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Rice yields falling under global warming


Global warming is cutting rice yields in many parts of Asia, according to research, with more declines to come.

Yields have fallen by 10-20% over the last 25 years in some locations.

The group of mainly US-based scientists studied records from 227 farms in six important rice-producing countries such as Thailand, Vietnam, India and China.

This is the latest in a line of studies to suggest that climate change will make it harder to feed the world's growing population by cutting yields.

In , other researchers found that rice yields in the Philippines were dropping by 10% for every 1C increase in night-time temperature.

That finding, like others, came from experiments on a research station.

The latest data, by contrast, comes from working, fully-irrigated farms that grow “green revolution” crops, and span the rice-growing lands of Asia from the Indian state of Tamil Nadu to the outskirts of Shanghai.

Describing the findings, which are published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS), lead researcher Jarrod Welch said:

“We found that as the daily minimum temperature increases, or as nights get hotter, rice yields drop.”

The mechanism involved is not clear but may involve rice plants having to respire more during warm nights, so expending more energy, without being able to photosynthesise.

By contrast, higher temperatures during the day were related to higher yields; but the effect was less than the yield-reducing impact of warmer nights.

However, if temperatures continue to rise as computer models of climate project, Mr Welch says hotter days will eventually begin to bring yields down.

We see a benefit of [higher] daytime temperatures principally because we haven't seen a scenario where daytime temperatures cross over a threshold where they'd stop benefiting yields and start reducing them,“ he told BBC News.

”There have been some recent studies on US crops, in particular corn, that showed the drop-off after that threshold is substantial,“ said the University of California at San Diego researcher.

The assessment of climate impacts from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) concluded that although a modest temperature rise could increase crop yields in some regions, for ”temperature increases more than 3C, average impacts are stressful to all crops assessed and to all regions“.

A study published at the begining of last year concluded that half of the world's population could face a climate-induced food crisis by 2100, with the most extreme summers of the last century becoming routine towards the end of this century.


Death rate doubles in Moscow's smoke, heat


Scorching heat and acrid smoke have nearly doubled death rates in Moscow, a city official said on Monday, as a shroud of smog from raging forest and peat fires beset Russia's capital for a third week.

Firefighters battled wildfires covering 1,740 square km (672 sq miles) -- bigger than the area of Greater London -- in what the state weather forecaster said was Russia's worst heat wave for a millennium.

”The average death rate in the city during normal times is between 360 and 380 people per day. Today, we are around 700,“ Andrei Seltsovsky, Moscow's health department chief, told a city government meeting.

Russia's worst drought in decades has spooked world grain markets, driving wheat prices up at the swiftest rate in more than 30 years and raising the specter of a food crisis.

Seltsovsky said heat stroke was the main cause of the recent increase in deaths. He said ambulance dispatches in Moscow were up by about a quarter to 10,000 a day and problems linked to heart disease, bronchial asthma and strokes had increased.

”This is no secret,“ Seltsovsky said. ”Everyone thinks we're making secrets out of it. It's 40 degrees (Celsius, or 104 Fahrenheit) on the street. Abroad, people drown like flies and no one asks questions.“

Moscow morgues and hospitals were overcrowded, funeral parlors were doing a brisk business in coffins, and a sign in one crematorium said it was fully booked and taking no new orders.

”Today we have 80 bodies. We store them anywhere we can because the refrigerators are full,“ an attendant at Hospital No. 62's morgue, designed to hold up to 35 corpses, told Reuters.

Until Monday, neither federal nor Moscow authorities had announced data on deaths from heat and pollution, giving rise to suspicion of a Soviet-style cover-up in the face of criticism of the government's handling of the wildfire crisis.

Officials say 52 people have been killed by fires that have ravaged forests and fields and destroyed a handful of villages since late July.


Prime Minister Vladimir Putin last week announced a grain export ban from August 15 to December 31, sending prices higher and hurting shares of brewers such as Carlsberg and Heineken.

SovEcon, a leading agricultural analyst, said on Monday the government might extend the ban even longer, reducing -11 wheat exports to about 3 million tonnes instead of the earlier expected 10-11 million tonnes.

