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美国人的思维和我们并不一样,和国内考生写文章也不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子)。

2. 概括文章将来结构。

比如下面的一个句子:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有加入情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是:Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.







What is sedge root- 我想没有,因为这种问法是在问专有名词的翻译。我们遇到的更多是这样的一些问法:According to the passage, which of the following statements about sedge root is true- What can be inferred from the passage about sedge root- 这些问题的提法却是在问专有名词的文中阐述特征。我们再从文章本身对这个问题做出进一步的分析。


1. 结论-解释型(也叫论点-解释型)

2. 新老观点对比型

3. 现象解释型(包含问题-解决方案型)

首先是“结论-解释型”文章。这类文章在开始有一个判断句,一般是文章的结论,也是文章的主题。这个判断句的谓语部分通常包含系动词(is, remain, prove, turn out, appear等)或情态动词(can, may, should, must等),而且含有表示态度的词汇(如形容词等)。例如,

Because of its accuracy in outlining the Earth's subsurface, the seismic-reflection method remains the most important tool in the search for petroleum reserves. In field practice, a subsurface is mapped by arranging a series of wave-train sources, such as small dynamite explosions, in a grid pattern…

文章首句指出:“由于‘地震反射法’(sr)在勾划地球的地下层面这方面的准确性,该方法一直是探寻石油储备的最重要的工具。”这是一个判断句,为结论。其中remains为系动词,而most important为态度词,表示作者对“地震反射法”持非常正面的评价。

后文应解释“地震反射法”的具体过程。 第二句话对解释进行总的说明:“在实地作业中,通过将一系列波列源,诸如小规模炸药爆炸,排列成一个网格模式,从而将地下层面标绘出来。”接下来是“地震反射法”的详细过程。

GRE阅读文章的第二种常见结构是“新老观点对比型”。 这类文章在开始提出老观点,然后提出新观点并进行论述。通常新观点是文章的主题。老观点出现的标志词有:

1. 传统观点: has been, traditionally, until recently等

2. 大众观点:frequently, widely, many等

新观点出现的标志词有:however, recently, now等。


Traditionally, pollination by wind has been viewed as a reproductive process marked by random events in which the vagaries of the wind are compensated for by the generation of vast quantities of pollen, so that the ultimate production of new seeds is assured at the expense of producing much more pollen than is actually used。

However, a number of features that are characteristic of wind-pollinated plants reduce pollen waste…



GRE阅读文章的第三种常见结构是“现象解释型”。文章开始提出一个现象,然后解释现象。解释是主题。有多个解释时,作者一般对前面的解释持负面评价,对最后的解释持正面评价。提出现象时的标志词有:phenomenon, fact; problem, difficulty, puzzle, question等。例如,

What causes a helix in nature to appear with either a dextral (“right-handed,”or clockwise) twist or a sinistral (“left-handed,” or counterclockwise') twist is one of the most intriguing puzzles in the science of form…What mechanisms, control handedness and keep left-handedness rare?

It would seem unlikely that evolution should discriminate against sinistral snails if sinistral and dextral snails are exact mirror images, for any disadvantage that a sinistral twist in itself could confer on its possessor is almost inconceivable. But left- and right-handed snails are not actually true mirror images of one another…

But this evolutionary mechanism combining dissymmetry, anatomy, and chance does not provide an adequate explanation of why right-handedness should have become predominant…

Here, the evolutionary theory must defer to a theory based on an explicit developmental mechanism that can favor either right- or left-handedness…Thus, the path to a solution to the puzzle of handedness in all snails appears to be as twisted as the helix itself.





