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17 Some people think that they can learn better bythemselves than with a teacher. Others think that it isalways better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.

Most of us can learn how to do something simple on our ownwith just a set of instructions. However, to learn aboutsomething more complex, it's always best to have a teacher.

Teachers bring with them varied and useful backgrounds. They've been trained to teach individualsin different ways depending on their style. For instance, omen students learn better by discussing atopic. Others learn more by writing about it. Teachers can help students learn in the way that'sbest of each student. A textbook or a manual can only give you one way of learning something. Plus they're only as helpful as your ability to understand them. A good teacher can adapt herteaching to your needs.

Teachers help you focus on what you're learning. If you're learning something by yourself, it’s easyto become distracted, and go on to other activities. Teachers keep your attention on the subject. They also approach a subject logically, taking it one step at a time. On your own, it's tempting toskip parts of the learning process you think you don’t need. That can binder your ability to reallyunderstand the subject.

Learning a subject on your own is a very narrow way of learning. You can only use the informationyou get from the textbook. With a teacher, you get the information in the written materials as wellas the teacher's own knowledge of the topic. Teachers can also provide extra materials to broadenthe scope of what you're learning.

There's nothing wrong with studying on your own, and a learner can always benefit from somequiet study. For the best possible learning, though, a good teacher is the biggest help you canhave.

18 What are some important qualities of a good supervisor(boss)? Use specific detailsand examples to explain why these qualities are important.

Even though job situations can be very different, there are several qualities that all good supervisorhave in common, A good boss treats all her employees fairly. She doesn't single out one employeefor better(or worse)treatment than the others. A poor supervisor has favorites. Sometimes she'lleven use her favorites to spy on other employees. She expects them to tell her what the othersare saying about her. This can cause a lot of bad feeling among employees.

A good supervisor gives clear and understandable directions. She doesn't constantly change hermind about what she wants employees to do. She also doesn't get angry with an employee who isconfused and needs her to explain the directions again or more fully. Delegating authority well isanother quality of a good supervisor. She knows how to use the skills of her employees to bestadvantage. A poor supervisor insists on doing everything herself. She is unwilling to give anyauthority to others.

A good boss evaluates her employees on a reasonable ser of criteria, not on how she feels aboutthem personally. And she lets the employees know what those criteria are, so they have a fairchance of meeting them.

She gives both praise and criticism in a straightforward manner. She also offers guidance whenneeded. A poor supervisor will criticize without giving any suggestions on how to improve.

Most importantly, a good supervisor set the standards for her employee by her own behavior. Sheworks hard and treats employees like valuable assets to the company. This promotes good moraleamong her workers, and this is of great benefit to her business.


19 Should governments spend more money onimproving roads and highways, or should governmentsspends more money on improving public transportation ( buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons anddetails to develop your essay.

Governments should definitely spend more money on improvingall forms of public transportation. These include buses, subwaysand trains. This is the best way to preserve natural resources and reduce pollution.

As a planet, we’re dealing with a finite amount of natural resources. Once they're gone, they can'tbe replaced. They can't fill our need for oil and gasoline forever. But we seem to forget that andconsume them at an incredible rate. In wealthier counties, some families have two or three cars. Assoon as teenagers get their driver's licenses, they’re given cars so their parents won't have to drivethem places.

Public transportation hasn't been sufficiently developed. Because of this, suburban areassurrounding cities have been allowed to sprawl more and more widely. This means that peoplecan't even go to the store without having to hop into the car. Everything is too far away fromwhere they live. If there were better and more frequent public transportation, people would be ableto give up their cars for local driving.

As a result of all the cars being driven, we’re dealing with terrible pollution problems. In big cities, there are days during the summer when the elderly and people with respiratory problems areadvised not to leave the house. Ten years ago this was unheard of! Now it's the norm. Publictransportation would cut down considerably on air pollution.

Public transportation also encourages a sense of community. People who travel to work togetherall the time get to know each other. Car isolate us from neighbors. However, people feel they needto drive because they can't depend on public transportation to fit their schedules. If more moneywere available, buses, subways and trains could run 24 hours a day. Then they would be availableall the time to the people who need them.

I always try to take public transportation whenever possible, and I encourage friends andneighbors to try it too. I think we must support public transportation in order to create a betterworld.

20 It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do youagree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.

There are advantages and disadvantages to a childhood in either the country or a city. It's hard tosay which is better. Growing up in the country means a certain amount of isolation. You're in asmall town or on a armband not with a lot of people. Even more important, the people you meeteveryday tend to be just like you. Most will be the same race as you, have the same backgroundas you, and will have gone to the same school as you. In the city, the people you meet aredifferent. There are different races and different cultures. You get a more interesting mix.

City people tend to come from a lot of different places and move around a lot. So, there isn't thesense of community in the city that you have in the country. People in the city can live in thesame apartment building for twenty years and never get to know their neighbors. In the country, everybody knows everybody. For a child, this means the country is more secure. A child can getlost or hurt in the city and have no one to turn to. In the country, everyone’s a neighbor. Peoplein the country feel connected to each other.

A child growing up in the city has the advantages of a lot of interesting and exciting place to visit. He or she can go to the zoo, museum, art galleries and concerts. There are a lot of restaurantswith different kinds of food. It’s easy to see every new movie that comes out. Child in the countrydon't have a lot of these activities nearby.

All in all, I think a childhood in the city is better because it prepares you more for what real life is like.


37. Countries, businesses, and schools are three areasthat need good leaders. Choose one of these three areasand describe the most important qualities of a leader inthat area. Explain why these qualities are important, using specific examples and details.

The principal of a school is one of our first encounters with afigure of authority. Consequently, he or she must be a goodexample of a leader. The principal must be firm, fair and foresighted which are important qualities ofa principal.

When a principal announces a rule, you must understand that he or she means it. If a rule requiresall students to be in their seats when the bell rings, the rule must be enforced. If students are outof their seats, they should be punished. If a rule requires that students not wear bats in school, therule must be enforced. If students wear bats, the bats must be taken away from them. A principalmust be firm.

When a principal enforces a rule, you must understand that he or she will treat everyone equally. IfI get caught eating at my desk, I must receive the same punishment that my classmate got whenshe got caught eating at her desk. If a sophomore is late for school, he or she must receive thesame punishment that a senior would. A principal must be fair.

When a principal establishes a rule, you must understand that he or she has a good reason for it. Ifa rule requires that students must participate in extracurricular sports, you should understand thatthe principal knows that a strong body as well as a strong mind will help us in the future. If a rulerequires that students must do two hours of volunteer work in the community each week, youshould understand that the principal knows that close involvement in the community builds strongcharacter. A principal must be foresighted.

A principal’s job is not as easy one. I only hope that in the future, I can model my own leadershipabilities on the ones I observed in school. I hope I can be as firm, fair, and foresighted as myprincipal.

38 Choose one of the following transportation vehicles and explain why you think it haschanged people’s lives.




Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

An airplane is a form of transportation that has changed people’s lives. Thanks to the plane, ourlives are now faster, more exciting, and more convenient that before.

You cannot deny that a plane is fast. For example, the Concorde flies at supersonic speed. Abusinessman can leave Paris at 11 a.m. in the morning and arrive in New York at 8 a.m. the samemorning in time for a day’s work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noonmorning in time for a day’s work. Many business people in Europe will fly to London for a noonmeeting and then return home to Rome or Madrid for dinner.

It is always exciting to take a plane trip. When you take a trip by plane, you know that you mightcross many time zones, many oceans, and many countries. When you get off the plane, youcould be in a place that speaks a different language. A plane is like a magician’s trick. You get in abox and you come out somewhere totally different.

Nothing can beat the convenience of a plane. In the old days, it might take you days to do whatthe plane can do it an hour. Boats, for example, only leave on certain days of the week and take along time to get to their destination. Planes give you the option to leave several times a day andget you to your destination quickly.

Although other forms of transportation may be more comfortable, none has changed the way wedo business and live our lives more than the plane. Thanks to the speed, excitement, andconvenience of the planes, our lives are richer.


15 Neighbors are the people who live near us. In youropinion, what are the qualities of a good neighbor? Usespecific details and examples in your answer.

If you have a good neighbor, you are a lucky person. You havesomeone who cares about your needs and your property, whois helpful in the little day-to-day situations that come up, andwho is supportive in times of crisis.

A good neighbor is someone who, for instance, understands that your children may occasionallyrun across his lawn, even though you tell them not to. He'll realize that children can be carelessabout things like that, and he won't make a big fuss about it unless it becomes a regular thing. Inthe same vein, he knows that you'll understand if some of the trash from his trash cans blowsacross into your yard. IN other words, he is sensitive to the unintentional things that can happen. He doesn't make a big deal about them.

A good neighbor is also respectful of your property. For example, she asks your permission beforedoing anything that interferes with what's yours. This means she wouldn't plant a huge tree inbetween your houses without asking how you feel about it. If she wanted to put up a fence, shewould let you know first. She might work with you to decide where it should be placed. Maybe thetwo of you would even split the cost.

A good neighbor would lend you some milk if you ran out . She'd give you a ride to work if yourcar was broken, and let your children stay at her house in the evening if you got stuck workingovertime. You would do the same for her. Both of you would help make the other's life easier.

when something really awful happens to you, like a death in the family, a good neighbor willvolunteer to help in any way he can. This could mean something small, like making some casserolesto put in your freezer to feed vesting relatives, Or it could mean something big, like helping you getthrough the sadness of the funeral.

I think only someone who has experienced a bad neighbor can really appreciate a good one! Agood neighbor can be a good friend. He or she can make all the difference in the world to your life.

16 It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in yourneighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons anddetails to support your answer.

I can see both advantages and disadvantages to having a new restaurant built in ourneighborhood. I'm worried about traffic and how it will affect our neighborhood. However, I thinkthat it will benefit local businesses and increase appreciation for our neighborhood. Overall, I think itis a good idea.

Traffic congestion is always a concern when you build something new. Our streets are narrow, withparking on both sides. More cars traveling through the neighborhood could cause a lot ofcongesting. Traffic means parking problems, too. Our neighborhood has very few garagesattached to the houses. Most of us depend on finding a space to park on the street. If the newrestaurant is built, we’ll be competing for those spaces with the restaurant's patrons. Plus, if therestaurant offers wallet parking, it'll be even worse. Valet parkers work in teams to grab everypossible space available on the street.

I'm also concerned about the type of patrons this new restaurant will bring into our neighborhood. A family restaurant wouldn't be a problem. However, if it's going have a bar and dancing, thenthere could be problems. The restaurant would stay open later, and people leaving the restaurantmight be drunk. Who wouldn't worry about rowdy customers staggering around ourneighborhood in the early morning hours, looking for their cars?

I have to admit, though, there are advantages to a new restaurant. Our neighborhood couldcertainly use the jobs the restaurant would provide. Not only that, the money neighborhoodresidents would earn there would likely be spent at other neighborhood businesses. This would givea boost to those businesses and make our neighborhood more prosperous.

