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【1】When several individuals of the same species or of several different species depend on the same limited resource, a situation may arise that is referred to as competition. The existence of competition has been long known to naturalists; its effects were described by Darwin in considerable detail. Competition among individuals of the same species (intraspecies competition), one of the major mechanisms of natural selection, is the concern of evolutionary biology. Competition among the individuals of different species (interspecies competition) is a major concern of ecology. It is one of the factors controlling the size of competing populations, and extreme cases it may lead to the extinction of one of the competing species. This was described by Darwin for indigenous New Zealand species of animals and plants, which died out when competing species from Europe were introduced.

【2】No serious competition exists when the major needed resource is in superabundant supply, as in most cases of the coexistence of herbivores (plant eaters). Furthermore, most species do not depend entirely on a single resource, if the major resource for a species becomes scarce, the species can usually shift to alternative resources. If more than one species is competing for a scarce resource, the competing species usually switch to different alternative resources. Competition is usually most severe among close relatives with similar demands on the environment. But it may also occur among totally unrelated forms that compete for the same resource, such as seed-eating rodents and ants. The effects of such competition are graphically demonstrated when all the animals or all the plants in an ecosystem come into competition, as happened 2 million years ago at the end of Pliocene, when North and South America became joined by the Isthmus of Panama. North and South American species migrating across the Isthmus now came into competition with each other. The result was the extermination of a large fraction of the South American mammals, which were apparently unable to withstand the competition from invading North American species—although added predation was also an important factor.

【3】To what extent competition determines the composition of a community and the density of particular species has been the source of considerable controversy. The problem is that competition ordinarily cannot be observed directly but must be inferred from the spread or increase of one species and the concurrent reduction or disappearance of another species. The Russian biologist G. F. Gause performed numerous two-species experiments in the laboratory, in which one of the species became extinct when only a single kind of resource was available. On the basis of these experiments and of field observations, the so-called law of competitive exclusion was formulated, according to which no two species can occupy the same niche. Numerous seeming exceptions to this law have since been found, but they can usually be explained as cases in which the two species, even though competing for a major joint resource, did not really occupy exactly the same niche.

【4】Competition among species is of considerable evolutionary importance. The physical structure of species competing for resources in the same ecological niche tends to gradually evolve in ways that allow them to occupy different niches. Competing species also tend to change their ranges so that their territories no longer overlap. The evolutionary effect of competition on species has been referred to as “species selection”; however, this description is potentially misleading. Only the individuals of a species are subject to the pressures of natural selection. The effect on the well-being and existence of a species is just the result of the effects of selection on all the individuals of the species. Thus species selection is actually a result of individual selection.

【5】Competition may occur for any needed resource. In the case of animals it is usually food; in the case of forest plants it may be light; in the case of substrate inhabitants it may be space, as in many shallow-water bottom-dwelling marine organisms. Indeed, it may be for any of the factors, physical as well as biotic, that are essential for organisms. Competition is usually the more severe the denser the population. Together with predation, it is the most important density-dependent factor in regulating population growth.


1.The phrase “mechanisms of natural selection” in the passage(paragraph 1)is closest in meaning to

A.types of natural selection.

B.dangers of natural selection.

C.problems natural selection solves.

D.ways natural selection works.

2.According to paragraph 1, what is one effect of competition among individuals of different species?

A.It results in the eventual elimination of the resource for which they are competing.

B.It leads to competition among individuals of the same species.

C.It encourages new species to immigrate to an area.

D.It controls the number of individuals in the competing populations.

3.The word “indigenous” in the passage(paragraph 1)is closest in meaning to





4.In paragraph 1, why does the author mention what happened in New Zealand?

A.To indicate that Darwin understood the importance of competition.

B.To illustrate that competition can lead to the extinction of species.

C.To identify where the idea of competition among species first arose.

D.To argue against the idea that the process of selection is a natural occurrence.

