wh-words.At last,ask some pairs to come to the front of the classroom and present the conversation.

VII. Homework: Written work: My favourite food.

Period 9 (Main Task)

Teaching contents: To teach the students how to write an article.

Teaching aims:

1 To express factual information about diets and lifestyles in writing.

2 To write an article for a website based on personal information.

3 To read an article to a classmate and check for mistakes.

4 To train the healthy lifestyle of the students.

Teaching important and difficult points:

To teach the students how to write an article.

Teaching aids: pictures, real objects and multi-media computer

Teaching steps:

Greetings and assigning the task

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls. Do you know about Get Fit Club. Get Fit Club is an e-club which introduces healthy styles and helps people to live better and healthier. Millie has joined it. We are going to join it, too. And each member of it must write an article to introduce his/her healthy life style. So in this class each of us will write an article to talk about our life styles.

Warming up

T: In the last several periods, we have already learned and revised many names of food. Now, can you say them as many as possible?...

Food: cakes(1),bread(2),rice(3),meat(4),chicken(1),beef(3),fish(2),noodles(4),

eggs(3) ,potatoes(2),tomatoes(1),hamburgers(4),pizzas(4),carrots(3),

turnips(2) ,vegetables(1) etc.

Fruit: watermelons(4), apples(1), pears(2), bananas (3), oranges(3),

lemons(2), strawberries(4) , mangoes (1), pineapples(2) cherries (3),etc.

Drinks: coke(1), juice(3), water(4), milk(2), tea(3) etc.

Snacks: biscuits(1), chips(4), ice cream(2) etc.


1) T: Good. You have really known a great deal of words about food. Here is a form. Can you ask and answer the questions and fill the form? After you have finished it, you will have a report.

Name __________________________ Age ____________________________


Questions Answers

Do you have breakfast every day? Seldom/every day/never

What do you have for breakfast?

What do you have for lunch?

Do you have snacks?

What do you have for supper?

Do you have sports?

How often do you have sports?

2) T: Look at the information table on page 67 and compare your form with your partners .Do you know how much energy you need every day? Can your diets give you enough energy ?Do you eat too much or take too little exercise ?Learn the calories and vitamins in each portion of the food ,compare the report above and design a healthy diet for yourselves and tell the class about it.

Breakfast: bread, milk, eggs, fruit/noodles with eggs or meat, fruit/

Congee, eggs, meat, fruit etc.

Lunch (dinner): soup, rice, pork, fish, vegetables / soup, rice, chicken,

vegetables, fruit / soup, fish, beef, vegetables, fruit, etc.

Supper: porridge, cakes, vegetables\ congee, cakes, vegetables/

noodles, vegetables etc.

Snacks: biscuits, juice etc.

Exercise: have a walk every day/jogging/play ball games/do morning exercises, riding, etc.

Report Pattern

Hello, everybody. My name is…. I am…years old. I like….I am strong/a little weak/a bit fat/a little thin/…I will have…for breakfast every day, because …; for lunch I will have….This will give me enough energy to….; Between lunch and dinner /supper ,I will have some snacks, such as….I will have …for supper. I will do enough exercise and I will ….I will be a healthy boy /girl.


T: Please read Millie’s article for the website (on Page68) and see how Millie design her healthy life style.

T: Millie has written out her plan to keep fit. Now you try it, imitating her writing style, write your own articles for the Get Fit Club.

Tips for your writing

Name: age: sports: health condition:

What to have for breakfast:

What to have for lunch:

What to have for dinner/supper:

What to have between the meals:

some exercise

Writing Sample: Millie’s article on Page 68(omitted)


1) T: OK, you have finished your writing. That’s great. Do you want to share them with the whole class and improve them? Please read your articles to the class. We will help you to correct your mistakes and make your articles better. Who will read the article first?


2) T: In this class, we have finished our articles for the Get Fit Club. Each of us has done a good job. Now here is your homework:


Read, beautify, print, display your articles and post to the Get Fit Club (Website-Fit@sina.com)

Help your parents to design their healthy diets and write them out.

Finish the exercises on page 60 and page 61, workbook.

Period 10

Teaching Contents:

1. Checkout

2. Exercises

Teaching focus:

Self-assessment for students to find out how much they have learned in this unit.

Teaching difficulties:

1. to write the key vocabulary

2. the usage of the simple present tense

Teaching Aims:

1. Knowledge objectives(知识目标):

1) To revise the use of adverbs of frequency and the names of common food items

2) To revise key vocabulary

3) To review the simple present tense

2. Ability objectives(能力目标):

To help the students build the ability of self-study and self-assessment

3. Emotion objectives(情感目标):

To help the students have a healthy lifestyle and live a healthy life

Teaching Methods:

Listening, speaking, reading and writing

Teaching Procedures:

1. Pre-task

1) Greetings.

2) Free talk

T: Hello, boys and girls! How are you today?

Ss: I’m fine. Thank you. And you?

T: I’m OK now. But I didn’t feel well yesterday. I went to see the doctor. The doctor said, “There’s nothing serious. You’d better exercise more and have more healthy food, such as vegetables, fruits.” Do you often exercise, boys and girls?

Ss: Yes. (Some Ss may say “No”.)

T (to a boy): Do you often exercise?

S1: Yes.

T: What kind of exercise, basketball or football?

S1: …

T (to a girl): What about you?

S2: No, I don’t exercise.

T: Why not?

S2: Because I have no time. I have to do a lot of homework.

T: Oh, you have a lot of homework to do. But I think you must exercise often to be strong, to have a healthy body. If not, you will feel ill and have to stay in bed or go to see the doctor, then you will not be able to come to school and you will fall behind others.

The doctor told me to eat more vegetables and fruits. Can you tell me any names of fruits?

S3: …

S4: …

T: Good! Thank you! Now I must eat more apples, bananas and vegetables and exercise more. By the way, what food do you often have?

S5: …

S6: …

T: Good! Boys and girls, do you know Amy? What food does Amy often eat, do you know?

2. Task circle

1) Do Part A

T: Please open your books at p69. Let’s look at Part A. How often does Amy eat these different kinds of food? Look at the chart below and write a few sentences. (Two minutes)

(Two minutes later, ask some students to speak out their sentences.)

T: Now, boys and girls, how often do you eat these different kinds of food in the picture? First, do you often eat fish? …

… …

2) Do Part B

Now, let’s look at Part B. You are now a member of the Get Fit Club too. Complete this week’s crossword puzzle. You can read these sentences first, they will help you find the right words.

(Ask some Ss to tell their answers.

1. Eating good food and doing exercise help you stay healthy.

2. A kind of fast food. (hamburger)

3. Many Chinese eat it every day. (rice)

4. They grow on trees. They can be red or green. (apples)

5. This fruit is yellow and it tastes sour. (lemon)

6. You need this drink to live. (water)

7. They swim. (fish) )

3. Post task

Now boys and girls, please add your scores. Let’s see who gets the most score. He or she will be the winner of this lesson.

4. Homework:

1. Make a survey to find how often your classmates eat some certain kinds of food. Write down a few sentences according to Part A on p.69. You should use “ sometimes, never, usually, always, often, seldom”.

2. Preview Unit 5.


Teaching content:Comic strip and welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:1.复习掌握已学过的衣服的名称。





Teaching focus :1.衣服的名称及其制作材料。


Teaching aids:教学挂图,多媒体。

Teaching procedure:

Warming up:

Let the students see some pictures of the fashion show on the screen.

Pre - task:

1. Use the pictures to review the names of the clothes.

2. Review the colours. Ask the Ss to say the colours of the clothes.

3. Describe yourself what you are wearing today. Then ask some students to describe what they are wearing.

While- task:

1. Eddie is going to a fashion show. Will you please help him to dress up?

2. See some pictures of different kinds of dogs in clothes on the screen.

3. Use the pictures on the screen to present some new words: the material of the clothes. (silk, cotton, leather, wool,)

eg. Look at this lovely dog. Its scarf is white, and its made of silk.


Now Eddie is on the fashion show. He looks smart. He is doing a good job. He raises a lot of money for Project Hope. Use the following words to describe what Eddie is wearing.

names shoes hat scarf coat

colours black red white Yellow

materials leather wool silk cotton

5.Learn “comic strip”.

A. Present the comic strip. Help the Ss understand the meaning.

eg. Eddie is going to a fashion show. But he doesn't know what to wear. So he asks Hobo. Hobo tells him not to wear any clothes because dogs don't wear clothes.

B. Repeat the dialogue

C. Read the dialogue after the teacher.

D. Ask some students to act it out.

Post- task:

1.Welcome to the unit

A. Looking good and raising money.

The students are giving a fashion show to raise money for Project Hope. Look at the two students below and put the following words in the correct boxes.

B. Clothes and materials

Millie wants to join the fashion show. She wants to know the names of the names of the different materials. Help her write the correct words under the pictures.

2. Give a fashion show

Ask several students to give a fashion show.

The Second Teaching Plan Of Unit 6

Teaching Aims: (1) 认知目标:学习本课阅读内容。To learn the main diea of the reading.

(2) 技能目标:通过学生的活动,口头表达某人的衣着。初步完成本单元任务活动。


Teaching contents: To learn the reading part of this unit, to grasp the main idea of this unit

Teaching Language Points: raise money; Project Hope, in /from 1980s;look colorful, / smart/modern /cool; a pair of blue jeans, fashion show.

Teaching procedures:

1. Lead-in (1)Select some Ss, Say something about their clothes. Pay attention to size, colour, and ues some suitable adjective words. Such as : smart, modern, cool, …

eg: 1. What colour is his coat?

2. What size is it ?

3. Does he look cool? …

(2) Ask the some Ss to describe my clothes. (to express one’s fashion with the words appeared in the reading. )

2. Warming up exercises: Present the new materials by picture.

(1) To distinguish the fashions in different times.(through pictures prepared.)

(2) Sum up. To describe a person in a short passage. (according to the pictures.)

Just like: “Deniel looked smart and modern. He wore blue and yellow sports clothes. He also wore a pair of colourful trainers. ”

3. Present the new materials; (1) Listening to the tape recorder and try to finish the form below.

Simon Clothes(1980s) Looked colourful Trousers were _____.His shirt was __ ____His tie was _______

Daniel ------ Looked ____ & ____. He wore ________.He also ______ trainers

Millie Give a talk on “_______” Young people ______ in 1990s. The trainers are _______.

Amy Young people like to wear ___________ Looked cool . She wore a yellow ‘silk blouse with ______ and a pair of blue jeans _____.

Sandy (I) Clothes(1990s) I wore ___, ____ and ______. I also wore my hair _____.

(2)Ask the Ss to sum up the impression on each student.(axxording to the form above)

(3) Try to retell the main ideas of the story.

4.Ask Ss to draw some pictures about Simon, Daniel, Millie, Amy and I.

This course is for the purpose of main task

5.Ss’ activities. Say something about the pictures drawn on the Bb.

6. Listen and read after the tape. (Pay attention to the intonation and pronunciation.) and try to translate some important sentences into Chinese.

7. Homework for today. Draw a picture of oneself in fashion for the Fashion Wall.

The Third Period of Unit 6

Teaching Contents: Reading A B

Teaching Topic: The Fashion Show

Teaching Aims: 1、进一步理解课文的主题



Teaching LanguagePoints: 用新闻报道的形式写关于时装秀的一篇短文


Ⅱ.Warming up

1. Read the names of clothes with the picture on P87 (A)

T : He / She looks beautiful ( smart modern cool)

What is it?

S: Jacket tie shirt / blouse skirt

T : What are they?

S: Shoes trousers / boots

2. Ask the students about his (her) real life.

T: What are you wearing ?

S: A shirt.

T: What’s it made of?

S: It’s made of silk (wool leather cotton).

T: What colour is it?

S: It’s red .(yellow black white blue green purple)

Ⅲ. Reading (1)

1. Read the new words.

T: Last Friday ,Sandy’s class gave a fashion show.

Can you read the new words.

a fashion show Project Hope style scarf

time times trainer trainers century

smart modern colorful comfortable cool

2. Read the text

3. Qs and As

T: (1) Who wore white shoes?

(2) What did Simon wear?

(3) Who wore a blouse?

(4) What did Amy wear?

(5) Who wore sport clothes?

(6) Who wore a black skirt?

(7) Was Amy’s blouse silk? Was Amy’s scarf wool?

4. Fill in the blanks.

Name Clothes





Ⅳ.Reading (2)

T: Now let’s look at P90 (B) “Style and fashion”

Finish Kitty’s notes.

1. Simon wore a pair of white_____________

2. Millie talked about sports shoes called _____________

3.Young people like to wear trainers because they are ____________

4.Sandy wore a red____________

5. Simon’s _________ was yellow and red.

6.Amy wore a yellow __________ blouse and a pair of blue jeans.

Ⅴ.Post-task activity

(1) T: Now , I’ll ask you to say something about your friend’s fashionable clothes. And let’s guess who he is / she is .

S: He /She is wearing ….

(2) T: OK. Please come to the front and say something about yourself.

S: I’m wearing…

Ⅵ. Reading (3)

The students read the text again.

Ⅶ. Homework.

T: Please write an article about your friend’s fashionable clothes.

( about the fashion show)

The Fourth Period Of Unit 6 Fashion

Topic: Reading C, D


1. Identify clothes and learn the names appeared in the reading part.

2. Arouse students’ enthusiasm for contacting others by interviewing.

3. Developing the ability of useing

I. Greetings

T: Hello, everyboy. Nice to see you again .Oh, Student A, your shirt is very beautiful, who bought it for you?

A: My father did.

T: Oh, I see. Student B, you look colourful. I think you can give a fashion show.

B: Thank you.

T: Do you still remember the fashion show?

Ss: Yes, we do.

II. Fashionable Clothes (C1)

1.T: Ok, let’s look at the pictures. Please tell us what these are.

(Teacher show them the pictures on the blackboard, ask students to tell the names.)

Picture One

C: scarf

T: Yes, scarf, a blue silk scarf. Read after me, please.

(Students read after teacher. Repeat the steps to go over the left pictures. Shirt, a black shirt;

boot, a pair of long red boots; tie, a yelllow and red tie; trousers, a pair of white trousers; trainers, a pair of colourful trainers.)

T: Good. Who wore these colthes at the fashion show? Who can answer this question? Please read the passage ‘ The fashion show’’, then answer the question.

(Students read it quickly.)

T: Who wore the scarf? Student E , please.

E: Amy wore the blue silk scarf at the fashion show.

(Ask students do the rest questions, write the names on the lines.)

2. Ask students to do the exercises in pairs like this:

A: What is this?

B: It’s a …..

A: Who wore it/them at the fashion show?

B: ….. did.

III. Fashionable Clothes (C2 )

T: Let’s come to the next part. Kitty wants to check her notes before she writes the article. Help her read her notes below. Write a T if the sentence is true. Write an F if it is false. Go ahead.

(Students read and check. Ask them to give the answers. If the sentence is false, ask them why, then correct it. Students read the true sentences.)

IV. A television interview

1.T: Kitty interviewed Simon and Sandy after the fashion show. Here are six sentences said by them. Read the sentences, then listern to the tape, try to find out who said what then write the correct numbers in the blanks.

(After the students finish reading the sentences, play the tape for them to listen to then ask them to write the numbers.)

2.T: Kitty interviewed Simon and Sandy after the fashion show. Do you know how Kitty interviewed them? Next please work in pairs or groups to act out the interview. Please use the sentences given in our textbook.

(Student prepair and act out the interview.)

V. Homework.Suggest some of our classmates just came from a fashion show. Do you want to know something about the fashion show? Do you want to know something about him?

The Fifth Period of Unit 6

TeachingContents: Vocabulary

TeachingTopics: Fashion Clothes

Teaching Aims :①To recognize adjectives that describe clothing

②To use adjectives to express opininons about how things look

Ⅰ:Warming up

T:Good morning

S:Good morning

T:What are you wearing ?

S:A silk shirt

T:Very beautiful

S:Thank you

Ⅱ: Part (A)

1,Show the six pictures and let the students guess who they are

S: Picture 1:Sandy






2,Ask stronger classes to describe what their classmates are wearing. They can also describe their favourite clothes they wear at weekends.

e.g..Amy is wearing a yellow silk blouse

Sandy is wearing a pair of long red boots

3,Read the new words

boots blouse skirt tie trainers T-shirt

Ⅲ:Part (B)

1: help students describe the appearance of clothes with a wider range of adjectives. Introduce the idea of opposites. Brainstorm some common words:






2 :Ask students to do Part B on their own . For weaker classes, you may need to pre-teach or check the meaning of some words.

3:Have students compare answers with a partner’s. You could ask S1 to say the numbered words, one at a time ,and S2to say the word with the opposite meaning.

Ⅳ:Do a game

students work in pairs to describe a boy’s(girl’s) appearance and clothes,guess who he (she) is.

Game: He is wearing a yellow blouse and his clothes is heavy.

Q: Who is he ?

Extension activity

Do a survey. Write the table below on the board. Divide the class into groups of four.Have students interview each other using these questions.

What is your favourite clothing item? What materal is it made from? What colour is it?

Name of classmate Favourite clothes Material Colour





Ask students to present their fingings. Write some model sentences on the board to help students talk about their findings.

`they all like…’

‘One student like …and two students like…’


1:Read the text after class

2:Preview grammar

The 6th and 7th Period Grammar

A Simple past tense

Task-based Teaching Aims:

1. Cognitive Development

Make sure students can recognize the tense freely.

2. Proficiency Level

To develop their integrated skills through listening, reading, speaking and writing. They can use the tense to make up sentences and dialogues freely after learning. They can also recognize and use adverbs to order events.

3. Affective Learning

To develop their enjoyments of life and things around them, especially the success of learning, through interactive teaching and student-oriented teaching.

4. Cultural Understanding

Make them feel the cultural differences between Eastern and Western Countries.

Step 1 Revise the purpose and use of the simple past tense by using a timeline. Draw a timeline on the board to show how the simple past tense is expressed in English. Give students some common time expressions: yesterday, last night, a month ago, yesterday afternoon, last week, ten years ago and make sure they can use the simple past tense to talk about things in the past.

e.g. 1. Eddie met Millie 3 years ago.

2. Eddie was ill yesterday.

Step 2 Teach them how to form the simple past tense before practicing them.

We form the simple past tense by adding ‘-ed’ to regular verbs.

Most verbs + ed walk →consonant walked

Verbs ending in e + d live → lived

Verbs ending in a consonant + y - y + ied try → tried

Short verbs ending in double the

a vowel + a consonant consonant + ed stop → stopped

We form the simple past tense of irregular verbs differently. We do not add ‘ –ed’.

No change cost → cost

Change the vowel come → came

Change the consonant make → made

Change the vowel (s) and the consonant (s) buy → bought

Writing about the past

A1. Write about the simple past tense forms of the verbs below.

1. start → started 2. dress → dressed 3. play → played

4. help → helped 5. use → used 6. like → liked

7. look → looked 8. study → studied 9. plan → planned

Step 3 Talk to students about what you did last weekend and ask some questions as you go along, e.g. I had a really good weekend.

Did you have a good weekend?

I played tennis for two hours.

What did you do?

I watched a film on Saturday evening. It finished at 11 p.m.

What did you do last Saturday?

On Sunday, I took a bus from Wangfujing.

There were a lot of people.

What did you do on Sunday?

Step 4 Teach them how to use the simple past tense to make positive and negative sentences, ask and answer questions. Have them complete the conversation. Check answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Mrs Wang: Did Millie ask Grandma about the dress on Monday?

Andy: No, she didn’t. She went to the Reading Club. Did she help you with the shopping on Tuesday?

Mrs Wang: Yes, she did. Did she play volleyball on Wednesday?

Andy: Yes, she did. But she cleaned her bedroom.

Mrs Wang: I know! Did she do her Maths project?

Andy: No, she didn’t. But she did some work for the fashion show.

Step 5 Teach them how to use the simple past tense to form positive and negative sentences, ask and answer questions with the verb ‘ to be’. Have them complete the conversation. Check answers and clarify any misunderstandings.

Millie: Were you at home on Saturday morning?

Sandy: Yes, I was.

Millie: Was your cousin at the football match?

Sandy: No, he wasn’t. He was at the shopping mall with Mum.

Millie: Were you and your parents at the cinema on Saturday evening?

Sandy: Yes, we were.

Millie: Were your grandparents at the fashion show on Friday?

Sandy: No, they weren’t.

Millie: Were we at school last Monday?

Sandy: No, we weren’t. Last Monday was a holiday.

B Sequencing events

Step 1 To recognize and use adverbs to order events. Tell them to pay attention to the simple past tense. We use these adverbs to show the order in which things happen. We put the adverbs at the beginning of a sentence as they connect the sentences. We often use them to clarify a process or a particular sequence of events.

( first, then, next, afterward, finally)

Step 2 Ask students to do a presentation about their own day using the adverbs they have learned. Encourage them to include more information. Help them choose a title. Remind them to use the simple past tense.

B1 Briefly review the adverbs, using the picturesfor support.

Ask students to write the letters in the boxes in Ppart B1 individually. Students check each other’s sequence of sentences. Monitor the class as you walk around.

B2 Set the context by reminding students about the fashion show described earlier in the unit before asking students to do B2. Link Simon’s experience to any other events your students may have been involved in. introduce the idea of woriting a picture story as a narrative using adverbs and the simple past tense to order events.

Step 3 Review key vocabualry and explain unfamiliar words: ‘ catwalk.’

Ask questions about each picture.

1) What did Simon do first?

2) What did Simon wear?

3) What did he do next?

4) Who did Simon talk to?

5) Where did he go afterwards?

Ask students to write sentences about Simon’s day using the simple past tense. Check the answers as a class activity.

The Eighth Period of Unit 6 Fashion (Part 7)

Integrated Skills

Task-based Teaching Aims:

(1) Cognitive Development:

Through reading and listening to “The life of a trainer” , the Ss can learn and use relevant expressions freely.

(2) Proficiency Level:

To develop the Ss’ integrated skills through listening ,speaking, reading and writing .

(3) Affective Learning:

To develop the Ss’ enjoyments of life and things around them , especially the success of learning , through interactive teaching and student-oriented teaching .

(4) Cultural Understanding :

Make the Ss feel the cultural differences between Eastern and Western Countries.


Step One : Present a trainer and teach the different parts of it . Then listen and do part A1.

T: Is it a trainer ?

S: …

T: Do you like wearing trainers?

S: …

T: Do you know what the names of these parts are ?

S: …

T: OK. We call it “shoelace / sole / stripe / tongue”.

Step Two : Present the procedures of making a trainer .Then guide the Ss through the new words and let them speak out in English .

T: Now , boys and girls , I know that most of you like wearing trainers. Do you know how to make one ?

S: …

T: OK. First let’s have a look on the screen . Then please tell me about it .

S: …

T: OK. I know it’s very difficult for you to say . But it doesn’t matter . Now please discuss in your groups and later we’ll share your ideas together .

S: …(Discuss in groups )

T: (After listening to the Ss’ description , the teacher describes the general contents in Part A2 . Then let the Ss say after me twice . Finally listen and put the sentences in the correct order .)

Step Three : Present Part Two of the story . Then let the Ss get the general idea of it and pay much attention to the verbs past tense forms .

T: Now , we know how to make a trainer . Do you want to know how the trainer is getting along ? OK . Let’s listen carefully and complete the sentences in Part A4.

S: …

T: (After listening for three times , ask a student to present her answer , then check it . Teach the students to read the verbs and complete Part A3.)

T: Then guide the Ss to sum up the pronunciation principles of verbs past tense forms by reading themselves , such as:

清后[t], 元浊[d], [t][d]之后读[id].

eg: /t/ /d/ /id/

danced played acted

helped lived needed

talked answered visited

shopped carried shouted

Step Four :Present a fashion show and practise the sentences “What is / are … made of ? It’s/ They’re made of …”.

T: (First make a conversation with a student as a model in Part B. Then let the Ss work in groups of three to talk about the materials of their own clothes . Five or six minutes later , let them act out in the front and give the best a warm applause .)

Step Five :Written work

T: Now , we’ve learned the different parts of a trainer and how to make one . And we also see a fashion show and have learned different materials for making clothes . And would you please design some clothes and make a poster to give information about the styles , colours and materials of the clothes ? You can do it like this :

My Fashion ShowIntroduction Clothes A person wearing the clothes Introduction

T:OK. That’s all for today’s class . Thank you .

The Ninth Period of Unit 6 Fashion

Main task


1 To describe different materials and items of clothing.

2 To make a brochure about clothes and fashion.

3 To present a brochure to the class.

Background information

Students will have opportunities to describe clothes and accessories. This section focuses on a fashion brochure for girls, which makes it necessary to bring in magazine pictures of boys’ fashions for mixed classes.

Bring in authentic brochures to show students the style of this kind of writing. Talk to students about the purpose of writing a brochure. Elicit from students as much information as possible about

1 Who are the readers?

2 What do the readers want to know?

3 How do you make your brochure look interesting to the reader?

Teaching procedures

1 Before doing the task, ask students who the audience is and emphasize the context in the Student’s Book of creating a ‘Fashion Wall’.

2 Tell students to read keywords below . Students identify any words they don’t know. Check and clarify the meaning of those words with the class.

Adjectives Clothing items MaterialsChecked hat silkSleeveless skirt cottonPatterned shirt denimLoose blouse leatherSpotted sweatshirt polyester Striped jacket viscoseFlowered sweater furTight socks linenComfortable tie Long shoesUncomfortable beltShort bootsBright suitFashionable dressModern CasualPolo-neckFormal

3 Enable students to describe themselves or their classmates by using the keywords above.

4 Ask students to read the model article on page 102. And tell them to use the model article and complete the sentences with word from Part A on page 101.

5 Check the answers and encourage students to express their opinions about the model article.

6 Tell students to choose one fashion item and make them aware of what kind of things . Their readers might like to read about . And tell students to create their own words to write a rough draft using the given model.

7 Let students read, check and correct their partner’s drafts in pairs and give them suggestions about the improvements in the use of words, spelling and structures and provide help while monitoring .

8 Make students rewrite their articles on a separate sheet of paper and add illustrations, particularly pictures of popular fashion items. Ask them to stick their work on the noticeboard and encourage them to read each other’s poster.

Sample writing

Teenagers like clothes that are fashionable and look good. My brochure is about casual, comfortable style.

First, I designed a cotton T-shirt. It is bright red and has a V-neck. It goes well with a pair of jeans. The jeans have wide legs. There are lots of big pockets at the front and back. I also designed a cotton shirt with long sleeves and buttons in the front.

Then I designed a pair of trainers to go with the jeans and T-shirt. They are very comfortable and made of white leather. They do not have laces, so they are easy to put on. The jacket I designed is blue with white sleeves.

All the clothes are comfortable to wear at weekends.

篇4:一般过去时复习教案 (译林牛津版英语七年级)


1. 一般过去时




时间状语:yesterday, in the past, ... ago, the day before yesterday, the other day, this morning, last week, in +过去时间

2. 动词过去式的变化规则



(3)动词以y结尾,且y前是辅音,则变y为i再加ed。如:carry- carried ,cry-cried
















3. 一般过去时的否定句:




-Were you happy yesterday?

-Yes, I was.


Did she do well in Chinese when she was at school?

Yes, she did./No, she didn’t.


1.Lucy did her homework at home.(改为否定句)Lucy ______ ______ her homework at home.

2.He found some meat in the fridge.(改为一般疑问句)_____ he _____ _____ meat in the fridge.

3.She stayed there for a week.(对划线部分提问)

_______ ________ ________ she _______ there.

4.There was some orange in the cup.(改为一般疑问句)

________ there _______ orange in the cup?

5. We visited our teacher last night.(对划线部分提问)

_________ _________ you ________ last night?

6. Do you go to school by bus every Monday?(用 last Monday 替换 every Monday)

_________ you ___________ to school by bus ___________ ______________?

7.My family went to the beach last week.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ________ __________ family ___________ last week?

8. He cleaned his room yesterday. (对划线部分提问)

________ ____________ he__________ yesterday?



1. I ___________ (have ) an exciting party last weekend.

2. --_______she ____(play) her guitar (吉他) yesterday?--No, she ____.

3.-What ___________Tom __________ (do) on Saturday evening?

--He _________(watch) TV and __________(read) an interesting book.

4. They all ____________(go) to the mountains yesterday morning.

5. She _____________(not visit) her aunt last weekend.

6. -When __________ you ____________(write) this song?

--I ____________(write) it last year.

7.My friend, Carol, _______(study) for the maths test and ____________(practise) English last night.

8. --____ Mr Li _____ (do) the project on Monday morning.--Yes, he ___.

9. -How _______________(be) Jim's weekend? --It ____________(be not ) bad.

10. --__________(be) your mother a sales assistant(售货员) last year?

--No, she ______________.

11. I ____________(go) to the park last weekend.

12. When ___________Sam ____________(do) his homework last night?

13. Linda _____________(clean) the room yesterday.

14. My grandfather _____________(be) sick last week.

15. He often ______(play) basketball after school when he was a student.

16. They ____________(be)very happy to hear the good news yesterday.

17. I _______________(see) him today. He went to see his grandmother.

18. I ______________(be) busy last week.

19. Mary ____________(not visit) her aunt last month.

20. There ____________(be) a lot of people in this village five years ago.

21. I _______________(buy) a new dictionary the day before yesterday.

22. She _______________(give) me a book a moment ago.

23. The girl _______________(get) up early this morning.

24. They _______________(take) photos near the river an hour ago.

25. He __________________(not draw) pictures yesterday evening.

26. Mr Green _____________(come) to visit me last night.

27. The teacher _______________(agree)(同意) to our idea yesterday.

28. He said he _________________(feel) terrible.

29. They _____________(make) him work twelve hours a day last year.

30. I _______________(see) him in the library two days ago.

31. She ________(write) her address on the blackboard ten minutes ago.

32. The government ______________(build) a new bridge last year.

33. Tom ___________(spend) the weekend with the animals into the zoo.

34. Linda _______________(know) the bad news right now.

35. The boss(老板) __________(drive) his car to London for a holiday.



结构:主语+will do

主语+am/is/are going to do

I/We+shall do



时间状语:tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, this afternoon, this evening, soon, in+一段时间, someday, sometime,

in the future

一、一般将来时 be going to

1.be going to 意为“计划或打算做某事”它通常与表示将来的时间状语连用。

如:this morning, this afternoon, this evening

next week, next month, next year, the next day

tomorrow, soon

2.be going to 的一般疑问句,be动词随主语的变化而变化以及回答形式。

如:Are you/they going to bring some snacks to the party? Is he/she going to bring some snacks to the party?

Yes, we/they are. Yes, he/she is.

No, we/they aren’t.No, he/she isn’t.

be going to的特殊疑问句,由what,when.where,who 引导。





3.表示将来的时间状语:tomorrow, next week, next month, next year, in the future等。


1).肯定句:主语+will+动词原形+其他成分 如:I will go to the library. 我将去图书馆。

2).一般疑问句:will+主语+动词原形+其他成分 如:Will you cook fish for me?


( )1.Look out! The train _____.

A.came B.will come C.is coming D.is going to come

( )2.My sister _____ nine years old in a month.

A.was B.is C.will be D.is going to be

( )3.--I am waiting here for an hour.

--Sorry, I _____ you were here.

A.don’t knowB.didn’t know C.won’t know D.am not knowing

( )4.--Look at the sign. You cannot smoke here.

--Sorry, I _____ it.

A.don’t see B.didn’t see C.won’t see D.am not seeing

( )5.Tom _____ his grandparents this afternoon..

A.visits B.will visitC.is visiting D.visited

( )6.Look at the clock! We _____ late.

A.were B.are going to be C.will be D.was



A different way of learning is widely used in our English study.

Before class, we make study plans first. Then we look up the new words, listen to the recording and read the text. When we meet problem, we can’t solve by ourselves. We always write them down in our notebooks.

In class, we sit in groups to discuss the problems freely. The teacher always offers help when we need. After discussion, it is time for us to give a report to the class. We also make conversations in pairs and practise a lot. It is really good for our listening and speaking.

After class, we have less homework now so we can go to the library to read English books, magazines and newspapers. We can also surf the Internet for useful information.

In a word, we enjoy the new way of studying. We can make more progress in our study.


Information card

Main idea A different way of learning is 1 used in our English study.

Changes Before class We make study 2 first.

3. class We sit in groups to 4 the problems freely.

After class We have 5 homework so we can go to the library.

Conclusion(结论) In a word, we can manke more progress in the new ways.

1. 2. 3. 4.5.

6. 7. 8. 9.10.




1. an instruction book

2. a secondary school

3. introduce sb. to

4. start school

5. greet your partner

6. be clever at

7. have one cousin

8. have black hair in a ponytail

9. wear glasses

10. football field/pitch

11. at the weekend

12. kick/score a goal

13. The more English you speak in class, the faster you will learn.

14. practise doing

15. dark brown

16. talk on the phone

17. a computer programmer

18. have breakfast/lunch/dinner

have a wonderful dinner

19. have fun doing sth.

20. keep a diary

21. do after-class activities

22. at lunch time

23. go to assembly

24. spend + 时间/钱 + on sth

in doing sth.

25. on a school day

26. too much + 不可数名词 much too + adj/adv

27. win the first prize

28. all the time

29. meet up with sb.

30. go on a school trip

31. look forward to a great day

32. look forward doing

33. have problems/trouble/difficulty with

34. have problems/trouble/difficulty doing

35. dress up as a ghost

36. celebrate Halloween in many ways

37. give us candies as a treat

38. play a trick on

39. cut out

40. make…out of…

41. at Christmas/On Christmas Day

42. on holiday

43. give sb.a hint

44. dream of/about doing

45. join an e-club

46. take turns to do

47. get tired

48. between meals

49. a top student

50. log onto the website

51. an online interview

52. Good luck with your report

53. keep fit and stay healthy

54. full of energy

55. take in

56. a shopping mall

57. There’s a discount on sth.

58. prefer to do rather than do

59. prefer doing to doing

60. They match her T-shirt.

61. wait for one’s turn

62. help with my homework

63. call sb.on 5551

64. They fit very well

65. a fun place to go

66. 10 more minutes = another 10 minutes

67. raise money for Project Hope

68. join in the fashion show

69. in the 20th century

70. in the 1970s/1970’s

71. an interesting talk on…

72. wear my hair in a 1990s style

73. have fun doing

74. end in “e”

75. go to/attend assembly

76. write sth in the correct order

77. cut sth. into the shape of

78. be made of

79. be tired out

80. invite sb.to do

篇6:7A unit1 This is me! 教案(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Teaching Contents : Comic strip and Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the greetings of meeting people

Good morning / afternoon / evening

Hi, I’m ----------. What’s your name ?

My name is ---------- .

2. Learn the new words .

e-dog , master , instruction

B: Language skill

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

e.g. What’s your name ?

My name is -------.

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to like English .

2. Arouse students’ interest in learning English

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :


Difficult points : How to greet when meeting people .

Teaching method : Circumstance teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 This is me !Hi, I’m--------- . e-dog What’s your name ? masterMy name is -------- . instruction

Teaching process: Teaching activities

Step 1 Warming –up activities

1. self –introduction

Good morning / afternoon /evening

I’m Mr /Mrs /Miss --------.I’m -----------years old . I’m your teacher .

2. Lead-in

Use everyday expressions for greetings and introductions .

The teacher asks one student some questions

“ Hi’, I’m -------- ? What’s your name?”

Then ask some students to do it again . (about 4 students )

Give the model sentences on the blackboard.

e.g. (1) “What’s your name ?” ---- My name is --------.”

(2)“Hi, I’m --------? “ ----“What’s your name ?”

-----“My name is --------“

3. Practice

(1) Let some of the students come to the front and ask the class .

In pairs .(about 4 groups )

Let them practising greetings above.

(2) Work in pairs practising

(3) Check (ask the students to the front and practise )

Step 2 Presentation

2. Introducing six new friends

T: Now you have many new friends .Do you want to make more new friends ?

Show pictures on the blackboard .Let the students look at them .

This is Simon. This is -------.

3. Make six masks of the children and go on introducing six children’s names .( Let the students wear the masks and introduce themselves )

Ask six students to come to the front and play six new friends .

The students point to themselves and say ,

“ I’m Simon” “I’m Amy” “I’m ------------“

3. Pair work.

Let students get to know these six new friends and remember them .Practise greetings in pairs .

Step 3. Greetings

1. Show a clock of different time .Let the students identify the time .

14:35 08:20

22:15 18:10

2. Let the students know when to say

Good morning /afternoon /evening / night

3. Let the students practice greetings at different time

Greet their partners and then introduce themselves

(Ask students to draw pictures of the sun ,the moon , the sun set , a sleeping baby , say greetings to each other according to these pictures.)

4. Do written exercises part B on page 3 and then check it .

(write greetings on the book .)

Step 4 Presentation

1. Use a multimedia to let the students watch the cartoon between Eddie and Hobo.

2. Introduce

This is Eddie . This is Hobo . Eddie is Hobo’s master . Hobo is an e-dog .

3. Ask the students

Who is Eddie? (He’s the master .) Who is Hobo ?

( He’s the e-dog) . Do you like Eddie ? Do you like

e-dogs ? You can ask your mother to go and buy it for you .

Does Eddie like the e-dog ? How do you know ?

(show a real e-dog ) This is an e-dog . It’s very lovely .

4 . Learn new words

Step 5 Presentation

1. Let the students watch the cartoon and listen to the talk

between Eddie and Hobo .

2 .Let students read after the talk of them .

3. Show the new words of this text . Let the students read them first ,then read after the teacher. .

Step 6 Practice

Let the students read by themselves .

Check Let students read the talk .

Step 7 Acting

Let the students play Eddie and Hobo and act out Pair work

Step 8 Homework

Let the students write their profiles .

Notes: 我是-------------。我---------------岁。我是一名学生。我在二班。


Unit One ( the second period )

Teaching Contents : Reading (A, B)

Teaching aims:

A: Knowledge

1. Learn the new words .

Year , flat . clever , maths , basketball , club ,come from , be born , slim ,ponytail ,music ,profile , hard . wear ,enjoy ,polite ,helpful, funny

2. Learn the introduction of oneself

B: Language skill

Let students use the words and the drills to introduce oneself .

C: Feeling

1. To develop students to speak up actively

2. Let students be full of self-confidence

3. Train cooperation study

Main points :

1. The new words

2. Drills

Hi, I’m _______.I’m_________years old . I’m________(tall/short).

I live in a flat in Huai’an.

