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The nonmainstream areas can do harm to[1] the society, only when people don't inquire them merely for fun, but for resolution[2] of life instead. It is ignorance because no one in the world could point out way for others, neither does the God[3]. Only those people with confidence have the possibility to successfully solve problems.


Nonmainstream areas can harm society when people look to them for genuine solutions to real problems, not just for fun. This is done from ignorance, since nobody, not even God, can provide any answers. Only people with confidence can successfully solve their problems.



这段与前一段的问题一样,只阐明了观点,但是没有提出任何的例证来支持观点。只说论点,不讲证据是中国学生的普遍问题。另外,在英语国家里,上帝是主流的而不是“非主流的”。在内容上又有点偏题。文章的题目是主流与非主流,可以定义为科学与迷信,但是宗教并不是迷信。宗教在西方社会是居于主流地位的。这一段的措辞有点像是讨论科学与宗教的关系,这是不恰当的。不过,这篇习作有一个突出的优点就是每一段的开头句都有topic sentence开宗明义。



Nonmainstream areas can be harmful when people look to them for genuine solutions to real problems, not just for fun. A person who becomes ill should seek help from a health care professional but should not resort to consulting a fortune-teller. Astrologers may believe that the rotation of planets accounts for influenza, yet aspirin is definitely more effective in treating its symptoms. As for individuals, only people with confidence and problem-solving skills can surmount difficulties. If you treat an important interview lightly just because the astrology column says that you have fabulous luck in job-hunting, you may ruin a great opportunity.


And[4] the mainstream science plays the very vital role to provide people with reasonable methods[5]. These science are based on practical experiments, carefully analize and reasoning[6]. They may not seem as good as those nonmainstream areas in satisfying human needs, but under their artless face they give people real help.


On the other hand, science plays the very vital role of providing people with reasoned[7] methods to conduct life. Science is based on practical experiments, careful analysis, and reasoning. They may not seem as miraculous as nonmainstream areas in satisfying human needs, but under their artless face they give people real help.





On the other hand, the history of mankind has amply demonstrated that, science based on experiments and analysis, provide people with reasoned methods to conduct life. Psychology explains human behavior. Sociology enlightens people on their relationship with their surrounding environment. Modern medicine has advanced so much that it is now possible to predict cancer even before a child is born.


Generally speaking, the so-called[8] nonmainstream areas color our life to a great extent, but we should believe in[9] the mainstream science when we want to resolve problems[10].


Mainstream areas color our lives to a great extent, but we should put our trust in mainstream science when we want to solve real problems.




[1] “Do harm to”改为“harm”,因为这样说更直接。英语里有 “does more harm than good”, “did little harm”这样的表达法,但是“对…有害”应该直接用 “harm”, 或者be harmful to, be detrimental to.

[2] “resolution” 是“决心”的意思,如New Year resolution. 此外还有“决议”的意思,如:a resolution of the dispute.“解决问题”中的“解决”要用“solve” 或者“solution”。

[3] “the God”改为“God ”或是“the Gods”。


[5]原稿中只提到了methods,而没有说是干什么的方法。改后稿改为methods to conduct life,具体说明了处理生活的方法。

[6]第二句犯了parallelism的错误,不能够真正的平行。practical experiments是个名词, carefully analize 是副词加动词,而reasoning是动名词。“科学看上去不如非主流的追求那样满足人们的追求。”这句话在内容上也是有问题的。

[7] reasoned表示“合乎逻辑的”,reasonable表示“较为合理的”不一定是合乎逻辑的。reasonable还表示“费用不高的”。

[8] 用法错误:“So-called”暗示所提及的内容不是真正意义上的非主流,只是这样叫罢了。

[9] believe in: 信仰, trust, put trust in: 信任。

[10] resolve conflict解决冲突,解决问题直接用solve problems就可以了。real problem表示现实当中的问题。


GRE issue写作优秀实例:技术影响之交流


High-speed electronic communications media, such as electronic mail and television, tend to prevent meaningful and thoughtful communication.



The technology is seducive:the global networks transparently transiting megabytes of information in fractions of a second; client/server softwares supporting fabulous real-time multimedia presentations on PC and MAC workstations; effortless visits to the virtual reality words. As a result, the interpersonal communication become increasingly meaningful and thoughtful in that the appearance of high-speed electronic communications media such as electronic mail and television accumulates more people in different geographicla places to a conference and facilitate their communication.

No field benefits more than business in terms of commercial intercourse from the electronic communication, which can save the engaged businessmen plenty of time ,energy and money, in other words, make profits for them. Instead of taking several flights one day to make trades with people, now the businessman just need sit down in front of the computer screen , and click the keys. While it is expensive to call in a large number of people to a definite place to hold a meeting, by utilizing electronic television, electronic conference presently goes on in the internet, ecnomically and efficiently. Thereby electronic media facilitate our meaningful communication, which contributes to the prosperity of business in reality.