5.According to paragraph 2, competition is not usually a significant factor among two coexisting species when

A.one of the species has only recently moved into the territory of the other.

B.the species are closely related to each other.

C.the population of one species is much larger than that of the other.

D.both of the species are herbivores.

6.The word “graphically” in the passage(paragraph 2)is closest in meaning to





7.In paragraph 2, why does the author talk about what happened as a result of North and South America becoming joined at the Isthmus of Panama?

A.To make the point that predation can have as much effect on species survival as competition does.

B.To show how the ability to switch to an alternative resource can give a species a competitive advantage.

C.To account for the current species composition of North and South America.

D.To provide an example of the serious effects of competition between unrelated species.

8.Paragraph 3 supports the idea that Gause's experiments were important because they

A.provided a situation in which competition could be removed from the interaction between two species.

B.showed that previous ideas about the extent to which competition determines the composition of a community were completely mistaken.

C.helped establish that competition will remove all but one species from any given ecological niche.

D.offered evidence that competition between species is minimal when there is an overabundance of a single food source.

9.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information inthe highlighted sentence in the passage(paragraph 3)? Incorrect choices change the meaningin important ways or leave out essential information.

A.Apparent exceptions to this law usually involves cases in which two species compete for the same major resource but occupy slightly different niches.

B.Although it may appear that two species always have different niches, many exceptions show that species compete with each other.

C.Cases in which two species not only compete for a shared resource but also occupy similar niches are considered exceptions to this law.

D.Cases in which the two species do not occupy that same niche yet still compete for the same resource are believed to be exceptions to this law.

10.According to paragraph 4, how does competition affect evolution?

A.It results in the evolution of physical structures that allow the species to compete with each other more effectively.

B.It results I the evolutionary extinction of all but one of the competing species.

C.It results in the competing species evolving in such a way that they no longer compete for the same resources.

D.It results in the competing species evolving to become so much like each other that competition between them eventually disappears.

11.According to paragraph 4, “species selection” is a misleading term because it

A.overemphasizes the role of selection pressure in species extinction.

B.suggests that selection pressures directly influence whole species.

C.does not make a distinction between species extinction and species evolution.

D.suggests that extinction always results whenever there is a competition.

12.The word “regulating” in the passage(paragraph 5)is closest in meaning to





13. Look at the four squares [■] that indicate where the following sentence could be added to the passage.Where would the sentence best fit? That is, as the density of a population increases, competition has a greater impact and leads to greater mortality.

Competition may occur for any needed resource. ■【A】In the case of animals it is usually food; in the case of forest plants it may be light; in the case of substrate inhabitants it may be space, as in many shallow-waterbottom-dwelling marine organisms. ■【B】Indeed, it may be for any of the factors,physical as well as biotic, that are essential for organisms. ■【C】Competition isusually the more severe the denser the population. ■【D】Together with predation, itis the most important density-dependent factor in regulating population growth.

14. Directions: An introductory sentence for a brief summary of the passage is provided below. Complete the summary by selecting the THREE answer choices that express the most important ideas in the passage. Some sentences do not belong in the summary because they express ideas that are not presented in the passage or are minor ideas in the passage. This question is worth 2 points.

When necessary resources are limited, competition can occur among individuals of the same species or of different species.

A.Competition can eliminate a species, but since most species do not depend on a single resource, competition is often reduced by switching to alternative resources.

B.Investigation of the ecological role of competition is difficult because ordinarily the competition cannot be observed directly and must be inferred from its presumed effects.

C.Competition between a pair of species tends to lessen over time because the species tend to evolve to occupy different ecological niches and ranges.

D.Competition between individual of the same species is usually for food whereas competition between species is usually for habitat.

E.Experiments and field observation have established that competition between species is strong enough to prevent two species from occupying the same ecological niche.

F.Competition is usually strongest when the density of the competing populations is the same.