I love ________(swimming / dancing / playing computer games)

Difficult points : Learn how to make an introduction of oneself

Teaching method : Task-based teaching

Teaching aids : Pictures, record and slide

Style of lesson : New lesson

Design for blackboard :

Unit 1 Reading ( A, B)Millie Simon Sandy Kitty Amy Daniel

Teaching process:

Teaching activities

Step 1 Revision

1. Review the lesson which we learned last time

Greetings (The teacher starts with simple greetings to the students)

2. Let students use everyday expressions to communicate when meeting

people .

Step 2 Presentation

1. Intrduction (show three pictures of Chinese teacher ,Maths teacher and English teacher with a few

self-introduction words below them )

Hi, I’m ---------. I’m ------------years old . I’m ---------tall/short.

I (don’t ) wear glasses. I live in a flat in Huai’an.

2. Ask students to read them and guess who they are .

3. Ask students to say after the teacher .

Step 3 Practise and act out

Ask students to practise themselves in groups and act out .

Step 4 Presentation

1. Show six masks of the new friends and ask students who they are and help students memorize

2. Write the names on the blackboard

3. T: Do you know what they like ? If you want to know ,please read their profiles on page 4.

4. Ask students to answer questions “What do they like ?” Use the sentences “ -----likes doing --------.”

5. Learn the new words

T: Now we know what they like ,but do you know more about them ?

I’ll ask you to read it again . Before that , let’s learn the new wordain task of this Unit?”

Let the students discuss and ask one of the students to tell the class .

Teacher writes it on the blackboard

Main task : Writing a profile about yourself.

2.T: But do you know how to write a profile ? First please read Millie’s and Daniel’s profiles to know how to write a profile .

3. Get the students to read the profiles .

4.Teacher gives the students some questions according to the two profiles, and asks them to answer.

1).How old are they ? 2).When were their birthdays?

3).Where were they born ? 4).Where do they live now ?

5).What do they look like ? 6).What are their hobbies?

7) Who is Andy ? 8). Who has a lot of CDs ?

9).Does Millie have a lot of friends ? 10).What does Daniel do on the line ?

5.Then ask the students to ask and answer in pairs .

Read some new words and phrases on the blackboard .

6).Now do you know how to write a profile ?

Sump up : 1). … 2). … 3). …(让学生总结。)

Step 2. Practice

1.T: Millie has a lot of CDs , I have a lot of CDs ,too.

I like listening to music , do you like listening to music ?

S: Yes , I do .

T: Do you like playing computer games ?

S: Yes ,I do .

T: I’m good at singing , are you good at singing ?

S: No , I’m good at playing football

T: I have a cousin ,Do you have a cousin ?

S: No, I don’t . But I have a sister .

2.Can you practise like this .(Let the students ask and answer freely.)


Step4. Writing

T: We will have a party in our class . And many our penfriends will come to the party .

Can you write your own profile for your class noticeboard to let our penfriends know us well .

Now please write .Let the students write .

Ask some students to come to the front to read theirs , that is to tell the class yourself .

Homework :

1. Ss write their profiles and stick their own photos on the page .

2. Ask the Ss to design their profiles and stick their profiles on the wall . Choose five best ones .

Procedures of teaching for Unit 1

(The Ninth Period)

Teaching content : Checkout To revise the grammar and the vocabulary in Unit 1.

Teaching aims: 1. To revise the grammar and to be able to use it correctly .

2.Enable the students to master the vocabulary in this Unit and to be able to find out more words .

3.Enable the Ss to use what they have learned to communicate with others freely .

Teaching Aids : Pictures Of six students .

A projectors .

Teaching procedures :

Step 1. Revision

1.T: Last lesson I ask you to write your own profile for your class noticeboard . Have you finished ?

S: Yes .

T: Now please hand in your profiles with their photos .

Show some profiles to the Ss and talk to the Ss like the following .

T: Do you know this girl ? S: Yes, I do . She is … .

T: Is she lovely / pretty / beautiful ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Look at this girl , is she tall/ slim / fat /thin ? S: Yes, she is .

T: Does she have long hair ? S: Yes , she does .

T: What is she like ? S: She is slim .

2.Then teachers and Ss talk about their profiles together .

3.T: This is Lily’s profile , look ,Lily is pretty .

Lily ,can you read your profile?

4.Ask some other Ss to come to the front to read their profiles .

Step 2. Presentation

1.Today let’s learn the last lesson --- Checkout .

We will revise grammar and vocabulary .

2.T: Do you like listening to music ? S: Yes, I do .

T: Do you like playing football?(板书)

S: No, I don’t like playing football .(板书)

But Simon likes playing football .(板书)

T: Excuse me , Simon . Do you like playing football ?

Simon: Yes, I do .

T: Oh. I see . You like having sports . Me , too.

But how many kinds of sports do you know .

S: Basketball , football , volleyball and so on .

Now open your book at page 17. We have three word families ---- People , Sports , Appearance .Please put the words on the right word families .

3.Ask three Ss to come to the blackboard and write their answer .

4.Check the answers on the blackboard . Let the students read the words on the blackboard together .

5. Can you say more words about people , sports , and appearance ?

Let the Ss discuss in pairs .

6. Ask some Ss to say their answers .


Step 3.Grammar

T: Now boys and girls ,please look at the blackboard


What kind of tense is used in these sentences .

S: The simple present tense .

T: yes, you are right . Now do you know how to use it ?

Let the Ss discuss in groups to sum up the usage of the simple present tense .


Step4. Exercises

1.T: Now do you know the grammar ?

Do you understand it ?

S: Yes , we do .

T: Please open your books at page 17. Do part A.

Let the Ss fill in the blanks , and then check the answers .

Ask some pairs to work in pairs .

Get them to write their score on the paw .

3.Ask the Ss to write a profile about their good friends, then get the Ss to read it in class .

Homework :

1.Preview the next lesson .

2.Recite the words and expressions of Unit 1.

3.Write a profile about their teacher .

Unit 1 (the Tenth Period)

Integrated skills B

Study Skills

Teaching Design

Teaching aims:

1. Enable the students to exchange information about oneself.

2. Enable the students to ask questions about personal information.

3. Enable the students to respond questions to oneself.

4.Enable the students to establish and

maintain relationships and routines in school.

5. Enable the students to use everyday expressions to give instructions, make requests, and give responses.

Teaching Aids:

1. Student’s Book 7A

2. Some pictures.

3. A computer and a slide projector

Teaching procedure :

Step 1 Revision

1. Greeting. and try to find something about me .

2. Check the homework.

Step 2 Presentation

B Speak up: making new friends

1. Let students ask the teacher some queations.(to the following table)

Name: (What’s your name?)

Address: (Where do you live?)

Hobby: (What’s your hobby?)

T: Could you please say something about me now?

( Show the paper)

Name: Wang Ling

Address: Renmin Road

Hobby: Reading

A member of the Reading Club

S: Your name is ….

T: Good. Where do I live?

S: You live on Renmin Road.

T: ( to another studrnt) Where do you live?

S: I live …. ( Let students practise them.)

T: What do I like?

S: You like reading and you are a member of the Reading Club.

T: Yes. What do you like?

Ss:I like dancing. I am a member of the Dancing Club.

I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

I like playing the piano. I am a member of the Piano Club.

I like swimming. I am a member of the Swimming Club.

I like playing football. I am a member of the Football Team.

I love watching films. I am a member of the Film Club

2.Present the dialogue.

T: (OK. Do you want to be my friend?) Hi, my name is Wang Ling. What’s your name?

S: I’m Rose.

T: I live on Renmin Road. Where do you live?

S: I live on ….

T: What do you like?

S: I like listening to music. I am a member of the Music Club.

T: Oh really? I’m reading. I’m a member of the Reading Club

Nice to meet you.

S: Nice to meet you, too.

3. Work in pairs (show the sentences).

4. Act out their dialogue.

Step 3 Listening

( Show the picture of Daniel and Sandy)

T: Look at the picture. Who are they? S: They are Daniel and Sandy.

T: What are they doing? S: They are talking.

T: What are they talking about? Please listen to the tape.

And then answer the questions.

Where do they live?

What do they like? (Written on the blackboard)

1. Play the tape for the students.

2. Check the answers.

3. Listen to the tape and read after the tape.

4. Read the dialogue in parts.

Step 4 Presentation

Working with others A

1. Present this.

T: Boys and girls, I want to copy this dialogue. But I don’t have a pen with me. Do you have a pen?

S: Yes, I do. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. Oh, do you have a new exercise book with you?

S: No, I don’t.

( Written and read)

Do you have a …? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t.

Step 5 Practice

1.Students make dialogues using them.

2.Act them out.

Step 6 Presentation

1. Present this.

T: Do you have a ruler, Mike?

S: Yes, I do.

T: Can I borrow your ruler?

S: Yes, I can. Here you are.

T: Thank you very much. (to the all) I borrow Mike’s ruler or I borrow the ruler from Mike. And Mike lends me his ruler or Mike lends his ruler to me.

(Explain the words “borrow and lend”.)




1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle.

2. 能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:public, a sign, grass, quiet, touch, keep off.

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t …


1. 能正确听说读会写句型:What does it meam? It means you shouldn’t …

2. 能正确能听说读写单词:mean, danger, should, shouldn’t, litter, park, cycle.


一. Everyday English:

How are you?

Pass the ball to …

Give the pen to …

Where’s …

What’s the score?

二.Presentation and practise:

1. T: Let’s go the the park.(多媒体展示公园情景,出现许多公共标志牌)

T: What’s this? It’s public signs.

Learn : public signs.

T: Let’s look at some public signs on the Internet.多媒体展示九个标志。

T: Can you read them?

学生能朗读其中的八个:No parking. No eating and drinking. Keep quiet. Do not touch.



2.T: (Point to a sign)What does this sign mean?

板书: What does this sign mean?


T: It means “No smoking”.

板示: No smoking. 学习这句话。

让学生回答smoking 的动词原形,smoke,并再次复习它的变化规则。

T: What does this sign mean?

S: It means “No smoking.”.

T: Yes. It means you shouldn’t smoke.

板示:It means you shouldn’t smoke. 并学习这句话。

讲解 shouldn’t=should not ,should为情态动词,意思为应该,后跟动词原形。

3. T: What does this sign mean?

T: It means “No littering.”

板示:No littering. 学习这句话。

litter为littering 的动词原形,意为乱丢杂务。

同理学习: No parking. No cycling.

注意park的意思与以前不同意思为停放汽车。 cycling的动词原形为cycle.

4. 叫一学生上前来问:What does it mean?

T: It means “Danger.”


S: What does it mean?

T: It means you should keep off the grass.

学习:Keep off the grass.

5. 跟读这九个句子,然后齐读,指名读。

6.同桌用What does it mean? It means ….就书上九句话来问答,以巩固所学内容。

三.Look and say:

1. 让学生分组讨论标志的含义。

2. 排学生分组操练,根据图意用What does it mean? It means you shouldn’t … 进行问答。

3. 然后两两问答。


1. 能识别所学公共标志,并能流利朗读。

2. 用书面形式完成C 部分的六幅图。

3. 抄写四会单词。

4. 预习A部分的对话。

教后感:公共标志是学生所熟悉的东西。抓住这点提起学生的学习兴趣。用should 和shouldn’t做什么,来巩固这两个词。



1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean

2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:a cousin, always, a question, a cage, make noise.

3.能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:must, make,mean

3. 能听懂、会说、会读和会写句型:What does it/this/that meam? It means you /we should/must/shouldn’t …



What does it mean?

It means you should/shouldn’t …


二.Presentation and practise:

1. 出示‘Danger’标志及课文挂图。

T: There’s a sign on the wall.What does it mean?

S: It means “Danger”.

T: It means you must stay away from the building.

学习must, stay away.

讲解: must 为情态动词,意为必须,后跟动词原形。

在此复习should, can 同为情态动词,后跟动词原形。

Stat away意为远离。

2. 出示课文第二张挂图。

T: What’s on the grass?

S: There’s a sign on the grass.

T: What does it mean?

S: It means we should keep off the grass.

T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t walk on the grass.

Read: walk on the grass.

T: Look , what’s this? It’s a bird’s cage.

Learn: cage.

T: Look at this sign. What does it mean?

S: It means ‘Keep quiet”!

T: Yes. It means we shouldn’t make noise here.

Learn: make noise.

3. 介绍图上人物。

T: Who’s he?

S: He’s Ben.

T: Who’s he?

S: He’s Ben’s cousin.

Learn: cousin.并解释意思。

T: Where are they?

S: They’re in the park.

T: Ben’s cousin has a lot of questions.You know “a lot of questions”?

出示:a lot of questions 学读并了解意思。

T: Now he is asking Ben some questions about the signs.

Learn: ask .. about …

4. 听课文录音回答问题。

What day is it today?

Who’s Jack?

How old is Jack?

What is Jack doing now?

What do the signs mean?

What does “Danger” mean?

What does “Keep off the grass” mean?

What does “Keep quiet.” mean?

5. 跟录音读对话。



7.划出四会单词:danger, mean, must, should, shouldn’t, make.


划出词组: public signs, a lot of questions, different things, on the wall, stay away, walk on the grass, make noise.再次朗读,了解意思。

三. Assignment:

1. 抄写四会单词,并默写。





1. 通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的公共标志类词汇。

2. 能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

3. 能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和词组:take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to,point to, He sees something on the grass. Fine 10 yuan.






1.What does it mean?

It means you/we should/shouldn’t/must …


2. 学生表演会话。


二.Ask and answer:

1. 教师准备一只时钟,将其拨至不同的时间,询问学生What’s the time? Can you …?引导学生根据具体时间考虑该做什么,提出建议You/We should …


三. Read and match:

1. 看图阅读短文,理解对话内容。学习单词和词组:

take a walk, look around, pick up, come up to, point to , suddenly,something,fine.



4. 学生看动画描述。


1. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并默写。

2. 熟读课文对话并试着背诵。




1. 通过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。

2. 了解字母组合er 在单词中的发音。

3. 会唱歌曲The signs in the park


1. 过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。

2. 了解字母组合er 在单词中的发音。


一.Everyday English.

What time is it?

Can I …?

Give … to …

What does this sign mean?


1. 几对学生有关公共标志类的对话表演。

2. 复习句型:What does it mean? It means… 同时复习课本B部分的内容。并完成练习册中11页上的内容。

3. 复习课本 C部分内容,生生相互问答。

4. 看课本E部分的flash动画,请学生当解说员。

三.Sing a song:

1. 学读歌词,注意生词:rubbish, bin.

2. 学生听录音学唱。

3. 学生齐唱,并请几个学生来表演唱。

四.Draw and guess

1. 教师在黑板上画简笔画,让学生猜出公共标志。

2. 学生分组来做这个游戏,充分发挥学生的想象力同时复习所学内容。

五.Listen and repeat:

1. 让学生读单词, 了解er在单词中的读音。

2. 齐读单词和句子。

3. 练习:

litter brother( ) mother tiger ( ) danger teacher ( )



1. 完成练习册中的练习。

2. 背诵课文对话。

3. 总结本单元所学的词组,并抄写2遍。

牛津英语6A教案 Unit 2 Ben’s birthday



1. 四会掌握单词:March, April, May, June, July,birthday.

2. 能听懂会说会读单词:January, February, August, September, October, November, December, first, second, third, fourth, sixth, twelfth, twentieth, twenty-first, thirtieth.

3. 能掌握日期的表达方式。




一.Free talk

How are you?

What do you like?

What does this sign mean?

Can you …

What day is it today?

二.Presentation and practise:

1. 介绍序数词的表达规则。


接下来的数字为规则变化分别为基数词后加th,除(fifth),以ly结尾的,y变ie再加th.如twentieth, thirtieth.强调第二十几、三十几只要变化个位上的数字就行了。如,twenty-first, thirty-first.



学习表达一月一日,给学生一个公式:the 日期 of 月份。Of的意思为属于。

指名答: 一月三日 一月十五日 一月二十二日 , 以此巩固月份和日期的表达。


4.出示:九月二十五日,让学生用英语说出表达方式, the twenty fifth of September.

T: My birthday is on the twenty fifth of September.

强调: on+日期, at+时间。


学生小组间练习:My birthday is on ….然后上讲台来交流。


1. 写出几个日期的英语表达: 一月一日,二月二日,三月三日,四月四日,五月五日,六月六日,七月十二日,八月二十日,九月二十一日,十月十日,十一月十三日,十二月三十日。

2.抄写四会单词:March, April, May, June, July,birthday.




1.四会掌握单词及词组:present, date, when, as.

2.能听懂、会说、会读句型 My birthday’s coming. Would you like to come to my birthday party? Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoon, too? Let’s wait and see.

3.掌握句型:When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …





一.Free talk:

T: What does this/that mean?

S: It means …

T: What is this?

S: It’s …

T: What would you like ?

S: I’d like …

二. Review:


三.Presentation and practise:

1.T:(出示日期) What date is it today?

S: It’s the 16th of October.

Learn: date

What date is it today?


2.T: What date is it today?

S: It’s the 25th of September.

T: My birthday’s on the 25th of September.

重复几遍,学习birthday, My birthday’s on the 25th of September.

指名学生说: My birthday’s on the …

3. T: When’s your birthday?

S: My birthday’s on …

学习: when, When’s your birthday?学生间练习这个句型。

4. T: Look! What’s this?

S: It’s a yo-yo.

T: Yes. It’s very nice. It’s my birthday present.

T: What’s this?

T: It’s a VCD of Japanese cartoons. It’s my birthday present , too.

Learn: present.

T: (出示几样礼物)This is my birthday present. 逐样展示。

T: What would you like as a birthday present?

Learn: as, what would you like as a birthday present?


5. T: Would you like a VCD of Japanese cartoons?

S: Yes, please.

6. 听录音理解对话内容,并回答问题:

When’s Ben’s birthday?

When’s Jim’s birthday?

What would Ben like as a birthday present?

What would Jim like as a birthday present?

7. 听录音跟读对话,并熟悉意思。



抄写四会单词和词组:present, date, when, as.







1. 能听懂会说会读单词blow out, a candle a costume, a doorbell,take off.

2. 能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型 When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …


能听懂,会说,会读和会写句型 When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …


一. 导入:

1. Hi, boys and girls. Do you know me?(打扮成肯德基员工)

I’m a waitress in KFC. 与学生打招呼Welcome to KFC. Nice to meet you.

Do you like singing?

Ss: Yes.

T: Let’s sing a song:

2.T: Now, I have some questions for you. If you can answer well,you can get a star. If you get the most stars you can get a big hamburger. Let’s try our best.

二. 复习:

1. 一个月份出现,指名说,然后齐说.

出现日期如: 一月一日,二月三日,三月十二日 …

2. T: What date is it today?

S: It is …

T: Ya, Today is my birthday. My birthday is on …

When is your birthday? 问几学生.

T: What would you like as a birthday present?


T: You are all good student. Do you like to go to KFC?

S: Yes.

T: Very good! I want hold birthday parties for you. So would you please finish this table.

First I give you an example.( 板示 KFC ,下面表格)




Can you introduce your sheet.

学生介绍:…’s birthday is on …

He would like … as a birthday present.(屏示十二月份)

三. Practise:


四. Storytime:

1. Thank you boys and girls. You all well done.

Now let’s have a rest.Let’s see some cartoons. OK?



2. 学生小组间创作故事,然后起来讲,好的得到礼物..

五. Exercise:

1. 看图听录音完成P26.

2. 然后校对答案.

六. Assignment:








3.能进一步掌握句型When’s your birthday? My birthday’s on … What would you like as a birthday present? I’d like …






一. Free talk:

What date is it today?

When’s your birthday?

My birthday’s on …

What would you like as a birthday present?

I’d like …


1. 教师运用多媒体出示日期: What date is it?


2. 学生间会话复习句型: When’s your birthday?

What would you like as a birthday present?

3. 请3-4对学生表演课文对话。

三. Listen and write;

1. 看图复习图上的人物和物品,以为听音练习作好准备。

2. 听录音完成填空。

3. 校对答案。

四. Listen and repeat.

1. 出示图片,引出单词: dear hear near year

2. 让学生整体认读单词,让学生在读的过程中体会字母组合ear在单词中的发音[].

3. 完成几道辨音题,以巩固所学内容。

五. Assignment.

1. 抄写本单元所学的单词、词组和句型,并能默写。

2. 完成练习册中本单元的练习。


牛津英语6A教案 Unit 3 It was there



1.四会掌握单词 was , a moment ago.

2.能听懂,会说,会读单词a camera, a CD Walkman, a roll of film, glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder

3.能听懂、会说、会说和会写句型Where’s your …? It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the … It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your …? They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the … They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.




一. Everyday English:

How are you?

Pass the ball to …

Give the pen to …

Where’s …

What’s the score?

What date is it today?

二.Presentation and practise:

1. T: Today Su Hai and Su Yang’s cousin, Gao Yun is visiting them.Let’s have a look.(多媒体展示情景)

T: What’s this? Do you know?

Learn : a handkerchief

同理学习:a CD Walkman,a roll of film, a pair glasses, a mobile phone, a video recorder, earphones, a diary

2.T: Guess and say巩固这些词组。示图片反面让学生猜图上的单词。

3.T: Where’s my book?

S: It’s on the desk.

T: (把书拿走) It isn’t there now.

T: It was there a moment ago.

示:It was there a moment ago.

Learn: was a moment ago


a moment ago 意思为刚刚,指过去,所以应用一般过去时,动词用过去式。

4. 与学生问答。

T: Where’s your rubber?

S: It’s in my pencil box.

T:(拿走) It isn’t there now.

S: (提示学生回答) It was there a moment ago.


5. Look and answer.

1) 让学生同桌操练 P33 上的六幅图,然后两两问答,检查学生的掌握情况。

2) 先师生问答操练复数句型,然后让学生同桌操练 P34 上的六幅图,并两两问答,检查学生的掌握情况。


1. 能识别所学词组,并能流利朗读。

2. 用书面形式完成C 部分的12幅图。

3. 抄写四会单词。

4. 预习A部分的对话。



1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.

2.能听懂、会说和会读单词和词组:yesterday,Sports Day, ground

3.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语和句型It is the Sports Day. Let me see. Can I have them, please? Can you pick them up for me, please?

4.巩固句型Where’s your …? It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the … It isn’t there now. It was there a moment ago. Where are you your …? They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the … They aren’t there now. They were there a moment ago.


1. 能正确理解和使用一般过去时态。



Where’s your …?

It’s next to/in front of/on/in/between the …

It isn’t there now.

It was there a moment ago.

Where are you your …?

They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the …

They aren’t there now.

They were there a moment ago.


二.Presentation and practise:

1. 出示课文挂图。

T: What are they doing?

S: They’re running.

T: Yes, they are having a running race.

Learn : race

T: The students are very excited.

Learn: excited

T: What are Su Hai and Su Yang doing?

Let’s listen to the tape.


S: Su Hai is looking for her camera. Su Yang is helping her.

讲解: look for意思为寻找。将之区别 find .

2. 听课文第二段录音回答问题。

T: What are the boys doing?

S: They’re running.

T: Yes.They’re having a running race. It’s very exciting.

Learn: exciting. 将之与excited 做比较。

T: What does Su Hai want to do?

S: She wants to take some photos.

拼读 take some photos


T: Where’s Su Hai’s camera?

S: It’s in Su Hai’s bag.

T: Let’s see. Oh.

Ss: It isn’t there.

T: Yes, it was there a moment ago.



T: Where are the films?

S1: They’re in Su Yang’s pocket.

S2: No. They were there a moment ago.They were there just now.

学习just now意思为 刚才。

5. 跟录音读对话。



7.划出四会单词:excited, a race. exciting, a pocket. take photos, look for, just now.


划出词组: on the ground, pick up, in my pocket, Sports Day, a roll of film, a pair of glasses.再次朗读,了解意思。

三. Assignment:

1. 抄写四会单词,并默写。





1. 通过复习要求学生能熟练掌握本单元所学的所学的词汇。

2. 能熟练地在情景中熟练的运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

3. 熟练掌握介词 under, on, in front of, next,behind的意思及用法。






1. Where is/are your …?

It’s/They’re next to/in front of/on/in/between the …

It isn’t/They aren’t there now.

It was/They were there a moment ago.


2. 学生表演会话。


二.Listen, tick and circle.

1. 教师先引导学生通过看图说话描述一下图中所看到的物品。

2. 让学生同桌讨论预测物品所在的位置。用Where is/are … It’s/They’re …来相互问答。

3. 录音指导学生完成练习。

4. 讲解与分析题目。

三.Play a game.

1. 教师做示范,说明游戏的做法与规则。



1. 抄写本课的四会单词和句型并默写。

2. 熟读课文对话并试着背诵。




1. 通过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。


2. 会唱歌曲Where’s my diary?


1. 过复习熟练掌握本单元所学的单词和句型。

2. 了解字母组合ear和ere 在单词中的发音。


一.Everyday English.

What time is it?

What does this sign mean?

Where is /are …?

What date is it today?


1. 让学生模仿本课对话内容自编会话并表演。

2. 复习句型:It was /They were there a moment ago. 同时复习课本B部分的内容。并完成练习册中11页上的内容。

3. 复习课本 C部分内容,生生相互问答。

三.Sing a song:

1. 学读歌词,注意生词:find, perhaps

2. 学生听录音学唱。

3. 学生齐唱,并请几个学生来表演唱。

四.Listen and repeat:

1. 让学生读单词, 了解ear和ere在单词中的读音。

2. 齐读单词和句子。

3. 练习:

bear pear( ) there here ( ) dear bear ( )

near year( ) here hear( ) where there( )



1. 完成练习册中的练习。

2. 背诵课文对话。

3. 总结本单元所学的词组,并抄写2遍。


牛津英语6A教案 Unit 4 Review and check




一.Free talk:

Give it to me.

What day is it today?

What date is it today?

When’s the teacher’s day?

What would you like as a birthday present?






Unit 1

a football match between and next to in the corner one all go over

一场足球比赛 在 之间 紧靠 在角落 一平越过

in front of


Unit 2

public sings a lot of questions different things on the wall stay away

公共标志 许多问题 不一样的东西 在墙上 远离

walk on the grass make noise no smoking no littering no parking

在草地上走 制造噪音 禁止吸烟 禁止乱扔垃圾 禁止停车

no cycling keep of keep quite take a walk look around?

禁止骑自行车 使不接近保持安静 散步 向四周看

pick up come up to point to

捡起 走进 指向

Unit 3

Ben’s birthday go home on the 18th of October a birthday present

Ben的生日 回家 在10月18日 一个生日礼物

A VCD of Japanese cartoons the fifth of April take off blow out

一盘日本卡通VCD 4月5日 脱下 吹灭

Unit 4

Sports day a running race take some photos look for a moment ago

体育运动日 跑步比赛 拍照片 寻找 刚刚

In my pocket just now on the ground a pair of glasses a roll of film

再我口袋里 刚才 在地上 一副眼镜 一卷胶卷





1. 复习字母组合在单词中的发音,使学生熟练掌握,并能正确判断。

2. 复习Unit 1~4所学句型。

一.Free talk:

Give it to me.

What does it mean?

What date is it today?

When’s the teacher’s day?

Would you like a yo-yo as a birthday present?


1. 让学生画出表格归纳字母组合的发音。

【e】bread breakfast head sweater

brother Peter sister tiger

dear hear near year

bear pear there where


2. 完成几道题目以巩固所学内容。

1.bread read ( ) 2. head breakfast ( ) 3.pear near ( )

4. brother danger( ) 5.doctor tiger ( ) 6. here there ( )

7. dear bear ( ) 8.pear bear ( ) 9. here hear( )

3. 让学生就书中每课C,D部分的图片进行同桌问答,然后抽学生两两问答。以检查学生的巩固情况。

4. 默写句型。

Give it to me。 Don’t give it to him。

What does it mean? It means you houldn’t litter。

When is your birthday?

My birthday’s on the fifth of May.

What would you like as a birthday present?

I’d like some flowers.

Where’s your bookl?

It’s on the desk.

It isn’t there now.

It was there a moment ago.

They aren’t there now.

They were there a moment ago.

三. Assignment:

1. 书中 A~D的练习, B部分也以书面形式完成。

2. 让学生就所学的句型表演会话。




一.Free talk:

Give it to me.

What does it mean?

What date is it today?

When’s the teacher’s day?

Where is/are your …?


1. 几组学生表演会话。

2. 让学生四人一组以所学会话进行小组间对话。

3. 请学生流利朗读课文对话。评出最佳朗读者。


1. 请学生讲解A中图画的内容并校对答案。

2. 让学生同桌就B中的图画内容相互问答,然后学生两两问答,检查并巩固会话。

3. 校对C答案并讲解答题要点。

4. 请学生汇报其调查表格的内容。用…’s birthday’s on the …来回答。

四. Assignment:


牛津英语6A教案 Unit 5 On the farm


1 能听懂、会说、会读、会拼写单词plant, else, taste及其中动词的过去式。

2 能听懂、会说、会读单词last, pick, picked.

3 能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型What(else) did you do…? I…,并能在情境中正确运用该句型。

4 掌握规则动词过去式的构成及读音。


1 plant, pick, taste, last的读音。

2 句型What(else) did you do…? I…的读音及运用。

3 规则动词过去式的读音。


1句型What(else) did you do…? I…的读音及运用。



1 课件、若干橘子、带有封面的一张VCD(The sound of music)。

2 预先写好课题 Unit 6及卡片last weekend,并在卡片上写“上个周末”。


A Greeting

B Chant

T: Boys and girls, let’s have a chant. OK?

T: Open, open, open the door.(教师在一个学生面前做动作)

T: Follow me, please. (教师和他/她一起做。)

T: Clean, clean, clean the desk. (教师在两个学生面前做动作)

T: Follow me, please. (教师和他们一起做。)

T: Play, play, play the violin. (教师做动作)

T: Boys, follow me.(教师和男生一起做动作)

T: Listen, listen, listen to music. (教师做动作)

T: Girls, follow me. (教师和女生一起作动作)

T: Now follow me together. (学生跟教师一起边说边做)

C Free talk

T: What day is it today?

T: What day was it yesterday?

T: What’s the date today?

T: What was the date yesterday?

T: How many days are there in a week?

T: What are they?(上述问题教师整体问学生)

T: What day do you like best?

T: What do you usually do on Sundays/…?(单个问学生喜欢的日子干什么)

D Presentation and practice

1 教last

T: I like weekend best. Last weekend I was very very happy.(教师指着卡片last weekend强调说这句话)

教读last, last weekend.

2 教What did you do last weekend?

T: Last weekend I was very happy. Why? Do you want to know?

T: You may ask me like this ‘what did you do last weekend’.(板书)

教读What did you do last weekend? (整体读,组读,个体读,整体读)

T: I watched VCD.(板书)It is called ‘The sound of music’.(手持VCD). It is so interesting, so funny. I like it very much. Do you like it?

T: I can lend it to you after class.

3 教What else did you do?

T: I was very very happy last weekend. Do you want to know more?

T: You may ask me like this ‘what else did you do’.(口型暗示)

引导学生说出What else did you do?(整体,男女生)


4 教plant

T: I visited Mashan.(板书)Do you know Mashan?

T: (课件上出示一幅马山图片)This is Mashan. Is it beautiful? Do you like it?

T: Last weekend I visited Mashan. I like it very much. I planted trees.

教读plant, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

T: Plant, plant, plant trees. Plant, plant, plant flowers.(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

5 教pick

T: Look, there are so many oranges. Mmm, they’re so nice. I picked oranges last weekend.

教读pick, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

T: Pick, pick, pick oranges. Pick, pick, pick apples/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

6 教taste

T: I take some oranges here. They are from Mashan. Taste it, please…(让几个学生尝橘子)

T: Taste, taste, taste oranges. Taste, taste, taste pears/…(教师边说边做,让学生模仿)

T: In Mashan, I tasted oranges.

教读taste, 并让学生拼读。(整体,个体)

7 操练pick, taste, plant

a T: Let’s plant trees. OK?

T: Plant, plant, plant trees/flowers. Pick, pick, pick oranges/….Taste, taste, taste oranges/…

b Game: Listen and act, look and say.

c Say a rhyme:

We are happy

Spring, spring,

plant the tree.

Summer, summer,

water the tree.

Autumn, autumn,

pick the fruit.

Winter, winter,

taste the fruit.

Happy, happy,

we are happy.

8 规则动词过去式读音及构成

a T: Last weekend, I was very happy. What about my last weekdays from Monday to Friday? You may ask me like this ‘what did you do last Monday/…’(课件上有此句型)


cleaned the classroom

played the piano

watered flowers

listened to music

cooked food

watched TV

picked oranges

planted trees

visited friends

tasted apples


b guessing game

T:(课件上显示一个词组last Monday, 一个头像,一个足球,一棵树)Who’s he? What’s this?(指着‘足球’)

T: What did he do last Monday? He played football?

T: Yeah, he played football. (课件显示这句话,学生齐读)What else did he do?(指着‘树’)

He planted trees or watered trees?


9 What did you do…? What else did you do?及其应答I

a T: Boys and girls, now I want to know something about you.

T: What did you do this morning?

T: What did you do yesterday?(上述两个问题整体问)

b T: What did you do last Monday?

T: What else did you do?

S1: What did you do last Tuesday?

S1: What else did you do?


E Consolidation

Do a survey

a T: Our headmaster Mr. Chou is very interested in your weekend. Now let’s help him do a survey. OK?


b T: Now report your survey.

Name Activities

F Home work

a Write down your report and show it to our headmaster

b preview ‘Read and say’ of Unit 6


Unit 5

What did you do last weekend?

I watched VCD.

What else did you do?

I visited Mashan.

Unit6 Holidays



1、Learn the names of holidays:Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween

2、Learn B and C.


Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.




一.Free talk:

What did you do last week?

Did you watch TV yesterday?

二. Presentation and practice

CAI Presentation

a. Christmas

When is Christmas?

It’s on the twenty-fifth of December.

What do people usually do at…?

eat cake eat turkey give presents go to parties

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

b. Easter

When is Easter?

It’s in March or in April.

What do people usually do at…?

colour some eggs look for eggs eat cake give presents

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

c. Halloween

When is Halloween?

It’s on the thirty-first of October.

What do people usually do at…?

go to parties dress up in costumes make pumpkin lanterns

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

d. Thanksgiving

When is Thanksgiving?

It’s in November.

What do people usually do at…?

have parties sing and dance eat turkey

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Consolidation

Practise in pairs.

四. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Do the exercise.


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

五. Writing on the blackboard.

Unit 8

Christmas, Thanksgiving, Easter, Halloween


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.



1、Learn the names of holidays:Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day

2、Learn B and C.


Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.


Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.




一.Free talk

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

二. Presentation and practice

CAI Presentation

a. Spring Festival

When is Spring Festival?

It’s in January or in February.

What do people usually do at…?

have parties eat lots of delicious food visit relatives and friends

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

b. Mid-Autumn Festival

When is Mid-Autumn Festival?

It’s in September or in October.

What do people usually do at…?

eat moon cakes play with lanterns watch the moon

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

c. Dragon Boat Festival

When is Dragon Boat Festival?

It’s in May or in June.

What do people usually do at…?

eat rice dumplings have boating races

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

d. May Day

When is May Day?

It’s on the first of May.

What do people usually do at…?

have a long holiday meet friends and relatives go out to parks and beaches

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

e. Children’s Day

When is Children’s Day?

It’s on the first of June.

What do people usually do at…?

have parties at school

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

f. Teachers’ Day

When is Teachers’ Day?

It’s on the tenth of September.

What do people usually do at…?

have parties at school give cards to the teachers

Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Consolidation

Practise in pairs.

四. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Do the exercise C.


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

五. Writing on the blackboard.

Unit 8

Spring Festival, Dragon Boat Festival, Mid-Autumn Festival, May Day, Children’s Day, National Day, Teachers’ Day


It’s in …

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.



1、Review B and C.

2、Learn D and E.


Guess what festival.


a popular holiday spend time a lot of delicious food have a long holiday meet friends and relatives eat rice dumplings dragon boat races go out to parks and beaches play with beautiful lanterns also




一. Warming up

Read B&C.

二 . Preparation.

1. Greetings

2. Free talk

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Presentation

1. Guessing.

a. Spring Festival

It’s in January or in February.

People usually have parties, eat lots of delicious food, visit relatives and friends, wear new coats.

b. Mid-Autumn Festival

Mid-Autumn Festival

It’s in September or in October.

People usually eat moon cakes, play with lanterns, watch the moon.

c. Dragon Boat Festival

Dragon Boat Festival

It’s in May or in June.

People usually eat rice dumplings, have boating races.

d. May Day

It’s on the first of May.

People usually do have a long holiday, meet friends and relatives, go out to parks and beaches

e. Children’s Day

It’s on the first of June.

Children usually have parties at school.

f. Teachers’ Day

It’s on the tenth of September.

People usually have parties at school, give cards to the teachers.

g. Christmas

It’s on the twenty-fifth of December.

People usually eat cake, eat turkey, give presents, go to parties.

h. Easter

It’s in March or in April.

People usually make Easter eggs, look for eggs, eat cake, give presents.


It’s on the thirty-first of October.

People usually go to parties, dress up in costumes, make pumpkin lanterns.

i. Thanksgiving

It’s in November.

People usually have parties, sing and dance, eat turkey.

四. Read and write.

Holidays in China

a popular holiday spend time a lot of delicious food have a long holiday meet friends and relatives eat rice dumplings dragon boat races go out to parks and beaches play with beautiful lanterns also

五. Listen and write.

Mike has a letter from his penfriend Danny. He is reading it to his mum. Listen to him reading to the letter and complete the sentences.

六. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Read E..

七. Writing on the blackboard.

Unit 8

a popular holiday spend time a lot of delicious food have a long holiday meet friends and relatives eat rice dumplings dragon boat races go out to parks and beaches play with beautiful lanterns also



1、Review B and E.

2、Learn A.


Be able to read the text and answer some questions.


have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food dress up in costumes


Tape-recorder, pictures


一. Warming up

Read B&E.

二 . Preparation.

1. Greetings

2. Free talk

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Revision

Have a dictation.

Mid-Autumn Festival, dragon boat races, have a long holiday, a popular holiday, in January or February, eat moon cakes, play with beautiful lanterns, Spring Festival, eat a lot of delicious food, meet friends and relatives.

四. Presentation

1. the first paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions.

What’s the date today?

Why are the teachers and the students getting excited?

What are they talking about?

Christmas is coming.

get very excited

2. the 2nd paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

When’s Christmas?

