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“托福”议论文的作文题特徵决定了作文写法的基本框架,准备时应主要练习两种写法,第一种是演绎法,及把自己的观点在文章的前部直截了当地摆出,然后再把论据一条一条地叙述,支持前面的观点.论据可以合写成一段,也可以按一个论据一个自然段的方式排列.论据写完后,文章便可以结束,也可以再加一段,重提前面的观点,并作进一步的阐说.第二种是归纳法,采用与演绎法相反的手段,显逐条分析,列出论据,最后自然地得出结论,表明自己的.观点.无论何种方法,论据应力求全面客观,实事求是,以增强说服力. 议论文对语言的要求主要体现在三个方面: 首先,要用恰当的逻辑词表示文章的逻辑性.第二,要注意自然段与主题句的运用,即用自然段表示出文章的逻辑性,并在每段中用主题句说明要点,给人一目了然的感觉.第三个重要方面是句型结构,写作时应注意每句的重心和句与句之间的衔接,使句意一环扣一环,避免松散.



Some people think that parents should plan their children's leisure time carefully. Other people believe that children should decide for themselves how to spend their free time. Which idea do you agree with? Give reasons for your choise.


一 条件: 父母对孩子的管教/孩子的空闲时间的安排/有人认为父母应为孩子指定使用空闲时间的详细计划/有人认为孩子应该自己安排空闲时间。

二 要求: 说明自己同意何种观点并说明理由。

三 写作分析: 本题为家常话题,尚无定论,可选任意一种观点表示同意,并说明理由.也可辩证地看问题,在分析的基础上提出自己不同的见解. 动笔前应先决定写法,若摆脱绝对肯定与否定的方式,写作时宜用归纳法,通过步步深入的分析,最后得出比较客观的结论.这种写法比较复杂, 难度较大,写作时思维一定要清晰,不然就会产生混乱.

Should parents plan their children's leisure time carefully? Or should they let their children decide for themselves how to spend their free time? before answering these two qusetions, we should first of all ask another question: do children know how to plan to spend their free time? The answer to this question is both “yes” and “no”. Our common sense tells us that some children spend their free time in a planned way while some others, especially the younger ones, just play as they like without any paln at all.

The above answer leads to three more relevant questions about those children who know how to plan their leisure time: How have they obtained the ability? Is the ability innate? Or is the ability learnt? Our observations tell us that this ability is not born but learned from others---their parents, teachers, other adults, or other children.

With these questions settled, the answer to the first two questions should be verry clear. Parents should not give their children a free hand at the beginning. INstead, they should plan their childrren's leisure time carefully, making sure that their children understand why they should have a plan. In this way, the children will gradually forma habit of making palns and know how to make a good plan.. Then, we can say these children know how to spend their leisure time.

When children alrady know how to spend their free time , they will not need any longer for the parents to paln for them. The most they can do is to keep an eye on their children's activities and give some guidance or advice when necessary. For most of the time, children should be allowed to decide for themselves. The whole process is in fact a process of training, in which instruction, demonstration and practice should be planned in a scientific way. Without plenty of practice, the whole process of learning would be a failure.


A or B

Depending on personal experience, personality type and emotional concern, we find that some people hold the idea of A meanwhile others prefer to B, from my point of view, it is more advisable to chose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.The main reason for my propensity for A is that___________________________. 就理由进行解释_____________________. For instance,____________________ .Another reason can be seen by every one is that____________________________. 就理由进行解释___________________. For example,_____________.The argument I support in the first paragraph is also in a position of advantage because___________.Although Iagree that there may be a couple of advantages of B, I feel that the disadvantages are more obvious. Such as________________.In a word, ________________________________________________.So, it is sagacious to support the statement that it is better to A.

根据个人经验,性格类型和情感关注,我们发现有些人持有A的想法,而另一些人则倾向于B,从我的角度来看,选择A而不是B更为可取。 列出如下。我倾向于A的主要原因是___________________________。 就理由进行解释_____________________。 例如,____________________。每个人都能看到的另一个原因是____________________________。 就理由进行解释___________________。 例如,______________。我在第一段中支持的论点也具有优势,因为___________。尽管我同意B有两个优点,但我觉得缺点更加明显。 因此,支持A更好的说法是明智之举。


A or B

将原题复述___________________.When faced with the decision of A of B, quite a few would deem that______________________, but others, in contrast, believe A/B as the premier choice and that is also my point. Among countless factors which influence -A/-B, there are three conspicuous aspects as follows.The main reason for my propensity of _________is that_______.The second reason can be seen by every person that________.In addition, these reason are also usable when we consider that_________.There are some disadvantages in____________________另一种观点的缺点__________.In a word, _____________重复观点句并缩写理由__________________.Taking into account of all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that________.