SovEcon also said Russia's wheat crop might be about one-third smaller than last year's, dropping to 43 million tonnes from 61.7 million tonnes in .

Russia's main sugar lobby warned on Monday that the drought may hamper this year's beet sugar output, reducing it from the earlier expected 4 million tonnes to 3.2-3.5 million tonnes.

The downgraded sugar beet forecast is not expect to change Russia's import needs as it has large domestic reserves. Almost all sugar produced in Russia is consumed domestically.

Kremlin critics have blamed Putin for what they call a sluggish and ineffective government response to the fires, but polls have so far shown no decline in his popularity.

Russia has begun to feel economic effects from the horrid weather conditions, which have prompted banks and businesses to reduce staffing and slowed activity in the service sector.

Alfa Bank, a Moscow investment bank, said it would not publish a daily research bulletin on Monday or Tuesday.

”Owing to severe weather in Moscow, there is only a limited presence at the bank,“ an Alfa official said in an e-mail.

According to the business daily Kommersant, investment bank Uralsib shortened its workday on Monday, and state-controlled behemoth Sberbank closed some of its back offices.

But many Muscovites did report for work, trudging to metro stations or driving on streets where visibility was far below normal and smog veiled buildings.

Many people wore facemasks to try to filter the smoke, but the masks were increasingly hard to find and some doctors raised concerns about an official whitewash of the real impact of the smoke in Moscow.

An unnamed doctor at a Moscow clinic wrote on his Internet site over the weekend that he was wary of diagnosing patients with heat- and smoke-related illnesses for fear of dismissal.

Another doctor at a major hospital, speaking on condition of anonymity, told Reuters on Sunday that senior management had instructed staff not to link patients' illnesses with the heat.

Moscow authorities said over the weekend that reception centers were operating city-wide as refuges from the heat. But Vitaly Bredikhin, deputy manager of one of the centers, said that about 90 percent of the facilities lacked air-conditioning.

At one of the shelters, in an old building near Pushkin Square in the center of the city, about 10 elderly people sat in a hot dining room with no air-conditioning or even a fan.


Judge orders US to keep protecting 'endangered' wolves

A federal judge has ordered the US to put Rocky Mountain grey wolves back on a list of protected endangered species.

Encouraged by the recovery of the once nearly-extinct wolf, the US last year moved to allow wolf hunts in two states while protecting them in a third.

But a judge ruled the law did not permit the US to protect part of a species population while allowing hunting of the rest.

Despite the ruling, Idaho said it would seek federal approval for a wolf hunt.

The decision puts wolves in the states of Montana and Idaho back on the endangered species list following their removal last year.

Wyoming's wolves had remained protected because the US government was unsatisfied with the state's wolf protection plan.

In Montana, US District Judge Donald Molloy came down on the side of a coalition of conservation groups who had challenged the US Fish and Wildlife Service's move to take the grey wolf off the endangered species list in Montana and Idaho.

Among several arguments, the coalition said the law did not permit the Fish and Wildlife Service to ”partially delist“ protected species - protecting the wolf in one state but not others.

Significant protection

”The plain language of the Endangered Species Act does not allow the agency to divide a [population segment] into a smaller taxonomy,“ Judge Molloy wrote.

Grey wolves were once abundant in the US, but a government-sponsored hunting programme nearly eradicated them. The wolves were gone from Montana, Idaho, Wyoming and south-western Canada by the 1930s.

The US passed the Endangered Species Act in 1973 and the wolf was listed as endangered in 1974, affording it significant protection from hunters.

In the 1990s, the government reintroduced wild wolf populations into the northern Rocky Mountains, situated in the western US.

Powerful ranching interests in the states concerned have opposed protection of the wolves, saying they threaten livestock.


1. What does the passage mainly discuss?

(A)A tool to assist in making complex decisions.