2.通过competition among individuals of different species定位到红色标注句子,但这句并没提到任何一个选项,继续往后看,下一句的主语是代词it,指代intraspecies competition,因此后面也是对物种间竞争的描述。而这一句提到了是控制population的因素,对应了选项D。

3.Indigenous是本土的意思=A选项。B是稀少的,C是大部分的,D是无数的。 这个词义也可以从原文推断。原文最后半句,which引导的从句说由于欧洲引进的种族和which指代的东西竞争,是which灭绝了。往前看which引导的是“indigenous”新西兰动植物。可以推测A选项代入最合适。


5.根据coexisting species定位到原文处,前文就是原因,因为资源供给充足。而coexistence of herbivores是给出的例证,coexistence herbivores间没有激烈竞争是因为它们都吃草,而草资源是非常充足的。理想答案是当资源充足时,竞争不会成为重要的影响因素。但原文没有,唯一合适的选择就是D,也就是原文提到的例证。

6.Graph是图画的意思,graphically也就是用图形地,可以推出生动地的意思。因此选择A. vividly. B选项是频繁地,C是广泛地,D是特别地。都不符合。

7.引出南北美洲物种竞争结果的主句是“The effects of such competition are graphically demonstrated…”由此推断,南北美洲动物竞争的结果就是为了说明竞争的Effects。因此选择D。


8.通过Gause's experiments定位,文章在描述完实验内容后,说on the basis of these experiment,那么说明后面就是实验得到的结论。也就是law of competitive exclusion. 因此选择C。

9.原文中句子的主干是 seeming exceptions have been found,然后存在了转折逻辑之后说这种例外是可以被解释的。因此只有A符合。B,C,D都在一定程度上改变了原句的意思。

10.第一句就提到了问题所问的内容,说competition具有evolutionary importance。后面应该就是具体的解释。往后看说同一小生态环境中的竞争物种tend to….那么tend to的内容就是答案。对应的就是C,说使得其领地不再重叠,也就是不再同一区域内进行资源竞争了。

11.通过species selection定位到标注处,后面出现了转折,说这个描写是misleading的。往后肯定就会解释原因。原文说natural selection其实是直接作用在individual上的,而不是species上。所以错误。对应了B选项,“species selection 暗示了选择压力是直接作用于整个物种上的。”


13.要插入的句子开头的that 一定是指代前文的一句话。并且跟density有关。而原文第一次出现density有关的词是在D选项前的一句话“denser”,插入后发现,插入的就是在进一步说明D前的那一句。而后文又补充了predation和competition对density的共同作用,逻辑关系吻合,意思通顺。

14.A正确,对应原文第二段第二,三句。B原文并没有这样的意思,一直在说是在竞争resource,不选。C后半句在原文中提到了,但s是并没有与前半句的这样的因果关系,不选。D正确,对应原文第3段的on the basis of那一句。E正确,对应原文第四段的第二句。



建议一: 避免空洞的单词和词组

1. 一些空洞的单词或词组根本不能为句子带来任何相关的或重要的信息,完全可以被删掉。比如下面的句子:

When all things are considered, young adults of today live more satisfying lives than those of their parents, in my opinion.

这句话当中的“when all things are considered”和“in my opinion“都显得多余。完全可以去掉。改为:

Young adults of today live more satisfying lives than their parents.

2. 有些空洞和繁琐的表达方式可以进行替换,例如:

Due to the fact that our grandparents were under an obligation to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have at this point in time.

“due to the fact that”就是一个很典型的繁琐的表达方式的例子,可以替换,简化为下面的表达方式:

Because our grandparents were obligated to help their parents, they did not have the options that young people have now.

建议二: 避免重复

1. 尽量避免重复使用同样的词汇。或者有的时候虽然词汇没有重复,但意思却有重复。这时候可以做一些简化的工作。例如下面这个例子::

The farm my grandfather grew up on was large in size.

large 对一个farm来说就是size方面的large,所以in size可以去掉,改为:

The farm my grandfather grew up on was large.


