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interview的用法1:interview通常解释为“访问”,而不作为“接见”的意思。因此Peter interviewed Mecheal是“皮特访问麦克”,不是“皮特接见麦克”;



1. He is lined up for no less than four US television interviews.


2. Collins was in a foul mood even before the interviews began.


3. Quite a considerable number of interviews are going on.


4. Interviews with politicians were juxtaposed with news items of quite astonishing triviality.


5. 10,000 pages of evidence were gleaned from hundreds and hundreds of interviews.


6. I asked the cameraman to give me some cutaways for the interviews.


7. Mr Sadler conducted interviews, and his girlfriend wrote them up.


8. I don't believe in long interviews. Fifteen minutes is plenty.


9. She'd lost count of the interviews she'd been called for.


10. We always audiotape these interviews.


11. In the commercial an announcer interviews a Texan.


12. Several bands have namechecked Lee Hazelwood in interviews.


13. Scenes of city life were intercut with interviews with local people.


14. The interviews were given to a random sample of students.


15. The Ambassador refused to give any interviews to journalists.




In the last two weeks, I received many calls for interviews. Some were rejected immediately because of the company itself or its location. I just took part in several interviews I was interested in.

1. Zhuhai Lizhu Mediacal Bio-material Co. LTD

It was located in



Park, wonderful location and environment. I can still remember the interview room with its windows facing the sea. You can have a panoramic view of the sea through the window. It was a great enjoyment. I passed the company's first interview, and entered the second one (last one too, because the whole progress consists of two interviews) with expection. It was the manager of the company who interviewed us(there were more than ten people) in the second interview. We were told to have a self-intrduction and talk something basing on a given topic during the interview. We drawed cuts for the topic. Luckily, my topic was not profesional. It just required me talk about what influenceed me most in my four years' study in college. I must confess that I was a little nervouse when I introduced myself because the room is full of silence except my voice. But the nervouseness didn't last too long. I was gradually be myself and spoke out all I need to say or answer. When it was over, I was asked to go home and wait for the reply. I did pin my hope on it because I was quite satisfied with my performance exclude from the self-introduction at the beginning. I aslo could feel something different from the eyes of the two interviewers.( I'm not overconfident.) It was true that there was something differential, but hard to explained clearly. Anyway, I was out of the door of being employed. I was wondering why I will fail. But no one will give me the answer except myself. I have to do the self-summarization alone.

2. Elec-Tech International Co. LTD

It is a listed company with sound management system. English major graduates who passed the TEM-8 were its target interviewees. We were required to take an exam and translate two passages (English to Chinese and Chinese to English). It was very difficult to translate the passages as there are too many professional terms I didn't meet before. No matter what, I couldn't give up in the halfway. I tried my best to finish the translation. The paper was checked soon after the examination. But the interviwers didn't tell us the score. I passed and took part in the interview which was in the charge of the manager of that department. Compared with interview in Lizhu, my performance in this one was better, I must confess. The manager is also more kinder. After the interview, I was asked to stay in the company while others who had finished interview were asked to go home. One of the interviewer said she had something to talk with me. Since there were still two gradutes hadn't been interviewed, I waited for more than 2 hours till the whole process was over. The result was that the last interviewee was employed. The interviewer finally told me that they originally decided to choose one of us. The last one won by her humourous chatacter. I was utterly convinced. Yes, she did beat me in character. But I'm not upset, at least I have got something from this interview and known the reason of why I fail in the end though they have taken me into consideration at first. Another chance pass me again. It's quite a pitty for me because it is really a very good company.

Anyway, the most ridiculous interview should be the one hold yesterday. It is a newly-established company and earnestly in need of someone mastering in English as their target market is some foreign countries. When I received the first call of the company, the employer told me they saw my resume on the internet and asded me whether I took interest in it. I didn't answer immediately. Instead, I promised I would take it into consideration and reply them the next day. I finally accepted it on the purpose of just having a try. They told me they would have an English communication with me on the phone in the following several day and then an face-to-face communication. If suitable, we would be picked up to visit the company. However, there was no so-called English communication on the phone. When I received the next call, that person told me that the face-to-face communication would be arranged at night. I refused at once in case of bluff. Yesterday morning, that person called me again and asked me why I gave up such an opportunity. I confessed my doubt and she also explained clearly to me and told me the boss would pick up several candidates to visit the company (the company is in the suburb, industrial zone.) If I was not lost my interest, I could join them. After consideratin, I decided to have a try though my doubt was not completely removed, at least it was in daytime. So different from the other two candidates, I went to the company without face-to-face communication first. We were taken around the company and then communicate in the meeting room with boss. No, it was not commucation because the boss kept talking himself. According to what he said, he had worked in the state-own company for more than ten years. It seemed that he didn't pay much attention to our qualifications and asked us only a few questions. Most of the time the boss spoke by hisself, and we just listened. At the beginning, I was quite patient enough. As time past, all was lost. It was not sense of respect that could focus your attention on his long and boring talking. I had never met such kind of interview and such kind of boss. All I wanted to do was to leave as soon as possible. The qualification of the so-called boss has helped you foresee the company culture and development of the company. I really couln't belieave such kind of person also have the ability to drive the Benz and be a boss. Maybe I haven't seen his best sides.

Now I'm on a new journey again. May I'm good luck .


作者:王 茜

同学们一开始学英语就学到了be 动词的三种形式:am, is, are。这时老师一定会告诉你,当主语是第一人称单数时用am; 是第二人称时用are;是第三人称单数时用 is。 但多数同学对第三人称单数的概念还不那么明朗。下面,我们就一起复习一下到现在为止我们常见的几种第三人称单数。

1. 第三人称单数代词有:he, she, it。 如:

How old is she? 她多大了?

Is he at home today? 今天他在家吗?

Is it your cat? 这是你的猫吗?

2. 指示代词this, that。 如:

That's a Chinese car. 那是辆中国小汽车。

This is my book. 这是我的书。

3. 不定代词 everyone, somebody, something, nobody, everything, everybady 等。

Is everyone here today? 今天大家都到了吗?

4. 单数可数名词。如:Lucy, a cat, my book, an orange, the bag等。 如:

Lucy is a good girl. 露西是个好女孩。

Her father is a teacher. 她爸爸是教师。

5. 不可数名词可被看作第三人称单数。如:

There is some money in the purse. 在钱包里有些钱。

6. 当数字或字母作主语时,看作第三人称单数。 如:

“6” is a lucky number. “6”是个吉利数字。

“I” is a letter. “I”是个字母。

7. 数字的加、减、乘、除的结果常被看作第三人称单数。如:

What is one and two? 一加二等于几?

Eight minus five is three. 八减五等于三。



1、大多数实义动词在词尾加“s”在清辅音后发音为/ s / ;在浊辅音及元音音素后发音为 / z /。 如speak→speaks / s / ; come→comes / z / ; play→plays / z / 。

2、以辅音字母加“y”结尾的'动词,要先将“y”变为“i”然后再加“es”,加读/ z /。 如study→studies / iz / ; fly→flies / iz /,fly→flies / a?z /。

3、以“s、x、ch、sh”结尾的动词在词尾加“es”发音为/ iz / 。 如teach→teaches / iz / ; watch→watches / iz /。

4、以“o”结尾的动词,在词尾加“es”。 常出现的两个以“o”结尾的动词go和do后加“es”读/ z / 。 如go→goes / z / ; do→does / z /。

5、记住最为特别的be的三单is ,have的三单是has。













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