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篇1:译林牛津 高一 一模块一单元教案

Grammar and usage

Period one

Teaching aim:

To give a brief introduction to attributive clauses.

Teaching procedures:

1. Tell the students what is attributive clause.

2. Tell the students the basic usage of relative pronouns such as which, who, that, whom, whose and relative adverbs like when, where and why.

3. Ask the students to read the article on Page 9 and find out the attributive clauses in the article.

4. Check the answers with the students.

5. Explain some language points in the article.

6. Give the students some more exercises of attributive clause.

7. Assignment.

Period two

Teaching aim:

To make the students get familiar with attributive clauses and get them to know some more usages of relative pronouns.

Teaching procedures:

1. Check the homework with the students.

2. Ask the students to read the 5 points on Page 10, tell them the usages of different relative pronouns.

3. Fill in the blanks on Page 11, check the answers with the students and explain the language points.

4. Tell the students several points that they must pay attention to when they use attributive clauses.

5. Some exercises which are to review what they learn in this lesson.

6. Assignment.

Unit 1 Project Starting a new after-school activity

Period One

Teaching aims:

To learn two articles about after-school activities in school

To learn the use of as and require

To find out how an activity attracts the students and helps the students

Teaching Procedures:

Step 1: Listen to the recording of the articles on page 18

True or False questions:

1. The radio station is run by the principal.

2. The radio station started 2 years ago when CD players were allowed in school.

3. Members of Poets of the Next Generation meet up on the last Friday of every month.

4. Everyone was nice and friendly in the group. They liked the first poem Bob read to them.

Step 2: Read the two articles and answer the following questions:

What do the student members in the radio station do during exam time?

What do they do when parents come to visit the school?

Who started “Poets of the Next Generation”?

What do the members of the group do when they meet?

Step 3: Fill in the blanks:

The radio station in our school is ____ by the student. Two years ago, I asked the ________ if music could be played during _____ ____. He agreed.

We tell students the _______, _____ _____ and some special messages. During _____ ____ we tell the students what they ______ or _________ do for preparation. When parents come, we play songs _____ by students and _____ them of ______, such as _________ and ______ _____.

Our English teacher Mr Owen started the group “_____________________________”. Group members ____________ to talk about ________ and _______ that we like.

When I _______ it, I was ________ to write five poems and _____ one ____ to the group. I ______ every one around a tree before I read. The group said they loved the poem I read.

Step 4: Vocabulary and language points:

allow: permit sb./sth. to do sth.

principal: person with the highest authority in certain schools

generation: all people born at about the same time

select: choose sb./sth.

calm: not excited, nervous

require: order or command sth.

The use of as and require

Step 4: Discussion

How do these two activities attract the students?

How do they help the students?


Try to find the answers to the following questions:

What after-school activities do you have in your school?

Do you like them? Why/ Why not?

If you could start a new after-school activity to enjoy with your schoolmates, what new activity would you choose?

Period Two:

Teaching aims:

To do the project of starting a new after-school activity

Teaching procedures:

Step 1: Check homework

Every student has to tell their classmates what after-school activities they would like to start if they could. Form groups of members with the same choice and every group consists of at least four students.

Step 2: Plan

Discuss the tasks listed below and decide which group members will be responsible for what tasks.

Research information:

Make the poster:

Present the poster:

Step 3: Prepare

Members responsible for doing research need to find information from various sources about after-school activities and posters.

Activity: What does it do? How does it attract new members? How does it help members achieve their goals?

Poster: What does the poster consist of? How does it attract its viewers?

Step 4: Produce

Group members who are making the poster will have to draft the poster based on all the ideas from our previous research and discussion.

When the draft is done, each member should read it carefully and give suggestions on its wording and design.

Assignment: (Assignment)

The poster makers finalizes the poster based on the suggestions of the other group members.

The entire group approve the poster before next period.

In next period, they are to present their poster to the class. Tell the class what is special about their activity.

Unit 1 Task

Teaching aims:

1. Use abbreviation to fill in timetable.

2. Compare information of two different sources.

3. Write a notice with important information and clear expression.


1-1. Introduce abbreviation.

1-2. Complete school programme timetables with abbreviation

1-3. Compare information of 2 different sources.

2-1 Report the timetable

2-2 Find out important information in a notice.

2-3 Write a notice to notify classmates.

by Miranda Gu

Unit One Word power


1. Present one of the school maps from the students’ repairing work. And encourage him or her to tell us how he or she found the way out on the first day. Encourage more students to think of the pattern drills and useful expressions they have learned in junior school:

Do you have any difficulty finding your way out on the first day? If you don’t know your way, how can you ask and answer the way?

2. Encourage more students to talk about the following questions such as: which facility attracts you most in our school? Why? Help the students to recall related words and expressions

What do you think of our canteen? How about the gym? Is our car park ok in the school?

Encourage them to express their genuine opinions.

3. Ask students to focus on the map of Part A first. Read Wei Hua’s thoughts quickly and match her routes on the map. Remind students to pay attention to the usage of the words and expressions on the map.

Vocabulary learning

1. Ask students to do Part B. Write a description of the quickest way to get from the dormitories to class 4 and read it to the class.

Sample answers

B If you are standing at the door of the dormitories, first turn right and go past the medical centre and the gym, then turn left and walk until the end of the road. Classroom is on your left.

2. If possible, design some more samples for the students to practice. For example, ask students to mark the shortest way from the science laboratory to classrooms 16-25. This exercise encourages students to familiarize the phrases of finding the way.

3. Ask students to read Part C and complete it. Check the new words in the passage while they give the answers. Aim to make sure the students have done the repairing work of looking up possible new points in the dictionaries before class. available, qualified, access.


C 1 car park 2 classrooms 3 library 4 labs 5 gym 6 swimming pool 7 dormitories 8 medical centre 9 canteen

Vocabulary extension

1. Focus on the equipments of Part D. Ask students to name out some of their names if possible. Then teach new items. Help them to know about each gymnastic items.

2. Ask students to finish Part D and encourage them to have a short discussion like: Do you think it’s important for schools to have a gym? How do you like these equipments?


D 4 beam 7 barbell 1 climbing bars 6 basketball court 2 rings 8 mat 3 dumb-bell 5 skipping rope


1. let the students to remember all the useful words and expressions in Part A, B, and D . Learn to make sentences with the key words in Part C.

2. Do Part A and B in writing on Page 85.

3. Pick out attributive clauses in the passage of Part C.

Self-assessment(1)---Reflections on Unit Learning

Class:___________ Name:____________ Unit:____________

Think about this last unit and write your personal reflections on the following:

The ideas for English learning which I have picked up

The cultural information I have learned

The language I have learned

The strategies I have used to improve my English

The amount of effort I have put into using what I have learned

Other thoughts I have about my English learning

Self-assessment(2)---English Proficiency Test(60 minutes/100 points)

Class:___________ Name:____________ Score:__________

Ⅰ. Multiple choice(10 points)

Ⅱ. Close test(30 points)

Ⅲ. Reading comprehension(30 points)

Ⅳ. Vocabulary(10 points)

Ⅴ. Sentence patterns(10 points)

Ⅵ. Error correction(10 points)



初中英语译林牛津版 7A 课文 01[00:00.00]人人听力网 Unit 1 This is me! [00:52.40]Oh,I love this e-dog. [00:59.66]I'm Eddie.What's your name?My name's Hobo. [01:05.62]Are you my master?Yes,I am. [01:11.37]Good,This is my instruction book.Read it now. [01:18.21]Reading A Welcome to Beijing Sunshine Secondary School [01:27.28]It is the first day at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School. [01:32.92]Meet six of the new students. [01:37.59]They are Millie,Simon,Sandy,Kitty,Amy and Daniel. [01:44.67]Hi,I'm Wang Mei,My English name is Millie. [01:50.60]I'm 12 years old.I live in a flat in Beijing. [01:57.05]I have one cousin,Andy,He's 13 years old.He's in Grade 8. [02:05.00]He's very clever at Maths.He's in the school basketball team. [02:11.76]I'm in the Reading Club.I love reading.I have a dog. [02:18.21]His name's Eddie.I love him very much. [02:23.86]Hello,everyone!My name is Luo Sang.You can call me Simon. [02:30.52]My parents come from Shanghai. [02:34.57]I was born there but we live in Beijing now.I like Beijing very much. [02:42.01]I play football at school.I have one cousin.Her name's Annie. [02:49.27]Hi,I'm Sandy,My Chinese name is Li Shanshan.I'm quite tall and slim. [02:57.63]I have black hair in a ponytail.I like listening to music. [03:03.69]Loot at the three profiles of my classmates! [03:08.45]This is Kitty.Her Chinese name is Zhang Ke.She is 11 years old. [03:16.60]She is small.She loves dancing.She works hard. [03:23.26]This is Amy,Her Chinese name is Zhao Aijia.She is not very tall. [03:31.51]She has short hair.She loves swimming.She is funny. [03:38.28]This is Daniel.His Chinese name is Chen Dan.He wears glasses. [03:45.65]He enjoys playing computer games.He is polite and helpful. [03:51.89]Integrated skills [03:55.44]Simon's favourite football player [04:52.00]Speak up:making new friends [04:58.87]Work in pairs.You want to find out more about your partner. [05:05.32]Use Dan第一文库网iel and Sandy's conversation as a model. [05:10.88]Replace underlined words with your own information. [05:16.63]Hi,my name's Daniel.What's your name? [05:21.99]I'm Sandy.I live n Spring Road.Where do you live? [05:27.86]I live on Summer Road,I'm a member of the Computer Club, [05:33.82]I love playing computer games.Oh really? [05:38.86]I'm a member of the Music Club.I like listening to music. [05:44.74]Main task Writing about yourself [05:49.99]At the beginning of every school year. [05:57.83]each new students at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School

[06:03.76]has to write a profile of himself/herself for the class noticeboard. [06:10.60]Below are Millie's and Daniel's profiles. [06:15.95]My name is Millie.I am 12 years old. [06:21.41]My birthday is on 3rd October and I was born in Beijing. [06:28.47]I live on Garden Road.I have a cousin. [06:33.51]His name is Andy and he is in Grade 8. [06:38.97]I am 1.35 metres tall.My eyes are dark brown and my hair is black. [06:47.33]I love listening o music.I have lots of CDs. [06:53.78]I listen to them at the weekend.I like reading and writing. [07:00.83]I am a member of the Reading Club. [07:04.99]At home,I enjoy talking on the phone with my friends. [07:10.86]I have lots of friends here at Beijing Sunshine Secondary School! [07:16.61]Hello!I am Daniel.I am 11 years old.My birthday is on 7th October. [07:25.75]I was born in Nanjing.I live with my family in Beijing. [07:31.81]I am not very tall.I have black hair and I wear glasses. [07:38.48]I rellay enjoy school.I like all my lessons.I am not very good at sports. [07:46.42]I love playing computer games and looking for things on the Internet. [07:52.66]I want to be a computer programmer when I grow up.

篇3:译林牛津 高一Unit 1教案

Unit 1 School Life in the UK

To introduce and develop the theme of school life

To identify the differences between school life in different countries

To develop the reading skills of skimming and scanning

To learn some words about school facilities

To learn about attributive clauses and how to use relative pronouns

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task and a project

To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Period 1 Welcome to this unit

Teaching objectives:

To introduce and develop the theme of school life

To develop listening and speaking by talking about life in the new school

To know more about classmates

Teaching procedures:

1. Brainstorming

2. Listening and speaking

3. Discussion

4. Further discussion

5. Introducing more information

6. Writing

7. Homework

Period 2 Reading

Teaching objectives:

To develop the skills of skimming and scanning

To know about school life in the UK

To compare school life in the UK and in China

To form a positive attitude in a new and challenging situation

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Skimming

3. Scanning

4. Detailed reading

5. Thoughts after reading

6. Group work (problem solving)

7. Introducing more information

8. Homework

Period 3 Language focus

Teaching objectives:

To understand new words and expressions and learn how to use them

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Words to be studied and reviewed

4. Phrases to be learned

5. Sentences to be attended to

6. A word quiz

7. Homework

Period 4 Word Power

Teaching objectives:

To learn some words about school facilities

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Warming up

3. Words about school facilities

4. Reading

5. Discussion

6. Writing

7. Group work (problem solving)

8. Homework

Period 5 Project

Teaching objectives:

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a project

To learn to be cooperative and helpful when working together

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Background education in the US

3. Starting a project

4. Planning

5. Preparing

6. Producing

7. Homework

Period 6 Grammar and Usage (1)

Teaching objectives:

To learn about attributive clauses ( with that, which, who, whose)

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of the text

3. Searching for attributive clauses in the text

4. Learning grammatical structure of attributive clauses with that, which, who, whose

5. Identifying attributive clauses in a passage

6. Practice 1, 2, 3

7. Homework

Period 7 Grammar and usage (2)

Teaching objectives:

To learn about attributive clauses (with whom and without relative pronouns)

To practice more on the usage of attributive clauses

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Review of attributive clauses

3. Learning grammatical structures of attributive clauses with whom and then those without relative pronouns

4. Practice 1, 2, 3

5. Homework

Period 8 Task

Teaching objectives:

To develop listening, speaking, reading and writing by completing a task

To develop the skill of comparing information

To develop the skill of reading a timetable and a notice

To learn how to write a notice

Teaching procedures:

1. Presentation of homework

2. Introducing the task

3. Skill building 1 and task 1

4. Skill building 2 and task 2

5. Skill building 3

6. Homework

Period 9 Presentation of project

Period 10 Evaluation

Unit 1 School life

第二板块 难点剖析


Part A

A1 词语剖析


exciting : adj. 令人兴奋的, 使人激动的

excited: adj. 兴奋的:处于激动状态的;兴奋的;激昂的

excite: v. 刺激, 使兴奋, 使激动

1. It's so ____ to skate in Pairs. Everyone skates so fast and shouts at the top of his voice


2.she has many new ways to make her students ___________.


3. A successful speaker knows how to _________ the crowd.


Key: exciting; excited; excite

2. experience

experience: [C] 经历,阅历

[U] 经验

v. .经验, 体验, 经历, 阅历

1. Experience teaches; experience does it.


2. Yesterday afternoon Frank Hawkins was telling me about his experiences as a young man. 昨天下午,弗兰克.霍金斯给我讲述他年轻时的经历。

3. Some of the students had experienced what hardships meant before they entered the university.有些大学生在进入大学之前体验过艰苦的生活。


1. Jumping out of _______ airplane at ten thousand feet is quite ________ exciting experience. (NMET , 26)

A. /; the B. /; an C. an ;an D. the ;the

2. Some of the passengers told the reporters about their _____ in the burning train.

A. details B. trips C. events D. experiences

Key: C; D

3. earn

earn v. 挣得,博得 earnings: n. 所得收入

earn one’s living 自行谋生

1. The workers earned less money because they had to pay medical insurance.


2. The old man earned his living as a fisherman.


3. As we know, it’s his honesty that earned the admiration of his friends.


4. It’s said that a person's intelligence and abilities have a direct effect on his or her earnings.


注意: earn , gain , win

earn 指为钱(或任何其他报酬)而工作,含有报酬是应得的含义。

win 指在竞争、战争、比赛中获胜, 并可能由此得到奖赏。


1. He has________ a lot of money by working part-time job.


2. He wants to ___a trip to Europe in that competition, but he will be happy if he gets a new bicycle.


3. She ______ enough experience while working for the newspaper.


Key: earned; win;gained

4. respect

n.(与of,for 连用)尊敬, 敬重;方面 respectful adj. 恭敬的, 尊敬的, 尊重人的, 有礼貌的

(pl.)敬意;问候 respectfully adv. 尊敬地, 谦恭地

in some/all/few/respects 在一些/所有/极少方面

vt. 尊敬, 尊重, 不防碍

1. We should show respect to those who are older. 我们应该尊敬长者。

2. The students have great respect for their history teacher. 学生们非常尊敬他们的历史教师。

3. Please give me respects to your wife. 请代我向你太太问好。

4. Respect yourself, or no one else will. 人必自敬,然后人敬之。

5. The words such as “ Respectfully,yours” can often be seen at the end of the letter. 信的末尾经常写上类似“Respectfully,yours”的字眼以表尊敬。

6. In what respect do you think he is worth praising? 在哪些方面你觉得他值得表扬?


I’m sure she will do as she promised; I’ve got great _________ her.

A. respect for B. respects of C. honor of D. faith in

Key: A

5. achieve

v. 完成, 达到 achievement: [U] 完成,达到;[C]成就, 功绩

make achievements 获得成绩,取得成就

1. We may have the feeling of satisfaction and achievement from our English study when we are able to say something simple in English。当我们可以说点儿简单的英语交谈时,我们就可以从英语学习中得到满足感和成就感。

2. The success of the experiment proves that we have made great achievements in the study of rocket. 那个实验的成功证明我们在火箭方面的研究取得很大成就。

3.The university has achieved all its goals this year. 这个大学今年已经实现了所有的奋斗目标。


Jack London worked very hard and finally he _______ his goal.

A. made B. found C. developed D. achieved

Key: D

6.used to do

used to do 过去常常做某事

be used to do 被用来做。。。

be/get used to doing sth./ sth.习惯于/开始习惯于做。。。

there used to be 某地过去有某物


1.There _________ a swimming pool in our town. 我们镇上过去有一个游泳池。

2.In our school, candles ____ give light when electricity is cut off. 在我们学校,停电时,就用蜡烛来照亮。

3.I _________ traveling by air and only on one occasion have I ever felt frightened.


Key: used to be; are used to;am used to

7. challenge

challenge n./v. 挑战 challenging adj. 引起挑战性兴趣的

1. He challenged me to play another tennis game. 他向我挑战要我跟他再打一场网球。

2. The present world is full of challenges as well as opportunities. 当今社会充满了机遇与挑战。

8. free

adj. 免费的;空闲的

a free meal. 免费的一餐 for free 免费的 free time 空闲时间

1.The girl 'gave' her mother a free dress once a week! 这个姑娘每周`给'她妈妈一件免费的衣服。

2.All the books were given away free. 所有的书都免费赠送。


prepare: v准备, 预备, 有能力而且愿意 preparation: n. 准备, 预备

prepare for…/prepare…for… make preparations for

be prepared for

1. Working on a part-time job can prepare them for a future career.


2. Will you help me prepare for the get-together of the old classmates?


3. Preparations for the top government officers' visit are almost complete.



1. He was _________ to do anything to save the local people.他已经做好一切准备来抢救当地群众。

2. The team __________ themselves for defeat. 这个队心理上已经做好了接受失败的准备。

Key: prepared; has prepared


[U]愉快;开心 adj. funny 有趣的,可笑的

for fun寻找乐趣;当作玩笑;不是认真的 make fun of 捉弄

1.There's no fun in spending the whole evening playing cards. 整个晚上打朴克牌没有意思。

2.I felt unhappy whenever I was made fun of. 无论何时被人嘲笑,总让我不好受。

3..Fifty years ago , wealthy people would rather hunt wild animals for fun than go sightseeing .五十年前,人们宁愿捕杀野生动物来寻开心也不愿意外出观光。


1.“Mr Alexander doesn't just write____; in fact, writing is his bread and butter.”


2. Mary realized she ________.

A. was playing a joke about B. was making fun

C. was being make fun of D. was made fun

Key: for fun; C

11. drop

v. 1放弃;断绝(往来);滴下, 落下 n. 滴;点

drop sb. a line 写封短信 drop in on sb. 造访某人 drop in at some place 造访某地

1. He seems to have dropped most of his friends. 他好像与大多数的朋友不再来往了。

2. He lifted a rock only to drop it on his own feet.他搬起石头砸了自己的脚。

3. A drop of ink may make a million think.(George G Byron)一滴墨水写成的文字可让千万人思索。(拜伦)

4.Don’t forget to drop me a line when you are free! 有空时写封信给我!

5.Sorry, we are late-we drop in at a pub on the way! 不好意思迟到了,我们中途去了一趟酒吧。


1.The headmaster asked me to _________ him at his office. 校长让我去他办公室。

2. __________ when you have time.有空时写封信给我。

3. I want to _______ out of math class, which is too hard for me. 我不想上数学课,它对我来说太难了。

Key: drop in on; Drop me a line; drop

12. miss

v. 错过;失去; 想念;思念

miss doing sth. 想念/错过做某事

1. He threw the ball to me, but I missed it and it landed on the ground. 他把球扔给我,但我没接住,球落在了地上。

2. Being too tired, he narrowly missed crashing into the tree. 太累了,他差一点撞到树上。

3.I'm sure that everybody will miss him very much. 我相信每个人都会怀念他。


My mind wasn’t on what he was saying so I’m afraid I ______ half of it.(NMET , 30)

A. was missing B. had missed C. will miss D. missed

13.the way to do 做。。。的方式

the way to do sth.

=the way of doing sth.

=the way (that)

1. Unluckily, we had no way to prove he was stealing money. 不幸地,我们无法证明他在偷钱。

2. There is no way of getting in touch with her. 无法与她取得联系。

3. We feel shame of the way you talked with the old man. 我们为你与那位老人说话的方式感到羞耻。


1. What is the way George thought of ______ enough money to buy the house?

A. to get B. getting C. having got D. being got

Key: A

14. someday=some day

15 regret

regret n.遗憾, 悔恨, 抱歉, 歉意 without regret. 毫无遗憾地

vt. 为...感到遗憾, 后悔, 惋惜, 哀悼, 懊悔

vi. 感到抱歉

Much to my regret, I am not able to accept your invitation. 令我遗憾的是

Her regret was that she never had the chance of seeing him. 遗憾的事


regret to do 很遗憾地要做。。。

regret doing: 为已经做的事后悔


1. I _________(tell)you that you’re not fit for the job. 很遗憾地告诉你

2. To this day I do not _____________(make)the remark. 后悔做了某事

Key: regret to tell; regret having made

Part B

16. develop

develop v. 发展, 发达;洗印, 显影 developing: adj. 发展中的

development: n. 发展 developed: adj. 发达的

1.How can you believe that he developed that small scale shop into a worldwide business!


2.At university he developed a good habit of reading loudly in the morning.


3. Can you develop the film yourself?



Whether it’s a ______ or ______ country depends on the living standard of the common people。


developing; developed

16. donate

donate: v. 捐赠, 赠予 donation n. 捐赠品, 捐款, 贡献

donate …to… 把。。。捐赠给。。。

The businessman donated a lot of money to the hospital.


17. close

v. 关, 关闭, 结束, 停止, 使靠近, 靠拢, 会合, 包围

n. 结束

adj.近的, 紧密的, 精密的, 齐根的, 封闭的, 亲密的, 闷气的

adv. 接近, 紧密地

1. I live close to the shops. 我住得离商店很近。

2. How close parents are to their children has a strong effect on the character of the children.父母与孩子有多亲近对孩子的性格有很大影响。

3. As everyone knows, Karl Marx and Engels were close friends. 众所周知,马克思和恩格斯是一对密友。

注意:close , closely的区别



1. Come ______ . I want to tell you something secret. .

2. The police is watching the bank _____.

Key: close closely


(1 )形容詞短语:

be happy with 因。。。感到开心 be challenging for 对。。。有挑战

get interested in 对。。。感兴趣

(2 )动词短语

sit next to 坐在。。。旁边 sound like 听起来像 graduate from 从。。。毕业

donate… to …把。。。捐赠给。。。 tell sb. about sth. 告诉某人某事 achieve high grades 获得高分

make a speech 做演讲 develop an interest 养成一种兴趣

(3 )介词短语

than usual 比通常 for free 免费 at lunchtime 在午餐时 at first 起初

on the school field 在操场上

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页A2试试吧!


1. with;

2. to, at ;

3. like;

4. to, at;

5. On;

6. for;

7. about;

8. at;

9. On, on

14. 词形变化

1. enjoy v. 欣赏,喜爱 enjoyable: adj. 令人愉快的, 可享受的

2. achieve v. 获得 achievement n. 成就,功绩

3. prepare. v. 准备 preparation n. 准备,预备

4. experience v. 体验 experience. [C] 经历 [U]经验

experienced. adj. 富有经验的

5.help v 帮助 help n. 帮助 helpful adj. 有帮助的

6. introduce v. 介绍 introduction n. 介绍

7. develop v. 发展 development n. 发展 developed adj. 发达的 developing adj. 发展中的

8. donate v . 捐赠,赠予 donation n.捐赠品,捐款

9. display v . 陈列,展览 display n. 陈列,展览

10. please v 使。。。喜欢 pleasure n. 愉快;乐事

pleased adj. 高兴的,满足的 pleasing adj. 令人高兴的,合意的

[即学即用] 请你做课本第78页A1试试吧!


4. enjoyable

5. experience

6. challenging

7. e-mails

8. funny

9. drop

10. exciting

11. helpful


Part A

1.… It was difficult to remember all the faces and names.(Page 2, Line 18)


It 做形式主语。在这种名词性从句中为了保持句子的平衡,往往用先行词it作形式主语或形式宾语,而把真正的主语或宾语放到后面,尤其是that引导的主语从句往往用先行词it作形式主语.此句也可以改写为:To remember all the faces and names was difficult.


1. _______ is a fact that English is being accepted as an international language.

A. There B. This C. That D. It

2. ________ worried her a bit that her hair was turning gray.

A. That B. It C. What D. There

3. I like ______ is the autumn when the weather is clear and bright. (NMET2004, 27)

A. this B. that C. it D. one


1. D 2. B 3. C

2.I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school…(Page 2 , Line 20)


1) 在以前学过的表示比较的句子中,as 或than 后接的多数是名词或代词来担任比较状语。


The elephant is much heavier than the horse. 象比马重。

本句是 what I use to get in my old school 是由从句担任比较状语。


You are as sweet as sugar. The situation is not so bad as you suggest.



The important thing is what you do, but not what you say. 重要的是你做什么,而不是说什么。

What make school proud was that more than 90% of the students had been admitted to key universities. (上海春季,33)使学校引以为豪的是90%以上的学生被重点大学录取。


1. A computer can only do _________ you have instructed it to do.

A. how B. after C. what D. when

2. Perseverance(坚定) is a kind of quality ---- and that’s _________it takes to do anything well.

A. whatB. that C. which D. why

3.After Yang Li Wei succeeded in circling the earth, _______ our astronauts desire to do is to walk in space.(上海 2004,37)

A. where B. what C. that D. how

4.No one can be sure _____ in a million years.

A. what man will look like B. what will man look like

C. man will look like whatD. what look will man like(91)


1) C 2) A 3) B 4)A

Part B

3. Upon finishing his studies, he started traveling in China.


注意on / upon doing sth. = as soon as 引导的从句。作此意讲时on / upon后也可以接名词。如on his arrival…。

On hearing the news, he burst into tears. 一听到这个消息,他放声大哭起来。


1. ______________(一看到这则消息), I immediately rang to see if I could help.

Key: On reading the news

第三板块 语法讲练







1)who, whom, that 这些词代替的先行词是人的名词或代词,在从句中所起作用如下:

Is he the man who/that wants to see you?


He is the man whom/ that I saw yesterday.


2) Whose 用来指人或物,(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换), 例如:

They rushed over to help the man whose car had broken down. 那人车坏了,大家都跑过去帮忙。

Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green. 请递给我那本绿皮的书。

3)which, that 它们所代替的先行词是事物的名词或代词,在从句中可作主语、宾语等,例如:

A prosperity which / that had never been seen before appears in the countryside. 农村出现了前所未有的繁荣。(which / that在句中作宾语)

The package (which / that) you are carrying is about to come unwrapped. 你拿的包快散了。(which / that在句中作宾语)


代替人 代替物 代替人或物

主语 Who which that

主语 Whom which that

宾语 Whose(=of whom) whose(=of which)

1. 语法专练

1. 请完成书上P11 练习!


1) which 2)whose 3)who 4)whom/who 5) who 6) which 7) who 8) which/that 9) who

2. 单选:

1. The house _________ the capitalist used to live in is now a nursery.

A. that B. where C. what D. when

2 .The book ______ cover is broken, is not mine.

A. which B that C whose D of which

3. I met a foreigner in the park yesterday afternoon _____ could speak Chinese very well.

A. who B. which C. when D. he

4.This is Mr Smith, ____ I think has something interesting to tell you.

A . who B whom C. that D. x

5. The radio set ___ last week has gone wrong.

A.I bought it B. which I bought it C.I bought D. what I bought

6. In the police station I saw the man from ___ room the thief had stolen the TV set.

A. whom B. which C. that D. whose

7. .His parents wouldn’t let him marry anyone ____ family was poor.

A. that B. whom C. of whose D. whose

8. A football fan(球迷) is _____ has a strong interest in football.

A. a thing that B. something that C. a person who D. what

9. A child _____ parents are dead is called an orphan.

A. who B. who’s C. whose D. which

10. He made another wonderful discovery ____ of great importance to science.

A. which is B. which it is C. who is D. it is

11. Those ___ _____ break the rule will be punished.

A that B who C they D whom

12. Do you still remember the days ______ we spent together then?

A when B during which C / D on which

13. 1) Do you know the girl _________ is talking with the director?

2) Do you know the girl _________ the director is talking with?

3) I like the flowers __________ you bought for me very much.

Key: 1-5 ACAAC 6-10 DDCCA 11-12. BC 13. that/who ; whom/who ; which/that

第四板块 单元演练

I 单选

1. Mother is _____ supper and the rest of the family are sitting at the table _____ it.

A preparing, prepared B preparing, prepared for

C preparing for, preparing D prepared for, preparing for

2. Businessman as he is, his main goal is not only to _______ a profit(利润).

A. earn B. challenge C. introduce D. develop

3. In our town, wood can ___________ a fire.

A. be used to make B. be used to making

C. use to make D. used to making

4. I _______ your making desserts after lunchtime.

A. miss B. prepare C. donate D. regret

5. Joe Jones, the eldest of the eight children, had to ____ out of high school at the age of 16 to help his father on the farm.

A.leave B. drop C. fall D. go

6. The students at colleges or universities are making ______ for the coming new year.

A. many preparations B. much preparation C. preparation D. preparations

7. Although it was really a difficult task, he decided to try his best to_______ success.

A. challenge B. host C. approve D. achieve

8 The boss ______ company I worked in two years ago has _________ in solving such kind of problem.

A. whose; many experiences B. who; many experiences

C. whose; much experience D. which; much experience

9. I don’t like _______ you speak to her.

A. the way B. the way in that C. the way which D. the way of which

10. Which sentence is wrong?

A. The professor lives in the room whose windows face south.

B. Don’t enter the house its roof has been destroyed in the hurricane.(飓风)

C.We prefer the students who like challenging themselves.

D. I still remember the name of the village we visited last year.

11.Charlie Brown is a ______ boy ____ has a dog and there are many stories of a lot of ______ happens between them.

A. funny; who; fun B. fun; he; fun

C. funny; he; fun D. fun; who; funny

12. Dr. Kelly walked ______ to the window to watch ________ the short man shopping on the street.

A. close; closely B. closely; close

C. close; close D. closely; closely

13. Marie Curie paid no attention _____ the prize that she won because of her achievements in physics.

A. to B. of C. about D. from

14. ----- I would join a party tonight!

----- _____________!

A. For free B. Have fun

C. Good luck! D. Don’t come back too late!

15. I found the homework was not so heavy as ______ I _____ to get in my old school.

A. that; was used B. what; used C. which; used D. that; used

II 用所给词或短语的适当形式填空:

earn respect pay attention to inform… of… on doing…

make preparations donate …to… graduate from develop recent

1. I would achieve higher grades if I ____ more ___________ the rules and requirements.

2.After _________ university, he began to earn his living by editing programmes.

