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I didn't mean to be a pain in the ass. I'm your big sister and I'm just looking out for you.

这句话一共有23个单词,想必你都认识,但是I didn't mean to是什么意思?a pain in the ass呢? big sister和look out for you又是什么意思呢?这些意思你都知道吗?如果是的话,那么恭喜!但你对它们能够做到信手拈来地使用吗?I didn't mean to...是句式,a pain in the ass和look out for you是短语,big sister是搭配。短语称为phrase,字典上一般可以查到,因为短语的含义往往不同于构成短语的单词的含义之和。搭配称为collocation,字典上查不到,因为搭配的含义往往等于构成搭配的单词的含义之和。所以口语拼的不是单词量,而是词汇量,是单词、搭配、短语、句式的综合。认识一个单词还不够,还要认识这个单词的相关的搭配、短语、句式,而且要对它们做到信手拈来。因此不要单纯地追求单词量上的胜利,因为只知单词,不知搭配、短语、句式,还是没用。如果,你目前的单词量有4000,请问你的搭配、短语、句式量有多少呢?




I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself. Would you just let me make my own decisions.

你能读懂并且听懂其中每个词汇的意思,说明你对这些词汇的掌握达到了被动词汇的水准,但如果这个句子换你来说呢?你可能不知道girl这里要搭配big还是old,可能会把短语take care of中的of丢掉,你可能说不出来would you just这样的句式,或着想不起来在my后边加上own,这说明你对这些词汇的掌握尚未达到主动词汇的水准。所以说,口语拼的不是你认识的词汇量,而是你能信手拈来地使用的词汇量。认识一个单词(big, would, just, own)并不代表可以信手拈来地使用它,而且往往越是看似简单的词,越难。因为他们变化多端。所以不要单纯地追求词汇量上的胜利,因为如果都是被动词汇,没用。如果,你目前的词汇量有4000,请问其中的主动词汇量有多少呢?



1 He has a big heart

2 She's big on music

3 Her movies are big in America

4 It's big of him to forgive you

5 He decided to sue big tobacco




学生说:“Yeah, I'm a pretty friendly guy. I get along with people well and I like making friends”。

老师点评:friendly这个词,不够高大上,如果换成I'm an amicable guy立马提升了几个档次。








一, 真对不同的题目,可以利用“通用的句式”来套用,何为通用呢,比如题目是State a good friend who had good enfluences on you,或 one of your favorite friends ...... etc.同一类的问题可以有一个共用的原因就是,很喜欢她的character,还有从achievement,thought 等的方面去讲,这些都是她为什么是你好朋友的共同原因。还有像relax way or good method to keep in good shape...,同样这些也是可以套用的 I pretty like... 或 I have to tell you that it is my best way...所以回答一些比较“难”的话题上,可以用此种方法去套。

二, 举例子,是对内容陈述的最好方式,来源于生活中的经历是最容易讲出来的,建议大家平时要养成写日记的习惯,或是随时记录一天中发生“重要”的事情的习惯,这些都是好的口语和写作的最好的素材,善于去积累。从这些实例中去扩展比空无的编故事要好得多。

三, 反答和建议,这是对回答问题技巧上的一个补充。

反答,Ex,some students prefer to live on campus but others like to board out, which opinion do you support?或者题目是do you agree with that students should live outside in stead of being in the dorm?

Answer: some students like to live out of campus but I prefer to live on campus...

建议,Ex,the video game should be refrained for their children?

Answer: I disagree... ... ... children should be given one hour free or once a week for playing the video game

四, 练习:在读完题目后的15秒钟内要在纸上列出两到三个“点”,这里所说的“点”也就是每个原因要陈述的中心词汇,然后在之后的45秒钟进行扩展。练习的内容是对支持的观点要快速反应,写在纸上。

Ex: 1. what are the features you care about when you go to a restaurant or café ?


2.sanitation --- diarrhea---disinfect


4.food ---delicious ---bland ---not greasy


五, 从逻辑上去考虑,最好的搭配是分层次,也就是分出at first ,the next, in the end...之间的关系。这样一来条理就更明鲜了。注意之间的关系一定围绕观点去阐述不要改变方向,前后的原因一定要符合逻辑和明晰,简单明了是关键。

Ex,how do you solve the question if you might get , to ask the teacher or deal with it by yourself?