当面对B的A的决定时,很多人会认为______________________,但是相反,其他人则认为A / B是首要选择,这也是我的意思。 在影响-A / -B的无数因素中,有以下三个明显方面:我之所以_________的主要原因是_______。每个人都可以看到的第二个原因是________。 考虑到__________。另一种观点的缺点__________有一些缺点。换句话说,____________重复观点和缩写理由__________________。考虑到所有这些因素,我们可以得出结论________。



Should parents limit the time that children watch television?

Should parents encourage children to finish the homework independently or help them finish?

Should parents allow children to make mistakes and draw lessons from what they have done?

Should University provide students with the courses of career preparation?

Should the professor focus on research and study or educating students?

Should university spend more money on facilities’ improvement or hiring famous teachers?








To be successful on study or work, what do you think is more important, have the ability to adapt to new conditions or continue to study?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: grandparents’ experiences have no use to children because fifty years have passed by and the world has changed.

Should people always have no reason to be impolite to others?

Should people strive to gain prestige rather than money?

Do people living in suburban areas take care of family members more carefully than people living in big cities?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: it is not better for people to remove to a new city or country because they would lose former friends.

When people are in face of disputed topics, should people use emails and short messages or directing way of talking to communicate with others?









Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? One can learn a lot about the person from the type of friends the person has. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: friends who can make you happy are more important than those who can give you a hand.

If your friend need help in one subject and you are well-versed in it. Do you prefer helping your friend by yourself or consulting the specialist?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement :Two people can still become friends if one of them has more money than the other one does.

您是否同意以下说法? 人们可以从一个人拥有的朋友的类型中学到很多东西。 请给出具体原因及实例来支持你的答案。


如果您的朋友在某一主题上需要帮助,并且您精通该主题。 您是喜欢自己帮朋友还是咨询专家?



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? It's more important for the government to build new housing than preserve old and historical building. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.

When a new technological devices become available. Some people buy it right away, while others will wait until many have acquired it. Which view do you agree with and explain why.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: the most important investment in the company should be paid on improving employees’ working techniques.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? More and more people are spending money on their pets, even though there can be other good ways to spend money.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People care more about public recognition than about money. Even if no more money is given, public recognition can still make people work harder.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: To improve the quality of education, universities should spend more money on professors' salaries.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: In order to become financially responsible adults, children should manage their own money at the young age.









Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:It is more enjoyable to have a job and work long hours for three days in a week than to work shorter hours for five days in a week.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People should take a secure job immediately when finding one instead of waiting for the job that they find more satisfying.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Working at home using computers or telephones is better than working in the office.

People should have hobbies and do physical activities that are very different from their own work.



您是否同意以下说法? 在家中使用计算机或电话比在办公室中工作更好。



Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Do celebrities like athletes and movie stars need their privacy?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: If parents want their children to do well at school, they should limit the time their children spend on watching TV.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Only movies that can teach us something about real life is worth watching.

Movies and television have more negative effects than positive effects to young people






Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: although the scientific technologies would still make progress, those advancements influencing people’s life quality have no needs to improve.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: Many countries are paying attention to environmental problems. But the attention is not making the environmental situations better.

Do you agree or disagree the following statement?The rapid growth cities today's should have a positive effect of the development of the society.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Because the world is changing so quickly, people now are less happy and less satisfied than people in the past.


您是否同意以下说法:许多国家正在关注环境问题。 但是,关注的重点并不是改善环境状况。


您是否同意以下说法? 由于世界瞬息万变,因此现在的人们比过去的人们幸福感和满意度降低。


Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: People who move out of native village or town are more successful and happier than people who stay in their native village or town.

Young people have no influence on important decisions that determine the future of society as a whole.

Which is better, challenging plan about one's future or practical plans about one's future?

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People who go outside are more successful and happier than people who stay in villages.

Do you agree or disagree with the following statement:

People holding different views cannot achieve success as a team.