3.Things got so bad ________that he decided to go on a diet. recently

4. With hard work, she _________ into a great writer.

5. The works that Guo Moruo ___________ are being displayed in the assembly hall.

6. The sales manager asked his men to ______ him ____ everything about the sales in time.

7. He has never done enough __________for his examinations.

8.______________(hear) that familiar song, he couldn’t help dancing to the music.

9. Give my _______ to your mother, please.

10. He has spent all his ________, so he has to borrow from all of his friends to live through the rest days.

III 动词适当形式填空:

experience achieve challenge prepare broadcast introduce continue respect please regret

1.Have you _______ Yoga? It’s really ___________ to learn from that _________ teacher!

2. Mother is busy in the kitchen, ____________ for the dinner.

3.It’s really a _______ role for him

4. German is a _________ country, while China is a ________ country.

5.We're ___ to listen to her __ voice.

6.You can hear the programme __________ every Wednesday. Don’t miss it!

7. Let me ____ myself first, my name is Jason.

8. According to the weather report, the weather will _________ fine till this weekend..

9. The success of the experiment proves that we have made great ______________ in the study of computer.

10. To our _________, the Japanese never feel _________ for what they did in the second war.

IV 中译英



3. 因为每天花几个小时读英语,我的英语进步了很多。

4. 要放弃自己喜爱的科目很难。


V 完形填空:20

At first I couldn’t believe it! There were no 1 in rows; no bells rang; no one had to go to class. Although we all lived “in”, nobody made us go to bed at a certain time; there was no “lights out”.

The 2 thing was that practically all the students went to class, and very few people stayed up late at night. Only the new people stayed up or 3 class. The new ones always went wild 4 , but this never lasted long. The 5 took some getting used to. Our teachers treated us like 6 ; never did we have to 7 “stand up”, “sit down” , “speak out”. I don’t 8 one student who didn’t try his best.

The subjects were the same as those in 9 school, but what a difference in the approach! For example, in botany we had 10 classes in the spring or fall, but instead we 11 two gardens, a vegetable garden and a flower garden. 12 in winter we each studied a few 13 things about what we had grown. In math the students built three different kinds of storeroom-small ones 14 , but usable. They did this instead of having lessons in the classroom. They really had a 15 time too, designing everything, drawing the blueprints, 16 the angles and so on . I didn’t take math. I can’t stand it! Besides, I could do the basic things with numbers. That’s 17 .

18 I think I am a better person for having gone to the school. I can read and write as well as anyone else my age, and I can think better. That’s probably a real big 19 between the free school and regular school-the amount of 20 .

1. A. desks B. lights C. students D. buildings

2. A. sad B. last C. good D. strange

3. A. attended B. took C. missed D. studied

4. A. from then on B. just then C. once more D. just then

5. A. freedom B. habit C. time D. people

6. A. workers B. pupils C. gardeners D. grown-ups

7. A. understand B. study C. play D. say

8. A. hear from B. feel like C. think about D. know of

9. A. night B. regular C. small D. real

10. A. all B. short C. no D. indoor

11. A. planted B. studied C. drew D. toured

12. A. Still B. Then C. Yet D. Next

13. A. wild B. successful C. usual D. particular

14. A. as well B. after a while C. of course D. as a result

15. A. funny B. great C. convenient D. thoughtful

16. A. looking out B. taking out C. finding out D. figuring out

17. A. dull B. interesting C. enough D. dangerous

18. A. On the whole B. Once again C. Sooner or later D. After a while

19. A. problem B. chance C. difference D. change

20. A. reading B. gardening C. teaching D. thinking

VI 选词填空:15

experience immediately literature average extra drop poet generation on of with lucky help miss use title

It is not a new thing to ______ the way ____ life in other countries. Three years ago I came to England for further study. _____ landing at the airport, I couldn’t help ________ China! ______, my roommate, a girl who was interested in ________, was very ________ and helped me get ________ to the new life soon. Besides learning, we often went to attend a speech ______ “Shakespeare and his tragedies” in our ______ time.

VII 阅读理解 20%

( A )

Although there are no state controlled survival courses in Britain or the United States, there are various independent organizations offering similar activities.

Students can participate ( take part ) in outdoor training courses through university clubs and societies . Anyone can register ( 登记 ) with such groups, which then organize courses ,training and trips for all members .

One of the most popular outdoor training programmes in both the US and Britain, is Outward Bound ( 户外训练 ). It was founded in 1941 in Wales and attracts hundreds of thousands of adventurous types every year.

The courses are to broaden minds through experiences that build confidence, self-esteem ( 自尊 ) and character. As well as specialist courses such as canoeing, leadership skills and sailing, participants can take part in week long adventure training camps which include a host of sports and survival training education skills.

Michael Williams, an American student, took part in an Outward Bound course last year. He said: “We learned lots of first aid skills, lots of natural history, lots of environmental facts , and participated in a wildlife preservation ( protecting ) programme. Beyond that, my favorite skills learned were sailing and rock climbing.”

Courses can last up to 40 days and are open to anyone over the age of 14. Students must be in general good health, but do not need to be experienced in outdoor-sports. There is no selection process; everyone is welcome, although new participants are advised to pick a course matching their physical power.

Most of the British courses take place in the Beacons in Wales. Another similar organization is the UK Survival School, which includes courses on learning to live with the environment, sailing and winter survival. On a basic survival weekend students will learn how to get water and food, how to make fire and cook with it, to find and build a shelter, control survival life support, how to cross rivers, send off an SOS signal, and to use compasses by day and night.

According to the leaders, such adventures are “an awakening, an exploration into unknown.” Outward Bound believes that participants will “use mind and body traveling some of the earth’s roughest wildness areas.”

( )1. The advantage of the training courses is that _________ .

A. participants can make friends with others

B. participants can visit some places of interest

C. participants can experience different adventures

D. participants can learn how wonderful nature is

( )2. In the Outward Bound course last year , the most exciting experience Michael Williams had was _________ .

A. learning first aid skills B. collecting facts of environment

C. preserving wildlife D. rock climbing and sailing

( )3. What’s the writer’s purpose to write this passage?

A. To introduce the training course to readers.

B. To persuade readers to take part in the training courses.

C. To tell readers the danger of this training course.

D. To introduce the wonders of the world to readers.

( B )

Many Chinese students who have learnt English for more than ten years are still unable to speak English very well when they meet a foreigner. They seem to have mastered the basic language structure(结构), but a conversation in English will make them feel uneasy. They are afraid that other people might find out their mistakes.

It's uncommon that many students who are bad speakers of English can write English perfectly. This proves that they are unable to organize their idea in English. The center of the problem is that they lack practice and confidence (自信).

Why should you be afraid? Do you fear those foreigners with whom you are speaking? Don't be shy, they will not laugh at you just for a little mistake you make. The best way to get rid of trouble is to learn to speak by speaking more. I am sure that constant practice will help you succeed.

4. What's the best topic for the passage?

A. How to Speak to Foreigners

B. How to Study English Well

C. How to Organize the Idea in English

D. Practise Speaking English All the Time

5. Many Chinese students can write English very well, but they cannot speak English fluently because

A. they seldom meet foreigners

B. they seldom practise speaking English

C. they had no chance to speak English

D. they think it's enough to master the basic language structure only

6. So many Chinese students are afraid speak to foreigners because

A. they are afraid they can't understand foreigners

B. they don't think their English is poor

C. they worry about making mistakes in their speaking

D. they didn't tike speaking to foreigners

7. According to the passage, which of the following is NOT true?

A. We can speak English fluently by doing more speaking.

B. If you can write English perfectly, you are able to organize your idea in English.

C. If you can write good English composition, you can speak English very well.

D. Any Chinese students can't speak English fluently because they are afraid of making mistakes.

8. In the last paragraph, the expression “get rid of” means_______.

A. throw away B. free oneself from

C. give up D. do with

VIII 作文 10%








生词:才艺大赛 --- talent show 学生会--the Student Union


I 单选:

1~5 C A A A B 6~10 D D C A B 11~15 A A A B B


1. paid… attention to

2. graduating from

3. recently

4. developed

5. donated to

6. inform…of

7. preparations

8. On hearing

9. respects

10. earnings

III 动词适当形式填空:

1. experienced; an experience; experienced

2. preparing

3. challenging

4. developed; developing

5. pleased; pleasing

6. broadcast/broadcasted

7. introduce

8. continue

9. achievements

10. regret; regretted

IV 中译英

1. The government approved the new building plans.

2. I am pleased to experience a different way of life.

3. My English improve a lot as I spent several hours reading English every day.

4. It’s hard to drop some subjects which you like.

5. We regret to inform you that Science Laboratory will be closed next Thursday.

V 完形填空:

1~5 ADCBA 6~10 DCDBC 11~15ABDCB 16`~20 DCACD

VI 选词填空:15

experience; of; On; missing; Luckily; literature; helpful; used; titled; extra

VII 阅读理解

1~3 C D A 4~8 DBCCA


May I have your attention, please? I am happy to inform you that a High School Students’ Talent Show will be held in ChangZhou Television Station on August 20th. This is really a good chance to show your singing , dancing, hosting and different talents. If you would like to have a try, you’ll have to go to the Student Union to sign up before the end of July.

Thanks for your kind attention!

篇4:译林牛津 高一模块1 Unit 1 短语

Phrases In Unit One:

From Welcome to the unit to Reading

1. a time of hard work

2. low-rise buildings

3. (be) at ease with …

4. dream school life

5. have no experience in doing …

6. be happy with …

7. attend assembly/a meeting

8. the best way to do …

9. earn respect from …

10. achieve high grades

11. sound like (a good idea)

12. on average

13. not as … as …

14. used to do …

15. a bit challenging

16. spend … (in) doing …/on …

17. at lunchtime

18. for free

19. on Monday evenings

20. drop some subjects

21. such as …/for example

22. on school field/in the field of …

23. different way of life

24. get a general idea of …

25. word by word

From exercises:

26. encourage … to do …

27. would like to do …

28. first of all

29. introduce … to …

30. surf the internet

31. at assembly/at the meeting

32. not … until …

33. prepare to do …

34. have chances to do …

Phrases In Unit One:

From Welcome to the unit to Reading

1. 努力工作的时代

2. 低矮的建筑

3. (与某人在一起)自由自在

4. 理想的校园生活

5. 没有…的经验

6. 对…很高兴、满意

7. 参加集会、会议

8. 做…的最好方法

9. 赢得…的尊敬

10. 取得好的成绩、高分

11. 听起来好像


13. 不如…

14. 过去常常(现在不这样了)

15. 有些挑战性

16. 在…上花费…(时间、金钱)

17. 午餐时间

18. 免费的

19. 星期一晚上

20. 放弃一些科目

21. 比如、例如

22. 在操场上、在…领域

23. 不同的生活方式

24. 掌握…的大意

25. 逐字逐句地

From exercises:

26. 鼓励…做…

27. 想、要做…

28. 首先

29. 向…介绍…

30. 上网

31. 会上

32. 直到…才…

33. 准备做…

34. 有机会做…

From Word power to Grammar

35. (much) more than …

36. (be) available (for …)

37. far away (from …)

38. make sure that …/of …

39. on campus

40. during break time

41. graduate from …

42. upon/on doing …

43. finish one’s studies

44. develop an interest in doing …

45. return from … to …

46. donate … to …

47. thank … for one’s kindness

48. make a speech about/on …

49. refer to …

50. in this case

51. leave out …

52. instead of …

53. pay attention to …

From Task to Project

54. in short form

55. save space/money

56. have a meeting with …

57. make decisions

58. make comparisons

59. compare … and …

60. the more …, the more …

61. regret to do (say/tell)…

62. inform … of …/that …

63. start a school club

64. be allowed to do …

65. give messages to …

66. be required to do …

67. read … out aloud (to …)

68. make preparations for …

69. be responsible for …

70. do research on …

71. come up with …

72. base … on …/ be based on …

From Word power to Grammar

35 仅仅

36 可利用的

37 远离…

38 确信、弄清楚

39 校园里

40 在休息时间

41 毕业于…

42 一…就…

43 完成学业

44 培养…(方面)的兴趣

45 从…返回…

46 把…捐赠给…

47 感谢…的仁慈、善良

48 做关于…的演讲

49 意指

50 在这种情况下

51 省略

52 而不是

53 注意

From Task to Project

54 以简短的形式

55 节省空间、金钱

56 开会

57 做决定

58 做比较

59 比较A与B

60 越…,越…

61 遗憾、抱歉地说、告知

62 通知…、告知…

63 开办俱乐部

64 允许做…

65 给…些信息

66 被要求做…

67 向…大声地读出、念出…

68 为…做些准备

69 对…负责

70 做研究

71 提出(观点、计划等)

72 以…为基础



1. - Help yourself to.- Thanks. Mmm... it tastes good. A. some chickens B. a chicken C. some chickenD. any chicken2. Twelve were hurt, but no were lost in that accident. A. person; life B. people; lives C. peoples; lives D. persons; life3. - Why couldn't you get to Hong Kong that night? - Because 10: 30 all the trains had left the station. A. of B. at C. by D. until4. - I'm looking forward taking a holiday in Hainan. - So am I. It's great to be holiday there. A. for; on B. to; at C. to; on D. for; at5.Mum had asked Mike to close the windows before he went out,

Mike forgot to do so. A. Though; B. Though; butC. Till;不填 D. Until; then 6.-I have three English dictionaries.

-I have nine. I have three times you. A. as much asB. as many as C. as little asD. less than7. Suddenly Edward came in and said he had to tell the class. A.anything important B. important everything C. something important D. important something8.- Why is easy for such a young girl to learn three foreign languages so well? - Because Britain, Germany and France are all very near______country. A. it; his B. that; hisC. she; her D. it; her9.- What did the scientist say? - He said he wondered if into space by spaceship one day. A. he had to fly B. he could fly C. can he fly D. could he fly10. - Here's somebody at the door. Who it be? Is it the postman? - No. It be him. It's just seven o'clock. It's too early. A. may; can't B. will; won't C. may; mustn't D. must; may not

No one knows how the huge rocks and ___ without our modern machines eight hundred years ago. A. are cut; moved B. were cut; move

C. are cut; moving D. were cut; moved12. The man who lived alone on that island thought henever_______. A. will; find B. would; be found C. is; found D. had; been found13. The old people lonely at all since we began to visit them once a week. A. don't feelB. hasn't feltC. haven't feltD. didn't feel14. - Where were you in July last year? - This time last year my family and I my grandparents in New York. A. was visitingB. visited C. had visitedD. were visiting15.- When Mr Harris the town for Sydney?

- I think it last December. A. did; leave; was B. did; leave; is C. has; left; was D. does; leave; is16. You'd better when your mouth is full of food. A. don't speak B. not to speakC. not speakD. not speaking17. Look at the sign on the wall! Stop photo graphs, please. A. to take B. taking C. take D. not taking

18.How long have you this book?

A. boughtB. borrowed C. hadD. Lent

19. This match made them at last. A. happily B. quickly C. slowly D . friendly

20. There are so many buildings on side of the mad.

A. all B. eitherC. both D.every

21. The weather in Guangzhou is hotter than in Harbin. A. that B. it C. this D. One

22.- What day is it?- .

A. It's a fine day B. It's Tuesday C. It's June 26th D. It's wet

23.- Pass me the paper, please. - . A. Here you are B. Hare it is C. Give it to me D. Here is it

24.I'm still hungry. Could I have two pieces of bread, please? A. much B. manyC. more D. most

25.It's very cold today. You'd better put your coat when you go out. A. away B. down C. on D. up

26.-I'm sorry I my homework at home. - That's all right. Don't forget it to school this afternoon. A. forget ...to take B. forget... to bring

C. left...to take D. left... to bring

27.Where are the students? Are they in ? A. the Room 406 B. Room 406C. the 406 RoomD. 406 Room

28.- I hear your father to Japan once. - Yes. He there last year. A. went... has been B. has been ...went

C. goes... wentD. has been... has been

29.The flowers start to in spring. A. come in B. come out C. come from D. come to

30.Look! beautiful that lake is!

A. What B. How C. How aD. What a

Keys: 1-5 CBCCA 6-10 BCDBA

11-15 DBCDA 16-20 CBCDB

21-25 ABACC 26-30 DBBBB


Last Friday, after doing all the family shopping in the town. I wanted to have a rest before catching the rain. I __1__ a newspaper and some chocolate and __2__ into the station coffee shop. It was a cheap self-service place with long tables to __3__ at. I put my heavy bag down on the floor, __4__ the newspaper and the chocolate on the table and then went to get a cup of coffee.

When I came back with the coffee, There was someone __5__ in the next seat. __6__ was a boy, with dark glasses and old clothes, and __7__ bright red at the front. He had started to eat my chocolate!

Naturally, I was rather uneasy about him, but I didn’t want to have any __8__. I just read the newspaper, tasted my coffee and took a bit of chocolate. The boy looked at me in __9__.Then he took a __10__ piece of my chocolate. I could hardly believe it. Still I didn’t say anything to him. When he took a third piece, I felt more angry than uneasy. I thought, “Well, I shall have the last piece.” And I got it.

The boy gave me a strange look, then __11__ up. As he left, he shouted out, “There’s something __12__ with that woman!” Everyone looked at me, __13__ I didn’t want to quarrel with the boy, so I kept quiet. I did not realize that I had __14__ a mistake until I finished my coffee and was ready to __15__. My face turned red when I saw my unopened chocolate under the newspaper. The chocolate that I had been eating was the boy’s!

1. A. stole B. bought C. sold D. wrote

2. A. went B. satC. seated D. looked

3. A. sitB. seat C. lieD. laugh

4. A. pushed B. took C. put D. pulled

5. A. jumping B. playing C. sitting D. sleeping

6. A. HeB. ItC. Who D. What

7. A. cutB. washed C. covered D. colored

8. A. coffee B. trouble C. chocolate D. matter

9. A. carelessness B. anger C. surprise D. happiness

10. A. first B. second C. very D. last

11. A. stood B. took C. cried D. looked

12. A. strange B. wrong C. OK D. funny

13. A. andB. but C. soD. while

14. A. spelt B. corrected C. made D. found

15. A. finish B. leave C. jump D. shop


1. B.为了消磨时间,“我”买了报纸和巧克力,故选bought.

2. A.由文章推理出,“我”走进了一家咖啡店,故应选went。

3. A. to sit at 是作为tables的后置定语,意为“可以在旁边就坐的桌子” .

4. C.按常理“我”应把报纸等放在桌子上,而不是推到或拉到桌子上故应选 put.

5. C.由下文可知,回来时“我”发现他开始吃“我”的东西,说明他坐在桌旁,故选 sitting.

6. A.由下文可知,对方是一个男子,故用he指代。

7. D.头发应是被染成红色的,故应选colored.

8. B.面对这样一个男子,“我”不想惹麻烦,trouble合乎文意为正确选项。

9. C.由下文可知,“我”吃的是这个男子的巧克力,这引起了对方的某一反应,比较四个选项,再根据上文,用名词surprise比较合乎当时的情形。

10. B.习惯用语“a second + 名词”,常用来表示“再一个,又一个”。

11. A.根据文意可知那个男孩起身要走,故选择stood.

12. B.男孩生气了,必定说了发泄的话,比较四个选项wrong为最佳选择。

13. B.男孩骂了“我”导致大家都朝“我”看,而“我”不想与他争吵,可见“我”的反应与上文描述的气氛恰恰相反,故选择but构成转折关系。

14. C.固定搭配make a mistake意为“犯了个错误”。

15. B.“我” 在喝完咖啡准备离开时发现了自己的过错,故应选leave.



Christmas Eve means a warm get-together with friends, a candlelight dinner, or perhaps a celebration at a pub(酒馆) for students. But, for Cai Yingjie, the night has a different meaning: helping beggars(乞丐) and the homeless(people without homes)。 Cai, who is a student in journalism at Tsinghua, could be found at Beijing's Wudaokou Light Railway Station that special evening. When she saw an old beggar, she took the cold, rough hands of the woman with her warm, clean hands, and gave the woman some warm bread and helped her put on a pair of new gloves(手套)。 The woman was surprised for a few seconds, then burst into tears, saying “for the first time I feel respected(尊重)”。 Cai said, “A beggar's life is very hard. That's why I want to help them.” Cai was one of 14 Tsinghua students spending Christmas Eve among the poor. They walked in the cold wind along the streets from 4 to 7 pm on Friday, visiting 15 beggars in Beijing's Haidian District. They brought bread and gloves with them, and stopped to greet beggars and offer them some of the warm food. Each beggar greeted them with a look of surprise. “I know the activity can't help much, but it's meant to show our respect and care for beggars and the homeless who have been neglected for so long,” said Sun, head of the group. “And Christmas is a good time for that.”1. What does Christmas Eve mean to the 14 Tsinghua students? A. Taking 15 beggars to Tsinghua. B. Getting together with friends. C. Showing care to the beggars and the homeless. D. Selling bread and gloves to the beggars.2. What does the beggar mean by saying “for the first time I feel respected”? A. The beggar has been waiting for Cai for long. B. The beggar hasn't been shown care for so long. C. The beggar has been respecting Cai for a long time. D. This is the first time the beggar has seen Tsinghua students.3. What did each beggar feel when they received greetings? A. Sad. B. Amazed. C. Frightened. D. Proud.4. The word “neglected” in the last passage means _______. A. protected B. found C. taken care ofD. given no enough care


1. 选C.第1段的最后一句…helping beggars(乞丐) and the homeless(people without homes)。 就是他们的决定,即去帮助那些乞丐和无家可归的人,给他们以关爱。答案选C.2. 选B.根据第3段中的 woman所说的话:…for the first time I feel respected(尊重)。 我们可以推断出:乞丐们有太长的时间没人关心了。故答案为B.3. 选B. 在第6段中有这样一句Each beggar greeted them with a look of surprise. 而B选项中Amazed 的同义表达就是surprised,所以答案为B.4. 选D.本文讲述了14个清华学子在平安夜帮助流浪汉和乞丐们的故事。这些流浪汉和乞丐们都感到十分的意外和温暖,我们由此可推断他们应该是长期given no enough care(被忽视的)原因。这样我们就可以排除A、B、C三项,最后正确答案为D.


What are you going to do if you are in a burning house? How will you escape? Do you know how to save yourself? Please read the following passage. Escaping a fire is a serious matter. Knowing what to do during a fire can save you life. It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family, such as stairways and fire escapes, but not lifts. From the lower floors of the buildings, escaping through windows is possible, learn the best way of leaving by windows with the least chance of serious injury. The second floor window is usually not very high from the ground. An average person, hanging by the finger-tips will have a drop of about six feet to the ground. It is about the height of an average man. Of course, it is safer to jump a short way than to stay in a burning building. Windows are also useful when you are waiting for help. Be sure to keep the door closed. Or smoke and fire may be drawn into the room. Keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air rather than smoke that may leaked(渗) into the room. On a second or third floor, the best windows for escape are those that open onto a roof. From the roof a person can drop to the ground more safely. Dropping onto cement(水泥) might end in injury. Bushes(灌木丛) and grass can help to break a fall.1. It is important to _______. A. put out the fire in the burning house B. know the ways to escape the fire C. jump off a burning house D. keep the door closed2. It is possible to escape through the windows _______. A. if there are some bushes on the ground B. if you are strong enough C. if you live on a lower floor D. If you have a long rope3. Which of the following escaping way is NOT right? _______. A. You can escape though stairways.

B. You can choose fire escapes. C. Escape from the windows that open onto a roof.

D. Use a lift to come down at once.4. Open the window so that _______ if the building is on fire. A. you can get fresh air B. you can call for help C. you can easily jump off D. you can be seen first5. The best title of the passage is _______. A. Escaping from the Windows B. Save Yourself in the Burning House C. Knowledge on FireD. Waiting for Help


1. 选B.从句子It is important to know the ways you can use and show them to everyone in the family,…可知,当房子着火后,最重要的是你要知道the ways to escape the fire(逃生方式),故答案选B.2. 选C.在短文的第2段说到…from the lower floors of building escaping through windows is possible.故选C.3. 选D.在短文中特别强调在大火发生时,人们可以从 stairways 和 fire escapes逃生, but not lifts(但不能从电梯),因为那是相当危险的。4. 选A.在短文的第5段提到了可…keep your head low at the window to be sure you get fresh air…可知。5. 选B.通读全文后,短文的大意很明显,在着火的大楼中自救的方法应是短文的主题,故选B.

篇6:译林牛津 高一 Asking and directing ways


Giving directions(指路)

I. Useful Expressions

1.-Excuse me, could you tell me the way to the cinema? 对不起,请问到电影院怎么走?

-Go down the street and turn right at the first crossing. You can’t miss it.沿着这条街往前走,在第一个十字路口往右拐弯。你不会找不到的。

2.-Excuse me. Would you mind telling me where the nearest bank is?对不起。告诉我最近的


-Not at all. Follow this road until you come to a bookstore. 一点也不介意。顺着这条路一直走到书店处。

3.-Excuse me. How can I get to the post office?对不起。请问去邮局怎么走?

-Go this way about ten minutes. When you see a bank, turn left. It’s opposite the bank.往这边走约十分钟。当你看到银行时左转弯。它就在银行对面。

4.-Excuse me. Is this the right way to the park?对不起。去公园是不是走这条路?

-I’m afraid you’re going in the opposite direction.恐怕你方向走反了。

5.-Excuse me. Which is the way to the Bank of China?对不起。请问去中国银行的路怎么走?-Take bus No. 92, and get off at the next stop.坐92路公共汽车,到下一站下车。

6.-I’m a stranger here. Would you please tell me how to get to this address?我对这儿不熟悉。请问到这个地址怎么走?

-I’m sorry, I’m new around here, too. I saw a policeman standing under the traffic lights. He

will be able to help you.对不起,这儿我也不熟悉。我刚才看到交通灯下有个警察,他会帮助你的。

7.-Excuse me. Which bus goes to the World Park?对不起,请问哪一班公共汽车到世界公园?--Take the No. 4 bus to Peace Road and change there to the No. 8 bus.坐四路车到和平路,然后在那儿换乘八路车。

8.-How can I get to No. 4 Middle School?我怎样才能到达四中?

-It’s on the Fifth Avenue. It’s too far to walk. You’d better take Bus No. 2.在第五大街。步行去太远了。你最好坐2路公共汽车。

9.-Could you direct me to the post office?你能指给我去邮局的路吗?

-It’s about two stop lights from here. The best way to get there is to take a bus.从这儿去大约两个交通灯的路程。去那儿最佳的方法是坐公共汽车。

10.-How far is it from here to your school?从这儿到你校有多远?

-It’s about two miles away. 大约两英里远。

11.-Which direction is the nearest bank?最近的银行在哪个方向?

-It’s in the direction of south. It’s about five minutes’ walk from here. 在南面。从这儿步行约五分钟。

II.Cultural Information

Americans are very direct people. When they want something, they will say “yes” and when they don’t, they will say “no”. If you asked an American standing at the edge of a road how far the next town was, the American would say, “You have a long way to go yet. It is at least 24 miles more.” The traveler might be disappointed(失望), but he would know what to expect, and there would be no misunderstanding. But in some countries, because the man realizes the traveller is tired and eager to reach the next town, he will politely say, “Just down the road.” He thinks this is more encouraging, gentler.

篇7:译林牛津 高一 Unit 1 School Life

Textual Analysis:

This unit introduces and develops the theme of school life.

(1) In Welcome to the unit, students are presented with four different aspects of school life in the UK and are asked to compare the differences between high schools in the UK and in China. The reading text School life in the UK deals with an article from a school magazine on school life in the UK.

(2) Word power talks about school facilities;

(3) In grammar and usage, students are required to learn the Attributive Clause--- the usages of “that, which, who, whose, whom”.

(4) Task deals with reporting school activities. In the Project section, students will learn how to design a poster.

Teaching aims:

Encourage the Ss to learn the following

(1) Vocabulary: words and phrases

(2) Grammar: the Attributive Clause--- the usages of “that, which, who, whose, whom”

(3) Skills of reading a magazine

(4) Culture: school life; school activities; after-school activities; schoolclubs

Important points & difficult points:

The Attributive Clause; Making a project

Teaching aids:

computer; tape-recorder

Interactive patterns:

teacher-class; pairs; groups

Teaching methods:

Audio-visual method; Direct method; Functional approach

Teaching process:

Welcome to the Unit: (0.5 period)

(1) Warming up questions

(2) Talk about the pictures

(3) More questions

Reading: (1.5 periods)

(1) Lead-in

(2) First reading

(3) Further reading

(4) Text Check

(5) Notes/language points

(6) Exercises

Grammar (task-teaching method) (2 periods)

(1) explanation

(2) exercises

Word power (1.5 periods)

(1) text learning

(2) more exercises

Project (1.5periods)

(1) text learning

(2) more practice

Self-assessment (1 period)/Test (1 period)


Welcome to the Unit: (0.5 period)

(1) Warming up questions

a. What school were you at last term?

b. Why did you choose our senior high school?

c. Are there any differences?

(2) Talk about the pictures

a. Huge campus and low-rise buildings

b. Lockers for every student

c. Fewer students in each class

d. At ease with our teacher

(3) More questions

a. Do you know of any other differences between the lives of Chinese and British high school students?

b. What kind of school activities do you enjoy?

c. What is your dream school life like?



1. Going to a foreign high school for some time is very ________(开心) and exciting.

2. Almost no high school students are ___________ (满意)with the school hours in China.

3. I know from my own ____________(经历) how difficult this kind of work can be.

4. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very ___________ (有助)and I enjoyed all my subjects.

5. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just ________ (放松)under a tree or sat on the grass.

6. George Bush was invited to a__________ the APEC held in Shanghai.

7. My English i_________ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.

8. The paintings that David d__________ to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.

9. Though it didn’t look l________ a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.

10. British people eat lots of desserts after their m_________ meal.

Reading: (1.5 periods)


How long did Wei Hua stay in Britain?

What was the name of Wei Hua’s class teacher?

What did Wei Hua make in her Woodwork class?

(2) First reading

Exercises: (P4)


(3) Further reading

Make an interview.

S1-S2(Wei Hua)

Write an article about the differences between high schools in the UK and in China.

(4) Text Check

Going to ____ British high school for one year was ____ very enjoyable and exciting experience for me. I was very happy ______the school hours in Britain because school ______ around 9 a.m. and ends about 3.30p.m. This means I could get up an hour later ________ as schools in China begin before 8 a.m. On the first day, all students went to attend _______ assembly. I sat _______ a girl _______ name was Daniel.We soon became best ______. The best way ______ ____respect from the school was ______ hard and achieve high grades. This sounded ______ my school in China. I _____ many teachers in the past year and they each taught only one ________. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English literature. This is about the ________ size for British schools. We had to _______ different classrooms _____ different classes. I found the homework was not as _____ as ____I used to get in my old school, but it was a little ________ for me at first because all my homework was ____ English. I felt lucky as all my teachers were _________ and I enjoyed all my subjects. My English _______ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day _____ English books in the library. I usually e-mailed my family and friends back home _____ at lunchtime. I also had an _____ French class ____ Tuesday evenings. Cooking was really ___ great fun as I learned how to buy, prepare and cook food. At the end of the term we ____ a class party and we all had to cook something.

