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Many moviemakers make movies based on books. Some people prefer to read the book before they watch the movie, while other people prefer to watch the movie before they read the book. Which do you prefer?


Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage the environment. Some people believe that the government should impose more penalty, higher tax and larger fine on these companies, while others believe there are better ways.

Which do you prefer?



Do you agree or disagree with the statement: These days, children spend more time on doing homework or participating in organized activities related to school or sports. However, they should be given more time to do whatever they want.


More people come to realize the importance of comprehensive development, and they pay more attention on the balance between study and communal recreations. Someone believes that children should be given more time on their own favorites, for it will be more meaning for their growth. I disagree with them. In my opinion, it is not necessary to spend more time on what they want.

To begin with, spending time on homework and relative activities make it possible for children to embrace a more promising future. That is to say, doing homework and related things equip children more capabilities to go through their school life. As we all know, most standards to judge a child is from their academic performance and related information, so more time on study means more possibility to get a better assessment. For one thing, learning knowledge and practicing related activities, besides increasing in knowledge, enable children to enhance their learning abilities so that they may build up their own learning systems which will be beneficial to their future development. During the process of learning, children get in touch with new things from awareness to cognition. They may encounter such circulation all through their whole life. A proper way to study and to put knowledge into practice is essential for everyone and the only way to develop the proper habit is to educate children. For another, through related activities or sports, children will have more friends and share a deep bond with their classmates. Childhood is a time when children develop their characters, and it is also a time when children start to gain their identity. Studying in school and doing similar homework provide a good way for children to share ideas during which children may find many commons with their classmates and build their own social circle. Doing activities and sports act as a bond that holds children together, aiming to the same goal and trusting each other.

Admittedly, allowing more time for children to do whatever they want have some advantages. As an old saying goes, “interests breed success”. Doing what they want can stimulate children’s potential to the fullest. For example, a girl named Lily, the daughter of my teacher, started to learn equestrianism and found that she was a genius on that. At that time, equestrianism is not part of curricular. My teacher implemented a flexible way to educate her daughter. During Lily’s childhood, her mother took her to different kinds of occasions and let her to make her own choice. After Lily came to know equestrianism, she was crazy about it and spent almost all her time to train herself. As a result, she won the champion after the 7th year after learning. Thanks to the “do what you want” policy, Lily finally realized her dream. However, sometimes children may do not know what is correct and they may choose a wrong way for their growth such as playing computer games all day or even imitating some bad behaviors. Most children have little conscious on right or wrong, and they need to be guided.

In conclusion, although doing what they want may stimulate children’s potential, it may bring more disadvantages. Childhood is a time to learn and to be guided, so spending more time on studying and related activities is a better choice.










在段落的开头表达观点,并紧接着对观点进行解释说明,是表述个人立场、传达交流信息的必经途径(Schmid & Bernhard, ),在如此表述观点的过程中,作者会在不经意间流露出自己的思想感情、性格特征(Davis, )。










1.根据中国国家科学院-行为重点研究室的最新技术,研究员们通过扫描小说故事的内容,量化生成了小说主人公的人格侧写(吴育锋等, ;杨忆君等, )。

1.1 分词工具:

可以看做是语料库语言学领域词频统计研究的延伸,同时也是心理学理论分析 小说人物性格的延伸。在语料库语言学领域,已有研 究通过对情态动词(can、could)和高频词的统计分 析小说人物性格。

1.2 计算:

然后,根据中文心理分析词典的词类 划分对分词得到的所有词汇进行词汇统计。最后,大 五人格预测模型通过对词类统计的结果进行分析,得 到该人物大五人格的预测分数。







心理学词典优先识别情感词,是分析人物性格的重要佐证。比如:can, should, like, happy, sad, afraid 等等,充实人物的性格,给例子添加情感色彩。


文献引用: 1. Davis, W. A.: 2002, Meaning, Expression, and Thought, Cambridge University Press, to appear.2. Schmid, & Bernhard, H.. (2014). Expressing group attitudes: on first-person plural authority. Erkenntnis, 79(9 Supplement), 1685-1701.3. 吴育锋, 吴胜涛, 朱廷劭, 刘洪飞, & 焦冬冬. (2018). 小说人物性格的文学智能分析: 以《平凡的世界》为例. 中文信息学报, 32(7).4. 杨忆君,李思嘉,吴胜涛,& 朱廷劭 (2019). 基于人工智能的金庸之作家论研究. 心理技术与应用.



Some people prefer to provide help and support directly to those in need. Others, however, prefer to give money to national and international charitable organisations. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.


慈善主题不算是一个特别小众的题目,但是问到是如何捐助或者选择捐给谁的题目还是比较少见;类似的题目还有:Imagine that you plan to donate money to charity to help people in need. If you could give money to only one type of charitable organization, which one of the following would you choose and why?

- An organization that provides food and housing to people in need

- An organization that gives people money to start their own small business

- An organization that provides medical care to people in need


Giving money to those in need can be a personally satisfying experience, but there is a choice between donating nationally and internationally through charities or giving directly to those around you. This essay will consider the merits of both approaches.