(B)A comparison of actual decisions and ideal decisions

(C) Research on how people make decisions

(D) Differences between long-range and short-range decision making

2. The word ”essential“ in line 7 is closest in meaning to

(A) introductory

(B) changeable

(C) beneficial

(D) fundamental

3. The word ”pertinent“ in line 9 is closest in meaning to

(A) relevant

(B) preceding

(C) insightful

(D) responsive

4. Of the following steps, which occurs before the others in making a decision worksheet?

(A) Listing the consequences of each solution

(B) Calculating a numerical summary of each solution

(C) Deciding which consequences are most important

(D) Writing down all possible solutions

5.According to decision-worksheet theory, an optimal decision is defined as one that

(A) has the fewest variables to consider

(B) uses the most decision worksheets

(C) has the most points assigned to it

(D) is agreed to by the greatest number of people

6. The author develops the discussion in paragraph 1 by means of

(A) describing a process

(B) classifying types of worksheets

(C) providing historical background

(D) explaining a theory

7. The author states that ”On the average, people can keep about seven ideas in their minds at once

(lines 17-18) to explain that

(A) most decisions involve seven steps

(B) human mental capacity has limitations

(C) some people have difficulty making minor as well as major decisions

(D) people can learn to keep more than seven ideas in their minds with practice

8. The word “succinct ”in line 24 is closest in meaning to

(A) creative

(B) satisfactory

(C) personal

(D) concise

9. Which of the following terms is defined in the passage ?

(A) Proponents (line 5)

(B) Optimal (line 5)

(C) Variables (line 17)

(D) Long-range goals (line 25)

10. The word “it” in line 24 refers to

(A) worksheet

(B) problem

(C) distinction

(D) decision

11. The word “revise” in line 26 is closest in meaning to

(A) ask

(B) explain

(C) change

(D) predict






TPO10 lecture 4关于儿童健忘症的两种解释。一种是儿童在3岁之前的阶段确实也形成了记忆,但是在我们长大的过程中就慢慢遗忘了;另一种是3岁以下的孩子缺乏记忆认知能力。

TPO15 lecture 1做事情时的精力分散和怎么集中精力做事情。首先讲的分散精力的一种遗忘;以电脑上敲字母为例子,后来又举分辨字母大小写的例子,讲到大脑区域的一部分V5与注意力的关系。



TPO14 lecture 1举了一个关于单词的例子解释了认识能力,记忆力和想象力,这些都是引导我们熟悉某事物并相信其存在的内在精神过程。每一个过程都有其局限性,可能会让我们产生错误的新年或做出错误的预测。

TPO2 lecture 1肌肉运动规律反应出我们的想法。约翰沃森认为喉部的运动是我们思想的符号。这是因为我们



psychology n. 心理学;心理状态

behaviorism n. 行为主义

muscular adj. 肌肉的;肌肉发达的;强健的

amnesia n. 健忘症,[内科] 记忆缺失

cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的

psychology n. 心理学;心理状态

infants n. 婴儿(infant的复数);婴幼儿

cognitive adj. 认知的,认识的

distraction n. 注意力分散;消遣;心烦意乱





托福阅读 VS SAT阅读






















Skimming是只看主要大意的速读。一篇文章的大意是有重点的。比如,当出现first second的这种归类总结的地方,或because,as a result这样的因果关系,或是 but,however的语意转折处,都需要格外留心。托福文章讲述主要观点之后通常会有for example来佐证,如果看懂了主要观点,那么对示例所用的时间和精力就不需要太多了。Skimming的技巧在第一遍阅读文章意图抓住文章大意时是非常重要的。





Excitement Builds for the Possibility of Life on Enceladus

Scientists tackle the question of how to search for life on Saturn’s sixth-largest moon

By Annie Sneed on June 28,

Saturn's icy moon Enceladus is thought to host a liquid ocean beneath its frozen surface that could be hospitable to life. Credit: NASA

Saturn’s frozen moon Enceladus is a tantalizing world—many scientists are increasingly convinced it may be the best place in our solar system to search for life. NASA’s Cassini spacecraft, currently orbiting Saturn, has made intriguing observations of icy jets spewing from a suspected underground liquid ocean on the mysterious world that might be hospitable to alien life.

Cassini’s tour is due to wind down in , and scientists badly want to send a dedicated mission to Enceladus to look for signs of life. In fact, some have already started seriously thinking about exactly how they might do this—including planetary scientist Carolyn Porco, who is the imaging team leader for Cassini. Earlier this month, she gathered a group of researchers including oceanographers, organic chemists and astrobiologists at the University of California, Berkeley, to strategize how to search for extraterrestrials on Enceladus—which, according to Porco, “is a total bitch of a problem to solve.”