(5) Notes/language points


attend v. 参加


According to the law in China, all children between 6 and 14 must attend school. 根据中国法律,六到十四岁的儿童必须上学。

I can’t go with you because I have one or two things to attend to (deal with).我不能和你去,因为我还有一两件事要处理。

attend church 做礼拜;attend the meeting 参加会议


average n. adj. v.平均的


The average of their study hours a day is 14. How tiring! 他们一天学习的平均时间是14 小时。 多累啊!(名词)

We receive 20 letters a day on average. 我们平均一天收20封信。

What is the average rainfall for July in your city? 你们城市七月份平均降雨量是多少?(形容词)

I average eight hours’ work a day. 我一天平均工作八小时。(动词)


challenging adj. challenge v. n. 挑战


She enjoys challenging problems. 她喜欢挑战性的问题。

I only like to study something if it really challenges me. 我只喜欢学真正能挑战我的东西。


extra adj. adv. n. 额外


An extra loaf of bread was given to Tom. Tom.得到额外的一块面包。

At this hotel a hot bath is an extra. 在这家旅馆,热水洗澡是另外付钱的。


experience n. v. 经历;经验


How many years’ experience do you have of teaching English? 你教书有多少年了?

Don’t correct him all the time---he will learn by/from/through experience.不要一直纠正他,他会从经验中学。

Our journey by camel across Sahara was quite an experience. (抽象名词具体化,指一次经历)

I experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 签证离开那个国家我费了很大的劲。

Many people can drive at present, but they need to learn to be experienced at repairing cars.目前许多人会开车,还需学习会修车。


develop v. 发展


In less than ten years, it develops from a seed to a full-grown tree.不到十年,它从一个小种子长成一棵大树。

Our holiday films haven’t been developed yet. 假日的胶卷还没冲洗。

Some countries are well developed while a lot more are developing countries.有些国家很发达,而更多的是发展中国家。


cover v. 盖;报道


The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands. 噪音太高,她用手捂住耳朵。

Many reporters have been sent to cover the football games.已派了许多记者去报道足球赛。

The course covers both business and law. 这门课涉及商业和法律。


regret n. & v. 遗憾


He expressed his regret about the opportunity he missed.他失去那个机会,很遗憾。

I regret to say the seat has been taken. 对不起,座位有人坐了。

How I regret having wasted so much time when I should have studied.我多么后悔我浪费了本该学习的时间。


inform v. 通知 information n. 信息


No one informed him of/about the decision. 没有人通知他决定。

I informed him that I would not be able to attend his party. 我告诉他我不能参加他的宴会。

We have received information that they may have left the country. 我们得到信息他们可能已离开那个国家。


run v. 跑,经营


The water ran for hours before the leak was found.漏洞发现之前,水已流了数小时。

Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.许多结婚的女人又工作又理家。

I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop. 在一家二手店里,我偶尔见到他的一张早期唱片。

Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money. Bob要我爸爸借500美元给他,因为他缺钱。


host n. 主人;


At the end of the party we thanked our host and went home. 在晚会结束时,我们谢谢主人后回家。

We are proud China is the host country for the Olympic Games. 我们非常骄傲中国主办奥林匹克运动会。


require v. 需要


Your suggestion requires further thought. 你的建议需要进一步思考。

The situation requires that we (should) take immediate action.情形需要我们采取立刻行动。

All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有的乘客需要出示篇。

The floor requires/needs/wants cleaning. 地板需要清洗。


requirement n.需要

Whatever he did never met his father’s requirements. So he left home.他无论做什么,都不能满足他爸爸的要求,所以,他离家出走了。




1. exciting 令人激动的 (主语往往具有使他人或它物激动的性质)

excited 激动的(主语因某事或某物而变得激动)


an exciting film/ football match 令人激动的电影/足球赛

The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子门打开圣诞礼物。

She is very excited about getting a part in the film. 她在那部电影里得到一个角色非常激动。



2. used to过去常常做某事,后接动词原形(used to do sth)

be/get/become used to习惯于某事或习惯于做某事,后接名词或动名词(be/get/become used to sth./doing sth)

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事,是use sth to dosth的被动形式


People used to think that the Earth was flat. 过去人们常常认为地球是方的。

I never got used to going to bed so late. 我从来不习惯这么晚睡觉。

I’m used to the noise after living here for so many years.在这里住了多年后已习惯吵闹声。

We used the money to buy a new car.我决定用这笔钱买一辆新车。

Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.在许多公司,计算机被用来做很多工作。




3. for example例如,后可以接句子;还可以跟在名词后;

like和such as 如,后接名词


Many animals can do nothing but sleep in winter, like frogs and snakes.冬天,许多动物冬眠,如青蛙和蛇。

We have planted several flowers, such as roses and lilies.我们已种了几种花,如玫瑰和百合。

Now not all people go to work in their offices. For example, some young men can stay at home while they work, which is called “SOHO”. 不是所有的人在办公室工作。如有些年轻人在家工作,被称为“SOHO”族。

I know many women who have a career and a family---Alice for example.我认识许多女人事业家庭都不错,如艾丽丝。




4. at the end of在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…


At the end of August, we are back at school. 不月末,我们回到学校。

By the end of last month, they had received 100 gold medals.到上个月末为止,他们已获得100枚金牌。

By the end of this year, they will have travelled around the world.到今年年末,他们已经环游了世界。

He tried several times to pass the exam, and in the end he succeeded. 为通过考试他试了几次,最后成功了。




5. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(还未做) forget doing sth. 曾做过某事,忘了


Please remember to hand in your homework tomorrow. 请记得明天交作业。

He remembered locking the door. But he couldn’t find his key. 他记得锁了门,但他找不到钥匙。

He forgot to tell me the news. So I didn’t know. 他忘了告诉我那消息,所以我不知道。

He forgot telling me the news. He told me again. 他忘了告诉我那消息,又讲了一遍。



6. prepare for为…做准备相当于 make preparations for

be prepared for 强调心理做准备

for preparation 为准备,介词短语

get sth. ready 为…做准备


Have you prepared a meal for your parents? 你为你父母准备过饭了吗?

They are making preparations for the Queen’s visit.他们在为女皇的到来做准备。

Will you help me prepare for the party? 你愿意帮我准备晚会吗?

There are plenty of courses that prepare students for English exams. 有大量为学生备考英语的课程。

Mother is not prepared to listen to my weak excuses. 妈妈不愿听我的借口。

Before exams, there are always a lot to do for preparation.考试前,总有许多事要准备。

To welcome the honoured guest, we have got everything ready.为了欢迎尊贵的客人,我们一切都准备好了。






1. be happy with 对…满意


My boss is never happy with my work.我老板对我的工作从不满意。

Most people were happy with their choices at first; soon they felt bored.大多数人开始都满意自己的选择,但不久就厌倦了。


2. become friends 成为朋友 be friends 是朋友; make friends with与…交朋友


They soon forgot their differences and were friends again. 他们不久就忘了分歧,再次成为朋友。

David finds it hard to make friends with other children. 大卫发觉很难与别的孩子交朋友。


3. for free 免费


I got this ticket for free from Tom, who didn’t want it. (for nothing) 我没花钱从汤姆那儿弄到票,他不要。

Children under five usually travel free on trains. 五岁以下的儿童乘车不要钱。


4. at assembly 在集会上


The headmaster told us all the school rules at assembly. 集会上校长告诉了我们所有的校规。

此短语中没有冠词,再如:at school 在上学;at work在工作;at lunch在吃午饭等。


5.think of 想起


You can’t expect me to think of everything. 你不要指望我每件事都想到。

They are thinking of moving to America. 他们在考虑搬到美国去。


6. pay attention to 注意


You must give your full attention to your work. 你必须把你的注意力全放在工作上。

He managed to draw readers’ attention to his works. 他设法吸引读者注意他的作品。


7. next to 紧挨


Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa. 彼得紧挨着P 做在沙发上。

Next to skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey. 他最喜欢滑雪,再就是曲棍球。


8. be available for 可用的/可得到的


Tickets are available at the box. 票房能买到票。

You must make yourself personally available for paying the bills.你必须能个人付这些账单。


9.graduate from 从…毕业


She graduated from Oxford with a degree in law. 她从牛津大学毕业,或法律学位。

She left school and went to the countryside.她中学毕业去乡下了。


10.develop an interest in doing sth. 发展做…的兴趣


类似的短语:be interested in… 对…感兴趣;

feel/have/show/express (an) interest in…对…感兴趣

Now he has grown up, he no longer takes any interest in collecting stamps. 他已长大,不再对集邮感兴趣。

A good teacher should help children develop an interest in learning instead of making them learn.



11 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事


Keep me informed of/ about whatever happens there. 那里不管发生什么事,让我知道。

He is well-informed of everybody else’s business. 别人的事他都知道。


12.be responsible for 对…负责


All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety. 所有的飞行员要对他们的乘客安全负责。

Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. 抽烟引起肺癌。



1. He also told us the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.他也告诉我从学校获得尊敬的最好办法是认真学习和取得高分。

(1)the way to do sth 做某事的方法。不定式做定语;也可以说成:the/a way of doing sth

My English teacher has a strange way of making our lessons interesting and lively.

The only way she thought of to get help at that moment was to send signal by firing.

(2)be to do sth不定式做表语

动词不定式用在连系动词后,作表语。常见的连系动词有be, seem等。作主语的名词通常是duty, wish, hope, idea, plan, purpose 等。

My wish at the age of 12 was to become a policeman when I grew up.

My job is to help the patient.

It seems to be an interesting book.

2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. 我发觉家庭作业不像过去在的学校那么多,但开始对我有点挑战,因为所有的作业都是英文的。

(1) as + adj./adv (原级) + as 否定时: not as/so + adj./adv (原级) +

They are as clever as anyone else in their class. They get low marks because they are lazy.


The newly-made car runs twice faster than any old one of its type.

This room is one third as large as yours.

(2) what I used to get in my old school 相当于the homework I used to do in my old school,与as构成比较状语。

It’s still as beautiful as what we once saw.

She doesn’t run as fast as she used to.

3. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.尽管当它完成的时候不像桌子,我仍然很喜欢它。

Though/Although引导让步状语从句,主句不要再用连词and, but等;但可以用副词still。

Though/Although there were many more guests at the party, they managed to get enough glasses for all.

Though引导让步状语从句时,可以倒装;也可以用as, 但用as必须倒装。此结构中不用although。

Young though/as he is, he knows a lot.

Child though/as he is, he knows how to deal with the difficult situation.注意:child前不用冠词。

4. First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我来向你们自我介绍一下。

祈使句的用法:动词需用原形,常见的有:(1)让我/我们做…(Let’s/ Let me do…) ;(2)让对方做…

Let’s go outing this weekend.

Find a good book to read whenever possible.

Tom, go and get your coat. It’s behind the door. (这不是第三人称,而是吩咐Tom去做文章)

Don’t leave the light on when there is no one in the room.

Never speak ill of others. (否定句时强调用never)

5. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article.我的确饭后喜欢吃甜点心,正如你文章里提到的。


He does come here earlier than anyone else in his class every morning.

He did tell a lie when he was asked where he was that night.

Do be careful while crossing the street.

6. I didn’t realize how different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. 直到我读了你文章后才知道英国的学校与中国的有多么的不同。

not …until 直到…才 until引导时间状语/时间状语从句。指将来的事,时间状语从句中一般现在时态。

You won’t find the book interesting until you have covered the first 50 pages.

He didn’t go to bed until 11 o’clock/his mother came back.

7.Upon doing… 的用法

问:(1)怎样理解“Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.”中的“Upon doing sth.”?

答:Upon/On doing sth. 一…就;此句意思:他一完成学业,就在中国旅行。

也可用as soon as ;the moment; immediately等引导的时间状语从句。即:

As soon as he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

The moment he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Immediately he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Upon/On arriving home, my mother started cooking. 妈妈一到家就烧饭。

Upon/On 后也可接名词,意思不变。

Upon/On her arrival at home, my mother started cooking.

On/Upon hearing the news, she burst into tears. 一听到那个消息,她就哭起来。

8.more than, other than, rather than 的区别

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中 more than是什么意思?

答:我们的俱乐部远不止音乐。more than …还多;不止

We are more than happy to hear of the success of their team.听到他们对成功,我们非常高兴。

We were excited that the company was more than willing to offer us what we needed.那家公司很乐意提供我们所需要的,我们很激动。

类似的短语如other than和rather than;

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

There was nothing we could do other than wait.我们除了等待什么也不能做。

You can’t get there other than by boat.你只能乘船去那里。

One can experience four seasons a day in no country other than Britain.一个人只有在英国才能一天经历四个季节。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Rather than cause trouble, he left. 不愿引起麻烦,他离开了。

The job will take months rather than weeks. It’s no easy at all.根本就不容易,这工作要花数月而不是几周。

It was what he did rather than what he said that interested me. 是他所做的而不是他所说的让我感兴趣。

9.just 用法之一---加强语气。

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中just是什么用法?


Answer me, don’t just stand there laughing.回答我,不要只是站在那里笑。(only)

That’s just my luck.我运气总是不好。(exactly)

I’ve never seen anyone run so fast---just watch David.我从没看到谁跑这么快,看David。

(6) Exercises

Grammar (task-teaching method) (2 periods)


定语从句简介(Attributive clauses)


关系代词: 先行词为人:who, whom, that, whose 先行词为物:which, that, whose

关系副词: when, where, why

结合本单元我们学习关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose引导定语从句的用法。

I. 关系代词 that引导的定语从句


Great changes that have never been seen before appear in the countryside.

(that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。因that修饰先行词 changes,故定语从句谓语用复数)

My brother works in a shop that sells CDs. (that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。 因that修饰先行词 a shop,故定语从句谓语用第三人称单数)

Is Abby the person that gives advice to readers that have trouble with their life? (此句中含两个定语从句;that在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用who代替,不用which。)

The watch that I bought yesterday works well. (that在从句中作宾语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,能省略。)

Luckily none of the people that I know were killed in the accident. (that在从句中作宾语,指人,可用who或whom,不用which代替,能省略。)


We talk about the superstars and their works that are well known in our country.

II. 关系代词 which引导的定语从句


The earthquake which happened in Tangshan was terrible. (which在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用that,不用who。)

The house which they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake. (which在定语从句中都作宾语,可省略,可用that, 不用who。)

III. 关系代词 who引导的定语从句


I was the only person in my office who was invited to go to the palace ball. (who在从句中作主语,指人,可用that代替,不用which,不能省略。)

Don’t you have a friend who might give you a hand?

IV. 关系代词 whom引导的定语从句


Don’t you have a friend whom/who/that/- you might turn to when you have trouble any time?

V. 关系代词 whose引导的定语从句


Please pass me the book whose cover is red.(指物)

The lawyer whose name is Wang Jin lives in Nanjing.(指人)

that, which, who, whom, whose 的特殊用法

I. 关系代词that与which;that与who的一些特殊用法:


1) 先行词是all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, few, little, much等不定代词;或是先行词被all, every, some, any, no, few, little等修饰时:

Is there anything (that) I can do for you in town?

I have read all the books (that) you gave me.


There is something that/which keeps worrying me. “有一件事一直令我不安。”

2) 先行词被形容词最高级或有序数词the first, the second…, the last修饰时:

This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.

The first place (that) we’ll visit is the Great Wall.

3) 先行词被the only,the very修饰时:

The only thing that matters is to find our way home.

This is the very book (that) I’ve been looking for.

4) 先行词既有人又有物时:

They talked about the persons and things (that) they remembered in the school.

5) 当主句是由who或which引导的特殊问句时,为避免重复,定语从句中常用that:

Who is the man that is standing by the door?

Which is the dictionary (that) you bought yesterday?

当先行词是anyone, those, he, she等代词表“人”时,一般用who而不用that:

Anyone who wants a ticket please sign your name here.

Those who want to go to the English party must be at the school gate by 7:30 p.m.

He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.


He is no longer the man that he used to be.

II. 关系代词whose的特殊用法(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换, of which可置于其所修饰的名词前或后; 若指人, 可以同of whom互换)。例如:

Please pass me the book whose cover is green.(指物)

=Please pass me the book the cover of which(of which the cover) is green.

The doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.(指人)

=The doctor, the name of whom was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.

III. 介词 + which/whom引导的定语从句

1) 介词 + which引导的定语从句, 此结构中,不能用that。which不能省略。介词的选用可根据从句中的相关词组确定,该介词通常可以放在关系代词之前,也可放在从句之尾,这时可用that/which引导从句,也可省略。

The room in which there is a machine is a workshop.

The room that/which/- there is a machine in is a workshop.


Is this the book (which/that) you are looking for? ( 这里介词for不提前,因为look for是固定词组,意为“寻找”,介词for若被提前,单个的look意为“看”,句意不符。)

2) 介词 + whom引导的定语从句,此结构中,不能用that也不用who。whom不能省略。

The man with whom my English teacher shook hands was from Harvard University.


The man who/whom/that/- my English teacher shook hands with was from Harvard University.




1. All ____ is needed is a supply of oil. ( NMET89 )

A. the thing B. thatC. what D. which


2.He paid the boys $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at

least a year. ( NMET90 )

A. these B. thoseC. thatD. which


3.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help. ( NMET92 )

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

点拨:本题考查定语从句中介词加关系代词的用法。根据句意“向某人求助”是turn to

sb. for help,其中介词to可提前,故答案为D。本句也可以如下表达:In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person (who/whom/that) she could turn to for help.)

4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the

others unhappy. ( )

A .who B. which C. this D. what


的角色,这件事当然令他人不快。”指代前面所说的整句话,用which。故答案为B。从句中插入of course增加了考测难度,解题时可先把它忽略。


5.①John is the only one of the students who ____ French.

②John is one of the students who ____ French.

A.know B.knows C.knowing D.known

点拨:答案是①B②A。在句①中的句意是“约翰是学生中唯一懂法语的那个学生”,其重心是the only one故从句谓语动词应与one一致。在句②中的句意是“约翰是懂法语的学生中的一个”,也就是“懂法语的学生不止一个,约翰只是其中之一”,其重心是the students,故从句中谓语动词应与students一致。

6.①This is the knife ____ I usually cut my pencil.

②This is the knife ____ I usually use to cut my pencil.

A.with which B.which C.by which D.with that

点拨:答案是①A②B。在句①中,定语从句的句式是cut my pencil with the knife,故用with which引导定语从句。在句②中,定语从句的结构是use the knife to cut my pencil,故用which引导定语从句。

7.①Who lives in the house ____ windows face south?

② Who lives in the house ____ the windows face south?

A.whose B.which C.of which D.that

点拨:答案是①A②C。在句①中windows前没有定冠词,它所缺的是定语形容词,而whose的用法就是在定语从句中作定语且既可指人也可指物。在句②中windows前有定冠词,所以要填的内容不能作前置定语,又因为“房子的窗户”用英语表达是“the windows of the house”,故可用of which引导定语从句。

8.①Is this factory ____ you visited last year?

②Is this the factory ____ you visited last year?

A.that B.of which C.the one D.where

点拨:答案是①C②A。在句①中factory前没有定冠词,这说明this是作它的定语。这样,句中就缺少表语,也就是说定语从句缺少先行词,故选C(the one后省略了that)。在句②中this作主语,the factory作表语,其后带一个that引导的定语从句,故选A。

9.①When I have trouble,he is the only one ____I can ask for help.

②When I have trouble,he is the only one ____ I can go for help.

A.whom B.to whom C.which D.to who

点拨:答案是①A②B。句①中,在结构上所要添的内容在从句中作ask的宾语其句式是ask sb.for sth.,故用whom引导定语从句。在句②中,go是不及物动词其句式是go to sb.for sth.,故用to whom引导定语从句。

10.①The reason ____ he gave us was that his car broke down on the way.

②The reason ____he was late was that his car broke down on the way.

A.for which B.which C.how D.what

点拨:答案是①B②A。在句①中,所要填的内容在定语从句中应作gave的宾语,故应填关系代词which。在句②中,所要填的内容在定语从句中作原因状语,故应填关系副词for which(=why)。

Unit 1语法专练

I. 单项选择

1. You’d better not drink water _____ has not been boiled.

A. which B. whom C. whose D. who

2. The director and his movie ___ you have just talked about are really popular.

A. who B. which C. that D. of whom

3. He regrets buying the dog ______ was very old and died the next month.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

4. This is the house _______ my father bought on a rainy evening.

A. which B. that C. / D. all of the above

5. She is my former classmate _______ handwriting is very good.

A. whom B. whose C. of whom D. which

6. Is the girl your friend _______ you shook hands just now?

A. which B. that C. to whom D. with whom

7. In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.

A. where B. who C. which D. what

8. Didn't you see the man ________ I nodded to just now?

A. which B. whom C. whose D. to which

9. I can't find the gold ring _______ I spent 100 dollars.

A. that B. on which C. which D. in which

10. The radio set ____ I bought last week has gone wrong.

A. / B. for which C. over which D. what

答案:1-5 ACDDB 6-10 DCBBA

II. 改写同义句

1. Wei Fang is the student and her home caught fire last night.

Wei Fang is the student_______________ caught fire last night.

2. This is the book .He is looking for it.

This is the book_______________.

3. He built a telescope that he could study the skies through.

He built a telescope _____________ he could study the skies.

4. The roof of the house was broken and has now been repaired.

The roof ____________ was broken has now been repaired.

5. The person I spoke to just now is our schoolmaster.

The person ____________ I spoke just now is our schoolmaster.

III. 单句改错

1. Mr Green is always working hard should get a rise.

2. I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you.

3. It was a meeting that importance I didn’t realize at that time.

4. Children eat a lot of sweets or chocolate often have bad teeth.

5. Is this the horse that you spent five hours drawing it yesterday?

6. The students who has finished the exercises may leave the classroom now.

7. My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.

8. They talked for about an hour of persons which they remembered in the school.

9. The boss whose department Ms King worked ten years ago look down upon women.

10. Chaplin, for who money was now no problem, started a new film company with his friends.

Word power (1.5 periods) School facilities

(1) text learning

(2) more exercises

Step 1 初步运用单词


(Wan Fei is waiting for Gao Lin in a meeting room.)

Wan Fei: Hi, this is Wan Fei speaking. Gao Lin, Where are you now? The lecture is starting in five minutes.

Gao Lin: Hi, Wan Fei. I’m at the school (1) e__________. What is the (2) q_________ way to get the lecture hall?

Wan Fei: On the left you can see our school (3) c_________. Walk towards it first and go (4) b________ the canteen and the gym, then turn right, walk (5) p_________the science laboratory and go straight on.

Gao Lin: It’s a little bit puzzling.

Wan Fei: Don’t be (6) w_________. Walk on. Bye!

(Gao Lin walks on. Two minutes later, he calls again.)

Gao Lin: Oh, I can see the science laboratory now.

Wan Fei: Go straight on and you can see the (7) s__________ pool. Our lecture hall is (8)n________ to it.

Gao Lin: Thank you. See you!

Wan Fei: See you!

Keys: (1) entrance (2) quickest (3) canteen (4) between (5) past (6) worried (7) swimming (8) next

Step 2重点知识解析

根据句意,从more than / other than / rather than 中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1) We are much ___________happy to hear of the success of their team.

(2)There was nothing we could do __________ wait.

(3) ____________ cause trouble, he left.

(4)We were excited that the company was _____________willing to offer us what we needed.

(5)The job will take months _____________ weeks. It’s no easy at all.

(6)You can’t get there _______________ by boat.

Keys: (1) more than (2) other than (3) Rather than (4) more than (5) rather than (6) other than

more than 不止,超过,非常,表示程度。

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Step 3 单词拓展运用

1 根据短文内容,填入适当的词

(下文是Dunman High School (DHS)学生会的新生欢迎稿,可是有些词语漏掉了,请帮助补完。)

Welcome to Dunman High School (DHS)

You have many reasons to smile at DHS. It has much more than you (1)___________. There are 50 classrooms, and a (2) _____________ with 20, 000 books. It is open at weekdays. Chinese and English are (3) ______________ for all students. Our gym is open every day. You may (4)_______________ there and have fun as well (5)____________ you like. Students who live far away from home will be (6)_________ with our dormitories. Each room comes with its own (7)___________ and Internet (8)___________. You can get help at the medical (9)___________ when you are not yourself.

Life will be very easy here. I hope you will enjoy life at DHS. Tomorrow afternoon you will be given a warm welcome to DHS with carefully planned activities on the playground. They are (10)____________ to break the ice and build friendship between you and the seniors.

If you have any questions and need any help, come to the Students’ Office or call us any time weekdays.

2 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

expect come find think of need

available next to serve look at read

(1) You can’t expect me _________everything, OK? You see, I’m always busy with my work.

(2) ___________skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey.

(3) You must make yourself personally ____________for paying the bills.

(4) It’s easy to __________ children’s thoughts by looking at their expressions.

(5) They have better players. They _________to win the game.

(6) They got separated from their friends and couldn’t ________ their way back.

(7) I didn’t _________to go to the bank---I borrowed some money from my brother.

(8) Three meals __________ in most places in China. People in Southeast Asian countries usually have four meals a day.

(9) It is said that no classroom in Singapore ________with air conditioners though it is always hot there and the country is a rich one.

(10) When he was young, he liked travelling to different cities. He would travel by ________the map of the city he visited by bus.

3 根据右栏中的解释,进行左右栏配对

(1) beam A joined bars for players to climb

(2) court B thick pad, for competitors to land on

(3) skipping rope C length of solid material with a changeable weight at each end

(4) climbing bars D indoor or outdoor space marked for basketball or similar ball games

(5) dumb-bell E a large long heavy piece of wood

(6) barbell F a short bar with a weight at each end for exercising the arms and shoulders

(7) mat G length of rope with handles at each end

4 根据中文意思,请完成下列句子

I have been an assistant manager since I _______________ (毕业) college last summer. I __________ (负责) all the Nike shoes which are sold in our city. Every morning I __________ (注意) everything, even the smallest things. I make every effort to please my customers. Many of my customers have become my friends. Last Spring Festival(春节), a little boy came to buy shoes. Unluckily, there were no shoes _______________ (可得到的) in his size. I told him I would ____________ (通知) him as soon as I got his size. My boss is very __________(满意) with my work. In fact, the work is hard, and I ___________ (总是想起) the beautiful days I spent at school. In my spare time, I _______________(发展) an interest in making toys with all kinds of used materials.

Project (1.5periods)

(1) text learning

Reporting school activities

Step 1 词汇学习


( Cindy is a senior one student now. She writes to her cousin Peter for some help.)

Dear Peter,

How are you now? I find English more interesting but more difficult. We (1) u_________ to learn what our teachers told us to. Now we are often divided into small (2) g__________. We are often told to make (3) d___________ourselves, discuss what to do and then spend much time collecting (4) i_____________ to do many different activities. It’s great fun, but we can’t find enough time. As you know, we have lots of homework every day. Will you give me some (5) a ___________?

When I (6) v________ you last time, you told me to spend more time reading. You (7) m___________ a book. It told the true story of an Indian child yogi (瑜伽论者) who left his home at the age of 11 to travel for seven years on a 12, 000km journey. I can’t remember the (8) t_______ of the book but I remember it had the word “India” in it. Will you help me get it?

Best wishes,


Step2 语言运用

1 请读下面说明,写一份通知

(To celebrate the Teachers’ Day of , the Students Union has planned to hold a party. They have carefully prepared some programmes, like singing, dancing, piano concerto, playing erhu. The party will be held at 3:00pm on the Teachers’ Day in our playground. You are the monitor of your class. Your class teacher has asked you to tell your classmates about the party.)


I’m happy to inform you that _____________________________________________________



Step 3 技能训练

1 比较信息,做出决定

Your oral English teacher Guy from London wants to learn Chinese music, Chinese painting and Chinese cooking in your class together with you. He wants to get your help, for he knows little Chinese. However, he has to give lessons to all the 16 classes in your grade. Help him to find the lessons he can attend by comparing his timetable and your class timetable.

Guy’s Timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time

1st period

2nd period Class 1

3rd period Class 5 Class 2 C13 Class 9

4th period Class 4 Class 3 C 8 Class12


5th period Class 6 Class 7 C10 Class 14

6th period Class 15 C 16

7th period Class 11

8th period

Your class timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time Chinese/English

1st period Chinese Maths English Chinese Maths

2nd period Maths Chinese Maths Maths Chinese Music

3rd period English History Chemistry English Chinese

4th period Geography Chemistry Chinese Painting Physics Politics


5th period Oral English Chinese Music Geography Chemistry PE

6th period Physics PE Physics History Chinese Painting

7th period Politics Computer Science Activities (cooking/sewing) PE Self-study

8th period Class meeting Games Library Class

Keys: Guy can attend Chinese Music on Tue (5th period) & Fri (2nd period).

He can also attend Chinese Cooking on Wed (7th and 8th periods).

He can only attend Chinese Painting on Fri ( 6th period).

2 阅读下面信息,制作学校活动安排表

(1) More and more students spend less time in studying Chinese. Some even pay little attention to Chinese culture. A Chinese professor from a famous university will be invited to give a lecture on “the importance of Chinese” on Monday, Sept 12. It starts at 4:00pm and lasts two hours in Room 101, Science Building.

(2) Some students are interested in becoming DJ. A famous DJ from the city broadcasting station will come to our school to give a lecture on “Hosting” on Wed, Sept 14. It starts at 3:30 pm and ends at 6:00pm in Room 304, Building 3.

Date Day Time Venue Subject Speaker

3 比较信息,找出你要的电影DVD光盘

The other day you went to your classmate Li Bin’s home. He was watching a film. You just watched the end of it. It was really exciting. Unluckily, you can’t remember the name of the film but you remember it had a word “Dragon” in it. You also remember it was not a recent film, directed by a famous American director. The actor acted in many films made in Hollywood. Now you want to borrow its DVD disc. In the shop you see the following discs and you want to choose the right one.

Numbers Year Name Director Famous actor/actress

(1) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Ang Lee Zhang Ziyi

Chow Yun-Fat

(2) 1994 Jui Kuen II Jackie Chan Chia-Liang Liu Jackie Chan Wai Yee Chen

(3) 2005 Seven Swords Hark Tsui Leon Lai

Zidan Zhen Charlie Yeung

(4) House of Flying Daggers Zhang Yimou Zhang Ziyi

(5) 1972 Return of the Dragon Bruce Lee Bruce Lee Chuck Norris

(6) 1973 Enter the Dragon Robert Clouse Bruce Lee

(7) 2004 Gong fu Stephen Chou Stephen Chou Lam Chi Chung

(2) more practice

Step 1词汇训练


Believe it or not, two years ago CD players were not (1) a_________ in school. Almost everyone was fond of (2) m_________. I asked the headmaster about my plan to (3) s________ a radio club to play music during break time. I was very happy that he (4) a________the idea. Our club was born in time. It is much (5) m________ than just music. Students are told about the weather and (6) r_______ news and (7) s_________messages from the school or from our teachers. We also use our club to give messages to our close friends and teachers. Songs (8) s________ by famous singers or students in our school are played in the late afternoon. After we have finished a day’s hard work, the beautiful music makes us completely relaxed.

Step 2重点语言知识解析

1 根据句意,从at the end of / by the end of / in the end中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1)__________________ August each year, students and teachers are back at school.

(2)__________________ last month, they had received 100 gold medals.

(3) __________________this year, they will have travelled around the world.

(4) He tried several times to pass the exam, and _______________he succeeded.

Keys: (1) At the end of (2) By the end of (3) By the end of (4) in the end

at the end of 在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…

2 用prepare完成下列各句,注意词性的变化

(1) Have you _____________ a meal for your parents?

(2) They are making ______________for the Queen’s visit.

(3) Will you help me ___________for the party?

(4) There are plenty of courses that _________ students for English exams.

(5) Mother is not ___________ to listen to my weak excuses.

(6) We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for________.

1 介词填空

(1) My flat is _________ the end of the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride.