A new restaurant would also attract a lot of people to our neighborhood. They could see what anice area this is to live. That might attract new residents to the neighborhood. That would be agood thing, because we've been losing residents to the suburbs the last couple of years.

There are a lot of details to consider, but all in all, I support the idea of this new restaurant in ourneighborhood.


There are abundant of difficulties and problems people need to handle and deal with in one’s lifetime. Different ways of handling will lead to different consequences, though they may finally solve the problems. Some people are for the opinion to seek advice from other people, for it may be faster and more comprehensive; on the other hand, some people, including me, are more inclining to solve problems using our own resources, for these experience will help us grow.

Admittedly, seeking advice from other people may serve as a shortcut to the problem. A person is not a lonely island in the world. With more ideas and opinions, one can easily find one of the most appropriate ways to solve their problem, be it money ones or the career ones. People will feel much easier to raise funds for urgent uses with friends’ assistances; one will also be relieved or soothing with others’ encouragement when finishing something difficult. It is those helping hand that help us go though the tides and solve the problems. However, other people cannot think in our own position, thus may not help us solve the problems from the deep root. Besides, solving problems by oneself can hone many cherished characters, which definitely can’t be gained with others’ help.

On the one hand, solving problems on one’s own is conducive to cultivate one’s independence. As an integral part of people, being independence can help people think and solve problems on one’s own, for it is people themselves can help them out. This kind of ability can well help adapt to the society, for one will encounter different kinds of problems in a lifetime, some of which can not be solved with others’ help, like tests, races and other important occasions. While others’ help serves as an outer factor, it is one’s own ability that matters and helps one grow. For example, a lot of people, especially successful people, are independent in almost everything, which are trained and cultivated in cracking problems. Relying on other people for advice may end up in disappointment. Thus, solving problem using one’s own experiences and knowledge ameliorate one’s independence and adaptability.

On the other hand, solving problem on one’s own is beneficial for cultivating one’s social responsibility. As a people, one must be responsible for what he/she has done. During problem-solving process, one would definitely experience all kinds of situations, thus knowing what kind of solution would work out best for them. If one fails to solve the problem, he/she will draw the experience and do better next time; if one happens to solve the problem with his/her own experience and knowledge, one will prepare for not having the same problems in the future. One will gradually know how to be responsible for one’s own decision and life, be it a bad or a good consequence. Therefore, solving problems on one’s own serves as the important step for one to be mature and responsible.

In a nutshell, it is strongly recommended that solving problems using one’s own experiences and knowledge, which cannot only cultivate one’s independence but also one’s responsibility.



With the society becoming increasingly complicated, we find that everyone will inevitably encounter countless problems throughout his or her whole life. When it comes to how to address these problems, the senior strongly recommend that it is better to use one’s own knowledge or experience rather than to ask others for advice, while the young adults may view the issue from the opposite angle. As far as I am concerned, the latter stance is more reasonable, with the reasons as follows.

First, one conspicuous benefit of seeking suggestion from others is that people can solve the troubles or problems more efficiently. As is common sense, the knowledge and experience owned by any individual is limited to some extent so that it may take longer time to work out a complex problem without help from others. By contrast, asking others for advice is a totally different picture. My own experience is a good case in point. Back to my high school life, the chemistry class was a disaster for me because I had great difficulties in memorizing the chemical elements. Given the above situation, I asked my chemistry teacher, an experienced expert in chemistry, for help. According to his suggestions, I had a thorough review of the table of chemical elements and learned the internal relation between each element, thus gaining a satisfactory score in the midterm test.

Secondly, what also cannot be neglected is that turning to others for advice can help to enlarge our social network. For one thing, the course of seeking and receiving suggestions from others is one of the most typical form of communication, which can make us grasp the important principles and skills of establishing close relation with other people. To illustrate, it is of great necessity to maintain humble and modest when you want others to do a favor for you. For another, while being asked to give some advice, people will feel that they are valued and recognized by advice-seekers so that they are more likely to have a soft spot for those who seek counsels. Obviously, one’s humble personality and the mutual appreciation will definitely contribute to the enhancement of interpersonal relationship. Nevertheless, working on a problem individually will greatly reduce our opportunities to communicate with others and thus weaken our social ability, with the worst consequence of isolating ourselves from the whole society.

Factoring what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that asking others for advice is a better choice, in order to tackle the problems in a more efficient way and enlarge social circle.


Do you agree or disagree: The movies are worth watching only if they can teach something in real life.




When it comes to the qualities of successful people, people varying in education background and experience tend to give distinctive answers. Some would argue that those who are successful should be versatile and excel in lots of skills like communication skills, leadership skills and even organizational skills while others believe that one who is exceptional in one area is more likely to be successful. I personally believe that a versatile person with various skill sets can be more successful.

Admittedly, as the saying goes Jack of all trades and master of none and there are rare cases where some people who are expert in only one field stand out. However, it is more common for versatile people with multiple skills to be successful because of the following reasons.

First off, people who are talented and versatile are more competitive and competent in their career, and they enjoy a better change to be promoted in a professional setting. Actually, a lot of positions require a combination of skill sets, such as paying attention to details, knowledge in a specific field and communication skills, etc. Indeed, more skills will give someone more chance to get promoted. For instance, if a computer programmer just knows how to write program and focuses only on the technical side of the job, chances are that he would never get promoted. On the other hand, if not only does the computer programmer have programming skills but also he is a genius people-wise, he might get a better shot to be promoted as a manager in charge of a team of computer programmers. Thus, he can enjoy more opportunities in his career.

Additionally, it is much easier for a versatile person with various skill sets to build rapport with people and make friends. It is self-evident that people with all kinds of skills will be very attractive and charismatic. A person who not only has professional knowledge in one specific field but also has people skills and leadership skills will be very popular and standing out among his or her peers. For instance, my friend Alex, a bright young professional working in the financial industrial. He was awarded the most valuable banker in his company because of his professionalism and dedication to serving the customers and clients. Not only is he successful in his professional life, but also he is an amateur violinist. Actually, he plays for a city choir to represent the community and go against other cities' choir. Such skills can be very useful when building up connections with people and thus he can expand his social network easily. Furthermore, he can use these skills to entertain his clients and customers on certain occasions and have their trust on him.

In conclusion, a versatile person with various skill sets can be more competitive and outstrip others in the workplace, eventually they enjoy better chance to be promoted. Another advantage of having multiples skills is that it can be much easier and readily for them to network and expand their social connections.


托福写作题目为:The mostimportant thing for government to improve health care is to clean theenvironment,本文给出托福写作真题题目及新东方名师原创托福写作范文参考。为了帮助大家熟悉历年托福作文题目及高分范文,新东方在线托福网为大家带来托福写作真题:政府提升公众医疗保健及高分作文范文参考,希望对大家托福备考有所帮助。







No matter who you are, you are definitely in a dire need for excitement and thrill. Then, a controversy might appear among the public whether citizens should only watch those movies that can teach something in real life. Some of you may only watch those movies that can help to expand one’s knowledge and reveal the life stories, however, I strongly disagree with the statement and I think there will be a variety of reasons to watch movies.

Initially, entertainment is the principle reason for the entire world watching movies. Be it comedy, science-fiction, drama or action, movies are a medium of leisure and recreation for every single individual ranging from those on streets to the high and mighty residents in penthouses. Put it in another words, the greatest of all benefits of watching a movie is that it entertains you and calms your tumultuous heart down. Take me as an example. I feel very tired after the full devotion to my career in a week and there is no time for the gym and outdoor activities just because of the busy work schedules. Then, I will choose to lie on my couch and watch movies of many kinds with a bowl of munchies like popcorns and sodas during the weekends. By being engrossed in a comedy show that can evoke hearty laughs, I will encounter situations with a positive frame of mind. Besides, when watching the horror movies, I will feel excited, scared, and emotional during those two and a half hours, leading me to be transferred to a world far away from the reality. Obviously, no matter what kind of movies they are, they will be worth watching if they can entertain you.

Another general concern about movies is that they can help fasten the bonds between families. More often than not, what audiences are more focused on, during the process of watching movies, is the time they spend with their families rather than the well-orchestrated plots or the life lessons they might disclose. Current citizens can afford to spend too much time having fun like traveling around the city or having a party because most of them are under huge pressure from the society and most of their time has to be occupied by a variety of professional tasks. However, watching movies won’t consume too much time, serving as a stress buster and lubricant to strengthen relationship with families. Almost at every weekend, I will hang out with my girlfriend to watch movies whatever the genre is and staying with each other at that moment can help shorten our mental distance and we can just hold hands of each other and feel so close between us. Accordingly, my personal experience can help explain how we spend with our families or lovers like watching movies matters more than what we can learn from the movies.

In a word, I don’t think only those movies that tell us important life stories are worth watching. What I truly believe is those movies that can entertain audiences and provide viewers with a chance to stay with each other are more welcomed.

托福独立写作真题满分范文 经济危机时政府减少支出

In times of an economic crisis, in which area should governments reduce its spending? 1. Arts 2. Scientific research 3. Parks and public gardens.


During an economic crisis, governments face difficult choices of monetary allocation with reduced budgets. In this challenging time, it is of vital importance for policy-makers to recognize the effectiveness of policy-making on certain social services or programs such as arts, scientific research and park and public gardens. If a choice has to be made, in my opinion, the government should reduce its spending on arts.

To begin with, in times of an economic crisis, it is significant for policy-makers to recognize the necessity of investing in scientific research because it exerts a far-reaching effect. If the financial crisis leads to substantial cuts in funding for scientific research by governments, it will be difficult to muster investment for a public good, like clean air, or for extremely risky initiatives, such as novel approaches to new antibiotic drugs, or in areas where the outcome is uncertain. As a matter of fact, technological innovation, biomedical breakthroughs, and tackling pressing environmental issues all require sustained scientific development, from basic discovery to final application. Investing in research is investing in the future, and it requires a long-term commitment to the accumulation of knowledge, the testing of basic principles, and the translation of these discoveries into practical applications that impact everyday life. Consequently, governments ought to attach more importance to the scientific studies so as to develop world class research base and conduct crucial scientific projects.

Furthermore, funding for parks and public gardens provides an opportunity for people to engage in physical activities, which is considerably beneficial to health. Nowadays, due to the sedentary lifestyle and unhealthy eating diet, overweight and obesity are epidemic problems across the world, and related conditions are on the rise. A primary focus of attention is providing environment where people can be physically active. Parks offer such an opportunity. In addition, health studies have shown that people who do regular exercise get a range of benefits when they are in natural settings, like parks and public gardens. These benefits include reduced risk of premature death; reduced risk of heart disease, hypertension, cancer; improved maintenance of muscle strength; weight loss and favorable redistribution of body fat; improved physical functioning. Therefore, when governments allocate fiscal spending on parks such as well-designed and well-maintained paths as well as attractive scenery, people can substantially improve their health and quality of life by doing moderate amounts of physical activity in their daily lives.