上文在第一段最后提出一个问题:“究竟是一些什么样的机制控制着旋转方向,并使左旋的比例为数稀少呢??”这个问题就是一个现象:螺旋体中左旋的比例少。有问题就有解答,有现象就有解释。第二段从进化论的角度解释这一现象。但是,GRE阅读文章中一般对进化论的解释持负面评价,所以需要寻找新的解释。第三段否定了进化论的解释。在末段,作者以发育机制(developmental mechanism)解释“为何左旋少、右旋多”。


1. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) describing an important technique

(B) discussing a new method

(C) investigating a controversial procedure

(D) announcing a significant discovery

(E) promoting a novel application


2. Which of the following best describes the organization of the passage?

(A) A method is criticized, and an alternative is suggested。

(B) An illustration is examined, and some errors are exposed。

(C) An assertion is made, and a procedure is outlined。

(D) A series of examples is presented, and a conclusion is drawn。

(E) A hypothesis is advanced, and supporting evidence is supplied。




GRE阅读主题句写法特点分析 找对主题句看清文章套路


美国人的思维和我们并不一样,和国内考生写文章也不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子)。

2. 概括文章将来结构。

比如下面的一个句子:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有加入情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是:Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.



Many critics of Emily Bronte’s novel Wuthering Heights see its second part as a counterpoint (a complementing or contrasting item: OPPOSITE) that comments on, if it does not reverse, the first part, where a “romantic” reading receives more confirmation. Seeing the two parts as a whole is encouraged by the novel’s sophisticated structure, revealed in its complex use of narrators and time shifts. Granted that the presence of these elements need not argue an authorial awareness of novelistic construction comparable to that of Henry James, their presence does encourage attempts to unify the novel’s heterogeneous parts. However, any interpretation that seeks to unify all of the novel’s diverse elements is bound to be somewhat unconvincing. This is not because such an interpretation necessarily stiffens into a thesis (although rigidity in any interpretation of this or of any novel is always a danger), but because Wuthering Heights has recalcitrant elements of undeniable power that, ultimately, resist inclusion in an all-encompassing interpretation. In this respect, Wuthering Heights shares a feature of Hamlet.

17. According to the passage, which of the following is a true statement about the first and second parts of Wuthering Heights?

(A) The second part has received more attention from critics.

(B) The second part has little relation to the first part.

(C) The second part annuls the force of the first part.

(D) The second part provides less substantiation for a “romantic” reading.

(E) The second part is better because it is more realistic.

18. Which of the following inferences about Henry James’s awareness of novelistic construction is best supported by the passage?

(A) James, more than any other novelist, was aware of the difficulties of novelistic construction.

(B) James was very aware of the details of novelistic construction.

(C) James’s awareness of novelistic construction derived from his reading of Bronte.

(D) James’s awareness of novelistic construction has led most commentators to see unity in his individual novels.

(E) James’s awareness of novelistic construction precluded him from violating the unity of his novels.

19. The author of the passage would be most likely to agree that an interpretation of a novel should

(A) not try to unite heterogeneous elements in the novel

(B) not be inflexible in its treatment of the elements in the novel

(C) not argue that the complex use of narrators or of time shifts indicates a sophisticated structure

(D) concentrate on those recalcitrant elements of the novel that are outside the novel’s main structure

(E) primarily consider those elements of novelistic construction of which the author of the novel was aware

20. The author of the passage suggests which of the following about Hamlet?

I. Hamlet has usually attracted critical interpretations that tend to stiffen into theses.

II. Hamlet has elements that are not amenable to an all-encompassing critical interpretation.

III. Hamlet is less open to an all-encompassing critical interpretation than is Wuthering Heights.

IV. Hamlet has not received a critical interpretation that has been widely accepted by readers.

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) I and IV only

(D) III and IV only

(E) I, II, and III only

The determination of the sources of copper ore used in the manufacture of copper and bronze artifacts of Bronze Age (Bronze Age: n. 铜器时代) civilizations would add greatly to our knowledge of cultural contacts and trade in that era. Researchers have analyzed artifacts and ores for their concentrations of elements, but for a variety of reasons, these studies have generally failed to provide evidence of the sources of the copper used in the objects. Elemental composition can vary within the same copper-ore lode, usually because of varying admixtures of other elements, especially iron, lead, zinc, and arsenic. And high concentrations of cobalt or zinc, noticed in some artifacts, appear in a variety of copper-ore sources. Moreover, the processing of ores introduced poorly controlled changes in the concentrations of minor and trace elements in the resulting metal. Some elements evaporate during smelting and roasting; different temperatures and processes produce different degrees of loss. Finally, flux, which is sometimes added during smelting to remove waste material from the ore, could add quantities of elements to the final product.