(2) The bill came to £10, ________ £1 for postage.

(3) The chairman promised to come, but he hasn’t come. Now we have to start _______ him.

(4) Suddenly he came up ________ a good solution to the problem.

(5) Some teachers in our city have organized English Salon. They meet _____ the last Monday of every month to search for better ways to teach English.

(6) The films “Harry Potter” are all based ________ the novels written by JK Rowling.

(7) Before exams, there are always a lot to do ________ preparation.

(8) After learning the project, we all know what a poster consists ________.

2 翻译下列各句,学习一词多义

(1)The water ran for hours before the leak was found.

(2) Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.

(3)I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop.

(4)Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money.

(5) Do you know all the Disney parks are run by the same company?

3 请用括号内所给动词的正确形式来填空

(1) I chose an old tree and ________ all my group members around it. Then I read my poem out.(circle)

(2) If you listen to each other _________ about poems, you will all make progress.(talk)

(3) The students who __________ very soon have already started to look for job.(graduate)

(4) He wanted to design a poster ____________ a new school club “Tomorrow’s Art”. (advertise)

(5) Our class teacher has told us to have the classroom windows ______ once a week.(clean)

(6) Her latest novel has become a best-seller. It _____________many readers ever since it came out. (attract)

(7) At sixteen, Bill Clinton made up his mind to become President of the USA. He worked hard ______________ his goal and finally he succeeded. (achieve)

(8) The poster will have to ____________ based on the ideas from the previous research and discussion. (draft)

(9) We put our poster on the school display wall as our teacher told us to and let as many students ________up as possible. (sign)

(10) All passengers __________to show their tickets. (require)

4 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

attend earn experience run drop develop

cover regret inform host approve require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a night club.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

5你和你的同学正在做一个有关组建新的学校社团的计划, 为了使这个社团的运转和谐高效, 请你制定一个社团成员们共同遵守的规则, 并用英语写成一张海报.规则内容必须包括:

What the members will need to bring:

When the club will meet:

What you will do at the meetings:

Title of club:___________

Purpose of club__________


Self-assessment (1 period)



I. 根据中文和首字母填空 (10题)

1. There was nothing special about the film---it was only __________(普通).

2. Looking after a baby is as _________ (挑战)as working on a new job, do you think so?

3. I’m going to work ______(额外)hard this term.

4. To carry out the new plan would ________(需要)increasing our staff by 50 %.

5. From small beginning, it has __________(发展)into a big international company.

6. I u__________ to play computer games a lot, but now I never get the time.

7. The e________ expression on his face showed he had won the game.

8. Please keep me i___________ of any developments in your area.

9. The room c__________ an area of 20 square metres.

10. We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for p____________.

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (10题)


attend, earn, experience, drop, develop, cover, regret, inform, run, host, approve, require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a nightclub.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

III. 词语辨析 (10题)


1.The most famous ____________ park in the world is Disneyland.( exciting /excited)

2. After three weeks, she got used to________ in the desert. ( live /living)

3. A hammer is used to _______ nails. (drive / driving)

4. Life here is much easier than it__________. ( used to be / was used to be)

5. I’ll never forget _________ my daughter dancing in public for the first time. (seeing / to see)

6. ---Don’t forget_________ your homework here tomorrow. ---No, I won’t. ( bring /to bring)

7. My flat is __________ the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride. ( by the end of/ at the end of)

8. He tried many kinds of work; ________ he became a postman.( by the end /in the end)

9. I knew there were problems, but I was not __________for it. (prepared /preparing)

10. He is ___________ his daughter for the Oral English Competition by. (prepared / preparing)

Test (1 period)


I.根据课文内容填空 (1 篇短文10 空)

Next week I’ll go back to China.

I have experienced a different way of life in a high school in Manchester for a year. Here school hours are much_________. All lessons are in English. Luckily, my teachers are all________. All students have to study Maths, English and Science, but can _______ some subjects if they don’t like them. They can _________ other subjects. It was _______ that we learned to cook. At the class_______ we all had to cook something. I made a big cake. In _________ class I made a table. It didn’t look like a table at all. However, for a student, the best way to earn ________from the school was ___________ hard and achieve high ________. This sounded like schools in China.

II.单项选择(10 题)

1. When you are in a foreign country, you may miss ______ Chinese food a lot. As a result, you hope to have ______ big supper after a tiring day.

A. /; a B. a; a C. /; / D. a; /

2. At Christmas we needn’t go to school. We could get up later ______.

A. as common B. than common C. as usual D. than usual

3. _____ the first day all students gathered on the playground. We learned a lot about the school.

A. On B. In C. At D. During

4. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English Literature.

A. she B. who C. whose D. which

5. ______ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer.

A. Swim B. Swimming C. Go swimming D. To swim

6. It’s really enjoyable to stay here in China. All my new friends are __________.

A. help B. helpless C. helpful D. of little help

7. Last month I came to Britain. My English has improved a lot _____ I use it anytime.

A. since B. while C. when D. as

8. You say my English has improved. You don’t know how many hours I have spent ______ English books in the school library _________ progress.

A. read B. read C. reading; to make D. to read

9. Children in Britain don’t have as ________ homework as children in China, but theirs is always a little bit ________.

A. heavy; easy B. many; difficult

C. much; heavy D. heavy; challenging

10. Though he was trained for three months, _______ he didn’t pass the exam.

A. but B. and C. still D. so

III.根据中文意思完成下列句子(5 题)

1.If you are not satisfied with the bike you bought here last week, we’ll be ______________ (非常乐意) to return your money.

2. __________________, she burst into tears.

3. He likes the birthday presents ________________ (他父母买给他的).

4. Most of his students _________________________ (已成为他的朋友).

5. ___________________________________________ (无论学生想要锻炼还是只要快乐), they can use our gym.

IV.课文拓展练习(完形填空 1 篇)

Children start school when they are five years old in America. In some states they must stay in school 11 they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they __12_ high school. There are 13 kinds of school in America: public schools and private (私立的)schools. Most children go to 14 schools. Their parents do not have to pay for their 15 , because the schools receive money from the country. If a child goes to a private school, his parents have to get 16_ money for his schooling. Some parents still prefer private schools, though they are much 17 .

Kids have less _18_ time. They spend more hours in school. They take 19_ in organized activities such as soccer and ballet(芭蕾舞). They spend a quarter of their free time watching TV. If they are spending less time in front of the TV set, __20__, kids aren’t replacing it with reading. All work and no play could be very __21__ for kids.

Today about half of the high school students go on to 22 after they finish the high school. A student at a state university doesn’t have to pay very much if his parents live in that __23 .

But many students __24 while they are studying at universities. In this way they _25__ their good working skills(技能) and live on their own.

11. A. until B. when C. before D. after

12. A. study B. attend C. graduate D. leave

13. A. three B. two C. some D. many

14. A. both B. private C. public D. no

15. A. school B. tips C. education D. food

16. A. less B. enough C. too much D. a number of

17. A. more expensive B. modern C. better D. cheaper

18. A. free B. school C. work D. wonderful

19. A. care B. notes C. away D. part

20. A. but B. and C. however D. so

21. A. bad B. good C. lucky D. important

22. A. work B. their homes C. foreign countries D. universities

23. A. university B. state C. country D. U.S.A.

24. A. look for work B. travel C. work D. write

25. A. develop B. raise C. rise D. increase


I.单项选择 (10 题)

1. To his mother’s joy, the little boy _________ an interest in drawing horses when he was at kindergarten.

A. found B. got C. learned D. developed.

2. In many small restaurants people are served rice _______ while the dishes cost a lot.

A. for free B. freely C. in free D. by freely

3. She’s just _________ from the School of Cookery.

A. graduating B. graduated C. leaving D. left

4. You’d better _________ what I am doing, or you’ll have difficulty with your homework

A. listen to B. see C. learn D. pay attention to

5. His father was kept _______ of any news from him when he was in the army.

A. receiving B. telling C. informed D. given

6. When their enemies are strong, they try their best to _________them. When their enemies are weak, they fight against them. It’s surprising!

A. b

篇8:Unit 1 Advertising(译林牛津版高一)

Words and Expressions

1.persuade v to give make sb do sth by giving them good reasons for doing it.说服,劝说;使信服

persuade sb to do sth/ into doing sth劝服某人做某事

persuade sb out of doing sth劝服某人不要做某事

persuade sb of sth 使某人相信某事

persuade sb that-clause 使某人相信

I persuaded him of its truth. 我使他相信这是真的。

I persuaded him to work hard. 我劝她努力工作

We persuaded him into taking the job. 我们说服她接受这份工作。

I persuaded my father out of smoking. 我劝服我父亲戒了烟。

I’m almost persuaded that he is honest. 我几乎相信他是诚实的。

persuasive adj.有说服力的 persuasion n. 说服

2. advertise

vt. 1) to make known; call attention to: 引起注意:使变得著名;引起对……的注意:

I advertised my intention to resign.渲染我要辞职的意向。

2) to warn or notify: 告诫,告知:

This event advertises me that there is such a fact as death.这件事告诫我有死亡这样的事实。

vi 1) to call the attention of the public to a product or business. 做广告:引起公众对产品或企业的注意

We advertised through the newspaper for the products of our factory.


2) to inquire or seek in a public notice, as in a newspaper:


He advertised for an apartment when he just arrived in this city.


advertisement n. 广告 advertiser n. 广告商 advertising n. 做广告;广告活动

3.be meant to: to be done ormade for a particular purpose旨在,目的是

This public service advertisement is meant to increase people’s awareness of enviornmental protection.

4. innocent adj.

1) not guilty of a crime 无辜的,清白的,无罪的

She was found innocent of any crime. 她获判无罪。


innocent victims of a bomb blast 炸弹爆炸中的无辜受害者

3) 天真无邪的,纯真的

an innocent young child

innocence n.

5.fool n. 傻瓜,笨人

Don’t be such a fool.

I felt a fool when I realized my mistake.

make a fool of sb 愚弄某人

act /play the fool 装傻,扮丑相

v. to trick sb into believing sth that is not true 欺骗愚弄

You don’t fool me. 别骗我。

fool sb into doing sth

Don’t be fooled into thinking they’re going to change anything.别上当受骗,以为他们打算做出任何变化。

6. cure v.

1)to make sb healthy again after an illness治疗 n. 治疗方法

cure sth 治好…

cure sb of a disease 治愈某人的疾病

When I left hospital I was completely cured. 当我离开医院的时候,我已经痊愈了。

The doctor cured me of my headache.

Antibiotics help to cure many diseases that were formerly fatal.


Penicillin cured him of pneumonia. 青霉素治愈了他的肺炎。

2) to stop sb from behaving in a particular way. 矫正,纠正

cure sb of sth 治愈某人…纠正某人恶习

Nothing can cure him of the bad habit.没有什么能纠正他的坏习惯

She tried every means to cure her child of the bad habit. 她想尽一切办法试图改掉她孩子的这个恶习。

cure n. a medicine or medical treatment 药,药剂;疗法

a cure for sth. 治疗…的方法

There is a cure for the common cold. …的治疗方法。

7.pleased adj.

1)feeling happy about sth高兴,满意,愉快

She was very pleased with her exam results.

I’m pleased to hear about your news.

I’m really pleased that you are feeling better now.

2)happy or willing to do sth 高兴,乐于

I’m pleased to inform you that the book you ordered has arrived.

pleasing adj. 令人满意的 a pleasing design/effect

pleasure n.

8.comment n.

[C][U]sth you say or write which gives an opinion on or explains sb/sth注释,评注,批评,评论[(+on/about)]

He made no comments on our proposal. 他对我们的建议没有作评论。

vi. To express an opinion about做注解,做评注,评论 [(+on/upon)]

He did not comment on what I said. 他对我的话未作评论。

He commented that it was an excellent film. 他评论这电影很精彩。

No comment 无可奉告

9. fall

1) fall for sb : to strongly attracted to sb; to fall in love with sb 被某人所吸引,爱上某人

e.g. They fell for each other at first sight and got married six weeks later. 他们一见钟情,六个星期后就结婚了。

2) fall for sth: to be tricked into believing sth that is not true (轻易)相信某事

e.g. The salesman said the car was in good condition, and I was foolish enough to fall for it. 推销员说这汽车状况

fall behind 落后 fall into the habit of 养成…习惯 fall in love with 爱上

10.trick n. 诡计, 恶作剧 v. 戏弄, 欺骗

trick sb into doing sth 诱使某人做某事

He tricked me into giving him the money. 他骗我给他钱


1) play tricks on sb/ play jokes on sb 捉弄某人

2) make fun of sb 取笑某人

3) trick sb out of sth 骗走某人的……

4) play a trick/tricks on sb=play jokes on 开某人玩笑,捉弄某人

【例 句】

The kids often play tricks on the old man. 孩子们经常戏弄老人。

It’s immoral to play a trick on the disabled. 作弄残疾人是不道德的。

She was tricked out of all her savings. 她被骗走了所有的积蓄。

People make fun of her because she wears a strange hat.人们取笑她因为她戴了顶奇怪的帽

Her partner tried to trick her out of her share. 她的合伙人企图骗走她的股份

11. aim

n. the purpose of doing sth 目的,目标

She went to London with the aim of finding a job.

achieve one’s aim

v. 1)to try or to plan to achieve sth 力求达到,力争做到 (at/for)

The government is aiming at 50%reduction in unemployment.


2) to have sth as an aim 目的是,旨在

These measures are aimed to prevent the water in this river from being polluted.

3) to point or direct a weapon at sth 瞄准, 对准

I was aiming at the tree but hit the car by mistake.

12. benefit

n. 利益, 好处; 恩惠; 退休金; 津贴; 救济金; 保险抚恤金 义演; 义赛

a public benefit 公益 be of benefit to the people 对人民有好处

disability benefits 残废抚恤金 a benefit match 义赛

This dictionary will be of great benefit to me. 这部字典将对我有很大裨益。

vt. to be good for 对…有益

Exercise benefits our health. 运动有益于我们的健康。

vi. to get sth good from 得益于

We benefit by [from] daily exercises. 每天做操对我们有益。


for the benefit of 为了……的好处

give sb. the benefit of one's experience 用自己的经验[知识]帮助某人

in benefit 有资格得到救济金(指生病、失业等津贴)

out of benefit 没有资格得到救济金

sick benefit 疾病津贴

beneficial adj. be beneficial to 对…有益

13. promote vt.

1)To help sth happen or develop促进

Promote economic growth/understanding

The government decided to promote public welfare. 政府决定发展公共福利。

2) to move sb to a higher rank or more senor job提升;推销(商品等)

Promote sb. to sth. 提拔某人/be /get promoted to 被提升为

be promoted to 被提升为…职位

He was promoted to a manager. 他被提升为经理。

3) to help sell a product or a service 宣传;

promote a product

This area is being promoted as a tourist destination. 这个地区正被推广为旅游点。

Promotion n.提升, 晋级,推销活动/promoter n. 发起人, 筹办人

14. consult v.

1) to go to sb for information or advice (sb about sth) 咨询;请教

If the pain continues, consult your doctor. 如果疼痛持续不消退,请医生诊治。

2)discuss sth with sb to get permission for sth 商讨,商量

I need to consult with my colleagues on the proposal.我需要与我的同事商讨这些建议。

consultant n. 顾问 consultancy n. 咨询公司

consultation n. 咨询,商讨,磋商

consulting room 诊疗室

15.recommend v. suggest; advise

recommend sb. sth.= recommend sth. to sb.

recommend sb./sth. for/as

recommend doing/ recommend sb. to do

recommend that sb. (should)

Our teacher recommended us some new books on this subject.


My English teacher recommended a good dicionary to me.

我建议先见他。I recommend meeting him first.

I recommend her as your secretary.


The teacher recommended us to read the novel. =The teacher recommended that we (should) read the novel.

I recommend he should see a doctor. 我建议他去找个医生。

The old man should listen to the doctor’s recommendation that he stay in bed. 老人应听从医生卧床休息的建议。

16. bargain n.

1) a thing bought for less than the usual price 便宜货,减价品

The car was a bargain at that price. 那辆车价格真便宜。

2) an agreement between two or more people or groups 协议,交易。(with sb)

He and his partener had made a bargain to tell each other everything .他和他的合伙人约定互通有无,毫无保留。

Finally the two sides struck a bargain = (reached an agreement).双方最终达成了协议。

V. to discuss prices, conditions, ect with sb in order to reach an agreement that is satisfactory 讨价还价,商讨条件

He said he wasn’t prepared to bargain. 他说他不愿意讨价还价。

bargain away 做亏本交易,贱卖

bargain hunter 减价品搜索者;专买便宜货的人 bargaining power 谈判能力

bargaining n.

17.target n.

1)a result that you try to achieve 目标;指标

business goals and targets 经营的目的和指标

Set yourself targets that you can reasonably hope to achieve. 给自己制定有望达到的目标。

2) an object, a person or a place that people aim at when attacking (攻击的)目标,对象

He has become the target for a lot of criticism recently. 他最近成了众矢之的。


aim at a target 瞄准靶子 hit/miss the target 中/脱靶 target practice 射击练习

v. 1)to aim an attack or critism at sb/ sth 把……作为攻击目标;把……作为批评对象

The company has been targeted by animal groups for its use of dogs in drug trial.这家公司因用狗做药物试验而成为保护动物团体批评的对象。

2)to try to have an effect on a particular group of people 面向,瞄准

The campaign is clearly targeted on the young. 这场运动显然针对的是年轻人。

18..determine vt.

1) to decide or settle (a dispute, for example) conclusively and authoritatively.判定:结论性、权威性地决定或解决(纠纷等)

He determined to go. 他决意要去。

I am determined to do better than Mike. 我决心比迈克做得更好。

He determined to go [that he (should) go] at once. 他决心立刻就走。

2) to cause (someone) to come to a conclusion or resolution.


He has not determined what he will study. 他还没有决定学什么。

His advice determined me to drink and smoke no more. 他的劝告使我决定不再抽烟喝酒了。

3) to be the cause of; regulate: 成为……的原因;控制:

Demand determines production. 需求决定生产

determine a date for a meeting 确定会议日期

4) to give direction to: 定向:指出方向:

The management committee determines departmental policy. 管理委员会决定各部门的政策

vi. 1) to reach a decision; resolve.解决,决定:作出决定;

They determined on an early start. 他们决定早些出发。

I have determined on [upon] going to the countryside after graduation.



determine sth 决定某事 determine (sb) to do sth. (使某人)决定去做某事

determine on (doing )sth 就……做出决定

determined adj. 有决心的,决定的(在句中常作定语或状语)


be determined to do sth 下决心/决定做某事 be determined +从句

be determined to do “决定做某事”, 侧重有决心的状态,可与表示一段时间的状语连用。

determined 过去分词作状语或定语。

We determined to get the work done before May Day. 我们决定五一前完成这项工作。

We determined on an early start. 我们决定尽早出发。

determination n.决心

19.appeal vi.

1) to make a urgent and serious request呼吁;恳求

The government is appealing to everyone to save water. 政府呼吁每个人节约用水。

2) to make a formal request to a court of law. (常与to连用)上诉;诉诸于,申诉

The victims' families of the murder have appealed to the Supreme Court to have a definitive answer. 谋杀案的被害家属已经申诉最高法院作确切的答复。

He appealed against the judge's decision. 他不服法官判决而上诉。

3) to attract or interest sb (常与to连用)吸引;引起兴趣

She appeals to me. 我对她感兴趣。

Bright colours appeal to small children. 小孩喜欢鲜艳的颜色。

Does the idea of working for a venture company appeal to you?


n. 呼吁;恳求; 吸引力,魅力

an appeal for forgiveness恳求原谅

The teacher listened to his appeal.老师倾听了他的要求。

mass/wide/popular appeal 对大众的/广泛的/普遍的吸引力

The prospect of living in a city holds little appeal for me. 住在城里对我没有什么吸引力。

20. react vi.

behave differently or change as a result of sth; respond作出反应 (to sb./sth.)

The eye reacts to light. 眼睛对光会起反应。

He didn’t react to the news.

reaction: n. (to sth.)

What was her reaction to the news?

21. get sth across (to sb):to be communicated or understood ; to succeed in communicating sth 传达;被理解;使人了解

He is not good at getting his ideas across.他不善于清楚的表达自己的思想。


1) get sth over. 克服

Get through 接通,打通,完成,顺利通过考试

2) get down to sth/ doing sth 开始做某事

3) Get along/on with 进展,相处

4) Get together 相聚,联欢

【例 句】

1) The final examination is coming up soon. It’s time for us to get down to our studies.


2) --- The boss said we had only three days to finish the work.

--- Don’t worry. We have already got through two thirds of it.


3) She could always get round her father, who would give her whatever she asked for. 她无论要什么,她的父亲都会给她,所以她总能够说服她的父亲。

4) He was disappointed at not getting the job, but he soon got over it. 因为没有得到这个工作机会,他很失望。但很快,他克服了这种失落感。

5) We’re going to get together with some friends for a picnic. 我们将和几个朋友去聚餐。

22.urge v. to advise or try hard to persuade sb to do sth 敦促;催促;力劝

She urged him to stay.

The report urged that all children (should) be taught to swim.

urge sb on 鼓励;激励;为…加油

She could hear him urging her on as she ran past.她跑过他面前时,听到了他在为她加油。

n. urge to do sth : a strong desire to do sth . 冲动

I had a sudden urge to hit him. 我突然很想揍他一顿。

urgent adj. 紧急的;紧迫的; 急切的

The law is in urgent need of reform. 这项法律亟待修订。

An urgent look/whisper 急切的神情/耳语

urgency n. This is a matter of some urgency.这件事情相当紧迫。

篇9:译林牛津 初一UNIT 5 GO SHOPPING



题 1. Know how to go shopping.

2. Introduce a shopping mall.

3. Use vocabulary to talk about stationery and other things

汇 1.有关文具和日常用品的词汇

CD comic books computer game football stickers hair clips teddy bear

walkman tennis racket T-shirts


a book shop a clothes shop an electrical shop a shoe shop a sports shop

a supermarket a fast food restaurant a shopping mall


cost expensive dear cheap discount buy sell shopping bag

焦 1. “There be” structure

2. The Present Continuous Tense

3. Personal Pronouns

线 和购物对话相关的句式,如:

How much do the cards cost? They’re ¥6.

Hello, can I help you? What are you looking for?

What size are your feet? I’m a size eight.

Could I try them on, please? Yes, of course.

养 1.听 能掌握购物对话的大意并获取其中的细节内容。

2.说 运用所学内容,进行购物对话并描述一座大型购物中心。

3.读 通过阅读购物对话获取细节内容,并能在语境中猜测词义。

4.写 介绍一座大型购物中心。

Lesson One Happy birthday


Before reading, think about the following questions.

1. What does Amy want to buy?

2. How much do the new cards and the stickers cost?

3. What does the shopkeeper ask Amy to buy for her friend?

4. What does Amy buy for her friend at last?

5. What do you often buy for your friend on his( her ) birthday?


1. I’m not free today. 我今天不空。

【要点详解】be free 表示“有空”。

e.g.① Are you free tomorrow? 你明天有空吗?

② Jack isn’t free at the moment. Jack此刻没有空。

2. I want you to go shopping with me today. 我想要你今天和我一起去购物。

【要点详解1】 want somebody to do something 是“想要某人干某事”。

e.g.① My mother wants me to be a doctor in the future. 妈妈想让我将来做个医生。

② When do you want to visit Beijing? 你想什么时候去北京?

【问题探究】 还有一些类似的动词不等式结构,你们知道是什么吗?对,tell somebody to do something; ask somebody to do something; help somebody ( to ) do something等。

e.g.① What does your mother often ask you to do at home? 你妈妈经常在家要你干什么?

② He never helps me do my homework. 他从不帮助我做作业。

【要点详解2】 go shopping 去购物。

e.g. My mother likes going shopping a lot. 我妈妈很喜欢购物。

【问题探究】 还有一些类似的表达方法,比如:go boating go swimming

go hiking等,你们想起来了吗?

e.g. ① Do you often go swimming in summer? 夏季你经常去游泳吗?

② ―Let’s go hiking tomorrow, ok? ―No problem. 我们明天去徒步旅行,好吗?没问题。

3. How much do the cards cost? 那些卡多少钱?

【要点详解】 cost 表示“值多少钱”,它的用法是something cost somebody money.

e.g. These books cost me $20. 这些书花费了我20美元。

【问题探究】 你们知道表示“花费钱”的其它的表达方法吗?对,somebody pay money for something; somebody spend money on something / (in) doing something.

e.g. ① Amy spends about 300 yuan on the new coat. Amy在那件新衣服上花了300元。

② How much do you pay for the CD? 你花了多少钱买CD?

【知识拓展】 此外,还有花费“时间”的表达方法,你们知道吗?对,It takes somebody sometime to do something; somebody spend time on / (in) doing something.

e.g.① How long does it take you to go to school by bike every day? 你每天花多少时间骑车去上学?

② He spends about half an hour finish the work. 他花了约半个小时完成了拿项工作。

4. I prefer to buy new cards. 我更喜欢买新的卡。

【要点详解】prefer to do something 表示“更喜欢做某事”。

e.g. Jim prefers to go there by train. Jim更喜欢乘火车去那里。

【知识拓展】 prefer的用法大体有两种,一种是prefer …to …意思是“喜欢…胜过…”另一种是prefer to do …than to do…意思是“喜欢干…胜过干…”同学们你们掌握它的用法了吗?让我们来看一下例句吧。

e.g. ① I prefer apples to bananas. 我喜欢苹果胜过香蕉。

② They prefer to play football than to swim. 他们喜欢踢足球胜过游泳。

5. What are you looking for? 你正在寻找什么?

【要点详解】 look for 意思是“寻找”。

e.g. The old man always looks for his glasses. 那个老人总是找他的眼镜。

【问题探究】 同学们,你们知道look for 和find 的区别吗?对,look for 表示“寻找”,find表示“找到”。

e.g. I look for my key everywhere, but I can’t find it anywhere. 我到处找我的钥匙,但我哪里也找不到。

6. I’d also like to buy a CD for her. 我也想给她买个CD。

【要点详解】 buy something for somebody 给某人买某物。此外还可以说buy somebody something。

e.g. ① She often buys some presents for her mother on her birthday. 她经常在她妈妈生日时给她买一些礼物。

② Since your son likes reading, why not buy him a book? 既然你儿子喜欢读书,为什么不给他买一本书呢?

7. They match her favourite T-shirt. 他们和她最喜欢的体恤衫很相配。

【要点详解】match 表示“和…相配”。它的近义词是go well with。

e.g. ① Her shoes match her trousers well. 她的鞋子和她的裤子很相配。

② Which shirt goes with the blue hat? 什么衬衫和那蓝帽子相配呢?

【知识拓展】match 还有其它的含义,你们知道吗?对,它可做名词,表示“比赛”等含义。如:

There will be a football match between Class Five and Class Six tomorrow. 明天将有一场四班和五班的足球赛。

7.Never mind! 没关系。

【要点详解】never mind表示“没关系”是回答I’m sorry的答句。

e.g. ―I’m sorry I’m late.―对不起,我迟到了。

―Never mind. Come earlier next time.―没关系,下一次早点来。


It doesn’t matter; That’s ok.

【知识拓展】同学们,想一下该如何回答thank you呢?对,我们说:

You’re welcome; It’s my pleasure; That’s all right.



2. d 3. a 4. f 5. b 6. c


1. c 2. c 3. b 4. b 5. b 6. c 7. b 8. a


购物用语 动词用法

Can I help you?

What are you looking for?

--How much do the cards cost?

--They’re ¥6.

--They cost ¥6.

That’s quite expensive.

What size are your feet?

--I’m a size eight.

Could I try them on, please? --Yes, of course.

1.Look for / find

2.buy sth. for sb.

=buy sb. sth

3.would like to do

4.prefer to do sth.

5.help sb. (to) do sth.




1.--Whose CD player is this?

--It’s mine. It _______ me 500 yuan.

A. took B. spent C. paid D. cost

2.--What are you _______?

--I can’t ______my English book.

A. looking for, look for B. finding, look for

C. looking for, find D. look for, finding

3.There’s a discount_____ these old storybooks. They are only 3 yuan.

A. on B. in C. for D. of

4.My mother ________ a lot of money on clothes every year.

A. pays B costs C. takes D. spends

5.Tomorrow is Simon’s birthday. I’d like ______a present_______ him.

A. buy, for B. to buy, for C. buy, to D. to buy, to


6.How much are these CDs?(改成同义句)

How much _______these CDs__________?

7.I’d like some hair clips.(就划线部分提问)

_______ _________you__________?

8.I only have 10 yuan. I can’t buy these football stickers.(连成一句)

I don’t have_______ ________ ______buy these football stickers.

9.My mother bought me a new skirt last Sunday. (改成同义句)

My mother bought a new skirt ________ _______ last Sunday.


10.-Good morning, may I speak to Mr. Smith please?

--OK, please wait a_____________(片刻).

11.This computer is 6,000 yuan. I think it’s too ________________(昂贵的) for me to buy.

12.Which season do you__________(更喜欢), spring or summer?

13.Her new hairstyle _______________(与…相配) her coat.

14.The little girl is very ______________(漂亮的).








20.对不起,我忘了把你的随身听带来了。 --没关系。

II. 读一读,选一选:


Tom wanted to buy some new clothes, so he went to a shop. First he asked for some trousers and put them on, but then he took tem off and gave them back to the shopkeeper and said, “No, give me a coat instead of these. ”The man gave him a coat and said,“This one costs the same as the trousers.”Tom took the coat and walked out of the shop with it. The shopkeeper ran after him and said,“You have not paid for the coat!”“But I gave you the trousers for the coat.”said Tom,“They cost the same as the coat, didn’t they?”

“Yes!”said the shopkeeper,“But you didn’t pay for the trousers, either.” “Of course I didn’t!”answered Tom.“I didn’t take them. I am not foolish! Nobody gives things back and then pays for them!”

21.In the shop Tom tried on _____at first.

A. new clothes B. some trousers

C. a coat D. some trousers and a coat

22.The shopkeeper said the trousers cost______.

A. as much as the coat B. more than a coat

C. less than a coat D. not more than a coat

23.Tom went out of the shop_____.

A. without the coat B. with the trousers

C. wearing the coat D. holding the coat

24.Did Tom pay for the coat at all?

A. Yes. B. No.

C. Of course, he did. D. No. But he would pay later.

25.May we do as Tom did when we buy things?

A. Yes. B. Perhaps we can have a try.

C. Never. D. Yes, if you have no money.


Time spent in a bookshop can be enjoyable. If you go to a __26__ shop, no assistant will come near to you and said, “Can I help you? ”You __27__buy anything you don’t want. You may try to find out __28__the book you want is. But if you fail, the assistant will lead you there and then he will go away. It seems that he is __29__ selling any book at all.

There is a story which tells us about a good shop. A medical(医学的) student __30__a very useful book in the shop, __31__ it was too expensive for him to buy. He couldn’t get it from the library, either. So every afternoon, he went there to read __32__ at a time. One day, however, he could not find __33__ from its usual place and was leaving when he saw an assistant signing(示意) to him. To his surprise, the assistant pointed to the book __34__, “I put it there so as not to be sold out,” said the assistant. Then he __35__ the student and let the student go on with his reading.

If you spend time in such a bookshop, aren’t you really enjoying yourself?