Undeniably, if governments pay more attention to investment in art, people can enrich inner world as a diverse and productive cultural environment can provide the spirit and important intangible values. However, in times of crisis, people usually lay emphasis on basic needs instead of spiritual needs. As a result, the importance of material comforts outweighs that of nourishment for the mind and it does not mean that people’s quality of life will be dramatically affected if governments cut budget on art and provide less financial support on art institutions. In a sense, it will not directly influence people’s life at least in a short term because people rarely need to satisfy their aesthetic needs everyday. Therefore, compared with scientific research and park and public gardens, art is least associated with people’s daily life and it needs less concern.

From what has been discussed above, scientific studies serve the common interest of the entire human race and doing exercise in parks and public gardens constitutes an indispensable part of daily life. It is more applicable and reasonable to cut down spending on art in the times of an economic crisis.

托福独立写作真题满分范文 学习有限的课程对身心发展有用吗


In a word, studying only limited courses will be supportive for students’ physical and mental growth as well as their future careers.

2月27日: High school students are required to study many different subjects at same time or they should study only three or four subject at a time, which do you agree?


As for me, studying only three or four subjects appears to be a better choice and the listed reasons and examples will support what I believe.

To begin with, current young students have been under enormous pressure, doing great harm to their growth, and there is no need to impose too much pressure on them. To be more specific, to strengthen students’ future competitiveness in the society, most schools have expected to forge students’ various capacities since they were young by arranging a huge number of curriculums. What an ordinary high school student has to experience in his one-day school life can demonstrate how depressed and exhausted present high school students are. Getting up as early as 6AM has become common in recent two decades. Afterwards, a whole-day study will include various compulsory and optional courses like Mathematics that leads to intellectual stimulation or History that demands students to attempt to memorize historic events and relative effects as many as possible. When class is over, it is still far away from ending one-day study since lots of assignments such as the short essays or scientific researches need to be finished. Evidently, students suffer from the huge pressure from study, leading many of them to wear glasses at a young age and to be drained physically and mentally everyday. Thus, students are not supposed to be ordered to study many courses at a time.

To be followed, the inadequacy of enough leisure time will contribute students to have no chances to engage in what they interested in. High school students are still involved in an age during which they should exploit their own interests to decide which area they will choose when going to college in their near future. However, like I mentioned in the previous statement, to meet the requirements set by school; students have no option but to immerse themselves in a number of assignments and the freedom to pursue their own hobbies has been deprived. It is known to all that interest plays a leading role in assisting people to choose their future career and a recent released statistic in a survey conducted by Beijing Human Resource General Bureau indicates that approximately 67 percent of college undergraduates switch their professions from their major-related areas to what they are truly interested in their third year after graduation. In addition, many of the respondents claim that they are not satisfied with the current educational system, requiring students to study a wide range of curriculums, because it entirely downplays the importance of cultivating students’ hobbies and they believe that the earlier students can discover their interest, the more setbacks they can avoid when choosing future majors in the university and upcoming professors after graduation. A friend I know named Andy refused to become a mechanical engineer since he was bored to stay in the office building and finally chose to become a teacher in a educational institute since he can apply his passion and extrovert personality into the profession. Accordingly, student should be given more opportunities to develop their own hobbies to explore what they love.



What is the most useful action for people to help environment in their local communities?

1. Plant trees and create parks

2. Persuade local shops to stop providing plastic bags for consumers

3. Increase access to public transportation (such as buses and trains), and reduce the automobiles on roads




With the sense of community becoming much stronger, how to protect the environment of local communities has never failed to attract the attention of the general public. Therefore, when it comes to which is the most feasible measure to help environment, among planting trees and building parks, encouraging local shops to stop using plastic bags, and improving public transportation, people's notions may vary from one to another. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I am inclined to claim that the first option is the best.

Firstly, growing trees and constructing parks can definitely help to ameliorate the environment. For one thing, more trees will contribute to the improvement of the air quality of the whole neighborhood. As is common sense, the prosperous industrial development has produced large amounts of waste gas, with the result that the haze and smoggy weather shroud quite frequently the major cities in our country. The current air condition necessitates the planting of trees, which can purify the contaminated air to a large extent. In other words, trees, the lung of the earth, play a vital role in absorbing some harmful gas and producing more fresh air through photosynthesis. For another, the public parks can be helpful to increase the biodiversity of the local community. Accompanying the rapid urbanization, an increasing number of natural lands have been utilized for constructing factories, shopping mall and skyscrapers, which greatly diminishes the natural habitats of animals, such as birds and squirrels. In this case, parks become the only place which can serve as habitats for those animals. Accordingly, the species of animals living here can become more diverse.

In addition, there are certain limitations for the other two options. Admittedly, reducing the use of plastic bags and making public transportation more accessible may also be conducive to the environmental protection in some degrees. To illustrate, if the plastic bags are prohibited, the so-called white pollution will be relieved. Also, easier access to public transportation means less use of private cars, which leads to the reduction of car exhaust. However, in comparison to planting trees and building parks, the above two measures enjoy less popularity among the residents of the community and thus are unlikely to be implemented. The underlying reason is that growing trees and constructing parks can create a more comfortable living environment while the other two choices can bring about more inconvenience. To be more specific, if shops stop the use of plastic shopping bags, the customers have to take a cloth bag while shopping. Also, taking public transportation will take longer time than driving the private cars, which means that commuters have to get up much earlier than before. It is self-evident that whether a policy can be carried out directly determines its effect, which is especially true of the above situation.

Taking what has been discussed above, we can draw the conclusion that the most effective way of protecting environment in local communities is to plant trees and create parks.



The mostimportant thing for government to improve health care is to clean theenvironment.





Do you agree or disagree: The most important thing for government to improve health care is to clean the environment.

As economy advances, the consequences caused by industrial development become starker and various environmental problems cover the whole world. Then comes one of the most serious issues that people’s health is confronted with huge challenges. Surely, a number of solutions have been raised and discussed and as for whether the most important thing for the government to improve health care is to clean the energy, I cast doubt on it.

Undeniably, cleaning the environment is an effective way to ensure people’s health. For instance, if the air pollution can be bridled, there will be fewer chances for citizens living in Beijing or TianJin suffering the respiratory diseases. Besides, citizens in Flint City could drink clean water if the water source was not acidified to erode the pipeline of tap water. However, the threats human beings are faced with do not only come from the environmental problems and the government has to lay more emphasis on the other two areas.

For one thing, the outbreak of viruses that could sparkle off widespread epidemics is a killer to human beings. Reflecting history can help us explore how the devastating viruses tortured human beings and the death toll was astounding. For instance, the once spread of cholera once caused the death of more than a million civilians in Russia and malaria is a kind of serious malady that could cause the death of several hundred thousand in Africa in the past. The good news is those viruses were under control finally after the efforts made by numerous medical experts. However, in recent years, people are still under huge threats of many newly found viruses like Ebola, Zika that still remain highly dangerous and could trigger huge damage to people’s physical health. Even worse, a reported man in America was found dying of Zika virus. Therefore, it is more urgent and indispensable for the government to invest to the development of medical technology.

For another thing, while analyzing the influence factors leading to the sub-health of most city employees, the deficiency in engaging sports can be found as one of the primary contributors. Therefore, there is necessity for the government to build more available sporting facilities nearby the communities for city workers who have to be fully involved in their career and cannot vacate enough time to either go to Gym or farther places for exercises. Take friends around me as an example. Most of them cannot afford to spend time in playing sports, one of who called Jason working as a software engineer can only get off work till 10 o’clock PM. Another friend of mine has to travel across the country for business trips several times a month. The combination of long-term involvement in career and no chance to work out lead to the obesity and the declining immunity. However, if there is a public Gym constructed around my friends’ residency, the possibilities of doing exercises could be higher and the physical conditions could be better. Accordingly, to maintain the physical health of citizens, it is more practical for the government to invest more to the construction of sports infrastructure as far as my friends are concerned.

In a word, even though cleaning environment means a lot to the citizens’ health care, developing medical technology and building sporting facilities can be more related to our health.


Some teenagers took part in kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support, please provide ideas and give some examples.


Some believe that young people should do various activities while others believe that they should focus on one activity that is important to them. Which one do you think is better and why?


(A/D) Some teenagers take part in kinds of activities, such as musical classes, sports classes and so on, but others only focus on one activity which is important to them. Which idea do you support?



TS: 参加一项活动的好处:

1 占用时间和精力相对较少,有助于孩子放松,减少压力' 有助于身心健康

2 可以学习的更加专业,对未来发展有帮助

TS: 参加多项活动好:

1. 学到更多技能,有助于全面发展

2. 培养孩子时间管理能力

3. 结交更多朋友

4. 帮助孩子找到自己的兴趣




Under the current educational system, the extracurricular activities designed for students are playing an increasingly important role. Therefore, among parents and teachers, there arises a controversy pertaining whether teenage students should participate in various activities or focus on one activity. Towards such a long-running tug-of-war, I strongly recommend teenagers to engage in more kinds of activities, for the following reasons.

Initially, getting involved in more activities can be conducive to the well-rounded development of students. It is self-evident that different activities can equip participants with various skills and abilities. To illustrate, students attending musical classes can learn how to appreciate the classical works of famous musicians and thus improve their aesthetic capability. Similarly, participating in team sports will help students cultivate a sense of cooperation as well as enhance their leadership. After having obtained the above skills, students definitely can develop in an all-round way, with the result of becoming more competitive than others. In contrast, specializing in only one kind of activity is a totally different picture. In other words, students just foster one particular skill, which is a potential obstacle to their future development. The underlying reason is that the more and more complicated modern life necessitates the acquisition of multiple skills.

Furthermore, taking part in many after-class activities can do a better job in helping students find what they are interested in. Just as a saying goes, interest is the best teacher, which clearly indicates the great role played by interest in all levels of education. The above claim is especially true of teens education, because they are in the puberty, the most rebellious period. Put it in another way, without the drive of their own interest, they are less likely to perform well in any activities required by their teachers. In this case, offering various activities to adolescents undoubtedly can more effectively stimulate their interest and passion. Once they find what they like, they will automatically put more efforts and time in it. However, requiring all teenagers to solely engage in one activities may fail to cater to the interest of the majorities of them.

All in all, we can draw the conclusion that it is a wiser move for students to attend multiple activities, in order to obtain a holistic development and find what they are passionate for

托福独立写作真题满分范文 花长时间做重要决定是好品质吗

(A/D)Spending a long time in making an important decision is often considered as a bad quality. However, some people think that it is a good quality for a person.


A/D: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead.


题目大意: 花长时间做重要决定是一种好的品质。建议选择不同意,即认为快速做决策才是一种好的品质,因为一是可以抓住机会,二是可以体现一个人超强的分析和预判能力。

2016年8月20日托福独立写作题目: A/D: One quality that a successful leader must have is to make decision quickly; when a leader takes too much time to make decisions, he will be seen as ineffective to the people he lead. (来自学生回忆版,与原题可能有少许出入,但题干表达意思大体相同)




With the society becoming increasingly complex, we make numerous decisions every single day, some of which are simple while others of which are more complex. The issue whether Spending a long time in making an important decision is often considered as a good quality has triggered a hot debate. Personally speaking, my answer towards this question is negative, that is, making quick decision is good, for the following reasons.