The first advantage of providing direct support is that you can know exactly how your money is being spent. For example, if you give money directly to people in your local village or town, you can see where it has gone. When you donate to larger charitable organisations, on the other hand, you are not sure how much will actually be given to those in need as opposed going on other costs such as administration and expensive marketing campaigns. Another benefit is that you can see the impacts on those you are helping, which can lead not only to great personal satisfaction but also to respect from others in the local community who appreciate the work you do.

There are advantages, however, in giving to charities that are national and international. First and foremost there is the choice of good causes. Locally the kinds of places to help may be limited, but in larger organisations, you can get involved in such activities as sponsoring a child or conserving wildlife. Not only this, donating to larger charities with an international reach means having the knowledge that you are involved in issues of fundamental global importance, such as curing diseases and human rights, or helping those caught up in tragic environmental events, such as flooding, earthquakes and famines.

In conclusion, given the benefits of both, I would argue that an individual should make their own choice based on their personal preferences and whichever provides them with the most personal satisfaction. What is crucial is that we continue to give to those who are more in need than ourselves.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?

Two people can still become good friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.

解析:这是一个现实中也比较有趣的主题,而且不管是选择agree, disagree 还是 balanced,都有会比较多的理由可写。


Is the similarity of economic condition one factor on friendship? My answer is a “Yes”. Those people who have similar wealth usually share their lifestyle and ideology, which may contribute to the establishment and maintenance of their friendship, although we also need to keep in mind that the shared economic condition is not the only determinant in this issue.

The establishment of friendship often relies on people's similar lifestyle. People often need an opportunity to start forging their friendship, and this often happens if they fall into the same social category. It is highly possible that the people who have similar money go to the same bar and start talking, as opposed to the people who have different wealth. For instance, middle-class workers must go to different places for entertainment from the low-class ones, reducing the probability of creating friendship between the two classes.

Another issue associated to the similar economic condition is the fact that people who are similarly wealthy often share similar ideology and interests. As we all know, it is tough to remove the predetermined prejudice and hostility between different social groups, and even worse, they often don't try to suspend the hostility because the expression of the ideas acknowledged by their group can enhance their identity. To narrow the gap between disparage ideas is not as simple as we might suppose. For instance, middle-class people often have an interest in the value of historical heritage, while low-class people may barely have the energy to feed themselves; therefore, beyond any doubt, they cannot create a conversation around either how to travel or how to survive if the two types of people meet on occasions. They don't share their interests.

But I am not arguing that the similarity of the economic condition is the only variable in this issue. Obviously, we are aware of many commonsense and famous cases in which a wealthy person and a poor one forge a sound friendship because of their shared ideology or interests. We can take two economists as an example: when Coase first arrived at the USA, he was very poor because he didn't have an official PhD degree for the application of any faculty position in the US, but Friedman, who was a prestigious economist at that time, knew the Coase's ability and they were quite great friends. The reason is that they shared a similar focus and they both appreciated the counterpart's argument even though their opinions often conflict with each other.

In conclusion, similar economic condition is an important factor in terms of the establishment and maintenance of friendship, but it shouldn't be seen as the determinant of this issue.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Governments should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economic development.




Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Government should focus its budgets more on environmental protection than on economy. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Some people think that the government should use extra money to fund programs to improve the environment. Others think that it is better for the government to spend money to support artistic programs. Which option do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


No doubt, nowadays, environmental issues like global warming has become a very big problem. It is dangerous for living beings. By considering this issue, I think the government should concentrate more on budget of environmental protection than on the economy. If the environment is clean and clear, then only there will be an existence of human being, and the question of economy will rise otherwise it won’t.

First of all, environmental protection is the protection of human or all living beings. Today, we can see life of animals and humans is in danger, because of environmental problems. Many animals are no more in existence. We can only see their pictures. Their natural habitat is destroying day by day for multi-storied buildings. People are moving from villages to metropolitan areas, where the population is increasing. As the population is increasing, buildings and complexes are also increasing. Many forests are being destroyed to build those buildings and complexes. Destroying forests is not only harmful to animals, but also to human beings. So, environmental protection has become a need of an hour which cannot be neglected, and for that, the government should give more importance to environmental protection in its budget than any other issues.

Secondly, investment in environmental protection could give us a guarantee of lifetime safety. However, investment in economy could be risky, which can be collapsed at any time. Investment in environmental protection not only helps us in our life protection but also gives us a chance to make a profit. For example, if our country is pollution-free, close to nature, and beautiful, then it will attract tourists. And, tourists will bring more business, through which we can earn a profit. Hence, for human safety and profit, the first government should concentrate on solving environmental issues.

Although the economy also plays important role in the economic development of the country. But, without human beings, there is no use of economy and its development. Human beings are safe, only if the environment is safe. And therefore, the government should primarily focus more on environmental protection than on economy.
















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