On an individual level, electronic communications media shorten the distance of people to such a degree that every and each one, regardless of sex, nationality, and race, can talk with each other in the global village through internet. When people of different backgrounds participate in a specific talk toward a special topic, motley assortments of opinions and views bear their heads and in the mean time we share our sparks of thoughts, we can obtain the more profound and through understanding of the matter around us. Further , the implements based on the internet offer us a another way to communicate with our familiar friends. Unlike talking to them in true life, where we have to conceal some of our inner expression when facing to facing, we are able to free our mask and interact with each other without restrictions of the mind, and thus carry a deep talk.

Yet some people may argue that the internet renders people no thoughtful and meaningful communication, since they contrive misleading information and play evil jokes to others. Nonetheless, this has, in my opinion, nothing to do with the internet itself. Rather, if we are honest and sincere enough behind the screen, the problem will not exist and thus we can make most use of the electronic means to foster our life.

In sum , I disagree with the statement in that from our empirical experience, the electronic media makes our communication increasingly meaningful and thoughtful.As long as we adopt a genuine and candid attitude towards people in the global networks, no matter in many social field such as the business area or from a personal perspective, electronic communications media will serve as a powerful and serviceable implement aided in our quotidian life.

GRE issue写作优秀实例:技术影响之旅游


Because of television and worldwide computer connections, people can now become familiar with a great many places that they have never visited. As a result,tourism will soon become obsolete.



Will the widespread television and computer connections dampen people’ enthusiasm for tourism? The speaker claim that the prospect would be that tourism will soon become obsolete, but I seriously doubt it. In my point of view, although television and computer connections provide people alternatives of viewing the world without stepping out of their homes, these modern conveniences kindle more people’s tourism lust.

Admittedly, television and computer connections do slow down some people’s interest in tourism. By viewing the vivid description of certain tourist attractions with detailed illustration provided by television and computers, it makes the once illusionary picture of staying at home and traveling around the world become a possible scenario that everybody can get accessed to. What is more, due to the fast-rhythm modern life,except during vacations, people can hardly afford time to travel around whenever they want. Thus, television problems and computer network become effective substitutes.But I by no means agree that tourism will become obsolete. Daily empirical evidences show us that instead of becoming out of date with all the programs focusing on places of interest, tourism is prospering unprecedented. According to statistical study, the global revenue brought out by tourism has amount to one third of the total and this trend tends to increase gradually and at the same time, traveling expenditure for individual household has account for the biggest spending next to food and accommodation. The main causes underlying this trend lies in two aspects.

For one thing, psychological research shows that human beings are sensible animals whose curiosity can only be satisfied with all the five sensation being obtained, such as touch, taste, hearing smelling and view. Although it is possible for human to view beautiful pictures, listen people’s voices, or understand the weird customs, when it comes to other sensations, televisions and computers can hardly fulfill their task comparing with people’s direct experience of being in that place. Consider, for example,food has constituted an important part of culture and how it is possible for us to have a bite of the tasty food of Peking duck, Italian noodles or Japanese sushi. Nothing would be more valuable than surfing in the sea, lying on the beach to enjoy the sunshine, smell the fragrant earth in the California coastline. The above examples best illustrate why with all the convenience of staying home and approach to several nations in a few hours still cannot satisfy peoples’ lust for traveling.

The second deep-rooted reason for the prospering of tourism is actually achieved in some sense by the wide spreading of televisions and computer connection. People were reluctant to leave their home and travel in other courtiers for the concern of safety and cultural difference and adaptation. Thanks to all the television programs available, we come to realize how to socialize with local people, deal with cultural shock and arrange our trips from the guidance of those programs. For example, we observe an increasing willingness in recent years for Americans to travel to north-east Asia or Africa instead of clustering to European countries what they consider close in culture and secure both mentally and physically. Having a net friend you get to know on the Internet deepens our understanding about another culture that we never encounter before and this in turn, stimulate our desire and curiosity to experience by our own in that place.

To sum up, I agree with the speaker to certain extent that television and computer connection make it possible for people to sit at home and travel around the world. But by going too far to claim that tourism will become obsolete is against the empirical observation in our daily life as well as fact that the first-hand experience arouses psychological enjoyment. In addition, by familiar ourselves with foreign culture through Internet and television programs diminish our sense of insecurity and cultural gap brought out by total blindness and ignorance about another nation and thus shed light on our curiosity as well as the willingness to explore.


“Our declining environment may bring the people of the world together as no politician, philosopher, or war ever could. Environmental problems are global in scope and respect no nation's boundaries. Therefore, people are faced with the choice of unity and cooperation on the one hand or disunity and a common tragedy on the other.”