First of all, making quick decisions can help people grasp the precious opportunities.As is known to all, change is the permanent topic in nearly every area of life including day-to-day life and business world. In other words, the opportunities may vanish in the blink of an eye. As a result, people who spend much time pondering different paths for the fear of making errors may end up missing out the chances. On the contrary, quick decision making will boost the likelihood of seizing the opportunities, which makes his or her have an edge over other competitors. This is especially true of the business competition. In the commercial world, To illustrate, a decisive leader will not block subordinates from getting things done and thus . For example, if an entrepreneur find changes in the needs of customers, there is a need of quick decisions to satisfy their new demand. Without quick response to the appeals of the clients, competitors around the same business may take the initiative to make headway in these emerging markets.

Apart from that, making quick decicions reflects the strong ability of analysis of a person. As is common sense, analytical skills is a basis for quick decision making. As you can see, an analytical skill is the ability of a person to draw conclusions and to make quality decisions based on incomplete information. Put it in another way, the characteristic of analytical people is to address all of the critical elements needed for a successful outcome more quickly than average persons can do. Consequently, these decisive people will leave a good impression on others and thus improve their charisma. By contrast, spending too much time in making decisions means that you can only make up your mind after collecting all the information. This practice may make others feel that you are hesitant in doing things.

Admittedly, some opponents may assert that it is a good quality to spend a long time in decision-making, because the quality of the decision certainly depends on the speed of making it. However, the above claim has overlooked a fact that no matter how much time you spend making a decision, there is always a chance that it won’t turn out the way you had envisioned. In this case, the quick decision making can help you more timely fix the wrong decisions.

In a nutshell, spending long time in decision making is anything but a good quality, because people will let opportunities slip off and leave a indecisive impression on others.


An efficient leader is a key factor for the successful development of an enterprise and how to define an effective leader varies from person to person. Some people may believe a leader must make a quick decision to be successful since opportunity seldom knocks twice. However, some others contradict with the statement and they argue that leaders, especially those in the area of politics and business, have to be patient enough to be considerate. From my perspective, I am more favor of the former one.

When it comes to the area of business, leaders have to acclimatize themselves to the constantly changing environment and respond soon enough to grasp the chance. A number of examples can be found around us to demonstrate the exceptional urgency of making quick decision. Mark Zuckerberg made a quick decision to acquire Instagram, which turned out to be bold but successful, given Twitter, one of Facebook’s strongest competitors, had already considered to merge Ins. Besides, the landslide of Apple over Nokia, one of the giants in the phones’ market can prove the importance of responding quick for leaders. Those leaders of conventional ideas in Nokia stuck to manufacturing keyboard phones and still refused to center on developing and researching Touch-screen technology, which has proven to be a big mistake. As a result, Nokia had to declare bankruptcy. When reflecting on the failure of Nokia and success of Apple, the key is to make a quick decision to reform products to satisfy consumers’ tastes and demands.

Speaking of national leaders, making a swift and effective decision will be highly indispensable to deal with various emergencies. To prevent the exacerbation of some events, politicians have to take quick and credible actions. For instance, the outburst of Ebola virus has caused serious damage to human beings and as a leader of a country, he has to make an instantaneous decision to assemble medical experts and restrict the migration movement of population. Another convincing example would be the military action aiming at ISIS, a self-proclaimed country but a terror organization. The president of the United States called on Britain and several other Western countries to launch a joint military strike to crack down those terrorists after many innocent civilians including journalists, local residents or tourists from different country were killed by those extremists. Although the terror group was not wiped out yet, the immediate action had played a major role in reducing threats from those. Obviously, for politicians and national leaders, it is necessary to take quick action.

Admittedly, there is also an opposite voice echoing that leaders have to be patient to reduce the possibilities of causing missteps. For instance, during World War Two, to win the success, Franklin Roosevelt gave the order to hit Japan by dropping atomic bombs soon after the Pearl Harbor was attacked. The explosion of those two atomic bombs led Japan to surrender, however, caused huge damage to local environment. It appears plausible, however, the consequences of not using atomic bombs would be more disastrous because of Japan militarism’s great harm to the entire human beings.

To conclude, leaders have to make a response and decision as quick as possible in most occasions no matter which field they are in.


9 AD Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Television, newspapers, magazines, andother media pay too much attention to the personal livesof famous people such as public figures and celebrities. Use specific reasons and details to explain your opinion.

I think the media pay too much attention to the private lives offamous people. Television, newspaper magazines and web sitesdig up all kinds of past bad actions. They say that these are true reflections of a person's character. This may be true if they occurred only a few years before, but some of these are things people didas teenagers. People in their forties are expected to explain something they did when they werefifteen. If they killed someone, obviously that's more than a youthful mistake. Usually, though, these incidents involve experiments with drugs or being reckless in a car. They're not somethingthat the public needs to know.

The media love to say that the public has a right to know. That's not true. We don't need to knowif a movie star or politician has had an extramarital affair. That is something of concern only to thepeople involved. We do need to know if someone we're electing to public office has been involvedin shady business deals, but we don't need to know if he or she defaulted on a loan twenty yearsago.

It seems the media dig up these facts without giving thoughtful consideration to what mighthappen. It has an effect on the celebrity's family, especially the children. A celebrity's good nameand credibility may be ruined before he or she can prove that rumors are false. If a case goes tocourt, paying a lawyer can use up all their money. Even if it doesn't come to that, they may findtheir career ruined.

When are we, the public, going to make it clear to the media that we're tired of having to watchthis kind of thing on the news? Wouldn't it be better if they would concentrate on more importantissues?

30 PR Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed(damaged) by humanactivity. Others that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is youropinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

The quality of human life has improved greatly over the past few centuries, but Earth is beingharmed more and more by human activity. As we develop our technology, we demand more fromour planet. Eventually, this will harm people as well.

Our planet gives us everything we need, but natural resources are not endless. Strip miningdevastates whole regions, leaving bare and useless ground. Deforestation removes old growthtrees that can't be replaced. Too much fishing may harm fish populations to the point where theycan't recover. We are too careless in taking what we want without giving anything back.

There are more people than ever, living longer that ever. So is it any surprise that many areassuffer from too much development? Anyone living in or near a city has experienced “urbansprawl”. There is a new shopping area on every corner and new houses, townhouses andapartments everywhere. Traffic gets worse and worse because planners can't keep up withgrowth. Keeping up with human demand is hard enough. Environmental concerns come in last.

With growth comes pollution. Companies and communities dump waste into water. Landfills are fullof trash. Emissions from factories pollute the air. Barrels of industrial waste and worse, radioactivewaste, have no safe place to go. If we're not careful, we can harm

our planet beyond repair.

People need to respect the Earth and try to preserve it. If we don't, what kind of future will wehave?


41 The expression “Never, never give up” means to keeptrying and never stop working for your goals. Do youagree or disagree with this statement? Use specificreasons and examples to support your answer.

“If at first you don’t succeed, try, try again.” These are wisewords. One should never give up. There is always anotheropportunity, another goal, or another option.

Once I ran for president of my class. Unfortunately, I lost. I lost because I did not promote myselfenough. I looked at my mistakes and decided how to correct them. The following year, I ran forpresident again. This time I gave speeches, called voters on the phone, and banded out brochures. This time I won. Never give up. There is always another opportunity.

Once I wanted to study medicine. Unfortunately, I didn’t like science. I failed all my science coursesat school. Then I realized that what I liked about medicine was helping people. I changed my goalfrom healing people to helping people. Now, I’m studying psychology. There is always anothergoal.

Once I wanted to talk with my friend. Unfortunately, his computer was down and I couldn’t e-mailhim. His phone line was busy so I couldn’t call him. Mail would take too long so I couldn’t write him. Since I really wanted to talk with him. I got on the bus and went across town to visit him. There isalways another option.

If you give up, you might as well die. My advice is to always look for another opportunity, anothergoal, or another option. There is always something else. Don’t give up.

42 Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? With the help oftechnology, student nowadays can learn more information and learn it more quickly. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Technology has greatly improved the way we get information. Students can now get moreinformation, get it more quickly, and get it more conveniently.

The Internet and the World Wide Web has opened every major library and database to studentsaround the world. Information comes not only in print form, but also in multimedia. You can getaudio and video data. You can get information about event in the past as well as events thatunfold as you watch your computer monitor.

Information comes at the speed of the Internet, which is to say in nanoseconds. You can type in afew key words in your search engine, and the engine will search the entire www to find informationon your topic. You don’t have to spend hours pouring over card catalogs in the library and lookingat the shelves. This research is done for you instantly on the Web.

It is certainly more convenient to sit at home and do research on your computer. Your computeris open 24 hours a day, unlike a library or office, which has limited hours and limited resources. Youcan do research in your pajamas while you eat breakfast. What could be more convenient?

Technology, especially the Internet, has certainly changed the quantity and quality of theinformation we get. The speed and convenience of a computer helps students learn more, morequickly.


51 Do you agree or disagree with the followingstatement? Parents or other adult relatives should makeimportant decisions for their older (15 to 18 year-old) teenaged children. Use specific reasons and examples tosupport your opinion.

No one knows me as well as my parents. No one wants the bestfor me like my parents. It is natural that I should allow myparents to make important decisions for me. I think all older teenagers (15 to 18 year-olds) shouldtake their parents advice on decisions that concern their education, their social life, and their futurecareers.

My parents have always chosen the best schools for me to attend. They have encouraged me toattend special prep classes to make sure that I was well prepared for the exams. They have givenme tutors to make sure that I understood my subjects well. When it comes to choosing a college, I will trust my parents to make that decision. They know what they can afford and what will giveme a good education.

When I was young, my parents would invite children over to play with me. Over the years, I havebecome very close to these children. They are like my family. We celebrate holidays and birthdaystogether. We even go to the mountains together in the summer. My parents do not want me tofall into the wrong crowd. They do not want me to meet and fall in love with someone they do notknow. I understand that and I want to make them happy.

My father runs a very successful business and my mother is a well-known politician. They are verywell connected and they have many friends who would like me to work for them when I finishschool. This is a very good arrangement for me.

If all children follow their parents’ wishes, they would probably be happier. Parents only want thebest for their children.

52 Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice.

Traveling alone is the only way to travel. If you take someone with you, you take your home withyou. When you travel alone, you meet new people, have new experiences, and learn more aboutyourself.

When I traveled with my friend, I spend all my time with that friend. We eat together and sightseetogether. When I travel alone, I spend my time looking for new friends. It is easy to fine otherpeople, either other tourists or locals, to eat with or have a coffee with. When you share meals withstrangers, they become friends.

When I travel with a friend, my routine is predictable. We maintain the same schedule that we doat home. When I travel alone, I adopt the rhythm of the place I visit. I might take a nap in theafternoon and eat dinner at 11 pm. I might go to a disco and dance all night.

When I travel with a friend, we know how we will react to things. When I travel alone, each newexperience requires a new reaction. If I don’t try new things, I won’t be able to decide if I likesomething or not. Shall I ride an ostrich or eat one?