26.A. good B. bad C. cheap D. expensive

27.A. shouldn’t B. needn’t C. mustn’t D. can’t

28.A. what B. which C. where D. when

29.A. surprised at B. not surprised at C. interesting in D. not interested in

30.A. bought B. found C. read D. took

31.A. but B. and C. so D. or

32.A. little B. a little C. few D. a few

33.A. the book B. the shop C. the assistant D. the shopkeeper

34.A. on the floor B. in another man’s hand

C. in a corner D. in his own pocket

35.A. left B. let C. helped D. taught


1. D 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. B

6. do…cost 7.What would like

8.enough money to 9. for me

10.minute 11.expensive

12.prefer 13.match 14.pretty

15.How much is this English dictionary?

How much does this English dictionary cost?

16.Most boys like playing computer games.

17.I prefer to stay at home to watch TV.

18.These are Amy’s favourite hair clips.

19.I am on the same football team as he.

20.I’m sorry I forgot to bring your Walkman.

--Never mind. / It doesn’t matter.

21. B 22.A 23.D 24. B

25. C 问题是:“购物时,我们能和汤姆一样吗?”文中汤姆耍小聪明,想赖帐,不付钱。


27.B。needn’t表示“没必要”而shouldn’t表示“不应该”; mustn’t表示“禁止、不允许”;can’t表示“不可能”,均与句意不符。

28.C。从下文“…will lead you there and …”中的信息词there可以判断应该选where。

29.D。从第一段该句句意应理解为:似乎工作人员对售书不感兴趣。be interested in表示“对…感兴趣”。


31.A。从前句的信息词very useful与后句的信息词来判断该句前后存在转折关系。

32.B。用a little来修饰动词read,表示“读一点”。little与句意不符;few与a few只能用来修饰名词。

33.A。从上文“他一次去读一点”这个事实来判断:他理应是寻找那本书。故答案应选用the book。

34.C。从下句可以判断:工作人员将书放在了一个不易被发现的地方,以便不被卖掉。故推测应选in a corner。


Lesson 2 Going shopping


1. there be结构

【要点详解】there be结构表示“存在,有”的意思。比如:

There is a table in the room. 房间里有一张桌子。

Are there any boys in the classroom? 教室里有男孩吗?

【问题探究】表示“有”的意思,还有另一种表达方法,同学们你们知道吗?是的,我们可以用“have”。它和there be有何区别呢?一般说来,there be表示“某地有某物”,而have表示“某人有某样东西”。两者之间没有非常严格的分界线,且在现代英语中有时把两者混同使用。比如:

How many floors are there in this building? 这幢楼有多少层?它也可表达为:

How many floors does this building have?

【知识拓展1】there be 结构中be动词的用法遵循“就近原则”,也就是说当紧跟着there be后的表语是单数名词或不可数名词,则be动词用单数,而当紧跟着there be后的表语为名词复数,则be动词为复数。比如:

There are some boys and a teacher in the classroom. 有一些男孩和一个老师在教室里。

Is there a teacher and three girls in the classroom? 教室里是否有一个教师和三个女孩?

【知识拓展2】there be结构还有一种形式是there be somebody/ something doing。表示“有某物或某人正在干什么”,比如:

There is a boy playing football on the playground. 有一个男孩正在操场上踢足球。

Are there any woman talking over there? 是否有一些妇女正在那里交谈?

2. Present Continuous Tense 现在进行时

【要点详解】现在进行时表示现在或当前阶段正在发生的动作。它的结构是be ( is / am / are ) doing的形式,其中be动词是助动词。比如:

I’m doing my homework now. 此刻我正在做回家作业。

Look, what is Kitty doing? 看,Kitty正在干什么?


构成 举例

大部分动词 直接加ing Do-doing help-helping

以不发音的e结尾的动词 去e加ing Come-coming have-having

以ie结尾的动词 变ie为y直接加ing lie-lying die-dying

重读闭音节,且此闭音节只有一个元音字母并以一个辅音字母结尾 双写最后一个辅音字母,再加ing run-running get-getting


【问题探究2】现在进行时的常用时间状语有:now all the time right now

at eight o’clock(在某一个具体的时间)

【知识拓展】同学们你们知道吗?针对一些表示位置移动的动词,我们也可用现在进行时表示将来。比如:leave come go arrive等。请看例句。

① He is arriving come this evening. 今天晚上他将回家。

② When are you coming to see me? 你将在什么时候来看我?

3. Personal pronouns ( object form ) 人称代词(宾格)


① The book is very cheap and I want to buy it. 这本书很便宜,我想买它。

② The boy is ill so her mother takes him to see the doctor. 这个男孩病了,他妈妈带他去看医生。


主格 I you He she it we you they

宾格 me you Him her it us you them

形容词性物主代词 my your His her its our your their

名词性物主代词 mine yours His hers its ours your theirs

反身代词 myself yourself himself herself itself ourselves yourselves themselves

4. My cousin is visiting me. 我表弟来看我。


① My father often visits Beijing in summer. 我爸爸经常在夏季去北京。

② What place do you like to visit? 你想去哪里玩?

【知识拓展】visit可做动词,也可做名词。词组有go on a visit to,比如:

He always goes on a visit to Shanghai. 他总是去上海玩。


There are a lot of visitors to Suzhou every year. 每年都有很多旅游者到苏州来玩。

5. I am waiting for my turn. 我正在等轮到我的时候。

【要点详解】wait for something / somebody 等待某人或某物, 比如:

① There is a boy waiting for over there. 有个男孩在那里等你。

② Who is waiting for me outside the school? 谁在校外等我?

6. I do not have enough money to buy it. 我没有足够的钱买它。


Are there enough children in the classroom? 教师里有足够的男孩吗?

【知识拓展】enough 还可做副词,放在形容词和副词前面,表示“足够地”,比如:

The boy is old enough to go to school. 那个男孩年龄足够大了,可以上学了。


p75 A 1. electrical shop 2. bookshop 3. clothes shop 4. supermarket 5. sports shop 6. shoe shop

B a. vegetables 4 b. comic book 2 c. walkman 1 d. shoes 6 e. tennis racket 5 f. T-shirt 3

p76 A 1. There is 2. There are 3. There are 4. there is 5. There are 6. There is 7. there are

p77 B1 1. is looking 2. are eating 3. is paying 4. is playing 5. am carrying 6. are having

Work out We use ‘are’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __you__, __we__ and __they__.

We use ‘is’+ ‘-ing’ with the pronouns __he__, __she__ and __it__.

P78 B2 2. is visiting 3. is doing 4. is playing 5. are playing 6. am waiting

P79 C 2. us 3. her 4. it 5. me 6. you


你能把下列动词变成ing 形式吗?试试吧:

动词 ing 形式

help, eat

take, make,

lie, tie, die

run, begin, put


主格 I you he she it we you they

宾格 me him her it you them

形容词性物主代词 my your her our your their

名词性物主代词 yours his its ours your

反身代词 myself yourself herself itself ourselves themselves



I. 精心选一选:

用is, are, isn’t, aren’t填空

1.There ________some orange juice in the bottle.

2.There_______a photo, two maps and a clock on the wall of my room.

3.There_________ any money in my purse.

4._______ there any sheep on the hill now?-No, there______ .

5.How many people _______there in your family?

6.There _______some time left. Let’s do our homework now.


a) 用所给动词的进行时完成下列各句

7. She ___________(wear) a new pair of shoes today.

8. The boy ___________(lie) on the grass and looking at the blue sky.

9.The children______________(fly) kites in the park.

10.Look! Kitty and Sandy________________(eat) ice cream.

11.We________________(have) an English class now.

12.________they_______________(wait) for the bus?

b) 用适当的代词填空:

13. Sandy and I are good friends. _____________often play together.

14. Where is my pencil-box? I can’t find ___________.

15. John is my pen friend. I often write to _________.

16.Where is Ann? Miss Gao wants to talk to ___________.

17.Don’t worry, Millie. I’ll help_____________.

18.My brother got a CD from his friend as a birthday present, but ________didn’t like______ at all.

19.These comic books are really interesting. May ________ read____________?

20.Tom and Mary are new students here. ________come from America.


toy shop, stationery shop, sports shop, supermarket, electrical shop, clothes shop, bookshop

21 Pens, pencils, writing paper, notebooks

22 books, storybooks, comic books, magazines

23 toy trains, planes for children

24 jeans, dresses, sweaters, skirts, T-shirts, shoes

25 vegetables, fruit, meat

26 sneakers, basketballs, tennis rackets

27 walkmans, radios, tape recorders



28.You can’t see many of the stars in the sky because ________ are too far away.

A. they B. them C. their D. theirs

29.Thank you very much for helping _______ with our English.

A. Sandy and I B. I and Sandy C. Sandy and my D. Sandy and me

30.Miss Gao teaches ______ math. We like _____ classes very much.

A. we, she B. us, her C. our, her D. ours, hers

31.Look! The Young Pioneer ______an old man _________the street.

A. is helping, cross B. helps, cross C. helps, across D. is helping, across

32.These football socks are ours. Those are ____. Please put____ away.

A. ours, them B. yours, them C. yours, it D. our, it

33.My father is ___TV and my mother is ______a book.

A. seeing, watching B. looking, reading C. looking at, seeing D. watching, reading

34.It’s four o’clock now. Some of the girls ____ the classroom.

A. is cleaning B. clean C. cleans D. are cleaning

35.May I _____your ticket?

--OK. Here it is.

A. have a look B. have look C. have a look at D. have look at

36.Where are the students of Class 3?


A. are playing football over there B. are Young Pioneers

C. are all Chinese D. come from China

37.There____some bottles of milk in that box.

A. be B. is C. are D. have












This is a picture of a park. You can see many trees and flowers near a small river. There are some birds singing in the trees. There is a hill behind the river.

There are many people in the park. Some old men are drinking tea and talking under a big tree. Two young women are sitting near them. They are reading newspapers. Some boys are flying kites. The girls are looking at the boats in the river. They are all very happy.

43.What’s near the small river?

44.What are the birds doing?

45.Where are the old men and what are they doing?

46.How many women are sitting under the tree?

47.Are the women drinking tea? What are they doing?

48.What are the boys and girls doing?


1.is 2.is 3.isn’t 4.Are, aren’t

5.are 6.is 7.is wearing 8.is lying

9.are flying 10.are eating 11.are having 12.Are, waiting

13.We 14.it 15.him 16.her

17.you 18.he,it 19. I, them 20.They

21.stationaery shop 22.bookshop 23.toy shop

24.clothes shop 25.supermarket 26.sports shop 27.electrical shop

28.A 29.D 30.B 31.A

32.B 33.D 34.D 35.C

36.A 37.C

38.Is your father watching TV? No, he’s reading a book.

39.How many fish are there in the river?-Sorry, I don’t know.

40.They are drawing, they are taking photos.

41.What are the boys doing? They are playing volleyball on the playground.

42.Are these your trousers? –No, they’re my brother’s.

43.There are many trees and flowers near the small river.

44.They are singing.

45.They are under a big tree. They are drinking tea and talking.

46.Two women are sitting under the tree.

47.No, they aren’t. they are reading newspapers.

48.The boys are flying kites and the girls are looking at the boats in the river.

Lesson 3 Spending your pocket money


1. We saw an advertisement in the newspaper. 我们在报纸上看到一条广告。

【要点详解】in the newspaper 在报纸上 一般说来,“在…上面”在这里我们用介词in,而不是on。请看例句。

① Is there any interesting news in the newspaper? 在报纸上有没有有趣的新闻?

② What’s in the newspaper? 在报纸上有什么消息?

2. We would like to help the children in poor areas in our country. 我们想要帮助我国贫穷地区的孩子们。

【要点详解】would like to do something 想要干某事。它的否定形式是would like not to do。比如:

① What would you like to eat, Mr. Wang? 你想要吃点什么呢,王先生?

② He would like not to have something to drink. 他不想要喝点东西。


will / would / could you please ( not ) do something 你(不)做某事好吗?

had better ( not ) do 最好(不)做某事;

why not / why don’t you do 为什么不做某事呢?

what / how about ( not ) doing something (不)做某事怎么样?

Let’s ( not ) do something 让我们(不)做某事吧

Shall we ( not ) do something 我们(不)做某事好吗?

① Would you please not open the window? 你能不开窗吗?

② You’d better come there by bus because it’s far from here. 你最好乘车去那里,因为路很远。

③ Why not buy the green coat? 为什么不去买一件绿色的外衣呢?

④ What about playing basketball with us tomorrow? 明天和我们一起去打篮球好吗?

⑤ Let’s not tell him the news. 让我们不要告诉他这个消息。

⑥ Shall we give him some cakes instead? 让我们给他一些蛋糕吧?

3. I’d like to buy a pair of football boots. 我想要买一双足球鞋。

【要点详解】a pair of 表示“一双”的意思,后面要跟名词复数形式。比如:

a pair of trousers 一条裤子 a pair of shoes 一双鞋子 a pair of gloves 一副手套

【问题探究】常用的量词是piece, 它能和很多名词连接。此外,一些固定的搭配有:a bar of chocolate 一条巧克力 a loaf of bread 一条面包

a cake of soap 一块肥皂 a carton of milk 一盒牛奶

a bowl of rice 一碗米饭 a plate of grapes 一盘葡萄

a cup of coffee 一杯咖啡 a glass of water 一玻璃杯水

a bag of apples 一袋苹果 a basket of pears 一篮梨

a box of balls 一箱球 a basin of clothes 一脸盆的衣服

4. What size are your feet? I’m a size eight. 你的脚是几号的?我是八号的。


① What size are your trousers? 你的裤子是什么尺寸的?

② What size coat do you wear? 你穿着什么尺寸的外套?

5. Could I try them on? 我能试穿它们吗?

【要点详解1】try on表示“试穿”意思,比如。

① You should try it on before you buy the coat. 在你买外套之前你应该试穿一下。

② Please try on the shoes first. 请先试穿一下那些鞋子。

【要点详解2】同学们,你们知道为什么我们说try them on,而不说try on them吗?对,在一般情况下人称代词放在动词和介词构成的词组之间,类似的情况还有:

pick it up 把它捡起来 turn it on 打开它

take it off 把它脱下来 work it out 把它解出来

6. Well, they fit very well. 他们很合适。


――How do the trousers fit you ? ――Very well. ――这裤子合适吗?――是的,和合适。

【知识拓展】fit还可做形容词,表示“合适”,可用作be fit for表示“适合”,比如:

① She is fit for the job. 她适合这个工作。

② The book is fit for the boy. 这本书适合那个男孩读。

7. shopping dialogue 购物对话


What can I do for you? Can I help you? 你想买什么?

Do you have story books? 你有故事书吗?

Can I have a look / look at the blue one over there 我能看一下在那边的蓝色的吗?

How much does it cost? How much is it? 它多少钱?

Can I try it on? 我能试穿一下吗?

I’m afraid it’s a little expensive /dear. 恐怕它有点贵。

Do you have a cheaper one? 你有便宜一点的吗?

There is a discount on the book. 这本书可以打折。

Which one do you like? 你喜欢哪一个?

I’ll take / have / buy it. 我要买。




1.Does the key _________(合适)the lock?

2.There is a big ___________(超市) near our school, we often go _________(购物)there after school.

3.Which _________(国家) does your friend Timmy come from?

4.The young man wants to buy a new house in the_________(中心) of the city.

5. I think Suzhou is a nice__________(地方) to live.

--Yes, I think so.

6.--Where shall we have lunch today?

--What about have it in a ___________(餐馆) near our home?

7.Is there anything important in today’s ___________(报纸)?

8.The little girl ___________(节省) some money and sent it to her pen fiend from Guizhou.

9. There is a lot of ____________(文具) in this shop.

10. What’s the __________(价格) of this T-shirt?


11. I’d like to buy a pair of jeans.(就划线部分提问)

12.This jacket is eighty yuan. (就划线部分提问)

13.Kitty writes an e-mail to her sister in English every day.(改成现在进行时)

14.What are you doing? (chat with my parents)(用括号里提供的短语回答问题)

15. They sometimes play basketball after school. (就划线部分提问)


16. What size are your ______________(foot)?

17.These boots are too expensive, do you have some _______________(cheap) ones?

18.I have a lovely dog. ___________(it) back is black and white.

19.I like this pair of gloves. Could I try __________(they) on?

20. Are you free this Sunday? I’d like ____________(invite) you to my birthday party.

21.Sandy likes____________(listen) to music. She spends a lot of free time ___________(listen) to music.

IV. 精心选一选

It’s Sunday afternoon. Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother. Her mother wants to buy some food for supper. Mary wants to buy a new skirt and some school things. They come to a new shop.

“What does your shop sell?”Mary asks. “A lot of things.” The girl in the shop says. Mary finds a nice white skirt.

“How much is the skirt?” Mary asks the girl in the shop.

“It’s eighty yuan. ”

“ That’s too dear. Can I find a cheap one?”

“What about the green one? It looks nice. And it’s only thirty yuan. ”

“OK, thanks a lot.”

“You are welcome. ”

After that, Mary buys some school things, too. Her mother buys a lot of things, like bread, meat and fish. They get home very late.

22.Mary goes to do the shopping with her mother on _____.

A. Saturday B. afternoon C. Saturday morning D. Sunday

23.Mary wants to buy a new skirt and ______.

A. some school things B. some drinks

C. some clothes D. some food

24.Mary finds a nice_____ skirt, but it’s too dear.

A. green B. red C. white D. cheap

25.The green skirt is________.

A. nice but dear B. nice and cheap C. not nice but cheap D. not nice and cheap

26.Mary’s mother doesn’t buy any_______ for supper.

A. eggs B. fish C. meat D. bread



There are__27__students in the classroom now. They’re __28__ an English lesson. They have an English lesson __29__Monday __30__Friday. Look! __31__standing before the blackboard? That’s Lucy. She __32__something on the blackboard. Is the young woman __33__ the window __34__English teacher? Yes, she’s a __35__teacher, but she __36__well. What’s she doing now? She’s asking one of her students a question about New York.

27.A. no B. a lot C. some D. any

28.A. having B. are having C. have D. are have

29.A. on B. to C. in D. from

30.A. on B. to C. in D. from

31.A. Who B. Who’s C. Whose D. What

32.A. write B. writes C. writing D. is writing

33.A. by B. in C. on D. under

34.A. he B. they C. their D. them

35.A. new B. old C. tall D. short

36.A. study B. studies C. teach D. teaches


It is Sunday. We do not have any classes. We are playing in the park. It is a fine day. There are a lot of boys and girls in the park. Some boys are swimming in the lake and others are flying kites. Li Lei is very good at it, and he is flying a very nice one with Lin Tao over there. Sam and Bill like swimming. They are now swimming. How well they are swimming! Some of the girls are swimming in the lake, too.

Look, what are Lily and Lucy doing? They are talking with some Chinese students. They are learning to speak Chinese. Miss Gao is helping tem. Mr and Mrs Green are sitting under a tree. They are looking after the clothes for the swimmers.

It is good to be out in the park on a fine day!

37.What are Li Lei and his friends doing?

A. They are under a big tree. B. They are talking to their English friends.

C. They are playing in the park. D. They are all swimming in the lake.

38.What are Lucy and Lily doing?

A. They are having a Chinese lesson. B. They are talking in Chinese.

C. They are talking with Miss Gao. D. They are helping some Chinese students.

39.What are under the tree near the lake?

A. Mr and Mrs Green. B. The children’s clothes.

C. A chair and a desk. D. Some food and drink.

40.Which of these is NOT right?

A. It is a fine day.

B. There are no girls in Sam’s class.

C. Children can swim in the lake of the park.

D. Some Chinese students are talking to Lily and Lucy.


There has a park near my home and 41.__________

we can see a small shop in it. A shop sells 42.__________

a lot things. On Sundays I often go to the 43.__________

park with mine parents. We often 44.__________

sell things in the shop. We also have 45.__________

anything to drink there. I like 46.__________

oranges and my parents like tea. We often 47.__________

go back to home at 5:00. 48.__________


1. fit 2. supermarket, shopping 3.country 4.centre 5.place

6. restaurant 7. newspaper 8.saved 9.stationery 10.price

11.What would you like to do?

12.How much is this jacket?

13.Kitty is writing an e-mail to her sister in English.

14.I’m chatting with my parents.

15.How often do they play basketball after school?

16.feet 17.cheaper 18.Its 19.them 20.to invite

21.listening, listening

22-26: D A C B A

27-36:C A D B B D A C A D

37-40:C B B B

41.has →is 42.A →The

43.lot →lot of 44.mine →my

45.sell →buy 46.anything →something

47.oranges →orange 48.back to →back

Lesson 4 Let’s go shopping


1. It is easy to find. 很容易找到。

【要点详解】 It is + adj. + to do something. 表示“做某事很。。。”,比如:

It is very difficult to finish the work in two days. 在两天之内完成那项工作很困难。

Is it interesting to visit the farm? 去参观农场很有趣吗?

【问题探究】这个句型的否定形式是It is + adj. + not to do something. 请看例句。

It is not so easy to win the game. 要赢得比赛可不那么容易。

It is not happy for him to play with his little sister. 和他的小妹妹玩不是一件高兴的事。

2. There are five floors of shops and each of floor is very big. 有五层楼的商店,且每层楼面都很大。


How many floors are there in the building? 这幢楼里有几层?

【问题探究】表示“在第几层时”我们说on the (用序数词) floor。比如:

I live on the second floor. 我住在第二层。

【知识拓展】同学们,你们知道吗?在英美两国,具体楼层的表达是不一样的,比如,在英式英语中,一楼是the ground floor;二楼是the first floor;而在美式英语中,一楼是the first floor;二楼是the second floor。所以如果你们以后到英美国家去,千万别搞错了!


① Each student can go there tomorrow. 明天每个学生都可以去那里。

② They each come here by bike. 他们每个人都骑自行车来这里的。


Each can have one apple, but not two. 每个人可以拿一个苹果,但不是两个。

We read the letter to him each. 我们每个人都读了一遍信给他听。

3. This is great for girls. 这对女孩来说真是太好了。

【要点详解】be great for somebody 对某人来说真是太好了。此外,我们还可以说be good for somebody。比如:

The game is good for boys. 这游戏对男孩来说很好。

4. I think the mall needs some more. 我认为那个大型购物中心需要更多的。

【要点详解】some more意思是“更多的”,比如:

① Can I have some more water? 我能再要点水吗?

② Who wants some more apples? 谁想再要些苹果?

5.You can eat different kinds of food from different countries. 你能吃到来自不同国家的不同食物。

【要点详解】different kinds of 意思是“不同种的”,a kind of表示“一种”,比如:

a kind of books 一类书 a kind of orange 一种桔汁

6. I like watching a film before going shopping. 我喜欢在购物前去看场电影。

【要点详解】在这个句子中going shopping从语法上讲是现在分词作时间状语。比如

Before going to bed, I read some books last night. 昨晚在睡觉前我看了一些书。

After saying goodbye to him, she left the house. 对他说了声再见,她离开了屋子。

【知识拓展】在这句话中还有一个词组,你们找到了吗?是的,watch a film表示“看电影”,你们知道它还有其他的表达方式吗?是的,我们还可以说

see a film go to the cinema watch a movie go to the movies


看电视watch TV 看戏 see a play 去听音乐会 go to a concert

7. When I am playing a game, there are always lots of people waiting for me to finish. 当我在玩游戏时,那儿总是有很多人在等我快点结束。

The mall is a really fun place to go. 那个购物中心确实是个有趣的地方。

It is a good place to meet friends. 它是和朋友会面的好地方。


This is an interesting book to read. 这是一本有趣的书。

He is a funny person to talk to. 他是一个能和他交谈的有趣的人。

【问题探究】一般说来,用动词不定式做定语时,动词不定式的动词应是及物动词或不及物动词词组,但在口语或不太规范的情况下也可直接用不及物动词,比如第二个例句The mall is a really fun place to go ( to ). 再如,课本中多次出现的短语a place to live ( in )等。

8. She is having a stomach ache. 她肚子痛。

【要点详解】ache表示“痛”,比如:toothache 牙痛 headache 头痛。 请看例句:

She always has a toothache. 她总是牙痛。

――What is wrong with you? ――I’m having headache. ――你怎么了?――我头痛。




A: How many students are there in your class?

B: There are_________________________________.

A: How many girls are there?

B: _________________________________________.

A: How many boys are there?

B: _________________________________________.

A: How many Young Pioneers are there?

B: __________________________________________.

A: How many teachers are there in your school?

B: Let me see. Er, _______________, I think.

II. 耐心填一填


1.What are you doing?

--I ________ (make) dumplings.

2.Look! some boys _________(run) near the lake.

3.There are some people under the tree. One of them ________(read) and three of them ______(play) games.

4.Are you good at___________(skate)?

5.My classmates are from different_________(country)

6.____________(not talk). They are having a class.

7.__________like Uncle Wang very much because he often helps ________.(they)

8.I like_________(read) some books before_________(go) to bed.

9.One of the cat’s leg is broken. It _________(need) some help.

10.Sally often helps her grandma_________(carry) water at weekends.


11.They are looking for something.(改为否定句)

12. He’s doing his homework in the classroom.(改为复数形式)

13. book, riding, you, a, bike, reading, are, or, a (连词成句)

14. and, boy, clothes, it’s, the, o’clock, his, seven, putting, now, is, on (连词成句)

15.They have some Chinese friends.(改为一般疑问句)

III. 精心选一选

16.Who teaches________ Chinese?

A. you B. your C. yours D. yourself

17.How many boats_______in the river?


A. is there, There is only five B. are, They are very, very big

C. have, They’re only five D. are there, There are only five

18.He likes_____ TV at home on Sundays, but sometimes he goes to _____a film.

A. watch, see B. watching, seeing C. watching, see D. seeing, watch

19.Where ________your school things?

--Look! _______on the desk.

A. are, They’re B. is, It’s C. are, It’s D. is, They’re

20.This is my friend Lily’s cat. Can you look after______ for_______?

A. her, it B. it, her C. hers, it D. it, she

21.There is a bird________in the tree.

A. sing B. singing C. sings D. to sing

22.It’s too hot today. Please give______ a bottle of orange.

A. his B. my C. I D. him

23.Mr and Mrs Green often help my sister and______ with _______ English.

A. I, our B. me, our C. I, us D. me, us

24.Don’t worry. There ______ to finish the work before 10 o’clock.

A. is enough time B. are time enough

C. is an enough time D. are enough time

25.This large shopping mall is easy_________.

A. to find it B. find it C. to find D. find










Mr White has a small shop in the middle of our __31__, and he sells pictures in it. They are not __32__ ones, but some of them are quite nice. Last Saturday a woman came into the shop and looked at lot of pictures. Then she __33__ Mr White to one of them and said, “How __34__do you want for this one?” It was a picture of horses in a field.

Mr White looked at it for __35__ seconds and then went and brought his book. He opened it, looked at the first __36__ and then said, “I want twenty pounds for that one. ”

The woman closed her __37__ for a moment and then said, “I can give you two pounds for it.”

“Two pounds?” Mr White said __38__,“Two pounds? But the canvas(画布) costs __39__ two pounds.”

“Oh, but it was __40__ then,” the woman said.

31.A. road B. park C. river D. town

32.A. expensive B. cheap C. good D. true

33.A. brought B. had C. took D. wanted

34.A. money B. many C. much D. number

35.A. few B. a few C. little D. a little

36.A. copy B. page C. sentence D. word

37.A. pocket B. hands C. mouth D. eyes

38.A. angrily B. happily C. friendly D. quietly

39.A. fewer than B. less than C. more than D. more or less

40.A. white B. clean C. useful D. beautiful


I work in a small shop. It is near a factory. Every day, workers, old ladies and housewives come to the shop to buy things.

I live in a house not very far from the shop. I usually get up at six, have breakfast and then go to work by bike. I take some food along in my lunch box.

I get to the shop at about ten to seven. At seven customers(顾客) begin to arrive. They buy meat, eggs, sugar, soybean sauce, cooking oil, salt, candies, biscuits and many other things. We don’t sell vegetables or fruit. There is a shop for those things nearby.

I have my meal at noon from my lunch box. At seven in the evening we close the shop. I tidy things up and then go home for supper.

Some people may think my work isn’t so interesting. But I do my bit for the four modernization(现代化), don’t I?

41.What does the“I”in the passage do? She is a_______.

A. worker B. customer C. teacher D. saleswoman

42.The shop is a ______ shop.

A. grocery(副食) B. vegetable C. fruit D. grain(粮食)

43.How long does she work every day?

A. Five hours B. Thirteen hours C. Twelve hours D. Eight hours

44.Her house is _____ the shop. She often goes to work______.

A. very far from, by bus B. very close to, by bike

C. very far from, by bike D. very close to, on foot

45.What does she like about her work?

A. She thinks her work is too tired.

B. She doesn’t like having lunch in the shop.

C. She thinks the long-hour work is a pleasure.

D. She likes her work a lot though she is busy all day.


Today is on Sunday. Children don’t go to school today. 46.___________

There are many children in the park. They are student of 47.___________

Class 1. They are play games there. Some are flying kites, some 48.___________

are singing and dancing. There is two boys boating 49.___________

on the middle of the river. There are two women with them. 50.___________

They are their teachers. All the children look very happily. 51.___________


1.am making 2.are running 3.is reading , are playing 4.skating 5.countries

6.don’t talk 7.They, them 8.reading, going 9.needs 10.carry

11.They aren’t looking for anything.

12.they’re doing their homework in the classroom.

13.Are you riding a bike or reading a book?

14.It’s seven o’clock now and the boy is putting on his clothes.

15.Do they have any Chinese friends?

16-25: A D C A B B D B A C

26.There is a baby crying in the room.

27.Is there anybody singing in the music room?

28.Would you like to go shopping with me tonight?

29.You can eat different kinds of food in this restaurant.

30. I think parks are good places to do morning exercise./

I think a park is a good place to do morning exercise.


41-45: DACBD

46.on Sunday →Sunday 47.student →students

48.play →playing 49.is →are

50.on →in 51.happily →happy

篇10:译林牛津 unit 2 word power 教学案


Unit 2 Growing Pains Word Power

Edited by TangLi

10 05

I: Teaching aims:

This section focuses on the differences between American English and British English. Some specific examples related to grammar, vocabulary and spelling are listed and presented to students. Students are required to identify and learn about the different expressions. They are expected to not only expand their prior knowledge but apply it practically.

II: Teaching important points:

List some differences between American English and British English

Students are required to think about the following topics:

Up to now we've learned English for several years. Do you agree there are some differences between American English and British English? In which aspects do these differences exist, pronunciation, spelling, grammar and different expressions? Can you demonstrate some examples of these differences?

Students are required to list some differences that they already know. If possible, they can classify the differences into groups.

Differences Examples





III. Requirements:

1 Students are required to prepare for vocabulary learning

(1) Ask students to focus on the examples listed in their books and let them distinguish these differences first.

(2) Ask students to compare what they already know with these examples listed and encourage them to keep them in mind.

(3) If possible, you can ask students to summarize all the differences between American English and British English.

(4) Ask students to focus on the exercise and finish it individually first and then conduct a feedback activity. Then let them practise the dialogue with their partners.

(5) Ask students to discuss the following questions:

As we all know, the accents in American English and British English are partly different. Which do you prefer, American English or British English?

Do you think it helpful for you to be aware of these differences?

(6) Let students read the article in Part A in Reading on page 90 in Workbook, so that they can learn more about this topic. They may be asked to guess the meanings of some words from the context of the article, such as major, charming, episode, nature, naughty, caring, etc.

2.Students are required to prepare for vocabulary extension

Students are required to list some colloquialisms they already know.

(1) Ask students to focus on Part A and have them finish the exercise individually first. Then conduct a feedback activity.