An elemental property that is unchanged through these chemical processes is the isotopic composition of each metallic element in the ore. Isotopic composition, the percentages of the different isotopes of an element in a given sample of the element, is therefore particularly suitable as an indicator of the sources of the ore. Of course, for this purpose it is necessary to find an element whose isotopic composition is more or less constant throughout a given ore body, but varies from one copper ore body to another or, at least, from one geographic region to another.

The ideal choice, when isotopic composition is used to investigate the source of copper ore, would seem to be copper itself. It has been shown that small but measurable variations occur naturally in the isotopic composition of copper. However, the variations are large enough only in rare ores; between samples of the common ore minerals of copper, isotopic variations greater than the measurement error have not been found. An alternative choice is lead, which occurs in most copper and bronze artifacts of the Bronze Age in amounts consistent with the lead being derived from the copper ores and possibly from the fluxes. The isotopic composition of lead often varies from one source of common copper ore to another, with variations exceeding the measurement error; and preliminary studies indicate virtually uniform isotopic composition of the lead from a single copper-ore source. While some of the lead found in an artifact may have been introduced from flux or when other metals were added to the copper ore, lead so added in Bronze Age processing would usually have the same isotopic composition as the lead in the copper ore. Lead isotope studies may thus prove useful for interpreting the archaeological record of the Bronze Age.

21. The primary purpose of the passage is to

(A) discuss the techniques of analyzing lead isotope composition

(B) propose a way to determine the origin of the copper in certain artifacts

(C) resolve a dispute concerning the analysis of copper ore

(D) describe the deficiencies of a currently used method of chemical analysis of certain metals

(E) offer an interpretation of the archaeological record of the Bronze Age

22. The author first mentions the addition of flux during smelting (lines 18-21) in order to

(A) give a reason for the failure of elemental composition studies to determine ore sources

(B) illustrate differences between various Bronze Age civilizations

(C) show the need for using high smelting temperatures

(D) illustrate the uniformity of lead isotope composition

(E) explain the success of copper isotope composition analysis

23. The author suggests which of the following about a Bronze Age artifact containing high concentrations of cobalt or zinc?

(A) It could not be reliably tested for its elemental composition.

(B) It could not be reliably tested for its copper isotope composition.

(C) It could not be reliably tested for its lead isotope composition.

(D) It could have been manufactured from ore from any one of a variety of sources.

(E) It could have been produced by the addition of other metals during the processing of the copper ore.

24. According to the passage, possible sources of the lead found in a copper or bronze artifact include which of the following?

I. The copper ore used to manufacture the artifact

II. Flux added during processing of the copper ore

III. Other metal added during processing of the copper ore

(A) I only

(B) II only

(C) III only

(D) II and III only

(E) I, II, and III

25. The author rejects copper as the “ideal choice” mentioned in line 33 because

(A) the concentration of copper in Bronze Age artifacts varies

(B) elements other than copper may be introduced during smelting

(C) the isotopic composition of copper changes during smelting

(D) among common copper ores, differences in copper isotope composition are too small

(E) within a single source of copper ore, copper isotope composition can vary substantially

26. The author makes which of the following statements about lead isotope composition?

(A) It often varies from one copper-ore source to another.

(B) It sometimes varies over short distances in a single copper-ore source.

(C) It can vary during the testing of artifacts, producing a measurement error.

(D) It frequently changes during smelting and roasting.

(E) It may change when artifacts are buried for thousands of years.