Answer: do it by self ,sometimes teacher won’t be here when i need them to question.(观点明确)

1.usually i can check the note which recorded in the class and look up from books

2. another way to use the internet, lots information can be given which can extend my thought

--this can give the train of ability to my study with independence(层次分明,简而易懂)

六, 发音的准确往往是我们最容易忽略的,有些认为说得快就行,但是整体听下录音发音,整体内容显得模糊了。建议先做一下发音的纠正,美音和英音的区别很大,发音纠正了,对听力也是有很大的帮助。有的同学抱怨听力听不懂太快,其中一个原因是因为发音不准,导致头脑中出来的语音与标准的美音有很大差距,建议大家可以做“跟说”训练,就是指听一些音频视频的同时大声地完全模仿,哪怕是连动作也要copy,神行兼备。每天甚少半个小时的模仿。发音应该力求:清晰准确,元音饱满,辅音清浊,鼻音浓重。速度均匀,这样能控制后面说的内容。





Chinglish:This cake is so delicious, please eat a little.

Revision: The cake is so delicious. Please try some.


Chinglish: It won't do. Please see it again.

Revision: It won't do. Please try again.


Chinglish: I did one or two times, but I failed.

Revision: I tried a couple of times, but I failed.


Chinglish: Please put down your heart. I'll give all my strength out.

Revsion: Don't worry, I'll try my best.


This skirt looks so beautiful. Would you please try it?


So, Please try this word more often.


第二词 Enjoy

这一动词我印象比较深刻,它的用法比较简单,凡是带有“享受到”的意思就可以用。反义词是suffer (from)。



In Africa, Botswana is one of the few countries which enjoys a good reputation for corruption control and the DCEC has attracted favourable attention from analysts, donors and Botswana's regional neighbours.


再如:UN conference to study why women in war-torn States suffer justice deficit.

第三词 Available




Chinglish: Sorry, we have no seats now.

Revision: Sorry, no seats available.GRE,TOEFL,SAT,IELTS,GMAT,visa,USA,留学,签证,申请,美国,英国,加拿大,欧洲


Chinglish: This website can't be visited temporarily.

Revision: Website Temporarily Unavailable.


第四词 Surprise




My boyfriend has come to see me. It's really a big surprise!


To this veteran teacher, it's one surprise after another.



第五词 Skills



Chinglish:How to improve our English level? (他们一般不这么说,但是应该可以看懂)

Revision :How to improve our English skills?



在备考托福口语考试的时候,考生一定要注意积累一些在口语考试中经常出现的高频词汇的同义词。当遇到一些比较简单的句子的时候,考生就可以使用同义词替换的方式将原句改写。比如如果在口语考试的原文中出现了important,考生就可以用它的同义词essential, crucial, vital, significant等等将原句进行改写。


在托福口语考试中,如果考生发现自己需要改写的句子中的词汇比较复杂,找不到可以改写的同义词,考生就可以通过改变单词词性的方式将它们进行改写。比如comparison动词 compare的名词形式,所以如果原句中出现了When we look at a comparison between A and B…的结构,考生就可以将它们改写为When we compare A and B…

3. 使用不同的承接词

承接词在托福口语考试中经常出现,如果说托福口语是一颗大树,那么承接词就是其中的枝干。承接词不仅是段落和段落的连接的途径,也是句子和句子之间进行连接的桥梁,而且表示某种关系的承接词往往不止一种,比如考生经常使用的表示因为的承接词because of就可以用due to, owing to, because, as, since, for等等替换,而经常用来表示转折的词but就可以用however, nevertheless, nonetheless, whereas等词汇进行改写。销量那么高,几百上千斤的,那茶是一样的吗?

4. 形容词的逆向表达

形容词的逆向表达也是在托福口语考试中进行改写的一种技巧。因为A比B的优点往往就是B和A相比的缺点;A和B相比是最便宜的,其实也就是A和B相比,是最不贵的。所以基于这种逻辑关系,考生就可以用形容词的逆向表达进行改写。比如not as easy as…可以改为more difficult than…;而The cheapest 就可以用 the least expensive来代替。


1. 改变词序

这是在托福口语考试中常用的改写的方式,在实际答题的时候,考生可以直接把句子中的状语和从句换一下位置将原句进行改写。比如For many years, people have believed ….就可以改写为People believed… for many years.

