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clothes前可用my, your, his或the, these, those, a few, other, much, a great deal of, a good many修饰(谓语动词用复数),也可用a pair of clothes, a suit of clothes修饰(谓语动词用单数),但不可用数词修饰。


1. Her bed was crisply made, her clothes put away.


2. Many of the clothes come from the world's top fashion houses.


3. His work clothes, having become saturated with oil, had to be cleaned.


4. He'd put his dirty laundry in the clothes basket.


5. Clothes were thrown in the luggage in an untidy heap.


6. She put in some clothes, odds and ends, and make-up.


7. The front room was strewn with books and clothes.


8. “Such lovely clothes. I'd no idea Milan was so wonderful,” she raved.


9. I would love a hot bath and clean clothes.


10. She had decked him out from head to foot in expensive clothes.


11. Her mother had bundled all her Forties clothes up and burnt them.


12. There is an olde worlde look about the clothes for summer.


13. His clothes were creased, as if he had slept in them.


14. She came in, rain streaming from her clothes and hair.


15. Your old clothes will be gratefully accepted by jumble sale organisers.










clothes前可用my, your, his或the,these,those,a few,other,much,a great deal of,a good many修饰(谓语动词用复数),也可用a pair of clothes,a suit of clothes修饰(谓语动词用单数),但不可用数词修饰。


How do you like this clothes?


What clothes do you like?


Everything you have, from toys to clothes.






3、clothes前可用my, your, his或the, these, those, a few, other, much, a great deal of, a good many修饰,谓语动词用复数;也可用a pair of clothes, a suit of clothes修饰,谓语动词用单数。

篇5:Unit8 Clothes

let’s play

language focus:

using imperatives to give simple instructions: e.g. put on your scarfs.

using nouns to identify people: e.g. boys, girls.

language skills:


locate specific information in response to simple instructions.


use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.


student’s book 2a page 39. cassette and cassette player.

pre-task preparation:

put some word cards from unit 6-8 up on the broad. ask various students to come up and get the card you say. after all the cards are down, have the whole class read them together.

while-task procedure

put a chair in front of the class and sit down. ask the class to look and listening. say “put on your scarf.” and do the action. repeat several times. do the same with “ take off your scarfs.”

ask two boys to come to the front and sit on two chairs. say “boys, put on the scarfs.” and the boys follow the command. repeat with ‘boys, take off your scarfs.”

repeat step 2 with two girls.

when students are familiar with the commands. say lets play a game. all the boys are in one team and all the girls are in another team. let’s see which team wins!

give commands, e.g. “boys, put on your scarfs.’’girls, take off your scarfs.’ etc.

vary the game by letting students give commands to their own team or to the opposite team.

refer to student’s book page 40. play the cassette tape for students to follow.

post-task activities:

play a game. the whole class stands up. you will touch a student secretly with a “magic wand’ (ruler) and the student who can feel the magic touch must say loudly “i am a boy/girl.” before he/she is allowed to sit down.

篇6:Unit8 clothes

language focus:

1.  using verbs to indicate needs.

language skills:

1.  using modeled sentence to communicate with other learners.


cassette 2a and a cassette player. wallcharts 2a. word and picture cards 2a.

iv. pre-task preparation:

1.  show pictures of winter scenes and summer scenes cut from magazines. tell students if they see a picture of winter scene, they should say “put on your coat.” if they see a picture of summer scene, they should say ‘take off your coat.’ gradually quicken the pace to add more excitement.

2.  say “may is going to shopping with he daddy. they both need some new clothes. let’s learn their new names!”

v.while-task procedure:

1.  put up the wallchart for page 378. tell a story something like this:

one day , may’s daddy took her shopping with him. he need to buy a new belt because the buckle on his old one was broken. may promised to help. when they were in the shop , may found something she like very much. it was a pretty dress. she said to her daddy that she needed a new dress. what do you need?

2.  introduce the new vocabulary words “the”, “belt”, ‘sock’ “shirt’, ‘dress” and ‘coat” by point to the corresponding items on the wallchart or using the picture cards. carefully pronounce the words and let the students repeat several times. ask “what is this?” then say the word and ask the students to repeat.

3.point to your own coat and say “it’s cold. i need a new coat.” repeat for students to copy.

4.walk around and ask individual students what’s new clothes they need. the student’s book to page 38. ask the students to listen to the cassette tape. then, join in to practice the pronunciation when you play the tape again.

vi. post-task activity:

1.  show any of the vocabulary picture cards to individual students. have them say : i need a new.

篇7:Unit8 Clothes

let’s act

language focus:

1.using imperatives to give simple instructions.

language skills:


1.locate specific information in response to simple instructions.


1.use modeled phrases to communicate with other learners.


cassette. cassette player. a puppet.

i.pre-task preparation:

1.ask student to recite the rhyme on page 35 pr have groups of students stand in front of the class to recite and mime the rhyme together.

2.write a list of words about winter on the board. next to it list some words about transport. also make a list of food items students have learned. say “who can read the first list”? the second? the third? let’s read them together.’

ii.while-task procedure:

1.hold up a puppet and say “are you cold? “you only have a shirt. you must wear more clothes. put a coat on the puppet and say “put on your coat.” repeat for students to follow.