My grandfather grew up on a large farm.

2. 有时一个词组可以用一个更简单的单词来替换,例如:

My grandfather has said over and over again that he had to work on his parents’ farm.

这里的over and over again就可以改为repeatedly,显得更为简洁:

My grandfather has said repeatedly that he had to work on his parents’ farm.



1. 一个句子的主语和谓语动词应该能够反映句子中的最重要的意思。例如:.

The situation that resulted in my grandfather’s not being able to study engineering was that his father needed help on the farm.

从意思上来分析,上面这句话需要表达的重要的概念是“grandfather’s not being able to study”,而在表达这个概念时,原句用的主语是situation,谓语动词是was,不能强调需要表达的重点概念,可以改为下面这句话:

My grandfather couldn’t study engineering because his father needed help on the farm.

2. 避免频繁使用“there be”结构,例如下面的句子:

There were 25 cows on the farm that my grandfather had to milk every day. It was hard work for my grandfather.

可以改为:My grandfather worked hard. He had to milk 25 cows on the farm every day.


My grandfather worked hard milking 25 cows daily.

3. 把从句改为短语或单词。例如:

Dairy cows were raised on the farm, which was located100 kilometers from the nearest university and was in an area that was remote.


The dairy farm was located in a remote area, 100 kilometers to the nearest university.

4. 仅在需要强调宾语而不是主语的时候,才使用被动语态。例如:

In the fall, not only did the cows have to be milked, but also the hay was mowed and stacked by my grandfather’s family.

本句不够简洁的原因是本句的重心应该是“忙碌的家庭-my grandfather’s family”,而使用了被动语态后,仿佛重心变成了cows和hay。下面的表达方式是主动语态,相对来说更简洁一些:

In the fall, my grandfather’s family not only milked the cow but also mowed and stacked the hay.

5. 用更为精确的一个动词来代替动词短语,例如下面这句话:

My grandfather didn’t have time to stand around doing nothing with his school friends.

Stand around doing nothing其实可以用一个动词来表达,即loiter:

My grandfather didn’t have time to loiter with his school friends.

6. 有时两句话的信息经过组合完全可以用一句话来简练地表达,例如:

Profits from the farm were not large. Sometimes they were too small to meet the expenses of running a farm. They were not sufficient to pay for a university degree.


Profits from the farm were sometimes too small to meet operational expenses, let alone pay for a university degree.



What famous entertainer or athlete would you like to meet?

If you could meet a famous entertainer or athlete, who would that be, and why? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.


这道题目的重点在于entertainer 或是运动员,大家选择的人物要注意必须符合这两项特征。同时还要说清楚去见这个人的具体原因。当然理由可以是最简单的个人崇拜,也可以是对他演出的节目和参加的比赛获得奖项的相关问题,展开范围还是比较大的。


Famous entertainers and athletes have a vast amount of influence over there. It is up to the entertainer to choose how they wield their power over the general public; some try their best to set a good example, while others exhibit depravity and malevolent behavior. Yao Ming, the famous basketball star, is an excellent example of the type of star who tries at time to look after his fans. If I could meet one famous athlete, I would choose to meet Yao Ming. Yao Ming is very young to be a member of the esteemed National Basketball Association in North America. In his rookie year he has surpassed all expectations of those knowledgeable with the sport. His skill is attested to by the vast number of people interested in his abilities; in fact his popularity is so great that he has replaced O'Neal as starting center in the American All Star Game, which is no small feat. Yao Ming was also the number one rookie pick last year in the NBA. It would be inspiring to meet someone with such great abilities. He must have worked on his talent from a very young age to achieve such greatness. Another reason why I would love to meet this great man is because he is an excellent ambassador for China. Yao Ming epitomizes Chinese spirit of hard working to achieve greatness. He in a sense brings China to the world. Although China has become an increasingly important part of international culture, our fair country is still relatively unknown to a large portion of the North American population. Yao Ming has titillated the interest of millions of young people around the world, with the unavoidable effect of bringing a focus to China and Chinese culture. Finally, why I would like to meet Yao Ming is because he is a genuinely kind person. In spite of his fame and notoriety, in interviews you can see that he has remained a gracious and humble person. As an example of his kindness one must only look at his recent efforts in China to help raise money for SARS research. Therefore, I think that Yao Ming would be an excellent role model for all young people today, both in China and the rest of the world. He is a hard working, dedicated man, with a strong, noble character.