2. 主动语态和被动语态的互相替换

被动语态和主动语态从逻辑上来说是相对的,比如A把B打了,其实也就是B被A打了。通过这种巧妙的逻辑上的替换,也可以实现改写。比如: Trained scientists performed this research.就可以改写为This research was performed by trained scientists.


托福考试口语范文练习题及答案 .

Which one of the following to invitation will you go to, a family dinner party or a friends party?

If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friends’ party on the weekend?


Personally, I would say I will definitely go to a family dinner. First off, having dinner with families can help me to connect more with my families. Parents are the very first teachers in our psychological development, and they, together with other family members shape our early behaviors, values and even habits. So, I should keep families company. Additionally, as an adult, I am so overwhelmed with my schoolwork, like, assignments, presentations, and group projects. Seldom do I have time to interact with my families, thus I will never let go any chance to get more connected with families since they are such a big part of our lives.


Sample answer

I would prefer to go back home to spend time with my family in a dinner party.

I was working in a strange city far away from home and rarely get a chance to be with my brothers and sisters. I sometimes felt a little bit homesick. Hence that I want to go back to meet up with my family.

While meeting up with friends is not quite an exciting thing to do. Coz we gather together occasionally. Especially when we now have our own work field and group, we pretty much have little common interests.

So I would choose to go back home.


Task 2参考答案:

Well, I would choose to dinner together with my family, if the two things meet at the same time.

For me, family gathering is always the most important occasion on earth. I have been busy working all the time in weekdays, so during the weekend, a nice dinner with family is what I desire the most, when we exchange information and greetings, share good food and enjoy the quality family time.

Although friends are of great importance to me as well, I can explain the situation to them, plus, we have plenty of other chances to party together; I think they will definitely show their support and understanding.


Your friend is going to do a part time job. Describe the advantages and disadvantages of doing a part time job.

1.Do you agree or disagree that one of your friends is planning to work part-time while studying on campus?


Well, there are numerous benefits to hold a part time job. Students can get valuable working experience and real world exposure, thus they can write this on their resume, and employers value this experience, consequently, it gives students a better shot to find a job in the future. However, there are some drags, it will cost students too much time and they will be too stressed out. You know, students have already been overwhelmed with a lot of assignment, like presentations, group project and sometimes they have to stay up late to cram for exams, and getting a part time job only makes them stressed out.


Sample answer

I personally would agree with his or her action. There are several reasons.

To start with, working part-time will not only get you bills but also precious experience if you choose a right job to do. For example, I have a part-time job in my college working in a wood factory and I happened to major in business. During the work, I actually make sense of the currency flow by the theories I learnt back on campus while at the same time I could earn the money that is fairly enough for my food cost and supplement for working out.

So as a result, I would definitely support with him or her to work part-time.


Task 1参考答案:

Well I think doing part-time jobs has the following advantages: first, it helps us to enlarge social circle, accumulate social experience and strike a balance between study and work, thus enhance our time management and multi-tasking skills;

second, it helps us to become financially independent and be able to share financial burden of our parents. As for its disadvantages, I think safety concerns, and time or energy investment should be taken into consideration.

T2: If the following two things overlap with each other, which would you prefer: dinner together with your family or attend your friends’ party on the weekend?


Task 1

Your friend has just moved to a new city and is nervous about making new friends. What advice would you give your friend?

Task 2

You have been very busy and unable to prepare for the exam tomorrow. You can either stay up late to study and sleep less or just study less and get full night’s sleep. Which will you choose?

Task 3


标题:Dormitory Study Rooms


原因1:Lounges for entertaining aren’t suitable for studying because it is very noisy there for the students who want to read.

原因2:Equipping the study room with computers and printers would be better and convenient to student.



原因一: 如果在个人宿舍,室友会看电视聊天会很吵。如果有专门的study room就可以看书什么的。

原因二:不是所有学生都有电脑和打印机。如果他们需要用的话就要去student center,但有时他们会很晚student center都关门了。所以如果宿舍楼有电脑和打印机的话会特别方便。

Task 4


标题: Rational Ignorance

定义:When people decide to buy something less important, they are not willing to take time and energy to consider carefully because they think it is not worthy.


例子:The professor uses his own example to illustrate this. When he bought his car, he used to spend a lot of time doing research. But when he bought batteries, even there are five brands and they are different in some ways, he didn’t read the descriptions or ask sales questions. He just picked up the first one he saw and paid.