I think it is always important to do things on your own. You can fine new friends, collect newmemories, and adopt different ways of doing things. Isn’t that the point of travel?


53 Some people prefer to get up early in the morningand start the day’s work. Others prefer to get up later inthe day and work until late at night. Which do youprefer? Use specific reasons and examples to supportyour choice.

I prefer sleeping late and staying up late at night. This routine fitsmy body’s rhythm, my work schedule, and my social life.

I believe in following my body’s natural rhythm. My body tells me to sleep until I am ready to getup and go to bed when I am sleepy. This means I never get up early in the morning. My body tellsme it likes me to get 8 to 10 hours of sleep a day.

Sleeping late also fits my work schedule. Actually I don’t have that much work to do. I can easilyfinish my work between lunch and dinner. I think that if one works too much, there is not enoughtime left to enjoy one’s self.

My active social life is another reason I prefer to sleep late. Who gets up early in the morning tohave fun? No one. Anything amusing, such as concerts, dances, parties, dinners, all happen atnight. If I got up early in the morning, I would be too tired to enjoy myself in the evening.

I will maintain this pattern forever I hope. I think it is always important to listen to your body and ifyour body tells you to stay in bed, you should listen to it. By listening to you body, you will neverlet work interfere with your social life.

54 What are the important qualities of a good son or daughter? Have these qualitieschanged or remained the same over time in your culture? Use specific reasons andexamples to support your answer.

The qualities of a good son and daughter---obedience, loyalty, respect---have not changed. Anypatent will tell you that, like their ancestors, they expect these qualities from their children. However, they do not always get what they expect from their children.

Parents demand that their sons and daughters, regardless of age, obey them. Even if the childrenare married and have their own children, they should still do whatever their parents ask of them. Atlast, that’s the way it was. Now, children tend to obey their parents until the children are of collegeage. Then they feel they are adult enough and can make their own decisions even if thesedecisions are against the parent’s wishes.

Parents also expect loyalty from their children. If there was a dispute in the neighborhood orbetween families, the parents would expect their children to side with their own family. This qualityis probably still very common. Most children today will support their family against others.

Parents, of course, demand respect. As people become more mobile, and introduced to non-traditional ways of doing things, this quality may not endure. Parents are sometimes viewed as old-fashioned. Children don’t think their parents can appreciate the way life really is. They think theirparents are too old to understand. They lose respect for their parents.

Obedience, loyalty, and respect are virtues that are being challenged today. We may not obey ourparents, give them the loyalty or respect they wish or deserve, but I hope my children obey me, are loyal to me, and respect me.



It has been said, “Not everything that is learned is contained in books.” Compare and contrast knowledge gained from experience with knowledge gained from books. In your opinion, which source is more important? Why?


There are two main channels for people to learn knowledge –from books and from experience.

Generally, knowledge gained from books is theoretical, that gained from experience is practical. It is difficult to answer which is more important to we people. It depends on the phases and events of our learning. Knowledge learned from books is instructive, which perhaps cannot learn directly from experience. We often hear thunders and see lightning in the sky, and we can easily find that lightning will be seen sooner than sound will be heard. According to our experience alone, we cannot tell why it had happened. But when we learn some physics in textbooks, we will find the answer clearly that because light travels faster than sound does, it takes less time for light to travel the same distance than for sound. Therefore, book knowledge can inform us some useful theories that can give us general ideas and help us understand the real phenomenon better.

In turn, practice knowledge check out the theories gained from books. There is an old Chinese saying that practice is the only criterion of inspecting the truth. So not all knowledge from books is credible, even false. When Aristotle wrote in his transcripts that the earth is the center of our planets, no one doubts this for centuries. However, when Galileo read about it, he did not suspect it at first, but when he made some observation and research, he found it is not the truth. Then comes the new theory—Sun center theory.

In our daily life, we can learn much information from practice. To learn swimming, it is useless to be absorbed in reading skills written in books. Only when you learn it in a swimming pool, can you make it. There are still a lot of things you must learn from your own experience, such as driving a car, riding a bicycle, operating a machine. And the most important is that it is often easier learn knowledge from practice than from books. As far as the average people are concerned, it is natural to learn from experience. Primitive people learned skills hand by hand which is the way they were handed down from one generation to another.

Modern people also learn things in practice. In workshops, leading workers teach apprentices carefully; in activity clubs, teachers teach youngsters to be familiar with their hobbies. It is obvious that all of things considered knowledge gained from practice is more close and direct than from the books.

Therefore, two kinds of knowledge has importance. For research people , knowledge from books is more important, while for our average people, knowledge from practice is more important. As students, we must first learn knowledge from books well, and at the same time we must have the good sense to tell from what is right and what is wrong.


We gain our knowledge about the world and our life from two sources: from experience and from books. These two resources are both important, but which of them is more important?

Knowledge from books forms a very important part of our knowledge structure. In schools and colleges, we learn knowledge which is fundamental to our future career. We learn knowledge from books in order to make our contributions to this society in the future. A student learns mathematic equations and other scientific knowledge and become a scientist or engineer. We will be illiterate and ignorant without learning knowledge from books. Moreover, we acquire knowledge about life and the world by reading books, magazines and newspapers. This is also very important as we cannot experience everything all by ourselves. Therefore books are a very important source of knowledge.

On the other hand, we can't learn everything from a book. “Experience is the best teacher” is an old cliché, but I agree with it. The most important, and sometimes the hardest, lessons we learn in life come from our participation in situations. We learn how to get along with others or how to have self-respect from our experience, not from books. We cannot learn emotional feelings, such as love and care, through books; they come from our real life experience. Knowledge from experience is also a very important supplement to knowledge from books.

Needless to say both learning sources, books and experience, are very important to us. But in my opinion knowledge from experience is more important, because without knowledge from experience, it is impossible to get a real understanding of knowledge from books, and how to apply this knowledge to real world situations.



A company has announced that it wishes to build a large factory near your community. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of this new influence on your community. Do you support or oppose the factory? Explain your position.


I have been living in a peace and quiet town for about 10 years. All people around here is so kind, and the landscape is so beautiful that I love this town very much. Recently I heard news that a company will set up a new factory near my community. I was shocked and I hold a negative opinion about this decision.

The main reason why I oppose this plan is that establishing a new factory will cause air pollution. As we know, a factory will give off a lot of waste air which is harmful to people's health. Even though the factory will take measurements to purify the air, it can not make the air as clean as before. It is no doubt that people's health will be affected by the air emitted from the factory.

Another reason is that a factory makes too much noise. My community is always a quiet place and this is just what I like the most. A factory will cause the town to become too noisy. For example, every morning, we can be awake from our dreams by the noise of buses which take workers to the factory. The noise of engines will also influent our temper, and may cause us susceptible to anger, and easily lose temper.

Furthermore, a strong reason to oppose this idea is that building a factory will destroy the landscape of this town. Most people living in this town make their living by cultivating and harvesting crops. The factory is inappropriate with the landscape of the town and it will occupy the land that is used to farming.

Of course, building a factory also has advantages to some extent. For example, it will bring more working opportunity for local people, and also it will help developing the local economics. But comparing with the disadvantages, I strongly oppose the idea to build a factory near my community.


If a large factory is going to be built near your community, is it good or bad? It’s a quite difficult question to answer. Because there are many aspects to take into your consideration, the advantages and the disadvantages. Let’s talk about that.

First, a large factory, especially a large chemical factory is quite harmful to our environment when it is built near our community. It will affect our daily life a lot. All the chemical factories will produce a lot of waste and most of the wastes are harmful to the environment, including poisonous gas and liquid. Some of them can not be entirely broken down. If they are released into the air or the river, it will affect our health. And also the factory may produce a lot of noise. The environment we want to live in is a quiet and peaceful one, so the noise will be quite boring. And yes, noise also affects our health.

Still one thing, a factory can be very dangerous. Because a fire or a explosion may break out in the factory. If it’s very near our home, it’s quite dangerous.

But in other hand , a factory may be a good news to us. It can provide more jobs for us, especially for the young people in our community. Since the factory is near, it’s so convenient to go to work.. and the factory will get more chances to our area. It will help to develop our area. So if the factory can bring us a lot of chances, we will agree to build one. But the most important things are:

1. Build the factory in a safe distance from our community, not too near.

2. Make sure that the factory can deal with the waste properly. Do not release the poisonous gas

into the air, and not release the waste water into the river nearby.

3. Make sure the security guard in the factory works very well.


I support the idea that a factory to be built near our community. I list my reasons as follows. Firstly, a new factory near our community helps to improve living standard of people in our community. The factory will employ a lot of workers. As a consequence, the unemployment rate will drop significantly. Many people in our community will find a job in the factory. As people's income increases, they will be able to spend more money on their food, clothing and leisure time, and the quality of life will be increased.

Secondly, a new factory will bring prosperity to our community. The tax collected from a factory is an important source of revenue for our town. As people have higher income, income tax collected will also be increased. The town will be able to spend more money on infrastructures and other development. Moreover, in order to accommodate more workers, more homes and stores will be needed. This will boost real estate development in our community.

Some people say that a factory would bring smog and pollution, and destroy the quality of the air and water in town. This is not the truth. Modern technologies have made today's factories technology intensive and brought pollutions to the minimum. There are also worries that the social structure of this community will be changed and the traditional life will be affected. We should understand that society needs to evolve and we cannot always stay in the old time.

Of course, there will be some drawbacks of building a new factory here. But in my opinion, the benefits outweigh the dangers. I strongly support to build a factory here, and hope that others feel the same way.


In this argument, the arguer concludes that ______. To support the conclusion, the arguer points out that______. In addition, the arguer reasons that_____.This argument suffers from several critical fallacies.

In this argument, the arguer recommends that_____.To justify this claim, the arguer provides the evidence that ____. In addition, he cites the result of a recent study that _____. A careful examination of this argument would reveal how groundless the conclusion is.

In this analysis, the arguer claims that ____. To substantiate the conclusion, the arguer cites the example that____. In addition, the arguer assumes that ____. This argument is unconvincing for several critical flaws.

In this argument, the arguer advocates that ____. The recommendation is based on the observation that_____. Meanwhile, the arguer assumes that____. The argument is problematic for two reasons.

The conclusion in this argument is that_____. In support of this prediction, the arguer claims that _____.Moreover, the arguer assumes that_____. This argument is fraught with vague, oversimplified and unwarranted assumptions.


第一种:开门见山式 【概括背景 + 引出话题 + 一类人观点 + 另一类人观点对比 + 个人观点】





5、个人观点:在相对立的两个立场中选择一个作为自己的观点(立场A / 立场B)


① (A/D) The main role of the university professor is to educate students rather than to do research.

(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they believe that higher education plays a crucial role in a country’s development. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that university education is closely associated with professors. (一类人观点)Some people, especially parents, believe that professors should focus on educating students. (另一类人观点对比)However, others, professors themselves in particular, argue that they ought to pay more attention to their researches. (个人观点)From my perspective, the major obligation of university professors is to teach.