提醒:每人要有自己的模版, 下列模版仅供参考, 不可直接享用.

Integrated task:


Indicate, state, claim, believe, argue, say, hold, discuss, mention, contend, demonstrate, raise the issue, according to the professor/writer…..


Cast doubt on, refute, rebuke, refuse, question, disagree with, oppose, contradict, on the contrary, differ from


Support, strengthen, agree with, reinforce, present the same idea


1. This directly contradicts what the passage indicates.

2. this entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.

3. this is where the speaker disagrees with the writer.

4. this is another part where experience contradict theory.


In the lecture, the professor states that..., which differs from the point of the reading, the passsage contends that......

As for the writer, the writer indicates that.......R1.....On the contrary, the instructor argues that L1.....+detail.

In the lecture, the speaker raises the issue that L2+detail ......., yet the reading passage belives that.......R2...

In the lecture, the professor says L3.....+detail...., and what the professor says opposes the idea of reading which holds that R3.........

In a word, what is discussed in the lecture entirely opposes the writer’s expectation.



一. 托福阅读备考初期:正确率>阅读速度


二. 托福阅读备考中期:正确率=阅读速度


三. 托福阅读备考后期:正确率<阅读速度



In 1900 the United States had only three cities with more than a million residents — New York, Chicago, and Philadelphia. By 1930, it had ten giant metropolises. The newer ones experienced remarkable growth, which reflected basic changes in the economy.

The population of Los Angeles (114,000 in 1900) rose spectacularly in the early decades of the twentieth century, increasing a dramatic 1,400 percent from 1900 to 1930. A number of circumstances contributed to the meteoric rise of Los Angeles. The agricultural potential of the area was enormous if water for irrigation could be found, and the city founders had the vision and dating to obtain it by constructing a 225-mile aqueduct, completed in 1913, to tap the water of the Owens River. The city had a superb natural harbor, as well as excellent rail connections. The climate made it possible to shoot motion pictures year-round; hence Hollywood. Hollywood not only supplied jobs; it disseminated an image of the good life in Southern California on screens all across the nation. The most important single industry powering the growth of Los Angeles, however, was directly linked to the automobile. The demand for petroleum to fuel gasoline engines led to the opening of the Southern California oil fields, and made Los Angeles North America's greatest refining center.

Los Angeles was a product of the auto age in another sense as well: its distinctive spatial organization depended on widespread private ownership of automobiles. Los Angeles was a decentralized metropolis, sprawling across the desert landscape over an area of 400 square miles. It was a city without a real center. The downtown business district did not grow apace with the city as a whole, and the rapid transit system designed to link the center with outlying areas withered away from disuse. Approximately 800,000 cars were registered in Los Angeles County in 1930, one per 2.7 residents. Some visitors from the east coast were dismayed at the endless urban sprawl and dismissed Los Angeles as a mere collection of suburbs in search of a city. But the freedom and mobility of a city built on wheels attracted floods of migrants to the city.