27. It can be inferred from the passage that the use of flux in processing copper ore can alter the lead isotope composition of the resulting metal EXCEPT when

(A) there is a smaller concentration of lead in the flux than in the copper ore

(B) the concentration of lead in the flux is equivalent to that of the lead in the ore

(C) some of the lead in the flux evaporates during processing

(D) any lead in the flux has the same isotopic composition as the lead in the ore

(E) other metals are added during processing





和国内学生写文章不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子);

2. 概括文章将来结构。


以这句话为例:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.




The age at which young children begin to make moral discriminations about harmful actions committed against themselves or others has been the focus of recent research into the moral development of children. Until recently, child psychologists supported pioneer developmentalist Jean Piaget in his hypothesis that because of their immaturity, children under age seven do not take into account the intentions of a person committing accidental or deliberate harm, but rather simply assign punishment for transgressions on the basis of the magnitude of the negative consequences caused.

However, in recent research, Keasey found that six- year-old children not only distinguish between accidental and intentional harm, but also judge intentional harm as naughtier, regardless of the amount of damage produced. Both of these findings seem to indicate that children, at an earlier age than Piaget claimed, advance into the second stage of moral development, moral autonomy, in which they accept social rules but view them as more arbitrary than do children in the first stage. (163 words)

8.According to the passage, Piaget and Keasey would not have agreed on which of the following points?

(A) The kinds of excuses children give for harmful acts they commit

(B) The age at which children begin to discriminate between intentional and unintentional harm

(C) The intentions children have in perpetrating harm

(D) The circumstances under which children punish harmful acts

(E) The justifications children recognize for mitigating punishment for harmful acts

9.According to the passage, Keasey's findings support which of the following conclusions about six-year-old children?

(A)They have the ability to make autonomous moral judgments.

(B)They regard moral absolutism as a threat to their moral autonomy.

(C)They do not understand the concept of public duty.

(D)They accept moral judgment made by their peers more easily than do older children.

(E)They make arbitrary moral judgments.



The term “remote sensing” refers to the techniques of measurement and interpretation of phenomena from a distance.

“遥感” 这个词涉及远距离测量及解读信息的技术。


Prior to the mid-1960's the interpretation of film images was the primary means for remote sensing of the Earth's geologic features.

1960 年代中期以前,地质学特征的遥感主要是通过对胶片上图像的解读。


With the development of the optomechanical scanner, scientists began to construct digital multispectral images using data beyond the sensitivity range of visible light photography.



These images are constructed by mechanically aligning pictorial representations of such phenomena as the reflection of light waves outside the visible spectrum, the refraction of radio waves, and the daily changes in temperature in areas on the Earth's surface.



The advantage of digital over photographic imaging is evident: the resulting numerical data are precisely known, and digital data are not subject to the vagaries of difficult-to-control chemical processing.


8. It can be inferred from the passage that a major disadvantage of photographic imaging in geologic mapping is that such photography

(A) cannot be used at night

(B) cannot focus on the details of a geologic area

(C) must be chemically processed

(D) is always enhanced by digital reconstruction

(E) cannot reflect changes over extended periods of time

选 C


问传统办法的 major disadvantage 其实等于问新技术的 advantage,回到句 5:

The advantage of digital over photographic imaging is evident: the resulting numerical data are precisely known, and digital data are not subject to the vagaries of difficult-to-control chemical processing.




1. Although some experiments show that,as an object becomes familiar,its internal representation becomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel,the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar. (4+)

虽然某些实验表明,随着一个物体变得熟悉起来,其内心再现图像亦更具整体感,辨认过程相应地更趋于平行,但证据的砝码似乎在支持序列假设(serial hypothesis),至少是对于那些不甚简单、不甚熟悉的物体来说。


解释:在Although引导的分句中,谓语shows后面跟着一个长长的宾语从句,从句中先出现一个插入语as an object becomes familiar,之后的内容是由and 连接的两套并列的主谓宾。其实and前后就是两个句子,只不过作者省略了后面的句子中与前面相同的引导词that和谓语become。


意群训练:Although some experiments show that,as an object becomes familiar,its internal representationbecomes more holistic and the recognition process correspondingly more parallel,the weight of evidence seems to support the serial hypothesis, at least for objects that are not notably simple and familiar.


