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Section 4

1. 一开始只有卫生间外面的`地毯是_________,因为破裂的水管里的水;最后整个走廊都被淹了。

Initially only the carpeting outside the restroom was __________ by water from the burst pipe; eventually the entire hallway flooded.

diverted v. 转移

confined v. 有限的

scuttled v. 急走

cleansed v. 弄干净

drenched v. 湿透的

2. 群居对狼和老鼠这样的动物有好也有坏:群居让动物来__________体温,但是让他们更___________被捕食者发现。

Communal nests have advantages and disadvantages for animals like wolves and mice: they enable the animals to _________ body heat, but leave them more __________ to discovery by predators.

insure v. 确保...inclined adj. 倾向于

maintain v. 维持...vulnerable adj. 易受攻击的

squander v. 浪费...liable adj. 有责任的

stimulate v. 刺激...resistant adj. 反抗

retain v. 保持...immune adj. 免疫的



1. The success of the business venture ____ his expectations; he never thought that the firm would prosper.

A. confirmed

B. belied

C. nullified

D. fulfilled

E. ratified

2. For centuries there was no ___ between their descendents; in fact ____ strife continued until modern times.

A. peace - internecine

B. hostility - intermittent

C. malevolence - intense

D. amity - contrived

E. difference - feudal

3. The journalist ____ the efforts of the drug squad to control drug peddling, claiming that they had actually ____ the problem.

A. commended - increased

B. lauded - intensified

C. decried - solved

D. deprecated - exacerbated

E. noted - caused

4. Since the Romans failed to ____ the tribes in Northern Britain, they built a wall to ____ the tribes.

A. conquer - alienate

B. impress - intimidate



Sat Sentence Completion Test 1

1. Today Wegeners theory is ____ ; however, he died an outsider treated with ____ by the scientific establishment.

A. unsupported - approval

B. dismissed - contempt

C. accepted - approbation

D. unchallenged - disdain

E. unrivalled - reverence

2. The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ____ on as fiercely as ever.

A. trudges

B. meanders

C. edges

D. ambles

E. rages

3. Each occupation has its own ____ ; bankers, lawyers and computer professionals, for example, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following.

A. merits

B. disadvantages

C. rewards

D. jargon

E. problems

4. ____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members.

A. garrulous

B. equivocal

C. taciturn

D. arrogant

E. gregarious



Sat Sentence Completion Test 1

1. Today Wegeners theory is ____ ; however, he died an outsider treated with ____ by the scientific establishment.

A. unsupported - approval

B. dismissed - contempt

C. accepted - approbation

D. unchallenged - disdain

E. unrivalled - reverence

2. The revolution in art has not lost its steam; it ____ on as fiercely as ever.

A. trudges

B. meanders

C. edges

D. ambles

E. rages

3. Each occupation has its own ____ ; bankers, lawyers and computer professionals, for example, all use among themselves language which outsiders have difficulty following.

A. merits

B. disadvantages

C. rewards

D. jargon

E. problems

4. ____ by nature, Jones spoke very little even to his own family members.

A. garrulous

B. equivocal

C. taciturn

D. arrogant

E. gregarious

5. Biological clocks are of such ____ adaptive value to living organisms, that we would expect most organisms to ____ them.



1. 避免成为_________,作曲家斯蒂芬宋和恩努力让他的歌曲拥有惊喜元素。

To avoid being _________ , composer Stephen Sondheim strives for an element of surprise in his songs.

erratic adj. 不稳定的

informal adj. 非正式的

elaborate adj. 详细描述

predictable adj. 意料之中的,墨守成规的

idiosyncratic adj. 特质的

2. 因为熊猫已经被疾病和干旱所变弱,一个严厉的冬天对它们会有_________的'后果。

Because the pandas had already been weakened by disease and drought, a harsh winter would have had _________ consequences for them.

preventive adj. 预防的

regressive adj. 后退的

catastrophic adj. 灾难性的

unforeseen adj. 未预见到的

moderate adj. 适度的

3. 对于很多村民来说,婚姻实际上是一个__________,一个人即使__________爱也要得到经济利益。



Sat Sentence Completion Test 2

1. Unwilling to admit that they had been in error, the researchers tried to ____ their case with more data obtained from dubious sources.

A. ascertain

B. buttress

C. refute

D. absolve

E. dispute

2. Archaeology is a poor profession; only ____ sums are available for excavating sites and even more ____ amounts for preserving the excavations.

A. paltry - meager

B. miniscule - substantial

C. average - augmented

D. judicious - penurious

E. modest - generous

3. The student was extremely foolhardy; he had the ____ to question the senior professors judgment.

A. wisdom

B. temerity

C. interest

D. trepidation

E. condescension

4. The formerly ____ waters of the lake have been polluted so that the fish are no longer visible from the surface.

A. muddy

B. tranquil

C. stagnant

D. pellucid














① 209月29日21时16分,我国自主研制的天宫一号目标飞行器发射升空,向空间站时代迈出了坚实的一步。

② 在的珠海航展上,被问及为何给中国首个空间实验室命名为天宫时,中国空间技术研究院工程师王菡表示,人们把住得最舒服的地方叫做宫殿,而将空间实验室命名为天宫,则是希望宇航员们在太空中生活的地方能与宫殿一样舒适。天宫一号的名字还让人联想起古典名著《西游记》中的孙悟空大闹天宫。此外,天宫是中华民族对未知太空的通俗叫法。因此,起以天宫一号为目标飞行器命名,应该会很好地得到国人的'共鸣。