What holiday comes after Christmas?

What day comes after Sunday?

on the 25th of December

come after

3. the3rd paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

Did David go to a party last year?

What did he do last year?

Did Yang Ling visit her friends and relatives?

What else did he do?

go to parties

have a big lunch

visit their relatives and friends delicious food

4. the 4th paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

What’s Ben’s favourite holiday?

What do people do at Halloween?

Did Ben dress up in costumes?

What did he do?

dress up in costumes

3. the 5th paragraph

a. Listen to the tape.

b. Questions

What’s Yang Ling’s favourite holiday?

What did she do?

moon cakes

6. Read the text.

7.Do the exercise.

五. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Read A..

六. Writing on the blackboard.

Unit 8

have a big lunch visit their relatives and friends delicious food dress up in costumes



1、Review A.

2、Do some exercises..


Be able to talk about the holidays.


Be able to say out “What do people usually do at…?”


Tape-recorder, pictures


一. Warming up

Read A.

二. Preparation.

1. Greetings

2. Free talk

What do people usually do at…?


Did you …last…?

Yes, I did./No, I didn’t.

三. Revision

Have a dictation.

last Mid-Autumn Festival, dress up in costumes, favourite holiday, visit relatives and friends, at the Spring Festival, get excited, have a big lunch, Christmas, go to parties, lots of delicious food

四. Presentation

1. Listening.

A. Listen and write.

B. Listen and judge.

C. Listen and match.

2. Reading and writing

A. Look, think and write.

B. Look and write.

eat moon cakes, watch dragon boat festival, have a party, make Easter eggs

C. Look, read and fill in the form.

D. Read and answer.

五. Homework

Review Unit 8.

六. Writing on the blackboard.

Unit 8

eat moon cakes, watch dragon boat festival, have a party, make Easter eggs


Have a test.



1.I often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

2.My father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

3.They often _______________(举办体育节) in September.

4.Liu Tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

5.Yang Ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near Nanjing.

6.We _______________(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival.

7.Billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

8.Su Hai , where is my diary? It was on my bed _______________(刚才




1. Prepare Unit 9.

Listen to the tape. Read A&B several times.

2. Revision.



牛津英语6A教案 Unit 7 At Christmas (1)


一Teaching aims:

1.能听懂,会说,会读单词:a watch, a wallet, a teapot, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer

2. 能听懂会说:This … is from…. Who are they from?

3. 了解东西方接受礼物的不同反应,培养学生良好的文明礼仪。

二.Teaching key points:

本课时的教学重点是有关日常用品的8个单词和讨论谁送的礼物的有关语言,其中skateboard, calculator, hairdryer单词较长,发音也有一定难度,教师应重点指导。

三.Teaching difficulties

本课时的难点是:This …is from….Who are they from? 这组句型,建议教师充分利用课文信息,让学生通过静听,在完成匹配题后逐步理解并达到输出。在操练时,教师可准备一些礼物,通过真实的送礼物的活动,让学生在情境中理解并掌握。

四、Teaching preparation



2. 学生准备:每人一张纸条和一份礼物。

五.Teaching procedure:

1. . Warming up:

1)师生热情地问候:Hello, children. Nice to see you. How are you today?


2. 新课呈现:

T:Hi,boys and girls. What festival is Dec.25? Ss: It’s Christmas Day. T: Do you like Christmas Day? Ss: Yes. T: Children like Christmas Day very much. Why? Ss: Because we can get some presents. T: Yes.. Jim’s family were very happy on Christmas Day. Let’s watch the cartoons.

3. 新课教学:

Step 1 Words of Dailythings

1) 学生观看录像,初步体会课文内容。

2)教师根据录像内容提问: What are the presents? 学生指着图片将文章中涉及的物品找出来: A …/…

3)根据学生找出的图片,教师进行单词教学:a watch, a teapot, a wallet, a calculator, a skateboard, a comb, a mirror, a hairdryer.

4) 教师示范朗读,学生跟读单词。重点指导calculator, skateboard,hairdryer的发音。在教学skateboard, teapot, hairdryer时,教师可借助单个单词和在一起的做法,帮助学生了解复合词,提高记忆的效率。

5) 单词巩固游戏:What is it? T: I have a present. It’s no big nor small. Man puts money and cards in it. What is it? S1: It’s a wallet. T: Can you spell it? S1: Yes, W-A-L-L-E-T, wallet. 然后进行全班的问答。

Step 2 Drills: Who is it/are they from? It’s /They are from….

1) T: Jim’s family have got so many presents. Who are they from?

2) 出示句型,教师带领学生朗读三遍。

3)T:Who are they from? Let’s listen to the tape then match.

4) 学生听课文录音,完成匹配题:

grandfather grandmother father mother Jim

a watch wallet teapot hairdryer skateboard

5) 交流答案:

T:Who is the watch from? Ss: It’s from Grandpa and grandma.

T:Who is the wallet from? Ss: It’s from grandma.

T:Who is the teapot from? Ss: It’s from Grandpa.

T:Who is the hairdryer from? Ss: It’s from Grandpa and grandma.

T:Who is the skateboard from? Ss: It’s from Jim’s Mum and Dad.

T: Who is the calculator from? Ss: It’s from Jim’s Mum and Dad, too.

6) Ss齐读匹配结果:The watch is from Jim’s Grandpa and grandma./….

Step 3 Consolidation

1. T: Christmas is coming. Everyone has a present for his friends. Who are you going to send your present? Let’s write a card.

2. 教师指导学生写卡片:Dear …

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

From: ….

3. 学生写完后贴在自己准备的礼物上,然后将礼物集中在老师的礼物袋里,让一位学生扮演圣诞老人,给学生送礼物:Hey! Hey! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Here’s a present for ….T: Who is this present from? Santa clause: Look! Ss: It’s from ….这两个同学都上台,接受礼物的同学拆开礼物,教师在一边提示说:Oh, it’s a …How beautiful! I like it very much.像这样演示5组,逐渐由老师带着学生表达过渡到学生自己表达。

2. 圣诞老人将礼物分派给5个学生,由这5个学生给大家送礼物:Who is this present from? It’s from … Open it. Oh, it’s a … It’s ….。

3. 礼物送完后,大家齐唱:We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy new year.

4. 做书上D部分练习。


1. 朗读记忆本课的有关日常用品的单词。

2. 根据课堂情景,用学过的语言写一篇短文:It’s Christmas Day. Santa Clause comes to our class. He gives us a lot of nice presents. …



1. 能听懂,会说,会读,会写单词:yours, ours, mine, his, hers

2. 能听懂,会说, 会读,会写:Whose … is it/are they?

It’s / They’re mine/yours/his/hers/ours.

3. 能听懂,会说,会读日常交际用语:Open it for me. This one is from Grandpa.





2. 学生准备:听录音预习课文。




2)共同说唱:Send Christmas cards. Wrap presents. Decorate the tree. Sing Christmas carols.

Open presents.

2. 新课呈现:

T:Last class The Santa Clause comes to our class. He gives me some presents.These presents are for you.Look! This present is for Sun Yan. Sun Yan , come here, please.


Step 1 mine, yours

1) T & S show the dialogue: Hi, Sun Yan. This present is for you.

S: Thank you.

T: Here you are. It’s your present. It’s yours.(教师示范说三遍)

S: Thank you.

T: Open it , please. S: OK. Oh, it’s a doll. I like it very much.

T: Look at the card. Who is it from? S: It’s from Miss Li.

T: Yes, now this doll is yours. It’s yours. S: Thank you.

T: You’re welcome.

2) 教师教说It’s your doll. It’s yours.

3) 教师再和两位同学进行演示,让全班学生共同参与演示:Look at this present.

Ss: Who is this present for? T: It’s for…Come here, …This present is yours.

S: OK. Ss:Open it and see.

S: Open it for me, please, Miss Li. ( 教师引导学生说出)

T:OK. Oh, it’s a …Do you like it? S: Yes.

Ss: Who is it from? S: Oh, it’s from…

T(引导全班说): This … is yours., ….

Step 2 his, hers, ours

1) 在第三遍演示的时候,逐渐将:This present is for …. It’s hers. It’s his. It’s ours. 注意在教学his, hers, ours时,教师应充分运用肢体语言和学生的主动参与能力,使学生在老师的指导下由不会到会,由不理解到初步领会。

2)学生四人一组,每人拿一件物品放在课桌中间,S: This is my pencil.It’s mine.

S3(其余三人齐说): This is his /her… It’s his/hers. 交换一个同学:This is my rubber. It’s mine. S3: This is his/her rubber. It’s his/ hers.

Step 3 Dialogue

1)T: Jim’s family is very happy today. Do you know why? Listen to the tape and answer me .

2) 学生带着问题听录音然后回答问题.

Q1: What day was it? Q2: Where were Jim’s family?

Q3: What did they do with their presents? Q4: How did they feel?

3) 教师引导学生回答完问题后朗读课文第一段.

4) 教师在实物投影仪上出示Listen and match的图(见书上P.71),学生边看图边听录音。

5)学生听完后在书上完成题目,然后小结:T: Who’s the wallet for? Ss: It’s for Grandpa. T: Who is it from? Ss:It’s from Grandma. T: Does Grandpa like the wallet? Ss: Yes, he likes the color very much.

6)学生听录音朗读对话,教师重点指导:Open it for me, please. Open mine for me, Jim.







牛津英语6A教案 Unit 8 Review and check


1. Review Unit 1---Unit 2.

2. Do some exercises.

Difficulties and emphasis.

一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

Teaching preparation

Workbook. recorder

Teaching procedure

Step 1. Reading.

Read the texts.

Step 2. Phrases.

Unit 1

1.football match 2.at Jinling Primary School 3.t next to me 4.in the corner

5.at the goal 6.go over the goal 7.go out of the football field

8.in the same team 9.in the football field

Unit 2

1.public sign 2.a lot of questions 3.different things 4.stay away from

5.keep off 6.the sign on the bird’s cage 7.make noise 8.keep quiet

9.take a walk 10.a ten-yuan note 11.look around 12.a park keeper

13.come up

Step 3. pronunciation

Step 4. Exercises in workbook.

1. Look, Read and write.P59

____you go and watch dragon boat races at the ____ _____ _______?

No, _____ _____. I ______ill.

I’m sorry.

2. Listen and choose.

3. Listen and tick.

Step 5. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Do exercises in workbook.P57,P58,P60

Unit 10 Revision(复习2)


1. Review Unit 1---Unit 4.

2. Do some exercises.

Difficulties and emphasis.

一般过去时的用法. (肯定句与一般疑问句)

Teaching preparation


Teaching procedure

Step 1. Reading.

Read the texts.

Step 2. Phrases.

Unit 3

1.take about 2.come soon 3.on the 18th of October

4.have a birthday party 5.as a birthday present 6.a VCD of Japanese cartoons 7.take off 8.blow out

Unit 4

1.Sports Day 2.running race 3.take some photos 4.look for

5.a moment ago 6.just now 7.on the ground

8.a video recorder 9.a mobile phone 10.a pair of glasses

11.a CD Walkman 12.a roll of film

Step 3. pronunciation

Step 4. Exercises in workbook.

1. Read ,think and write

2. Look, read and circle.

3. Read and answer.

Step 5. Exercises in book.

1. Look, match and say.

2. Look, read and respond.

last weekend, at lunchtime, this morning a present from Mum

3. Look, read and complete.

buy-bought take---took

Step 6. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Do exercises in workbook.P57,P58,P60

Unit 10 Revision(复习3)


1. Review Unit 5---Unit 6.

2. Do some exercises.

Difficulties and emphasis.


Teaching preparation


Teaching procedure

Step 1. Reading.

Read the texts.

Step 2. Phrases.

Unit 6

1.last week 2.the first day of school 3.after the holiday

4.in the school playground 5.before classes

6.with my parents 7.a funny cartoon 8.visit a farm

9.with my family 10.on the farm 11.pull up carrots 12.milk cows

13.collect eggs 14.fruit trees 15go to the farm 16.at the camp

17a lot of food 18.a lot of games 19.go camping

Step 3. pronunciation

Step 4. Exercises in workbook.

规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和I, you,动词用原形

一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。Now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


1. 今天早上,我打扫了我的卧室. I _____my bedroom _____ _____.

2. 上星期六我们拜访了我们的语文老师张老师. _____Saturday, we _____ our Chinese teacher Mr Zhang.

3. 高山的舅舅住在南京附近的一个小镇上. Gao Shan’s uncle _____ in a small town near Nanjing.

4. 在周末,林涛经常去看望他的外公外婆. Lin Tao _____ _____ his grandfather and grandmother _____ _____ _____.

5. 你们在美食节做什么的?我和同学做了许多食品,我吃了很多东西. What _____ _____ _____ at the food festival? I _____ many foods _____ my classmates and I ate _____ _____.

6. 他们制作了许多漂亮的风筝,然后在操场上放飞. They made many _____ kites and flew _____ on the playground.


1.I often get up _______________(早上六点一刻)

2.My father usually _______________(看电视) after supper.

3.They often _______________(举办体育节) in September.

4.Liu Tao often visits his grandparents _______________(在周末).

5.Yang Ling’s uncle ______________(居住在) a small town near Nanjing.

6.We _______________(制作了许多美丽的风筝) at the kite festival.

7. Billy always eats a lot of food _______________(每天).

8. Su Hai , where is my diary? It was on my bed _______________(刚才)

Step 6. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Do exercises


A:Do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

B:Yes,we do . We had o_____ last month.

A:W_____ was that?

B:It was a f_____ f_____.

A:W_____ was it?

B:It was on the twenty-sixth of October.

A:What did you do?

B:I c_____five hamburgers and some C_____food.And I a_____ a lot.

A:That was I_____.

Unit 8 Revision(复习4)


1. Review Unit 7---Unit 8.

2. Do some exercises.

Difficulties and emphasis.


Teaching preparation


Teaching procedure

Step 1. Reading.

Read the texts.

Step 2. Phrases.

Unit 7

1.school festivals 2.live in 3.a town near Nanjing

4.at the weekends 5.after dinner 6.have a chat

7.lots of=a lot of 8.have an Art Festival 9.on the 4th of November

10.put the pictures on the wall 11.near the school gate

12.a lot of people 13.colourful kites 14.in the school hall

15.Chinese dances 16.have a good time 17.fly a kite

18.make a kite

19.drink some juice 20.a Kite Festival 21.a Science Festival

22.a Food Festival 23.at the Art Festival

Unit 8

1. get excited 2.come after 3. at New Year 4. have a big lunch

5. go to parties 6. visit relatives and friends 7. last Spring Festival 8. dress up in costumes 9. moon cakes 10. watch the moon 11 play with lanterns 12. favourite holiday 13. make Easter eggs 14 give presents to each other 15. wear masks 16 make pumpkin lanterns

Step 3. pronunciation

Step 4. Exercises in workbook.

重复:规则:一般现在时:表示经常性的事情。时间状语:often, usually, always. every, sometimes等。有两种情况:第三人称单数,动词用三单;复数和I, you,动词用原形

一般过去时:事情发生在过去。时间状语:just now, yesterday, last等。动词用过去式,

现在进行时:表示现在进行的动作。Now, look, listen. 句子结构:be+现在分词


A:Do you have any s_____ festivals in your school?

B:Yes,we do . We had o_____ last month.

A:W_____ was that?

B:It was a f_____ f_____.

A:W_____ was it?

B:It was on the twenty-sixth of October.

A:What did you do?

B:I c_____five hamburgers and some C_____food.And I a_____ a lot.

A: That was f_____.


We_____(have) a football match every Friday. Last Friday, the match _____(be) between Class 1 and Class 4.The score _____(be) one all. Today _____Friday again. The match _____(be) between Class 2 and Class 3. The score _____(be) one to two now. Look, Jim _____(throw) the ball to Billy. And Billy _____(pass) the ball to Tom. Oh, Tom ______(shoot). He’s got a goal. Time _____(be) up. The score _____(be) two all

Step 6. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Review the exercises .

Unit 10 Revision(复习5)


1. Review Unit 9---Unit 10.

2. Have a test.


Unit 9

1. at Christmas 2. on Christmas Day 3. under the Christmas tree 4. open the presentsn 4.some tea 5. a beautiful wallet 6.go to the supermarket by bus 7. get off 8 point to the woman beside him 9.ask him to take it to the police station 10. at lunchtime 11.last weekend 12. a present from Mum




1. Recite the phrases.

2. Review the exercises .

Unit 10 Revision(复习6)


1. 复习句型变换

2. Do some exercises.

Difficulties and emphasis.


Teaching preparation


Teaching procedure

Step 1. Reading.

Read the phrases..

Step 2.练习


1. Wang Bing is stopping David.

2. There are some boys in the room.

3. Tom can speak Chinese.

4. We have four lessons.

5. Stand in a line.

6. David has got a goal.

7. It means “No cycling”.

8. I watch TV every day.

9. We planted trees yesterday.


10. Wang Bing is stopping David.

11. There are some boys in the room.

12. Tom can speak Chinese.

13. We have four lessons.

14. Stand in a line.

15. David has got a goal.

16. It means “No cycling”.

17. I watch TV every day.

18. We planted trees yesterday.


19. Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm.

20. Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm.

21. Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm.

22. Wang Bing is planting trees on the farm.

23. There are twelve boys in the room.

24. There are twelve boys in the room.

25. Miss Green teaches English in China.

26. Miss Green teaches English in China.

27. Miss Green teaches English in China.

28. Miss Green teaches English in China.

29. It means “No cycling”.

30. I watch cartoons at home every day.

31. I watch cartoons at home every day.

32. I watch cartoons at home every day.

33. I watch cartoons at home every day.

34. These are my books.

35. These books are mine.


1. What is the date today?

2. What’s the time?

3. Ben is Ron’s brother.

4. I want to have a CD Walkman as my birthday present.


1. I’m milking the cow now.(用yesterday改写)

2. That is a knife. (改复数句)

3. These are apples.(改单数句)

4. I watch TV every day.(用now改写)

Step 6. Homework

1. Recite the phrases.

2. Review the exercises

篇8:(牛津译林版)初二Unit 5 Birdwatchers

Grammar (2) Integrated skill Study skill Main task Check out


fact worm southeast including reason prevent snowstorm flood centimetre

e.g. etc. second info min no. example rest degree equal dollar therefore

percent plus application form birth hobby simply


1. 用一般现在时表示将来的安排、节目、时刻表、日历。如:

It is Sunday tomorrow.

The bus returns to school at 5 p.m.

2. 用现在进行时表示较近将来的计划。如:

The plane is leaving soon.

He is coming back in a few minutes.

3. 缩略语与符号


cm=centimetre厘米 eg= for example例如

etc= et cetera等等 km= kilometre公里

minus= minutes分钟 no.= number数字

gd= good好的 info= information信息


= equal等于 + plus加 % percent百分比 degree度

≠does not equal不等 @ at在 & and和 < less/smaller than小于,少于

>more/ greater than大于,多于 because 因为 therefore所以

$ dollar美元

4. prevent 防止, 阻止

We should take actions to prevent pollution.

The rain prevented them from coming on time.

prevent … (from) doing sth. = stop sb. (from) doing sth.= keep sb. from doing sth.

5. can’t wait for/to do sth.迫不及待做某事

He can’t wait to go home to watch the football game.

He can’t wait to see his parents.

can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事

We couldn’t help laughing at his joke.



1. I like all kinds of birds, _______ the rare red-crowned cranes.

A. for an example B. for the example

C. for example D. specially

2. Don’t ______ banana skins here and there.

A. leave B. let C. drop D. stop

3. It’s bad ______ to spit in public.

A. examples B. manners C. ways D. excuse

4. Bill asked me if I liked ______ a teacher.

A. is B. be C. being D. was

5. Three _______ six is nine.

A. plus B. times C. pluses D. time

6. Zhalong natrue reserve is an important ______ area of the cranes.

A. living B. lively C. alive D. lovely

7. I want to _____ the children _____ clothes.

A. provide, to B. provide, for C. provide, with D. provide, at

8. We knew nothing about it ______ his mother told us.

A. if B. after C. that D. until

9. If people change wetlands to make _____ for farms, birds will not have enough ____ to live.

A. room, space B. rooms , space C. space, rooms D. spaces, room

Key: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A



1. 说流利的日语

2. 阻止人们砍伐树木

3. 迫不及待地做某事

4. 早餐吃面条

5. 在入口处

6. 确保

7. 有空

8. 叫她不要发出声音


1. This means __________ (越来越多) birds will disappear.

2. We played tennis _________(开心) until our teacher told us ______(回) to school.

3. They ________(走了很长的路) and got tired ________(在那天).

4. It is warm in Kunming _______(一年到头)


1. If it _____ (rain) tomorrow, we ________(not go) to the park.

2. The heavy rain prevented us _______(play) football.

3. The teacher often tells us _______(not make) any noise in class.

4. The doctor asked me ______(take )the medicine three times a day.

5. When I met my friend on my way, I stopped _____(talk) with him.

6. So much work usually make him ______(feel) very tired.

7. Sorry , we are late. We _______(not catch) the bus.

8. There are not many cranes ________(live) in the world.


A factory began to make a new kind of dog food. A big party was held to 1 the new dog food to everyone. People 2 the newspapers and TV stations were there.

There was a dog 3 the party. He would eat the dog food and have his pictures 4 . The plan was to show everybody 5 the dog would like the new dog food.

When the time 6 ,a plate of the dog food was given in front of 7 . Everyone looked at the dog. But there was one 8 . He didn't eat any of it. The dog didn't like the dog food!

The boss(老板)of the factory had to do 9 quickly. All of the people were watching. All of the people were 10 . So he ate the dog food himself.

1. A. send B. take C. put D. show

2. A. of B. from C. on D. in

3. A. by B. of C. at D. in

4. A. taken B. to take C. taking D. take

5. A. how long B. how soon C. how much D. how many

6. A. left B. passed C. went D. came

7. A. everyone B. people C. the dog D. the boss

8. A. change B. problem C. answer D. word

9. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

10. A. smiling B. dancing C. jumping D. laughing


Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.

“What time is your bus?” “There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom. “Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” He cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.” “You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.


1. Tom went into the station cafe because ______.

A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea

B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there

C. he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls

D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?

A. Half past twelve. B. Twenty to twelve.

C. Half past eleven. D. Half past one.

3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find _______.

A. the time is right B. it’s going slower

C. it’s going backward D. it’s going faster

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Tom arrived in Paris on time.

B. The next bus would leave in half an hour.

C. After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer.

D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once.

5. Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story?

A. The Mirror of the Station.

B. Not A Careful Man.

C. Missing A Bus.

D. The Clock In The Mirror.


一. 1. speak Japanese fluently

2. prevent people from cutting down trees

3. can’t wait to do sth.

4. have noodles for breakfast

5. at the entrance

6. make sure

7. be free

8. ask her not to make any noise

二. 1. more and more 2. happily, to return 3. walked a long way , that day 4. all year round

三. 1. rains, won’t go 2. playing 3.not to make 4. to take

5. to talk 6. feel 7. didn’t catch 8. living

四. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D

五. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D

篇9:牛津8B unit8 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语八年级)


Teaching aims:

To learn to use passive voice in the simple future tense.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Presentation

1. Show some pictures and present the new words: display, pollute, harm, living.

2. Let some students spell the words.

3. Read after the teacher.

4. Read together.

Step 2 Explanation

1. 被动语态的一般将来时的概念


e.g. He will be/is going to be taken to hospital in a few minutes.


The food will be /is going to be eaten by the dog soon.


2. 被动语态的一般将来时的构成

主语 will be/ be going to be 过去分词

I will be /am going to be


You /We /They will be /are going to be

He /She/It will be /is going to be

注意:主语是第一人称时,被动语态的一般将来时也可以用“shall be+动词的过去分词”来表达。

Step 3 Practice

1. Complete part A on page 112.

2. Check the answers.

3. Complete part B on page 113.

4. Check the answers.

Step 4 Exercises

I. 根据句意及括号内所给动词的提示填空。

1. A cat __________ (keep) in my grandmother’s house.

2. The concert ___________ (hold) last Friday evening.

3. Jane was made __________ (work) ten hours a day.

4. A new hospital _________________ ______ (build) in our city next year.

5. More than 50 trees ________________ (plant) since last month.

II. Complete part C on page 114.

Step 5 Homework

1. Review the contents of this lesson.

2. Finish the exercises in the workbook.

3. Preview the next lesson.

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. Learn some words and phrases.

2. Practise listening skills by listening to a text.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate some sentences.

1被扔进湖里be thrown into lakes

2被装满 be filled with

3使人们生病make people ill/sick

4将来in the future

5清理clean up

6和……一样as well as

7土地和水污染 land and water pollution

8采取行动做某事 take action to do sth.

9有机会做某事 have chance to do sth.

10考虑 think about


The show will be held at the school hall.


Pollution is one of the biggest problems in the world today.

Step 2 Presentation

Present the new words.

empty adj. 空的

survey n. 调查

Read aloud these new words

Step 3 Warming up

How can we live a green life?

What can we do to protect the environment in our daily lives?

Using some pictures to show how to go green in our daily lives.

Step 4 Listening

Listen to the tape and finish Part A1.

The Class 1, Grade 8 students want to do a survey to get some ideas for their presentation on how to go green. Listen to the conversation between Daniel and Sandy and write the correct information in the table below.

A survey on students’ daily habits.

Time: Survey (1) _____________

Daniel and Sandy meet:

(2) __________________

Place: (3) __________________

Numbers of students: (4) _________

Boys: (5)__________

Girls: (6) _________

Numbers of questions: (7) __________

Keys: (1) 4 p.m. this Wednesday (2) 3:40 p.m. this Wednesday (3) Room 201

(4) 50 (5) 25 (6) 25 (7) 6

Listen to the tape and finish Part A2.

Daniel and Sandy are talking about the results of the survey. Listen carefully and then complete the table below.

Daily habits Number of students

Turn off the tap when brushing teeth 35

Take showers for less than 10 minutes 20

Use both sides of the paper 40

Recycle empty bottles 15

Turn off the lights when they leave a room 41

Take their own bags to the supermarket 9

Complete Part A3.

Sandy is writing a note to Mr Wu about the survey she and Daniel have done. Help her complete the note. Use Parts A1 and A2 to help you.

Dear Mr Wu,

Daniel and I did a survey this (1)__________. Students were asked about their (2)____________.

Here are the results of the survey. Only (3)_____ students usually take showers for less than 10 minutes, but (4)_____ students turn off the tap when brushing their teeth. Only 15 students recycle (5)____________, but (6)____ students use both sides of the paper. It is great that most students remember to (7)_________ the lights when they leave a room, but few students take their own (8)________ to the supermarket.

The survey shows that students are doing a lot to help protect the environment, but there are still many more things they can do.


Keys: 1. Wednesday 2. daily habits 3. 20 4. 35 5. empty bottles 6. 40 7. turn off 8. bags

Step 5 Speak up

1. Listen to the conversation between Sandy and Kitty then answer the questions:

1) What has been a serious problem all around the world?

2) What can Kitty do to protect the environment?

3) Is air pollution harmful to our health?

2. Listen to their conversation again and find out the advantages of planting trees.

Trees make our town look nicer.

Trees reduce dust and help keep air clean.

Trees help keep soil in place during storms.

Trees provide home for animals.

3. Read aloud the conversation then work in pairs to ask and answer. Use the conversation as a model

4. Make your own dialogue.

Sample conversation

S 1: Water is very important for all living things.

S 2: Yes. We should use our water carefully and not waste it.

S 1: Right. We can help save water by doing many simple things like turning off the tap while we brush our teeth.

S 2: Taking short showers saves even more water.

S 1: Saving water is good for the environment. I hope all of us do our best to save water.

S 2: I hope so too.

Step 6 Language points

1. I think our town will look nicer with more trees around.

句中with more trees around 为介词短语,起副词作用。Around 用作副词,意思是“周围,四周”。

e.g. I could hear laughter all around. 我可以听见周围的笑声。

2. Air pollution is harmful to our health.

be harmful to sb.= harm sb. = do harm to sb. 对某人有害

e.g. Air pollution is harmful to our health.

= Air pollution harm to our health.

= Air pollution does harm to our health.


3. They provide home for animals too.

provide sth. for sb. = provide sb. with sth.


e.g. They provide homes for animals.

= They provide animals with homes.


Step 7 Let’s do a survey.

Work in groups of four and ask your group members about their daily habits. Then write a short passage about the results and report it to the class.

Step 8 Exercises


1. There is a ______(调查) on learning English.

2. He joined an English club to improve his ______ (日常的) English.

3. Smoking is a kind of bad _______(习惯) .

4. Some of the waste material can be reworked for _________ (再利用).

Keys: 1 survey 2 daily 3 habit 4 recycling


1. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。

2. 这是调查的结果。

Keys: 1. Few students take their own bags to the supermarket.

2. Here are the results of the survey.

Step 9 Homework

1. Remember the new words in this lesson.

2. Preview the next lesson.

Study skills

Teaching aims:

1. To learn to talk about how to protect the environment

2. To learn to correct the mistakes by checking the work

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate the phrases and sentences.



3. 扔掉

4. 依靠

5. 自然资源

6. 洗澡

7. 刷牙

8. 学生的数量

9. 用纸的两面

10. 回收空瓶子

11. 关灯

12. 做一个调查

13. …的结果

14. 保护环境

15. 几乎没有学生带他们自己的袋子去超市。

16. 这是调查的结果。

17. 调查表明学生为帮助保护环境正在做许多事。

Step 2 Presentation

1. Present some new words with pictures and then read them aloud

2. Let some students spell the words.

3. Read after the teacher.

4. Read together.

Step 3 Study skills

1. Explanation

We can correct a lot of our own mistakes by checking our work. After we have finished a piece of writing, always spend some time reading it through.

Types of mistakes

Step 4 Exercises

1. Complete the exercises on textbook.

Millie has written an article. Help her check her work. Underline the mistake, make the corrections and decide the types of mistakes she has made.

Let’s protect the environment!

People depend natural resources to live. Water and soil help provide us with necessary food and drinks. Coal, oil and natural gas is not only useful for families, but have a wider use for factorys.

Some natural resources are around us, such as water. Others like coal, oil and natural gas are dug up from the ground. They will form over thousands or even millions of years. As a result, it is very important for us to use them wise. If they are used and thrown away carelessly. finally some of them will run out.

It is time for us to take proper actions to protect our enviromnent. We should try produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible?

2. Check the answers.

3. Then read them aloud.

4. Do more exercises

Correct mistakes in the sentences.

1) You should pay not attention to his words.

2) Nobody can prove him wrongly.

3) Who made them so sadly?

4) What a valuable advice it is!

5) I really don’t know what to solve the problem.

6) I don’t see anything strange about the photo, too.

7) What is he look like? He is kind and helpful.

8) Listen, the music is sounding beautiful.

Step 5 Homework

Write a short passage “My green life” and use the skills we have learnt today to check your work.


Teaching aims:

1. To learn some information about going green.

2. To learn how to write a script on how to go green.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Presentation

1. Show some pictures and present the new words: simple, step, power.

2. Read after the teacher.

3. Read together.

Step 2 Warming up

Discuss: How can we go green?

go green = protect the environment

Step 3 Brainstorm

What can we do to save water?

What can we do to save power?

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Step 4 Reading

Read Millie’s notes on page 118 and find out:

What can we do to save water?

What can we do to save power?

What can we do to reduce pollution?

Which else can we do to live a green life?

Step 5 Practice

1. Complete Millie’s script on page 119.

2. Check the answers.

3. Read together.

Step 6 Language points

Here are some simple steps to take.

take some steps 采取一些措施

e.g. We should take some simple steps to save water.


Step 7 Writing

Show some pictures about protecting environment. Let the students to give a presentation on how to go green.

Useful expressions:

1) It is time for us to ….

2) We can save water by ….

3) We should use/take ….

4) … is a good way to ….

5) It is important for us to ….

6) It is good to ….

7) Moreover, ….

Step 8 Exercises

I. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. The waste can ______________(separate) into different groups to recycle.

2. Take your own bags when __________ (shop).

3. You should do more exercise and watch ______ (little) TV.

4. We can save water by ________ (take) shorter showers.

5. You need to check your homework after finishing _________ (write).

II. 汉译英。

1. 我们可以通过缩短淋浴时间来节约用水。

2. 为了节约电力,当我们离开房间时应该把灯关掉。

3. 好习惯能够帮助减少污染。

4. 对我们来说养成环保的生活方式很重要。

5. 遵循这些小步骤,你可以对地球产生大影响。

6. 当电视和电脑不用时,我们应该关掉电源。

Step 9 Homework

1. Finish your script.

2. Review all the new words and language points in this unit.

篇10:牛津8B unit2 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语八年级)

Unit 2 Travelling

Welcome to the unit

Teaching aims:

1. To know foreign city famous tourist resorts and popular attractions.

2. Be familiar with the scenic spot and the country.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Do you like travelling?

Do you know any famous tourist attractions in Yancheng?

Step 2 Comic strip

Look, listen and answer the questions.

1. Is Eddie happy in the first picture? Why?

2. Where is Eddie going?

3. Does Eddie want to go too?

4. What does Hobo want to bring?

5. Does Eddie feel happy at last? Why?

Step 3 Explanation

I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.


这是个否定前移的句子,主句中的否定词实际是否定了从句中的内容。当主句含有I think, I believe等词语时,通常否定前移。

e.g. I don’t think it is a good idea. 我认为那不是个好主意。

Step 4 Let students look at the picture then act the dialogue out.

Step 5 Welcome the unit

If you have a chance (机会) to travel abroad (出国旅游), where will you go?

Then show some pictures about some popular attractions in foreign Countries:

the Great Wall

the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Little Mermaid

the Statue of Liberty

the Sydney Opera House

Tower Bridge

Step 6 Read and guess

1. It is the longest wall in the world.

2. It is a present from French people. It stands for Liberty.

3. It sounds like pizza. It is leaning. It may fall down some day.

4. The girl has a fish’s tail instead of legs.

5. It is the busiest performing arts centre in the world.

6. It is a large bridge over the River Thames in London. It has twin towers.

Step 7 Work in pairs

Work in Part B.

A: What’s this, Millie?

B: It’s the Little Mermaid.

A: Where is it?

B: It’s in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark.

A: What’s special about it?

B: It comes from the story by Hans Christian Andersen.

A: Have you ever been there? B: No, I haven’t.

Step 8 Do some exercises

Step 9 Homework

1. Prepare a fact file and write about one of your holidays.

2. Preview the new words in Reading.

Reading I

Teaching aims:

Let the students know Kitty tour of Hong Kong Disneyland’s observations and activities.

Let students talk about tourist in vocabulary.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Review

Look at some pictures and say something about them.

e.g. the Leaning Tower of Pisa

the Statue of Liberty

Mount Fuji

the Little Mermaid

Tower Bridge

Step 2 Free talk

1. What places of interest have you visited in China?

2. Have you ever been to Hong Kong?

Step 3 Watch a video about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 4 Ask students to read together.

Step 5 Present some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 6 Let students read the letter and answer the questions.

1. Who visited Disneyland?

2. How long did they stay in Disneyland?

Step 7 Work on B1

Kitty is back in Sunshine Town. Amy is asking Kitty about her trip. Help Kitty answer Amy’s questions.

Amy: Who did you go to Hong Kong with?

Kitty: I went there with ___________.

Amy: Where did you go during your stay there?

Kitty: We went to ____________________.

Amy: How did you get there?

Kitty: We got there ___________________.

Amy: How long did you stay in the park?

Kitty: We stayed there for ___________.

Amy: Did you enjoy yourselves there?

Kitty: Sure. We had _______________.

Step 8 Work on B2

After talking with Kitty, Amy is making notes of how Kitty spent her day at Disneyland. Help Amy complete the notes below.

A day at Disneyland

Had fun on ______________

Hurried to have a __________ and met Disney _________________ on the way

Watched a _______ of Disney characters

Watched a __________

Did some ___________

Watched ____________ in front of the castle

Step 9 Work on B3

Kitty is showing Amy her photos the other day. Complete their conversation with the words in Kitty’s letter on pages 22 and 23.

Kitty: I took lots of photos at Hong Kong Disneyland, Amy.

Amy: Oh, let me have a look. Is that Mickey Mouse?

Kitty: Yes. He looked so _____.

Amy: What’s in this photo?

Kitty: It’s Space Mountain, an ______ roller coaster. It moved at high ______ and we were __________ and laughing through the ____.

Amy: What do you think was the best part of the day?

Kitty: I think the parade of Disney __________ was really wonderful.

Amy: Was the film in the park interesting?

Kitty: Yes. The 4-D film was like _______.We could even smell the apple ____.

Amy: Did you go shopping there?

Kitty: Yes. I bought ___________ key rings. Here’s one for you.

Amy: It’s nice. Thank you.

Step 10 Work on B4

Kitty had a good time at Hong Kong Disneyland. Find the sentences in her letter that show her happiness.

We’re having a fantastic time here.

First, we had fun on Space Mountain – an indoor roller coaster in the dark.

It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

It was the best part of the day.

I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

Step 11 Homework

Ask students read the article after class.

Reading II

Teaching aims:

1. To know and master some useful words/sentences/phrases.

2. To know the meaning of passage.

3. To learn more about the world and protect the environment.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Review Kitty’s trip.

Kitty did a lot of things at Hong Kong Disneyland. She did different things at different time. Let’s complete the table about her trip.

Step 2 Language points

1. I miss you so much!

miss vt. 想念,思念

e.g. Amy misses her grandparents very much.



e.g. Kitty was sad because she missed her train.


I don't want to miss seeing that film on television tonight.



e.g. Miss Smith is a popular writer.


2. We’re having a fantastic time here.

fantastic adj. 极好的,美妙的

e.g. We watched a fantastic play yesterday evening.


have a fantastic time 过得愉快,玩的高 兴 = have a good time = enjoy oneself = have fun

3. Today we spent the whole day at Disneyland.

the whole day 一整天 = all the day

e.g. They spent the whole day wandering about seeing the sights.


4. It moved at high speed and was really exciting!

at high speed意为“快速地, 非常快地”, 其中的speed为名词, 意为“速度”, at speed与at high speed意思相同。

e.g. He drives the car at (high) speed in the road.


at a speed of ...也是一个常见的短语, 表示“以……的速度”。

e.g. The train is travelling at a speed of sixty miles an hour.


5. We were screaming and laughing through the ride.

1) through是介词, 可它的意思不再是我们以前学过的“从……通过,穿过”, 而是“从(某事)的开始到结束, 从头到尾”的意思。

e.g. The nurse looked after the old man through his long illness.