Agree or disagree

Some people argue as if it is a general truth that a_____________________________.But to be frank, I cannot agree with them. There are numerous reasons why I hold no confidence on them, and I would explore only a few primary ones here.

The main problem with this argument is that it is ignorant o the basic fact that______________解释本段中心___________.

Another reason why I disagree with the above statement is that I believe that______________.

What is more, some students are interested in____________.

In a word, ________________.





那这是否意味着语法在写作中就无足轻重了?Of course not.

一方面,评分机器e-rater(Electronic Essay Rater)毫无疑问会关注“语法”这一维度(具体还会细分mechanics, usage, grammar, style四个方面)。大到句子不完整,小到句首字母没大写,所有这些问题都会被电子评分机器(电子鸡)记录在案。



p.s. 本篇提及的是宏观意义上的语法,grammar, mechanics, usage, style四个维度的问题都归到本篇所指的“语法错误”概念之下。




on the other hand=besides?


No.1 句子不完整


- What's the matter? Why is he looking so sad?


- Cuz (Because) he's suffering from the post-vocation blues.






病句:Because he's suffering from the post-vacation blues.



He looks so sad because he's suffering from the post-vacation blues.



Because he's suffering from the post-vacation blues, he looks so sad

不过,现代英语在这个规则上的要求相比以往松弛了不少,出现了三个特殊分子:and, but, so。虽然他们三个也是连词,但是如今确实存在“And/But/So +1个主谓宾”的情况。例如:

But campus leaders and many community donors had a bigger vision.



只有and, but, so这三个词可以这样特殊使用



Style-Too many Sentences Beginning with Conjunctions

No.2 逗号错用

由于在口语中,逗号和句号都体现为短暂的停顿,所以使得许多同学无法区分二者的不同,并且在写作中疯狂使用逗号,从而出现传说中的run-on sentences(连写句)。举个例子:

I can't wait to pick up my girlfriend, I miss her so much.


所谓run-on sentences(连写句),就是指用逗号来连接众多主谓宾/主系表结构,从而使得你的句子好似脱缰的野马,跑得没有尽头。那么为何这种句子在写作中是错的?



I can't wait to pick up my girlfriend. I miss her so much.

I can't wait to pick up my girlfriend, and I miss her so much.

这种由于逗号乱用而导致的run-on sentences尤其容易出现在例证部分、想要在行文中增添细节的时候。所以大家这个时候除了关注内容本身,语法方面也不要松懈。比如下面这句也是个典型的run-on sentence:

Liu Xiang is a famous running athlete, who comes from an average family, his mother is a baker and his father is a driver, he cannot afford the expensive fee for professional train.

01 基本版:

Liu Xiang is a famous hurdler. He comes from an average family. His mother is a baker and his father is a driver. He could not afford the expensive training fee on his own.

2 高阶版本:

Born in a working-class family whose mother is a baker and father a driver, Liu Xiang, the famous hurdler, could not afford the expensive training fee on his own.

No.3 on the other hand=besides?

在展开段落时,为了让内容更加充实,聪明的选手们往往从多个角度解释论证。鉴于中文里的“另一方面”和“除此之外”似乎差不多,很多同学将on the other hand看作是besides, in addition一类词的替代品,然而他们的英文含义其实并不一样。

从上面柯林斯词典中的解释可以看出,on the other hand是用来引出一个与前者差异极大的/相反的观点/角度。比如:

He is a good guy; his brother, on the other hand, is a very selfish man.


换句话说,如果你提及的两个角度并非截然相反,那么不适合使用on the other hand。

因此,如果你论证时并没打算进行对比比较,那么需要提及其他角度时,就老老实实用besides/furthermore/moreover/additionally 等表示“此外”的词就好。


Juju老师声音也太温柔了吧; _____________, Juju老师批改好细致啊。

答案: in addition/moreover/besides

No.4 就是整不明白lack的用法



You just lack a little confidence.



Lacking a little confidence, he refused to participate this year’s talent contest.


lack作名词:a/the lack of sth. 表示“...的缺失”。比如:

Sometimes Joey's parents are angry at his lack of confidence.


先把上面这俩记好之后,再看lack的派生词:形容词lacking,常见搭配为lacking in sth. 比如:

Joey feels nervous and is increasingly lacking in confidence about himself.Joey


上述内容记准确之后,就会发现:一定不会出现lacking of, lack in的情况!但是lacking后面有无in都有可能。脑壳别晕,先从词性入手,再结合搭配来记!