③ 天宫一号空间实验室长约9米,最大直径3.35米,重量约8.5吨,采用两舱组成结构,分别是实验舱和资源舱。实验舱本体分为前锥段、圆柱段和后锥段;密封的前锥段和圆柱段为航天员短期驻留提供在轨生活工作空间,可容纳3名航天员生活;后部非密封的后锥段安装再生生保设备;在前锥段前部还装有空间交会对接设备。资源舱则包括发动机和电源装置等,外部安置太阳翼,用于提供轨道与姿态控制、电力能源供应、热控环控。

④ 天宫一号的主要任务是作为空间交会对接目标,完成空间交会对接飞行试验;验证天地往返运输飞船的性能和功能;突破航天员中期驻留、飞行器长期在轨自主飞行、再生式生保和货运飞船补加等关键技术,保障航天员在轨短期驻留期间安全的工作和生活;同时初步建立能够短期载人、长期无人独立可靠运行的空间试验平台。

⑤ 天宫一号在寿命、对接口等方面不同于其他空间站。首先,试验性空间站在轨寿命通常低于5年,而其他空间站可达5至,或者更长。其次,试验性空间站的规模较小,对接口也少,没有扩展能力。而其他空间站至少有2个对接口,能同时对接载人运输器、货物运输器或专用实验舱。三是试验性空间站上的航天员一次在轨时间较短,一般是几十天。而其他空间站上的航天员一次在轨时间大多为百天以上。

⑥ 天宫一号与国外试验性空间站在功能和用途方面有相似之处,但质量较小,约为8吨,而国外试验性空间站都为20吨级以上,因此称其为简易空间实验室更加合适。

12. 选文第②~⑤段依次从哪四个方面介绍了天宫一号?(4分)13. 第⑤段中加点的通常一词能否去掉?为什么?( 2 分)

14. 第⑤段运用了哪两种说明方法?有什么作用?(4分)


12. 命名由来、组成结构、主要任务、技术特点(与其他空间站的区别)(4分)

13. 不能去掉,通常表示一般情况,不排除有特殊情况,说明试验性空间站在轨寿命有可能超过五年,如果删去就太绝对了,体现了说明文语言的准确性。(2分)

14. 列数字、作比较,准确、突出地说明我国的天宫一号试验性空间站与其他空间站相比还有很大差距。(4分)



1.Since William the Conqueror in 1066, every British sovereign has been crowned in Westminster Abbey except Edward V and Edward VIII, neither of them were crowned.

(A) neither of them were

(B) neither were

(C) neither of whom was

(D) with neither being

(E) with neither who had been

2.Upon its completion in May 1883, the Brooklyn Bridge, a steel suspension bridge linking Brooklyn to Manhattan as the longest bridge in the world.

(A) to Manhattan as

(B) to Manhattan, and was

(C) and Manhattan, was

(D) with Manhattan, it was

(E) with Manhattan, as it was

3.After serving two terms in the Texas State Senate, Barbara Jordan’s election to the United States House of Representatives, where she served from 1973 to 1979.

(A) Barbara Jordan’s election

(B) it was Barbara Jordan who was elected

(C) it was Barbara Jordan’s election

(D) Barbara Jordan had been elected

(E) Barbara Jordan was elected

4.The finest quality raw silk comes from the commonly domesticated silkworm, Bombyx mori, it feeds on the leaves of the mulberry tree.

(A) it feeds

(B) feeding

(C) they feed

(D) which feeds

(E) having fed

5.Many of the instruments used in early operations of the United States Army Signal Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of the heliograph.

(A) Corps were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly that of the heliograph

(B) Corps, there were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians, particularly the heliograph

(C) Corps, and in particular the heliograph, was an adaptation of equipment used by the Plains Indians

(D) Corps, and in particular the heliograph, were adaptations of equipment used by the Plains Indians

(E) Corps being adaptations, the heliograph in particular, of those used by Plains Indians

6.Listening to good storybooks sharpen children’s awareness and appreciation for the sounds of spoken language.

(A) sharpen children’s awareness

(B) sharpens children’s awareness of

(C) are what sharpens the awareness of children

(D) sharpens the awareness of children

(E) is to sharpen children’s awareness

7.The advent of innovative computer and communications technology toward the end of the twentieth century ushered in a new era, not dominated by industry anymore, rather it was information.

(A) era, not dominated by industry anymore, rather it was information

(B) era, it was dominated by information over industry

(C) era, which was not dominated anymore by industry but rather information

(D) era dominated by information rather than industry

(E) era dominated not by industry, but it was information



1. From what has been discussed above, you can get your preference. Personally, I think ______________

has more advantages.

2. On the one hand, it has helped china ______________. On the other hand, it has increased chinas

______________, and at the same time, made great contributions to our national development.

3. In my opinion, to solve this problem there might be two ways. One way to tackle this question is

______________. Another way that is worth adopting is ______________.

4. As far as I am concerned, I trust the advantages mentioned above exceed the disadvantages.

5. For me, ______________ is a glory and it is the most important thing I have to take into feasible


6. As regards me, I tend to pick ______________, for ______________. Whats more, ______________.

7. If I were given a choice between ______________ and ______________, I would certainly prefer

______________. For me, ______________.













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