Although Enceladus is small in size and shrouded in a thick shell of ice, it appears to be a habitable world: It has a source of energy from friction created by its orbit around Saturn, organic compounds that are building blocks for life and a liquid water ocean underneath all that ice. But just because Enceladus may be hospitable to life does not mean life exists there; it will take much more work to definitively prove it. At the Berkeley meeting, scientists laid out the data Cassini has collected for Enceladus—they discussed analyses of its geysers, measurements of its ice shell, ideas on what its ocean chemistry might be like, and more. Yet even with all the newest data and models scientists have, they are not even close to detecting organisms on Enceladus—hence the need for a space mission.

Finding life there would be a profound revelation that we are not alone in the cosmos. Furthermore, the discovery of organisms—or the lack thereof—could answer the subtler mystery of how life started on Earth. Researchers at the meeting presented two major opposing theories about how life here originated (in the ocean versus on land), and the group discussed how exploring Enceladus would inform this debate. “It would be a test of one of the ideas about the origin of life,” Porco says—specifically, the proposition that Earth’s species sprang in the sea. For example, if organisms exist in Enceladus’s ocean and presumably arose there, it would support the theory that life began on Earth in hydrothermal vents (hot, nutrient-rich, deep-sea vents on the ocean floor) rather than in patches of water on land.


Gas Hydrate

Gas Hydrate又称甲烷水合物(Methane Hydrate)系水分子与甲烷于低温高压(0℃,26大气压或10℃,76大气压下)形成类似冰状物质,在常温常压下即分解成水与甲烷,Gas Hydrate在水深数百公尺的大陆边缘地区存在如太平洋海域之大陆边缘,大西洋的大陆斜坡,南极大陆周边海域,Kvenvoden 估计Gas Hydrate总储量为1 x 1016(m)3,如能够开采将成为重要之能源,因为甲烷为温室效应气体,故其与全球气候之变化将为海突候之变化将为海洋钻探研究之重点。Gas Hydrate之存在与海底之稳定性亦有密切之关系。


「可燃烧的冰块」,这是许多人在介绍甲烷水合物时很喜欢引用的标题。在实验中人工合成的甲烷水合物就像一块不透明的冰块般纯白、洁净,在室温下一点火,它就自我燃烧起来(图一)。严格说来,甲烷水合物指的是甲烷气体分子在高压及低温的状态下,被呈笼状晶结架构的水分子所包合,而形成一种类似冰晶的化合物。这种气体分子和水分子的结合并不依靠化学的键结,纯粹是气体分子被包裹在水分子的笼状架构空隙中,与一般化学反应所产生的水合物性质并不相同。有的学者因而认为应称其为「甲烷气水包合物」(methane clathrate),以别于一般以化学键方式结合的水合物。另外,大自然中与水分子结成笼状包合物的气体分子并不限于甲烷,乙烷、丙烷等烷氢类气体,甚至二氧化碳、氮气等常见气体,在适当的高压低温条件下,均会与水分子结合成气水包合物。事实上,这类气水包合物的英文名称为「gas hydrate」,直译应为「天然气水合物」或「瓦斯水合物」。由于自然界中的天然气水合物其气体成份以甲烷为主(超过90%),因此一般人常把气水包合物称为「甲烷水合物」。本文随俗,用「甲烷水合物」代表学理上较严谨的「天然气气水包合物」一词。


About 纳米材料及其应用















What is p53 ?

After the identification of the p53 protein and the subsequent cloning of p53 genes from several species, early observations suggested that p53 may function as an oncogene, because overexpression of p53 appeared to cause oncogenic transformation of cells. In the late 1980s, however, several critical discoveries defined the normal function of p53 to be anti-oncogenic. Wild-type p53 genes, when introduced into cells, were found to be growth suppressive. The screening of DNA from colon cancer patients revealed that p53 mutations occur with unusually high frequency in tumor tissue, an observation that was extended to most of the other major forms of human cancer. Indeed, members of Li-Fraumeni cancer-prone families were shown to carry germ-line p53 mutations. The importance of these observations was underscored by the finding that mice that are homozygous null for p53, although developmentally competent, are highly predisposed to tumors.