This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin. (3+)


译文:古特曼表示,这种对于外部通婚的偏爱很有可能缘起于西部非洲制约着婚姻的规定,尽管这些规定在一个和另一个部落群体之间不尽相同,但都涉及到某种对近亲联姻(union with close kin)的禁止。

解释:本句有两个插入语,第一个插入语Gutman suggests割裂了主句的主语和谓语。West African rules后跟着两个修饰成分,第一个是分词修饰(governing marriage), 第二个是以which引导的非限定性定语从句,从句中出现了第二个插入语though they differed from one tribal group to another,又割裂了从句引导词与谓语之间的联系。

意群训练:This preference for exogamy,Gutman suggests, may have derived from West African rules governing marriage,which,though they differed from one tribal group to another,all involved some kind of prohibition against unions with close kin.



和国内学生写文章不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子);

2. 概括文章将来结构。


以这句话为例:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.




Part 1



1) 信号词

并列关系:常见连接词有并列连词and,but,or,while,for,so,neither,nor等,还有连接副词,如still,yet,however,consequently,there-fore,then等。还有一些相当于连接词的词组,如:on the contrary,not only…but also,on(the)one hand…on the other hand等。

主从关系:英语从句主要分为名词性从句,定语从句和状语从句。引导名词性从句的关联词主要有that,whether,who,whom,whose,which,what,where,when,how,why,whoever,whomever,whichever,whatever等。引导定语从句的关系代词主要有who, whom, whose, which, that;关系副词有when,where,why等。引导状语从句的连词主要有when,before, until,where,because,so that,if,unless,as if,though等。



“I'd like to,” he said, “but I can’t.”


His favorite foods are as follows: apple pie, fruit juice, and chocolate.


He is the exact person -- the person that I expected.

Part 2



1)That sex ratio will be favored which maximizes the number of descendants an individual will have and hence the number of gene copies transmitted.

解析:此句信号语为“which”和“and”。“which”修饰主语“that sex ratio”,“will be favored”为谓语,一般定语从句与先行词紧挨,而本句which从句后置,属于倒装的一种。“and”连接两个“the number of”结构,亦可以理解成“and hence”后面省略了动词“maximizes”。 “transmitted”作为非谓语动词修饰 “copies”。

2)Gutman argues convincingly that the stability of the Black family encouraged the transmission of--and so was crucial in sustaining--the Black heritage of folklore, music, and religious expression from one generation to another, a heritage that slaves were continually fashioning out of their African and American experiences.

解析:此句信号语为逗号,破折号和“that”和“and”。第一个“that”引起宾语从句。破折号中间成分为插入语,两个逗号和“and”表明“folklore”, “music”和“religious expression”三组名的并列。第三个逗号则提示了“a heritage”结构为“the Black heritage”的同位语。最后的“that”为“heritage”的定语从句。

3)Fundamentally, however, the conditions under which women work have changed little since before the Industrial Revolution: the segregation of occupations by gender, lower pay for women as a group, jobs that require relatively low levels of skill and offer women little opportunity for advancement all persist, while women’s household labor remains demanding.


Part 3




第一句强调“favor”这个正态度,且“maximizes the number of descendants”这个信息是优势基因复制的根本原因。

第二句“Gutman argues”表明某人的观点,“the stability of the Black family”与后文提到的文化得以传承是因果关系。














GRE阅读大量模仿了GMAT逻辑题的出题方式。一言以蔽之:新GRE阅读 = 老GRE阅读 + GMAT逻辑。




五选一( Multiple-choice Questions—Select One Answer Choice )

三选多( Multiple-choice Questions—Select One or More Answer Choices )

句子功能题( Select-in-Passage )