(2) Ask students to continue with Part B, as there are more colloquialisms. Encourage students to think over and discuss with each other first. If students still can't work out the meanings, ask them to consult the dictionary.

IV: Background Resources

American English and British English share a lot of similarities. However, there are still some differences. These differences are thought to be caused by several factors, such as different national histories, cultural development and the influences of local and regional idioms and expressions. Some words share the same pronunciation while their spellings vary a bit, for example, colour and color, cheque and check, realise and realize. In addition, different words are used to indicate the same thing. For example, 'toilet' in British English is 'rest room' in American English. Likewise ‘trousers' are ‘pants', ‘cooker' is ‘stove' and ‘angry' is ‘mad'. For more information, you can visit the following website: esl.about.com/library/weekly/ aa110698.htm

篇11:●Project Reciting a poem (译林牛津版高二)

Part A: Reading

At the beginning of this period, let’s enjoy an English poem: She walks in beauty. Look at the screen and listen to the tape, trying to grasp the theme of the poem.

It’s a romantic poem. As we all know, romantic themes tend to be emotional. Today, we’ll read and later recite a romantic poem about love by Robert Burns A Red, Red Rose. Let’s come to the reading part of Project.

1. Read the report on the poetry of Robert Burns, Skim for the main idea of this article and tell how it is organized.

Paragraphs 1-4 introduction of Robert Burns

Paragraphs 5-7 some information about a movement of poets called the Romantic Movement

Paragraphs 8-9 the poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’ with its introduction and explanation

2. Pair work: Rearrange the events in the order of time. Fill in the following table:

Time Event

1750 The Romantic Movement started.

1759 Robert Burns was born.

1794 The poem ‘A Red, Red Rose’ was published.

1796 Robert Burns died at the age of 37.

1870 The Romantic Movement ended.

1877 The monument to Burns was first publicly exhibited.

3. Read the article for a third time to get more information about this report, and then fill in the following table about Robert Burns.

Year of birth Place of birth Year of death Family status

1759 Alloway, Scotland 1796 Poor

His first love Name Nelly Kirkpatrick

Effect on him Encouraged him to start writing poetry

Main works ‘To a Mouse’; ‘The Holy Fair’; ‘A Red, Red Rose’

The movement

of poets Name of the movement Romantic Movement

Representative poets John Keats; William Wordsworth; Robert Burns

Features Romantic themes tend to be more emotional.

The poems are always about love, dreams or nature.

The way people

memorize him *All of Scotland mourned his death, and afterwards many people donated money to support his widow and children. The monument to him was first publicly exhibited in 1877 and about 30,000 people attended the first exhibition.

*The house in Alloway, where Burns was born, is now a museum of his life and work.

4. Read and recite the poem A Red, Red Rose, trying to understand the meaning of the poem.

Part B

1. Group work: Discuss the eight questions in Part B. Then prepare your project.

2. Present your project.


1. Read the passage in project and recite the poem.

2. Do Parts B1 and B2 on page 101 of the Workbook.

篇12:(牛津译林版)初二Unit 5 Birdwatchers

Grammar (2) Integrated skill Study skill Main task Check out


fact worm southeast including reason prevent snowstorm flood centimetre

e.g. etc. second info min no. example rest degree equal dollar therefore

percent plus application form birth hobby simply


1. 用一般现在时表示将来的安排、节目、时刻表、日历。如:

It is Sunday tomorrow.

The bus returns to school at 5 p.m.

2. 用现在进行时表示较近将来的计划。如:

The plane is leaving soon.

He is coming back in a few minutes.

3. 缩略语与符号


cm=centimetre厘米 eg= for example例如

etc= et cetera等等 km= kilometre公里

minus= minutes分钟 no.= number数字

gd= good好的 info= information信息


= equal等于 + plus加 % percent百分比 degree度

≠does not equal不等 @ at在 & and和 < less/smaller than小于,少于

> more/ greater than大于,多于 because 因为 therefore所以

$ dollar美元

4. prevent 防止, 阻止

We should take actions to prevent pollution.

The rain prevented them from coming on time.

prevent … (from) doing sth. = stop sb. (from) doing sth.= keep sb. from doing sth.

5. can’t wait for/to do sth.迫不及待做某事

He can’t wait to go home to watch the football game.

He can’t wait to see his parents.

can’t help doing sth.情不自禁地做某事

We couldn’t help laughing at his joke.



1. I like all kinds of birds, _______ the rare red-crowned cranes.

A. for an example B. for the example

C. for example D. specially

2. Don’t ______ banana skins here and there.

A. leave B. let C. drop D. stop

3. It’s bad ______ to spit in public.

A. examples B. manners C. ways D. excuse

4. Bill asked me if I liked ______ a teacher.

A. is B. be C. being D. was

5. Three _______ six is nine.

A. plus B. times C. pluses D. time

6. Zhalong natrue reserve is an important ______ area of the cranes.

A. living B. lively C. alive D. lovely

7. I want to _____ the children _____ clothes.

A. provide, to B. provide, for C. provide, with D. provide, at

8. We knew nothing about it ______ his mother told us.

A. if B. after C. that D. until

9. If people change wetlands to make _____ for farms, birds will not have enough ____ to live.

A. room, space B. rooms , space C. space, rooms D. spaces, room

Key: 1. C 2. C 3. B 4. C 5. A 6. A 7. C 8. D 9. A



1. 说流利的日语

2. 阻止人们砍伐树木

3. 迫不及待地做某事

4. 早餐吃面条

5. 在入口处

6. 确保

7. 有空

8. 叫她不要发出声音


1. This means __________ (越来越多) birds will disappear.

2. We played tennis _________(开心) until our teacher told us ______(回) to school.

3. They ________(走了很长的路) and got tired ________(在那天).

4. It is warm in Kunming _______(一年到头)


1. If it _____ (rain) tomorrow, we ________(not go) to the park.

2. The heavy rain prevented us _______(play) football.

3. The teacher often tells us _______(not make) any noise in class.

4. The doctor asked me ______(take )the medicine three times a day.

5. When I met my friend on my way, I stopped _____(talk) with him.

6. So much work usually make him ______(feel) very tired.

7. Sorry , we are late. We _______(not catch) the bus.

8. There are not many cranes ________(live) in the world.


A factory began to make a new kind of dog food. A big party was held to 1 the new dog food to everyone. People 2 the newspapers and TV stations were there.

There was a dog 3 the party. He would eat the dog food and have his pictures 4 . The plan was to show everybody 5 the dog would like the new dog food.

When the time 6 ,a plate of the dog food was given in front of 7 . Everyone looked at the dog. But there was one 8 . He didn't eat any of it. The dog didn't like the dog food!

The boss(老板)of the factory had to do 9 quickly. All of the people were watching. All of the people were 10 . So he ate the dog food himself.

1. A. send B. take C. put D. show

2. A. of B. from C. on D. in

3. A. by B. of C. at D. in

4. A. taken B. to take C. taking D. take

5. A. how long B. how soon C. how much D. how many

6. A. left B. passed C. went D. came

7. A. everyone B. people C. the dog D. the boss

8. A. change B. problem C. answer D. word

9. A. something B. anything C. nothing D. everything

10. A. smiling B. dancing C. jumping D. laughing


Tom arrived at the bus station quite early for Paris bus. The bus for Paris would not leave until five to twelve. He saw a lot of people waiting in the station. Some were standing in line(排队), others were walking around. There was a group of schoolgirls. Their teacher was trying to keep them in line. Tom looked around but there was no place for him to sit.

He walked into the station cafe(咖啡馆). he looked up at the clock there. It was only twenty to twelve. He found a seat and sat down before a large mirror(镜子) on the wall. Just then, Mike, one of Tom’s workmates came in and sat with Tom.

“What time is your bus?” “There’s plenty of time yet,” answered Tom. “Well, I’ll get you some more tea then,” said Mike. They talked while drinking. Then Tom looked at the clock again. “Oh! It’s going backward(倒行)!” He cried. “A few minutes ago it was twenty to twelve and now it’s half past eleven.” “You’re looking at the clock in the mirror.” said Mike. Tom was so sad(难过). The next bus was not to leave for another hour. Since then Tom has never liked mirrors.


1. Tom went into the station cafe because ______.

A. Mike asked him to have a cup of tea

B. it was quite early and he could find a seat there

C. he didn’t like to stay with the schoolgirls

D. he wanted to have a drink with his workmate there

2. What time was it in fact when Tom looked at the clock in the mirror?

A. Half past twelve. B. Twenty to twelve.

C. Half past eleven. D. Half past one.

3. From the story we know that when we look at a clock in a mirror, we will find _______.

A. the time is right B. it’s going slower

C. it’s going backward D. it’s going faster

4. Which of the following is true?

A. Tom arrived in Paris on time.

B. The next bus would leave in half an hour.

C. After that Tom didn’t like clocks any longer.

D. Tom looked at the clock in the mirror only once.

5. Which of the following is the title(题目) of the story?

A. The Mirror of the Station.

B. Not A Careful Man.

C. Missing A Bus.

D. The Clock In The Mirror.


一. 1. speak Japanese fluently

2. prevent people from cutting down trees

3. can’t wait to do sth.

4. have noodles for breakfast

5. at the entrance

6. make sure

7. be free

8. ask her not to make any noise

二. 1. more and more 2. happily, to return 3. walked a long way , that day 4. all year round

三. 1. rains, won’t go 2. playing 3.not to make 4. to take

5. to talk 6. feel 7. didn’t catch 8. living

四. 1. D 2. B 3. C 4. A 5. C 6. D 7. C 8. B 9. A 10. D

五. 1. B 2. A 3. C 4. D 5. D

篇13:Reading Appreciating literature(译林牛津版高二)

Step1: Lead-in

Let抯 enjoy a section of film. Is it wonderful? Do you know something about the film?

It抯 based on Dickens抯 famous novel 揙liver Twist? It抯 an example of classics. Classics are the antiques of the literary world. In this unit, we抣l have the chance to get more information about classic literature.


Charles Dickens was born on 7 February 1812 in Portsmouth, England. He had a happy childhood after his family moved to Chatham. At the age of 12, Dickens had to leave school because his father was imprisoned for debt. The poverty and adversity Dickens experienced as a child greatly influenced his later views on social reform. Before his death on 9 June 1870, he wrote about 15 major novels and many short stories, most of which are famous for their surprising endings. If you want to learn more about this great novelist, you may visit the following website:


Step 2: Fast reading for general ideas

Go through the passage as quickly as possible and try to find answers to the three questions in part A on Page 2. Just focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions.


A 1 Classics are the antiques of the literary world including novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were well written and received.

2 England抯 greatest writer.

3 Seven years old.

Step 3: Detailed reading for important information

1. Let抯 read the passage a second time and complete Parts C1 and C2 on page 4.


C1 1 Because they think they are old-fashioned and boring, and have nothing to do with life today.

2 She doesn抰 think that they are old-fashioned or boring.

3 Joe is a kind and simple man.

4 On his gravestone it reads, 態y his death, one of England抯 greatest writers is lost to the world.?br>5 A stranger.

6 Because he thinks Joe is not clever enough and far from being a well educated gentleman.

7 He learns that wealth does not buy happiness and that friends are more important than a fancy education.

8 An example of character development is the change in Pip from being concerned only with money to seeing that money is not the most important thing in life.

C2 1 d 2 c 3 a 4 b 5 e

2. Listen to the tape and try to complete Part D and Part E.


D 1 c 2 d 3 e 4 a 5 g 6 f 7 h 8 b

E (1) authors (2) Pip

(3) husband (4) England

(5) symbol (6) novel

(7) fortune (8) gentleman

(9) shallow (10) theme

3. Read the text again and choose the best answers according to the text.

1. Some people think that classics are old-fashioned because of the following statements except __________.

A. they were written a long time ago.

B. the language used in them is quite different from the language used today.

C. they are difficult for people to understand.

D. They can only be found in bookshops and libraries.

2. Which of the following statements is wrong?

A. Clueless, the award-wining film is based on Charles Dickens抯 novel.

B. The film based on Great Expectations was released in .

C. At first, Charles Dickens published many novels in newspaper.

D. Good classics are examples of great writing and wisdom.

3. When and where is Great Expectations set in?

A. In the USA in the 1800s. B. In England in the early 1800s.

C. In England in 1812.. D. In the USA in 1870.

Keys: D A B

Step 4: Post-reading activities

1. Pair work:

Pay attention to the Reading strategy of the article, focusing on the way the author tries to convince the reader to adopt a certain point of view. Point out these places in the essay:

1. However, if this is true, why do we still find classics in bookshops and libraries?

2. Why else would many films based on them be successful?

3. I do not think that these classic novels would be made into films if they had nothing to do with life today.

2. Let抯 come to Part F. Work in pairs and share your opinions with each other.

3. Discussion: What makes a good persuasive essay?

In persuasive or argumentative writing, we try to convince others to agree with our facts, share our values, accept our argument and conclusions, and adopt our way of thinking.

Elements toward building a good persuasive essay include

?establishing facts to support an argument

?clarifying relevant values for your audience (perspective)

?prioritizing, editing, and/or sequencing the facts and values in importance to build the argument

?forming and stating conclusions

?損ersuading?your audience that your conclusions are based upon the agreed-upon facts and shared values

?having the confidence to communicate your 損ersuasion?in writing

Step 5: Language points

Vocabulary Words classics, literary, received, wisdom, dust, work, chapter, harm, simple, tension, twist, plot, generous, fortune, abrupt, constant, reminder, shabby, shortcoming, shallow, prejudice, civil, bent, theme, wealth, fancy, settle, educated, acquaintance

Useful expressions have something to do with, have a place, in the world, be based on, be made into, at a time, on stage, be set in, have a kind word to sb., a symbol of, set sb. free, before long, be kind to, in the early 1800s, be bent on

Sentence patterns 1. They are novels, plays and poems that were written a long time ago and were so well written and well received that people still read them today.

2. But Joe is a kind and simple man, who would rather die than see any harm come to Pip.

3. Excited by his move to London, Pip can hardly wait to begin his new life.

Step 6: Homework

1. Read the text again and again. Try to memorize the language points.

2. Read the review of the famous novel Les Miserables in part B on page 105 of the Workbook.

篇14:译林牛津 高一Unit 1 讲解与练习

高一英语讲解与练习(Unit 1)


attend v. 参加


According to the law in China, all children between 6 and 14 must attend school. 根据中国法律,六到十四岁的儿童必须上学。

I can’t go with you because I have one or two things to attend to (deal with).我不能和你去,因为我还有一两件事要处理。

attend church 做礼拜;attend the meeting 参加会议


average n. adj. v.平均的


The average of their study hours a day is 14. How tiring! 他们一天学习的平均时间是14 小时。 多累啊!(名词)

We receive 20 letters a day on average. 我们平均一天收20封信。

What is the average rainfall for July in your city? 你们城市七月份平均降雨量是多少?(形容词)

I average eight hours’ work a day. 我一天平均工作八小时。(动词)


challenging adj. challenge v. n. 挑战


She enjoys challenging problems. 她喜欢挑战性的问题。

I only like to study something if it really challenges me. 我只喜欢学真正能挑战我的东西。


extra adj. adv. n. 额外


An extra loaf of bread was given to Tom. Tom.得到额外的一块面包。

At this hotel a hot bath is an extra. 在这家旅馆,热水洗澡是另外付钱的。


experience n. v. 经历;经验


How many years’ experience do you have of teaching English? 你教书有多少年了?

Don’t correct him all the time---he will learn by/from/through experience.不要一直纠正他,他会从经验中学。

Our journey by camel across Sahara was quite an experience. (抽象名词具体化,指一次经历)

I experienced great difficulty in getting a visa to leave the country. 签证离开那个国家我费了很大的劲。

Many people can drive at present, but they need to learn to be experienced at repairing cars.目前许多人会开车,还需学习会修车。


develop v. 发展


In less than ten years, it develops from a seed to a full-grown tree.不到十年,它从一个小种子长成一棵大树。

Our holiday films haven’t been developed yet. 假日的胶卷还没冲洗。

Some countries are well developed while a lot more are developing countries.有些国家很发达,而更多的是发展中国家。


cover v. 盖;报道


The noise was so loud that she covered her ears with her hands. 噪音太高,她用手捂住耳朵。

Many reporters have been sent to cover the football games.已派了许多记者去报道足球赛。

The course covers both business and law. 这门课涉及商业和法律。


regret n. & v. 遗憾


He expressed his regret about the opportunity he missed.他失去那个机会,很遗憾。

I regret to say the seat has been taken. 对不起,座位有人坐了。

How I regret having wasted so much time when I should have studied.我多么后悔我浪费了本该学习的时间。


inform v. 通知 information n. 信息


No one informed him of/about the decision. 没有人通知他决定。

I informed him that I would not be able to attend his party. 我告诉他我不能参加他的宴会。

We have received information that they may have left the country. 我们得到信息他们可能已离开那个国家。


run v. 跑,经营


The water ran for hours before the leak was found.漏洞发现之前,水已流了数小时。

Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.许多结婚的女人又工作又理家。

I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop. 在一家二手店里,我偶尔见到他的一张早期唱片。

Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money. Bob要我爸爸借500美元给他,因为他缺钱。


host n. 主人;


At the end of the party we thanked our host and went home. 在晚会结束时,我们谢谢主人后回家。

We are proud China is the host country for the Olympic Games. 我们非常骄傲中国主办奥林匹克运动会。


require v. 需要


Your suggestion requires further thought. 你的建议需要进一步思考。

The situation requires that we (should) take immediate action.情形需要我们采取立刻行动。

All passengers are required to show their tickets. 所有的乘客需要出示篇。

The floor requires/needs/wants cleaning. 地板需要清洗。


requirement n.需要

Whatever he did never met his father’s requirements. So he left home.他无论做什么,都不能满足他爸爸的要求,所以,他离家出走了。




1. exciting 令人激动的 (主语往往具有使他人或它物激动的性质)

excited 激动的(主语因某事或某物而变得激动)


an exciting film/ football match 令人激动的电影/足球赛

The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. 激动的孩子门打开圣诞礼物。

She is very excited about getting a part in the film. 她在那部电影里得到一个角色非常激动。



2. used to过去常常做某事,后接动词原形(used to do sth)

be/get/become used to习惯于某事或习惯于做某事,后接名词或动名词(be/get/become used to sth./doing sth)

be used to do sth. 被用来做某事,是use sth to dosth的被动形式


People used to think that the Earth was flat. 过去人们常常认为地球是方的。

I never got used to going to bed so late. 我从来不习惯这么晚睡觉。

I’m used to the noise after living here for so many years.在这里住了多年后已习惯吵闹声。

We used the money to buy a new car.我决定用这笔钱买一辆新车。

Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.在许多公司,计算机被用来做很多工作。




3. for example例如,后可以接句子;还可以跟在名词后;

like和such as 如,后接名词


Many animals can do nothing but sleep in winter, like frogs and snakes.冬天,许多动物冬眠,如青蛙和蛇。

We have planted several flowers, such as roses and lilies.我们已种了几种花,如玫瑰和百合。

Now not all people go to work in their offices. For example, some young men can stay at home while they work, which is called “SOHO”. 不是所有的人在办公室工作。如有些年轻人在家工作,被称为“SOHO”族。

I know many women who have a career and a family---Alice for example.我认识许多女人事业家庭都不错,如艾丽丝。




4. at the end of在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…


At the end of August, we are back at school. 不月末,我们回到学校。

By the end of last month, they had received 100 gold medals.到上个月末为止,他们已获得100枚金牌。

By the end of this year, they will have travelled around the world.到今年年末,他们已经环游了世界。

He tried several times to pass the exam, and in the end he succeeded. 为通过考试他试了几次,最后成功了。




5. forget to do sth. 忘记做某事(还未做) forget doing sth. 曾做过某事,忘了


Please remember to hand in your homework tomorrow. 请记得明天交作业。

He remembered locking the door. But he couldn’t find his key. 他记得锁了门,但他找不到钥匙。

He forgot to tell me the news. So I didn’t know. 他忘了告诉我那消息,所以我不知道。

He forgot telling me the news. He told me again. 他忘了告诉我那消息,又讲了一遍。



6. prepare for为…做准备相当于 make preparations for

be prepared for 强调心理做准备

for preparation 为准备,介词短语

get sth. ready 为…做准备


Have you prepared a meal for your parents? 你为你父母准备过饭了吗?

They are making preparations for the Queen’s visit.他们在为女皇的到来做准备。

Will you help me prepare for the party? 你愿意帮我准备晚会吗?

There are plenty of courses that prepare students for English exams. 有大量为学生备考英语的课程。

Mother is not prepared to listen to my weak excuses. 妈妈不愿听我的借口。

Before exams, there are always a lot to do for preparation.考试前,总有许多事要准备。

To welcome the honoured guest, we have got everything ready.为了欢迎尊贵的客人,我们一切都准备好了。






1. be happy with 对…满意


My boss is never happy with my work.我老板对我的工作从不满意。

Most people were happy with their choices at first; soon they felt bored.大多数人开始都满意自己的选择,但不久就厌倦了。


2. become friends 成为朋友 be friends 是朋友; make friends with与…交朋友


They soon forgot their differences and were friends again. 他们不久就忘了分歧,再次成为朋友。

David finds it hard to make friends with other children. 大卫发觉很难与别的孩子交朋友。


3. for free 免费


I got this ticket for free from Tom, who didn’t want it. (for nothing) 我没花钱从汤姆那儿弄到票,他不要。

Children under five usually travel free on trains. 五岁以下的儿童乘车不要钱。


4. at assembly 在集会上


The headmaster told us all the school rules at assembly. 集会上校长告诉了我们所有的校规。

此短语中没有冠词,再如:at school 在上学;at work在工作;at lunch在吃午饭等。


5.think of 想起


You can’t expect me to think of everything. 你不要指望我每件事都想到。

They are thinking of moving to America. 他们在考虑搬到美国去。


6. pay attention to 注意


You must give your full attention to your work. 你必须把你的注意力全放在工作上。

He managed to draw readers’ attention to his works. 他设法吸引读者注意他的作品。


7. next to 紧挨


Peter sat next to Paul on the sofa. 彼得紧挨着P 做在沙发上。

Next to skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey. 他最喜欢滑雪,再就是曲棍球。


8. be available for 可用的/可得到的


Tickets are available at the box. 票房能买到票。

You must make yourself personally available for paying the bills.你必须能个人付这些账单。


9.graduate from 从…毕业


She graduated from Oxford with a degree in law. 她从牛津大学毕业,或法律学位。

She left school and went to the countryside.她中学毕业去乡下了。


10.develop an interest in doing sth. 发展做…的兴趣


类似的短语:be interested in… 对…感兴趣;

feel/have/show/express (an) interest in…对…感兴趣

Now he has grown up, he no longer takes any interest in collecting stamps. 他已长大,不再对集邮感兴趣。

A good teacher should help children develop an interest in learning instead of making them learn.



11 inform sb. of sth. 通知某人某事


Keep me informed of/ about whatever happens there. 那里不管发生什么事,让我知道。

He is well-informed of everybody else’s business. 别人的事他都知道。


12.be responsible for 对…负责


All pilots are responsible for their passengers’ safety. 所有的飞行员要对他们的乘客安全负责。

Smoking is responsible for many cases of lung cancer. 抽烟引起肺癌。



1. He also told us the best way to earn respect from the school was to work hard and achieve high grades.他也告诉我从学校获得尊敬的最好办法是认真学习和取得高分。

(1)the way to do sth 做某事的方法。不定式做定语;也可以说成:the/a way of doing sth

My English teacher has a strange way of making our lessons interesting and lively.

The only way she thought of to get help at that moment was to send signal by firing.

(2)be to do sth不定式做表语

动词不定式用在连系动词后,作表语。常见的连系动词有be, seem等。作主语的名词通常是duty, wish, hope, idea, plan, purpose 等。

My wish at the age of 12 was to become a policeman when I grew up.

My job is to help the patient.

It seems to be an interesting book.

2. I found the homework was not as heavy as what I used to get in my old school, but it was a bit challenging for me at first because all the homework was in English. 我发觉家庭作业不像过去在的学校那么多,但开始对我有点挑战,因为所有的作业都是英文的。

(1) as + adj./adv (原级) + as 否定时: not as/so + adj./adv (原级) +

They are as clever as anyone else in their class. They get low marks because they are lazy.


The newly-made car runs twice faster than any old one of its type.

This room is one third as large as yours.

(2) what I used to get in my old school 相当于the homework I used to do in my old school,与as构成比较状语。

It’s still as beautiful as what we once saw.

She doesn’t run as fast as she used to.

3. Though it didn’t look like a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.尽管当它完成的时候不像桌子,我仍然很喜欢它。

Though/Although引导让步状语从句,主句不要再用连词and, but等;但可以用副词still。

Though/Although there were many more guests at the party, they managed to get enough glasses for all.

Though引导让步状语从句时,可以倒装;也可以用as, 但用as必须倒装。此结构中不用although。

Young though/as he is, he knows a lot.

Child though/as he is, he knows how to deal with the difficult situation.注意:child前不用冠词。

4. First of all, let me introduce myself to you. 首先,让我来向你们自我介绍一下。

祈使句的用法:动词需用原形,常见的有:(1)让我/我们做…(Let’s/ Let me do…) ;(2)让对方做…

Let’s go outing this weekend.

Find a good book to read whenever possible.

Tom, go and get your coat. It’s behind the door. (这不是第三人称,而是吩咐Tom去做文章)

Don’t leave the light on when there is no one in the room.

Never speak ill of others. (否定句时强调用never)

5. I do like eating desserts after meals as you mentioned in your article.我的确饭后喜欢吃甜点心,正如你文章里提到的。


He does come here earlier than anyone else in his class every morning.

He did tell a lie when he was asked where he was that night.

Do be careful while crossing the street.

6. I didn’t realize how different schools in the UK are from schools in China until I read your article. 直到我读了你文章后才知道英国的学校与中国的有多么的不同。

not …until 直到…才 until引导时间状语/时间状语从句。指将来的事,时间状语从句中一般现在时态。

You won’t find the book interesting until you have covered the first 50 pages.

He didn’t go to bed until 11 o’clock/his mother came back.

7.Upon doing… 的用法

问:(1)怎样理解“Upon finishing his studies, he started travelling in China.”中的“Upon doing sth.”?

答:Upon/On doing sth. 一…就;此句意思:他一完成学业,就在中国旅行。

也可用as soon as ;the moment; immediately等引导的时间状语从句。即:

As soon as he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

The moment he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Immediately he finished his studies, he started travelling in China.

Upon/On arriving home, my mother started cooking. 妈妈一到家就烧饭。

Upon/On 后也可接名词,意思不变。

Upon/On her arrival at home, my mother started cooking.

On/Upon hearing the news, she burst into tears. 一听到那个消息,她就哭起来。

8.more than, other than, rather than 的区别

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中 more than是什么意思?

答:我们的俱乐部远不止音乐。more than …还多;不止

We are more than happy to hear of the success of their team.听到他们对成功,我们非常高兴。

We were excited that the company was more than willing to offer us what we needed.那家公司很乐意提供我们所需要的,我们很激动。

类似的短语如other than和rather than;

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

There was nothing we could do other than wait.我们除了等待什么也不能做。

You can’t get there other than by boat.你只能乘船去那里。

One can experience four seasons a day in no country other than Britain.一个人只有在英国才能一天经历四个季节。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Rather than cause trouble, he left. 不愿引起麻烦,他离开了。

The job will take months rather than weeks. It’s no easy at all.根本就不容易,这工作要花数月而不是几周。

It was what he did rather than what he said that interested me. 是他所做的而不是他所说的让我感兴趣。

9.just 用法之一---加强语气。

问:(2)“Our club is much more than just music.”中just是什么用法?


Answer me, don’t just stand there laughing.回答我,不要只是站在那里笑。(only)

That’s just my luck.我运气总是不好。(exactly)

I’ve never seen anyone run so fast---just watch David.我从没看到谁跑这么快,看David。

(6) Exercises

Grammar (task-teaching method) (2 periods)


定语从句简介(Attributive clauses)


关系代词: 先行词为人:who, whom, that, whose 先行词为物:which, that, whose

关系副词: when, where, why

结合本单元我们学习关系代词that, which, who, whom, whose引导定语从句的用法。

I. 关系代词 that引导的定语从句


Great changes that have never been seen before appear in the countryside.

(that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。因that修饰先行词 changes,故定语从句谓语用复数)

My brother works in a shop that sells CDs. (that在从句中作主语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,不能省略。 因that修饰先行词 a shop,故定语从句谓语用第三人称单数)

Is Abby the person that gives advice to readers that have trouble with their life? (此句中含两个定语从句;that在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用who代替,不用which。)

The watch that I bought yesterday works well. (that在从句中作宾语,指物,可用which代替,不用who,能省略。)

Luckily none of the people that I know were killed in the accident. (that在从句中作宾语,指人,可用who或whom,不用which代替,能省略。)


We talk about the superstars and their works that are well known in our country.

II. 关系代词 which引导的定语从句


The earthquake which happened in Tangshan was terrible. (which在定语从句中都作主语,不省略,可用that,不用who。)

The house which they built in 1987 stayed up in the earthquake. (which在定语从句中都作宾语,可省略,可用that, 不用who。)

III. 关系代词 who引导的定语从句


I was the only person in my office who was invited to go to the palace ball. (who在从句中作主语,指人,可用that代替,不用which,不能省略。)

Don’t you have a friend who might give you a hand?

IV. 关系代词 whom引导的定语从句


Don’t you have a friend whom/who/that/- you might turn to when you have trouble any time?

V. 关系代词 whose引导的定语从句


Please pass me the book whose cover is red.(指物)

The lawyer whose name is Wang Jin lives in Nanjing.(指人)

that, which, who, whom, whose 的特殊用法

I. 关系代词that与which;that与who的一些特殊用法:


1) 先行词是all, everything, something, anything, nothing, none, few, little, much等不定代词;或是先行词被all, every, some, any, no, few, little等修饰时:

Is there anything (that) I can do for you in town?

I have read all the books (that) you gave me.


There is something that/which keeps worrying me. “有一件事一直令我不安。”

2) 先行词被形容词最高级或有序数词the first, the second…, the last修饰时:

This is the best film (that) I have ever seen.

The first place (that) we’ll visit is the Great Wall.

3) 先行词被the only,the very修饰时:

The only thing that matters is to find our way home.

This is the very book (that) I’ve been looking for.

4) 先行词既有人又有物时:

They talked about the persons and things (that) they remembered in the school.

5) 当主句是由who或which引导的特殊问句时,为避免重复,定语从句中常用that:

Who is the man that is standing by the door?

Which is the dictionary (that) you bought yesterday?

当先行词是anyone, those, he, she等代词表“人”时,一般用who而不用that:

Anyone who wants a ticket please sign your name here.

Those who want to go to the English party must be at the school gate by 7:30 p.m.

He who doesn’t reach the Great Wall is not a true man.


He is no longer the man that he used to be.

II. 关系代词whose的特殊用法(只用作定语, 若指物,它还可以同of which互换, of which可置于其所修饰的名词前或后; 若指人, 可以同of whom互换)。例如:

Please pass me the book whose cover is green.(指物)

=Please pass me the book the cover of which(of which the cover) is green.

The doctor, whose name was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.(指人)

=The doctor, the name of whom was Johnson, lived in a small town in the north of England.

III. 介词 + which/whom引导的定语从句

1) 介词 + which引导的定语从句, 此结构中,不能用that。which不能省略。介词的选用可根据从句中的相关词组确定,该介词通常可以放在关系代词之前,也可放在从句之尾,这时可用that/which引导从句,也可省略。

The room in which there is a machine is a workshop.