The functional character of the p53 protein was determined by experiments showing that p53 contains a strong transcriptional activation domain within its amino terminus and that it is a tetrameric, sequence-specific DNA-biding protein with a defined cognate binding site containing two copies of the 10-mer (5'-RRRCA/TT/AGYYY-3'). Although the p53 protein acts as a transcriptional activator of genes containing p53-binding sites, it is also capable of strongly inhibiting transcription from many genes lacking p53-binding sites. Several oncogenic DNA viruses express viral gene products that associate with and inhibit the trans-activation function of p53, notably SV40 large T antigen, the adenovirus E1B 55-kD protein, and the E6 protein of oncogenic forms of human papillomavirus (HPV E6). In cells, p53 can associate with a 90-kD protein, identified as the product of the mdm-2 oncogene, which is amplified in some types of tumors. When bound to mdm-2, p53 can no longer function as an activator of transcription.

p53 plays multiple roles in cells. Expression of high levels of wild-type (but not mutant) p53 has two outcomes: cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. The observation that DNA-damaging agents induce levels of p53 in cells led to the definition of p53 as a checkpoint factor, akin, perhaps, to the product of the fad9 gene in yeast. While dispensable for viability, in response to genotoxic stress, p53 acts as an “emergency brake” inducing either arrest or apoptosis, protecting the genome from accumulating excess mutations. Consistent with this notion, cells lacking p53 were shown to be genetically unstable and thus more prone to tumors.




If you exhibit positive traits such as honesty and helpfulness, the chances are that you will be perceived as a good looking person, for a new study has found that the perception of physical attractiveness is influenced by a person's personality.

The study, led by Gary W. Lewandowski, Jr, found that people who exhibit negative traits, such as unfairness and rudeness, appear to be less physically attractive to observers.

In the study, the participants viewed photographs of opposite-sex individuals and rated them for attractiveness before and after being provided with information on personality traits.

After personality information was received, participants also rated the desirability of each individual as a friend and as a dating partner.

Information on personality was found to significantly alter perceived desirability, showing that cognitive processes modify judgments of attractiveness.

“Perceiving a person as having a desirable personality makes the person more suitable in general as a close relationship partner of any kind,” said Lewandowski.

The findings show that a positive personality leads to greater desirability as a friend, which leads to greater desirability as a romantic partner and, ultimately, to being viewed as more physically attractive.

The findings remained consistent regardless of how “attractive” the individual was initially perceived to be, or of the participants' current relationship status or commitment level with a partner.

What would you think of this lady's physical attractiveness if she exhibited bad personal traits?

“This research provides a more positive alternative by reminding people that personality goes a long way toward determining your attractiveness; it can even change people's impressions of how good looking you are,” said Lewandowski.












Slow drivers 'are among most dangerous on roads' and cause crashe.


Slow drivers are one of the biggest dangers on the road and should be treated like speeders, a report says.


Nearly a third of motorists have had a 'near miss' caused by someone travelling slowly.


These drivers create such frustration that six out of ten motorists feel stress rise and about half are tempted to 'undertake'.


It has led to calls for a crackdown on slow drivers including the setting of minimum limits or even ‘slow speed’ cameras.


Transport Department figures show 143 accidents a year are caused directly by slow drivers.


The report notes: ’In reaction to these slow drivers, almost half (45%) of motorists risk overtaking, thus increasing the chances of an accident.


'Although minimum speed limits are enforced on some UK motorways, there are few preventative measures that are used widely.'


In 2011 the government introduced a scheme which allows for £100 on-the-spot fine for careless driving-including those that drive too slow, though there is little evidence of this being taken seriously by the authorities.


More than a quarter (27 per cent) of drivers questioned want an explicit ‘ slow lane’ on roads to combat slow drivers.


Hot-spots for low middle lane hogs include the main A3 road between Surrey and Hampshire and the capital.




Vicky Tuck: 'I believe women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning'.

Young women are losing faith in the university system with nearly half believing it is not worth getting a degree.

Tuition fees and little chance of landinga good job make higher education an unattractive prospect for them, a study suggests.

It found that nearly half of female graduates would not go to university if they had the chance again.