② (A/D) The advice from grandparents has no use for their grandchildren because the world changed a lot during the past 50 years.

(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to refer to others’ advice and fit in. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that valuable advice is closely associated with experienced people like parents and grandparents. (一类人观点)Some people, especially the old, believe that it’s beneficial to turn to grandparents.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, the young in particular, argue that due to the great development of the world, their grandparents’ suggestions are not useful any more. (个人观点)From my perspective, asking for help from one’s grandparents can be a really wise choice.


A defining character of people is the degree to which + 概括题目. One indisputable fact is that + 题目概括词 + is closely associated with 题目关键词. Some people, especially 具体的人, believe that + 一类人观点. However, others, 具体的人 in particular, argue that + 另一方观点. From my perspective, + 个人观点.

(NOTE:“the degree to which”在此处的功能相当于“that”,且其后所接句子的主语必须和前面的“people”一致)

第二种:娓娓道来式 【概括背景 + 引出话题 + 一类人观点 + 另一类人观点对比 + 争议句】







① (A/D) Movies and televisions have more negative effects than positive effects on young people’s behaviors.

(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to pursue happiness. (引出话题)One indisputable fact is that one’s happiness is closely associated with daily entertainment, which can be easily offered by some technological products like movies and televisions.(一类人观点)Some people, especially the young, believe that movies and TV play a crucial role in helping them release stress.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, the parents in particular, argue that some films and TV programs have caused great negative effects on their children. (争议句)Therefore, when it comes to whether movies and televisions bring more positive or negative effects, people’s notions vary from one to another.

② (A/D) The main purpose for people who have jobs is for money rather than social status.

(概括背景)A defining character of people is the degree to which they are always willing to pursue a better life.(引出话题)One indisputable fact is that a quality live is closely associated with having a job.(一类人观点)Some people, especially the young, believe that their intention of working is to make enough money.(另一类人观点对比)However, others, old people in particular, argue that they work mainly for a high social position.(争议句)Therefore, when it comes to whether the major aim of working is for money or social position, people’s notions vary from one to another.


A defining character of people is the degree to which + 概括题目. One indisputable fact is that + 题目概括词 + is closely associated with 题目关键词. Some people, especially 具体的人, believe that + 一类人观点. However, others, 具体的人 in particular, argue that + 另一方观点. Therefore, when it comes to whether 转述题目, people’s notions vary from one to another.

(NOTE:“the degree to which”在此处的功能相当于“that”,且其后所接句子的主语必须和前面的“people”一致)




Sample one(适用于有一些背景or有一个中心词而且编得出来那个quotation的所有情况(二选一,agree or disagree,除了个别);

On contemporary society(一般的背景)/ With the advent of the technologically advanced society (the information explosive era(与科技有关的背景),_(中心词) serves as a catalyst for our future success/ _ is synonymous with knowledge and the road to success/_ plays an essential/increasingly important role in…/_ is enjoying an increasingly high popularity among people./很简单的一句背景 , However, people (universities, government, citizen, society, government,) are/is invariably faced with such a question/ can’t help wondering:改写题目1.Confucian (Yu Qiuyu, Mark Twain, William Shakespeare), (one of) the greatest and most influential Chinese philosophers (scholars, educators, writers, thinkers, statesmen), has insightfully commented, “___编____”I cling to an unshakeable belief that his comment gives the answer to this question:改写题目2.

Among countless factors which contribute to my position are following conspicuous ones(最后一定排比结尾,且如果字数够了这一句就不要).


Sample two:(如果sample one的名言编不出来或者不适合编如leisure time,就用下面的)

On contemporary society(一般的背景)/ With the advent of the technologically advanced society (the information explosive era(与科技有关的背景))/ On account of …,_(中心词) serves as a catalyst for our future success/ _ is synonymous with knowledge and the road to success/_ plays an essential/increasingly important role in… /_ is enjoying an increasingly high popularity among people./ 很简单的一句背景( 如so…that…/not only…but also). However,when it comes to the choice between AA and BB/When asked about whether改写题目1, people get into a dilemma. According to my personality and experiences/As far as I am concerned/From my perspective, I cling to an unshakeable belief that改写题目2.以下最后决定怎样写:Among countless factors which contribute to my position are following conspicuous ones(最后一定排比结尾)/AA not only…but also(2)/There are various merits AA brings about, first of all, to…; secondly, to…;and lastly…(3).



Basic to any understanding of the benefits we can get from

_______ is that__________/ First and foremost,

On one hand_________, On the other hand_________

Besides/ What’s more/ In addition.



Further lending credence to my position is that____________

(简单阐述/例子字不够就多讲点废话)I can think of no better illustration than the example of(典型例子)/ A case in point is that(不是很典型)________,…..(例子见后面)

一句话总结例子:As a result,强调句/倒装句/表利弊的句型/反面论证如果没有会怎样


Agree or disagree: Admittedly,_____,to some extent, may directly or indirectly ____ /has its undeniable detriments. For instance, _______

However, the valuable merits of_______ considerably overshadow the drawbacks/ on no account________./

二选一:Admittedly, BB also has certain merits which deserve some words here. For example, ____(字数不够就多讲点) However,BB 的缺点或AA也可以做到. Compared with AA, (which 可以总结所有优点或针对BB的一方面, )it pales.


Therefore, due to the above mentioned reasons, which sometimes correlate with each other to form an organic whole and thus become more persuasive than any single one of them(字不够了用), I reinforce my stand point that 改写题目3

Only via(by/through /with/when/after) ___can we__________;

only via(by/through /with/when/after) ___can we________;

and only via(by/through /with/when/after)___can we_______

Or It is A that...;it is A that...;and it is A that...(不好写或显得累赘就不要了)


In the contemporary society full of pressures, rivalry has crept into nearly every area of our life, which has never failed to attract public attention. Given its ubiquitous presence, many people claim that friends will be pulled apart due to the competition. However, as far as I am concerned, the above claim has oversimplified the situation. Acctually, whether competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendship depends on what kinds of friendship they have established.

On the one hand, the competition between friends will have no negative effect on genuine friendship without any ulterior objectives. As is common sense, in the genuine friendship based on goodness, friends will always desire the good for each other. As a result, competition between them will be regarded as a good chance to achieve self-improvement and thus enhance mutual respect, which will be the foundation of forming a stronger friendship. Take my own experience as an example. Last semester, I and my best friend, Steve, competed for the presidents of the student union. In the course of engaging in the contest, both of us gave our best efforts to make well-prepared work, like writing and revising the speech draft, practicing the oral speech repeatedly and so on, which made us achieve great self-improvement. Whatever the result of the contest was, steve and I were more proud of each other for our progress, resulting in a closer relationship.

On the other hand, competitions will undoubtedly tear out the friendship based on utilities. The ground for friendship of this kind is mutual usefulness which means that once one becomes useless or even harmful to another person, the friendship will accordingly break up. As a result, the rivarly between these people will cause major rifts and thus ruin this kind of friendship. A good case in point is the workplace competition. In a company, the relationship between colleges can evolve into a kind of friendship, whose foundation is based on utilities. However, rivalries for a position or bonus are likely to result in workers resenting one another, thus destroying the friendship. The underlying reason is that competitions make them become opponents instead of friends. As a result, every employee in the contest will have win at all costs“ attitude. This can result in a gap between the ”haves“ and ”have nots" that may prove to be unhealthy in internal work relations.

In a nutshell, given the complexity the corelation between friendship and comit is an exaggerated claim that competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships. As a matter of fact, it hinges on the kinds of friendship you have whether rivarly between friends will cause it fall apart



It is better for elders to take risks and explore new things than young people.




Gap year, a break between high school and college, has become a trend among many American and European students theses years. As the popularity of gap year has grown, so to has its appeal. Generally, it can be constructed (working in a company, taking time off to improve coding skills, learning a language, working on personal projects) or unconstructed (travelling, figuring out what to do as it comes). The idea of gap year has been strongly questioned by some nervous parents, however, some supporters contend that it will be a lifelong treasure which enables one to have the full command of his life. From my perspective, taking a year to work or travel before college brings about more advantages than shortcomings.

To begin with, a gap year helps guide students’ future education and life goals. Most of young students do not know exactly what they wanted to do once they left high school or even half way through college. Working or travelling a year will give them some “real world experience” as well as insight into their interests and strengths which will help them shape a path to a successful career. Once students learn a whole lot about themselves, they are likely to take full advantage of college. Take an Australian boy for an example. Enjoying his gap year in Nepal, he helps the locals in Pokhara to build their organic farms. He is so passionate about what he is doing now and he decided to pursue environmental science after he comes back to university. The internships and professional experience gained over the gap year will have much more influence on the development of one’s future than college.

In addition, taking a year off can refresh the tired-out high school graduates. In general, it will take at least ten years before jumping into the long and challenging years of university. There is no doubt that studious students will spare no effort to improve their academic performance with the expectation that they will receive offers from their dream schools. Under the competitive pressure of high school, they will not only prepare for exams such as SAT or ACT but also seek for voluntary opportunities to enrich their Curriculum Vitae. My younger sister used to travel to Cuba to volunteer with brown bears for three months. After that she went to Europe driving her Vespa across more than 20 cities. She said it was so different from school. She won’t have to attend a test at then end of the trimester, which means that there is no peer pressure or any pressure from outside. At the same time she can reorganize her mind which was full of chemical equations, historical events as well as verses from poems.

It is true that students who choose to drop a year are more likely to lose their study skills. During the gap year, there will be less chances for them to participate in actual classes in college. Without attending lectures given by famous professor and communicating face-to-face with classmates, the whole learning process will be incomplete. Many of study skills could not be developed and trained, which leads directly to the deprivation of both academic ability and motivation. However, it won’t be a potential problem nowadays because most of top universities offer MOOC (Massive Open Online Courses). Students can study random topics through free online classes. Although they don’t have any college credit, they learned a lot, met wonderful people, and keep their brains in shape for college.

Ultimately, the benefits of gap year far outweigh the only drawback because it can help exhausted students relax both mentally and physically and provide them with the opportunities to take a step back to focus on their goals, leading to a stronger sense of direc


3月13日托福独立写作真题重现(新东方 赵波)


Under the educational system of many western countries, taking a gap year, a period of time when students can take a break from formal education, has become quite common. When it comes to the pros and cons of spending at least one year working or travelling before attending university, people’ preference may vary from one to another. As for me, it is advisable for high schoolers to have a year off to work or travel, in order to relax themselves and gain new skills.

In the first place, spending a year travelling will provide high school students a good chance to escape the daily grind. As is common sense, the life of high schooler are filled with countless assignments, various quiz and exams, which nearly drive them to be stressed out. Obviously, what they need most is the vent for releasing all the tensions and pressures accuring in the rapid rhythm campus life. Consequently, taking a break from educaion and going away for while can fulfill this function well. During the gap year, students can surf in Hawaii, wake boarding in Italy, go bungee jumping in New Zealand and enjoy the sunbath on the seashore of Miami. Such a short escape from the daily bustle and hustle will be conducive to their mental and physical wellbeing. Not only this, but travelling during a gap year can provide a renewed vigor for stuy and a more focused approach to learning.