Task 5

问题:The woman’s friend is going to give a speech on graduation ceremony and is nervous about it. So she wants the woman to attend the ceremony so she will feel more confident. But woman will finish her exams one week earlier that that and she already bought flight ticket.

解决方案1:She can reschedule the flight.

优点1:She can attend her friend’s graduation ceremony.

缺点1:She needs to pay extra 75 dollars and many other expenses.

解决方案2:She can help her friend prepare the speech before she goes.

优点2:She can go home as planned. Preparing in advance will help her friend avoid to be nervous on the ceremony.

缺点2:Her friend will be disappointed because her friend really wants her to attend the graduation ceremony.

Task 6

话题:Plants avoid sunlight

要点1:other objects

例子1:When vines seek for trees or building, they grow in dark shadow until they surpass the top of the tree or building.


例子2:Bean plants will turn their leaves side up, exposing the thin edge to the intense sunlight to avoid losing too much water in the middle of the day.





在备考托福口语考试的时候,考生一定要注意积累一些在口语考试中经常出现的高频词汇的同义词。当遇到一些比较简单的句子的时候,考生就可以使用同义词替换的方式将原句改写。比如如果在口语考试的原文中出现了important,考生就可以用它的同义词essential, crucial, vital, significant等等将原句进行改写。


在托福口语考试中,如果考生发现自己需要改写的句子中的词汇比较复杂,找不到可以改写的同义词,考生就可以通过改变单词词性的方式将它们进行改写。比如comparison动词 compare的名词形式,所以如果原句中出现了When we look at a comparison between A and B…的结构,考生就可以将它们改写为When we compare A and B…

3. 使用不同的承接词

承接词在托福口语考试中经常出现,如果说托福口语是一颗大树,那么承接词就是其中的枝干。承接词不仅是段落和段落的连接的途径,也是句子和句子之间进行连接的桥梁,而且表示某种关系的承接词往往不止一种,比如考生经常使用的表示因为的承接词because of就可以用due to, owing to, because, as, since, for等等替换,而经常用来表示转折的词but就可以用however, nevertheless, nonetheless, whereas等词汇进行改写。销量那么高,几百上千斤的,那茶是一样的吗?

4. 形容词的逆向表达

形容词的逆向表达也是在托福口语考试中进行改写的一种技巧。因为A比B的优点往往就是B和A相比的缺点;A和B相比是最便宜的,其实也就是A和B相比,是最不贵的。所以基于这种逻辑关系,考生就可以用形容词的逆向表达进行改写。比如not as easy as…可以改为more difficult than…;而The cheapest 就可以用 the least expensive来代替。


1. 改变词序

这是在托福口语考试中常用的改写的方式,在实际答题的时候,考生可以直接把句子中的状语和从句换一下位置将原句进行改写。比如For many years, people have believed ….就可以改写为People believed… for many years.

2. 主动语态和被动语态的互相替换

被动语态和主动语态从逻辑上来说是相对的,比如A把B打了,其实也就是B被A打了。通过这种巧妙的逻辑上的替换,也可以实现改写。比如: Trained scientists performed this research.就可以改写为This research was performed by trained scientists.



关键词: TV/computer/internet/cell phone


托福真题经常出现电脑、因特网、手机等相关的话题,如你认为高中生应不应该使用手机,电脑是不是给人类生活带来了便利,你认为是报纸、电视还是老师最能影响你, 你认为是书籍还是因特网可以更好的帮助做研究。当然也会出现描述你认为1来人类最伟大的发明,笔者认为电脑和因特网比电灯、指南针等等更好回答;而托福是一个语言考试,就一二题而言不会根据观点opinion判分;基于以上考虑,考生选择可以使自己尽情展示language competency的topic和opinion才是王道。以上题目的英文如下:

Which of the following acts have more influence on you, newspaper, TV, or teachers? Explain the reason with specific details.

Some believe that computer have improved our lives while others think computers have caused a variety of problems. Which do you prefer? Please give your opinion and include specific examples and details.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Please give specific reasons for your opinion. Parents should restrict the TV programs that are watched by their kids instead of letting the kids watch TV programs freely.

Describe one of the most important inventions in recent 100 years. Explain why it is so important. Your explanation should include specific examples and details.

Which one do you think is better to help do research, internet or academic books? Explain why.

Some students prefer the internet-based teaching. Others prefer to study in traditional classrooms. Which method of studying do you prefer and why?