这个老人病了很长时间, 这个护士一直在照顾他。

2) ride n.

可数名词, 意为“乘坐, 搭乘; (乘车或骑车的)短途旅程, 旅行”, 有时也可指“距离”。

e.g. Can I have a ride on your bike?


6. …such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.

such as 例如

such as和for example都有“例如”的意思,但是它们的用法有所不同。

such as常用来列举同类人或事物中的多个例子。

e.g. I like animals, such as dogs, bears and pandas.


for example一般只以同类人或事物中的“一个”为例。

e.g. He has ever been to many countries, for example, Australia.


选用such as或for example填空。

1) John likes many sports, ____________, basketball.

2) She can say many languages, __________ Chinese, Italian and Russian.

7. I ran after them and couldn’t stop taking photos.

run after 跟着跑,追逐

e.g. Look, the dog is running after the rabbit.


cannot stop doing something 忍不住一直做某事

e.g. We could not stop laughing when we watched Tom and Jerry.


8. I bought a couple of king rings for classmates.

a couple of 可以表示不确定的“几个”。

e.g. a couple of minutes 几分钟

短语 a couple of也可以表示“两个”

e.g. I saw a couple of men get out.


9. Hope you’ve enjoyed yourself there.


这是一个省略句,省略了主语I,完整的句子是 I hope(that) you’ve enjoyed

yourself there!


e.g. Hope to here from you.


Step 3 Do some exercises.

Step 4 Homework.

Recite the new words, phrase and sentence patterns in Reading.


Teaching aims:

1.掌握“have/has been to” 和 “have/has gone to”的用法。


Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Answer the questions.

1. Where has Kitty been?

2. How did she feel on Space Mountain?

3. What were they doing through the ride?

4. What did she meet on the way to the restaurant?

5. What was the best part of her day?

6. What did they do after the parade?

7. Did she buy any gifts?

8. When did they watch the fireworks?

Step 2 Study Grammar A: Using have/has been 和 have/has gone

We use have/has been to express the idea that someone went to a place and has already come back. It refers to an experience.

e.g. Mille and Amy have been to South Hill. They want to go there again.

Sandy has never been to South Hill. She wants to go with them.

We use have/has gone to express the idea that someone went to a place but has not yet returned.

e.g. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong. They will come back next week.

Suzy is not at home at the moment.

She has gone to the bookshop.

Step 3 Summary

have/has been和have/has gone的用法


① I have been to America many times. It’s really a modern city.

② Millie has gone to America with her family. I hope they have a great time



通过分析上面两个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

___________ 表示曾经去过某地, 已经回来; 而 ___________表示说话时已经去了某地, 可能在途中, 也可能到达目的地。

③ Have you ever been to the supermarket to buy grapes?

④ Minnie and her father have been to the supermarket to buy grapes twice this


⑤ Minnie and her father have gone to the supermarket to buy grapes.


通过分析上面三个例句, 你能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中可以加 once, twice, ever, never等时间状语; 而含 ____________ 的句子中不能加此类时间状语。


综合分析上面五个例句, 你还能得出什么结论呢?

含 ___________ 的句子中主语的人称一般为第三人称形式; 而含 ___________ 的句子中对主语的人称没有限制。

Step 4 Practice

Finish the exercises on pages 26 & 27.

A1 The Class 1, Grade 8 students are talking about their classmates and families. Help them complete the sentences with have/has been or have/has gone.

1. Millie isn’t here. She _________ to the library.

2. Peter and Simon ____ just _____ to the library. They borrowed some interesting books.

3. My cousin __________ to Xi’an twice.

4. My parents __________ to Xi’an and they’ll stay there for a week.

5. Daniel won’t be with us at the party. He _________ to Shanghai.

A2. Daniel and Millie are chatting. Complete their conversation. Use the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

Daniel: I haven’t seen Mr Wu for days. Where ____ he _____(go)?

Millie: He __________ (go) to Tianjin to attend a meeting.

Daniel: _____ you _____ (be) anywhere recently?

Millie: Yes, I __________ to Hainan with my parents.

Daniel: Oh, that’s great! ______ you ______ to Sanya?

Millie: Sure, we _________(be) to the beach there. Look at these photos.

Daniel: The beach is beautiful. I see Andy playing on the sand too.

Millie: Yes, We went there with his family.

Daniel: I see. By the way, shall we invite Andy to go for a picnic tomorrow?

Millie: Andy isn’t here this weekend. He and his parents __________(go) to countryside. They’ll be back tomorrow afternoon.

Step 5 Study Grammar B: Verbs with for and since

We use for when we talk about a period of time, and we use since when we talk about a time point in the past.

e.g. Mr Dong has lived here for many years.

Mr Dong has lived her since he was born.

Some verbs, such as come, go, buy and leave, can be used in the present perfect sense, but they cannot be used with for or since in positive statements.

Step 6 Summary


现在完成时表示动作或状态从过去某一时刻开始, 一直持续到现在, 多与“since +点时间”或“for +段时间”连用。for表示“经过(一段时间)”, 而since表示“自从(……以来)”。


for + 表示一段时间的状语

一段时间+ ago

since +表示过去的某一时间点


e.g. He has lived here for 16 years.


He has lived here since 16 years ago.


He has lived here since 1991.


He has lived here since he was born.


If we want to express a continuous state, we can use another way like this.

Verb Used for a continuous state Example

begin/start have/has been on

The film has been on for 20 minutes.


have/has been over The parade has been over for hours.


have/has been in/at

Kitty has been in Hongkong for two days.


have/has been away

She has been away from home since last Tuesday.


have/has kept

She has kept this book since last week.


have/has been in

have/has been a member of

Simon has been a member of the Football Club since last year.


have/has been married They have been married for 15 years.


have/has been dead

The fish have been dead for some time.

Step 7 Practice

Kitty is telling Millie about her holiday in Hong Kong on the phone. Complete what she says with the correct forms of the verbs in brackets.

My parents and I _________(arrive) in Hong Kong on the first day of the winter holiday. We _________(be) here for three days.

I __________(borrow) a book about Hong Kong a week ago. It’s very useful. I ____ ____ (keep) it with me for a few days. It helps me learn more about Hong Kong.

Now it’s noon and we’re in Ocean Park. The first dolphin show ______(begin) at 11:30 a.m. It ________(be) on for about half an hour. The show is really exciting.

Step 8 Do some exercises.

I. 慧眼识错。

1. I have borrowed the book for 3 months.

2. My bother has joined the army since he was 18.

3. Jack and Tom have lived here since 5 years.

4. The film has been on since I have come to the cinema.

5. When has Mr. Li caught a bad cold?

6. His grandfather has been died for two years.

7. Jim has gone to Beijing for ten years.

8. What time have the factory opened?

9. I have gone to Chunhua Middle School twice.

II. 同义句转换。

1. The class was over ten minutes ago.

The class _____________ for ten minutes.

2. His grandpa died in .

His grandpa ______________ for ten years.

3. The exhibition has been on for three


The exhibition ____________ three days ago.

4. My parents got married 25 years ago.

My parents __________________

since 25 years ago.

5. I bought the MP3 last week.

I __________ the MP3 for a week.

6. Kitty joined the Reading Club last year.

Kitty _____________________ the Reading Club since last year.

III. 翻译下列句子。

1. 这些日子你去哪里了?

2. 我父亲已经去上海出差了。

3. 他离开家已经了。

4. 篮球赛已经开始15分钟了。

5. 20分钟前会议就已经结束了。

6. 我两年前来到了这个学校。

7. 她已经到达公司半个小时了。

8. A: Tony曾经去过法国吗?B: 是的。

A: 他去过埃菲尔铁塔吗? B: 没有。

9. A: 我昨天没看见你。你去哪儿了?

B: 我去电影院了。

A: 你什么时候去电影院的?

B: 昨天下午。

10. A: 你爸爸去哪儿了?

B: 他去美国了。他下周回来。

11. A: 他们去印度了吗?

B: 不,没有。他们明天走。

Step 9 Homework

1. 复习for和since的用法。

2. 复习延续性动词和非延续性动词的用法。

Integrated skills

Teaching aims:

1. By reading and listening to obtain useful information

2. Can ask and answer questions about travel

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Revision

Translate some sentences.

1. 小名参军半年了。

Xiao Ming has been a soldier for half a year.

2. 我们上了8年学了。

We have been students for eight years.

3. 下课10分钟了。

The class has been over for ten minutes.

4. 电影开始了一小时了。

The film has been on for an hour.

5. 门打开半小时了。

The door has been open for half an hour.

Step 2 New words

beautyseaside theme park sailing view except

mountain business direct flight on business

Step 3 Free talk

Have you ever travelled to any places in China?

What did you do there?

Step 4 Listen to the tape and answer A1.

The Class 1, Great 8 students are talking about the kinds of places they like best. Listen to their conversation and match the students with the places. Write the correct letter in each box.

Places for travelling

a. Chinese gardens1. Kitty

b. Museums 2. Simon

c. Places of natural beauty3. Sandy

d. Seaside cities 4. Daniel

e. Theme parks 5. Millie

Step 5 Make sentences use the information in A1.

Kitty likes to go….

Millie wants to go…

Step 6 Ask students talk with classmates

What is important when you plan your holiday?

Step 7 Listen to the tape finish A2.

The students are listening to a radio programme about the best time to visit some places in China. Put a tick (√) in the correct boxes.

Places to go Spring Summer Autumn Winter


gardens Suzhou,


Museums Beijing,


Places of natural beauty Mount Huang,


Seaside cities Dalian,


Theme parks Shenzhen,

Hong Kong

Step 8 Finish part A3 together.

Amy wants to give her classmates some advice on travelling in China. Help her complete her notes. Use the information in Parts A1 and A2 to help you.

Places to go in China

Kitty likes ___________, such as the Window of the world in Shenzhen or____________ Disneyland. She can go there all year round.

Simon loves water sports, such as sailing. He thinks it is great fun. He can visit a seaside city like ______ or Qingdao this ________.

Sandy likes places of ______________, like Mount Huang or Jiuzhaigou. She can go there in any season except _______. The views there in winter may be wonderful, but it is dangerous to climb the mountains or hills on cold and snowy days.

Daniel likes ________________. He can visit Suzhou or Yangzhou. The best time to go there is in spring or________. There may be some rain, but the weather is usually nice at that time of year.

Millie likes _________. She can go to Beijing or Xi’an. She can visit museums in any season.

Step 9 Pair work

Work in pairs. Talk about your travelling.

A: Where did you go last summer?

B: I went to …

A: What did you do there?

B: I went… I had a fantastic time.

Step 10 Written task

Your foreign friend wants to visit Suzhou, please give him some advice.

Speak up and Study skills

Teaching aims:

1. Students can ask and answer about the travel information.

2. Students can use main points and details to write an article.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Free talk

Travelling is very interesting. May Day is coming and it’s a good season for travelling. Amy will go traveling. Where will she go?

Step 2 Speak up

Listen and answer some questions.

1. Where will Amy go?

2. How will they get there?

3. How long are they staying there?

4. How long dose it take to fly to Chengdu?

Step 3 Act out

Let students act the dialogue out.

Step 4 Pair work

Let students talk about:

What’s your holiday plan? Where do you want to go during the May Day holiday?

Give them tips:

Where are you going?

Why do you plan to go there?

Who are you going with?

How will you get there?

Step 5 Notes

1. My Dad has been to Chengdu on business twice.


business n. 的意思是 “公事,生意”,该词还有“职业,企业”的意思。

on business 意思是“出差”

2. We’re going to take a direct flight to Chengdu.


direct adj. 径直的

e.g. There is a direct high-speed train to Hangzhou.


Step 6 Practice

Complete the sentences.

Step 7 Study skills


1. When we write about an experience or event, we can organize our ideas using

the following five main points.

When did it happen?

Where did it happen?

Who was there?

What happened?

How did you feel?

Then we should give details to support the main points.

2. Take Kitty’s day at Hong Kong Disneyland as an example:

When: during the winter holiday

Where: Hong Kong

Who: Kitty and her parents

What: visited Hong Kong Disneyland

How: had a fantastic time

Step 8 Practice

Mr wu is asking the Class1, Grade 8 students to organize the following information into main points and details. First, help them write the correct letters in the blanks. Then work pairs and talk about their trip.

a Class 1, Grade 8 students

b Enjoyed the natural beauty

c Everybody felt excited

d Flew kites

e Went fishing by the lake

f 5 March

g South Hill

h A visit to South Hill

When: ____________

Where: ____________

Who: ___________ ____________

What: ___________ ___________

How: ____________ ____________

Step 9 Sample speech

On 5 March, the Class 1, Grade 8 students went to South Hill. They enjoyed the natural beauty there. Some of them flew kites, while some of them went fishing by the lake. Everybody felt very excited.

Step 10

Write a passage about your trip, using the information we have learned in the lesson.


Teaching aims:

To write an article about one of your holidays.

Teaching steps:

Step 1 Warming up

Show some pictures about Hong Kong Disneyland.

Step 2 Work in Task 1

1. Presentation

Show students some pictures to learn new words.

2. How does Kitty write her article?

Step 1(part A):

Step 2(part B):

Step 3(part C):

3. Look at Kitty’s fact file –Part A in page 32carefully and try to remember more information about Kitty’s trip to Hong Kong.

Main Points Details

When The winter holiday ------

where Hong Kong

Who ------

What visiting places of interest Disneyland

Ocean park---

Other activities



4. Useful expressions:

It took us …to fly to

The next day, we went to…

I loved watching the interesting…

…was exciting/beautiful/fantastic

On the third day, we visited…

We went to…on the fifth day

…was the best part of the day

We enjoyed this trip very much

Step 3 Work on Task 2

1. Complete Kitty’s article in Part B on page 33 as quickly as you can.

2. Analysis (分析) kitty’s article. We can group this article into 3 parts:

Part 1: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 2: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

Part 3: para( )-para( ) It is mainly about

3. During Kitty’s article, Kitty used some adjectives(形容词)and adverbs(副词) to describe her article. Could you please find them out as many as you can?

Step 4 Notes

1. My parents and I left for the airport in the early morning.


leave for 动身去

e.g. The plane leaves for Hong Kong at 10:30.

飞机于10:30 起飞前往香港。

2. It took us about three and a half hours to fly to Hong Kong.


“3个半小时”还可以表达成three hours and a half

“一个半小时”的两种表达方式 one and a half hours

one hour and a half

Step 5 Writing

You are going to write an article about one of your holidays. Write down some main points and details, and organize your ideas before you write.


1. Remember to state (陈述) clearly the place and the time of your trip, and the people who went with you.

2. Organize your ideas before you write.

3. Think of something interesting and special to write about.

4. Use adjectives and adverbs to make your article more interesting.

5. Write about your feelings in the last paragraph.

Step 6 Homework

If you went to Beijing for a holiday last summer, try to write an article about this trip.

篇11:unit2 reading 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Teaching aims & demands:

To develop students’ ability of reading a play

To know about American family life and problems that happen between American teenagers and their parents

To form a positive attitude towards solving problems between teenagers and parents

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

1. Revision: Guess the words

(1). a dirty or untidy state _______

(2). give a reason for something _______

(3). believe that somebody is good_______

(4). something worthless or of low quality_______

(5). a person between a child and a grown-up _______

(6). not polite_______

(7). without being punished_______

(8). grown-up_______

2. Group work

Talk about the four pictures on P21

List some problems with parents.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

(2) How to solve these problems.

①____________ ②_____________ ③_____________

Step 2: Reading strategy

Please go through the Reading strategy and tell how to read a play.

1.It is often in the form of ___ _________.

2.It usually includes_________ ______, and each act can have_________ _______.

3.The words or speeches in a play are very________, and some of the words in a sentence are______ _____.

4.There are some helpful _____________in a play.

5.It should be_____ ________.

Step 3: Fast reading

Get students to read the play and finish Part A individually.

How many acts are there in this play? And how many scenes in each act?

Step 4: Detailed reading

1. Listening and complete C1 on P24.

2. Please read Act One of the play carefully and fill in the form

Characters Things they do Feelings

Mom and Dad



2. Please read Act Two carefully and fill in form:

Characters Things they do Feelings





Step 5: Careful reading

1. This passage is mainly about ________.

A. what Mom and Dad did after they returned from vacation.

B. what Daniel and Eric did at home.

C. the reason why the dog was tired and hungry

D. a big quarrel that an American family had

2. Mom and Dad left Daniel in charge at home because ______.

A. he was an adult B. he was the youngest

C. they liked him very much

D. they thought he could take good care of everything while they were away.

3. Which is NOT true according to the passage?

A. The children were very excited when their parents came back a day earlier than expected.

B. The children didn’t use the money for themselves.

C. Daniel was left in charge at home while their parents were away.

D. Eric wanted to tell his parents what had happened, but Daniel said they didn’t need to.

4. The main reason for their quarrel is that ______.

A. Daniel was too rude.

B. Eric didn’t tell his parents what had happened

C. the parents blamed Daniel without giving him a chance to explain

D. Daniel and Eric didn’t behave well at home.

Step 6: Post reading

Fill the missing words in the blanks to complete the summary of the play.

Mom and Dad arrived back from v_______ earlier than e_______ in order to give the boys a s_______. They got so a____. When they saw the house was in a m___ that Dad shouted at D____, the elder brother, who was in c______ of the house when they were away. Daniel s_______ the door to show his anger, because their parents never gave him a c_____ to explain. E___, the younger brother, wanted to explain to his parents what had h_______, but Daniel didn't think that their parents d______ to know the truth.

At the end of the play, both Mom and Dad thought maybe they were too h___on the boys. However, Dad decided to p_____ Daniel for his rudeness so that he would show r_____ for his parents in future.

Step 7: Discussion

1. If you were Eric or Daniel ,what will you do?

2. Find some adj. to describe good parents in your eyes.

They should be__________, __________, __________,__________...

3. How do you deal with the relationship between you and your parents?

We should _______, ________, _______, ________...our parents.

3. The word “family” means “f_______ a_____ m______ I l_____ y_____”.

Step 8: Homework

1. Role-play the dialogue in groups of five.

(Divide students into groups of five and one is the narrator and the others are the main characters. Role-play Act One and Act Two.)

2. Reading comprehension

There are three kinds of goals: short-term, medium-range and long-term goals.

Short-term goals are those that usually deal with current (当前的)activities, which we can apply on a daily basis. Such goals can be achieved in a week or less, or two weeks, or possibly months. It should be remembered that just as a building is no stronger than its foundation, our long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals. Upon completing our short-term goals, we should date the occasion and then add new short-term goals that will build on those that have been completed.

The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals. They might deal with just one term of school or the entire school year, or they could even extend for several years. Any time you move a step at a time, you should never allow yourself to become discouraged or overwhelmed. As you complete each step, you will enforce the belief in your ability to grow and succeed. And as your list of completion dates grow, your motivation (动力)and desire(欲望) will increase.

Long-term goals may be related to our dreams of the future. They might cover five years or more. Life is not a static thing. We should never allow a long-term goal to limit(限制) us or our course of action.

1. Our long-term goals mean a lot ________.

A. if we cannot reach solid short-term goals

B. if we complete the short-term goals。

C. if we have dreams of the future

D. if we put forward some plans

2. New short-term goals are built upon________.

A. a daily basis B. your achievement in a week

C. current activities D. the goals that have been completed

3. When we complete each step of our goals, _____________.

A. we will win final success B. we are overwhelmed

C. we should build up confidence of success

D. we should have strong desire for setting new goals

4. What is the main idea of this passage? _____________

A. Life is dynamic thing. B. We should set up long-term goals.

C. Different kinds of goals in life. D. The limitation of long-term goals.

5. Which of the following statements is wrong according to the passage? _____________

A. The long-term goals cannot amount to very much without the achievement of solid short-term goals.

B. The intermediate goals build on the foundation of the short-term goals.

C. Life is a static thing, thus we should never allow a long-term goal to limit us or our course of action.

D. We should often add new short-term goals to those which have been completed.

篇12:dying to be thin 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Subject: unit3 reading: dying to be thin…

Teaching aims:

1 Students are able to grasp the main point of the three e-mails.

2 Students are able to know that nothing is more important than health.

3 Students are able to express their own opinions about the topic.

Important points & difficult points:

1 finding the main points in the three e-mails and express them

2 understanding the reading material

Teaching methods and means: fast reading, detailed reading, group work, discussion

Teaching aids: computer, ppt, pictures, blackboard, chalks

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Lead-in

T: Today we are going to learn the reading material of Unit 3. At first, I want to show you some pictures.

(showing pictures)

T: Is she beautiful? (showing the picture of Audrey Herben)

Ss: Yes.

T: Yes. She’s very beautiful and she has an attractive figure. What about the second picture?

Ss: Wow. He’s so fat.

T: Yes. He’s so fat.

T: What about this guy?

Ss: Wow. He’s handsome.

T: Yes. He’s handsome and he has also an attractive figure, too.

T: Now you have watched the four pictures. And can you tell me what kind of figure you prefer? The left ones or the right ones?

Ss: The left ones.

T: Obviously we will choose the left ones.

Discussion: Suppose you are a little overweight, how would you lose weight?

Ss: take weight-loss pills, eat vegetables, do exercise, and do operation.

T: Yes. In order to lose weight, we will exercise in the gym, take weight-loss pills, receive plastic surgery and have a diet.

(showing the pictures)

T: Now let’s analyze the reading material and find out how the character---Amy, loses weight. Now, please turn to page 42.

Step 2: Pre-reading

Predict: dying to be thin…?

Q: can you tell me the possible meaning of the title? Or can you give me your explanation to this title?

A: dying to be thin: 1 Amy wanted to be thin very much.

2 Amy nearly died because she had taken weight-loss pills to lose weight.


Skim the three e-mails and find out the main point of each e-mail.

T: I’ll give you 3 minutes to skim the whole lesson.

Main point:

Subject- Dying to be thin: in order to lose weight, Amy takes weight-loss pills and becomes slimmer and slimmer.

Subject- Recovering : Amy is recovering from liver failure.

Subject- Re: recovering: Zhou ling is sorry to hear about Amy’s problems and hopes that she and other people who’d like to lose weight will value the importance of health.

Step 3: Detailed reading:

1 finish C1( page 44)

2 fill in the blanks

Amy’s emotions Reasons for losing weight Results



hopeful Looking good is important.

be shamed of her body

prepare for a new TV show Have lost 7 kg

Feel tired and weak

Become slimmer

Reasons for frustration Reactions to illness

Be in hospital

Liver failure Regret taking pills

Realize the importance of health

Reasons for hope Lessons Amy has learnt

Getting better Don’t damage your health for a slim and attractive figure.

Zhou Ling’s Reply:

Zhou’ emotions: from sorry to glad

Zhou’s opinions: 1 We shouldn’t be embarrassed about our weight.

2 Nothing is more important than health.

Reading strategy:

Understanding sentences with ‘however’ or ‘but’

1 underline all the sentences that have ‘however’ or ‘but’

2 analyze the following two sentences:

1 I used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.

2 I’ve lost 7 kg in the last two months. However, sometimes I don’t feel so energetic.

Question: What’s the difference in meaning between the sentences before and after ‘however’ and ‘but’?

Answer: The two sentences usually express something different and opposite.

The feeling expressed before ‘however’ or ‘but’ and the feeling after them are usually opposite.

We can use a comma after ‘however’.

Step 4: Post- reading

Discussion: suppose you are Amy’s best friend. If you’re going to write an e-mail to her, what will you say to her?

Conclusion: we can’t choose the appearance, but we can spread our smiling. Health is priceless.


1. finish D1,D2,E.

2. preview word power.

篇13:growing pains 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Unit 2 Growing Pains

----Welcome to the unit

Teaching plan

I. The general idea of this period:

This period is about the warming up of this unit. It will help students learn more about growing pains mainly from the problems between parents and children. Students will learn how to bridge the generation gap with parents and get rid of the growing pains as possible as they can.

II. Teaching Aims:

1: To introduce and develop the theme of growing pain.

2:To exercise speaking ability of the students by talking about the problems between children and parents.

3:To help students form a positive attitude towards growing pains and learn to solve them.

III. Teaching difficult points:

1:Talk about problems between parents and children.

2:Enable the students to practice their spoken English.

3:Help students to form a positive attitude to towards relationships between their parents and them.

IV. Teaching procedure

Step 1 Lead-in

① Show several pictures of the famous TV series.

② The two TV series talk about the problems between parents and children.

③ Lead students to the topic of this unit---growing pains.

Step 2 Brainstorming

① Ask following questions to help the students recall their memory.

Have you ever quarreled with your parents?

What is your quarrel about?

② A short video will be presented.

③ Students are encouraged to talk about the problems between parents and children.

Step 3 Picture Discussion

Ask students to look at the picture and discuss what it talks about.


① Why are the boys and girls around the pretty lady?

② What does the boy want to do? Is he allowed to do so? Why or why not?

③ What feelings may the boy have?


① What is the boy probably doing?

② Did the boy do well in his exams?

③ How does his mother feel about the score? What feelings may the boy have?

Step 4 Further Discussion

1. Put up with the question: “What do you think is the biggest cause of arguments between parents and children?”

2. Analyze the different interests between parents and children to put up with the Generation Gap.

3. Do you think there is a generation gap between you and your parents? If so, what is the best way to solve the problem? We may get many ways to bridge the generation gap, especially through communication and understanding.

Step 5 Summary

T: In this unit, we have talked about growing pains and have a discussion about the problems between parents and children. From the class, we know that understanding and communication can be the best way to bring parents and children together and help students out of growing pains.

Step 6 Homework

T: Write a letter to your parents about something you want to talk with them. Maybe you can begin like this:Dear Mom and Dad, I want to say

篇14:新概念英语 lesson47 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高三)

Teaching approch: cooperative learning, task-based language learning, communicative learning

Teaching aids: blackboard, multi-media facilities

Teaching procedures:

Step1 Lead-in

1.Play a video about pollution and get the students to answer “How many kinds of pollution did you see in the video?”(write the key on the Bb)

2. Show some pictures about food and ask the studens to have a quick discussion about the question “What food do you think is safe food without being polluted?”

Step2 Scanning and skimming

1.Structure and paragraph development

Listen to the tape and have the students use one sentence to summarize the text and use phases or key words to sum up the main idea of each paragraph.

2.Read for details

1) Read the first paragraph and answer the following questions:

How many ways do people deal with rubbish?

Do people solve the problem of rubbish? Why?

2) Blank-filling

Ask the students to read Para2 and find detailed words to fill in blanks about agricultural pollution.

3) Summary

Get the students to read Para3 and summarize the forms of noise pollution.

4) Picture-talking

Have the students look at the picture on Page216 and descible what is happening in the picture.

Look at the picture on PPT and guess, then let the students describe the feeling of the wife.

Step3 Post-reading activities

1. Tell us about any noise which you know has caused a major problem.

2. “ The only way to reduce noise pollution is to fine offenders very heavily.” is this a practical proposal? What do you think?

篇15:主谓一致 教案教学设计(译林牛津版英语高一)

Step I Lead-in

1. (have) your classmates finished his homework?

2. My friend and I (want) to play outside after watching TV.

3. (have) all of the cake been eaten?

Step II Subject-verb agreement


1. Between the two buildings (stand) a monument.

2. What he said (is/ are) right

3. What she left me (is/are) a few books.

4. Seeing (is/are) believing

5. To see (is/are) to believe.

6. Somebody(is/ are) using the phone.

7. Each of the books(cost) five yuan.

8. The students each (have) a copy of Jay’s new album.

9. The Greens (is / are) very fond of working on the farm.

10. Many a student (have/ has) passed the exam.

11. More than one person (is/ are) here.

II 意义一致原则

1. Three weeks (is/ are) allowed for making the necessary preparation.

2. Another five minutes(is/ are) enough.

3.Three miles (is/ are) nothing.

4.His family (is/ are)a happy one.

5.The whole family(is/ are) watching TV.

6.The police (is/ are) searching for the thief.

7. The population in China (is/ are) large.

8. 75% of the population in our class (is/ are) from countryside.

9. This glass works (be) set up in 1980.

10. These glass works (is/ are) near the railway station.

11. A sheep (is/ are)over there.

12. Some sheep (is/ are) over there.

13. Physics (is/ are) now taught in all schools.

14.The old (is/ are) taken good care of in our country.

15.The young (is/ are) required to respect the old.

16.“All ________ present and all _________ going on well.” Our monitor said.

A. is ; isB. are ; areC. are ; isD. is ; are

17. All of my classmates (like)music.

18. All of the water (is / are) gone.


19. Walking and riding (is / are) good exercises.

20. A teacher and doctor (is / are) giving us a lecture.

21. A teacher and a doctor (is / are) giving us a lecture.

22. Every boy and girl (want) to go to the cinema.

23 No boy and no girl (is / are) allowed to swim in the lake.

24.Many a boy and many a girl (is / are) going to the zoo.


1. Tom or his brothers (is / are)waiting in the room.

2. Either you or he (is / are) to go.

3. There(is / are) an apple, two oranges and some bananas on the plate.

4. There (is / are) two oranges, an apple and some bananas on the plate.

5. John, together with his two friends, (was / were) at the party.

6.The teacher as well as the students was reading in the library.


1. Lots of damage (was / were) caused by fire.

2. About three-fourths of the earth’s surface (is / are) covered with water.

3. Three-fifths of the workers here (is / are) women

4. A number of students (have/ has) gone home.

5. The number of pages in this book (is / are) two hundred.

6. A large amount of damage (was / were) done in a very short time.

7. Large amounts of money (was / were) spent on the bridge.

8. This kind of men (is / are) dangerous.

9. Men of this kind (is / are) dangerous.

A pair of shoes (was / were) just what he wanted

Shoes (was / were) just what he wanted .

He is one of the students who(have/ has) been to Beijing.

He is the only one of the students who (have/ has)been to Beijing.


牛津5B:Unit 1

《牛津小学英语5B》Unit 1 A New Term


《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5B第一单元第一教时(Part B and Part C)



Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Chinese, Science,

Computer Studies.

2、能正确地理解并应用句型What day is it today ?It’s…

What lessons do you have in the … We have …

3、能用所学单词、句型问答并初步感知句型Welcome back to school. Nice to see you.








A. Free talk


用“Happy New Year!’’ “Welcome back to school!” “How are you?’’等日常交际用语进行问答,复习并导入新知


复习“I like English .What do you like?’’ “Do you like…?’’ “How about you?’’等所学句型,渗透新知

3.Present “Science,Social Science, PE, Computer Studies’’


例如: I like Science. What subject do you like? Oh you like Art. Me,too. How about you/ And you? …


B. Presentation and practice

1.Learn “Monday”

教师自由谈话引出,例如:Oh, someone likes PE, but someone likes English…Today is “Monday”(出示自制课表),师重复该单词,生静听、模仿跟读。延续以上对话,引出:“What lessons do we have today? ”


2.Present “What lessons do we have in the morning?”

引导学生用“We have┅”回答




3.Learn “Tuesday, Wednesday…Friday”

方法:渗透新句型“What day is it today? It’s…”

例如:What day is it today?

It’s Thursday.

为避免单词教法的重复,在新单词的引入时还可以用让学生试读的方法,单词的拼读可通过竞赛、游戏等方法以激发学生的兴趣。同时也可加入本课所学的句型“What lessons do we have in the morning?” “We have┅”,使对话的情景更为真实,也起到了复习的作用。

C. Practice


A:What day is it today?

B: It’s Thursday.

A: What lessons do you have in the morning?

B: We have┅

B: What day is it today?

C: It’s Friday.


2) 师利用投影进行有意义的操练,图文结合。


D、Assign homework




《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5B第一单元第二教时(Read and say 和part F)



2、能正确地听、说、读写单词a subject. Interesting, a week 和句型What subjects do you like ? I like…

3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语Nice to see you. I hape we have more. How about you?










1.Play a game: “反口令”游戏

2.Free talk.

A: I have a … What do you have?

B:I have a …

A:I like going sopping. What do you like?

C:I like …

A:I often going shopping on Sundays. Is it Sunday today?

Ss:No,it isn’t. It’s Monday.


A: What day is it ?

B: It’s …

4. Sing a song 生初步感知、熟悉歌词及旋律。


1.教学句型“What subjects do you like?” “I like…”

(由对话自然引出)T: We are having an Engilsh lesson. Do you like English?

Ss: Yes, …/No, …(师帮助学生回答)

T: What subjects do you like?(生跟读,出示板书)

S1:I like …(师作提示)

2.Teach: How about you?

师指明一名学生:How about you? 生自然地理解并作答,师可稍作提示“I like…”





4.Learn “interesting”

1).教师可由以上的对话What subjects do you like? Do you like PE?生回答Yes, I do.师可引入Yes, it’s interesting.


2).Say a rhyme

根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述I like …,It’s interesting .一方面训练 interesting,同时也复习前面所学各种科目的单词。师总结出rhyme.

English, English, A, B, C.

Maths, Maths, one, two, three.

Chinese, Chinese, write and read.

Art, Art, draw and sing.

PE, PE, run and swim.

C.Listen, read and say.

1.Present “I hope we have more ” “a week”

(师述引出)I like PE, do you like PE? Who like PE, please hands up. But we have only two in a week. I hope we have more.

单词week让学生多听几遍,读音可与 “need”比较读。也可提问:How many days are there in a week? 检查学生理解程度。在引入I hope we have more 后可改动课表, 如增加二节课,帮助学生理解。单词和句型的读应放在听清发音之后。

2.Listen and answer


1).What day is it today?

2).What lessons do they have in the morning?


What do Su Hai and Su Yang like? Su Hai likes and Su Yang likes .

3.Read the text by yourselves then together.

4.Read in roles

D. Practice

1.Look ask and answer

2.Do a survey






《义务教育课程标准实验教科书 牛津小学英语》5B第一单元第三教时(Part D, E, F and Part G, H)














A: Sing a song

1.Listen to the tape


2.Sing after the tape

B: Free talk and revision

T:Good morning, class. Nice to see you.

Ss: Nice to see you.

T: I like running on Sunday morning. Do you like running?

S1:Yes, I do./ No, I don’t.

T: He likes PE, so he likes running.

What subject do you like?

S2: I like science.

T: How many science lessons do you have in a week?

S2: We have two. I hope we have more.

T: Excuse me .Do you have science today?

What day is it today?

Ss: It’s Friday.

T: What lesson do you have in the afternoon?



4.利用挂图,操练句型 “What subject do you like ?”

I like … How about you?

I like …


C: Look and read.


2.学习单词“trick” “minus”, 生猜其意并试读。



例如:I like Maths very much. It’s┅

What’s 654 minus 456?

It’s ┅

D: Design a timetable


How many subject do you have this morning?

We have ┅

How many Chinese lessons do you have in a week?

We have ┅

What subject do you like?

I like┅

What lesson do you have on Wednesday?

We have┅

2. Make a new dialogue in pairs.

3. Action.

4. Design a timetable you like.




S1: Today is ┅

The first lesson is┅

T: Do you have any questions to ask?

S2:What subject do you like?

S1:I like ┅

S3:Do you ┅

E: Listen and repeat.



3.Read after the tape.

4.归纳出clock, coffee, doctor,hot的共同音标,后出示图,师生共同看图说话:The hot coffee near the clock is for the doctor.

F. Homework


2.能熟读并会表演Read and act .



Unit2 A telephone call (第一教时)


1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 a headache, bad , a cough ,got, a fever , a cold

2、能正确地听、说、读单词 a toothache , an earache , a backache , a stomach ache

3、能正确地理解并运用句型 What’s wrong with you? I’ve got…




2、能正确地理解和运用句型What’s wrong with you? I’ve got….






Game: Touch your nose/eyes/head/ear/tooth并导入back stomach

B. Free talk

T: How are you?

S: Fine thank you. /Not so good

当有学生回答Not so good 时,教师关切地询问What’s the matter?

What’s wrong with you? 并用手势引导学生回答。

(What’s the matter? 在4A出现过教师可告诉学生What’s the matter?和What’s wrong with you?的意思一样.)

板书:What’s wrong with you? 生跟读

在生回答后,师:I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.[板书,生跟读]

C. Presentation and practice.

1、Teach: toothache

a. 师与一生表演呈现

T: How are you?

S: Not so good.

T: What’s wrong with you?

S: I’ve got a toothache. (托腮作痛苦状)

T: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

b. 师出示图片并配以单词 a toothache

生跟读:a toothache a toothache I’ve got a toothache.(板书:I’ve got a….)

c. 练习What’s wrong with you? I’ve got a…. I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

师问生答 生问生答

2、同法教学单词 earache backache headache stomachache


3、学单词fever cold cough


5、Say a rhyme <>



c.试着模仿改编,并朗诵.(替换high fever)



师出示图片问:What’s wrong with you?

要求生根据图片内容边做相应的动作边回答:I’ve got a……

T: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.


3、P18 Work in pairs

a.Picture1 师生问答

b.Picture 2-6 学生两人一组看图进行模仿练习。然后分角色进行表演。

E Assign homework



Unit2 (第二教时)


1.能正确地听、说、读、写单词lunch , speak, feel

2.能初步理解并运用句型How do you feel now? I feel…..

3.能正确地听、说、读日常用语M ay I speak to…?This is …speaking .See you soon








3.磁带 录音机


A. Revision

师生之间以free talk的形式复习句型What’s wrong with you?和本单元B部分的单词

T: Hello xxx How are you today?(出示图片 要求学生根据图片回答)

S: Not so good.

T: What’s wrong with you?

S: I’ve got a stomach ache

T: I’m sorry to hear that. I hope you get better soon.

S: Thank you.

2.生问师答 生问生答

B. Presentation and practice.

1. 师关切地询问刚才回答不舒服的学生:How do you feel now?

帮助学生回答I feel ill/ hot /tied…

T: I can get a glass of water for you

S: Thank you.

2、板书:How do you feel now?

I feel….

I can get a/some…for you.



C Read and say.

1、复习打电话(5A学过)并新授May I speak to …

May I speak to….

T: Hello, Is that Wang Bing?

S1: Yes, this is xxx

S2: No, this is Yu Wenjie.

T: Sorry, May I speak to Yang Jie?

帮助生答Hold on, please.并把电话递给Yang Jie

Yang Jie: Hello, this is Yang Jie speaking.