2.continue putting toy clothes on the puppet until it has a coat, a scarf, a hat and a pair of gloves. the puppet says “i’m not cold. i’m hot.” start taking off the toy clothes from the puppet and say “take off your hat. take off your scarf. take off your gloves.” repeat for the students to follow.

3.say “put on your coat’and ‘take off your coat.” and ask individual students to follow your instructions.

4.explain the difference between “put on’ and “take off”. the student’s book to page 37. play the cassette tape to practice the pronunciation. students listen and follow in their books. the cassette tape again. students listen and repeat several times.

7.ask pairs of students to role-play the twp commands. activity:

1.extend the task by having the students practice using the two phrasal verbs, but substituting ‘coat’ and “shoes” with other clothing items. pairs to say and act the modified command to the class.

unit8 clothes(3) 来自本网。

篇8:Unit8 Clothes

let’ s learn

language focus:

using nouns to identify clothing items: e.g. belt

language skills:


identifying key words in an utterance by recognizing stress.


pronounce words properly

learn the names and sounds of the letters “m,m


student’s book 2a page 39. cassette and cassette player.

pre-task preparation:

put up some picture cards from the previous units. under each picture card write three words including the correct one. ask students to come up and circle the right word.

while-task procedure:

introduce the words “tie”, “belt’, “socks”, “shirt”, “dress” and “coat” using the picture and word cards.

play the cassette tape for student’s book page 39.students listen first and then join in to practise the pronunciation when you play the tape again.

on the left side of the broad put up the word cards for all the new words and on the right sight their picture cards but in a different order. ask some students to come up and draw lines between the right pairs.

ask individual students to choose one clothing item on the broad they need and say “i need “

show students the picture card for “moon’ and say moon begins with the sound “m”. show the word card for “moon” and say “m ’moon”. repeat. show alphabet cards “m” and “m”. have students compare the capital letter “m” with the small letter “m”.        play the tape for the students to follow in their books.

post-task activities:

show any one of the word cards to a pairs of students. ask one to read the word and the other to find its picture card.

hide any one of the word cards at your back and ask individual students to guess which word?

unit8 clothes(1) 来自本网。




Unit 11 Clothes Lesson Two


1. Review the new words about clothes: dress, shirt, sweater, pants, socks, shoes, What are these? They’re?

2.Do some exercises

教学目标的.检测途径 1.通过小练习来检验。2.改编歌谣顺利表达。


Teaching importance: Review the words and structures..

Teaching difficulty:use the structure: I like the yellow one.

突破教学难点的方法 边做练习边巩固;通过创设情景鼓励学生融入角色。





1.Greeting. HiHello!Are you a boy What dou you like?What’s the weather like?......Ss:HiHello!Yes, I amNo ,I’m not.I like pizza.It’s rain. Touch and say Ask one student says words, other students touch the right pictures on their books.

S1:I like a red dress.

S2: I like a red shirt.

S3: I like shoes.

2. Review the words about colors and review the structures: What do you like?


1.Put the pictures on the board and review the words. T: I like the red dress? What do you like? Elicit: I like the ? work:I like the ?

2.Pair work.Point to his or her sweater and say, It’s a sweater.students do actions.

3.Let’s play a game. Touch your nose? Touch your shoes/socks/? Who’s faster? Please put on your sweater?

4.Listen to the tape and act it.

三、巩固和延伸(Consolidation and extension)

1. Several groups to act the dialogue. Ask a confident child to come to the front of the class. Point to items of clothing that he or she is wearing for which children have learned. For example, point to his or her shoes and say, They are shoes. Point to his or her sweater and say, It’s a sweater.

2.Listen and act. I give orders .

3.Let’s sing. It’s a dress.

4.Do some exercises.


Listen to the tape and sing the song.

Draw some pictures about clothes.


dress, shirt, sweater, pants, socks, shoes,

What are these? They’re..

篇10:Whose clothes are these


物主代词(Possessive pronouns)――形容词性物主代词、名词性物主代词是本单元重点语法教学内容之一,其二是教学生学会询问物品的归属Whose…?能归纳元音字母组合发/a:/,/au/,/R:/,/[:/,/[/的正确发音,及一个辅音发音/F/。

1)掌握词汇:clothes  line  whose  shirt  dress  skirt  dark  yours  mine  hers  put on  theirs  ours  about(prep.)  beside

2)理解词汇:blouse  trousers  glove

3)语音:/a:/ar  are  a,/au/ow  ou,/R:/or oor,/[:/er  ir,/[/er , /F/sh

4) 语法和句型:

Whose hat is this?  Whose shoes are these?

Whose is this hat?  Whose are these shoes?

my/ mine   your/yours  his/his  her/ hers    our/ ours   your/ yours  their /theirs

Whose is this…?  /  Whose …is this?







译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第三单元语言点详析






年终总结 英文2022-07-02





译林牛津 高一 必修2 模块二第二单元语言点详析2022-10-30