美国比较流行的情景剧:Friends, Big Bang Theory, Friends, and Boston Legal,Breaking Bad, How I Met Your Mother 等等。


TV series like X.X.X, X.X.X, and X.X.X (列举以上的细节如Friends等) can be great fun to watch. I can not only learn the most natural way to speak English, but also I have a chance to know American cultures.


TV documentaries can be very informative, and they target different kinds of audience. They cover lots of topics like sports, animal word, history, and even religions. Just by laying on the couch, you can really learn a lot about all kinds of stuff.


导入下面语料的引子lead in:

With wifi access and a tablet /cell phone /computer/laptop, you can do lots of stuff.

网上购物on-line shopping:

It is a very convenient and fun way to buy stuff on-line, with just a click of the button, the next moment you know, your order is delivered right at your door. It is also easy to compare the price offered by different on-line stores, the only thing you need to remember is that always to shop in a reputable on-line store.

以最便捷的方式获取新闻quick access to breaking news:

It is definitely a great way to have access to breaking news, you can acquire information on what is happening around the globe.


It is a convenient and efficient way to enjoy our personal lives. By signing up on a social network like facebook, MSN, and wechat, which is so popular in China, you can get to know more people. By sending text message to your friends and family members whenever you want to, I think internet has brought people closer than ever, it makes communication so instant.



本文给考生带来的是地点语料库。常见题目如你最想去的地方,你所在城市的景点,想跟朋友一起去的地方;当然也会有这样的题目:你是喜欢在大城市读大学还是喜欢在小镇上读大学。乍一看这个题跟地点没有关系,如果我稍加变通就可以用很多跟大城市相关的语料,如果选择在大城市上学的话,生活更方便如可以去fancy restaurant, bars, shopping malls, coffee shops, bookstores等等而在这些地方我们都可以接触很多人,继而可以用如下的语料:meet new people, make new friends, broaden your horizon, get to know local cultures and customs, enrich your experience等等。试看以下关于地点的真题:

Describe a place that you like best in your city. Please state why you like it with specific examples and details.

When you are together with your friends, which place would you like to go? Explain why.

Describe a public area that you visit frequently. Please state why you visit it frequently and include specific examples and details in your explanation.

Some students prefer to choose universities located in big cities. Others would like to study in universities located in small towns. Please state your opinion and explain why.

When travelling, some people prefer to reach the destination directly. Some others prefer to stop and look around the scenery along the way. What kind of way of travelling do you think is better and why?



世界著名海滩城市World famous coastal cities:

泰国皮皮岛:Phi Phi Island, Thailand

巴西里约热内卢:Rio de Janiero, Brazil

美国夏威夷、迈阿密:Hawaii, Miami USA

南非开普敦:Cape Town, South Africa

中国三亚:Sayan, China


banana trees, palm trees(棕榈树), blossom(盛开的花), breeze, paradise(天堂)tropical, laid-back, sunshine, coconut,



Rio de Janiero is definitely the city that I want to visit, and it's like a treasure. It is a laid-back coastal city with lots of palm trees, banana trees along the beach. I can enjoy the breeze and drinking the coconut with a straw and lying on the beach to appreciate the beauty of mother nature.

酒吧里面的鸡尾酒Exotic cocktails offer in local bar:

margarita(玛格丽塔), mojito(莫吉托), long island tea(长岛冰茶)



One can never be disappointed with the exotic drinks offered in these fancy bars, like margarita, mojito, and even long island tea, which is my favorite.

饭店里的菜品nice food/ culinary delight offered in the restaurants:

海鲜seafood: salmon (三文鱼), tuna(金枪鱼), scallop(扇贝), clam(蛤);

意大利面类:spaghetti, pasta, lasagna,


taco, hamburger with bacon, beef patties, tomatoes, lettuce and cheese in it, ribs, steak, Chicago style pizza, cheese steaks, Buffalo chicken wings, Macaroni & cheese 等等



Also, I can enjoy the culinary delight in these western style restaurants like salmon, American style hamburgers, spaghetti and stuff like that.

精品店的纪念品souvenir offered in the boutique:

jewelry, bracelet, necklace


surfing, scuba diving, snorkeling, tubing, wakeboarding, boating, jet skiing,



The last thing you should miss out when visiting this nice and beautiful city is sea and water activities like snorkeling, wakeboarding and even jet skiing, which is the most exciting activity. You might get a little sun burnt but still worth it.