The room that/which/- there is a machine in is a workshop.


Is this the book (which/that) you are looking for? ( 这里介词for不提前,因为look for是固定词组,意为“寻找”,介词for若被提前,单个的look意为“看”,句意不符。)

2) 介词 + whom引导的定语从句,此结构中,不能用that也不用who。whom不能省略。

The man with whom my English teacher shook hands was from Harvard University.


The man who/whom/that/- my English teacher shook hands with was from Harvard University.




1. All ____ is needed is a supply of oil. ( NMET89 )

A. the thing B. thatC. what D. which

2.He paid the boys $10 for washing ten windows, most of ____ hadn’t been cleaned for at

least a year. ( NMET90 )

A. these B. thoseC. thatD. which

3.In the dark street, there wasn’t a single person ____ she could turn for help. ( NMET92 )

A. that B. who C. from whom D. to whom

4.Dorothy was always speaking highly of her role in the play, ____, of course, made the

others unhappy. ( )

A .who B. which C. this D. what


5.①John is the only one of the students who ____ French.

②John is one of the students who ____ French.

A.know B.knows C.knowing D.known

6.①This is the knife ____ I usually cut my pencil.

②This is the knife ____ I usually use to cut my pencil.

A.with which B.which C.by which D.with that

7.①Who lives in the house ____ windows face south?

② Who lives in the house ____ the windows face south?

A.whose B.which C.of which D.that

8.①Is this factory ____ you visited last year?

②Is this the factory ____ you visited last year?

A.that B.of which C.the one D.where

9.①When I have trouble,he is the only one ____I can ask for help.

②When I have trouble,he is the only one ____ I can go for help.

A.whom B.to whom C.which D.to who

10.①The reason ____ he gave us was that his car broke down on the way.

②The reason ____he was late was that his car broke down on the way.

A.for which B.which C.how D.what

Unit 1语法专练

I. 单项选择

1. You’d better not drink water _____ has not been boiled.

A. which B. whom C. whose D. who

2. The director and his movie ___ you have just talked about are really popular.

A. who B. which C. that D. of whom

3. He regrets buying the dog ______ was very old and died the next month.

A. who B. whom C. whose D. which

4. This is the house _______ my father bought on a rainy evening.

A. which B. that C. / D. all of the above

5. She is my former classmate _______ handwriting is very good.

A. whom B. whose C. of whom D. which

6. Is the girl your friend _______ you shook hands just now?

A. which B. that C. to whom D. with whom

7. In fact the Sweden did not understand the three questions ____ were asked in French.

A. where B. who C. which D. what

8. Didn't you see the man ________ I nodded to just now?

A. which B. whom C. whose D. to which

9. I can't find the gold ring _______ I spent 100 dollars.

A. that B. on which C. which D. in which

10. The radio set ____ I bought last week has gone wrong.

A. / B. for which C. over which D. what

II. 改写同义句

1. Wei Fang is the student and her home caught fire last night.

Wei Fang is the student_______________ caught fire last night.

2. This is the book .He is looking for it.

This is the book_______________.

3. He built a telescope that he could study the skies through.

He built a telescope _____________ he could study the skies.

4. The roof of the house was broken and has now been repaired.

The house ____________ was broken has now been repaired.

5. The person I spoke to just now is our schoolmaster.

The person ____________ I spoke just now is our schoolmaster.

III. 单句改错

1. Mr Green is always working hard should get a rise.

2. I, who is your good friend, will try my best to help you.

3. It was a meeting that importance I didn’t realize at that time.

4. Children eat a lot of sweets or chocolate often have bad teeth.

5. Is this the horse that you spent five hours drawing it yesterday?

6. The students who has finished the exercises may leave the classroom now.

7. My glasses, with which I was like a blind man, fell to the ground and broke.

8. They talked for about an hour of persons which they remembered in the school.

9. The boss whose department Ms King worked in ten years ago look down upon women.

10. Chaplin, for who money was now no problem, started a new film company with his friends.

Self-assessment (1 period)



I. 根据中文和首字母填空 (20题)

1. There was nothing special about the film---it was only __________(普通).

2. Looking after a baby is as _________ (挑战)as working on a new job, do you think so?

3. I’m going to work ______(额外)hard this term.

4. To carry out the new plan would ________(需要)increasing our staff by 50 %.

5. From small beginning, it has __________(发展)into a big international company.

6. I u__________ to play computer games a lot, but now I never get the time.

7. The e________ expression on his face showed he had won the game.

8. Please keep me i___________ of any developments in your area.

9. The room c__________ an area of 20 square metres.

10. We have done a lot, and will do even more for the 2008 Olympic Games for p____________.

11. Going to a foreign high school for some time is very ________(开心) and exciting.

12. Almost no high school students are ___________ (满意)with the school hours in China.

13. I know from my own ____________(经历) how difficult this kind of work can be.

14. I felt lucky as all my teachers were very ___________ (有助)and I enjoyed all my subjects.

15. Sometimes I played football with the boys. Sometimes I just ________ (放松)under a tree or sat on the grass.

16. George Bush was invited to a__________ the APEC held in Shanghai.

17. My English i_________ a lot as I used English every day and spent an hour each day reading English books in the library.

18. The paintings that David d__________ to the school are being displayed in the assembly hall.

19. Though it didn’t look l________ a table when it was finished, I still liked it very much.

20. British people eat lots of desserts after their m_________ meal.

II. 用所给动词的适当形式填空 (10题)


attend, earn, experience, drop, develop, cover, regret, inform, run, host, approve, require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a nightclub.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

III. 词语辨析 (10题)


1.The most famous ____________ park in the world is Disneyland.( exciting /excited)

2. After three weeks, she got used to________ in the desert. ( live /living)

3. A hammer is used to _______ nails. (drive / driving)

4. Life here is much easier than it__________. ( used to be / was used to be)

5. I’ll never forget _________ my daughter dancing in public for the first time. (seeing / to see)

6. ---Don’t forget_________ your homework here tomorrow. ---No, I won’t. ( bring /to bring)

7. My flat is __________ the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride. ( by the end of/ at the end of)

8. He tried many kinds of work; ________ he became a postman.( by the end /in the end)

9. I knew there were problems, but I was not __________for it. (prepared /preparing)

10. He is ___________ his daughter for the Oral English Competition by. (prepared / preparing)


I.根据课文内容填空 (1 篇短文10 空)

Next week I’ll go back to China.

I have experienced a different way of life in a high school in Manchester for a year. Here school hours are much_________. All lessons are in English. Luckily, my teachers are all________. All students have to study Maths, English and Science, but can _______ some subjects if they don’t like them. They can _________ other subjects. It was _______ that we learned to cook. At the class_______ we all had to cook something. I made a big cake. In _________ class I made a table. It didn’t look like a table at all. However, for a student, the best way to earn ________from the school was ___________ hard and achieve high ________. This sounded like schools in China.

II.单项选择(10 题)

1. When you are in a foreign country, you may miss ______ Chinese food a lot. As a result, you hope to have ______ big supper after a tiring day.

A. /; a B. a; a C. /; / D. a; /

2. At Christmas we needn’t go to school. We could get up later ______.

A. as common B. than common C. as usual D. than usual

3. _____ the first day all students gathered on the playground. We learned a lot about the school.

A. On B. In C. At D. During

4. Miss Burke was the teacher ______ taught us English Literature.

A. she B. who C. whose D. which

5. ______ for some time after a tiring day is very enjoyable and exciting for me in summer.

A. Swim B. Swimming C. Go swimming D. To swim

6. It’s really enjoyable to stay here in China. All my new friends are __________.

A. help B. helpless C. helpful D. of little help

7. Last month I came to Britain. My English has improved a lot _____ I use it anytime.

A. since B. while C. when D. as

8. You say my English has improved. You don’t know how many hours I have spent ______ English books in the school library _________ progress.

A. read B. read C. reading; to make D. to read

9. Children in Britain don’t have as ________ homework as children in China, but theirs is always a little bit ________.

A. heavy; easy B. many; difficult

C. much; heavy D. heavy; challenging

10. Though he was trained for three months, _______ he didn’t pass the exam.

A. but B. and C. still D. so

III.根据中文意思完成下列句子(5 题)

1.If you are not satisfied with the bike you bought here last week, we’ll be ______________ (非常乐意) to return your money.

2. __________________, she burst into tears.

3. He likes the birthday presents ________________ (他父母买给他的).

4. Most of his students _________________________ (已成为他的朋友).

5. ___________________________________________ (无论学生想要锻炼还是只要快乐), they can use our gym.

IV.课文拓展练习(完形填空 1 篇)

Children start school when they are five years old in America. In some states they must stay in school 11 they are sixteen. Most students are seventeen or eighteen years old when they __12_ high school. There are 13 kinds of school in America: public schools and private (私立的)schools. Most children go to 14 schools. Their parents do not have to pay for their 15 , because the schools receive money from the country. If a child goes to a private school, his parents have to get 16_ money for his schooling. Some parents still prefer private schools, though they are much 17 .

Kids have less _18_ time. They spend more hours in school. They take 19_ in organized activities such as soccer and ballet(芭蕾舞). They spend a quarter of their free time watching TV. If they are spending less time in front of the TV set, __20__, kids aren’t replacing it with reading. All work and no play could be very __21__ for kids.

Today about half of the high school students go on to 22 after they finish the high school. A student at a state university doesn’t have to pay very much if his parents live in that __23 .

But many students __24 while they are studying at universities. In this way they _25__ their good working skills(技能) and live on their own.

11. A. until B. when C. before D. after

12. A. study B. attend C. graduate D. leave

13. A. three B. two C. some D. many

14. A. both B. private C. public D. no

15. A. school B. tips C. education D. food

16. A. less B. enough C. too much D. a number of

17. A. more expensive B. modern C. better D. cheaper

18. A. free B. school C. work D. wonderful

19. A. care B. notes C. away D. part

20. A. but B. and C. however D. so

21. A. bad B. good C. lucky D. important

22. A. work B. their homes C. foreign countries D. universities

23. A. university B. state C. country D. U.S.A.

24. A. look for work B. travel C. work D. write

25. A. develop B. raise C. rise D. increase


I.单项选择 (10 题)

1. To his mother’s joy, the little boy _________ an interest in drawing horses when he was at kindergarten.

A. found B. got C. learned D. developed.

2. In many small restaurants people are served rice _______ while the dishes cost a lot.

A. for free B. freely C. in free D. by freely

3. She’s just _________ from the School of Cookery.

A. graduating B. graduated C. leaving D. left

4. You’d better _________ what I am doing, or you’ll have difficulty with your homework

A. listen to B. see C. learn D. pay attention to

5. His father was kept _______ of any news from him when he was in the army.

A. receiving B. telling C. informed D. given

6. When their enemies are strong, they try their best to _________them. When their enemies are weak, they fight against them. It’s surprising!

A. become friends with B. make friend with C. be friendly with D. get friends from

7. Birmingham is the largest city in Britain ________ London.

A. near B. nearby C. next to D. beside

8. Over ten science labs are ______ for different experiments. We are really happy with it.

A. available B. useful C. good D. easy

9. There are so many things to _________ before we decide.

A. think up B. think of C. look up D. look for

10. He was drunk. He was not able to be __________ for his actions.

A. regretful B. punished C. sad D. responsible



happy graduate responsible pay think of available develop inform

I have been an assistant manager since I _______________ from college last summer. I am __________ for all the Nike shoes which are sold in our city. Every morning I __________ attention to everything, even the smallest things. I make every effort to please my customers. Many of my customers have become my friends. Last Spring Festival(春节), a little boy came to buy shoes. Unluckily, there were no shoes _______________ in his size. I told him I would _____________ him as soon as I got his size. My boss is always very __________ with my work. In fact, the work is hard, and I always ___________ the beautiful days I spent at school. In my spare time, I have _______________ an interest in making toys with all kinds of used materials.

Unit 1句型专练

I.句型转换 (5 题)

1.--- He doesn’t care for TV plays. ---Right, but he really watches the programme every evening.

---He doesn’t care for TV plays. ---Right, but he _________ __________ the programme every evening.

2. Our chemistry teacher taught us how to do the experiment. I knew how to do it.

I ______ _______ how to do the experiment _______ our chemistry teacher taught us how to do the experiment.

3. It was raining hard, but they were playing happily outside.

_______ it was raining hard, they were playing happily outside.

4. West Lake in Hangzhou is beautiful. Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing is as beautiful.

West Lake in Hangzhou is ______ ___________ _______ ________ ______ Xuanwu Lake in Nanjing.

5. Beckham wishes to travel to the moon after he leaves the football field.

Beckham’s wish is ______ _______ to the moon after he leaves the football field.

II. 根据汉语完成下列各句(5 题)

1. We won’t start _________________________(直到Bob 回来).

2._____________________________(尽管他很努力), there was never enough money to pay the bills.

3. Every one of you, __________________ (忘掉假日)! We must finish the work before the weekend.

4. Teaching is ___________________ (一样是艺术) science.

5. As early as his second film, Chaplin had developed his own acting, which was ___________________________ (后来出名) all over the world.

III.找出错误并改正(10 题)

1. His wish is become a great artist. He works harder than anyone else in his class.

2. That he wants is always better than what he has.

3. The way he thought of get the chance was practical.

4. Though there is too much noise outside, but he is interested in his books.

5. First of the all, I’ll finish my homework.

6. Every morning my father does goes to work early.

7. I had no idea of what he meant unless he explained to me a second time.

8. Upon arrive at his office, he started work at once.

9. Einstein was no more than a scientist. He spent much time for human rights.

10. Now most students in China study in bright classrooms which windows are big enough.


单项选择 (15 题)

1. Suddenly she saw a wall of water _______ was quickly advancing towards her and she cried.

A. who B. whom C. that D. what

2. Jeff was standing, holding onto a tree ______ grew against the wall.

A. and B. it C. who D. which

3. Many people ________ saw the film were afraid to swim in the sea when they remembered the film.

A. / B. which C. whom D. who

4. Flora ___________ beautiful hair and dress were all cold and wet started crying, but no help came.

A. whose B. whom C. who D. that

5.The garden _______ was once so beautiful was completely destroyed, swept away by the wild water.

A. what B. which C. / D. how

6.The man __________ leg broke in a match used to be a football player.

A. that B. who C. whom D. whose

7. My parents live in village _________ is 50 miles east of London.

A. which B. where C. / D. how

8.Abby took a photo of a monkey ________ was sitting on my head.

A. whose B. that C. / D. what

9. His film, Jaws, is about a big white shark _______that attacks swimmers _______ are spending their holidays in a small village by the shark.

A. who; that B. who; who C. that; who D. that; which

10. Now, the water ________ was cold as ice and flowed faster than a river was above mom’s knees.

A. / B. which C. what D. why

11.---Do you have any experience ________ is unforgettable? ---Too much.

A. / B. what C. nothing D. that

12. People _________ study earthquakes think that there will be another big one soon.

A. whom B. / C. who D. which

13.The people ________ the soldiers have saved are still in danger.

A. whom B. which C. them D. they

14. Do you know the name of the farmer _________ discovered the tomb of Qin Shi Huang?

A. which B. / C. who D. he

15. A wide and busy road __________ was built like a bridge over another road fell onto the one below.

A. what B. which C. / D. where


高考题易混题1-4 DAAB 5。BA 6。AB 7。AC 8。CA 9。AB 10。BA

Unit 1语法专练

I. 单项选择



1.whose home 2.(that/which)he is looking for 3.through which 4.whose roof 5.to whom


1.who is always… 2.who am your… 3.a meeting whose importance… 4.Chilrden who/that eat…

5.去掉it 6.who have finished…7.without which was like… 8.(who/that/whom)they remembered… 9….looks down upon… 10…., for whom money…

Self-assessment(1st period)



I. 根据中文和首字母填空 (20题)

1.average 2.challenging 3.extra 4.require 5.developed 6.used 7.excited 8.informed 9.covers 10.preparation 11.enjoyable 12.happy 13.experience 14.helpful 15.relaxed 16.attend 17.improved 18.donated 19.like 20.main


1.covered 2.running 3.required 4.developed 5.attended 6.informed 7.earned 8.approve 9.experience 10.regret


1.exciting 2.living 3.drive 4.used to be 5.seeing 6.bring 7.at the end of 8.in the end 9.prepared 10.preparing


I.根据课文内容填空 (1 篇短文10 空)

shorter helpful drop choose fun party woodwork respect to work grades

II. 1-5 ADABB 6-10 CDCDC


1.more than happy 2.On hearing the news 3.his parents bought him 4.have become his friends 5.Whether students want exercise or just want some fun


11-15ADBCC 16-20BAADC 21-25ADBCA


I.单项选择 (10 题)



1.graduated 2.responsible 3.pay 4.available 5.inform 6.happy 7.think of 8.developed

Unit 1句型专练

I.句型转换 (5 题)

1. does watch 2. didn’t know until 3.Though 4. as beautiful a lake as 5.to travel


1. until Bob comes back 2.Though he was hardworking 3.forget the holiday 4.as much an art as 5.later to become famous


1.…is to become… 2.What he wants… 3.thought of to get… 4.去掉but 5.First of all 6….does go to work… 7.meant until he … 8.Upon arriving… 9.was more than… 10.whose windows…




篇15:定语从句 说课稿(译林牛津版英语中考复习)



例:Is there anything that I can do for you?



例:Tom told her mother all that had happened.



例:This is the most wonderful time that I have ever had.



例:He was the first person that passed the exam.


5.先行词被the only,the very,the same,the last修饰时,只能使用“that”。

例:This will be the last chance that he can get.


He is the only person that can help you out.



例:They talked of things and persons that they remembered in the school.



例:Which is the book that he bought from the library yesterday?


篇16:译林牛津 高一 Module 1 Unit 1 Word power

Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson 4

Word power

School facilities

Step 1 初步运用单词


(Wan Fei is waiting for Gao Lin in a meeting room.)

Wan Fei: Hi, this is Wan Fei speaking. Gao Lin, Where are you now? The lecture is starting in five minutes.

Gao Lin: Hi, Wan Fei. I’m at the school (1) e__________. What is the (2) q_________ way to get the lecture hall?

Wan Fei: On the left you can see our school (3) c_________. Walk towards it first and go (4) b________ the canteen and the gym, then turn right, walk (5) p_________the science laboratory and go straight on.

Gao Lin: It’s a little bit puzzling.

Wan Fei: Don’t be (6) w_________. Walk on. Bye!

(Gao Lin walks on. Two minutes later, he calls again.)

Gao Lin: Oh, I can see the science laboratory now.

Wan Fei: Go straight on and you can see the (7) s__________ pool. Our lecture hall is (8)n________ to it.

Gao Lin: Thank you. See you!

Wan Fei: See you!

Keys: (1) entrance (2) quickest (3) canteen (4) between (5) past (6) worried (7) swimming (8) next

Step 2重点知识解析

根据句意,从more than / other than / rather than 中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1) We are much ___________happy to hear of the success of their team.

(2)There was nothing we could do __________ wait.

(3) ____________ cause trouble, he left.

(4)We were excited that the company was _____________willing to offer us what we needed.

(5)The job will take months _____________ weeks. It’s no easy at all.

(6)You can’t get there _______________ by boat.

Keys: (1) more than (2) other than (3) Rather than (4) more than (5) rather than (6) other than

more than 不止,超过,非常,表示程度。

other than 常用于否定句中,意思相当于except。

rather than 而不是, 后接各种形式的搭配(名词/动词原形/动名词/从句),但必须并列结构。

Step 3 单词拓展运用

1 根据短文内容,填入适当的词

(下文是Dunman High School (DHS)学生会的新生欢迎稿,可是有些词语漏掉了,请帮助补完。)

Welcome to Dunman High School (DHS)

You have many reasons to smile at DHS. It has much more than you (1)___________. There are 50 classrooms, and a (2) _____________ with 20, 000 books. It is open at weekdays. Chinese and English are (3) ______________ for all students. Our gym is open every day. You may (4)_______________ there and have fun as well (5)____________ you like. Students who live far away from home will be (6)_________ with our dormitories. Each room comes with its own (7)___________ and Internet (8)___________. You can get help at the medical (9)___________ when you are not yourself.

Life will be very easy here. I hope you will enjoy life at DHS. Tomorrow afternoon you will be given a warm welcome to DHS with carefully planned activities on the playground. They are (10)____________ to break the ice and build friendship between you and the seniors.

If you have any questions and need any help, come to the Students’ Office or call us any time weekdays.

(1) expect (2) library (3) available (4) exercise (5) whenever (6) happy (7) bathroom (8) access (9) centre (10) designed

2 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

expect come find think of need

available next to serve look at read

(1) You can’t expect me _________everything, OK? You see, I’m always busy with my work.

(2) ___________skiing her favourite sport is ice-hockey.

(3) You must make yourself personally ____________for paying the bills.

(4) It’s easy to __________ children’s thoughts by looking at their expressions.

(5) They have better players. They _________to win the game.

(6) They got separated from their friends and couldn’t ________ their way back.

(7) I didn’t _________to go to the bank---I borrowed some money from my brother.

(8) Three meals __________ in most places in China. People in Southeast Asian countries usually have four meals a day.

(9) It is said that no classroom in Singapore ________with air conditioners though it is always hot there and the country is a rich one.

(10) When he was young, he liked travelling to different cities. He would travel by ________the map of the city he visited by bus.

(1) to think of (2) Next to (3) available (4) read (5) are expected (6) find (7) need (8) are served (9)comes (10)looking at

3 根据右栏中的解释,进行左右栏配对

(1) beam A joined bars for players to climb

(2) court B thick pad, for competitors to land on

(3) skipping rope C length of solid material with a changeable weight at each end

(4) climbing bars D indoor or outdoor space marked for basketball or similar ball games

(5) dumb-bell E a large long heavy piece of wood

(6) barbell F a short bar with a weight at each end for exercising the arms and shoulders

(7) mat G length of rope with handles at each end

Keys:(1) E (2) D (3) G (4)A (5)F (6) C (7)B

4 根据中文意思,请完成下列句子

I have been an assistant manager since I _______________ (毕业) college last summer. I __________ (负责) all the Nike shoes which are sold in our city. Every morning I __________ (注意) everything, even the smallest things. I make every effort to please my customers. Many of my customers have become my friends. Last Spring Festival(春节), a little boy came to buy shoes. Unluckily, there were no shoes _______________ (可得到的) in his size. I told him I would ____________ (通知) him as soon as I got his size. My boss is very __________(满意) with my work. In fact, the work is hard, and I ___________ (总是想起) the beautiful days I spent at school. In my spare time, I _______________(发展) an interest in making toys with all kinds of used materials.

答案:1. graduated from 2. am responsible for 3. pay attention to 4. available 5. inform 6. happy 7. am always thinking of 8. have developed

Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson Nine


Reporting school activities

Step 1 词汇学习


( Cindy is a senior one student now. She writes to her cousin Peter for some help.)

Dear Peter,

How are you now? I find English more interesting but more difficult. We (1) u_________ to learn what our teachers told us to. Now we are often divided into small (2) g__________. We are often told to make (3) d___________ourselves, discuss what to do and then spend much time collecting (4) i_____________ to do many different activities. It’s great fun, but we can’t find enough time. As you know, we have lots of homework every day. Will you give me some (5) a ___________?

When I (6) v________ you last time, you told me to spend more time reading. You (7) m___________ a book. It told the true story of an Indian child yogi (瑜伽论者) who left his home at the age of 11 to travel for seven years on a 12, 000km journey. I can’t remember the (8) t_______ of the book but I remember it had the word “India” in it. Will you help me get it?

Best wishes,


答案:(1)used (2) groups (3) decisions (4) information (5) advice (6) visited (7)mentioned (8) title

Step2 语言运用

1 请读下面说明,写一份通知

(To celebrate the Teachers’ Day of , the Students Union has planned to hold a party. They have carefully prepared some programmes, like singing, dancing, piano concerto, playing erhu. The party will be held at 3:00pm on the Teachers’ Day in our playground. You are the monitor of your class. Your class teacher has asked you to tell your classmates about the party.)


I’m happy to inform you that _____________________________________________________



I’m happy to inform you that the Students’ Union is going to hold a party to celebrate the Teachers’ Day. It will be held at 3:00pm on the Teachers’ Day in our playground. We will enjoy wonderful performances and we can also express our thanks to our teachers. Please get there at 2:50 pm on Teachers’ Day. That’s all! Thank you!


Step 3 技能训练

1 比较信息,做出决定

Your oral English teacher Guy from London wants to learn Chinese music, Chinese painting and Chinese cooking in your class together with you. He wants to get your help, for he knows little Chinese. However, he has to give lessons to all the 16 classes in your grade. Help him to find the lessons he can attend by comparing his timetable and your class timetable.

Guy’s Timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time

1st period

2nd period Class 1

3rd period Class 5 Class 2 C13 Class 9

4th period Class 4 Class 3 C 8 Class12


5th period Class 6 Class 7 C10 Class 14

6th period Class 15 C 16

7th period Class 11

8th period

Your class timetable

Mon Tue Wed Thur Fri

Reading time Chinese/English

1st period Chinese Maths English Chinese Maths

2nd period Maths Chinese Maths Maths Chinese Music

3rd period English History Chemistry English Chinese

4th period Geography Chemistry Chinese Painting Physics Politics


5th period Oral English Chinese Music Geography Chemistry PE

6th period Physics PE Physics History Chinese Painting

7th period Politics Computer Science Activities (cooking/sewing) PE Self-study

8th period Class meeting Games Library Class

Keys: Guy can attend Chinese Music on Tue (5th period) & Fri (2nd period).

He can also attend Chinese Cooking on Wed (7th and 8th periods).

He can only attend Chinese Painting on Fri ( 6th period).

2 阅读下面信息,制作学校活动安排表

(1) More and more students spend less time in studying Chinese. Some even pay little attention to Chinese culture. A Chinese professor from a famous university will be invited to give a lecture on “the importance of Chinese” on Monday, Sept 12. It starts at 4:00pm and lasts two hours in Room 101, Science Building.

(2) Some students are interested in becoming DJ. A famous DJ from the city broadcasting station will come to our school to give a lecture on “Hosting” on Wed, Sept 14. It starts at 3:30 pm and ends at 6:00pm in Room 304, Building 3.

Date Day Time Venue Subject Speaker

3 比较信息,找出你要的电影DVD光盘

The other day you went to your classmate Li Bin’s home. He was watching a film. You just watched the end of it. It was really exciting. Unluckily, you can’t remember the name of the film but you remember it had a word “Dragon” in it. You also remember it was not a recent film, directed by a famous American director. The actor acted in many films made in Hollywood. Now you want to borrow its DVD disc. In the shop you see the following discs and you want to choose the right one.

Numbers Year Name Director Famous actor/actress

(1) Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon Ang Lee Zhang Ziyi

Chow Yun-Fat

(2) 1994 Jui Kuen II Jackie Chan Chia-Liang Liu Jackie Chan Wai Yee Chen

(3) 2005 Seven Swords Hark Tsui Leon Lai

Zidan Zhen Charlie Yeung

(4) House of Flying Daggers Zhang Yimou Zhang Ziyi

(5) 1972 Return of the Dragon Bruce Lee Bruce Lee Chuck Norris

(6) 1973 Enter the Dragon Robert Clouse Bruce Lee

(7) 2004 Gong fu Stephen Chou Stephen Chou Lam Chi Chung

Key: No.(6)

Module 1 Unit 1 Lesson Ten


Step 1词汇训练


Believe it or not, two years ago CD players were not (1) a_________ in school. Almost everyone was fond of (2) m_________. I asked the headmaster about my plan to (3) s________ a radio club to play music during break time. I was very happy that he (4) a________the idea. Our club was born in time. It is much (5) m________ than just music. Students are told about the weather and (6) r_______ news and (7) s_________messages from the school or from our teachers. We also use our club to give messages to our close friends and teachers. Songs (8) s________ by famous singers or students in our school are played in the late afternoon. After we have finished a day’s hard work, the beautiful music makes us completely relaxed.

Keys (1) allowed (2) music (3) start (4) approved (5) more (6) recent (7) special (8) sung

Step 2重点语言知识解析

1 根据句意,从at the end of / by the end of / in the end中选出适合的短语填入下列各句:

(1)__________________ August each year, students and teachers are back at school.

(2)__________________ last month, they had received 100 gold medals.

(3) __________________this year, they will have travelled around the world.

(4) He tried several times to pass the exam, and _______________he succeeded.

Keys: (1) At the end of (2) By the end of (3) By the end of (4) in the end

at the end of 在…末端,可以指时间或地点;

by the end of 到…末为止 句子谓语动词常常用过去完成时或将来完成时

in the end 最后,类似的有finally 和at last,但at last强调费劲后终于…

2 用prepare完成下列各句,注意词性的变化

(1) Have you _____________ a meal for your parents?

(2) They are making ______________for the Queen’s visit.

(3) Will you help me ___________for the party?

(4) There are plenty of courses that _________ students for English exams.

(5) Mother is not ___________ to listen to my weak excuses.

(6) We have done a lot, and will do even more for the Olympic Games for________.

Keys: (1)prepared (2) preparations (3) prepare (4) prepare (5) prepared (6)preparation

prepare for为…做准备相当于 make preparations for

be prepared for 强调心理做准备

for preparation 为准备,介词短语,句中做状语

1 介词填空

(1) My flat is _________ the end of the street. It’s ten minutes’ ride.

(2) The bill came to £10, ________ £1 for postage.

(3) The chairman promised to come, but he hasn’t come. Now we have to start _______ him.

(4) Suddenly he came up ________ a good solution to the problem.

(5) Some teachers in our city have organized English Salon. They meet _____ the last Monday of every month to search for better ways to teach English.

(6) The films “Harry Potter” are all based ________ the novels written by JK Rowling.

(7) Before exams, there are always a lot to do ________ preparation.

(8) After learning the project, we all know what a poster consists ________.

Keys (1) at (2) plus/including (3) without (4) with (5) on (6) on (7) for (8) of

2 翻译下列各句,学习一词多义

(1)The water ran for hours before the leak was found.

(2) Many married women manage to go out to work and run home as well.

(3)I ran across one of his earliest recordings in a second-hand shop.

(4)Bob asked my father to lend him 500 dollars because he was running short of money.

(5) Do you know all the Disney parks are run by the same company?

Keys: (1) 漏洞发现之前,水已流了数小时。

(2) 许多结婚的女人又工作又理家。

(3) 在一家二手店里,我偶尔见到他的一张早期唱片。

(4) Bob要我爸爸借500美元给他,因为他缺钱。

(5) 所有的迪斯尼乐园都是由一家公司经营,你知道吗?

3 请用括号内所给动词的正确形式来填空

(1) I chose an old tree and ________ all my group members around it. Then I read my poem out.(circle)

(2) If you listen to each other _________ about poems, you will all make progress.(talk)

(3) The students who __________ very soon have already started to look for job.(graduate)

(4) He wanted to design a poster ____________ a new school club “Tomorrow’s Art”. (advertise)

(5) Our class teacher has told us to have the classroom windows ______ once a week.(clean)

(6) Her latest novel has become a best-seller. It _____________many readers ever since it came out. (attract)

(7) At sixteen, Bill Clinton made up his mind to become President of the USA. He worked hard ______________ his goal and finally he succeeded. (achieve)

(8) The poster will have to ____________ based on the ideas from the previous research and discussion. (draft)

(9) We put our poster on the school display wall as our teacher told us to and let as many students ________up as possible. (sign)

(10) All passengers __________to show their tickets. (require)

Keys: (1) circled (2) talking (3) are graduating (4) advertising (5)cleaned (6) has attracted (7) to achieve (8)be drafted (9) sign (10) are required

4 用框中单词或词组的适当形式填空

attend earn experience run drop develop

cover regret inform host approve require

1. The wind blew from the desert and _________ everything with sand.

2. He is busy ___________ the radio club of our school.

3. “I have done all that is ___________by law.” he shouted.