1. What is the passage mainly about?

(A) The growth of cities in the United States in the early 1900's

(B) The development of the Southern California oil fields

(C) Factors contributing to the growth of Los Angeles

(D) Industry and city planning in Los Angeles

2. The author characterizes the growth of new large cities in the United States after 1900 as

resulting primarily from

(A) new economic conditions

(B) images of cities shown in movies

(C) new agricultural techniques

(D) a large migrant population

3. The word meteoric in line 6 is closest in meaning to

(A) rapid

(B) famous

(C) controversial

(D) methodical

4. The word it in line 8 refers to

(A) aqueduct

(B) vision

(C) water

(D) agricultural potential

5. According to the passage , the most important factor in the development of agriculture around

Los Angeles was the

(A) influx of new residents to agricultural areas near the city

(B) construction of an aqueduct

(C) expansion of transportation facilities

(D) development of new connections to the city's natural harbor

6. According to the passage , the initial success of Hollywood' s motion picture industry was due

largely to the

(A) availability of many skilled workers

(B) beauty of the countryside

(C) region's reputation for luxurious lifestyles

(D) region's climate and good weather

7. It can be inferred from the passage that in 1930 the greatest number of people in the Los

Angeles area were employed in

(A) farming

(B) oil refining

(C) automobile manufacturing

(D) the motion picture industry

8. According to the passage , the Southern California oil fields were initially exploited due to

(A) the fuel requirements of Los Angeles' rail system

(B) an increase in the use of gasoline engines in North America

(C) a desire to put unproductive desert land to good use

(D) innovative planning on the part of the city founders

9. The phrase apace with in line 21 is closest in meaning to

(A) anew with

(B) apart from

(C) as fast as

(D) at the middle of

10. It can be inferred from the passage that the spatial organization of Los Angeles contributed to

the relative decline there of

(A) public transportation

(B) industrial areas

(C) suburban neighborhoods

(D) oil fields

11. The visitors from the east coast mentioned in the passage thought that Los Angeles

(A) was not accurately portrayed by Hollywood images

(B) lacked good suburban areas in which to live

(C) had an excessively large population

(D) was not really a single city



































要求学生每天抽出一定时间读书看报,把读书看报当作兴趣培养,当作休息来看待,以增强自己的语感能力。教师可推荐一些名著、报纸、杂志,要求学生把自己感兴趣或有价值的材料进行摘抄或剪贴,并利用课前3分钟说话训练进行检查,有时还可利用早自习时间进行适当交流,促进泛读的稳定、持久,以积累丰富的知识。通过 “量的积累会达到质的飞跃”,










(4)识别文章的“眼”,感悟文章的“神” 。(风雨—人生的风雨;对待风雨的态度);


























首先,“同义改写”会影响到“定位”的准确与速度。新托福阅读十类题型中的事实信息题、列举排除题、推理题以及填表题都涉及到了原文定位的问题。定位的准确与速度也是影响阅读分数的一个重要因素。定位的时候,首先确定大区间,也就是题干中给我们具体的指示“According to paragraph X“ ,”In paragraph X“ 定位具体的段落,或是根据“阅读文章行文顺序与行文顺序基本一致”的特点进行大区间的定位;下一步就是确定题干中的关键词。但是,回原文中定位的时候,有时并不一定可以找到一模一样的“关键词”,因为托福阅读在定位时往往会设置一个同义改写。比如例一这道事实信息题,我们首先定位到了第三段,然后寻找题干中的关键词是“Whig Party’s view of the role of government?(Whig 政党关于政府职能的观点)”,但是定位时,你会发现原文中所对应的出处是”The government’s responsibility was to....。.(政府的职责是..。.)" 也就是说你不能期待定位时一定会从原文中找到一模一样的“关键词”,这个定位过程中很有可能出现同义改写的状况。

其次,定位完成后,选项部分可能又会进行一个同义改写。比如例一原文中的“to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability”所对应的正确选项换了个说法,被改写成了“To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit”。所以在选择选项的时候,你也不能期待选项一定是原文中一模一样的表达。


例一:According to paragraph 3,which of the following describes the Whig Party’s view of the role of government?