(板书speak May I speak to … This is …speaking)

2学生练习用May I speak to …打电话

3在此基础上,教师出示课文挂图并用语言直接导入:Helen is not at school She’s absent today She’s ill 引导学生理解absent的意思,然后指着挂图说 Helen is in her bedroom Su Yang is calling her.让学生理解第2句中her的意思

教师出示钟面,指针显示12:30 师:Su Yang calls her after lunch.帮助学生理解after lunch


What’s wrong with Helen?



c. Listen and repeat.


a.师把钟面指针拨到4:35 问:What’s the time now?

S: It’s four thirty

T: Yes Classes are over. Su Yang calls Helen after school.

b. 看图听录音

c. 帮助学生理解still take any medicine

d. Listen and repeat.



D. Assign homework



Unit 2 (第三教时)



2.进一步掌握句型How do you feel now ? I feel … I can get a/some…for you . 及 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a…

3.能正确地听、说、读、写句子 How do you feel now ? I feel … What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got …

4.能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语 Sorry, Wrong Number


能正确地听、说、读、写句子 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a … How do you feel , now? I feel ……







B、A. Say a rhyme

1.用投影片出示英文儿歌《 I’m ill 》,让学生眼看录音机朗读


C、B. Ask and answer



T:×××,What’s wrong with you ?

S:(根据图片内容)I’ve got a …

T: I’m sorry to hear that ? How do you feel , now ?

S: I feel …

T: I can get a /some … for you .

2. Practise in groups.

a. 小组活动,让学生根据图片内容进行同桌自由问答,要求说得正确、流利。

b. 小组比赛。

D、C. Read and act

1. 教师出示这部分内容的挂图。让学生听录音整体理解对话内容。并回答问题 What’s wrong with the woman ? 从而了解学生对对话的理解。

2. 学生跟读并朗读对话。

3. 在能熟练朗读对话的基础上,让学生两人一组扮演角色扮演对话。

E、D. Work in pairs

1. 学生自由朗读这部分对话。

2. 教师指名朗读,检查学生掌握情况。

3. 模仿对话,让学生进行游戏。教师把学生分成四人小组,要求其中三人写出一个七位数的电话号码交给老师,并在号码旁注上自己的姓名。没有给出电话号码的学生要记住其中一位同学的电话号码,然后打电话给该同学。注意提示学生别人打错电话时可以说 Sorry ,wrong number .

F、E. Assign homework

1. 朗读并抄写要求四会的单词,词汇和句型。

2. 用句型 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a … 和 How do you feel , now ? I feel … 进行笔头编对话各两组。

Unit 2 (第四课时)


1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的有关疾病类词汇

2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型和日常交际用语

3. 能进一步掌握句型 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got … How do you feel now ? I feel …

4. 能初步了解字母O在闭音节单词中的读音


能正确地听、说、读、写句型 What’s wrong with you ? 及其答语 I’ve got … 和 How do you feel , now ? 及其答语 I feel …




1. 录音机和磁带,玩具电话机,医生用的一些道具,各种动物头饰

2. 单词图片



G、A. Free talk and revision

1. 教师一边报出一生的电话号码,一边拨打电话,该生就拿起玩具电话机和老师进行对话。

T: 722××××, Hello , may I speak to ××× ?

S: This is ××× speaking .

T: Hi , ×××, This is Miss Huang , How are you , today ?

S: I’m fine , thank you . / Not so good .

(当生答Not so good 时)T: What’s wrong with you ?

S: I’ve got a …

T: Oh , I’m sorry to hear that .

How do you feel , now ?

S: I feel …

T: I can got a / some … for you .

S: Thank you .

T: Not at all , See you soon .

(教师也可故意报错号码,让学生练习用Sorry ,wrong number )

2. 学生两人或三人一组模仿编对话并练习。

3. 小组比赛,看看哪一组表演得自然、流畅、正确。

H、B. Say a rhyme


I、C. Play a game

1. 教师创设情境:森林里有一家动物医院,里面有医术精湛的大象医生,老马医生,老虎医生和狮子医生。这两天,气温反常,许多小动物都生病了,都到医院去看医生,如果你是病人,该怎样去医院看医生呢 ?

2. 四位学生戴着大象,老马,老虎,狮子的头饰,身穿白大褂,手拿听诊器扮演医生,其他学生戴各种动物头饰扮演病人,到自己喜欢的医生处就诊。从而用 What’s wrong with you ? I’ve got a … Open your mouth and say “Ah” …等日常用语展开一段对话。

3. 教师巡视各组情况,进行及时表扬和纠正错误。

J、D. Listen and repeat

1. 教师逐个出示单词 brother , love , monkey , mother . 让学生认读

2. 让学生在多次朗读单词后找出它们的共同因素。即O发 |∧|

3. 听录音跟读句子 My mother and my brother love that fat monkey .

K、E. Assign homework

1. 抄写本单元所学的单词、词组和句型,并能默写。

2. 能够熟读并表演 Read and act 。

3. 根据实际生活情景自编对话,并表演对话。

Unit 3


《牛津小学英语5B》 Unit 3 Hobbies(第一课时)


1 能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2 能正确地听、说、读、写单词:collect, a stamp, beautiful, a classmate, a ship, an animal。

3 能正确地运用对话中的词组和日常交际用语:take photos, Show us his stamps, please.

Here they are.

4 能正确地理解并运用句型Do you have any hobbies? Do you like…? Yes, I do.

No, I don’t. He/She likes…

5 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。

6 初步熟悉歌曲:Hobbies。




1 能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。

2 能初步理解主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式。




3、Read and say 部分的投影片。



A Free talk

Eg: Good morning./How are you?/What day is it today?/What lessons do you have in the morning/afternoon?/What subject do you like? Do you like…?

B Presentation and practice

1 T:(出示一张印有花卉的邮票)What’s this? It’s a stamp.

Drill: stamp

T: Look at this stamp. What’s this?

Ss: It’s a flower.

T: Yes, it’s beautiful.

Drill: beautiful

2 T(出示一张印有船的邮票)Look. There’s a ship on the stamp. It’s a ship stamp.

Drill: ship

3 T:(出示几张印有动物的邮票)What’s this on the stamp?

Ss: There’s a dog on the stamp.

T: Yes, the dog is an animal. It’s an animal stamp.


T: They are animal stamps.

Drill: animal

4 T:(出示一本邮册)I like collecting stamps. Look, I have many stamps. They are beautiful. Do you like collecting stamps?

Ss: Yes, I do./No, I don’t.

Drill: collect/collect stamps.

5 T:(拿出一本相册)I like collecting photos.

(拿出照相机拍照)I like taking photos, too.

Drill: photo/take a photo.

Practise: The students say and do.(take a photo)

6 T:(请一男生和一女生到班前,教师指着女生对男生说)She’s your classmate.

(指全班学生)They are your classmates.

Drill: a classmate

7 Teaching of the sentence patterns.

1) T:(做游泳的动作)I like swimming. Do you like swimming?引导学生用Yes, I do./No, I don’t. I like…来回答。

2) 请一学生用I like…句型说出自己喜欢做的运动,教师逐一想全班:He/She likes…领说句型,学生跟读。

3) 教师出示Read and say部分的挂图进行句型介绍This is Yang Ling. She likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.学生理解图片意思后模仿学说句型Yang Ling likes making clothes. Helen likes cooking and growing flowers.

4) 教师利用挂图进行问答练习,引出Does Yang Ling like making clothes? Yes, she does. Does Helen like taking photos? No, she doesn’t.领说句型。

C Read and say

1、The students look at the picture and listen to the tape.

2、The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.

3、The students read the dialogue themselves and the teacher gives some help.

4、The students read the dialogue in roles and act out the dialogue.

5、Ask several groups of students to act out the dialogue.

D Listen to a song: Hobbies

E Assign homework

1 Listen to the tape, read the dialogue and act out the dialogue.

2 Make a new dialogue according to the dialogue of the text.

Unit 3 (第二教时)


1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.

2、能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps, collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make clothes.



1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin和词组take photos, go shopping.

2、能正确地听、说、读词组make model ships, collect stamps collect coins, grow flowers, keep goldfish, make clothes.


1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词a coin 和词组take photos,go shopping.







A Free talk and motivation

1 Eg: Good morning!/How are you?/Nice to see you./Do you like…?Does he/she like…?

2 The students act out the dialogues.

3 Listen to the song: Hobbies, and sing after the song.

B Presentation

1 Present the pictures and say the phrases: take photos, make clothes, collect stamps.

2 T:(教师根据多媒体课件或动作图片提问)What’s he doing? He’s going shopping.通过教师自问自答引出make model ships, collect coins, keep goldfish,grow flowers等词组。

3 The students listen to the tape and read after the tape.

C Practice

1 把所有词组的图片贴在黑板上,教师说出一个词组并请一位学生指出黑板上相对的图片。

2 师生根据动作或图片进行问答练习,如Do you like going shopping?No,I don’t. Do you like keeping goldfish? Yes, I do.

3 教师引导学生看图,并用主语为第三人称单数的一般现在时叙述图片内容,如He likes making model ships. She likes making clothes.

4 学生同桌看图说话,自由操练词组。

D Consolidation

1 Listen and act or look and say.


2 Play the game: What’s missing?

(教师出示本单元所学的所有动词词组的图片,以最快的速度抽出一张,问学生What’s missing?学生说出被抽出图片的动词词组。)

3 Play the game: Chinese Whisper


E Assign homework

1 read the phrases and copy the phrases.

2 Make some sentences with the phrases.

Unit 3 Hobbies(第三教时)



2、能熟练掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.

3、能用句型I like…和He/She likes…,too.描述自己或他人的爱好和活动。



能正确地听、说、读、写句子Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.和I like…及He/She likes …,too.等句型。


能正确运用Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.并能在具体情景中以口笔头或书面的形式进行交流。






A Sing a song

The students sing after the tape.

B Revision

1 Present the pictures of Part B with the CAI, the students say the eight phrases.

2 The teacher present the picture of Part B, the students talk about their hobbies with the sentence pattern: I like…..

3 Play a game

教师课前准备一些动作图片,一学生到讲台前挑选一种喜欢的动作图片,做图片上动作,其他学生猜他或她喜欢的活动:He/She likes …

C Ask and answer

1 Revision

Present the CAI and talk with the students.

Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies?

T: Yes, I do. I like collecting stamps.

2 Practise in groups

1) Work in groups.

Eg: S1: Do you have any hobbies?

S2: Yes, I do. I like collecting/…

2) Compete in groups.

The students make sentences: Do you have any hobbies? Yes, I do. I like…He/She likes…,too.(The group which makes the most sentences is the winner.)

3) Make an interview.

The student interview his classmates with the topic: Hobbies.

Eg:S1: Do you have any hobbies?

S2:Yes, I do. I like making model ships/…

S1:(Point to another student) He likes making model ships, too. Right?

S2: Yes, he does./ No, he doesn’t. He likes taking photos/…

D Look,read and complete

1 The teacher present the pictures of PartD: This is a picture of Su Hai’s family. Su Hai and her family have some hobbies. The talk about the picture with the students, make the students know the meaning of the picture.

2 The students do the exercise.

3 Check the answer.

F Assign homework

1 Read and copy the words and sentences.

2 Make out a new dialogue.

Unit3 Hobbies(第四课时)




3、能进一步掌握句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.并能用I like…和He/She likes…,too.句型描述自己或他人喜欢的爱好和多动。



能正确地听、说、读、写句型Do you have any hobbies?及其答语Yes,I do.和I like…及He/She likes…,too.句式。









A Free talk and revision

Eg: Good morning, class./I like…Do you have any hobbies?/He/She likes …Right?

B Sing a song

The students sing after the tape.

C Do a survey

1 Present the CAI or the picture of Part B, the students say the phrases.

2 Free talk.

The students talk about hobbies with each other.

3 Do a survey.

1) The teacher do a survey as a model.

Eg: T(Present the form)Do you have any hobbies?

S1:Yes,I do. I like…

T:(Fill the form)

2)The students do the survey in groups.

4 Sum up.


Eg: T: Can you tell me about your survey?

S: Yes. Five student like taking photos. One student likes making model ships.

taking photos 5

making model ships 1

D Read and act

1 T:(Present the picture) Now ,Boys and girls. Look at the picture. What does Liu Tao like? Can you guess?


(The student listen to the tape.)

2 Teach the words: water, every, aunt, carefully with the picture. Learn the dialogue.

3 Answer the questions:(Make sure the students understand the dialogue)

Eg:1)What is Liu Tao doing?

2)Who likes growing flowers, too?

3)Does Liu Tao water the trees and flowers every day?

4 Read the dialogue after the tape and act out the dialogue.

E Listen and repeat.

1 Play a game:

教师用多媒体课件快速展示图片,一闪即停,然后问学生:What’s missing?让学生看图后猜单词。

2 The students read the words together.

3 Sum up the common pronunciation.

4 Present the phonetic symbol and read after the teacher.

5 Read the sentence.

F Assign homework

1 Read the dialogue of Part E and try to act out it.

2 Make a new dialogue.

3 Do the exercise of the Exercise Book.

Unit 4《牛津小学英语5B》第四单元教案

课题: Unit 4 An English friend

课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第1课时

课时目标:1. Four skills: fast high ,Does he/she…? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t.

2. Three skills: speak loudly, run fast, jump high, dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly

3. Require the Ss to use v. and adv. properly in a certain situation


A. Warming up

1. Sing a song.

2. Free talk

B. Preparation

1. Greetings

2. Sing a song “Come on and join into the games”

C. Presentation and practice

1. jump high

a. Now, let’s do some exercise. Sun rise. Wave your arms. Shake your body. Stand up. Jump high etc. Run fast.

b. Ask a student to jump high. (put “jump high” on the Bb)

c. Read in pairs.

2. run fast

a. Let’s act! Run fast! (Put “run fast” on the Bb.)

b. Read in pairs!

3. speak loudly

a. I say you do. fast→run loudly→speak

b. Put “speak loudly” on the Bb. and read loudly.

c. You say s. do. cry loudly sing loudly

4. Teach dance beautifully, walk carefully, sit quietly in the same way

5. Listen to the tape and read after the tape

6. Hand out the cards to some students, ask the others to guess.

7. Show Ss some photos and talk about them. Does he run fast? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t .Ask Ss try to say “Does he …?”

8. Talk about the picture in pair.

9. Make a dialogue and act it.

D. Consolidation

Do a survey


课题: Unit 4 An English friend

课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第2课时

课时目标:1. Four skills: an e-mail, busy, town, age, usually, what does she usually do? He/she usually…

2. Three skills: I’m busy, we’re the same age

3. Require the students to read and act the dialogue


A. Free talk

B. Preparation

3. Do some exercise!

4. Talk about the photos.

C. Presentation and practice

1. What does he/she usually…? He/she usually…

a. What do you usually do? I usually play football. What does he usually do? He usually…

b. Reading and practice.

2. Look at the picture and talk about it.

c. E-mail, surf the Internet, busy

What’s Wang Bing doing? Is he surfing the Internet? He’s busy.

d. town, age

Do you live in the city? No, I’m in a small town. Are you twelve? Yes, I am. And you? I’m twelve, too. You’re in the same age.

3. Listen to the tape, answer the question.

d. Does Wang Bing’s friend live in London?

e. How old is his friend?

f. Does he usually play football?

g. Does he play well?

4. Imitate!

5. Practice in groups.

D. Consolidation

6. Act the dialogue.

7. Talk about your own friends.


课题: Unit 4 An English friend

课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第3课时


2.进一步掌握句型“What does…usually do…?” “He/She usually…”


3.通过本课学习能灵活区别运用Do…? Yes,…do./No,…don’t.

Does…? Yes,…does./No,…doesn’t.

教学用具:图片 录音机 投影


A. Say a rhyme

3. Try to read. (投影呈现)

4. Listen to the tape.

5. Let’s say together.

B. Revision

5. 图片闪现,生说本单元所学的词组

6. Introduction

T: I usually read English books and watch TV on Sundays.

My brother usually does his homework…

My parents usually…

7. Do a survey in group

S1: What do you usually…?

S2: I usually…

S1: What do…

S3: I…

8. 从他人口中了解你的同学

e.g. SA: Excuse me ,B What does C usually do…

SB: She usually…

SA: Does D…?

SB: Yes,…/No,…

9. Play a game

a. 游戏目的:复习What does…? Does…?

b. 游戏准备:师准备各类图片

c. 方法:看看,问问,猜猜


C. Ask and answer

8. 出示图片,师生示范一例

9. 同桌问答

10. 扩充对话,比比哪组说得好

D. Look and read

11. Look at the pictures

12. Listen to the tape, then repeat

13. Try to say (If you are the boy)

14. Describe

Use: He goes to school…

He has…

He likes…

15. 师提供类似的图片,出示关键词,生试说(同桌),比比谁说得既流利又正确。

E. Assign homework

1. 回顾本单元所学的词组,单词,试默

2. 用所学的句型描述你同学的日常生活,兴趣爱好

提示:go to school at seven

have six lessons everyday

have lunch at 11:10

like singing


课题: Unit 4 An English friend

课时: 本单元共4课时 本课为第4课时

课时目标:1. 通过复习,要求学生能熟练地掌握本单元所学的动词词组

2. 能熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的句型及日常交际用语

3. 能进一步掌握句型Does…? Yes,…does./No,…doesnt.并能用What does …usually do…?询问他人日常生活规律



A. Free talk and revision

T: I usually go shopping on Saturdays and Sundays.

Do you usually…?

S1: Yes, I do. / No, I don’t.

I usually play chess on Saturdays.

T: Does your mother work on Saturdays and Sundays?

S1: Yes, she does.

T: What does your father usually do in the evening?

S1: He usually watches TV and reads newspapers.

B. Say the rhymes


C. Play a game



e.g. cry /laugh/sing

You’re right. /great!

做错的:You’re wrong.

I’m sorry.

D. Read and act.

3. Look at the pictures, read after the tape in roles.

4. Change.

5. Try to ask and answer (Don’t look at your books.)


E. Listen and repeat

6. T writes some words on the blackboard or use some cards with the words.

7. Read together or ask someone to read.

3. 将单元按读音归类

[ju:] [u] [A]

4. Look at the picture, describe it then say “The puppet jumps and runs in the bus”

e.g. T: What’s this?

Ss: It’s a puppet.

T: Where is it?

Is it in the box?

Is it in the box?


F. Assign homework

1. 能熟练表演本课对话

2. 模仿Part A并结合重点句型自编对话(分小组进行)

Try to write a small passage (About your family member or your classmate)

Unit 5 Review and check

课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第1课时


1. 复习及巩固动词与副词的搭配.

2. 复习问句:Does he/she…?yes, he /she does. No, he/she doesn’t.



Step 1.Revision

1. Greetings

2. Freetalk

1).Do you have any hobbies?

2).Do you like…?

3).Does he/she…?

4).What does he/she usually do…?

3. Answer quickly

The way: 当一个学生说出动词时,另一个学生快速的说出相应的副词.

Step 2.Look,read and write.

1. Show the pictures (1-4) and answer questions.

1).What does the girl/boy do?

2)do he/she…?

2. Read the sentences and fill in the blank.

3. Check the answers.

4. Show the pictures (5-8) and answer questions.

1).Does Miss Li like keeping goldfish?

2).Does Mr Black like making model ships?

3).Does Mrs Brown like cooking?

4).Does Mr Green like collecting stamps?

Step 3.Look and write.

1. Show the pictures of Part B.

2. Talk about the pictures.

3. Divide 8 groups and make dialogues

4. Check out.

Step 4 Consolidation

Assign homework: Finish Part A and B.

Read it and recite it.

课题: Unit 5 Review and check

课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第2课时


1. 能熟练运用“打电话”及课程的日常用语

2. 能正确掌握like + doing的形式

二. 教学重难点


三. 教学用具


四. 教学过程



2.Free talk

May I speak to…?

This is …speaking.

I am sorry to hear that.

See you soon..

Sorry, wrong number.

Step 2.Look read and complete of part C

1. Show the picture and describe the dialogue

2. Make a dialogue in pairs

3. Check out

4. Play a game: Make friends

The way:做两组卡片:一组是课程名称,另一组是代表该课程的图片。




5. Show the picture of part C2

6. Make a dialogue in pairs

7. Check out

Step 3.Consolidation

1. Assign homework: finish part C

2. Recite it

课题: Unit 5 Review and check

课时: 本单元共3课时 本课为第3课时


1. 通过复习,能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学的单词。

2. 能教熟练地在情景中运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

二. 教学重点

1. 能熟练地掌握1-4单元所学单词

2. 能综合运用1-4单元所学的句型和日常交际用语。

3. 能初步改编或扩充1-4单元所学的对话。

三. 教学难点


四. 教学准备



Step1. Revision

1. Greetings

2. Warming-up

3. Free talk

1) Do you have any hobbies?

2) What do you like?

I like…

3) What do you usually do?

4) What does he/she usually do?

He/she usually…

Step 2.Look and talk

1. Game “Do and Guess”

The way: 根据动作猜词组 给名词快速说词组

2. Show the picture of part D

1) 指导学生观察图片。


3. According the model to make a new dialogue

4. Check out

Step 3.Consolidation

Assign homework: Make a new dialogue and write it down.

5B. Unit 6 A部分 Read and Say


1. 四会掌握人体部位:arm , hand, foot , leg.

2. 熟练运用日常交际用语:Touch…with…


1. 熟练运用交际用语。

2. 灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。


1. 准备录音机和本课会话的磁带。

2. 准备本课会话的投影片。

3. 课前写好本课的课题5B. Unit 6 A部分 Read and Say


A Organization组织教学

1. Greetings

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning, Miss Zhang.

2. Let’s sing a song 学生听录音跟唱英语歌曲What are you doing?

B Revision复习

1. Let’s speak English

T: What’s your name? Ss: My name is…

T: What are you doing? Ss: I’m reading…

T: Are you playing basketball? Ss: Yes, I am.

T: Does he play well? Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does Mr. Black like making model ships? Ss: Yes, he does.

T: Does Mrs. Brown like cooking? Ss: Yes, she does.

2. Let’s act.


T: Stand up. Jump, please… Touch your nose…


C Presentation.新授

1. T又发命令作动作→人体部位名称。

2. T投影图片,由旧引新(T注音标,请学生试拼读)

3. arm, hand, leg, foot

4. 学生集体升降调朗读。

5. T指投影:T: Touch your nose with your hand.


6. 学生集体朗读。

D Practice练习

1. T指投影图片,请同学快速说出人体部位。

2. 男女竞赛,争说人体部位。

3. 在熟练具体部位名称后,运用句型练习。

4. T发命令,学生作动作,练习数组。

T: Touch your foot with your hands.

5. 学生模仿教师,互相发命令。

6. Talk in pairs. 同桌发命令。

E Consolidations:

1. 请学生个别发命令,作动作。

2. T投影图片,请同学看图,填空,写出相应的单词。

3. 听录音,跟读B部分。

4. 总结:

(1) 要求同学们熟练运用日常交际用语:Touch…with…



1. 抄写四会单词各一行。

2. 跟读本课会话录音二十分钟。


Unit 6

arm hand leg foot


The Second Period (第二课时)


5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.

1. 四会单词:

time, left, right, stop, touch.

2. 四会句型:



All right.

3. 日常交际用语:

Stand in a line.

Let’s do some exercises.

Now, listen carefully.

Jump up and down.

Do this…times…

Now, stand up, everybody!


1. 正确掌握四会单词。

2. 能正确掌握四会句型。

3. 熟练运用日常交际用语。


1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。

2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。

3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。

四. 课前准备:





5.课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit 6 B 部分 Look, read and learn.


A Organization 组织教学


T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang.

2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 We can dance!

B Revision 复习

1. Let’s speak English.

T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: am.

T: Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes, we are all here.

T: What do you like? Ss: I like…

T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes I do.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…

T: What lessons do you have in the morning? Ss: We have…

T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…

2.Let’s act:请两组同学站起来表演


T: Put…on…, please… Touch your eyes…


C Presentation 新授

1. T投影图片:at a PE lesson 创建情境,让学生理解 ,在一节体育课上。


2. T创设两个情境:让学生理解。

(1)Stand in a line , please.

Put your feet together.

Jump up and down ten times.

(2)Put your hands on your head and turn left and right.

Do this ten times

D Practice 练习

1.T板书以上情境句型→四会单词 T注音,学生集体朗读。



4.Talk in pairs. 同桌互相发命令。


E Consolidations




(1)要求四会掌握的单词:arm ,hand ,foot, leg.



All right.





Unit 6

time left right stop touch

Put…on… Touch…with…. All right.

5B.Unit 6 C 部分Work in pairs.

1. 四会单词:

time, left, right, stop, touch.

2. 四会句型:



All right.

3. 日常交际用语:

Stand in a line.

Let’s do some exercises.

Now, listen carefully.

Jump up and down.

Do this…times…

Now, stand up, everybody!


掌握句型: Touch…with… All right.


1. 熟练运用日常交际用语。

2. 综合熟练运用日常交际用语。


1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。

2. 准备C部分的投影片。

3. 准备本课的单词卡片。

4. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6 C部分Work in pairs.


A Organizations.组织教学

1. Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon ,Miss Zhang.

2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 We can dance!

B Revisions复习

1. Let’s speak English.

T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I am.

T: Is everyone here today? Ss :Yes ,we are all here.

T: What do you like? Ss I like…

T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes, I do.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…

T: What lessons do you have in the morning?

Ss: We have…

T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…

2. Let’s act:请两组同学站起来表演


T: Put…on…, please… Touch your eyes…


C Presentation新授

1. 投影图片:at a PE lesson T发命令,请同学作动作。

2. 再投影另外两个情境的图片。

(1)Lie on your back. Put your knees together.

Bend your knees. Move your legs to the left, then move to the right.

(2)lift up your left leg and touch it with your right hand.


D Practice 练习

1. 发命令学生作动作,理解明白后集体朗读。

2. 个别领读。

3. Talk in pairs.

4. 学生发命令作动作。

E Consolidation

1. T投影后,整节PE课,让学生试听录音。

2. 看图片,请学生跟读录音。

3. 请学生分片段表演。

4. 总结:要求学生熟练运用日常交际用语。


1. 听录音跟读二十分钟。

2. 抄写C部分的句型两遍(两英两中)。


Unit 6


All right.

The Fourth Period(第四课时)


5B.Unit 6 D 部分Look ,read and complete.

1. 掌握四会词汇:Touch…with…

2. 学习人体部分名称。


1. 正确掌握人体部位名称。

2. 熟练运用四会句型。


1. 正确掌握四会单词、句型。

2. 熟练运用日常交际用语。

3. 综合灵活熟练运用日常交际用语。

4. 熟练运用四会句型。


1. 准备录音机和本课的磁带。

2. 准备D部分的投影片。

3. 准备本课的单词卡片。

4. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6D部分Look, read and complete.


A Organization组织教学

1. Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang.

2.Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Two jackets.

B Revision 复习

1.Let’s speak English.

T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I am.

T: Is everyone here today? Ss: Yes, we are all here.

T: What do you like? Ss: I like…

T: Do you like bananas? Ss: Yes, I do.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s…

T: What lessons do you have in the morning? Ss: We have…

T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…




C Practice练习

1 . 由表演→句型操练Touch…with… three times



3.Talk in pairs.


E Consolidation

1. Play games Chinese Whisper

传句子:Touch your head with your hand.


3. 总结:要求同学门熟练运用四会句型,以及日常交际用语。





Unit 6 At a PE lesson

Touch…with…three time

The fifth period(第五课时)


5B.Unit 6 E,F,G,H 部分.

1. 复习人体部位名称,以及体育课上的动作词组, D.E部分

2. 复习祈使句

3. 复习现在进行时


1. 正确掌握单词,词组

2. 熟练运用祈使句

3. 综合灵活运现在进行时


1. 正确掌握祈使句和现在进行时。

2. 祈使句语现在进行时再正确情况下使用


1. 准备录音机和本课唱歌的磁带。

2. 准备E,F,G,H的图片。

3. 课前写好本课的课题5B.Unit6.E,F,G,H部分。


A Organizations.组织教学

1. Greetings

T: Good morning/afternoon, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning/afternoon, Miss Zhang.

2. Let’s sing a song.学生听录音跟读唱英语歌曲 Two jackets.

B Revision复习

1. Let’s speak English.

T: Who’s on duty today? Ss: I am.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s Monday.

T: What subject do you like? Ss: I like…

T: What class are you in? Ss: I’m in Class Two.

T: What lessons do you have on Monday? Ss: We have…

2. T投影人体图片,请学生快速说出人体部位名称



C Practice练习

1. 请同学看情景,表演PE课内容

2. T发命令请学生作动作

3. T投影图片:D部分图片,让学生说句子作动作






1. 听录音跟读本课所内容,要求学生能够根据本课所学句子和日常交际用语进行自编会话,同桌表演。


Unit 6 At a PE lesson


The Sixth Period(第六课时)



1. F部分,活动内容。

2. 语音。

3. Sing a song.(Do some exercise with me)


1. 能听懂人体部位名称并画出。

2. 能正确听读、辨认语音。

3. 学英歌曲。



2. Listen and draw.能听懂并画出。

3 学合唱英语歌曲。




3.黑板上预先写好课题Unit2 A telephone call.


A Say a rhyme 学生集体说歌谣,并自己配上动作。

B Free talk 师生交流。

C Revision复习

1. Let’s speak English.

T: Who’s on duty today? Ss :I am.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It’s Monday.

T: How do you feel now? Ss: I feel…

T: What’s wrong with you? Ss: I have got a fever.

2. Let’s act.


D Listen and repeat.

(1)T投影,语音. 请学生认真听然后跟读。



E 1.T投影人体部位,请学生认人体部位名称词。

2. Listen and draw


3.同桌之间互相Listen and draw

F 学唱英语歌曲。



3. 总结:要求学生能听懂教师所发的命令,并能做动作。


1. 跟读录音20分钟。

2. 全面复习本单元的四会内容。


Unit 6 At a PE lesson

waiter waitress day play



Unit 7 The First Period(第一课时)


5B Unit7A部分 Read and Say


1. 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2. 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。

3. 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词night, half, past, a face, ready, on duty, quick, a game, a quarter, really




1. 准备录音机和磁带。

2. 准备投影片(早上、中午和晚上三个场景)。

3. 准备本课会话中出现的有关词汇的图片。

4. 课前在黑板上写好课题。


A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Do some exercise with me

B Free talk. 师生交流

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning.

T: Glad to see you.

Ss: Glad to see you, too.

T: Let’s play a game, OK?

Ss: OK!

C Revision.复习

1. 组织学生做“听词组、做动作”和“做动作、说词组”游戏,复习动词词组get up, have breakfast, watch TV, do homework等。

2. 在熟练掌握这些动词词组后,教师演示wash my face和brush my teeth这两个词组,让学生学习。

D Presentation and drill新授和操练

1. 教师利用教具钟以What’s the time? It’s….句型引导学生学习含有past和to的表示时间的词组。

T: (教师事先将钟拨到6:30) What’s the time?

S1: It’s six thirty.

T: Yes, it’s half past six. (教师将钟拨到6:50)What’s the time?

S2: It’s six fifty.

T: Yes, it’s ten to seven. (将钟拨到6:45) What’s the time?

S3.: It’s six forty-five.

T: Yes, it’s a quarter to seven.

2. 在学生已掌握时间表达法的基础上,教师将教具钟拨到相应的点钟并说It’s half past six. It’s time to get up.再将钟拨到6:45,问学生What time is it?引导学生回答It’s a quarter to seven.后,教师说Yes, it’s time for breakfast. Let’s have breakfast.引出What time is it? It’s time for….句型。教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读。

3. 借助挂图,解释情境,教师说It’s Thursday today. David has a lot of things to do. He’s busy. He has no rest.边摆手边装着休息状,引出单词rest。

4. 出示本部分三个场景的挂图,逐步呈现对话,让学生看图听录音,整体了解会话内容。引出、学习本部分单词、词组以及相关句型。

5. 听录音,学生模仿、跟读会话。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 学生小组内分角色朗读会话。

2. 学生小组汇报朗读会话。

3. 小组推荐组员到台前用所学语言描述图片内容。

4. 学生小组内看图说话。



The Second Period(第二课时)


5B. Unit 7 B部分 Look, read and learn


一、进一步掌握句型What time is it? It’s….







3、在黑板上预先写好课题Unit7 After school。


A Listen to a rhyme 听本课的歌谣两遍,边听边用手打节奏。

B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习

1. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行师生会话。

2. 学生看图进行小组会话。


一、Play a game : Bingo!来复习数词。

D Presentation and drill 新授和操练

1. 出示一教具钟,教师口述What time is it? It’s….分别引出含有past和to的表示时间的词组。

2. 引导学生观察含有past和to的表示时间的词组,体会、发现past和to的用法。

3. 学生小组内练说含有past和to的表示时间的词组,使学生尽快掌握此类时间表达法。

4. 出示几点一/三刻的钟面,师生问答What time is it? It’s a quarter past/to… .引出单词quarter,强调单词中字母组合ar的发音,教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读、拼读。

5. 游戏活动:听听、指指。



E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 游戏:抢答比赛。

以每个小组为单位进行操练,任意一成员拨一时间问What time is it?其余学生拍手进行抢答(拍手最快的学生赢得抢答权)。

2. 学生听B部分录音,跟读单词。

3. 游戏活动:听听、画画、写写。





The Third Period(第三课时)


5B. Unit7 C部分 Ask and answer


1. 复习本单元所学词汇。

2. 进一步掌握句型What time is it? It’s….

3. 掌握句型It’s time for….。


四会掌握句型What time is it? It’s…. It’s time for….。


1. 准备C部分出现的图片。

2. 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 7 After school。


A Listen to a rhyme 听本课的歌谣

B Free talk 师生交流

What time is it?


C Revision 复习

1. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图进行学生会话。

2. 投影出示部分时间,让学生看图快速认读。

3. 看图学生分层次拼读本课四会单词。

4. 听写本单元部分四会单词、句型。

D Presentation and drill新授和操练

1. 运用教具钟拨不同的时间组织师生连锁问答。

T : What time is it?

S1.: It’s ten past one.

S1.: What time is it?

S2.: It’s twenty past five.

S2.: What time is it?

S3.: It’s a quarter to nine.

2. 教师出示C部分图片,继续组织师生问答,在学生回答What time is it? It’s….后,教师引导学生根据画面内容用It’s time for….的句型继续学说句子。教师与一个学生完整地示范第一幅图,并板书句型,后让学生模仿,分小组练说。

3. 小组学生汇报练习情况。教师抽查三到四组。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 分小组分别由学生自己挑选其他三幅图的内容,自由练说。

2. 各小组汇报练说结果。

3. 分小组朗读各图内容。

4. 学生摹仿、书写句型。

5. 游戏活动:“眼尖嘴快”





Unit 7 After school

What time is it?


It’s time for….

Unit7 D部分 Look and say


1. 复习本单元所学词汇。

2. 复习现在进行时句型。

3. 听懂、会说、会读并理解句型I want to….Do you want to join me?


四会掌握句型I want to….Do you want to join me?


1. 准备D部分出现的图片。

2. 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit 7 After school


A Listen to a rhyme and learn to say it.听本课的歌谣并学习歌谣 A clock。

B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习

1. 出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生认读并拼 读本课四会单词。

2. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图学生进行会话。

3. 投影出示不同的时间,运用句型What time is it? It’s….It’s time for….


4. 游戏活动:听听、画画、写写。


D Presentation and drill新授和操练

1. 教师口述示范句型I want to play cards. .Do you want to join me?让学生理解后,模仿练说。

2. 学生小组内模仿造句。

3. 小组汇报各组所造的句子。

4. 教师出示D部分图一,与一个学生示范图中会话内容:

S: I want to play cards. Do you want to join me?

T: No, I’m doing my homework.

5. 教师重复No, I’m doing my homework.通过表情、手势让学生明白该句的意思,后让学生模仿、练说。

6. 根据图片内容进行师生会话。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 学生分小组任意选择D部分图片内容,自编会话,进行表演。

2. 学生分小组进行汇报表演会话。




Unit7 After school

I want to….

Do you want to…?

No, I’m doing….

The Fifth Period(第五课时)


5B. Unit 7 E部分 Look and read, F部分Look and guess, G部分Listen and repeat


1. 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇。

2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语和句型。

3. 听懂、会说、会读并理解E部分 Look and read。

4. 了解元音字母组合ar在单词中的读音。

5. 能熟练诵读本单元出现歌谣。


能正确地运用句型What time is it? It’s….It’s time for…. I want to….Do you want to…?并能在具体情景中以口、笔头形式进行交流。


1. 准备E、G部分出现的投影片。

2. 准备car, park, party, star单词卡片。

3. 在黑板上预先写好课题Unit7 After school


A Learn to say a rhyme学习歌谣 Do you like my house?


B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习

1. 出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生认读并拼 读本课四会单词。

2. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图让学生用所学的语言知识来描述。

3. 引导学生用所学句型自编一段对话,是学生能灵活运用所学语言。

D Look and read

1. 教师出示E部分Look and read图片, 指导学生看图。

2. 教师边指导学生看图边组织师生问答What time is it? It’s a quarter to seven/eight/half past eight/twenty to twelve/ten to six/nine。

3. 看图,指导学生用所学句型描述各图。

F Look and guess

1. 游戏活动:你做我做。

请任一学生说时间,另一个学生根据时间做相应的动作,台下的学生用一般现在时第三人称单数句式完整地描述出学生所做的动作,如He washes his face at ten past six.

2. 学生根据本部分插图中的示范在小组内开展游戏活动。把学生分为三人一组,其中一个学生挂着一个设有时针的钟面,用左右手分别表示时针和分针。另一个学生做动作,让其他学生猜他们所演示的时间和动作,如She rides a bike at ten to three.

G Listen and repeat.