The research will cause concern because it was carried out before the Government announced that fees will almost treble to ā9,000 in 2012.

The findings have prompted warnings that a generation of ambitious young women will miss out on a high-flyingcareer and the opportunity to continue their education.

Louise Court, editor of Cosmopolitan magazine, which conducted the survey, said young women seem to think university ‘a waste of time’.

‘It’s never been harder to be a young woman with ambition,’ she said. ‘Understandably, women are angry and frustrated about their future and this is having a damaging affect on their self-esteem.

The survey of 1,353 women also looked at the career prospects and financial outlook for women in 2011.

Two thirds of those questioned said they thought it would be ‘almost impossible’ to get their dream job and a quarter were unable to follow their preferred career.

Only 14 per cent said they felt safe from the sack.

And the financial situation for graduates was especially bad, with half saying they had so much student debt they could not save.

The same proportion believed they faced worse financial hardship than their parents.

One in seven women said they had been forced to postpone getting married because a wedding would be too expensive.

And more than one in six admitted that financial constraints had made them postpone trying to start a family.

Vicky Tuck, a campaigner for women’s education and former head of Cheltenham Ladies College, said: ‘The rise in fees is going to make a lot of people reflect on why they are going to university.

‘Before the introduction of fees it was not an automatic assumption that a degree would lead to a good job. It is only recently that we have seen that relationship.

‘I believe that women should only go to university if they have a genuine interest in learning, a precious opportunity. If they go purely to get a job, many will be disappointed.’

托福阅读资料 Music and Verbal Memory

Even if you haven’t touched a piano in years, if you suffered through music lessons as a kid you may have benefited from those lessons in ways you wouldn’t expect. When you train on a musical instrument your brain is stimulated and changes and develops as a result. Because the parts of the brain are interconnected this stimulation doesn’t affect musical ability only.

Psychologists have discovered that the stimulation musical training enacts on the left temporal region of your brain enhances verbal memory. People with musical training are significantly better at recalling words from a list and learning new words. What’s more, the longer the duration of musical training, the better the verbal memory.

So while children who study music for two years demonstrate better verbal memory than children who have not studied music, children who continue to study music

continue to improve their verbal memory. The good news for those of us who trained on musical instruments but quit at some point is that we don’t seem to lose the verbal benefits we gain from this training.

Scientists are particularly interested in what this suggests about the interconnectedness of the brain and thus the predictability of the effects of stimulation to a brain area on cognitive functions located in that area. Further research may lead to developments in cognitive rehabilitation for people with brain injuries. For example, in order to rebuild verbal memory in patients with injury to that part of the brain, doctors may prescribe music lessons.

托福阅读资料 Exercise keeps you younger

Exercise may hold the key to youth, according to a study published on Monday which showed people who keep fit are up to nine years biologically younger than those who do not.

The findings are the first to show in humans how keeping fit affects the ageing process.

The study of 2,401 twins found that a sedentary lifestyle raises the risk of a range of problems from heart disease to cancer and appears to play a key role in the ageing process.

It all appears to boil down to the length of structures called telomeres -- which protect the DNA on the chromosomes, the researchers from King's College London wrote in the Archives of Internal Medicine.

Many studies have shown telomeres get shorter over time, suggesting the cells are ageing or dying. The study, which extracted a DNA sample from their volunteers, found people who exercised more each week had longer telomeres.

Exercise lowers the risk of a range of problems such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer, the researchers said.

“It is not just walking around the block. It is really working up a sweat,” said Tim Spector, a genetic epidemiologist who led the study, in a telephone interview.

The study found people who exercised vigorously 3 hours each week had longer telomeres and they were 9 years biologically younger than people who did under 15 minutes.

Spector's team, who also adjusted for body weight, smoking, economic status and physical activity at work, also said moderate exercise for 1-1/2 hours each week provided a four-year advantage.

Studying twins also provided a unique opportunity to gauge the effects of exercise on people with the same or similar genetic make-up, the researchers said.

The reason why exercise has this effect is not clear but the researchers said they believe physical activity somehow defends against the natural process called oxidative stress, which damages and kills cells.






















基础不好也可以战胜ETS 一个月突击TOEFL2023-02-01