In the second place, taking a year off to do some internship can help high school students acquire more new pratical skills and thus adapt to the university life more smoothly. Many gap year students choose to do voluntary work. This could include teaching in the mountains in Nepal, a conservation project in Madagascar, an expedition in Costa Rica or an internship in Japan. All these experiences of taking voluntary jobs during a gap year will provide you with much more than any classroom setting ever can. We can learn a lot in the classroom, but it isn't until we put it into practice in the real world that we really understand what's going on. To be specific, throughout school we are surrounded by the same folks at similar ages. However, while working in a company, we are bound to discover others, make new friends, and interact with people from all walks of life, which will defnitely hone our social skills. It is undoubted that people with strong interpersonal competence can enjoy great popularity among classmates and teachers.

In a nutshell, it is a wise move to spend at least one year travelling or working for the sake of taking a break from daily routine and acquire new skills.

tion once they’re back in the classroom.!



Independent Task

Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.



For parents, how to well plan their children’s development has been a huge problem. While some children are given more time on technological gadgets, others are more inclined to choose some activities, such as going camping or traveling. For me, the former option would be a better one.

Admittedly, playing simpler toys or playing outside might be good choice for children. Simpler toys, namely Lego, are a good way to develop children’s thinking on solving the problem through block by block. By assembling the pieces for different blocks, children could assemble an even big piece, such as the classic London Tower Bridge. Also, playing with friends is helpful. When they are playing with others, they would cooperate with them to playing sports or even solve problems. However, on balance, both of these ways are limited in helping children. Toys and outdoor activities are restrained to their actual forms: parents need lots of money to buy different toys to help children develop, and they pay a great amount of money on helping their children for different activities. For those parents who suffer from financial burden, these are not effective ways for children’s development. Comparatively, technology would be a more effective way for children.

Firstly, Internet via computers and smartphone are essential for their development. In other words, Internet provides students with vast amounts of information. According to a recent survey conducted by Gallup, after polling thousands of students from local high schools, most respondents claim that Internet is the No.1 helper from them to finish homework. When they have problems, they would search reference on Internet. Websites such as Google Scholar would be a wonderful tool for them to find some papers or academic reference for their homework. Meanwhile, Internet is a wonderful place for them to entertain as well. They could watch movies on Youku.com. They could even find interesting stories on sina.com. All funny experiences are available on Internet without causing children too much money.

In addition, video games are also necessary for children’s growth. When children are playing video games, they might learn some strategic thinking. For example, when I am playing FIFA , I have to manage my team members according to their physical strength so that I could beat other teams. For those who run quickly, it would be a good idea for them to play forward; for those who are tall and strong, they would be better playing middle field. Because of this team management strategy, I have achieved many titles in the game. Learning from this, I would allocate my time in finishing homework according to my energy level. When I am energetic, I might choose the most difficult homework; if I am tired, I might choose some easy-to-do tasks, which would not cost me much time.

To conclude, while playing toys or spending time on outdoor activities is a good way for their development, technology would be better way.


2月28日:Nowadays, children rely too much on the technology, like computers, smartphone, video games for fun and entertainment; playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends would be better for the children's development.

Technological advancement has contributed to the invention of a wide range of electronic products and there are an increasing number of children who are reported to rely heavily on the technology. Thus, the controversy is raised among the public whether playing simpler toys or playing outside with friends are better for the children’s development. From my perspective, I insist on that depending on high technology is a rather right decision.

For one thing, children can learn more about the world and develop a better way of resolving problems. For instance, the upcoming Fourth Industrial Revolution heralds a thorough change of the composition of working force in the society and learning the latest news through computers or smartphones will lead children to be aware of what are needed urgently and what have been outdated, in this way, they can decide what kinds of capabilities and qualities they should develop for being accustomed to the fast-changing world. Besides, children nowadays have to accomplish diverse curriculums many difficult assignments like writing a paper related to how independent war was sparkled or what consequences had been aroused after the assassination of Lincoln. Computers can help resolve the problem more effectively by providing students with abundant references and historic documentation. Additionally, there have been more educational programs spreading through the Internet like TED that is designed to disseminate the most outstanding professors’ lectures throughout the world to share the greatest ideas with people in every corner of the world. Obviously, relying on the high-tech devices can be of great benefits for children both to resolve the problems they might meet during their study and learn more things beyond their textbooks.

For another thing, video games have been designed to be more alluring and intellectually demanding. To be more specific, there have occurred many more video games that are invented to exploit children’s imagination and also release their pressure. Take Minecraft, a popular game sweeping many primary and high school students, as an example. In the game, players can use diverse construction materials and tools to construct what they like such as a castle or a skyscraper even a city. Besides, by decorating the entities they created in many different styles, massive intellectual activities are needed like how to design the roof the house and where should put the pets in the city and etc. During the process, students can be fully occupied in the game, serving as an antidote to boredom that will be detrimental to students’ mental health if it can be erased promptly. Consequently, playing video games is a better choice for students to make to release their pressure and ensure their health.

Granted, I have to admit that playing outside with friends is also a better way of releasing pressure like playing sports that can help exercise children’s bodies to improve their physical quality. However, children might be injured while joining sports since they are lack of adequate physical exercises usually. However, playing video games will not trigger any possible injuries.

In a word, relying on technology is a better choice than playing simple toys or playing outside with friends for children’s development. Learning more out of the classroom, resolving academic problems as well as releasing workloads effectively can all reveal the superiority of relying on technology.


Conventional wisdom generally believes that it is easier for young people to be exposed to innovative ideas and new concepts so that they can catch up with the current news and most up to date information. Elders, on the other hand, are supposed to relax and enjoy their retirement to the fullest extent. However, I have a totally different perspective on this issue and tend to believe that older people need to explore new things more than young people.

Admittedly, young people are generally more healthy and energetic than the elders, hence it is more likely for them to come up with new ideas and perspectives than elders. Indeed, as we can tell that professionals in different fields like scientists, business men, lawyers tend to have be more competitive and sharp when they are at a young age, actually, research shows that the average age of billionaires is well below 40. Nonetheless, it is more important for elders to stay touch with the latest trend and continue their lifelong learning.

First and foremost, continued learning makes it possible for elders to stay in touch with the currents and build a deeper connection with younger family members. The only thing that doesn't change in today's world is change itself, new electronic gadgets, innovative treatment to cure incurable diseases, creative business ideas and approaches that are unthinkable in the past, you name it. It can be disastrous if elders stop being an active learner and retreat to the primitive mindset. For instance, young people are fond of new electronic devices like ipad, iphone and stuff, and they use these gadgets to stay in touch with their peers and families. If a grandpa has not even heard of twitter or instagram, it will be impossible for the two generations to stay connected.

Additionally, a host of research done by a world famous psychiatrist show that elders who give up learning and have no access to new ideas tend to suffer from dementia and Alzheimer. On the other hand, other search shows that elders who keep learning will stay in touch with the world and are more healthier both physically and mentally. Based on my personal experience, I find elders around who are willing to learn and embrace new things are less dependent on their families and tend to be better connected with their children and grandchildren. Plus, they are more creative and productive when they access their frontal lobe and avoid their primitive mindset. Staying active and keeping exploring new things make it possible for seniors to seek for the true meaning and value of life, which in turn will inspire and motivate younger generation to take risks and accept challenges in life.

In a nutshell, we can safely draw the conclusion that it is better for elders to take risks and explore in new endeavors than the younger generations since it helps elders reconnect with their families and makes them more independent, productive and inspirational.

托福写作范文:现在父母 养孩子更容易了吗

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It is easier for parents to raise their children than 50 years ago.




Taking a panoramic picture of human evolution, family education has been playing a very important role, especially in modern days. When it comes to the question of whether or not raising kids is easier than before. I, personally, think that parenting has becoming more and more difficult based on the following reasons.

First off, with the advent of technological gadgets kids are now more susceptible to negative information on-line, making it tough for parents to monitor and guide their kids’ behavior and mindset. As we all know, with the appearance of smart phones, tablets and computer laptops, it is easier for people of all age groups, including adolescents and teenagers, to get access to all kinds of information. To be more specific, celebrities especially entertainers, like movies stars, sports giants and pop singers are such bad exemplars for kids since they are constantly involved in sex scandals, abusive use of drugs, random hookups, getting rehabilitation. Kids, who are in their formative years, are not immune to these negative influence. Therefore, it is becoming absolutely tough for parents to guide them and any negligence might lead to be catastrophic for the kid’s future development.

Additionally, parents are so overwhelmed with their career and they tend to be negligent about their kids. Kids, on the other hand, without guidance from their parents tend to have both psychological and physical problems. A recent study done by National Society of Developmental Psychology indicates that there is a positive correlation between the parents’ working time and the likelihood for kids to experience psychological and physical problems in their adolescence. Indeed, fathers and mothers are more stressful and inclined to work more hours than those who did a few decades ago, leaving them little time to hang out and caress their kids. To make matters worse, kids who might experience unparalleled peer pressure, bullying and other kinds of school cliché are not able to get appropriate and timely instruction and encouragement from their parents, increasing the risk of a series of developmental problems. For instance, they might get addicted to computer games, involve in early sex, and even have marijuana and drinking problems.

In conclusion, due to the susceptibility of kids when exposed to negative information on-line or else and the parents’ lack of time spent with their kids, it is getting more difficult to raise kids now and kids are inclined to have both psychological and physical problems in their formative years.


Agree or disagree:it is often not a good city to move to a new city or a new country because you will lose touch with old friends.


It is not a good thing to move to a new cityor country because we will lose old friends.



托福写作模板及参考答案: 搬去新地方会失去老朋友吗



As the technology of public transportation keeps advancing, more citizens can choose to dwell in the cities that are beneficial to their own development. Inevitably, there occurs a controversy whether moving to a new city or country will lead to the rupture of relationship among friends. From my perspective, I think the statement is not sensible.

Firstly, moving to a new country or city will not result in the loss of old friends. To be more specific, the maintenance of friendship doesn’t lie in how far they live with each other and the development of technology has diversified the ways of interacting with friends. The invention of cellphones break the shackles caused by distance and overseas students can choose to communicate with their family members and friends through a variety of Apps like WeChat that makes video calls possible. Except for that, by looking at the pictures popping up all over the social media like Facebook, people can easily capture what is happening to their friends. For instance, my friend Selina took selfie in the Sydney Opera House a week ago and I would learn that she was having fun in the Australia with her picture posted on the Instagram. Therefore, a wide range of advanced electronic gadgets can be used to sustain friendship.