1. 教师出示单词卡片car, park, party, star,让学生认读。

2. 教师示范朗读单词,让学生跟读,后让学生体会单词中的共同音素。

3. 学生听录音跟读单词和句子,教师通过表情、手势让学生体会该句的意思。



The Sixth Period(第六课时)


5B. Unit7综合练习,本课练习册


1. 通过复习,能较熟练地掌握本单元所学的词汇和句型。

2. 能较熟练地在情景中运用本单元所学的日常交际用语并能运用所学句型进行交际。

3. 能熟练完成本课的练习册。


1. 熟练地掌握本单元所学词汇。

2. 能综合运用本单元所学过的句型和日常交际用语。

3. 能初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。


1. 准备本课词汇的图片。

2. 准备录音机和练习册听力部分的录音。

3. 黑板上预先写好课题Unit 7 After school


A Say a rhyme 学生集体说歌谣,并自己配上动作。

B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习

1. 出示A部分会话投影片,看图让学生自由交际。

2. 引导学生根据自己每天的生活情况用所学句型适当扩充进行一段对话,要求学生能灵活运用所学语言。

3. 出示B部分词汇图片,教师快速展示图片,学生个别认读并拼读本课四会单词。

4. 听写本课四会单词night, half, past, a face, ready, on duty, quick, a game, a quarter, really。

D Practice 练习

1. 听听、画画、写写。让学生先听录音,然后画出时针以表示录音中提及的时间。

2. 听听、画画、搭配。先让学生根据录音内容在空白的钟面上画正确的时间,然后将表示时间的图片与表示活动的图片配对。请一位学生在投影片上示范做,然后校对。

3. 看看、想想、写写。先请学生看图,理解其意思,然后阅读句子,最后将次序乱了的字母拼成合适的词并填入空格,以使句子完整。

4. 看看、搭配、写写。让学生先看图及句子,并根据图意和句意将图旁的字母编号写在相应句子前的格子内,然后将句子和适当的时间用线连起来,最后根据图意完成句子。让学生进行小组讨论,后各组派代表板书,完成句子,看哪组做的又快又好。

5. 读读写写。学生边看图,边读句子,然后给句子进行正确排序,组成对话。先小组讨论,后小组汇报讨论结果。

6. 看看、读读、填空。让学生试着独立完成该题。




Unit7 After school



本单元主要围绕David一日的起居活动学习时间表达法及问答时间的句型,教师充分利用图片、努力创设情景引导学生操练。在操练过程中,学生对时间表达法有了很好的了解,并能熟练地掌握。只有个别学生对含有past, to 的时间表达法掌握还不够牢固。

5B .Unit 8 A部分 Read and Say


1 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语。

3 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词和句型。




1 准备本课会话的投影片。

2 准备录音机和磁带。

3 黑板上预先写好课题 Unit 8 At the weekends


A Listen to a song 听歌曲 We know.

B Free talk 师生交流

C Revision 复习

1 出示图片,让学生看图复习以前所学的词汇---go swimming/ climbing/ jogging, play football/ basketball, play the piano/ violin, go to the park/ cinema, watch TV, play chess ...

2 活动:听听、说说、做做。学生听教师口令边说、边做动作,巩固以前所学的词汇。

D Presentation and drill 新授和操练

1 教师出示一个挂历,指着星期六和星期天问学生 What do you do on Saturdays and Sundays? 学生回答 I play football. 教师接着说:How do you spend your weekends? Oh, you often play football at the weekends.让学生理解句子的意思,然后教师指着星期六和星期天对学生说 weekend, at the weekends, 让学生理解该词的含义,跟读模仿单词weekend, at the weekends 及句型How do you spend your weekends? 板书单词及句型weekend 及句型How do you spend your weekends?

2 教师在挂历的大部分周末处画上足球,剩下的画上TV---T : How do you spend your weekends? 启发学生回答: I often play football. Sometimes I watch TV. 通过直观的图示使学生了解often 和sometimes 的含义,板书单词often 和sometimes 及句型I often play football. Sometimes I watch TV.

3 师生问答,学习并操练How do you spend your weekends?及其答语 I often ... Sometimes I ...

4 教师出示课文投影片简介课文内容,让学生了解对话的背景,然后问学生:Look. This is Wang Bing. How does he spend his weekends? He likes surfing the Internet.通过画有电脑的投影片使学生明白该句的意思。教师接着说:I likes surfing the Internet, too. I think it's very interesting. I can learn a lot from it. I can read novels、learn English、QQ, etc on the Internet. What do you think of it? 教师通过手势、表情引出单词very, learn from, 教师示范发音,学生静听、模仿、跟读,并拼读。

5 教师接着介绍课文中人物的周末活动,然后问:How does he/she spend his/ her weekends? 通过手势、表情让学生理解该句的意思,引导学生用He/ She often ... 和 Sometimes he/ she... 回答,板书学习单词sport, catch, of course

6 让学生分层次练说句型How does he/she spend his/ her weekends? He/ She often ... 和 Sometimes he/ she...

7 让学生看图、听录音,整体理解对话。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1 让学生听录音,模仿跟读。

2 学生小组分角色朗读。

3 在熟读的基础上让学生在小组内试着表演对话。

4 游戏活动:看看、说说。让一个学生做动作,其他学生用英语描述。

六 布置作业:


The Second Period(第二课时)


5B. Unit 8 B部分 Look, read and learn


1 通过复习能正确熟练掌握A部分会话,并能表演对话。

2 能正确地?


Unit 1 Who is younger? 教案

Unit 1 Who is younger? (period1)

Aims: 1. Ss can lsten , say and write the words: young, twin, minute, also.

2. Ss can listen, say and write the phrases: go for a walk, be glad to see ... under a big tree, have a chat,

a twin sister, as...as, twenty minutes, one day, the one child in my family look the same.

3. Ss can listen, read and say the dialogue.

4. Ss can translate the dialogue by themselves.

Teaching tools:

tape, English cards, picture

teaching diffculties:

Ss know the comperative degree

teaching importances:

young-younger, old -older, as...as

Teaching procedures:

一. Warming- up:

Free talk:

T: What festival do you like? why?

S1: i like...because...

T: What's the weather like today?

S2: It's cold

T: Yes, we know it's cold today, and it will be colder tomorrow.

Read “cold---colder” twice.

二. while-teaching procedures:

1.Comperative degree:

-er }

more }than...

e.g. big-bigger old-older

fat-fatter young-younger

more beautiful

T: Sentences: My grandmothe is old.

Mike's grandmother is older than...

Look at... I am tall.

Now, look at...she is taller than me.

(ask the students to make up sentences like this)

S1: I am short.

but ... is shorter than me.

S2: I am tall.

... is taller than me.

S3: This red ruler is long.

The black one is longer than mine.

T: There is two rulers in my hands.

This one is long, how about that one?

is it longer?

S1: No.

T: So, we can say this one is as long as that one.

ok, let's read after me.

S2: as tall/long/short/old as ...

T: Sentence: I'm as tall as my sister.

Ss make sentences.

2. Teach the dialogue:

a. Teach the first part.

T read the passage, Ss listen and underline.

the new words and phrases at the same time.

teach the main points:

go for a walk met-meet

glad=happy sat-sit

have a chat

Ss read the passage after one sentence by one sentence

Read in pairs

invite some Ss read individually.

b. Teach the second part

T: Su Hai and Su Yang are twin sisters.

Teach twin, a twin sister(brother)

T: So they look the same

Do you know who is younger? Whi is taller?

Ask Ss to read this part by themselves, and then answer the two questions

T: “as tall as...

taller than...

twenty minutes younger than...”

Play the tape

Ss read after the tape one sentence by one sentence

Teach “one day”

Ss read after T

Read in pairs

Then read together.

c: Read the two parts together.

Invite some pairs to read the text.

三. After-teaching activities:

1. underline the phrases.

2. review the comperative degree

四. Homework:

1. Ss copy the new words and prases.

2. Recite the words and phrases.

3. Pead the dialogue for several times.

Bb desighing:

Unit 1 Who is younger?

Part A

cold colder 1.比...高/大/老... 比较级+than

tall taller eg. My grandmother is older than grandfather.

short shorter The cat is fat. The pig is fatter than the cat.

young younger

big bigger

fat fatter 2.和...一样高/大/老... as+原级+as

thin thinner

beautiful more beautiful eg. I'm as old as my sister.

interesting more interesting He's as tal as me.

Unit 1 Who is younger? (period2)

Unit 1 Who is younger? (period2)

Aims: 1.Ss can listen, say, read and write the phrases:the only child, one year younger than me.

2.Ss can read the whole dialogue.

3.Ss can do the exercise gy themselves.

Teaching tools:

tape card word

Teaching procedures:

Warming up:

1. Free talk: 1. Where are the children?

2. Who are twins?

3. Who is taller?

4. Who is younger?

Ss answer the questions.

2. Revision

Invite some Ss to read the first part and the second part.

Spell some words, translate some phrases.

Have a dictation.

while-teaching procedures:

1. Ss read part 3 in A

Answer the questions.

a. Does Jack have any brpther or sisters?

b. Who is Jimmy?

c. How old is Jack?

Ss answer the questions.

Teach: the only child.

one year younger than...

2. Play the tape, Ss read after the tape.

Read it in pairs.

Invite some pairs to read it.

After-teaching activities:

1. Ss do the exercise and then check the answers:

cousin, six, dog, younger

Ss read the passage together.

2. Read the whole dialogue.

Role-reading in groups


1. Copy the phrases.

2. Read and recite the whole dialogue.

Bb desighing:

Unit 1 Who is younger?

Qa: Does Jack have any brothers or sisters?

Qb: Who is Jimmy?

Qc: Who is younger?

Qd: How old is Jack?

Unit 1 Who is younger? (Period3)

1. Ss can listen, read, say and write the words ld, young, tall, short, big, small, thin,fat, heavy, and their cpmperative dagree.

2. Ss know and master the grammer.

3. Ss ca use the grammer.

Key and difficult points:

Ss can use the grammer.

Teaching tool:

tape, chant.

Teaching procedures:

Warming up:

Revision: Review the grammer: Comperative degree.

While-teaching procedures:

1. T write some words, Ss say the comperative degree.

old-older young-younger

tall-taller short-shorter


big-bigger small- smaller

fat-fatter thin-thinner

strong-stronger heavy-heavier

Ss read the words, learn the words.

more beautiful more interesting

much+比较级 ...得多

2. Ss translate the sentences









After-teaching activities:

1. Copy the words

2. Translate some sentences


Recite the words

Master the grammer

Bb designing:

Unit1 Who is younger?

old-older young-younger

tall-taller short-shorter


big-bigger small- smaller

fat-fatter thin-thinner

strong-stronger heavy-heavier

Ss read the words, learn the words.

more beautiful more interesting

much+比较级 ...得多

Unit 2教案


本单元主要话题是Jim 和他爸爸讨论如何进行体育锻炼展开的。通过对话引出语言项目:副词比较级。



C部分和D部分是本单元的句型结构部分,重点学习句型及其答句。Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes ,they do. Does Jim swim slower than David? No, he doesn't. 要求学生能够四会掌握这些句型。

E部分为Look ,read and judge。要求学生能根据所给的内容判断对错。




1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写strong, slow, low, fish, late, be good at.

2. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组far , well, jog, do well in, need help with,

do well in , do more exercise, animal show, go for a walk..

3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:

Ben runs faster than Jim .

Do the boys jump higher than the girls?

Does Jim swim slower than David?

4. 能听得懂、会说、会读:

That's true. Well done. Mike runs as fast as Ben.

5. 了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。

6. 会诵读歌谣 Run,rabbit,run。

单元教学重、难点: 见教学要求。

The First Period(第一课时)


6B. Unit 2 A部分,Listen ,read and say.


1 初步掌握理解句型,并能在交际中口头运用副词比较级句型

2 掌握四会单词be good at, strong, faster ,higher. .

3 掌握三会单词和词组jog, need help with, do well in , That's true. .

4 能听懂会说句型 That's true. He is not as strong as the other boys.

5 四会句型:Ben runs faster than Jim .

三、教学重、难点: 能正确理解、掌握四会单词和句型。


1 准备录音机和本课A部分的磁带。

2 准备A部分的图片。

3 课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 2A部分Look, read and say


A Sing a song. 跟录音机边听边表演唱英文歌曲Hello

B Free talk. 师生交流

T: Good morning, boys and girls.

Ss: Good morning,

T: Nice to see you again.

Ss: Nice to see you, too.

T: How old are you ?

Ss: I'm 12 years old.

T: How old is he?

Ss: He's 11 years old , too.

T: Do you run fast?

Do you jump high?

Do you swim fast?

T: Who is taller , you or your brother?

Which bag is heavier, yours or mine?

C Presentation and drill

1 教师通过刚才的师生问答引出句型I run faster than xxx。

2 教师板书fast和faster进行教学同时让学生理解。

3 教师出示音标让学生试读,然后集体升降调朗读。

4 教师找一学生和自己比跳高。T:I jump higher than xxx.同时板书high和higher,运用相同的方法学习这2个单词

5 就刚才创设情景,T:I'm good at jumping. T:He is good at English.引出be good at的学习。同时让学生模仿说几句。

6 教师板书巨型并领读。

D Practice and consolidation

1 让学生听录音,引出单词和词组jog,do well in,do more exercise的学习。

2 T板书以上单词和词组学生集体朗读,并扩展出词组和句子

3 让学生模仿跟读录音。

4 学生小组活动,每人接龙说一个比较级的句子,I run faster than xxx. I jump higher than xxx。

5 在次基础上小组讨论说出句型:Ben runs faster than me . xxx runs faster than xxx. .....

6 请学生说出自己擅长的方面运用句型be good at, I am good at English. 接龙说句子。

7 Ask and answer in pairs.。

六 布置作业:




Unit 2 More exercise

fast faster high higher

I jump higher than some of the boys in my class.

Ben runs faster than me.

The second period (第二课时)

Teaching contents:

Part B and C

Teaching aims:

1.Enable the students to listen, say read and write the words: low, high, far, farther, slow, early, better

2.Enable the students to understand, read and say the sentence patterns:

Ben runs faster than Jim.

Do the boys jump higher than the girls? Yes,they do.

Does Jim swim slower than David? No,he doesn’t.He swims faster than David.

Teaching focus:

1.Enable the students to listen, say read and write the words: low, high, far, farther, slow, early, better

2.Enable the students to understand, read and say the sentence patterns:

Ben runs faster than Jim.

Do the boys jump higher than the girls?

Does Jim swim slower than David?

Teaching aids:

Pictures, word cards, a tape recorder

Teaching steps:

Step1.Greeting and free talk

1.Listen and do

Revision the Verbs :jump, run, swim, fly, skate, ski, climb, sing, dance, play football, get up, go to bed…

2.Quickly respond:说反义词

复习上单元的形容词,引出本课出现的副词:big- small, fat- thin, long- short, good- bad… well- bad, near- far, high-low, fast- slow, late- early, …

Step2. Presentation

1. T: What time do you go to bed?

S1: At …

T: What about you?

S2: At …

T: Who goes to bed later? S: ** goes to bed later than ***. (板书)此处的later解释为“晚的,迟的”

2.通过提问What time do you get up?引出 ** gets up earlier than ***.(板书)

3.通过跳远比赛引出** jumps farther than ***.(板书)

4.通过跳舞比赛引出** dances better than ***. (板书)


5.通过比赛跳高引出Does ** jumps higher/ lower than ***?

Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. *** jumps higher than **.

Do ** and ** jumps higher/ lower than *** and ***?

Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.


7.Read the words in part B.

Step3. Work in pairs (Part C)

1.Look and read the dialogues

2.Ask and answer in pairs, using the dialogues and words(注意书上的fat 可改为far)

3.Act out their dialogues.

4.Write down the dialogues ss make

Step4. Homework

1.Copy the new words

2.Write down two dialoges.


Unit 2 More exercise

low- lower Does ** jumps higher/ lower than ***?

slow-slower Yes, he does. / No, he doesn’t. *** jumps higher than **.

late-later Do ** and ** jumps higher/ lower than *** and ***?

early-earlier Yes, they do./ No, they don’t.



The Third Period (第三课时)

Teaching aims:

1.Enable the students to understand, read and say the phrases: an animal show,skate well(better), on the lake, fly in the flowers, like better.

2.Enable the students to use these expressions fluently.

That’s true.

Jim is not as strong as the other boys.

Mike runs as fast as Ben.

3.Enable the students to use the sentence patterns:

Ben runs faster than Jim.

Do the boys jump higher than the girls?

Does Jim swim slower than David?

Teaching aids:

1.A tape recorder

2.Picture of part D

Teaching steps:

Step1. Greeting and free talk

Are you good at …?

What subject are you good at?

Who is good at PE/…?

Do you do well in…?

Does ** do well in…?

Who runs faster than **?

Who can swim?

Do you get up early?

How do you go to school in the morning?

Do you want to do better in PE/ English/…?

What do you want to do?

Step2. Revision

1.Read the text together/ in roles

2.Practise the dialogue

Step3. Listen and write (Part D)

1.Look and answer:(要求学生回答要完整)

T: Look, here’s an animal show.Do you know them?What are they doing?

Which animals skate better, the monkeys or the bears?

Do the bees fly higher than the butterflies?

Do the fish swim faster than the ducks?

Which animals do you like better, the monkeys or the bears?

2.Listen and write

3.Check the answers

4.Ss say and write more sentences about the picture

Step4. Homework

1.Read and recite the text

2.Have a dictation(part B&C)


Unit 2 More exercise

___________ fly _______than _________.

_________ skate _______ than _________.

__________ swim _______ than ________.

The Fifth Period(第四课时)

一 教学内容

《义务教育课程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语》6B第二单元第四教时(Look, read and judge, Play a game, Listen and repeat, Say a rhyme)

二 教学目标

1 能在游戏中熟练地运用本单元所学的句型。

2 初步了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。

3 能够熟练并有感情的朗读儿歌Run, rabbit, run!

三 教学重点

1 熟练掌握副词比较级的表达法。

2 能综合运用本单元所学过的单词、句型。

四 课前准备

1 准备实物投影仪,将F部分的图片投影在屏幕上。

2 准备好一台录音机。

五 教学过程

A Revision.

1 Free talk.



T: Who jumps higher, the boy or the girl?

Ss: The boy jumps higher.


T: Who does better, the boy or the girl?

Ss: The girl does better.

再分别问两位学生,When do you usually go to bed? When do you usually get up?

和学生复习Who goes to bed earlier? Who gets up later?

B Listen and repeat听一听,读一读

1 让学生听G部分录音,先让学生听一遍。

2 学生模仿跟读两遍,并请学生说出这四个词的中文意思。

3 让学生用所听到的单词组成一个句子窗身情景让学生背诵。

C Play a game

1 将图片实物投影在屏幕上,教师向学生解释游戏规则,和学生一起把主要的动词词组罗列好,然后给学生做游戏示范。

T: Whose kite flies higher, the boy’s or the girl’s?

S: The girl’s flies higher.

T: Who runs faster, the boy or the girl?

S: The girl runs faster.

T: Who skates well, the boy or the girl?

S; The girl skates well.


D Listen and repeat

1 教师播放录音,依次出示单词forty, horse, morning, sports, 指导学生跟读,引导学生说出or 在单词中的发音。

2 教师出示本部分中的句子,指导朗读,找出读音规律,进行朗读竞赛。看谁读得又快又准。

E Say a rhyme

1 教师播放录音,学生先看图和儿歌,听录音。

2 和学生一起解释儿歌的意思。

3 指导跟录音朗读儿歌。

4 挑出学生发音有困难的单词,纠正发音。

5 指导学生有感情得朗读儿歌。

F Homework

1 熟读G、H两部分

2 能有感情地朗读儿歌。

The Sixth Period(第五课时)

一、教学内容: 综合练习


1 掌握副词以及比较级的使用。

2. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写late later,early earlier, far farther..。

3. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词和词组far, traffic , well, jog, do well in , have problems with

, do more exercise, animal show, go for a walk..

4. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:Ben runs faster than Jim . Do the boys jump higher

than the girls? Yes ,they do. Does Jim swim slower than David? No, he doesn't..

5. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语. That's true. Well done. Jim is not as strong as the

other boys. Mike runs as fast as Ben..

6. 了解字母组合or在单词中的读音。

7. 会说英语歌谣。

三、教学重、难点: 正确掌握B部分出现的四会单词,和句型。


1 准备录音机和本课H部分的磁带

2 练习题的投影片。

3 课前写好本课的课题。


A 跟音乐集体Say a rhyme: Run, rabbit, run!

B 1.Free talk. 师生交流

2. 请学生之间用所学的句型问答,分组比赛

C Revision 复习

1 看A部分投影片,创设情景让学生表演

2 让学生复述A部分第一段和会话。

3 学生小组内表演会话内容。

4 教师让学生根据实际情况说自己的优势

I'm taller than xxx

I'm younger than xxx

I'm stronger than xxx

My father is taller than

My pencil is longer than xxx's

I'm good at Maths ..

I'm good at English .

...I run faster than xxx.

I swim slower than xxx.

Tom jump higher than xxx.


5 让学生看黑板,朗读、拼读刚才教师板书的四会单词。

6 学生拿出课前准备好听写本,听写本课四会单词。

D 学生一齐拍手唱歌谣两遍。

E Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1. 游戏; 用所学的句型来猜班级的同学


六 布置作业:

1 朗读本课的会话,要求学生能够复述、背诵。

七 板书设计:


unit 3 教案

Unit 3 Asking the way Period I

I. Teaching aims:

a. Words: turn left/right, post office, along, street, city, crossing, shopping centre, middle school, primary school, train station, history museum

b. Daily express for communication:

Go along this street, and then turn right at the third crossing.

How can I get to the shopping center?

c. Sentence pattern:

Can you tell me the way to…, please?

II.Teaching steps:

Step1 Preparation

1. Listen and do

left, left, right, right, come, come, go, go ,go!

2. Listen and guess

a. I’m ill. Where shall we go? (a hospital)

b.I want to watch films. Where shall we go? (a cinema)

c. I want to watch the animals. Where shall we go? ( a zoo)

d. I want to watch the plays. Where shall we go? (a theatre)

e. I want to do some shopping. Where shall we go? ( a supermarket)

Yes, we can also go to a shopping centre.

f. I want to take a plane. Where shall we go? (an airport)

g. I want to take a bus. Where shall we go? ( a station-a bus station)

h. I want to take a train. Where shall we go? (a station- a train station)

i. I want to study. Where shall we go? (a school- a primary school.)

Next term, you’ll go to the middle school.

j. I want to see some old things. Where shall we go? (a history museum)

3. Read the new words

Step2. Presentation

1. Show a map of Garden City

Post office History meseum Cinema

Primary school Shopping centre Bus station

Middle school Hospital Train station

T: Look, this is a map of Garden City. Some teachers will come to our city tomorrow. And they need some guides. Can you help them? Let’s try to be a good guide, OK?

T: (take out some idenfication of the guides)Who can try? Let me try, first. (teacher takes one out and try it by herself/himself)

Now I’m at the train station. You can ask me the way.(show the title)Asking the way

S: Where’s the cinema?

T: Let me see. Er, … go along this street, and then turn right at the first crossing. The cinema is on your right.(use a map to help students understnd the new points)

Ss learn the words: along, street, crossing, turn right/left

2.Teacher give some examples。To remind the students use the different way to answer the questions:How can I get to…?

Can you tell me the way to …?

3.Students act the guides, answer the teacher’s inquire

Practise in pairs

Step3. Ask and answer (Part C )

1. Look at the pictures and teach the sentences: That’s all right. That’s OK. You’re welcome. Not at all.

2. Ask and answer in pair

3. Write down the dialogue

Step4. Homework

1. Copy the new words

2. Workbook : P23 H

Step5. blackboard designing

Unit 3 Asking the way

Go along this street.

Turn left/right at … crossing.

The … is on your left/right.

Unit 3 Asking the way Period II

I Teaching aims:

a. Words: on holiday, far from…, kilometre, stop, get on/off

b. Daily express for communication:

How far is it from here?

It's about a kilometre away.

You can take bus No.5.

How many stops are there?

c. Sentence pattern:

Can you tell me the way to…, please?

II.Teaching steps:

Step1. Listen to the song

Step2. Revision

1. Teacher show the picture of Mr Smith:Look, here’s a stranger in our city. He’s on holiday here. Now he’s in the bus station.He wants to visit some palces.

Post office History meseum zoo

Zhong Shan Road

Primary school Cinema Bus station

Ren Min Road

Middle school Hospital Train station

Jie Fang Road

Listen and answer: Where does Mr Smith want to visit?

2. T:Can you help him?

S1: Let me see. Er, … go along this street, and then turn left at the first crossing. The history museum is on your right.

T: Which road is it on?

S: It’s on Zhong Shan Road.

T: How far is it from ? How far? (show a ruler to help the students )

Oh, it’s about a kilometre away. (compare:centimetre)

3.T: If we want to get there faster, we can take a bus.

Listen to the first period dialogue and answer:

Which bus can Mr Smith take?

How many stops are there?

4.Listen, read and learn

Learn the words:miss, stop

5.Listen to the second period dialogue and answer:

Where’s the bus stop?

Where’s the city post office?

6.Listen , read and learn

Learn the phrases:get off/ on, Get off at the …stop.

7. Read in roles

8.Read and complete the sentences

Step4.Further learning

1 Use a map to make a dialogue to ask the way

2use the main sentence parterns which in the text to have a commucation

Step5. Homework

1. Copy the new words

2. Read and practise the dialogue

3. Workbook B C D E

Step5. blackboard designing

Unit 3 Asking the way

How far is it from here?

It’s about a kilometre away.

You can take Bus No.5.

It’s on Zhongshan Road.

Get off at the third stop.

Unit 3 Asking the way Period III

I Teaching aims:

c. Words: bookshop, bank , hotel,place

d. Daily express for communication:

How can I get to …? It’s on River Road.

II.Teaching steps:

Step1. Listen to the song

Step2. Revision

1.Quickly respond: Words in PartB

2.T: Mr Green is new here. He asks Yang Ling how to get to the history museum. Do you still remember the way to the history museum?

(According the answers write on the blackboard):

Go along this street. Turn … at the … crossing. It’s on your….

Teach: Go along … Road. Turn … at … Road. The … is on your….

T: How far is it from here?

(According the answers to write on the blackboard):

It’s about a kilometre away.

T: If we want to get there faster, what shall we do ?

(According the answers write on the blackboard):

You can take bus No.… and get off at the … stop.

3. T:Mr Smith want to go to the City Post Office, too. How can he ask?

(According the answers write the blackboard):

Where’s the …?

How can I get to…?

Can you tell me the way to the…?

4. Read the useful expressions

5. Read the dialogue in Part A

Step3. Play a game (Part F)

1. T: Look at the map on Page28. Read the names of the places.

Teach: bookshop, hotel, bank(Bank of China),place

2.T(Prepare six cards of partF, choose one ,and tell them the position then describe the way, let the students guess out their destination )

Now I’m at the hotel. I’m go along Guangzhou Road, then turning right at Nanjing Road. Then….The place is on my…. Where am I?

S: You’re at…

2.Call one student to give an example。

3.Play the games in groups of four

Step4. Read and talk(Part D)

1. T(use the map of Part F) ook, I’m at the train station. I want to buy some clothes for my cousin. How can I get to the shopping centre?

S: Go along Hong Kong Road, then turn right at Nanjing Road. Turn right at Guangzhou Road.It is on your right.

T: Andy wants to get there, too. Read the dialogue, tell us how he goes there.

2.Listen and read

3. Practise in pair

Step5. Homework

1. Write down the similar dialogue of PartD

Step6:Blackboard designing

Unit 3 Asking the way

Where’s the …? Go along this street/… Road.

How can I get to…? Turn … at … Road.

Can you tell me the way to the…? The … is on your…

You can take bus No.… and get off at the … stop.

Unit 3 Asking the way Period IV

I Teaching aims:

a.Words: steal, stole,shout, out of, thief, begin,began,heard, caught

b.Daily express for communication:

Stop thief!

c.Review the past sense

d.Phonic: The pronunciation of the letters:”ou” in the words

II.Teaching steps:

Step1.Sing a song

Step2. Revision

1. show the picture of partF, to review the words of the places

2. Look, I’m here. Can you tell me the way to …,please?

(To remind students use the sentence pattern)Go along ….Turn left/right …

T: How far is it from here?

S: It’s about … kilometre away.

T: It’s a long walk.

S: You can take bus NO.5 and get off at …

T: Thank you very much.

S: That’s all right.

3. Practise in pair

Step3. Read and number(Part E)

1. T: Nancy went to a bookshop last Sunday.What happened?Read the story and put the picture in the correct order.

2. Read , translate and learn

Rewiew the irregular verbs

Teach the new words: steal, stole,shout, out of, thief, begin,began,heard, caught

3. Read and number

4. Read the story

Step4. Listen and repeat

1. Read and compare

mouse blouse out house [au]

2. Read and recite the sentence

3. Give more examples: shout, mouth, about, …

Step5. Homework

1. Copy the new words

2. Recite the story

3. Workbook AGI

Step6 Blackboard designing

Unit 3 Asking the way

[au] mouse blouse out house

6BUnit5 The seasons教案



1. 6B,Unit 5, B部分Look, read and learn.

2. The sentence structures: Which season do you like best? I like…What’s the weather like in…?


1 学习B部分,学生会读和拼写spring, summer, autumn, winter。

2掌握三会单词warm, cool ,sunny, cloudy, rainy, windy.




四、教学难点 灵活运用所学单词和句型进行交际。



2.课前写好本课的课题6B. Unit 5 The seasons



Step1.Free talk

T: Hello, boys and girls!

Today we learn Unit5 the seasons

(Write the title on the blackboard.)

The teacher read the title, and the students read after the teacher.

T: What’s the weather like today?


T:What can you see in the sky?Can you see the sun?

S:Yes./ No.

T:So it’s sunny/ cloudy.

T: Do you know how many months are there in a year?

S: There are 12 months in a year.

T: And how many seasons are there in a year?

S:There are four.

T: Yes,there are four seasons in a year.

T:Do you know What they are?

S:Spring, autumn, …


1.Teach’spring, autumn, summer, winter’

Show S some pictures of seasons.

T: There are four seasons in a year.

And they’re…(show the picture of spring.)

S: spring

T:Yes.Who can spell the word?


T:Good.(Stick the word on the blackboard.)

Use the same way to teach’autumn’

T:Do you like swim?


T:Can we swim now?


T:Yes,it’s too cold.We can’t swim now.

So,when can we swim? In autumn?


T:Can we swim in summer?

(Show S the picture.)

S:Yes.We can swim in summer.

Show S the word quickly.

T: Now who can spell the word?

S: S-U-M-M-E-R, summer.

T:Very good.(stick the word on the blackboard.)

Use the same way to teach winter.

2. Teach’warm’,’cool’.

T: We know it’s very cold in winter.What about summer?

S:It’s hot.

T:Yes,it’s very hot in summer. Is it very cold in spring?

S:No.Not very cold,and not very hot.

T: Yes.It’s warm in spring.

Is it hot in autumn?

S: No.

T: It’s…

S: It’s cool.

(The teacher show S the picture)

Let S read the words, and write the words on the blackboard.

3. Teach the sentence:Which season do you like best?

T: I like spring best. Because I can fly the kite.

Which season do you like best?

S1: I like …

Write the sentence structure on the blackboard.

3.Teach the sentence structure What’s the weather like…?

T:What’s the weather like there?

S:It’s sunny.

T:Yes.It’s sunny.(Show S the picture.)

T:Read after me.sun,sun,sunny.


T:Now,who can write the word on the blackboard?

S1: (Write the word.)

Teach the words:cloudy, rainy,windy in the same way.


1. Play a game:

Guessing game:

A student say something about the word ,the others say out the word.

Ex1.T: It’s one of the seasons. It’s very warm. What is it?

S: It’s spring.

2.T:Today I take an umbrella to school.What’s the weather like today?

S: It’s rainy.

2. Repeat the words with the tape recorder.

3. Write the words on their own books..

(write the words on the book, every word write once. )


Work in groups:Which season do you like best?

What’s the weather like here in…?

Then finish the table.

Name\seasons spring summer autumn winter

S1 Jwarm

S2 Jhot



Step5.Blackboard Designing

Unit5 The seasons

Spring summer autumn winter


Warm cool sunny cloudy rainy windy

Which season do you like best? I like…

What’s the weather like …?

Unit5 The seasons 第二教时

一、Teaching contents: PartA Listen,read and say.

二、Teaching aims:

1, Apprehensibility this lesson contents and learn the new words:countryside,snowball fights.

2,Enabele the students tomaster the main sentence pattern:What's the weather like ...?

3, To more understand the sentence:Which season in...do you like best?

三、Teaching focal points::

1,Understand this lesson content.

2,To master further the new words and main sentence.

四、Teaching difficult points:

1,Use the comparative degree firstly.

2 Understand :be going to .

五、Teaching aids:

a small blackboard, tape recorder,pictures,wall picture

六、Teaching process:

Step1.Warming up

1,Greeting .

2,Look and guess. What's the weather like in…?

The teacher shows the weather forecast quickly,and then let the students guess what’s the weather like in…?

For example:S1: What's the weather like in Nanjing? S2: It's rainy.


1,Look and say

T:Here are some pictures ,look at the pictures and answer my questions.

PICTURE1:What city is it?

PICTURE2: What's the weather like in autumn in New York?

PICTURE3:What do the Americans usually do in autumn?

PICTURE4:What do the children usually do in winter in New York?

2,Listen and read.

(1)Listen to the tape and write the right order.

1. New York is very beautiful in spring.

2. Ben likes making snowmen in New York.

3. New York is usually very hot in summer.

4. Su Yang's father is going to New York.

5. People in New York like to go to farms in the countryside.

(2)Listen again and repeat after the tape.

(3)Read and try to understand the following phrases:

In the countryside, pick apples, make snowmen, great fun

Step3, Summary:

1,Sum up the new words and sentence patterns.

2,Sum up the weather in New York and make a table.

Step4, Homework

1.Talk about the weather in our hometown..

2. Ss make a dialogue like Unit 5.

3. Ss read Unit 5 after the tape.

Blackboard design:

Unit 5 The seasons

What’s the weather like in New York?

In spring:rainy and warm

In summer: as hot as in Nanjing

In autumn:cool ,sunny and windy

In winter:colder than Nanjing

Unit5 The seasons第三教时

一,教学内容:6B Unit 5 Part C(Ask and answer)and part E(Write and talk)

二,教学目标:1,掌握三会句型 Which season do you like best ?I like ┄┄. Why ? Because it’s ┄┄.I can ┄┄.

2,掌握四会句型 What’s the weather like ?


三,教学重点:1,学生看图能迅速的说出内容。2,拓展句型 Which season do you like best ?I like ┄┄. Why ? Because it’s ┄┄.I can ┄┄.




2,书写课题 Unit 5 The seasons



Step 1 Say a rhyme

Spring,spring,spring,it's warm,warm,warm,

Summer,summer,summer,it's hot, hot, hot,

Autumn,autumn,autumn,it's cool,cool,cool,

Winter,winter,winter,it's snowy,snowy,snowy,

Windy,windy,windy,it's Beijing,windy city,

Foggy,foggy,foggy,it's London,foggy city,

Sunny,sunny,sunny,it's Lasha,sunny city.

Step 2 Free talk (the topic is”Weather ” )

1(1) eg: A: What’s the weather like in spring in JiangSu ?

B: It’s warm .

(2) work in park(学生自由交谈)

check it

2(1)eg: I like┄┄best .because it’s┄┄.I can ┄┄.

(2)(说出自己喜欢的季节及原因)Work in park

Check it (Four students a group )

Step 3Ask and answer(操练对话结合Part c 四幅图)

1 Show a picture (Part C picture 1 )

Ask : Which season ?

What does the boy do ?(Ask students to answer )

2 eg : A: Which season do you like best ?

B : I like ┄┄

A : Why?

B: Because it’s ┄┄.I can┄┄.

3 Work in park

Check it

4 Show the other pictures and dialogue

5 Do a survey.

Name Season Activity

Step 4 Write and talk

1Talk about the weather of some cities.

(1)Show a card (南京)

A:What's the weather like in summer in NangJin ?

B: It's very hot . It's often rainy .

A: What do people usually do?

B: They usually swim .

(2)Ask the students to choose one card and make a dialogue

2 Talk about the students' hometown, finish part E.

Check it .

Step 5 Homework

1 Write the dialogue (Part c)

2 Make the simmer dialogue (Part E)

Unit 5 the seasons第四课时

1、Teaching points:

a、Can pronounce /ow/ in the words.

b、Can use the four-skill sentences :What does … usually do? And What`s the weather like?

c、Can listen to the tape and find out the important phrases.

2、key and difficult points:

a、Can listen to the tape and find out the important phrases.

b、Grasp the four-skill sentences

3、Teaching tools:

wall pictures ;a tape recorder; Yangling and Nancy`s 头像

Teach steps:



a、Talk to the partner about the weather in hometown ,can use the sentences :What

does …usually do? And What`s the weather like?

b、Check the pair work

Step2、listen and write

1、show the wall pictures about part D, let the Ss look at it and answer some questions.

A、who are they ?

B、what`s the weather like in these pictures?

C、What does she usually do?

2、Answer the questions,invite the Ss to spell the words and write them on the blackboard.

3、listen to the tape and find out the important phrases, then write the phrases on the paper , listen

to the tape again ,then complete the note.

4、Can make the similar dialogue like part D.

Step3、listen and repeat

1、show the four words ,let the Ss read the words

brown cow how now

2、to know the“ow ”pronounce /au/,then find out the other words pronounce /au/,----down town

3、look at the picture and read the new sentence .

4、listen to the tape and repeat them.


1、Can read part D and part G after the tape.

2、Copy the four-skill sentences ,can use them make other sentences

Blackboard Design

Unit 5 the seasons

Wall picture

1、who are they?

2、what`s the weather like in these pictures?

3、What does she usually do?

Wall picture

brown cow how now

How many brown cows did you see just now?

Unit5 The seasons 第五教时


1.using the structures in the real situation,improve their ability of using English

2.feel the beautiful emotion of the rhyme


1. solve the problems with English in real situation

2. improve the ability of using English in games


1prepare the property for the games

2.cards pencils


Step 1Free talk:

1. Release their feeling

T: What date is it today? S: It's the ...

T: What’s the weather like today?

Step 2 Game

1 Show them some cards with the words: weather, spring, summer,

autumn, winter,

divide into several groups, and one do the mouth actions, the other guess the words

2 Show them some cards with the words: warm, cool, cloudy, rainy,

windy, snowy, sunny, rowing,swim,fly a kite ,play football,……

3.Do it in several times

Step 3Chatting

1.Improve the listening ability by different ways.

Talk about the weathers of some cities.

2.Teacher prepares some cards with the name of different cities on them, and let them choose then to make a short dialogue. E.g. Haerbin

A:What's the weather like in winter in Haerbin?

B: It's cold and windy. It's often snowy.

A: What do people usually do?

B: They usually go skiing and go skating.

3.Then listen carefully, and check their answers later.

4.Discuss the questions in group first, then answer them.


step3 consolidation

1.Teacher shows some phrases, and let them make dialogue with them, and

check who the best is.