A.To regulate the continuing conflict

B.To restrict the changes brought about by the market

C.To maintain an economy that allowed all capable citizens to benefit

D.To reduce the emphasis on economic development

Paragraph 3 : Whigs,on the other hand,were more comfortable with the market.For them,commerce and economic development agents of civilization.Nor did the Whigs envision any conflict in society between farers and workers on the one hand and businesspeople and bankers on the other.Economic growth would benefit everyone by raising national income and expanding opportunity.The government’s responsibility was to provide a well-regulated economy that guaranteed opportunity for citizens of ability。

例二:According to paragraph 3, the loss of natural vegetation has which of the following consequences for soil?

A.Increased stony content

B.Reduced water absorption

C.Increased numbers of spaces in the soil

D.Reduced water runoff

Paragraph 3: Even in the areas that retain a soil cover, the reduction of vegetation typically results in the loss of the soil's ability to absorb substantial quantities of water. The impact of raindrops on the loose soil tends to transfer fine clay particles into the tiniest soil spaces, sealing them and producing a surface that allows very little water penetration. Water absorption is greatly reduced; consequently runoff is increased, resulting in accelerated erosion rates. The gradual drying of the soil caused by its diminished ability to absorb water results in the further loss of vegetation, so that a cycle of progressive surface deterioration is established。




第三点,逻辑关系词要牢记在心。英语句子的理解很多时候是要去理解其逻辑关系的,常见的逻辑关系有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as….as),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also, furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等等。句子内有这些逻辑关系,句子和句子之间也有这些逻辑关系,这样才能理清整篇文章的脉络,去完成例如句子简化,插入句子这类题型。







第2点: 托福阅读试题基本语法知识要了解。托福阅读考试是一项比较全面的考察学生英语能力的内容,所以从词汇开始,一直到句子已经 篇章都有对应的考题类型去考察。但是要理解句子的含义,光是词汇认识也不一定能完全搞清楚,有的时候需要通过语法知识去分析。这种语法在很多题型中有所体现。

第3点:逻辑关系词要牢记在心。托福阅读试题英语句子的理解很多时候是要去理解其逻辑关系的,常见的逻辑关系有并列(and, as well),比较(than, as….as),因果(because, so, therefore, thus, result from),递进(also, furthermore),转折(but, however, yet)等等。









一. 阅读文章读不懂,如何提升阅读速度


二. 题目做太慢,如何提升做题速度


三. 课外练习很重要














第三阶段:听全文至少5篇。听好之后总结下文章的key point。然后看自己听到的与问题所涉及到的句子是否一致。一致就说明你听到点子上了。那么其他的话就算有没听懂的也无所谓了。











A: Since I didn’t even begin my project, I might not go to class today.

B: Are you kidding, that will only put you further behind.


A: I’m still waiting for the clerk to come back and make some copies to this paper for me.

B: Why bother him, I’ll show you how easy it is to work the machine.


A: I don’t know if I should take the early or late bus.

B: Does it matter. You don’t need to be back until midnight.





Is there anything wrong with right now?

Would four o’clock be all right?

Wouldn’t it be easier if we just took a taxi?

Will Friday do?

What if we collect some shells after lunch

How about the whole week?


这类题的问题永远是what does the man/woman imply? What can be inferred from the conversation?这种题型在新题当中出现很多,而且有越来越多的趋势,托福考试改革之后,一开始是六七题,后来到八九题,再后来就变成了十五题,几乎占到一半。


Part A当中的一个办法是听见什么不选什么,这个技巧在这个题型当中,可以得到充分的运用。事实上,这个技巧在这种题型中可以得到登峰造极的体现。为什么?道理很简单,因为是暗示题是推论题,因此他的意思不是说出来的,是暗示出来的,是推论出来的。因此有原词的选项就必然不是正确的选项。事实上,这个办法对实力不太过硬的同学来讲,在每一套题中都可以得到运用,而且有相当的准确率。






