Moreover, instead of losing old friends, city migrants can even enlarge their social circles and achieve more success. Restricted in a city for a long period, people may be trapped in a situation that would block their development and they can gain refreshing experience while immigrating to a new city. My friend of Mine named Michael served as a Market Analyst in a renewed company in Beijing. However, he couldn’t see any progress in recent years and then an opportunity comes out. Because of his five-year working experience, a foreign trade cooperation tried to recruit him as the Market Analyst because the firm was planning to start a new program. Then he grasped the chance and earn a challenging life that he likes even though he was required to work in Shanghai. Our relationship have not experienced any interruption and his strong ability of being adapted to the new environment helps him to make lots of new friends. Accordingly, moving to a new city can, occasionally, help to break the deadlock in our professions.

Admittedly, it can be sensible that friends can be estranged owing to the long distance with each other. Specifically speaking, the chances to meet with each other will be limited a lot. However, as I just put, for one thing, people can talk with each other through various social network software. For another thing, the distance between cities is not a problem anymore since there have been many public transportation tools like the high-speed trains and airplanes that will lead us to anyplace we try to go in a very short period.

In a word, moving to a new city or a new country is good choice under some circumstance. Besides, the highly developed technology can help to strengthen the relations with our friends and the possibilities of living a different life and achieving success can both explain why I stand by the statement that it is a good thing to move to a new city.


In this day and age, globalization allows people from every corner of the world to travel around and even settle down easily at almost any place they favor. Is it a good thing for people to move to a new town or new country? Opinions vary about this issue. Some people oppose it by arguing that moving away means the loss of old friends. From my view, it is not true. Instead, moving to a new place might lead one to a new world.

To begin with, moving to a new place does not necessarily weaken the bond between friends. This is mostly because modern means of communication allows people to keep close contact with friends even hundreds of miles away. Therefore, it is not uncommon that friends who have not seen each other for years might know about one another’s life quite well and still have much in common. For example, a person moving from Shanghai to New York can easily get in touch with his friends at home through the simultaneous communication tools such as MSN, Weichat and so on. It is incredible that these tools can make it possible to transmit not only voice and image but also real time video! Chatting with friends like this is of no difference from talking face to face. Besides, the popular online social network such as Facebook provides a platform for people to share important moments with friends by posting pictures and videos online anywhere and anytime. It is not exaggerated to say that technology has transcended space and time; distance, a traditional friendship killer, would beat a retreat in front of modern technology.

Secondly, even if old friends are not as close as before, it is not justified to say that moving to a new place is not advisable. People move to different places for a variety of reasons ranging from career development to a new start of life. In this case, old friendship should not become a hindrance to one’s development. On the other hand, old friends might be strong supporters of those who have decided to move. A new job opportunity in a larger market might exploit the greatest potentials of a sales person, whose talents would otherwise be stifled in a small retail store at home. A lady troubled by marriage issues might start a new family and open a new page of life in another country, where no one knows about her past. Thus, the possibility of losing old friends is not strongenough to judge whether moving to a new place is good or not.

In conclusion, even though moving to a new town or country might risk the loss of friends, moderntechnology has managed to minimize such risk. Besides, choosing where to live depends on a combination of factors, which is too complicated to be justified by the state of old friendship.



With the progress of urbanization, an increasing number of people are leaving their hometown and moving to a new place, which has aroused deeply social concern. When asked about whether it is advisable to move to a new city or country, many people, if not the most, are strong believers of the claim that moving to a new place leads to the loss of old friends. However, in my eyes, the above claim doesn’t bear more analysis.

First of all, moving to a new place does not necessarily mean loss of old friends, in that the distance between people is no longer an obstacle for maintaining a friendship with the help of advanced communication devices and means of transportation. For one thing, such communication devices as telephones and the internet have made it possible to keep in touch with friends living far away from us. With the camera and microphone, our facial expressions and voice can be immediately transmitted to others, which is just like a face-to-face communication. For another, by using the well-developed transportation system , we are able to reach nearly anywhere in the world within a day. Take my own experience as an example. Last summer, Jack, one of my best friend, went to America for his master’s degree while I stayed in China for my study. However, this distance has never alienated our relationship, in that we often chatted online with Skype and even I took the international flight to visit him several times. While staying in America, we traveled together and had lots of fun, which would definitely enhance our friendship.

Furthermore, moving to a new city or country will provide us with a good opportunity to meet new friends and gain more opportunities to achieve success. On one hand, it is self-evident that a new environment enables us to make acquaintance with more people from different background, thereby enlarging our social circle. This is especially true of moving to a foreign country. While staying in a foreign country, we can not only experience the exotic culture and conventions but also establish friendship with native people there. On the other hand, moving to a new city matters a lot to job seekers, especially those coming from rural areas. My brother, a bachelor of art, is a good case in point. While staying in hometown, he had no choice but to work in a local factory with low salary and little possibility to get a promotion. However, when he moved to Beijing, the situation became totally different. He used what he learned in college to land a good job in a large advertisement company and excelled at his jobs. Now he has become the manager of designing department. Therefore, I believe that it is the moving that has changed his path of life .

To sum up, we can conclude that it is a good choice to move to a new place because we can make more new friends and obtain more opportunities instead of losing old friends. Therefore, a new environment is full of challenges and fun.



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends in your same age.





观点: 同意


1. 家长会给我们提一些建议,他们教我们如何选择朋友,发现我们潜在的能力;

2. 老师会给我们提一些建议,帮助我们解决学习上的问题,指导我们进行职业规划;

3. 导师会给我们提一些建议,帮助我们培养工作技能,管理人际关系。


4月9日托福独立写作参考范文二(新东方 赵波):

Since any individual, whether young or old, will encounter various problems and troubles throughout the whole life, it is certainly necessary to consult others for suggestions and solutions. Nowadays many young people hold that advice from their peers is usually more valuable than that from people of older age, because people at the same age are more likely to understand their situation. However, as far as I am concerned, it is a wise move to listen to the older people’s suggestions, because rich experience and profound knowledge accumulated by older people will offer us a proper guidance in many ways, especially in the aspects of receiving education and hunting for a job.

First of all, consider the educational issue. Obviously, students are constantly faced with various upcoming problems and puzzles in the course of furthering their study. As for high school students, the would-be undergraduates, how to successful apply for an ideal university and choose a promosing major usually matters a lot. In order to unravel the above puzzels, they had better consult those people of older age who will give advices such as passing TOEFL with top score and participating various extracurricular activities. In fact, the above experience is exclusive to those who have undergone the whole process of applying for university. Also, as newcomers entering college or universities, the freshmen are usually confronted with various troubles while embarking on the brandnew campus life. To be specific, some students from disadvantaged families may be concerned about how to gain scholarship from school. The sophermores and junior students are likely to provide practical instructions instead of their classmates.

Furthermore, the same logic can apply to job-hunting. After leaving schools, graduates will enter the highly competitive job market. Due to the lack of knowledge of the real working environment, they are in great need of instructions and suggestions from senior employees. To be specific, senior employees can hold a interview training, in which students will be informed of how to dress up, how to write a resume and how to respond to the questions from interviewers. Also, the skills of communicating efficiently with the employers and the ability to get along well with co-workers will be imparted to potential employees. On the contrary, people at the same age with us are also still feel confused about how to seek an ideal job, thus reducing the value of the suggestion given by them.

Admittedly, the generation gap between us and people of older age may poses an obstruction to communication between them. However, the above claim is far from the truth. With the improvement of educational background on the part of the elder, they are able to guide yongsters in a more acceptable way and thus the gap between the younger and the older can be well bridged.

In conclusion, the advice from the elder is of greater value than that from the peers, especially when we meet problems in education and career.

Getting advice from friends who are older than you is more valuable than getting advice from friends your same age. Do you agree or disagree ?



题目大意:从年长的人获得建议要比从同龄人获得建议更有价值。此题目重复11月8日B卷原题,解题思路和老年人的建议有没有价值是一样的。波波建议选择同意,对advice 进行拆分,拆分成工作和教育两个角度,分别证明年长人的意见的价值。




【首段】 背景介绍 + 争议焦点 + 作家立场

A close friend is what every individual longs after. After all, a day without friendship is like a day without sunshine. A true friend should be one from who we can resort to for help or get valuable suggestions when we are in time of adversity. People differ greatly in their views as to whether or not guidance and advice from older friends is superior to the counterparts from peers. As I see it, advice from elderly friends deserves more praises, although suggestions from our peers are never without their merits.


For a start,rich life experience could be seen as a sort of precious wealth, including those bitter or frustrating experiences. Every individual grows up via experiencing failure or dilemma, one might,at times,feel puzzled,thereby,he or she needs advice and guidance from friends.

Under such circumstances, older friends could be our best teachers because they have accumulated a pool of life wisdom, thus, their advice could be precious life guidance. A survey is persuasive enough to justify my stand, the survey conducted by Vista, after consulting many people have found that most respondents claimed that compared with communicating with peers, they prefer to get advice from elderly friends, for their suggestions could help to diminish the likelihood of failure and avoid detours


This debate reminds me of my Uncle Paul, who is a successful business leader. My uncle had studied in New Zealand for more than five years, so, he strongly recommended me to study abroad when facing with the option of studying at home or furthering my study in a foreign country. His suggestion was that a young man could become mature, tenacious and confident by personal struggle in an unfamiliar environment.

After listening to my uncle’s advice, I studied even harder during the process of self-improvement, I happily found that I can be more attentive and have more self-discipline. More importantly, I had a clear goal to fight for. It was the suggestion form my uncle that helps me to hardened my heart to study overseas. I had deliberately chosen to lead the life I desire, for the life wisdom learning from my uncle could be considered as a shortcut to success.


Indeed, I have to concede that suggestions from peers might still their merits to some extent. An argument hold by some people is that people of the similar age have a lot in common such as growth environment or educational background, in this sense, their communication could be more convincing.

Furthermore, some people might argue that the experiences of past bear little relevance to today’s life. What I want to rebut,however,is that youngster’s understanding about life is far from mature compared with those from older friends, after all, older friends are more far-sighted and wise.


In closing, I re-affirm my conviction that guidance and suggestions from mature friends expert a far more profound and beneficial effect on one’s action.


Whenever people have some difficult problems that seem to be insurmountable, tend to seek advice or suggestions from others around them. In my opinion, advice is better obtained from people who are older than you, such as parents, teachers and supervisors.

To start with, many people have the experience that a loving parent gives them much needed advice. For example, when children still young and immature, parents can help them choose suitable friends because they are better able to judge people's personalities. Also as the first teachers who observe you on a daily basis, parents can easily discover children's potential talents and give them appropriate advice for improvement.

Similarly, an effective teacher is a good source of advice for his or her students. With the increasing workload for students in modern education, it is natural that most of them have a number of academic problems, and no one is better than a qualified and dedicated teacher to help them solve them. More importantly, when students are confused about choosing jobs upon graduation, teachers can give proper guidance for their future career development.

Finally, for ordinary workers, a good supervisor can be relied on for advice. In most situations, a supervisor is older or much older than their subordinates and , therefore, has gathered more experience both in work and life. As a matter of fact, their suggestions can often help you develop your work skills. And as a senior leader, they can teach you how to manage interpersonal relationships.

In conclusion , older people' s advice , whether they you are your parents , teachers or supervisors , is more valuable because they are more knowledgeable , experienced and mature.






