2.They think about by themselves

LianYunguang,summer, goswimming Nanjin, autumn, go climbing

Shanghai, spring, go walking Su Zhou, spring, visit the gardens

3.Do in group, and then choose one as homework, check the writing about this Unit

4.play a game (part f)

take out the cards that students prepared

讲清游戏规则,play the game in group


Step 5

Say a rhyme

1. Say with the music, train the emotion of saying English.

2. students Say follow the tape with music

step 6 homework

1.workbook page 34


Unit 5 The seasons

What’s the weather like today? It`s sunny

What do you usually do ? I often play football.

6B unit6 参考教案


本单元围绕“周末活动计划”这一话题开展各项活动,所涉及到的日常交际项目有介绍,打电话,询问和建议等,其中以询问What are you going to do...?及We're going to...为重点内容。 A部分Read and say板块展现了周六上午Gao Shan和David各自通过电话谈论周末安排的情景。B部分出现了八个有关周末活动的动词短语。C部分呈现六个活动画面,旨在联系巩固本单元的重点句型What are you going to do? D部分是听写活动的安排。E部分展示了与妈妈谈论班级要去动物园游玩的场景。F部分为一个趣味游戏,旨在帮助学生通过游戏进一步复习巩固What are you going to do...?及其回答。G部分为语音部分,让学生了解字母组合ow在单词中的读音。H部分是一首歌曲,要求学生能够会唱、并能配以动作进行表演。


1. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会拼写plan, picnic, play, take part in..

2. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词still, project, zebra, Africa, elephant, concert, outing,

Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.

3. 能听得懂、会说、会读和会写四会句型:What are you going to do...? We're going to ...

4. 能听得懂、会说、会读日常交际用语Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking. By the way, what are you going to do...?

5. 了解字母组合ow在单词中的读音。

6. 会说英语歌曲Would you like to join us?

The First Period


6B. Unit 6 B部分,Look, read and learn


1. 能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in..

2. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词concert, outing, Beijing opera show, singing contest, sports meeting.

3. 能初步运用所学的词汇进行交流What are you going to do...? We're going to...


1.能听懂、会说、会读和会拼写单词picnic, play, take part in..

2. 能听懂、会说、会读本单元出现的动词词组。




1. 准备本课B部分的课件及录音机和磁带。

2. 黑板上预先写好课题 Unit6 B部分 Look, read and learn

六. 教学过程:

Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1) Listen to a rhyme: Seasons.

2)Everyday English(S→Ss)

2.Free talk ---师生自由交谈,

T: Good morning, boys and girls. Ss: Good morning,

T: Nice to see you again. Ss: Nice to see you, too.

T: What day is it today? Ss: It's ....

T: What date is it today? S1: It's ... of ....

T: What's the weather like today? S2:It's....



Step2 Presentation and practice

1. 教师用课件播放有关周末活动的动画,让学生对教学内容有个感性的认识。然后拿出一些关于周末活动的图片(可使用B部分的教学图片),老师通过在黑板上贴图的方式创设情境向学生介绍周末活动。

T: Here are some pictures of some weekend activities. Look at them carefully. What are they doing? What is he/she doing?

2.让学生在小组中自学picnic, play, take part in.,concert, outing, Beijing opera show,

singing contest, sports meeting.,然后搞一个“Little Teacher”活动,使其获得成就感,然后让其他学生参与评价,老师通过个人说、集体说、小组说、开火车说等形式,检查学生的掌握情况,最后给予总结。

2. 学生听录音,跟读模仿。

3.教师继续引导:What are you going to do this weekend?

I am going to have a picnic. I am going to ....

Step3 Practice and consolidation练习和巩固

1.活动:Look and act--- 教师和学生说出词组,其余学生用动作表示。

2.游戏:Look and guess--- 教师或学生做某一动作,全班学生竞猜What are you going to do?或Who is going to...?





Unit6 B部分Look,read and learn


The Second Period


6B. Unit 6 A部分,Listen, read and say


1 能正确理解、掌握A部分会话,并能朗读、初步表演对话。

2 能正确地运用对话中出现的日常交际用语Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.

By the way, what are you going to do...?

3 初步掌握会话中出现的四会单词plan

4. 掌握会话中出现的三会单词still




1 准备录音机和本课会话的磁带。

2 准备本课会话的投影片。

3 玩具电话

4 多媒体课件

5课前写好本课课题6B. Unit 6 A部分Listen, read and say


Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1)学唱歌曲: Will you join me? 本歌曲是本单元的新内容,课前学习既可以营造学习英语的氛围,又可以为新知识的学习作铺垫。

2)Everyday English(S→Ss)

2.Free talk: A telephone call

师生以打电话的形式自由交谈,渗透Is that ...? Yes, speaking.用 Do you like...? Can you ...?What do you do on ...?等句子谈论各自的爱好所能,为引出本课内容Do you like volleyball? Can you swim? What do you do on Sunday afternoon?做好准备。在师生自由交谈中,引出打电话形式,学习Is that ...?的答句Yes,


T: Do you like basketball? S: Yes, I do.

T: I like basketball, too. I'm going to play basketball this afternoon.

Step2 Presentation and practice



教师出示David和 Gao Shan打电话的多媒体课件(上有日历显示为周六,天气暖和,阳光灿烂)。





1)第一部分重点了解David和 Gao Shan周六下午的活动安排。(内容在P46)在引言的基础上,教师可通过提问的方式导入课文对话部分。

Where is David doing? What are they going to do?

Where will they meet?教师通过提问What are they going to do?引导学生有目的地听课文的前半段录音,然后学习词汇still.最后通过填表格来完成本部分的学习任务。





2)第二部分重点了解David和 Gao Shan明天的活动安排。(内容在P47)

教师将课文图片设计成David和 Gao Shan各自单独的图片,让学生听录音看图片,了解对话内容。同样继续完成上面的表格。

Step3 Consolidation


2.小组竞赛: 小组之间互相用已学过的问句进行提问,比一比哪一组问得多,哪一组正确回答的多。建议教师给每个学生建立积分卡,凡是竞赛活动中个人获胜的可积分卡上记5分,小组获胜的小组成员每人可积2分,学期结束后看看哪位同学的积分多。


4.Planning for the weekend:学生在小组中交流,创设情景对话。






Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

plan still

Is that Gao Shan? Yes, speaking.

By the way, what are you going to do...?

The Third Period


6B. Unit 6 C部分,Look and say.


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写单词play与句型What are you going to do...? 及其回答We're going to ...




1.四会掌握What are you going to do...?句型及其回答并能在具体情境中熟练运用。





3.板书准备:板书课题Unit 6 C Look and say.


Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1)Sing a song: Will you join me?可边唱边表演。

2)Everyday English(S→Ss)

2.Free talk: Planning for the weekend


1)Play a game: Bingo。教师将班级学生分组,通过游戏达到巩固、检查单词的目的。

2) A部分对话表演赛:可通过分角色朗读、分角色表演,改编对话等形式巩固、操练A部分。


1.看图问答:教师指着图片提问What are you going to do...?学生回答We're going to ...复习巩固句型。


Step3 Practice and Consolidation

1.Guessing game: 教师课前准备一些关于周末活动的图片(可使用B部分的教学图片),让一学生到台前选择自己最喜欢的一件,其它同学用What are you going to do...?句型猜他(她)将要做什么。猜对最多的同学即为优胜者,可以积分卡上记5分。

2.小组竞赛:用What are you going to do...? 及其回答We're going to ...句型造句,看看哪个小组说得最多,获胜的小组每位成员可在积分卡上加2分。


1.回家后自创情境,自己找搭档操练What are you going to do...? 句型。

2.用We're going to ...句型写出自己周末将要做的五件事。




Unit 6 Planning for the weekend

What are you going to do...?

We're going to ...

The Fourth Period


6B. Unit 6 D部分 Listen and write , F部分 Play the game


1.能听得懂、会说、会读和会写句型What are you going to do...? 及其回答I am/ We're going to ...




四会掌握What are you going to do...?句型及其回答并能在具体情境中熟练运用。



2.教学准备:骰子和棋子,预习D 部分内容。

3.板书准备:板书What do you like...?


Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1) Sing a song: Will you join me?可边唱边表演。

2) Everyday English(S→Ss)


1) 利用图片进行师生问答练习。如:What are you going to do...? I am / We're going to ...


Step2 Presentation(Part D)


Today is Friday. David and Liu Tao are talking about what they are going to do after







Step3 Practice and Consolidation(Part F)








The fifth Period


6B. Unit 6 E部分Read and number G部分 Listen and repeat




3.掌握语篇中出现的三会单词project, zebra, Africa, elephant。






2.板书准备:板书课题 Unit 6 Planning for the weekend


Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1)Sing English songs: 教师组织各小组进行英语歌曲的拉歌比赛。

2)Everyday English: (S→Ss)


Step2 Presentation



2)对本部分出现的生词project, zebra, Africa, elephant,教师可采取不同的处理方法:可在阅读前讲解,可启发学生通过上下文猜测,也可指导学生借助课文插图理解词意。







Step3 Consolidation


2.Play a game:接龙比赛





The Sixth Period












3.板书准备:板书课题Unit 6 Revision


Step1 Organization

1.Warm up

1)Sing English songs: 教师组织各小组进行英语歌曲的拉歌比赛。

2)Everyday English:

a. Daily report(S→Ss)

b.本节课教师可以给学生确定话题:Say something about your weekend,以巩固上节课所学内容。







c.Nancy的生日马上要到了,Yang Ling和Mike正商量送她什么礼物。

Step2 Practice(完成练习册)

1.听力练习一:Listen and choose要求学生听清录音内容,正确理解图意后选择正确答案。

2.听力练习二:Listen and tick先指导学生看懂短文内容,了解每个人做了什么,再在表格里


3.书面练习一:Read and write指导学生先看懂句子意思,再填入所缺单词。

4.书面练习二:Look, think and write让学生先看图,读懂所给句子,联系所给场景,排列句子顺序,让学生在小组内讨论完成。

5.书面练习三:Look, read and write教师先组织学生看图,读懂所给句子,联系所给场景进行讨论,填入所缺词句。

6.书面练习四:Read and answer本题为阅读理解题。教师先让学生独立阅读短文,理解大意,然后分小组讨论所给出的问题。







Unit 7 教案



Teaching aims:

1.Students can understand, say, read and spell the words:

penfriend, also, glue, write a letter。

2.Students can understand, say and read the words and phrases:

a postcard, finish, receive, subject, writing paper, envelope, e-mail address, fax number。

3. students can master the daily expressions : I hope so. What should I do?(Three skills)

4. students can master the sentence patterns: Can I have...? What for? I want to... (Four skills)

5. The pronunciation of “ur”

6. Students can read the rhyme : I want to write a letter.

Main and difficult points:

1. Students can master the words.

2. Students can understand the dialogue and can read it.

3. Students know how to write an English letter.

4. Encourage students to communicate with the foreign friends.

Teaching periods:

Period 1:B. Look, read and learn C. Look and say

period 2:A. Listen, read and say (page 54)

Period 3:A. Listen, read and say (page55)

Period 4:D. Listen and write/ E. Read, think and write

Period 5: F. Think and write G. Listen and repeat/ H. Say a rhyme

The First Period

一、Teaching contents:6B Unit 7 B & C

二、Teaching aims:

1、word: (4 skills) glue.

2、3 skills: envelope, postcard, fax machine, telephone number

3、3 skills:Can I have...? What for ? I want to ... Sure. Here you are.

三、Points: the words in B & sentences in C。

四、Teaching aids:letter paper, envelop, postcard, glue, and the pictures, tape and the recorder

五、Teaching steps:


1. Greeting.

2. Free talk.

3.Sing : Will you join me ?

B.Presentation and practice.(Look, read and learn)


2、telephone number.

T: My telephone number is ..... What's your telephone number?

3、T shows the pictures, ss listen to the tape. to find out who learns fastest.

Let ss read the words ,and the others read after him/her.

(writing paper ,envelope, post card, glue)

5、Read after the tape, the after the teacher, together

c.Consolidation .

A good memory:

T shows P, ss say the words.

d. Use the words to practice the following sentences.

Can I have a postcard ?

S: What for?

T: I want to write to Tom .

S: Sure. Here you are.

e. practice the sentences and words with their partners.

And then let some come say.

f. ss practice C with their partners.

g.Assigning homework.

1、listen and read B.

2、Copy the words in the eb.

3. Write C in their own book.

3、prepare A.

The Second Period

Teaching material

6B Unit 7 A. Listen read and say(page 54)

Teaching aims:

1. Students can understand, say, read and spell the words: penfriend,

2. Students can understand the dialogue and read it .

3. Students can use the knowledge they’ve learned in this class to communicate with foreign friends.

Main and difficult points:

1. Students can understand and master the dialogue.

2. Students can use the expressions and sentence patterns freely and correctly.

Teaching tools:

a letter, pictures, cards, tape, tape recorder

Teaching steps:

Step 1. Greeting.

step 2. Revision.

1. T: (show several pictures of the words in part 2)

Ss: Look at the picture and speak out the words.

T: what for?

Ss: I want to …

2. Students can get anything they’d like if they can make the right conversation with the teacher.

S: can I have the glue?

T: What for?

s: I want to make a kite.

T: Here you are.

Step3 . Presentation

1. Follow the conversation above

T: Can I have some writing paper?

Ss: What for?

T: I want to write a letter to my penfriend.

Ss: Learn the word: penfriend

2. Show the picture of Part A

T: I have a penfriend. Liu Tao also wants a penfriend.

1.Who did Liu Tao read about yesterday afternoon?

2.What did Peter want in China?

3. What would Liu Tao like to do?

Ss: Answer the questions.

3.T: Liu Tao want to write a letter. What things does he need?

Ss: Answer.

T: What will he say to mum if he want these things.

Ss: Speak out the sentences.

4. T: Please put the sentences in the right order.

( )Thank you.

( )I want to write a letter.

( )Sure. Here you are.

( )What for, dear?

( )Mum, can I have some writing paper, an envelope and some stamps, please?

5. Listen to the tape and think about these question.

Q1: How many questions does mum ask?

Q2: What are Liu Tao’s answers?

Step4 Practice

1. Listen to the tape and imitate.

2. Read the dialogue in chorus and by themselves.

Step 5 Consolidation.

1. Fill in the blanks.



Activities: He ____ _____ an ______ boy, Peter. Peter wanted a _________ in China. Liu Tao would like to _________________________. He wants to _______________.

2. Act the dialogue.

Step 6 Assigning homework.

1. Listen to the tape and read

2. Preview next part.

3. Copy the new words and sentences.

The Third Period

Teaching materials:

6B Unit 7 A. Listen read and say(page 55)

Teaching aims:

1. Students can understand, say, read and spell the words: also

2. Students can understand , say and the words: subject, e-mail address

3. Students can understand ,say and read the expressions: I hope so. What should I do?

4. Students can understand the dialogue and read it .

4. Students can use the knowledge they’ve learned in this class to communicate with foreign friend

Main and difficult point:

1. Students can understand the dialogue and can use the expressions and sentence partteners freely and correctly.

2. From learning, students can know how to write an English and communicate with foreigners.

Teaching tools:

Pictures, cards, letter, tape with Peter’s self-introduction on it, tape recorder

Teaching Steps:

Step 1. Greeting.

Step 2. Revision.

1. T: Answer the questions

Q1 Does Liu Tao want to have a postcard?

2.What does Liu Tao want to have?

3.What does Liu Tao want to do?

2. Retell the dialogue

Step3. Presentation

1. T: Liu Tao wants to be Peter’s penfriend. Let’s know something about Peter.

Ss: Listen to the tape of Peter’s self-introduction.

Dear Friend:

I'm Peter. I'm from the UK. I want a penfriend in China.

Please listen to my self-introduction.

I live in London. I have a brother and a sister. I like listening to music and making model planes.

Waiting for your letter in reply.

With best wishes


2. After listening. Discuss in groups.

Question 1. Who's Peter?

2. Where does he live?

3. Does he have any brothers or sisters?

4.What are his hobbies?

3.T: Liu Tao’s mum gave him some suggestions.

Open your books and find out them.

Step4. Practice

1. Listen to the tape and imitate

2. Read dialogue in chorus and by themselves.

3. Complete Peter’s details’

Step5. Consolidation.

1. Retell the dialogue according to the form

2. Guessing game

Finish the form. S choose one and guess who he/she is.

Key words: Age, City, Family, hobbies.

E.Assigning homework.

1. Listen to the tape and read the dialogue

2. Recite the dialogue.

4. Complete this form and sen



1. be familiar with

2. be divided into

3. share similar characteristics

4. at times

5. keep secrets

6. forgive sb.for their faults

7. sense of humor

8. She is stubborn at times though.

9. make such a mess

10. come up with new ideas

11. agree with sb.

12. Would you mind doing extra work?

13. would rather do … than do…

14. Blue looks good on you.

15. be in a good mood

16. I’m feeling blue.

17. feel relaxed/stressed

18. a contented feeling

19. cheer sb. up

20. remind sb. of sth.

21. the color of nature

22. physical strength

23. have difficulty making a decision

24. figure out

25. get good marks in tests

26. make phone calls to sb.

27. promiSe sb. success

28. make an appointment

29. be good for sb./ do good to sb.

30. common problems teenagers have

31. achieve a balance between the two

32. focus on

33. stay up late

34. from time to time

35. offer sb.some suggestions

36. give sb. an idea of

37. Susan prefers her drink hot.

38. Do you want your coffee black?

39. His computer broke down suddenly.

40. be in the wrong order

41. read sth. through

42. solutions to stress

43. deal with

44. be weak in

45. Mr Wu suggested that his students write to their penfriends about the causes of their stress.

46. keep the worries to yourself

47. wish for

48. I’m far too busy to go shooping.

49. a weekly round-up of what is happening in sport.

50. up-to-date information

51. the program covers different sports

52. a bit boring

53. This year’s Beijing Music Awards will be covered live.

54. send text messages

55. win free tickets

56. a horron film

57. A doctor is found dead in his house.

58. get scared

59. take a close look

60. the Asian Tiger in its natural habit

61. win an award

62. refer to

63. put away

64. enter the writing competition

65. the remote control

66. work on the plan

67. It is you who make our story so perfect.

68. Stop daydreaming! Be more realistic!

69. stand by

70. join the film industry

71. put all her effort into ballet training

72. play the lead role in the play

73. shortly after

74. win an Oscar for Best Actress

75. protect the environment

76. remember sb. as

77. devote…to…

78. work closely with UNICEF

79. earn sb. many awards

80. The president presented her with the Medals.

81. pass away

82. rush into the cinema

83. action films

84. fall in love with

85. star in mant films

86. keep doing

87. The person is wanted for murder!

88. He was last seen leaving his office at 7p.m.

89. bleed to death

90. Detective Lu added that the police are checking the scene for fingerprints and other clues.

91. be guilty of

92. be charged with

93. break into

94. computer systems

95. offer a reward of ¥50,000

96. lead to

97. contact the police on 55501212

98. kidnapping/murder/shoplifting/theft

99. on the run

100. be stressed out

101. Time is running out.

102. be involved in

篇19:Unit 3 Let's celebrate!(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)


在中世纪,人们穿上动物造型的服饰、戴上可怕的面具是想在万圣节前夜驱赶黑夜中的鬼怪. 现在,孩子们带着开玩笑的心理穿戴上各种服饰和面具参加万圣节舞会,这些舞会四周的墙上往往悬挂着用纸糊的巫婆、黑猫、鬼怪和尸骨,窗前和门口则吊着龇牙裂嘴或是面目可憎的南瓜灯笼。更为有趣的是孩子们在这天穿戴上古怪的服饰去按邻居家的门铃,并按传统发出“是款待我还是要我耍花招”的威胁。邻居们不管是否被吓着,总是准备了一些糖果、苹果等点心,孩子们则一一收入自己的袋内。同学们,听了我的介绍,是否也有兴趣去感受一番呢?



话题 1 Use questions and answers to talk about Halloween.

2 Introduce some special days.

3 Use vocabulary to talk about the Chinese New Year in New York.


词汇 1. 有关描写万圣节的词汇

Halloween, dress up, ghost, special, trick or treat, shout, usually, candy, treat, if, play a trick, costume, mask, paint, face, own, pumpkin, lantern, cut out, shape, sharp, tooth, chocolate, winter, cold, drink, west, in the West, candle, sweet, through, warm

2. 有关其他节日的词汇。

Christmas, the Dragon Boat Festival, Easter, the Mid-Autumn Festival, New Year’s Day, May Day, Children’s Day, Teachers’ Day, National Day

3 有关季节,月份以及星期名称的词汇

date, season, spring, summer, autumn, winter, January, February, March, April, May, June, July, August, September, October, November, December, Sunday, Saturday


聚焦 Prepositions of time

Asking ‘Wh-‘ questions

Using ‘some’ / ‘any’


在线 表达最喜欢……的句式,如:

Which is your favourite festival?

Which festival do you like best?


Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival?


Who is Mr Wu? He is our teacher.

Whose bag is this? It’s mine.

When is your birthday? It is on 2nd May.

Where is my pen? It is in the pencil case.

How do you go to school? I go to school by bus.


培养 1. 听 根据图画,了解中西方不同节日的情况。

2 说 运用所学词汇,学会介绍春节或中秋节等。

3 读 通过阅读了解万圣节的具体情况。

4 写 构思写作:我们中国人如何过春节或中秋节。



Before reading, think about the following questions.

1. Which is your favourite festival? Why?

2. What do you know about Halloween?

3. When is Halloween?

4. What do they do for Halloween?

5. What does ‘trick or treat’ mean?

6. What do they eat?


1. Let’s celebrate! 让我们庆祝吧!



如:(1) Let’s go home.让我们一起回家吧!

(2) Let’s play games together! 让我们一起玩游戏吧!

(3) Let’s buy some Halloween chocolates. 让我们买些万圣节巧克力吧.

②celebrate 庆祝,庆贺

Let’s celebrate Halloween! 让我们一起庆祝万圣节吧!

【问题探究】 celebrate with somebody 和某人一起庆祝。

如:We celebrate the Chinese New Year with our family. 我们和家人一起庆祝春节。

2. I am dressing up as a ghost. 我正装扮成一个鬼。

【要点详解】 dress up 穿上盛装 dress up as 装扮成

He dressed up as Father Christmas. 他装扮成圣诞老人的样子。

David dressed up as Monkey King. 戴维装扮成美猴王的样子。

【问题探究】 dress somebody 给某人穿衣

She is dressing her little son. 她正在给她的小孩穿衣服。

dress oneself 给自己穿衣服

The girl is 3 years old, and she can not dress herself. 这个女孩3岁,她不会自己穿衣服。

【知识拓展】 试比较下面三个句子:

(1) She put on her red skirt. 她穿上了一条红裙子。

(2) She wears a red skirt. 她穿着一条红裙子。

(3) She can dress herself. 她会自己穿衣服。

Put on强调的是“穿上”这个动作;wear 强调的是“穿着”的状态;而“dress oneself”则表示 “为自己穿衣”。

3.That’s not very interesting. 那不太好玩。

【要点详解】 interesting 意思是“有趣的”。如:

(1) It’s an interesting story. 这是一个有趣的故事。

(2) How interesting! 多么有趣啊!

4.Which is your favourite festival? 你最喜欢的节日是哪个?

【要点详解】 favourite 是形容词,意思是“最喜欢的”,在句中作定语,修饰festival. Favourite就相当于like something best 最喜欢某物。可用Which festival do you like best? 你最喜欢的节日是哪个?表示上面的句子。

如:Halloween is my favourite festival. 万圣节是我最喜欢的节日。

相当于 I like Halloween best. 我最喜欢万圣节。

【问题探究】 favourite 可以作名词,表示“最喜欢的人或物”。

如:(1)This is my favourite. 这是我最喜欢的。

(2)Singing is my favourite. 唱歌是我最喜欢的(事)。

5.Why do you like the Mid-Autumn Festival? 你为什么喜欢中秋节?

【要点详解】why 意思是“为什么”。以why 开头的特殊疑问句,回答时一般用because.

如: ---Why are you late for school today? 今天你为什么上学迟到?

---Because I miss the bus. 因为我没赶上公共汽车。

6.Getting ready for Halloween. 准备过万圣节。

【要点详解】 get ready for 意思是“为……做准备”,后面接名词或代词。

如:(1)My grandmother is getting ready for dinner. 我奶奶在准备晚餐。

(2)The students are getting ready for the English test. 学生们正在为英语考试做准备。


(3) Millie and her friends are getting ready for a Halloween party. 米莉和她的朋友们正在为万圣节派对做准备.

①get ready to 意思是“准备做某事”,后面接动词原形。

如:Get ready to run. 准备跑。

②be ready to 意思是“乐于做某事”,后面接动词原形。

如:He is always ready to help others. 他总是乐于帮助别人。

7.Thank you for telling me about the Mid-Autumn Festival. 谢谢你告诉关于中秋节的情况。


①Thank somebody for something / doing something. 谢谢某人因为某事/做某事。

如:(1)Thank you for your help. 谢谢你的帮助。

(2)Thanks for helping me. 谢谢你帮助了我。

(3 ) Thanks for having the special party for us. 谢谢你给我们举办了这个特殊的派对。


②tell somebody about something 告诉某人关于某事的情况


(1) Can you tell us about your family? 你能告诉我们你的家庭情况吗?

(2) Our English teacher is telling us an interesting story. 我们的英语老师正在给我们讲一个有趣的故事.

8.We have a special party on October 31st. 在10月31日,我们举行一个特别的派对。


① 动词have 在不同的句子中有不同的含义。

如:(1)We have a sports meeting every year. 我们每年举行一次运动会。

(2)We have hot drinks and eat lots of nice , hot food. 我们喝热饮料,吃许多可口的热的食物。

(3)We have three meals a day. 我们一天吃三餐。

(4) Let’s have a rest. 让我们休息一下吧.

(5) Let me have a look at your photo. 让我看看你的照片吧.

② on October 31st 在10月31日。在具体的某一天前,用介词on.

如:on Sunday 在星期天, on my birthday 在我生日的那天,on Teachers’ Day 在教师节,

on October 5th 在10月5日,on Saturday morning 在星期六的上午,on the evening of October 31st 在12月31日的晚上。(语法部分有详细解释)

9. We play a game called “ trick or treat”. 我们玩一种名叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏。

【要点详解】called 名叫,相当于named 或 with the name of.

如:(1)Do you know a young man called Li Jun? 你认识一个名叫李军的年轻人吗?

(2)I live in a city named ‘Suzhou’. 我住在名叫 “苏州”的城里

(3) I know the boy with the name of Lilei. 我认识这个名叫Lilei的男孩.

10. We knock on people’s doors and shout ‘trick or treat’. 我们敲着别人家的门,而且喊着“不招待就使坏”。

【要点详解】 knock敲,击打, 作为不及物动词,后面通常跟介词on/ at. 也可作名词,表示“敲击声”。

如:(1)She is knocking on/ at the door. (动词)她正在敲门。

(2)There is a loud knock on / at the door. (名词) 门外有很大的敲门声。

11.Usually they give us candies as a treat. 通常他们用糖果招待我们。

【要点详解】 give somebody something as a treat 意思是“用某物招待某人”。同时也可以说成:give somebody a treat of something.


(1) We give the boy candies as a treat.=We give the boy a treat of candies.我们用糖果招待这个男孩。

(2) Do you usually give her nice food as a treat? = Do you usually give her a treat of nice food? 你通常用美味款待她吗?

12.If they do not give us a treat, we can play a trick on them.如果他们不招待我们,我们就给他们使坏。


① if 是“如果,假如”的意思。

如:(1) If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the zoo. 如果明天天气晴朗,我们要去动物园。

(2) If you finish your homework, you can go out to play football. 如果你完成了作业,你可以出去踢足球。

②give somebody a treat 意思是 “招待某人”

如: The friendly people must give you a treat. 友好的人们肯定会招待你的.

③play a trick on somebody 捉弄某人

如:(1)Amy likes playing a trick on me. 艾米喜欢捉弄我。

(2)Don’t play a trick on the poor boy. 别捉弄那个可怜的男孩。

13. We wear special costumes with masks. 我们穿着特别的服装,带着面具。


① wear 意思是 “穿着,戴着”,表示 “穿,戴”的状态.

如: (1) He is wearing blue trousers and a red coat. 他穿着蓝裤子,红外套.

(2) The girl is wearing a red hat. 这个女孩正戴着一顶红帽子.

②with 介词,相当于“有”,带着,具有……的特征。

如:(1)My brother is a very tall young man with glasses. 我们哥哥个子很高,带着眼镜。

(2)That woman with blue eyes is our English teacher. 那个有着蓝眼睛的妇女是我们的英语老师。

(3)I have a black dog with white legs. 我有一条带有白腿的黑色的狗。

【知识拓展】 with 有许多含义。如:

(1) 跟,同 I live with my parents in the city of Shanghai. 我和父母一起住在上海市。

(2) 带有 The girl with a red hat is Sandy’s sister. 带着红帽子的女孩是桑迪的妹妹。

(3) 用 We write with pens. 我们用钢笔写字。

(4) 对于 Be careful with that glass. 小心那个玻璃杯。

With 的反义词是without. 如:

We can’t buy anything without money. 我们没钱不能买东西。

14. We cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth. 我们把一些形状切去做成眼睛,鼻子和锋利的牙齿。


① cut out 意思是 “挖出, 剪去”


(1) She likes cutting some beautiful photos out of the posters. 她喜欢从海报上剪下一些漂亮的照片.

(2) My mother can cut out a dress. 我妈妈会裁连衣裙的.

②to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp teeth 表示目的“来做成眼睛,鼻子和锋利的牙齿”。

如:(1)We knock on people’s doors to ask for candies. 我们敲别人家的门是为了要得到糖果。

(2)They come here to help us. 他们来这里是为了帮助我们的。

15.You can make a lantern out of a pumpkin. 你可以用南瓜做成灯笼.

【要点详解】 make…out of …意思是 “用……做成……”


(!) We can make bottles out of glass. 我们可以用玻璃做成瓶子.

(2)My father can make a kite out of paper. 我父亲会用纸做成风筝.

16. Do I look like a tiger? 我看起来象老虎吗?

【要点详解】 look like 意思是 “看起来象”

如: (1)The boy looks like his father. 这个男孩看起来象他的父亲.

(2) The small stone looks like an egg. 这个小石头看起来象个鸡蛋.


Reading part:something about Halloween

When is it What do they do What do they wear What do they make What do they eat


[P35 ]A

1. Halloween 2.Mid-Autumn Festival 3. Easter

4. Chinese New Year 5. Christmas 6. Dragon Boat Festival


1. pumpkin lantern 2. special costume 3.trick or treat 4. party


1. Halloween is a very special festival.

2. People in the USA celebrate Halloween every year.

3. Wendy wears a special costume at Halloween.

4. You can make a lantern out of a pumpkin.


4, 5, 1, 2, 3


d, b, a, c




1. C______________ Day is on June 1st.

2. We cut out some shapes to make the eyes, the nose and the sharp t_______________.

3. We’re going to have a s_______________ party at Halloween.

4. People in the USA c__________ Christmas every year.

5. Sandy u___________ goes to school on foot. But today she goes to school by bus.

6. Which is your f__________ food?

7. H_____________ is on October 31st.

8. In summer, it is very hot here. So we often have cold d_________ to keep cool.

II. 细心填一填

knock on play tricks on dress up trick or treat

go swimming make… for cut out make …out of

1. We like to play a game called “_____________________”.

2. Look! The boy __________________ as a little monkey. How lovely he is!

3. If they don’t give us a treat, we ___________________ on them.

4. Don’t __________________ the door. The baby is sleeping.

5. My mother often _____________ new clothes ___________ me.

6. ---Would you like __________________ with me?

---I’d like to. But I have a lot of homework to do.

7. Please ______________ the bad part of the apple. It’s bad for your health.

8. You can _______ a kite(风筝)__________ paper.

III. 耐心填一填

1. 我们应该感谢这个警察的帮助。

We should __________ the policeman ___________ his help.

2. 我的朋友用巧克力招待我们。

My friend __________ us some chocolates ________ _________ ___________.

3. 让我们一起去踢球吧。

__________ go to ________ ___________!

4. 我的家庭总是在10月31日的晚上举办特别派对。

My family always _________ a __________ party ______ _______ _______ of October 31st.


We do not celebrate ___________ but we celebrate _______ _______________ __________.


I. 精心选一选

( )1. Can you see the monkey ______ one eye?

A. to B. at C. for D. with

( )2. I like the supermarket _________ the Star Shopping Mall.

A. called B. is calling C. calls D. to call

( )3. Who is knocking _________ the door, Amy?

A. at B. in C. from D. of

( )4. Where is our dog? It _____________ our cat in the garden.

A. plays with B. is playing with C. is playing D. plays

( )5. What do you want __________ Halloween?

A. in B. on C. to D. for

( )6. Lucy with Lily _________ good at Chinese. We often help them _______ their Chinese.

A. is, with B. aren’t, for C. isn’t with D. aren’t with

( )7. ---Can I borrow some money?

---Sorry, you ___________. I don’t have any.

A. may not B. must not C. can not D. will not

( )8. Dear teacher, thanks for _________ us so well!

A. teach B. teaches C. to teach D. teaching

( )9. What would you buy ________ your children?

A. for B. to C. of D. about

( )10. I like _________ with my father on Sundays.

A. go fishing B. going to fish C. going fish D. going fishing


John likes chocolates very much, but his mother never gives him 1 , because they are 2 for his teeth. But John 3 a very nice grandpa. The old man loves John very much, and 4 he brings John chocolates when he comes to see him. Then his mother lets him eat them, because she wants 5 the old man happy.

One evening, a few days 6 John’s 8th birthday, he was saying his prayers(祈祷) in his bedroom before he went to bed. “Please, God(上帝). Make them five me a big 7 of chocolates for my birthday next week.” He shouted. His mother heard the boy’s shouting and went into his bedroom quickly. “ 8 are you shouting, John?” She asked. “God can hear you when you talk quietly(安静地).” “I know, 9 grandpa is in the next room, and he can’t.” 10 answered with a smile(微笑)

( )1. A. some B. a C. a lot D. any

( )2. A. good B. bad C. nice D. healthy

( )3. A. has B. have C. had D. having

( )4. A. never B. seldom C. sometimes D. not

( )5. A. make B. makes C. making D. to make

( )6. A. before B. after C. when D. and

( )7. A. box B. boxs C. boxes D. a box

( )8. A. What B. Why C. Where D. When

( )9. A. but B. and C. because D. so

( )10. A. The mother B. She C. The John D. The boy


Mothers’ Day is a holiday for mothers. People celebrate it in the United States, England, Sweden, India, Mexico and some other countries. Little by little(渐渐地), it becomes widely(广泛地) celebrated. Mothers’ Day is on the second Sunday in May. On that day, many people send presents of love to their mothers. Those whose mothers are still(仍然) alive(活着的) often wear a pink or red rose or carnation(康乃馨), while those whose mothers are dead(去世的) wear a whit one.

Miss Anna Jervis of Philadelphia first had the idea(主意,想法) of a day for mothers. People held the first Mothers’ Day in Philadelphia, America on May 10, 1908. Soon the holiday became popular(受欢迎的) around the country and the world.

( )1. Mothers’ Day is on___________.

A. the second Saturday in May B. the second Sunday in May

C. May 2nd D. May 12th

( )2. When one’s mother is still alive, she often wears a _________ rose or carnation.

A. white B. pink C. yellow D. blue

( )3. Miss Anna Jervis first had the idea of ________ for mothers.

A. a present B. a week C. a day D. a flower

( )4. The first American Mothers’ Day was __________.

A. on May 10, 1908 B. on May 2, 1908

C. on May 10, 1809 D. on May 2, 1980

( )5. The celebration of the first Mothers’ Day was held ___________.

A. in New York B. in Philadelphia

C. in Washington D. in Australia



I. 耐心拼一拼

1.Children 2. teeth 3. special, 4. celebrate 5. usually 6. favourite

7. Halloween 8. drinks

II. 细心填一填

1. trick or treat 2. is dressing up 3. play tricks on 4. knock on 5. makes… for

6. to go swimming 7. cut out 8. make … out of

III. 耐心填一填

1. thank …for 2. gives…as a treat 3.Let’s, play football 4. have, special, on the evening

2. Christmas, the Mid-Autumn Day


I. 精心选一选

1.D 2. A 3. A 4. B 5. D 6. C 7. C 8. D 9. A 10. D

II. 认真做一做

1.D 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D 6. A 7. A 8. B 9. A 10. D

III. 认真读一读

1.B 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. B

Vocabulary and grammar


Please think about following questions

1. Do you like Children’s Day?

2. When is Children’s Day?

3. When is Teacher’s Day and National Day?

4. Do you know Christmas Day?

5. What do we eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?

6. What do we eat at the Mid-Autumn Day?


1.At Christmas we get cards and presents. 在圣诞节我们收到卡片和礼物。


①get 意思是 “得到”

如:(1)I get a letter today. 今天我收到一封来信。

(2) How much can you get from this old house? 这个老房子你能卖到多少钱?

② at Christmas 在圣诞节。用at 表示在某个节日上。

如: (1)At Teachers’ Day, we make some cards for our teachers. 在教师节,我们为我们的老师做一些卡片。

(2)At Mid-Autumn Day we eat mooncakes. 在中秋节我们吃月饼。

(3)At Easter we eat chocolate eggs. 在复活节我们吃巧克力彩蛋。

(4)At the Dragon Boat Festival we eat rice dumplings. 在端午节我们吃粽子。

2.She started learning French at 14. 她在14岁时就开始学法语了。


①started 是动词start的过去式,表示一般过去时态。该动词后面可直接跟名词,如果接动词时可用to 加动词原形或者是动词的-ing形式。

如:(1)The old man started to tell us his story. 这位老人开始给我们讲他的故事。

(2) All the students started to run. 所有的学生开始跑了。

(3)The girl started learning English when she was 3 years old. 这个女孩在她3岁时就开始学英语了。

②at 14 意思是 “在14岁时”,另一种表示 at the age of 14.

3.I’m going to see the doctor at three o’clock this afternoon. 我打算今天下午3点去看医生.


①be going to 意思是 “打算, 将要, 计划好做某事”, 表示一般将来时态。而will也是表示一般将来时,但只是表示将要发生的动作,没有计划性。

如:(1)Tomorrow will be Sunday. What are you going to do, Jack? 明天你打算干什么?

(2)What are you going to buy for your daughter? 你打算给你的女儿买什么?