其中第一种“五选一”就是目前GRE阅读的题型。而第二种“三选多”(从三个选项中选出所有适合的答案,正确答案数不定,只选出部分正确答案者 不得分)与第三种“句子功能”题(找到原文中与选项描述相一致的句子并点击该句子)都是阅读理解部分新增的题型。对于新GRE语文部分的内容考生不用慌 张,主要还是对单词和阅读的把握。





个人观点:在每个Verbal Section中最多一篇长阅读,由于时间限制的原因,这在超时的OG和限时PP软件上的套题中均有所体现.在题型方面,相较于旧GRE传统的5选1题型,新G在5选1题型基础上,新增了句子选择题以及三项多选题.



1. 按题材分:文学评论, 美国历史, 弱势群体, 生命科学

2. 按写作方法分:presentation[立论], argument[评论]

3. 按写作套路分:新旧观点型、现象解释型、结论解释型、问题解决型


Over the years, biol.ists have suggested two main pathways by which sexual selection may have shaped the evolution of male birdsong. In the first, male competition and intrasexual selection produce relatively short, simple songs used mainly in territorial behavior. In the second, female choice and intersexual selection produce longer, more complicated songs used mainly in mate attraction; like such visual ornamentation as the peacock’s tail, elaborate vocal characteristics increase the male’s chances of being chosen as a mate, and he thus enjoys more reproductive success than his less ostentatious rivals. The two pathways are not mutually exclusive, and we can expect to find examples that reflect their interaction. Teasing them apart has been an important challenge to evolutionary biol.ists.

Early research confirmed the role of intrasexual selection. In a variety of experiments in the field, males responded aggressively to recorded songs by exhibiting territorial behavior near the speakers. The breakthrough for research into intersexual selection came in the development of a new technique for investigating female response in the laboratory. When female cowbirds raised in isolation in sound-proof chambers were exposed to recordings of male song, they responded by exhibiting mating behavior. By quantifying the responses, researchers were able to determine what particular features of the song were most important. In further experiments on song sparrows, researchers found that when exposed to a single song type repeated several times or to a repertoire of different song types, females responded more to the latter. The beauty of the experimental design is that it effectively rules out confounding variables; acoustic isolation assures that the female can respond only to the song structure itself.

If intersexual selection operates as theorized, males with more complicated songs should not only attract females more readily but should also enjoy greater reproductive success. At first, however, researchers doing fieldwork with song sparrows found no correlation between larger repertoires and early mating, which has been shown to be one indicator of reproductive success; further, common measures of male quality used to predict reproductive success, such as weight, size, age, and territory, also failed to correlate with song complexity.

The confirmation researchers had been seeking was finally achieved in studies involving two varieties of warblers. Unlike the song sparrow, which repeats one of its several song types in bouts before switching to another, the warbler continuously composes much longer and more variable songs without repetition. For the first time, researchers found a significant correlation between repertoire size and early mating, and they discovered further that repertoire size had a more significant effect than any other measure of male quality on the number of young produced. The evidence suggests that warblers use their extremely elaborate songs primarily to attract females, clearly confirming the effect of intersexual selection on the evolution of birdsong.

17.1. The passage is primarily concerned with

(A) showing that intrasexual selection has a greater effect on birdsong than does intersexual selection

(B) contrasting the role of song complexity in several species of birds

(C) describing research confirming the suspected relationship between intersexual selection and the complexity of birdsong

(D) demonstrating the superiority of laboratory work over field studies in evolutionary biol.y

(E) illustrating the effectiveness of a particular approach to experimental design in evolutionary biol.y

17.2. The author mentions the peacock’s tail in line 8 most probably in order to

(A) cite an exception to the theory of the relationship between intrasexual selection and male competition

(B) illustrate the importance of both of the pathways that shaped the evolution of birdsong

(C) draw a distinction between competing theories of intersexual selection

(D) give an example of a feature that may have evolved through intersexual selection by female choice

(E) refute a commonly held assumption about the role of song in mate attraction

17.3. According to the passage, which of the following is specifically related to intrasexual selection?

(A) Female choice

(B) Territorial behavior

(C) Complex song types

(D) Large song repertoires

(E) Visual ornamentation

17.4. Which of the following, if true, would most clearly demonstrate the interaction mentioned in lines 11-13?

(A) Female larks respond similarly both to short, simple songs and to longer, more complicated songs.