4. The place has ___________from a fishing port into a tourist centre.

5. They had a quiet wedding---only a few friends _________ it.

6. ---Some money is missing. ---Have you __________ the police?

7. She __________ her living by singing in a night club.

8. She doesn’t want to take her new boy friend home in case her parents don’t __________of him.

9. One can _____________pleasure, pain, difficulty and all kinds of feelings.

10. If you give it up now, you’ll__________.

答案:1. covered 2. running 3. required 4. developed 5. attended 6. informed 7. earned

8. approve 9. experience 10. regret

5你和你的同学正在做一个有关组建新的学校社团的计划, 为了使这个社团的运转和谐高效, 请你制定一个社团成员们共同遵守的规则, 并用英语写成一张海报.规则内容必须包括:

What the members will need to bring:

When the club will meet:

What you will do at the meetings:

Title of club:___________

Purpose of club__________






Title of club: Green peace

Purpose of club :Share knowledge and experience of environmental protection


1 please bring your notebooks, colour paper, scissors, glue, white paper etc

2 we will meet at 4p.m. every Thursday in Room 315.

3 we will discuss environmental related topics and make posters.

篇17:译林牛津 高一UNIT 3 整单元教案

主备人:牟娟 侯中华

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第1课时

课 题 Welcome to the Unit

课 型 speaking


Make students pay attention to their health, and how to keep healthy.

Get the Ss to improve oral English by talking about the pictures.


Students are expected to express their own opinions by comparing the importance of beauty and


教学重点 Encourage students to speak freely.


Step 1 Lead-in

Look at pictures about some famous people, and think of the question “Is a person’s ability judged by their appearance?”

Some questions about yourself:

Do you think appearance plays an important part in your life?

Which do you think is more important, looking good or feeling good?

Step 2 Talk about the pictures

“Wow! I think this blouse will make me look slimmer.”

“This is really difficult but I feel so strong.”

“You must get enough sleep to stay healthy.”

“Eating more fruit makes me feel better.”

Step 3 Discussion:

Choose one picture and have a free talk.

Who is the person?

(2) The reason why he/she does so as the picture shows

(3) Give some details about the picture

(An example: Jane is a high school student and she is extremely happy, because she has been admitted to university. Tonight her parents will hold a party to celebrate her success and achievements. All their friends and relatives are invited to share her happiness. However, now she is at a loss about the clothes she is going to wear tonight. She is confident about everything except her weight. She always worries about being too fat. At this moment, she has spent at least half an hour selecting clothes without success.)

Step4 Talk about questions on P41

(1) Do you think we can change our appearance by wearing different clothes?

(2) Which do you think is more important, eating well or doing exercises?

(3) What do you do to keep yourself looking good and feeling good?

Step 5 Further discussion:

Looking good Feeling good



总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第2课时 Reading

课 题 Looking good, feeling good

课 型 reading


Encourage the Ss to grasp the main topics of the three letters written by two good friends---Amy’s problems, how she dealt with it and Zhou Ling’s concerns and advice to Amy.

Stimulate the Ss’ interest in learning English by talking about their own opinions when it

comes to the topic “To be beautiful or to be healthy ”.


Understanding the text.


Encourage students to speak freely.


Step 1 Lead-in

(1) Some people are overweight, some are a little fat, and some are slim. Find why people are fat.

(2) Discuss ways of losing weight.

going on a diet b) exercising in the gym

c) receiving surgical treatment d) taking weight-loss pills

(3) Talk about the advantages, disadvantages & examples of the ways of losing ways.

Step 2 Reading comprehension

(1) General questions: (1st reading)

Where does Amy come from?

What kind of pills did Amy take?

What caused Amy’s liver to fall?

Ex C1 Choose the best answers. (2nd reading)

Questions: 1-6

Step 3 Further reading

(1) Ex C2 Find the main points in the three letters (3rd reading)

Subjects Main points

1 Dying to be thin

2 Recovering

3 Re: Recovering

(2) Ex D1 D2 Detailed understanding and learning new words in the context.

Step 4 Develop reading ability through usage

(1) Ex E Complete the letter based on the text.

Step 5 Consolidation and Expansion (Choose one of the following.)

(1) Suppose you are Amy’s best friend. What advice or suggestions would you give to Amy?

(2) Do you think pictures of film stars and models cause young people to worry about their looks? Why or why not?

(3) What do you think is the best way to keep healthy? Why?

Step 6 Homework

Read the whole text (1) to know what Amy had to stay slim and how she recovered.

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第3课时

课 题 Looking good, feeling good

课 型 language points

教学目标 Master the usage of some important words and expressions in the play.

教学重点 the study of some language points

教学难点used to do sth be/ get used to sth/ doing sth work wotth

touching touched


Step 1 Revision

Check the language usage in the text

(1) words & phrases (2) Non-restrictive attributive clauses (3) ‘however/but’ (4) Question tags

Step 2 Language points (Learn and use)


dead adj. death n.

dying adj. 快要死的,快要消失的

Nothing can save the dying man.


These are dying traditions.


2.hear from 收到…来信

I’m looking forward to hearing from you


hear about 听到…消息

hear of sb/sth =be told about sb/sth 听说

I‘ve never heard of the place.

3.used to go to the gym three times a week, but I don’t work out any more.

used to do sth be/get used to sth/ doing sth use sth to do sth be used to do sth 区别和用法

It used to be thought that the Earth was flat, but now everyone knows it is round.

Dr Ma used to work in a children’s hospital in Nanjing, usedn’t /didn’t he?

I never got used to going to bed so early.

Computers are used to do a lot of work in many companies.

4.work out 锻炼;计算出,结果…

In order to keep a good figure my sister work out in the gym everyday.


Can you work out how much money it will cost?


work 运转;有效,起作用

I bought the MP3 yesterday but it doesn’t work.


Your idea sounds god but won’t work..


5..I’m trying to lose weight because I’m so ashamed of my body.

be ashamed of sb./sth./doing.../ be ashamed to do.../ be ashamed that…

6..Since I’m preparing to act in a new TV play, I’m taking weight-loss pills called Fat-less, which are quite popular among young women here.

Since /now thatyou have a three-day holiday, why not go to the countryside to enjoy the quiet life there?

7.become slimmer and slimmer 越来越瘦

become more and more beautiful

8.They contain a harmful chemical that caused my liver to fail.

contain / include区别和用法

To keep fit, we should always avoid food containing too much fat.

The price includes the postage charges.

9.keep doing sth 一直,反复干…

keep…from doing sth =prevent/stop..from doing

10.priceless =invaluable 无价的,贵重的

worthless=unworthy=valueless =useless 无用的

11.recover vt. 恢复,康复

I’m recovering my strength after a flu.


vi. recover ..from 恢复到正常状态(健康,神智等)

Trade soon recovered from the effects of the war.


12.match. n. v. 搭配,匹配

This tie is a good match for you suit

I need a tie to match this suit.

13.advice [u]

take/follow/accept one’s advice. 采纳建议

ask sb for advice 征询建议

14.worth adj. 值

be worth +n

be worth doing

The car is worth 200.000.

His suggestion is worth nothing.

Shakespeare’s plays are worth reading.

Cf. be worthy to be done

be worthy of being done

The novel is worthy of being read a second time

… is worthy to be read..

15.This is really a touching story-a stranger who donated part of his liver to a girl he doesn’t even know!

The son and his parents are parting at the station with tears in their eyes. What a touching scene!

touching; exciting; moving; disappointing, interesting… (arouse the feeling…)touched; excited; moved; disappointed, interesting… (be made to feel…)

The excited children were opening their Christmas presents. (excite)

She was deeply moved when she watched the moving film. (move)

16.embarrass v.使窘迫,使人不好意思

He was embarrassed about the stupid mistake.

embarrassing adj. 令人局促不安的

17.come across 偶然遇到

I came across an old friend in the street yesterday

come up with sth提出或找到(答案,方法等)

come about=happen

come to oneself 恢复正常,醒过来

come out (指花朵等)开始长出,吐艳

Step 3 Consolidation

Read the text and find the sentences containing the language usages we have just learned.

Step4 Homework

(1) A1/A2(P102) (2) B1/B2(P103) (3) Learn the new words by heart.

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第4课时

课 题 word power

教学目标 Learn and master the new words about sports

Enlarge the knowledge about sport

教学重点Talk about sports to learn new words

教学难点Remember some new names of sports

Important points & difficult points:

(1). Talk about sports to learn new words

(2). Remember some new names of sports


Step 1 Lead-in

Talk about the 10th National Sports in Nanjing:

(1) What have Nanjing people done for the 10th National Sports ?

(2) What can I do for this sports meeting?

(3) How many kinds of sports can you name ?

Free talk about yourself.

(1) Of all kinds of sports, which do you like most?

(2) Are there any school clubs in your school? Have you ever joined one? If not, are you planning to join one?

Step 2 Read and speak

(1) Part A on page 46

(2) Find all the names of clubs

Step 3 Further study

Talk about expressions of the pictures about sports:

badminton tennis boxing fencing

weightlifting squash shooting volleyball

basketball football aerobics triathlon

Step 4 Read and understand

(1) Complete the exercise of Part C on page 47.

(2) Some questions for you :

1) What suggestions does Zhou Ling give to Amy?

2) Zhou Ling gives specific advice to Amy about the exercise she can do after the operation: Firstly, if Amy wants to get strong and have some fun with friends,_________________.

If Amy just wants to build her strength up by herself, Zhou Ling advises her to__________________.

If Amy only wants to have some fun and exercise with some of her friends, she can try_________________.

(3) Types of sports Part D (P47)

Do you know which are indoor sports and which are outdoor sports? Think more!

boxing beach volleyball fencing

gymnastics skiing baseball…

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第5课时

课 题Grammar and usage (1)

教学目标 Master the usage of non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

Practice about all kinds of Attributive Clause.

教学重点Non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

教学难点Remember some new names of sports

Important points & difficult points:

the usage of “which” and “that” in Attributive Clause.

Some special usage of “that” in Attributive Clause.


Step 1 Lead-in

(1) T shows a picture of Brad Pitt. T gives 3 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving restrictive Attributive Clauses

(2) T shows another picture of Zhang bozhi. T gives 2 blanks to be filled in using information from the picture involving non-restrictive Attributive Clause.

(3) Ask Ss to find out the differences between these sentences.

That is,


The Non-restrictive Attributive Clause can be left out;

We can’t use “that” in this kind of sentence;

We can’t miss the relative words, either.

Step 2 Initial knowledge of Non-restrictive Attributive Clause

Find out the Non-restrictive Attributive Clause on page 42-43 (Reading).

Step 3 Non-restrictive Attributive Clauses

(1) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use “which” to refer to the whole main clause, and we can’t use “that”. Some exercises are available as well;

(2) T gives Ss some more examples and tells Ss that we can use most/ all/ some/ both/ part + of + whom/ which to express a complete or partial quantity. Some exercises are available as well;

(3) More exercises.

Step 4 Further study of the Attributive Clauses

“That” must be used in Attributive Clause in the following cases:

(1). the antecedent is all, few, little, much, something, nothing, anything, none, one, etc.

(2). The antecedent is modified by all, any, every, each, few, little, no, some, etc.

(3).The antecedent is modified by an ordinal or superlative

(4). The antecedent is modified by only, very, last, etc.

(5). The antecedent refers to people and things.

(6). A sentence begins with who or which.

(7).A relative pronoun functions as predicative.

More examples are available in each part.

More exercises are available as well.

Step 5 Summary and homework

Complete the exercises on page 48-49.

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第6课时

课 题Grammar and usage (2) Question tags

教学目标Review the usage of intonation, and learn how to read question tags.

Learn and master the form of question tags.

教学重点question tags.

教学难点Some special forms of the question tags.


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows a picture, and tells a story of “shmily”. A old couple keep playing the “shmily” hide and seek game. They write “shmily” on a piece of paper, and hide it in their house. Sometimes, they hide it under a cup, sometimes they hide it under a book. And the meaning of “shmily” is ‘see how much I love you’.

T: Do you say “I love you” to your parents? And how do you say it?

S: …

T: Do your parents say “I love you” to you? If they are too shy to say “I love you” to you, you can ask them, “You love me, don’t you?” and remember, in a rising intonation. When we expect the other person to agree with us, the question tad has a falling intonation.

Step 2 Question tags

T introduces the definition of question tags and the basic usage of question tag.

(1) We use a negative question tag at the end of a positive statement; we use a positive question tag at the end of a negative statement;

(2) Words like neither, none, nobody, nothing, few, little, never, hardly or seldom are considered negative;

(3) We use a personal pron. like I, we, you, he, she, it or they in a question tag.

(4) We use an auxiliary verb, model verb or be in a question tag.

(5) After an imperative clause, we use will you. After Let’s, we use shall we.

Some exercises are available as well.

Step 4 Homework

P51, A, B; P104, C1, C2

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第7课时

课 题Task

教学目标 Practise students’ language skills of listening, reading, speaking and writing

Help students to learn 2 skills of finding information

教学重点Find and underline the main ideas

Find and circle the key words


Step 1 Introduce two skills of finding information:

(1) Read the questions carefully before you begin.

(2) Skim the passage, and look for main points and key words.

Step 2 Practise

(1) Find the main ideas and key words in a passage:

Main idea: I think too many people take weight-loss pills without really knowing that they can damage their health.

Key words: cause liver failure; worried about her figure;

health is priceless; eat properly

(2) Read two pictures about “Better Body Gym”, and find the main points and key words.

(3) Passage understanding

Some questions about the above two pictures;

1.Membership fee:


2.Number of gyms in the city:

1.____ 2.____ 3.____

3.What do you get for free?__________________________________________

4. How big is each gym?

5.Can you get advice from a personal trainer?

Yes______ No______

6. How can you find out more?


Step 3 Practise listening

1.One in Jinshan Road; one near the King Hotel


3.Provide with your ID number


Step 4 Practise writing

(1) Complete a letter to your friend. Explain why you think he should join the gym by using the given information .

(2) Write a letter to recommend a gym to a friend

Step 5 Homework

Find information about a club.

Invite your friend to join it.

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第8课时

课 题Task

教学目标Get the Ss to focus on note-taking skills by studying and practising.

Encourage the Ss to use key words and symbols in taking notes.

教学重点Use abbreviations & contractions. Write down the key words.

Use punctuations Interview classmates about exercise and taking notes

教学难点Use symbols


Step 1 Lead-in

Guess the meanings:

Mon Tues Wed Thur Fri Sat Sun Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec mor afn min sec hr ﹥ ﹤ ↑↓ A Q ABC BA circamara SOHO contd Art Fest

Step 2 Note-taking

1 use abbreviations & contractions:

PRC NO. Dept e.g. SH1 I’D shan’t won’t mfr Art Fest

2 Write down the key words.

(1)Model: Gym can be expensive = Gym memberships can sometimes be very expensive.

(2) Practice: Let’s try.

3 Use symbols

(1) Model: By swimming regularly, jogging, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep, I can be healthier. swimming + jogging + water + sleep →healthier

(2) Practice: Let’s try.

Step 3 Listening practice:

1 The number seven bus is not on time. No. 7 bus isn’t on time.

2 Our department is increasing the number of teachers. Our dept is↑the no. of teachers.

3 I’d like to see the manufacturer. I’d like to see the mfr.

4 Senior High 1 has a bigger class than Senior High 2. SH1 has a ﹥class than SH2.

5 The People’s Republic of China was founded in 1949. PRC was founded in 1949.

Step 4 Interviewing classmates about exercise

(1) Listen to the speaker and take notes about the equipment available in the gym.

(2) Interview your partner. (3) Tell your class what exercise your partner does.

what basketball/dancing/football /gym / running / swimming

Why fit / fun / healthy / strong

When Often/sometimes/ seldom /never

Whom classmates / family /friends

Step 5 Using punctuation

(1)Do you know these punctuation marks? , . ? ! : ; ‘ ’ ’ - -

(2) Practice: Let’s try:

Step 6 Consolidation

Write an e-mail to your friend recommending Better Body Gym.

Step 7 Homework Exx D1 & D2

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第9课时

课 题Project


Get the Ss to know about proper health and fitness so that they can take care of themselves.

Improve the students’ ability of making a survey and making a questionnaire.

教学重点Read the passage about health.

Make a survey about health.

教学难点Complete a report about health.


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows two pictures, one is Nicole Kidman, and the other is Victoria Beckham. Ask the Ss whether they know them? What do they think about them? Do they think they’re beautiful? What is beauty in their eyes?

Step 2 Skimming

(1) Try to get the main idea of each paragraph.

(2) Try to get the general idea of the whole passage.

Step 3 Introducing the project

Make a booklet about how healthy the students in our school.

Step 4 The procedures of doing the project


Get into groups(4-6)

Clear assignments

Decide which group your group will survey.


Make a questionnaire.

Give out and collect the questionnaires.

Record and analyze the statistics.

Write the report.

(3) Producing:

a. You can make a questionnaire based on the following points: How many; How often; Have you; How much; Do you

A sample questionnaire is provided as a reference as well.

b. Remember to talk to the teacher to get enough time to give out and collect your Questionnaire.

c. Record and analyze statistics and remember to compare your figures with the numbers and percentages the reading article provides.

d. Report should include the following parts:

the class, grade;

how many Ss answered the Qs;



Present the reports to the class

Step 5 Homework

Complete the project

总 课 题 Advance with English Book 1 Unit 3 Looking good, feeling good

总 课 时 10 第10课时

课 题Project


(1) Improve the students’ ability and provide practice.

(2) Make a booklet about health.

(3) Master the usage of some useful words and expressions.

教学重点Make a booklet about health.

教学难点Present a report about health to the whole class.


Step 1 Lead-in

T shows Ss the rules of how to present.

1. Report should include the following parts:

the class, grade;

how many Ss answered the Qs;


2. Each group member should report on part of the results.

Step 2 Presentation

T values which group did a better job, and also invites the Ss to talk about which they like best, and why.

Step 3 How to make a booklet

A booklet will include…





Step 4 Language points

T introduces some language points in the article to Ss.

(1) Word focus






words to be learned from old words

energy, skip

phrases to be noticed

along with

in the long term

a good amount of sleep

as a matter of fact

in no time

Step 5 homework Make a booklet

篇18:译林牛津 高一模块一Unit 2 (第3讲)

苏州中学 主讲:邵磊 主审 :孙德霖


一、 教学内容:

牛津高中英语模块一Unit 2 (上)


1.学习谈论青少年经常遇到的问题 。





一、 重要单词:

act(n), scene, curtain, trash, garbage, charge, adult, , behavior, teenager, punish, period, argument, relationship, force, unpleasant, character, explain, slam, vet(veterinarian), style, mess, thumb, vs(versus), plus, competition, sink, fault, boring.


common to对…来说很普遍, turn up调高声音, 出现 a waste of 浪费, no more不再, spare time空余时间, force….to…强迫(某人)做 , can’t wait to.. 迫不及待地要 , be supposed to被期望或要求, 本应该, do with 处置, 忍受, 需要 be a mess/ in a mess乱成一团, leave sb in charge 委托 …..负责, act like行为举止象 …, go unpunished不受惩罚, go out熄灭, have one’s arm crossed双臂交叉抱在胸前, deserve to值得去做,常用否定形式表示“不配” be hard on对某人苛刻, now that既然, in the form of以 的形式, than ever before比以前任何时候都, be angry at对某事生气, even if即使, treat sb like…象 一样对待 , argue about为 …而争吵, the cause of起因, differ in many ways在许多方面不同, fit badly非常不合身。


1. Eric runs in after it, followed by a big dog, walking very slowly.


这句话里有两个不同层面上的状语:过去分词短语“followed by a big dog” 是谓语“runs in”的伴随状语,而现在分词短语“walking very slowly”描述的是大狗跟随埃里克进来的行走方式,是动词“follow”的状语。


He ran after the thief, shouting angrily.

She sat nervously in the grand sitting room, watched closely by the butler.

The soldiers stood silently along the pass, rifles in hand.

2. You weren’t supposed to come home until tomorrow.


be supposed to do sth:被期望或要求去做, 本应该去做。例如;

You are supposed to hand in your articles this Friday.

Girls are supposed to behave more quietly in this country.

在肯定句中until 必须和持续性动词连用时,在否定句里它主要和短暂性动词连用也可以和持续性动词连用,表示直到某时某个动作才开始。Until 还可以用在强调句中。Not until 放在句首时,句子要倒装。例如:

He slept until 8 o’clock.

He didn’t wake up till e8 o’clock.

It was not until 8 o”clock that he woke up.

Not until 8 o’clock did he wake up.

I won’t be free till Friday.

3. The money with which you were to buy dog food is gone, but Spot looks so hungry.


“with which you were to buy dog food” 是定语从句, 当关系代词是介词宾语时,介词常放在关系代词之前。例如:

the village we used to live in→the village in which we used to live


We are to hold up the enemy while our troups retreat.

The presidential candidate is to make a speech in our town on his way to Washington.

4. We thought you were an adult, a person from whom we could expect good decisions.


划线部分是“an adult” 的同位语, 它 和“an adult”所指相同,句法功能也相同,是对“an adult”含义进一步的说明。这个同位于本身又带有定语从句from whom we could expect good decisions 。

Expect sth from sb: 期望从某人那里得到或看到某事,例如: You can never expect generosity from a miser.

5. This is not a family where bad behavior goes unpunished.


根据上文,this是指 our family。动词go 后面可以跟形容词,表示“变得”,例如:

go bad(变质), go dry(变干), go mad(发疯), go international (国际化)。Go 和一些含否定意义的形容词连用,则表示“不受……的, 未被…的”,如: go unchallenged, go unnoticed.

His theory has gone unchallenged in the world for half a century.

It’s strange that such a mistake can go unnoticed in the textbook.

6. If they knew that Spot was ill and we used the money to take him to the vet…

假如他们知道Spot得了病, 而我们用那笔钱带他去看兽医的话……..

这句话用的是虚拟语气, 省略的部分是: they would understand why the money is gone and the house is a mess. 当说话人只表示一种假设的情况、一种主观愿望,即认为动词所表示的动作或状态并非真实时,使用虚拟语气。表示和现在事实相反时,主句用过去将来时,条件从句用一般过去时。例如:

If I were you, I should wait till next week.

I she saw you now, she wouldn’t recognize you.

7. None of us stopped to think and we should have.


Stop to do表示停下来去做另一件事, stop doing则表示停止正在做的事情。 should have


We should have stopped to think, but none of us did.

8. Can you explain to me now why the house was a mess and what you did with the cash we left?


Be (in) a mess表示“乱成一团”; do with 表示“处理、处置”常和what 连用,它和deal with 不同,deal with 表示“处理、应付” we left 虽然只有两个单词,却是一个定语从句,它前面省略了作宾语的关系代词that或which。



(1) “介词+关系代词“可以引导限制性定语从句,也可以引导非限制性定语从句。“介词+关系代词“结构中的介词可以是 in, on, about, from, for, with, to at, of, without 等,关系代词只可用whom或 which,不可用 that 。这类结构的定语从句通常可以和带关系副词的定语从句互相转换,例如:

This is a free country where everyone enjoys freedom of speech.

This is a free country in which everyone enjoys freedom of speech.

(2) from where为“介词+关系副词“结构,但也可以引导定语从句。例如:

We stood at the top of the hill, from where we can see the town..

(3) 像listen to, look at, depend on, pay attention to, take care of等固定短语动词,在定语从句中一般不宜将介词与动词分开。例如:

This is the boy whom she has taken care of.


能在定语从句中作主语的补语的关系代词只有that, 这时的that既能指人也能指物,但往往省略。例如:

When Laura was born, Bettie decided her daughter would be the singer (that)she always wanted to be.

Mr. Lee still talks like the man that he was ten years ago.

三、关系代词as和which 作主语,都可以代表前面整个句子。但由as引导的定语从句可以前置。例如:

He saw the girl, as/which he hoped he would.

As he hoped he would, he saw the girl.

As 还可用于the same…..as, such…..as, as……as 等结构中。例如:

Such opinions as he holds sound strange to ordinary people.

We are facing the same problem as we did years ago.


英语俗语,也和其他语言一样,有许多都是由身体各个部份的名称组成的。例如:To follow your nose是指“一直走”。另外还有:To play by ear,意思是看着办。其他还有用hand 和foot这些字组成的习惯用语。


To pull one's leg。To pull one's leg 初看起来好像和中文里的“拉后腿”的意思差不多。但是,千万不要被表面现象所迷惑。To pull one's leg的真正意思是逗别人,开别人玩笑的意思。有时候,有的朋友故意讲一些话来骗我们,后来才发现他是在开玩笑。


例句-3: “My roommate said this girl had told him she wouldn't mind going out with me. But when I invited her to a movie, I learned he was just pulling my leg.”



例句-4: “Hey, stop pulling my leg, will you! I don't believe that girl really said she likes me and would like me to take her out.”


和leg这个字有关的俗语里还有一个很有趣的说法,那就是:Break a leg! 从字面上来看,break a leg难道是断了一条腿?或是倒霉?不是,break a leg的确切意思是祝愿别人成功。例如,你的朋友明天要去参加高考,你就可以对他说:Break a leg!

Have green fingers 很会种花种菜

Green thumb就是指那些很会种花种菜的人

All thumbs手脚很笨的人

Jump in and get your feet wet到实践中去学

A kettle call the pot black 五十步笑百步

A wet blanket 扫兴的人或事


一、 根据上下文用适当的词填空:


By Jill Moss

Today we will(1)_________(解释) some expressions about birds. For example, if something is “for the birds”, it is(2) __________(无价值) or not very interesting. Someone who eats like a bird eats very little. And “a bird`s eye view” is a(3) __________(总体的) look at an area from above.

Did you know that if you tell a young person about “the birds and bees”, you are explaining about sex and birth. Have you ever(4)_________(观察) that “birds of a feather flock together?” In other words, people who are similar become friends or do things together.

There is some good advice. “A bird in a hand is worth two in a bush”. This means you should not risk(5)_________(失去) something you have by trying to get more of something you do not have.

Sometimes, I can do two things by performing only one (6)_______(动作). This is called “killing two birds with one stone”. But I would never really kill any birds. I love all kinds animals. This is “a real feather in my cap”. It is something to be(7)_______(骄傲) of.

Most of the people I work with are “early birds”. They believe that “the early bird catches the worm”. They think that a person(8)______ gets up early in the morning for work has the best chance of(9) _________(成功). Everyone in my office works hard but some people have “had their wings clipped”. Their jobs have been limited. This is because the office is organized by packing order. People with more years and (10)____________(经验) are given more (11)________________(责任).

Some bird`s expressions are about crows, chickens and ducks. For example, when I am driving. I always travel “as the crow flies”. I go the most(12)___________(直接) way. Anyone who “eats crow” has to admit a mistake or defeat.

Now let`s talk about my sister. She is not very young. She is “no spring of chicken”. She will work any job for “chicken feed”, a small (13)_______(数量) of money. She is easily frightened. For example, she is too “chicken livered” to walk down a dark street alone at night. Often she will “chicken out”. She will not go out alone at night.

My sister was “an ugly duckling”. She looked strange when she was a child. But she grew up to be a beautiful woman. Sometimes she thinks too much about having something in the future before she really has it. She “counts her chickens before they are hatched”. Sometimes “her chickens come home to roost”. That means her actions or words cause trouble for her. However my sister does not worry about what people say about her. (14)_________(批评) falls off her like water off a duck`s back.

Politicians are sometimes considered “lame ducks” after losing an election. They have little time left in office and no much power. Congress holds a “lame duck” session after an (15)__________(选举). Important laws are not passed during this period.

二 从上文中找出下列说法对应的英文:

1. 一文不值:

2. 鸟瞰:

3. 物以类聚:

4. 一矢二鸟:

5. 两鸟在林不如一鸟在手:

6. 早起的鸟儿有虫吃:

7. 得意之物:

8. 束缚手脚:

9. 论资排队:

10. 胆小如鼠:

11. 招灾惹祸:

12. (对别人的批评)充耳不闻:

13. 吃苍蝇:

14. 蝇头小利:

15: 过早乐观:


A: Who is it?

B: Dad.

A: come on in, Dad.

B: (1)______________________. I brought you a sandwich .

A: I am hungry. Thanks, Dad. What time ist, anyway?

B: Ten o’clock. What are you working on?


B: And….what do you feel?

A: Me? (3)__________________________________________

B: I felt the same way.


B: Oh,(5)___________________________. Well, don’t work all night.

A: I don’t mind, I enjoy writing.

B: Well, maybe you should think about becoming a writer.

A: Mybe I should.

B: You have lots of time to decide.

A: (6)__________________________________________

B: You will be OK. Good night, son.

A: Good night, Dad.

A.I thought you might be hunger

B. That’s the worst part-making decisions.

C. A little scared and excited, too.

D. The scary part is leaving home and going to college

E. I’m writing an article on the feelings about graduation

F. leaving home is part of growing up


一、 1. explain 2. worthless 3. general 4. observed 5. losing 6.action 7.proud 8. who 9. success 10. experience 11.responsibility 12. direct 13 amount 14. criticism 15. election

二、1.for the birds

2.a bird`s eye view

3.Birds of a feather flock together

4.Kill two birds with one stone

5.A bird in a hand is worth two in a bush

6.The early bird catches the worm

7. a real feather in my cap

8. had their wings clipped

9.Packing order

10. chicken livered

11. the chickencomes home to roost

12. Criticism falls off her like water off a duck`s back..

13. eat the crow

14.chicken feed

15.count one’s chickens before they are hatched.

三、A E C D F B

篇19:译林牛津 高一unit1 task1


Period 8 Task ( Reporting school activities )

Teaching Aims:

1) Get Ss to understand what is a programme

2) Practise Ss listening ability

Teaching procedure:

Step 1. Review and lead-in

Ask Ss to remember a passage “My Final Year”. From this passage, let Ss understand after-school activities can also help Ss get into a good college. Then tell Ss

in the task we’ll report school activities in this unit and before learning it we must know the programme of school activities.

Step 2. Understand a programme

1. Ask Ss to read the introduction to programme, and find out:

a. What is a programme?

b. What does a programme include?

2. Take today for example. Ask Ss to complete the programme.

Date: 15th Sept.

Day: Thur.

Time: 3 p.m.

Venue: Classroom7

Event (activity): having English class

3. Listen to the tape

a. First make up a dialogue with a student. It’s about a programme of our school. At the same time, ask one student to the blackboard to fill in the form as the following.

Event Time

Get up 6.00 a.m.

Have breakfast 6.30 a.m.

Have classes 7.00 a.m. - 11.45 a.m.

Have lunch 12.00 a.m.

Have classes 2.20 p.m. – 6.00 p.m.

Have supper 6.30 p.m.

Do homework 7.00 p.m. – 9.00 p.m.

Go to bed 11.00 p.m.

b. Listen to the tape and fill in the timetable on page 12.

Ask Ss to listen twice, then check with desk mate, at last listen again and check the answers together.

Step 3. Complete a timetable for a school programme

1. Ask Ss to read the timetable on page13, then listen to the tape twice.

2. Check the answers.

Step 4. Assignment

Ask Ss to make up a dialogue according to the timetable.

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