Ramineni, C., Trapani, C. S., Williamson, D. M. W., David, T., & Bridgeman, B. . Evaluation of the e-rater? scoring engine for the TOEFL? independent and integrated prompts (ETS Research Report No. RR-12-06). Princeton, NJ: ETS.



1. 一个男生去问老师project的主题,他修了两门,想用一篇文章。他的电脑编程能力很强,还卖钱了,最后老师同意了。

2. 女生错过音乐会的班车,因为去错误的地方等车。

3. 有关音乐,男生爸爸妈妈都是学音乐的,妈妈跟他说了件事,教授是认同的。

4. 学生问自己没有收到邮件是不是没被在canteen的暑假工作录取(这时候老师赶着回家避免晚高峰所以很急(后面有问老师刚开始的态度) 然后提出能不能换一种工作方式? 老师说那这样别的正式录取的人会怎么想呢 最后建议他外面找工作 可以列一个可以去申请的list申请可以写她的名字。

5. 女孩想卖她的作品,但是学校的贩卖不对学生开放,之后professor建议2种方式:



6. 女生选了建筑专业,因为一个老师讲的很好,讨论一个她发现的特别的建筑,类似于装配式建筑,好处很多:1省钱,省空间;2对于投资者来说减少交税;3 air beam的作用,提到floating building。可以用到自己的prioject里面。

7. 女生选的夏季课不上了,以为会自动退费,结果没有,于是去找工作人员。然后女生又说想要找个兼职,想做assistant,但工作人员已经满了,结束工作在那可以提供的只有ssa,女生觉得太低级,不愿意做。


1. 天文课,关于Vesta.

2. 有关简奥斯汀,他没有傲慢与偏见的作者出名,因为她翻印了两版,给了四次钱,但是她一生都没有靠书挣钱。

3. 有关婴儿辩色和认大小的,用婴儿的目光停留在事物上的时间判断他们是否有辨别的能力。当然,婴儿的学习是没有目的性的,不像成人。

4. 有关气候。

5. 讲到ITCZ的移动和Titan,讲了水循环就是液化然后形成气体再降雨。一个证据是卫星发现了有黑的spot,而且消失的速度和云消失的速度差不多。第二是ITCZ的位移。重复10月31日

6. 生物节律。

7. 迪士尼早期电影艺术。



1.自然选择环境因素对蛾子的影响。 一种白蛾子一种黑色蛾子。开始白蛾子活的好,黑蛾子不好,因为会被发现。之后,工业革命了,树干都黑,于是白蛾子都要死翘翘了;但是之后开始治理环境了, 白蛾子又多了,黑蛾子又少了。并且这次的影响很大。









10.鱼怎么呼吸,用gill 和bubble






托福独立写作题目:It is easier to become educated today than it was in the past.相比过去,人们现在更容易接受教育?





2. 政策扶持: 如中国让出生在贫困线(家庭年收入2300元)及以下家庭的孩子免费接受教育等。


托福独立写作题目:镇政府要投资开发公共用地,有两个选择: 1. 为所有民众建造公共花园 2. 为还没有体育场的高中修建体育场




2. 虽然学生在运动场上运动也有好处,如放松减压等,但也有其他途径也可以帮助实现这个目标,如在健身房运动、与朋友聊天等。


1. 有利于高中生放松减压。高中生普遍学业压力很大,不仅每天要上多门课,还要完成各种作业。如果能在运动场上做运动,就可以暂时摆脱学业的压力与烦恼,心情也会变好。运动完毕再回归学习时,也能感觉更神清气爽有效率。在花园赏花固然也能让人放松以及平静心绪,但是在运动的过程中,身体各部位得以锻炼,也会汗流浃背,这会让人感到更畅快。

2. 在运动场运动可以培养团队合作意识,增进友谊。可以拿足球篮球等团队运动举例。


托福独立写作题目:Agree or disagree: it is easier for people to maintain good health today than it was in the past.