I am a wimp(胆小鬼,用法很生动) and hate the cold,I would say I'd like to take my bathing suits and go to a warm place, a coast city like Sanya in the very south of China.


The beach is breathtaking! There are fantastic views and the atmosphere is absolutely gorgeous! The coast is marvelous. The Sea is clear and picturesque.


It has a grip on(控制) my sense of fun, adventure, love of food, and it is amazingly beautiful, and the people are awesome.


It is also a very safe place. There are not many places in this world where a women can walk the streets alone in the middle of the night without fear.


The culture, language, food and people could be enormously fun and you can find many western style bars, restaurants and coffee shops virtually everywhere.


Beijing has a unique local culture and the people down there have a real appreciation for the things that make life worth living. People there are super nice, for example, they are very keen to help visitors out when they got lost somewhere.



Tiananmen Square, Forbidden City, Temple of Heaven, Summer Palace, the Great Wall, Lama Temple,


It had served as the nation's capital for 13 dynasties such as Western Zhou, Qin, Western Han and Tang for more than 1000 years. It is famous for its historical importance, and the city is best known for the terra cotta warriors.


metropolitan, modern,international, multicultural, exciting, thrilling, fascinating, spectacular, dynamic=full of dynamics, energetic, diversified, charming, hustle-bustle, hurly – burly, eventful, overcrowded



I would like to study in a metropolitan city like Beijing or New York, cuz a city like is very thrilling and multi-cultural, and it's great fun to live in. You can explore its hustle bustle by going to shopping malls, restaurants, bars and even museums.















考生可以尤为注意because (of), so, the reason, why, since, as, for 等类型的词或词组,考生在听到这些信号词的时候一定要注意听后面的解释,通过现象或定义看到问题的本质和根源,这才是考核的关键所在。


考生除了注意比较级和最高级之外,还要多注意compare to,different from……, unlike……, (not) as ……as等这些间接表达对比的词或词组,有助于在不同食物中找到相同的联系点或者在相同相似的事物中找到不同点。

对于转折,however, nevertheless, yet, still, though, anyhow, even so, in any case, anyway, after all, in spite of that, by the way等则是考生应该注意的信号词。即作者最终想要强调的点,是考官喜欢出考题的地方。考官总喜欢一开始先出现一长段迷惑性的段落,分散考生的注意力,或者是先陈述一部分事实或者抛出一个问题,然后来一个转折性的连词,提出真正的观点。因此这些转折词前后是考生必须要注意的地方。


first, second, third, for a start, for one thing, for another, to begin with, next则是很好的信号词,提示了两句句子之间的平等并列关系。




常见的信号词有that is, namely, or rather, to be more exact, to put it another way , in other words,by definition等。而在托福听力中,我们经常会听到类似的说法如“this is what we call + 专有名词”,或者“this is +现象”。一般而言,这类专有名词属于某个特定的领域,如医学、心理学,考生相对不太熟悉,因此这些信号词前面或后面的内容能让能够增加考生对整体文章的把握和理解。而举例,常见的就是for example, just as, for instance, 通过举一些常见或者比较容易理解的例子,去解释某样事物或某个现象,使得其更加生动形象,通俗易懂。















☆ 联想记忆如:battlefield(战场)可以联想为“打仗battle的场所field当然就是战场啦”。




☆拆分记忆如:interchangeable可以拆为前缀inter- 、词根change ,后缀-able 。

☆ 滚动记忆如:如果背单词表,在第一天背了10个单词,那么第二天在背新的




























There are a great many beautiful and delicate pictures to illustrate the words and make it more understandable. With those wonderful pictures, learning can be real fun and easy!


The amazing part is its picturesque view and enjoyable surroundings. Having a walk beside the lake and rockery, I can smell the fragrance of grass and the flowers, hear the cries of the birds and feel the bracing breeze on my face.


With the language surroundings, it'll be easy for me to polish my speaking and listening skills.This can render me a good opportunity to practice my English, and eventually put me in a favorable position in the upcoming competition.


You've got to have faith and courage; the only thing we have to fear is fear itself. In this rapid developing society, if we're easily freaked out by various challenges, then there's no way we can succeed.


It drives away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What's more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .


The scene is extremely hilarious and funny and make me laugh. Laugh can definitely drive away my lassitude and helps me relax and relieve the pressure from work and study. What's more? It even puts me in a better mood and wards off the depression and pessimism .