(B) Male canaries use visual ornamentation as well as elaborate song repertoires for mate attraction.

(C) Both male and female blackbirds develop elaborate visual and vocal characteristics.

(D) Male jays use songs to compete among themselves and to attract females.

(E) Male robins with elaborate visual ornamentation have as much reproductive success as rivals with elaborate vocal characteristics.

17.5. The passage indicates that researchers raised female cowbirds in acoustic isolation in order to

(A) eliminate confounding variables

(B) approximate field conditions

(C) measure reproductive success

(D) quantify repertoire complexity

(E) prevent early mating

17.6. According to the passage, the song sparrow is unlike the warbler in that the song sparrow

(A) uses songs mainly in territorial behavior

(B) continuously composes long and complex songs

(C) has a much larger song repertoire

(D) repeats one song type before switching to another

(E) responds aggressively to recorded songs

17.7. The passage suggests that the song sparrow experiments mentioned in lines 37-43 failed to confirm the role of intersexual selection because

(A) females were allowed to respond only to the song structure

(B) song sparrows are unlike other species of birds

(C) the experiments provided no evidence that elaborate songs increased male reproductive success

(D) the experiments included the songs of only a small number of different song sparrows

(E) the experiments duplicated some of the limitations of previous field studies








(d) 有印象的话这种结构只在第二段出现过,错。

(e)看到most马上就知道错,不仅仅是本段,即使放在全文也没有出现过最高级,至出现了大量的比较级,而比较级中没有出现过than any这样的字眼,因此最高级必错。









(b)simulation model为4段内容。

(d)(e)benefit/benefitial莫名其妙。并且(e)中的have been found原文中没有。










(b) 先不管到底这句话对不对,至少一眼要能看出这是细节内容,错。

(c) 看到explain就知道错了。










和国内学生写文章不一样,美国人的阅读文章中从来都不出现“I think that,in my opinion,as far as I am considered”此类语言做主题句。通常来说主题句有以下两种形式:

1. 判断句(含情态动词,系动词,正负褒贬词的句子);

2. 概括文章将来结构。


以这句话为例:Your minds changed my attitude. 这句话中并没有情态动词和系动词,因此这句话自然不是判断句,也就不是主题句。但只要在这句话中加入一个正负褒贬词,即一个词表明作者的态度或观点的词即是判断句了。比如,Your minds successfully changed my attitude即是判断句了。

另外,如果一个句子不是判断句,只要它能够概括文章将来结构,及文章后面会从哪几个方面来说明,也是主题句。比如,People are living longer now. 这句话一定不是主题句,而如果这句话是,People are living longer now since the improvement of food condition and the development of medical technology.这句话即是主题句了。因为它概括了文章后面会从哪几个方向来进行说明。



比如一篇文章的开头是,Mycorrhizal fungi infect more plants than do any other fungi and are necessary for many plants to thrive, but they have escaped widespread investigation until recently for two reasons. First, the symbiotic association is so well-balanced that the roots of host plants show no damage even when densely infected. Second, the fungi cannot as yet be cultivated in the absence of a living root.




Partha has withdrawn its troops from Baltia after five years of occupation. Earlier this year the country of Cardcna began shipping mules to Baltia's resistance fighters to facilitate transport of weapons across Baltia's mountains to the battle areas. Cardena's diplomats now claim that without

Cardena's aid to Baltia's resistance fighters, Partha would not have withdrawn.

Which of the following, if true, casts the most serious doubt on the accuracy of the assertion of Cardena's diplomats?