2. 现代人饮食更全面均衡,这对健康有利。过去人能够吃到的食物种类较少,甚至在灾害发生的年份,只能吃到草根树皮等;而现代人能够接触到各种食材,包括蔬菜、瓜果,鸡蛋和谷物等,营养摄入更充分。







2. 大学这样做能够帮助大一新生增强学习自主性,从而取得良好成绩。大一学生的学习习惯往往源自高中,而高中的学习方式与大学大相径庭,如果大学新生把高中的方法用在学习大学课程上可能没有好的效果,甚至适得其反。例如拿自己国家的情况举例。很多高中生学习缺乏自主性,总是被动等待,老师教的就是学生学的,学生不会自己多学。老师也常在课上讲作业题。而在大学,老师讲课普遍粗放,如果自己不积极主动学习更多,那么很有可能是无法取得好成绩的。比如很多大学老师的一节课能覆盖一本厚书中至少一半的内容,或讲的内容与教材无关,课下为了完成作业,就必须花大量时间自学及研读各种文献等。作业中的问题也要主动询问老师,因为老师上课往往不讲作业,自己不问就得不到解决。正是因为有如此高的自主性要求,很多大一学生刚开始并不能适应,导致成绩达不到自我期待。


托福独立写作题目:Which one of the following values do you think is the most important to share with a young child (aged 5-10)? Being helpful; being honest; being well-organized










一、阅读:寻找核心句和关键词,切忌word by word。



随后的段落即展开给出作者之所以立论的三个分论点或论据,在单个的段落当中,又遵循了西方人惯有的总分模式,单个段落的首句多为topic sentence,考生可以只关注三个段落的首句以快速获取段落主要内容,从而避免全文通读速度不够而导致的来不及看完阅读。




接着,和阅读中相似,说话者会从三个方面阐述支持自己的观点,很多情况下,这三点和阅读中的三点是刚好契合,一一对应的。但听力三方面的分论据往往是从阅读中无法推断的,所以分论点及论据是需要同学进行笔记的,应当记的是key words,切忌洋洋洒洒想记全一句话,最后自己也难以读懂。




不过,只要稍加训练,记忆容量就会扩充至足够用的地步。迅速将自己的英文记忆容量提高到“够用”的地步,最好的方法就是通过“跟读”、“朗读”训练平日积累。因为朗读可以非常有效而又迅速地提高文字理解能力。这很关键,记不住的最重要原因并非“记忆力差”——无论记忆力多好,都很难记住无法理解、无法关联 的信息——听得懂才容易记得住。




Finally,the professor stated that ,on the contrary of reading,......In other words,.....This directly contradicts what the reading passage indicates,because.....

反驳的单词:differ from ,disagree with, cast doubt on, conflict with, challenge


In the lecture, the professor made several points about...The lectureargues that.....The points made by the professor agree with .....In fact, the examples used by the professor support...


Furthermore, the professor bolsters the reading by stating that....

The professor claims that.....This point agrees withthe reading ,which contends that.....



The lecture is mainly discussing ______, ________ and___________

by_________, challenging what are stated in the reading passagethat _________, _________ and _______.

First of all, the speaker thinks that___________. In contrast, the reading passage believes that_____________. So, the lecture totally disagree with the view made in the reading.

Second, the speaker discusses___________, Contradicting what is stated in the reading that_____________________.

Finally, the speakers raises the issue that___________. This point disagreesthat________________ demonstrated in the reading.

So, the contents in the reading passage are totally jeopardized by the speaker and the speaker has totally different ideas on the topics made in the reading.


The lecture apparently refutes the points illustrated in the reading material. According to the professor, ________________.On the contrary, the reading contends an opposite stand that_____.

The first point the professor uses to cast doubt on the reading isthat___________, which differs from the statement in the readingthat_____.

Another evidence the speaker adopts to contradict the passage is________. However, the reading statesthat_________.

In the conclusion, the point made in the lecture contrasts with what is presented in the reading. As the professor claims, ________whereas the reading material holds that________.


The lecture apparently reinforces the points illustrated in the reading material. According to the professor, ________________.Meanwhile, the reading contends a similar stand that_____.

The first point the professor uses to enhance the reading is that___________, which is just the same as the statement in the reading that_____.

Another evidence the speaker adopts to bolster the passageis________. Likewise, the reading statesthat_________.

In the conclusion, the point made in the lecture gives a boost to what is presented in the reading. As the professor claims, ________which is in accordance with the reading material holds that________.