At no other time then in our present time has the need for unity and togetherness been more necessary to the inhabitants on our planet. For many decades the motto has been one of waste and denial. The world is in a race - racing to become number one - racing to destroy the earth. Traditions of protecting the earth have been abandoned as the need to satisfy infantile needs and desires wins out over the more philosophical desires of thought and meaning. Unfortunately many do not see the need for reforms in actions and thought; people are living for today and not tomorrow. Those that can believe in a future, and exhibit a desire to make a difference in this future must find a way to influence the remaining masses, and often it seems that the world simply refused to listen or learn from its past mistakes.

Those that answer this calling will not do so for notiority, but instead for their beliefs that they can make a difference. They will need to be of strong heart, body, soul, and beliefs. Understanding the need for an overhaul in our system in the rampant abuses is the first step to obtaining advancement in the struggle to bring the world together in a way that will benefit mankind today and tomorrow.

For too many years American's have persuaded themselves that the envirnoment was in no danger. Every year laws have been passed to protect our land, animals, and even our people. More often than not there are loopholes in these laws, allowing the environment to remain in peril. It seems that we often forget that we are not the only ones on earth. We are only a small percentage, and much too often our actions have a great effect on those that must subsist on this earth as well. One threatening example of this is the depletion of the rain forests in the Central and South Americas. It seems difficult for Americans to understand how these people can destroy their natural landscapes. Not only is the landscaped destroyed and the invaluable plants and animal life are also destroyed, and these can never be recovered. Americans express their annoyance at such practices, failing to see that we as consumers are one of the main causes of such actions. As a consumer society we depend on wood and other materials from these areas. Unfortunately these areas are nothing like what we see at home, instead it is a world of unimaginable poverty and harshness. In these areas where poverty is so prevalent often the only means of survival is found through the clearing of the precious rain forest for farm land. Certainly the fact that these people are farming in order to maintain their survival is important and can not be over looked. Yet, in most cases the farming is not done as a means of raising food and livestock for their own uses. This land is usually used to grow food for other countries such as America. This scenario depicts the wickedness that has become of our world. The first world nations are destroying the second and third world nations in order to fuel our excessive desires.

The world must find a way to come together so that there will be a tomorrow for everyone. New legislation must be passed that protects not only the environment of America, but the environments of other countries. Big business must also realize that they can no longer use dirty legislation and kickbacks to continue to pollute the earth.

Another important aspect that people must learn is that if we cannot learn to recycle and reduce waste, one day we will run out of dumping ground. It is frightening to think that this is what it will to take to make most people realize that actions must be taken to clean up our earth. It seems that we will only be able to come together when there is not other alternative. Perhaps the must unfathomable thought is, what happens if people do not unite together now to protect our environment. It can only seem that we will once again be threatened with war as we fight each other to death over the last precious miles of land and food. Civilization will have come full circle; all of our technological and scientific advances will mean nothing if the earth is destroyed and mankind subsequently wiped out with it


This is a generally well-developed response in which the writer examines the complexities of the issue and explains ideas clearly through good control of the elements of effective writing.

The writer strongly agrees with the topic's claim and uses the first paragraph to expand on the idea that environmental problems imperil the earth. These problems, according to the writer, derive from people's lack of maturity (“infantile needs and desires”) and lack of foresight (“people are living for today and not tomorrow.”)

The third paragraph provides a highly relevant example of the complexities involved in the issue, showing how damage to the rainforest can be attributed both to poverty in Latin America and to the voracious appetite of the wealthy North American “consumer society.” From here the writer returns to the focus on planning for “tomorrow” and proposes a specific remedy (“New legislation must be passed?”) The discussion closes with a passionate description of a negative scenario for the future.

The response is well organized but, unlike a 6 paper, does not sustain a tight focus. Although the example of the rain forest degradation is highly relevant and fully developed, many of the reasons and assertions receive only cursory development or explanation (“new legislation must be passed? It can only seem that we will once again be threatened with war?”).

The sentence structure in the essay is often nicely varied but at other times is choppy (“This land is?” “This scenario depicts?” “The first world nations?”) Thus, the connection between ideas is also choppy at times.

The vocabulary is generally well chosen, with words such as “depletion,” “unfathomable,” and “subsequently.” However, the phrasing is at times imprecise, as in these examples: “We are only a small percentage,” and “At no other time then in our present time has the need??? been more necessary?” Although these problems keep the paper out of the 6 category, it is nevertheless a strong response to the topic.








People?of?the?world?need?to?understand?the?situation?our?generation?and?generations?to?come?are?faced with.??This?understanding?needs?to?come?from?education.??The?United?States?has?always?been?a?forerunner?in?wars,?peace?talks,?etc.??It?is?now?time?for?the?United?States?to?be?the?leader?in?solutions?to?environmental?concerns.??The?greatest?barrier?in?any?situation?is?communication.??If?we?communicate?with?each?other?and?work?together?instead?of?apart?results?would?be?seen.??Education?is?another?great?concern,?especially?in?underdeveloped?countries?and?third?world?nations.??There?is?a?lack?of?education?in?many?of?these?countries.??Education?is?the?key?to?success.??


