I would be able to make friends with those who share the same love for this. Perhaps we can have a little get-together. We can talk, laugh, I mean, exchange our ideas and share our feelings. We all feel like one big family.


Since he is the role model for us, he needs to speak and behave appropriately, in order to set a good example for us. No one can deny that a good example can exert an profound influence on the people.


(1) 建筑和地方

In this wide world, there are thousands of amazing architectures. As for myself, my favorite is undoubtedly the Great Wall. Why? That’s simple. The following reasons will sufficiently illustrate what I say.

First and foremost, the most self- evident reason why I like the Great Wall so much is basically because it symbolizes our Chinese’s great intelligence and hard-work. It’s hard to imagine at that time people can build such huge architecture. Even in modern times, it seems a mission impossible. What’s more, it in some way improves the economic development of China because it attracts thousands of tourists around the world. Meanwhile, it also helps more foreigners to learn about the traditional Chinese culture. Anyway, I love Great Wall.


Who is the best friend to our human beings? With no further doubts, dogs. For me, dogs are always my friend and company.

The reasons why I am so fascinated with dogs can be best summarized as the followings. As for the very first reason, it is apparently because dog is the most loyal and helpful animal in the world. There are many stories about the dog saving his master in all countries. What’s more, dogs are docile and lovely. It is said that dogs are used to watch doors since the ancient time.

And no matter old or young, people all love to keep dogs as their ideal pets. Nowadays when our friends are becoming less and less, dog can make your best company. You can imagine what a happy picture it is that a dog shakes its tail and barks to you when you open the door. Anyway, I am so proud to say that I am a dog lover.


Although there are many kinds of subjects, my priority is PE lesson.

The reasons why I am so fascinated with PE lesson can be best summarized as the followings. It is quite convincing to say that the most significant reason consists in the fact that it can keep you as fit as a fiddle. From my own perspective, I think health is the most important aspect to our life. By doing some exercises in PE lesson, we can not only relax from our heavy study pressure, but also we can have a perfect figure. What’s more, when we are talking about PE lessons, it is impossible not to mention the spirit of “persistence” which we can learn from the games in PE lesson. You know, when we are playing football, everyone tries their best. The truth is that as long as we persist, we will finally win the game no matter how tough it is.


Have you ever given any thought to what is your favorite song? I sure did. People’s answer might differ greatly from one or another. Mine, however, is hero. I’d like to recommend this song to everyone.

At the very beginning, I’d like to mention the most curious reason why I am so attracted by this song. You know, it tells us a story about confidence and courage. Whenever I am down, I always listen to this song and it will immediately cheer me up.

What’s more, I love this kind of music style. I prefer some songs with slow and emotional rhythms because when I am listening, I can think and appreciate the real meaning of the song. Personally, I can’t bear those rock and roll songs. I think they are too noisy. Therefore I will recommend this song to everyone.

(5) 职业和梦想

Have you ever given any thought to your dream? I sure did. People’s answer might differ greatly from one or another. Mine, however, is to become a business man/ woman.

The reasons why I dream of becoming a business man/ woman can be best summarized as the followings. (女版)In the modern world, women are no longer the subordinates of men. We have our own rights and can achieve our goals as men do. (男版)You know,my father,a great man who I admire so much, is a very successful business man and sets an excellent example for me since I was a child.

So I strongly believe that I have the ability to become a successful business woman/ man. But before I realize my dream, I must make full preparations. Now I am planning to study overseas. I think it’s the first step to this dream. After my graduation, I will pursue my career in some international companies to gain more experiences. When I think my preparation is done, I will try to set up my own company. I strongly believe that with my ambition, confidence and diligence I will finally realize this dream.


You might hesitate about what to choose before the bewildered dozens of food. As far as I am concerned, my choice, however, is always dumplings for its uniqueness and charm. I love eating dumplings, especially ones cooked by my mum.

As for the very first reason, it is apparently because it is the symbol of Chinese food. It is so amazing that you can learn a lot about the traditional Chinese culture through eating dumplings. What’s more, it is because of its flavor. It’s really delicious. Some dumplings are made of pork and beef, and others are made of sea food. You can almost taste all kinds of delicious food through eating dumplings. When we are talking about dumplings, it is impossible not to mention that it is also the symbol of reunion in China. So whenever I eat dumplings, I think of my family.
