Finally, the professorstates that,in support of the reading,.....Specifically,.....This perfectly reinforced what the reading passage indicats because

support的单词:enhance, uphold, corrobo,to back, justify, to substantiate, to advance


Well begun is half done是大家耳熟能详的英语谚语。






1. 采用统计数字引出话题,把问题呈现在读者面前;

2. 提出有争议性的问题,激发读者兴趣,使其积极参与讨论;

3. 以新颖的观点,吸引读者注意力;

4. 呈现该话题正反方的观点;

5. 引用名人名言、谚语等作为文章的开头;

6. 对将要讨论的话题进行定义。




我们在写关于体罚的话题文章时,可以这样开头:It is reported that a boy in Zhuhai was beaten to death by his father on Father“ Day. Ample evidence also shows that children who are frequently abused by their parents or teachers tend to be introverted, pessimistic, indifferent and even world-weary. Recently, there has arisen a fierce argument on whether corporal punishment should be abolished. Teachers, parents and experts take diverse attitudes towards this issue.


而我们在写关于该不该禁烟的话题时,可以这样开头:A recent study conducted by Zhongshan University has found that the number of smokers has been increasing sharply over the past five years. Research findings also reveal that the incidence of smoking-related conditions has soared. As a result, the ban on smoking has been in the spotlight.



16. What's your opinion on a new restaurant built in your neighborhood?

It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



(excessive drinking; get drunk and create a disturbance; make trouble after getting drunk.)。



Until recently our neighborhood hasn't had any restaurants. We have a local food market and several small convenience stores, and even several street side food stands, but no real restaurants. I'm personally in favor of opening a new restaurant in our neighborhood, and believe it will make people's lives more convenient, support the local economy, and create a healthier community spirit. Cooking at home every night is time-consuming and tiring for local families. After a long day at work, local people have to spend at least one hour to shop for groceries, and even more for cooking dinner, and cleaning up after the meal. By the time all is finished, they almost have no time to enjoy the company of their families. Eating out would save time if there were a restaurant nearby, but the closest restaurant is a 30-minute walk away. If a restaurant opened in our neighborhood it would allow local people to relax for a night or two every week and enjoy more time with their families.

A new restaurant would also help the local economy. Building the restaurant would require the labor of local carpenters, plumbers, and electricians. The new restaurant would need to buy a great deal of food and produce from local markets and supplies like furniture, cooking utensils, and everyday items from local merchants. It would also create jobs for waiters, managers, and chefs. Perhaps most importantly, a new restaurant could also potentially attract business from the surrounding neighborhoods, bringing more investment into our community.

Finally, a new restaurant would give local people a public space to gather and talk in. Our community has few suitable open spaces for people to meet and have conversations. The streets and markets are too noisy, and the shops have no place to sit down. People who were once strangers could meet in this restaurant and become better acquainted with one another; new friendships could be forged while old friendships could be strengthened. The benefits of a restaurant to community life are harder to measure than are its economic benefits, but in my opinion are sorely needed in our community.

17. Learn by yourself or with a teacher?

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your essay.








Whether we need a teacher or not depends on circumstances. The relationship between a teacher and a new subject is somewhat similar to that between a tour guide and an unknown city. When we come to an unknown city for the first time, we definitely need a tour guide. We might have a detailed map, but it is unlikely functional—it isn't surprised that we can hardly interpret those mysterious symbols. Likewise, when we are beginners, it is wise to learn with teachers. They can tell us where to begin with, what we should do, and which reference we should choose. When we confront difficulties, we can ask them for help, and their advices will always be tremendously helpful. With teachers' assistance, we might learn easier, faster, and more interestingly.

After a period of time, we have learned a lot. We now know the city pretty well, even though there are still many places we haven't been to. It doesn't matter. Now that we are able to recognize those mysterious symbols on the map, what we need perhaps is not a tour guide but a more detailed map.

Similarly, we need richer references for learning. Yes, there are still many fields unexplored; they are, nevertheless, no longer puzzling. The task is simple: we will explore them one by one, little by little. If we are working on a certain skill, practice more; if we are preparing a test, practice more; whatever we are learning, what is always to bear in mind is that, like people always say, practice makes perfect.

After another period of time, we might have become others' tour guide, but we still want to make out more.

We want to know which restaurant is the most decent, which bookstore is the most professional, which coffee shop is the most classical. Even the most comprehensive map doesn't have adequate information. We again need experts.

In learning, it's much the same. We need experts to consult for specific problems.