(A) No precise figures are available concerning the number of mules shipped to Baltia.

(B) During the past year, Cardena shipped weapons and food, as well as mules, to resistance fighters in Baltia.

(C) Last year a new government took power in Partha and decided that national interests were not served by the occupation of Baltia.

(D) Two years ago Partha had no plans to reduce its forces in Baltia.

(E) Resistance fighters in Baltia fought for five years against Partha's occupying troops.


问题: 下面哪一个如果正确的话,最能反对外交家断言的正确性

读题: 在5年的占领后,P从B撤军。今年的早些时候C开始运送骡子给B的抵抗部队,以方便在B国山区的运输。现在C外交官宣称,没有C的帮助,P不会撤军。

分析:题中第一句话就告诉我们一个事实,P从B撤军了,而C外交家断言说:这是因为C的 帮助,问题是反对C外交官的宣称,也就是要反对原因。




B、去年, C运送武器,食物和骡子给B国抵抗部队 support,和原因是相同点。

C、去年P国一个新政府上台,认为占领B并没有获利 weaken, 其他原因解释为什么撤军, 占领并不获利,所以撤军

E、抵抗部队和P国军队战斗了5年。 不要进一步联想是抵抗部队打跑了P,它只是说战斗而已



How can the hormone adrenaline that does not act directly on the brain have a regulatory effect on brain function? Recently, we tested the possibility that one of the hormone's actions outside the brain might be responsible. Since one consequence of adrenaline release in an animal is an increase in blood glucose levels, we examined the effects of glucose on memory in rats. We found that glucose injected immediately after training enhances memory tested the next day. Additional evidence was provided by negative findings: drugs called adrenergic antagonists, which block peripheral adrenaline receptors, disrupted adrenaline's ability to regulate memory but did not affect memory enhancements produced by glucose that was not stimulated by adrenaline. These results are as they should be if adrenaline affects memory modulation by increasing blood glucose levels. (131 words)

10.The author refers to the results of the experiment using adrenergic antagonists as “negative findings” most likely because the adrenergic antagonists

(A) failed to disrupt adrenaline's effect on memory

(B) did not affect glucose's ability to enhance memory.

(C) did not block adrenaline's ability to increase blood glucose levels

(D) only partially affected adrenaline's ability to enhance memory

(E) disrupted both adrenaline's and glucose's effect on memory



Our words are meaningless and cannot be distinguished from their opposites, as can be proved by an example. People think that they know the difference between the meanings of “bald” and “having hair.” Suppose an average person twenty-one years of age has N hairs on his or her head. We say that that person is not bald but has hair. But surely one hair less would make no difference, and a person with N-1 hairs on his or her head would be said to have hair. Suppose we kept on, with one hair less each time. The result would be the same. But what would be the difference between someone who had one hair and someone who had none? We call them both bald. Nowhere can we make a distinction between “bald ” and “having hair.”

Which of the following statements best counters the argument above?

The word “bald” can be translated into other languages.

A word can have more than one meaning.

A word such as “cat” can be applied to several animals that differ in some respects.

Words can lack precision without being meaningless.

People cannot think clearly without using words.



That sales can be increased by the presence of sunlight within a store has been shown by the experience of the only Savefast department store with a large skylight. The skylight allows sunlight into half of the store, reducing the need for artificial light. The rest of the store uses only artificial light. Since the store opened two years ago, the departments on the sunlit side have had substantially higher sales than the other departments.

Which of the following, if true, most strengthens the argument?

(A) On particularly cloudy days, more artificial light is used to illuminate the part of the store under the skylight.

(B) When the store is open at night, the departments in the part of the store under the skylight have sales that are no higher than those of other departments.

(C) Many customers purchase items from departments in both parts of the store on a single shopping trip.

(D) Besides the skylight, there are several significant architectural differences between the two parts of the store.

(E) The departments in the part of the store under the skylight are the departments that generally have the highest sales in other stores in the Savefast chain.






