③ this afternoon 意思是 “今天下午”。另外还有 “今天早上”this morning, “今天晚上”this evening。 注意:这个时间状语前面不加介词。

如:There is going to be a film this evening. 今天晚上将有一场电影。

4.I always take Eddie for a walk in the evening. 我总是在晚上带上埃迪去散步。


① take somebody for a walk 意思是 “带某人出去散步”

如:My parents take me for a walk near the river after dinner every day. 我爸爸妈妈每天晚饭后带我去小河边散步。

② for 是 “为了”的意思,表示目的。

如:(1)Let’s go out for dinner! 我们出去吃晚饭吧!

(2)The greens are going to Hainan Island for a holiday. 格林一家要去海南岛度假。

5. Here is what I will do during the first week of November. 这是我11月份的第一周将要做的事情。

【要点详解】 during意思是“在……期间”。

如:during the holiday 在假期期间 during the night 在夜间

during the week 在这个星期期间 during the last month 在上个月期间

6.How do you celebrate Halloween? We celebrate by giving presents. 你们是如何庆祝万圣节的?我们是通过赠送礼物庆祝的。

【要点详解】 by介词,表示“通过,靠,用”等方式,后面接动词的时候应用它的动名词形式即-ing.

如:(1)We celebrate Christmas by singing and dancing. 我们通过唱歌和跳舞来庆祝圣诞节的。

(2)The children get candies by playing a game called ‘trick or treat’. 孩子们是通过玩一个名叫“不招待就使坏”的游戏来得到糖果的。

(3)Chinese people celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival by eating mooncakes and watching the moon. 中国人通过吃月饼和赏月来庆祝中秋节。

语 法

1.表示时间的介词in, on, at

(1) 介词in 用来表示在一段时间里,如上下午,月份,季节,年份等。如:

in the morning 在上午, in May 在五月, in winter 在冬天,

in 在, in a month 在一个月里,in December 1986在1986年12月,

in the first week of this term这学 期的第一周。


on Sunday 在星期天, on my birthday在我的生日那天, on Teachers’ Day在教师节,

on October 3rd在十月三号, on the first of October 1949在1949年10月1日,

On 也可以用来表示某个特指日子里的一段时间,如:

On Sunday afternoon 在星期天下午, on a summer evening在一个夏天的晚上,

on the morning of December 2nd 在十二月二号的早上,。


at 10:00 在十点钟, at Christmas在圣诞节, at night 在夜里,

at noon在中午, at dawn/at daybreak在黎明时候, at midnight在午夜,

at breakfast在吃早饭时间,at (the age of) 16在十六岁, at the weekend在周末。

注意:on 和at都可以表示在某个节日,其中on表示的是具体的某一天,如:on Teachers’ Day在教师节(即九月十号那天),而at表示的是在某个节日期间,如at Christmas在圣诞期间(即从十二月二十四号圣诞前夕起算的一周时间)。


some, any表示一些,即可以修饰可数名词,也可以修饰不可数名词。


I have some pens.我有一些钢笔。

There is some water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。


There aren’t any books on the desk. 课桌上没有书。

Do you get any presents for Halloween? 有没有收到万圣节的礼物?

(3)some 有时也可以用在表示建议,规劝,反诘,征求意见,或希望得到对方肯定回答的疑问句中。如:

Would you like some coffee? 你要咖啡吗?(请对方吃东西,态度诚恳)

Can I have some apples, mum? 妈妈,我可以吃些苹果吗?(向对方要求,希望对方做肯定回答)

Shall I bring some food here tomorrow? 明天要我带些食物来这里吗?(表示建议,希望得到肯定回答)


Where shall we meet tomorrow? Any place will do. 明天我们在哪里见面?任何地方都行。



②疑问词有:where/ how/what/which/ whose/ who/ why/ how many etc.

(1)what 什么,询问物品或活动。如:

What is it ? It’s a bag.那是什么?是一只包。

What are you doing ? I’m reading. 你在干什么?我在看书。

(2)which 哪一个,较具体的询问物品或人。如:

Which would you like? I’d like the white one. 你喜欢哪个?我喜欢白色的那个。

(3)who 谁,询问人,如:

Who do you travel with? My father. 你和谁一起旅行呀?和我爸爸。


Whose bag is this? It’s mine. 这是谁的包?是我的。


When do you usually go to school? 7:00 a.m. 你通常几点上学?早上7点。


Where were you born? In Suzhou. 你出生在哪儿?苏州。


Why do you like dancing? It’s fun. 你为什么喜欢跳舞呀?因为它很有趣。


How does she go to school? She takes a bus. 她怎样上学?她乘车上学。

How is the story? It’s very interesting. 这个故事怎么样?它很有趣。

(9)how many多少,询问可数名词的数量。如:

How many books are the in the bag? There are 10. 包里有多少本书?10本。

(10)how much多少,多少钱,询问不可数名词的数量或询问价格。如:

How much water is there in the bottle? There is a little. 瓶子里有多少水?一点点。

How much are these books? They are fifty yuan. 这些书多少钱?五十元。

How much is the meat? Ten yuan a kilo. 这肉多少钱?十元一公斤。

(11)how often多久一次,询问频率。如:

How often do you play football? Once a week. 你们多久踢一次足球?一周一次。

(12)how long多长,询问时间长短或东西的长短。如:

How long will you stay here? For about two weeks. 你在这里要呆多久?大约两星期。

How long is the river? About 1,000 metres long. 这条河有多长?大约1000米。

(13)how old 多大,询问年龄。如:

How old are you? I’m fourteen. 你多大了?我十四岁。

(14)how soon离……还有多久,询问时间,一般用在问将来的句子里。如:

How soon will he come back? In two weeks. 他还有多久回来?两周后。


seasons summer

months April October

days Sunday Friday



1. No 2. No 3. No 4. Yes 5. No 6. Yes


1. At Christmas we get cards and presents.

2. At Easter we eat chocolate eggs.

3. At the Dragon Boat Festival we eat rice dumplings.

4. At the Mid-Autumn Day we eat mooncakes.


1. on 2. on 3.at 4. in 5. in


on, at, in, at, on, in, on, on


1. Where 2. Who 3. What 4. Why


1. Where 2. When, 3. Who 4. What 5. Where

6. How 7. When 8. Why 9. What


any, any, any, any, some, some, any , some




1.In s_________, we often go swimming, and in w___________, we often go skating.

2. September 10th is T___________ Day.

3. Can you speak F__________? Sorry, I can’t .

4. I want a s_______________ for Christmas. I like skating.

5. What will you do d__________ the holiday?

6. Are you very happy a________ Chinese New Year?

7. We get some red p___________ and there ‘s always some money in them.

8. Next week will be Christmas. I m__________ buy some presents for my family and my friends.

9. What’s the weather like in China? It is often cold in D___________, J___________ and F_______________.

II. 句型转换

1.He often watches films at the weekends.(对划线部分提问)


2. Today is April 1st. (对划线部分提问)


3.We are having an English class now. (对划线部分提问)


4. They will go to Beijing by train. (对划线部分提问)


5. Daniel is in the kitchen. (对划线部分提问)


6. My birthday is on November 24th. (对划线部分提问)


7. I am buying mooncakes because the Mid-Autumn Festival is coming. (对划线部分提问)


8. We eat rice dumplings at the Dragon Boat Festival. (对划线部分提问)


9. My sister has some comic books. (改为一般疑问句)


10. There are some lanterns in this shop. (改为否定句)


III. 细心填一填

1.The match begins _______ seven_______ the evening.

2. Children are very happy _________ Halloween.

3. I was born __________ the afternoon of May 1st, 1992.

4. Do you often play tricks _________ your classmates?

5. Amy and Daniel like to chat _________ lunchtime ________ the tree.

6. Mother is making a skirt for me _________ a piece of beautiful cloth.

7. Kitty could swim _________ 7.

8. The holiday starts ________ 15th July.

9. _________ Canada, it is very cold ___________ winter.

10. We wear special costumes _________ masks.


I. 精心选一选

( )1. ---________ does your father go to work every day?

---He goes to work by bike.

A. When B. How C. What D. Where

( )2. _________ is the fifth month of the year.

A. June B. September C. April D. May

( )3. There ___________ a wonderful film this afternoon.

A. is B. is going to C. will have D. is going to be

( )4. May I have _________ water? Sorry, we don’t have ___________.

A. some, any B. any, any C. some, some D. any, some

( )5. Who ________ you __________?

A. are, look like B. do, look like C. do, like D. are , like

( )6. ---________ is your mother?

---She is a nurse.

A. What B. Which C. Who D. Where

( )7. Daddy and I go walking _________ Saturdays, but we’ll go boating in the lake ______ this Saturday.

A. on, on B. at, on C. on, / D. /, on

( )8. July comes before ___________.

A. June B. September C. August D. October

( )9. __________ do you like the Spring Festival? Very much.

A. What B. How C. When D. Which

( )10. I’m going to school ________ Monday morning.

A. at B. in C. on D. of

II. 认真读一读

Today is my father’s birthday. My mother makes a cake. Then she goes to the shop to buy candles.

My father gets home at half past four. He sees the cake. Then he takes it to the backyard(后院). He sits down and waits for my mother.

Two hours later, my mother gets back. She doesn’t look happy.

“Hi, I make a cake for you, but I don’t have any candles. I go to many shops, but can’t find any.”

“No candles?”

“No candles?”

My father points to (指着) the cake plate(盘子). It is empty. There isn’t any cake in it.

“Don’t worry……. No cake!”

( )1. Today is _________ birthday.

A. my mum’s B. my dad’s C. my D. my sister’s

( )2. Why does mother go shopping? ___________.

A. She goes to buy a birthday cake. B. She goes to look for father.

C. She goes to buy candles. D. She goes to buy something to drink

( )3. Father takes the cake to ___________.

A. have a look at it. B. eat it

B. throw it away(扔掉) D. study it

( )4. When does mother come back? _____________.

A. 4:30 B. 5:30 C. 6:30 D. 7:30

( )5.Why does father say “ Don’t worry.” to mother? Because_____________.

A. A thief(贼) takes the cake. B. There is no cake.

C. Father has candles. D. Father eats the cake up.



I. 仔细拼一拼

1. summer, winter 2.Teachers’ 3. French 4. skateboard 5. during 6. at

7. packets 8. must 9. December, January, February

II. 句型转换

1. When does he often watch films?

2. What’s the date today?

3. What are you doing now?

4. How will they go to Beijing ?

5. Where is Daniel?

6. When is your birthday?

7. Why are you buying mooncakes?

8. What do you eat at the Dragon Boat Festival?

9. Does your sister have any comic books?

10. There aren’t any lanterns in this shop.

III. 细心填一填

1. at, in 2. at 3. on 4. on 5. at, under 6. out of 7. at 8. on 9. in, in 10. with


I. 精心选一选

1.B 2. D 3.D 4. A 5. B 6. A 7. C 8. C 9. B 10. C

II. 认真读一读

1. B 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. D

Integrated skills and Study skills


Please think about the following questions

1. Which is your favourite day in the year?

2. When is your birthday?

3. Why do you like your birthday so much?

4. Do you like the Chinese New Year? Why?

5. What can you see at the Chinese New Year celebrations?

6. How do you study?


1. Traditional Chinese food 传统的中国食品

2. Lion dance 舞狮子

3. Music and dance from 9 p.m. to midnight 从9点到午夜是音乐和舞蹈晚会

【要点详解】midnight 是个合成词,由mid和night合成,mid表示“中间”,请看下面的几个合成词,猜猜它们是什么意思?

We go for a midnight swim during the midsummer.

The kite flies to the midair.

4. Fireworks (starts at 8 p.m.) 烟花(晚上八点开始)

5. More details on New York Radio.详情请听纽约广播。

6.I am on holiday in New York. 我现在在纽约度假。

【要点详解】 be on holiday 度假

如:(1)Sandy is on holiday in China with her parents now. 桑迪现在和她的父母一起在中国度假。

(2)I don’t know where Jim is. He is on holiday. 我不知道Jim在哪里,他在度假。

【知识拓展】 winter holiday 寒假 summer holiday 暑假

7.I want to see the Chinese New Year celebrations here. 我想要在这里看新年庆祝会。

【要点详解】 want to do something 想要做某事,相当于would like to do something

如:(1)I want to have an apple. =I would like to have an apple. 我想要吃个苹果。

(2)Daniel wants to play football after school today. = Daniel would like to play football after school today. 丹尼尔想要在今天放学后去踢足球。

8.Lots of things are happening here. 许多事情正在这里进行着。


①lots of是“许多”的意思,相当于a lot of,既可以修饰可数名词,此时与many意思相同,也可以修饰不可数名词,这时它就相当于much.

如:(1)There are lots of/ many people in the park on Sunday.星期天在公园里有许多人。

(2)There is lots of/ much rain in summer here. 这里夏季雨水很多。

②happen 发生,相当于take place ,come about

如:(1)Something is happening over there, I guess. There are so many people there. 我猜那里正在发生什么事情,那里有这么多的人。

(2)What happened to your uncle? 你叔叔发生什么事情了?

9.It will be the first time I see it and I am very excited.这将是我第一次看到舞狮子,我很兴奋。


①the first time 第一次, the second time第二次, the third time第三次,这里的time 表示次数,不是时间。是可数名词。

如:(1)How many times have you been to Shanghai? 你去过上海几次?

(2)What’s the time? 几点了?(是不可数名词)

②excited 意思是“兴奋的,激动的”。(是指人)

如:When the girl gets the present, she is very excited. 当这个女孩收到礼物的时候,她非常兴奋。

【知识拓展】 exciting 意思是“令人激动的”。(是指事或物)

如:This is an exciting book. 这是一本令人激动的书。


(1)Don’t be _____. The programme isn’t _______at all. 别激动,这个节目根本不令人激动

(2)All the Chinese people are ______ about holding the _____ Beijing Olympic games.全国人民都对于举办令人激动的2008北京奥运会感到非常的激动。

答案:(1)excited, exciting (2) excited, exciting

类似的词还有interesting 和interested, 它们都是形容词,前者用来描写事物,“有趣的”,后者用来描述人,“对……感兴趣”。通常用在be (become) interested in something 这个词组中。

如:The book is very interesting. We are all interested in it. 这本书非常有趣,我们所有人都对它感兴趣。

10.At night, there will be fireworks in Chinatown. 晚上,在中国城有焰火表演。

【要点详解】 there be 在某地有某物,will 表示将来,后面跟be动词的原形。

如:(1)There will be a football match tonight. 今晚将有一场足球比赛。

(2)There will be a sports meeting at school next Wednesday. 下周三我们学校将有一场运动会。这里的will 我们也可以用be going to 来代替。

There is going to be a football match tonight.

There is going to be a sports meeting at school next Wednesday.

11. What are you doing for Chinese New Year in Beijing? 为了庆祝春节,你正在北京做什么?

【要点详解】 for 在这里是“为了”的意思。

如:(1)What do you borrow this book for? 你为什么借这本书?(what...for=why)

(2) I give my little sister a beautiful toy for her birthday. 为了我妹妹的生日,我送给她一个漂亮的玩具。

12.Why do you like your birthday so much?你为什么如此喜欢你的生日?

【要点详解】 so much 意思是“如此”表示程度。

如:(1)I love playing football so much that I play football for 2 hours every day.我如此喜欢踢足球,所以我每天踢2小时。

(2)Why do the girls like S.H.E.’s songs so much? 这些女孩为什么如此喜欢S.H.E.的歌曲?

13. How to make flash cards? 如何制作动画卡片?

【要点详解】 how to do something 如何做某事。第二单元也有一个类似的句子:

Some dogs just don’t know how to have fun. 一些狗就是不知道如何去娱乐。

【知识拓展】 类似的用法除了how外,还有:what to do/ when to do/ where to do/ which to do等等。如:

(1) Simon knows what to buy for Christmas, but he doesn’t know where to get them. 西蒙知道为圣诞节买些什么,但是不知道在哪儿买到他们。

(2) I know how to go to Shanghai, but I don’t know which bus to take. 我知道如何去上海,但是我不知道该乘哪辆公共汽车。

(3) I don’t know when to start. 我不知道什么时候出发。

14.Cut out pieces of card, about 10cm×5cm. 剪下几张大约10厘米乘以5厘米大小的卡片。

15.Write a sentence, a question or an expression on each flash card.在每张卡片上写下一句话,一个问题或者是一个表达方式

16.Draw a picture on the other side of the flash card to give you a hint. 在学习卡片的另一面画一些图画作为提示。


①on the other side of 意思是“在……另一边”

如:(1)There is a park on the other side of the river. 在河对面有一个公园。

(2)My house is on the other side of the street.我家就在街道的对面。

② to give you a hint 意思是“给你一个提示”,表示在卡片上画图的目的。

如:(1)I come here to see you. 我来这里看你。

(2)This weekend I will go to Shanghai to buy a present for my mother .这个周末我要去上海给我妈妈买礼物。

【问题探究】 give somebody something =give somebody something 给某人某物或者把某物给某人。

如:Please give me the book! = Please give the book to me! 请把书给我!

如果用it来代某物(the book),那我们只能说give it to me! 不能说成give me it!

17. Look at the cards during your 10-minute study time and try to remember the sentences, questions or expressions on the cards. 用十分钟的学习时间看那些卡片,努力记住卡片上的句子,问题或表达方式。

【要点详解】 during your 10-minute study time 意思是“在十分钟的学习时间里”。10-minute是形容词性的词组,minute不加-s。

如:(1)My parents will have a ten-day holiday. 我父母将有一个十天的假期。

(2)You can have a thirty-minute rest. 你可以有30分钟的休息时间。

(3) She is a sixteen-year-old girl. 她是个十六岁的女孩。

18.Each student has to make a poster showing his or her favourite festival. 每个学生得制作一张海报以展示他或她最喜欢的节日.

【要点详解】have / has to do something 意思是“必须做某事,不得不做某事”。

如:(1)People have to give the children some candies as a treat. 人们不得不用一些糖果招待孩子们。

(2)He has to visit his uncle at Spring Festival. 春节期间,他必须去给他的叔叔拜年。


Christmas The Dragon

Boat Festival


lantern Chocolate eggs mooncakes Jiaozi



Activity Time Place

Traditional Chinese food 2 p.m.-5 p.m. Wang’s Restaurant

Lion dance 1 p.m. Peel Street

Music and dance 9 p.m.- midnight Chinese Community Centre

Fireworks 8 p.m. Mott Street


New York, Chinese New Year, lion dance, traditional Chinese food, fireworks



I. 耐心填一填


1. We will have the National Day _____________(庆祝活动) in that park tomorrow.

2. John sometimes works until(直到) ___________ (半夜)。

3. It is the second time I watch the ________ dance(舞狮子) and _________(焰火)

4. What is __________(发生) there? Sorry, I don’t know.

5. I am very __________(激动) when I get your present.


1.---When did you learn __________(play) the piano?

---When I was 7 years old.

2. We celebrate Halloween by _______ (play) a game __________(call) “trick or treat”.

3. The boy is trying ________( remember ) the sentence on the flash card.

4. Thank you for __________( help) me.

5. We use the knife _________( cut) the apple.

6. There _________________( be ) a football match tomorrow.

7. _______ he ___________(want) ____________ (go) to Chinatown?

8. I spend half an hour _________(read ) English every day.

II. 认真改一改

1.Does your brother do his homework at the night? ( )_____________


2. Sometimes she comes here sees her grandparents. ( )_____________


3. My mother is getting ready to the dinner. ( )_____________


4. Mille wants to know where are they. ( )______________


5. We have lot of fun in the park. ( )______________



I. 精心选一选

( )1. __________ will the New Year party start? At 8:30.

A. How B. When C. Which D. Who

( )2. --- What are you going to do __________ your summer holiday?

--- I’ve no idea. Maybe I’ll have to stay at home.

A. on B. at C. of D. during

( )3. You can see the _______ midnight.

A. firework at B. fireworks in C. fireworks at D. firework in

( )4. Americans don’t eat ______ rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival, but we eat ____ in China.

A. some, some B. any, any C. some, any D. any, some

( )5. Our teacher gives us ________ to do today.

A. some homework B. many homework

C. much homeworks D. any homeworks

( )6. Give ______ some books, please.

A. I B. me C. mine D. my

( )7. I’m American, ______ I live in China.

A. / B. so C. and D. but

( )8. He doesn’t know where _________.

A. going B. to go C. to go to D. goes

( )9. Do you know the ________ girl?

A. five year old B. five- years-old C. five-year-old D. five-year old

( )10. Are you in Beijing_______ holiday?

A. on B. of C. in D. at

II. 耐心写一写

1. 明天他必须把书带到学校里来。(have to/ must)




3. 我不知道在哪里可以买到贺卡。(where to buy)


4. 在小河对面有许多树。(on the other side of)


5. 你为何如此喜欢听音乐。(so much)



Every year there is a Spring Festival in China. Usually it is in January or February. In 2005, it is on February 9th. It is the most important(最重要的) festival in China. So before it comes, everyone has to prepare(准备) things. They buy pork, beef, chicken, fruit and many other things, And they often make a special kind of food called “dumplings”. It means(意思) “come together”. On that day before the festival, parents buy new clothes for their children. On the Festival Eve, all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment(时刻). They sing , dance and play all kinds of games. Others get the dinner ready. When they enjoy the meal, they give each other the best wishes(祝福) for the coming year. Children usually get some Lucky Money(压岁钱). At 12:00, people let off fireworks(放焰火) to welcome the coming(降临) of the New Year. All the people, rich or poor, old or young, are the happiest at this time.

1. When is Spring Festival this year?

2. Is Spring Festival the most important festival in China?

3.What’s the traditional food for Spring Festival? Why?

4. Why are children very happy at Spring Festival?

5. Why do many people let off fireworks at 12:00?



I. 耐心填一填


1.Celebrations 2. midnight 3.lion, fireworks 4. happening 5. excited


1. to play 2. playing, called 3. to remember 4. helping 5. to cut

6. will/is going to be 7. Does, want, to go 8. reading

III. 认真改一改

1. D / night 2. C / see 3. C / for 4. D / they are 5. B / a lot


I. 精心选一选

1. B 2. D 3. C 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. D 8. B 9. C 10. A

II. 耐心写一写

1. He has to/ must bring the book to school tomorrow.

2. Those books are mine. Please give them to me.

3. I don’t know where to buy.

4. There are a lot of trees on the other side of the river.

5. Why do you like listening to music so much?

III. 认真读一读

1 It is on February 9th.

2. Yes , it is.

3. The traditional food for Spring Festival is dumplings. Because it means “come together”.

4. Because children usually get some Lucky Money.

5. Many people let off fireworks to welcome the coming of the New Year.

Main task and Checkout


Please think about the following questions

1. What do you do on Sunday?

2. How do you come to school?

3. Which is your favourite day?

4. What is Halloween?

5. How do people celebrate Halloween?


1. People in the West celebrate it.在西方,人们庆祝万圣节。

【要点详解】 in the West 在西方,在西方国家。

如: People in the West don’t celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival. 西方国家的人们不庆祝中秋节.

【知识拓展】 west西,西部, 也可做形容词西方的,西部的.

如: (1) Sinkiang is in the west of China. 新疆在中国的西部.

(2)the west coast 西海岸


如: West Point (美国)西点军校

2.People celebrate Halloween in many ways. 人们用许多方式庆祝万圣节.

【要点详解】 in many ways 意思是 “用许多方式”, way表示方式, 方法, 手段

如: (1) You can work out this problem in many ways . 你可以用许多方法解出这道题目.

(2) What’s the right way to say “good-bye” when you leave a party? 当你离开派对的时候, 什么是跟别人说 “再见” 的正确方法?


① way 可以作 “路, 道路”

如: Can you tell me the way to the post office? 你能告诉我去邮局的路吗?

② Way 还可以作 “路线, 路途, 路程”

如: He is on his way home. 他在回家途中.

③ 请记住一些固定短语, 它们非常有用哦.

如: (1) any way 不管怎么样, 无论如何, (2) by the way 顺便说, 顺便问一下,

(3) go one’s own way 一意孤行, (4) no way 一点也不, 决不

(5) in the way 挡道的, 妨碍人的 , (6) lose one’s way 迷路

3. They knock on their neighbours’ doors and shout ‘ trick or treat’.他们敲了他们邻居家的门, 然后喊着 “不招待就使坏”.


① neighbours’ 邻居的, 是名词所有格.

如: my mother’s bike 我妈妈的自行车 Tom’s watch Tom的手表

如果名词是复数形式, 后面的s 要去掉.

如: teachers’ office 老师的办公室 my parents’ room 我父母亲的房间

②shout 意思是 “ 喊, 叫”, cry 也有 “ 喊” 的含义, 但是两者有一些区别

如: (1) The boy cut his finger, so he cried out . 那个男孩割破了他的手指, 所以痛得大叫起来.

(2) A man fell into a river. He cried, “ help, help!” 一个人掉河里了, 他大喊 “救命呀, 救命呀!”

(3) The man was very angry. He shouted, “Why do you come so late!” 这个人非常生气, 他大喊着: “你为什么这么晚才来?”

4. Their neighbours usually give them a treat of sweets. 他们的邻居通常用糖果招待他们.

【要点详解】 give somebody a treat of something 用某物招待某人, 相当于 give somebody something as a treat.

如: My aunt often gives me some chocolates as a treat.

My aunt often gives me a treat of some chocolates. 我姑姑经常用一些巧克力招待我.

6. If the children do not get any sweets, they can play a trick on the neighbour. 如果孩子们没有得到糖果, 他们就会对这个邻居搞恶作剧.

【要点详解】 if 意思是 “ 如果” , 引导一个表示条件的状语从句.

如: (1) If it is fine tomorrow, we will go to the park. 如果明天天气好, 我们就去公园.

(2) If so, we will be very happy. 如果是这样的话, 我们会很高兴的.

7. They put candles in them so the light shines through the eyes , the nose and the teeth.他们把蜡烛放进他们(南瓜灯笼)里面,这样烛光就从灯笼的眼睛,鼻子和牙齿里照耀出来。

【要点详解】 through 介词,穿过,通过

如:(1)Beautiful moonlight shines in through the window. 皎洁的月光透过窗户照射进来。

(2)To get to the plane, you must go through a special door. 要到飞机上, 你必须走过一道特殊的门.

(3) They are walking through the forest. 他们正步行穿过森林.

【问题探究】 注意区别以下两个单词的用法: over 越过, across 横过, 穿过

如: (1) They are climbing over a mountain. 他们正爬过一座高山.

(2) The old man is walking across the bridge. 这位老人正在过桥.

8. Millie is dreaming about the different festivals. 米莉正梦到不同的节日.

【要点详解】dream about somebody or something 梦到某人或某物.

如: (1) She misses her family and often dreams about her father and mother. 她想念她的家人, 她经常梦见她的爸爸和妈妈.

(2) I sometimes dream of visiting the Great Wall. 我有时候梦见在参观长城.



May June September


Day Christmas



31st October, celebrate, costumes, trick or treat, trick or treat, trick, lanterns, pumpkins, candles


1. What, on 2. Where, in 3. Who, at 4. When, in 5. Why 6. Whose 7. How 8. Which


基础巩固, 请同学们耐心填一填

I. 选用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空, 每个只能用一次.

shine look like see the doctor sharp play volleyball

1. This knife is __________ enough for you to cut the apple.

2. She __________ her mother.

3. Look! The sun __________ in the sky(天空).

4. I am not fine. I _______________ this afternoon.

5. Do you want ___________ with me?

II. 根据所给中文或单词填写正确的形式

1. There are four ______________(季节) in a year.

2. I _____________(通常) have lunch at school.

3. We don’t go to school on _____________(星期六).

4. The sun shines _____________( 穿过) the window.

5. We have a long ______________(假期) in August.

6. Tigers have sharp ____________( tooth).

7. Thank you for _____________( tell) me about it.

8. How do you like___________( swim)?

9. The party starts at 7:00 and _____________ (finish) at 11:00.

10. My father is a good ___________( teach).

III. 句型转换

1. That old man is Kate’s grandfather.(就划线部分提问)


2. There is some money in the red packet.(改为否定句)


3. He comes from Japan. (就划线部分提问)


4. Simon is polite and helpful. (就划线部分提问)


5. There are 46 students in our class. (就划线部分提问)


6. We would like to go to America.(改为一般疑问句)


7. It takes about an hour to do my homework every day.(改为同义句)

I ____________________________________________________________________

8. I like my teacher because she is very helpful. (就划线部分提问)


9. They sometimes give us a treat of some candies. (改为同义句)

They sometimes _________________________________________________________

IV. 认真写一写



2. 他爸爸常在晚饭后带他去散步吗?


3. 昨天下午3点你看见谁了?


4. 你如何来上学的? 骑自行车.


5. 如果你不给他们糖果, 他们就会对你搞恶作剧.


6. 哪把是你的伞? 蓝色的这把.



I. 精心选一选

( )1. Halloween is on _________ 31st.

A. November B. December C. October D. September

( )2. He was born _________ the evening ________ April 8th.

A. in; in B. on; on C. on; of D. in; of

( )3. Where _______ you _________ this summer?

A. do, going B. are, go C. will, going D. are, going

( )4. There are some __________ on the table.

A. mooncake B. candies C. food D. money

( )5. It’s best to plant tree(植树) in ___________.

A. autumn B. winter C. summer D. spring

( )6. ---________ do you like this film so much? --- Because it’s fun.

A. How B. What C. Which D. Why

( )7. What ____________ your brother like? He is tall and thin.

A. are B. is C. does D. do

( )8. This new bike is __________. She wants __________.

A. Andy’s, to show me it B. Simon’s, to show it to me

C. Millie’s, to show it to me D. Amy’s, show it to me

( )9. They come here ________ a rainy day.

A. at B. in C. on D. for

( )10. Can you ______ it in English?

A. speak B. say C. talk D. tell

II. 细心想一想

The Spring Festival is the Chinese 1 . It usually comes in January or February. Everyone in China 2 the Spring Festival very much, When the Spring Festival 3 , Simon usually helps his parents 4 their house and do some shopping and other 5 . 6 that day, everyone in China eats Jiaozi, New Year’s cakes and some 7 delicious food. Simon likes New Year’s cakes, but Sandy says Jiaozi is 8 than(比) New Year’s cakes. The Chinese people eat New Year’s cakes and Jiaozi 9 their houses. 10 happy they are!

( )1. A. New Year’s Day B. Teachers’ Day C. Children’s Day D. Mid-Autumn Day

( )2. A. thanks B. calls C. looks D. likes

( )3. A. goes B. comes C. takes D. celebrates

( )4. A. want B. get C. come D. clean

( )5. A. housework B. families C. homework D. shopping

( )6. A. In B. At C. on D. For

( )7. A. another B. other C. others D. the other

( )8. A. tired(疲劳的) B. much better (好得多) C. nice D. the nicest(最好)

( )9. A. in B. at C. with D. outside

( )10. A. What B. What a C. How a D. How

III. 根据短文内容以及提供的首字母填空

Thanksgiving Day is a traditional festival in the USA and C 1 . It comes o 2 the fourth Thursday in November. When the day comes, f 3 get together to celebrate the harvest(收获).

No matter(无论) how far away they are from home, people go home to celebrate the festival with their families. They often have Thanksgiving d 4 in the evening. It’s a big m 5 . The main(主要的) f 6 is turkey(火鸡) and pumpkin pies. The Americans like inviting(邀请) their f 7 to their home. Children like Thanksgiving Day very much b 8 they needn’t go to school on that day and they have lots of delicious(美味的) food to eat. L 9 the Mid-Autumn Day in China, Thanksgiving Day is an a 10 festival, too.

1._________ 2.___________ 3._____________4._______________5._____________

6._________7. ____________8._____________9.______________10._____________


以 “ The Spring Festival” 为题, 根据下列提示写一篇50-60字的短文.

1. 春节是中国的传统节日.

2. 人们聚在一起庆祝新年.

3. 吃饺子, 看电视节目(包括烟火, 音乐舞蹈晚会等).

4. 孩子们可以得到压岁钱.

5. 互相祝贺新年快乐.



II. 选用所给单词或词组的适当形式填空, 每个只能用一次.

1. sharp 2. looks like 3 is shining 4. am going to/ will see the doctor 5. to play volleyball

II. 根据所给中文或单词填写正确的形式

1. seasons 2. usually 3. Saturday 4. through 5. holiday

6. teeth 7. telling 8. swimming 9. finishes 10 . teacher

III. 句型转换

1. Who is that old man?

2. There isn’t any money in the red packet.

3. Where does he come from?

4. How is Simon?

5. How many students are there in your class?

6. Would you like to go to America?

7. I spend about an hour doing my homework every day.

8. Why do you like your teacher?

9. They sometimes give some candies as a treat.

IV. 认真写一写

1. people in China celebrate the Chinese New Year in many ways.

2. Does his father take him for a walk after dinner?

3. Who did you see at 3 p.m. yesterday afternoon?

4. How do you come to school? By bike.

5. If you don’t give them some candies, they will play a trick on you.

6. Which is your umbrella? This blue one.


I. 精心选一选

1~5 C C D B D 6~10 D B C C B

II. 细心想一想

1~5 A D B D A 6~10 C B B A D

III. 根据短文内容以及提供的首字母填空

1. Canada 2. on 3. families 4. dinner 5. meal

6. food 7. friends 8. because 9. like 10. autumn

IV. 细心写一写(仅供参考)

The Spring Festival

Spring Festival in China is a traditional festival . Usually it is in January or February. It is the most important(最重要的) festival in China. On the Festival Eve, all the family members come back to their hometown. This is a happy moment(时刻). They sing , dance and play all kinds of games. they give each other the best wishes(祝福) for the coming year. Children usually get some Lucky Money(压岁钱). After that, they watch music, dance and fireworks on TV. All the people, rich or poor, old or young, are the happiest at this time.

篇20:上海牛津版7A Unit 6 听力教案(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)

Teaching Design

Teaching type Listening and Speaking

Methodology 1. Use the task-based approach to give opportunities to students to involve themselves in the activities and try to learn by using English.

2. Use the discovery method, to encourage students to notice the sub-skills of listening by themselves. Also, develop students’ ability of learning.

3. Use the cooperative method, to cultivate the ability of cooperating and communicating with peers.

Analysis of the textbook 1. The topic of this unit is Beyond Time and Space, which is of difficulty for junior students to talk about. Reading A in this unit is a story about Captain King’s adventure meeting Monster Gork. Reading B is a story about Kelly’s meeting alien dogs. These two reading materials give students input about the topic.

2. This lesson focuses on two listening materials; one is about an alien’s trip to Shanghai and the other is a dialogue talking about the life in the future. In this lesson, more input will be given to students, besides, the target grammar of this unit-- Simple Future Tense will appear in Listening B.

Analysis of the students Students have learnt about the basic knowledge of Simple Future Tense in primary school. However, they think the topic is too big, and they do not know where to start their talk.

Teaching aims 1. Knowledge: Have more input of the topic “Beyond time and space”.

2. Listening skills:

1) Predict with the help of pictures or titles, etc.

2) Tell the sequence of events

3) Use grammar knowledge to help understanding

4) Understand people’s attitude

3. Sub-skills of speaking:

1) Being able to talk about planning and future

2) Using the simple future tense

4. Attitude:

1) To be active at study and be confident.

2) Be willing to take part in the activities.

3) Cooperate in a group and learn from peers.

The most important & difficult points in teaching 1. The most important teaching points:

1) Predict with the help of pictures or titles, etc.

2) Tell the sequence of events

3) Use grammar knowledge to help understanding

2. The most difficult teaching points:

Use grammar knowledge to help understanding

Teaching Aids Computer, projector, blackboard

步骤 目的 教师活动/方法 学生活动/方法 条件/手段


1. To teach some new words that will help the listening task

2. To introduce the topic---An alien’s trip. 1. Talk about students’ trip to Guangdong Science Center, and raise the question, is it possible that one day aliens will come to our earth?

2. Teach some new words by showing the pictures

3. Ask students to use the new words to talk about what they will do if aliens come. 1. Begin to think about the topic of aliens and get ready for further study of it.

2. Look at the pictures; and use the new words to talk about what they will do if aliens come. Computer and projector



1. To guide students to predict before listening with the help of pictures.

2. To give more time to students to be familiar with the pictures and get ready. 1. Ask students to look at the picture and guess what places Gorkella visited or what she did.

2. Ask students to choose one picture that they like most to talk about.

3. Ask students to guess which picture is the last one according to the story. 1. Look at the pictures; guess what places Gorkella visited or what she did.

2. Choose one picture that they like most to talk about.

3. Guess which picture is the last one according to the story. Student’ work sheet, textbook, blackboard, computer and projector

While- listening (listening A) 1. To practice listening comprehension

2. To use listening strategies

3. To tell the sequence of events 1. Ask students to listen to Listening A for twice and finish the exercises in A1 and A2.

2. Check the students’ answers. 1. Listen and number the pictures.

2. Listen again and complete the sentences. Recorder, textbook , computer and projector

Post- listening

1. To emphasize two useful listening strategies- predict with the help of pictures or titles and use grammar knowledge to help understanding

2. To notice people’s attitude

3. To use Simple Future Tense to talk about plan. 1. Check students’ prediction and ask students to think about what listening strategies they have used.

2. Ask student whether people like Gorkella according to the listening.

3. Ask students to talk about what they will do if they can have one day in space. 1. Think and talk about what listening strategies they have used.

2. Review the listening, and pay attention to people’s attitude.

3. In groups and talk about their plan in space Students’ work sheet, textbook, computer and projector

Listening B 1. To practice listening comprehension

2. To use listening strategies 1.Ask students to listen and fill in the blanks according to listening B

2. Check students’ answer and help them review the listening strategies. Listen and fill in the blanks Textbook , computer and projector

Speaking & language production 1. To have more input information

2. To talk use Simple Future Tense to talk about the future.

3. Get ready for the writing lesson tomorrow. 1. Show some opinions about the life in the future.

2. Ask students to talk about “Will the future become better or worse” 1. Read aloud the forecasts for the future.

2. In groups, discuss “Will the future become better or worse”, list as many reasons as possible. Student’ work sheet, blackboard, color paper, computer and projector

Home work 1. Complete Listening on P85-86 of Book B

2. Write a passage to describe the life in the future.

Title: Life in the Future

Requirement: a. Use Simple Future Tense

b. More than 60 words.


苏教牛津版英语三年级上册《On and off》的教案

Unit 2 Travelling教案 (译林牛津版英语八年级)

7A Unit 1全部(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)





教师在任务型教学中的作用 (译林牛津版英语)


牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计)
《牛津7AUnit 5(译林牛津版七年级英语上册教案教学设计).doc》

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