Furthermore, the most beneficial merit of consulting experts is that we can not merely refer to them but even discuss with them in depth. As is often the case, a solution for a complex matter is not waiting for us right there and then, sometimes it comes out of inspirations of discussion.

In short, having a good teacher is always better than having none, but the importance of a teacher varies from period to period, and more often than not depends on different stage in which we are learning.

18. What makes a good boss? What are some important qualities of a good supervisor (boss)? Use specific details and examples to explain why these qualities are important.



A good boss is imperative to a successful workplace. The best bosses are serious, creative, and flexible. If a boss lacks any of these qualities, problems are certain to arise in the workplace.

While humor and kindness are important characteristics for bosses to have, work is a serious business, and must be approached with a serious attitude. A boss must be able to keep his/her employees working hard and on schedule. He/She must set down rules, enforce them, and also personally adhere to them. If the boss comes in late to work, leaves early, or spends all day joking with the co-workers, then the employees will neither respect nor work hard for him/her. A boss must have a serious and professional attitude that sets an example for all of the employees in the workplace.

To confront the countless problems that arise every day in the workplace, a boss must be extremely creative. If a client needs the company to meet a deadline earlier than expected, a boss must find ways to motivate employees to work faster and harder. A boss who lacks creativity might force his/her employees to work overtime. In this case, the employees might be very tired and upset; they might work slower or produce lower quality work as a result. A creative boss might spend a small amount of money, and treat everyone to dinner at the office to encourage employees to stay late. In this way the company might meet the deadline, preserve quality, and keep employee morale high.

Finally, the most important quality that a good boss must possess is flexibility. While needing to set serious, strict rules, he/she must also recognize that at times the rules need to be bent or broken. For instance, a boss should strictly enforce attendance policies in the workplace. But if an employee with an excellent attendance record needs to take a day off for personal reasons, the boss should let him/her do it. In this way employees' loyalty to the company will be strengthened, and they will be more happy and productive in the workplace.


19. Highways or public transportation, which should be given preferential


Should governments spend more money on improving roads and highways, or should governments spend more money on improving public transportation (buses, trains, subways)? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


资金运用的基本原则a higher input-output ratio is desirable。参见:[11]分析。






As China continues along the road of economic development, new demands are being put on the transportation infrastructure of the country. This is particularly evident in the cities, where daily traffic jams are unavoidable facts of life. Faced with a mounting traffic crisis, I believe the government should focus on improving public transportation instead of improving roads and highways. Public transportation is cheaper, better for the environment, and a better long-term solution for meeting the transportation demands of the future. The traffic crisis in large cities is mainly due to the increase in the number of private cars on the road. If 30 people each drive their own private cars to work in the morning, polluting emissions from these 30 cars pollute the air. Having 30 extra cars on the road not only means more traffic, it also means that all cars on the road will run their engines longer to produce more pollution while they idle in traffic jams. On the contrary, if those same 30 people take the bus to work, there would be less traffic, and even less pollution.

More bus and subway lines would also save much space now wasted on parking lots, which makes sense from both environmental and city-planning perspectives. Investment in public transportation also makes sense for the customer. The most expensive public transportation in the city costs about 5 yuan. Two trips across the city every day for a whole year would still be less than a fifth of the cost of a new car, not to mention the inevitable expenditure of maintaining a good performance of the car. Taking into account the considerable upkeep expenses of a car, gas, insurance, and repairs, owning a car is much less economic and convenient than is taking the bus or the subway.

While some people would argue that investing money on highways is imperative for holistic benefits of our country, I personally believe the need for solving current traffic disasters that are prevalent in most such major cities as Beijing, Shanghai, and Guangzhou is more urgent. The problem has already become the biggest headache of local governments and their residents, and would cost even more if not handled promptly.

20. Big city or countryside, which is better for children to grow up in?

It is better for children to grow up in the countryside than in a big city. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific reasons and examples to develop your essay.


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TOEFL.iBT 高分作文完美重排版Edited by Lost Lawyer






在乡村长大的孩子不一定比在城市长大的孩子淳朴(honest; simple; simple sentiments);






Having grown up in the country myself, I can say without a doubt that I want my own children to grow up in the city. Life in the city is incomparably better for children than life in the country. The city has better schools, health care, jobs, and more exposure to the outside world. The two most important things in any child's life are health and education. In the country, if children get sick, there are no good hospitals to take them to. Families are often so poor that they can't afford to send all of their children to school, and the schools are usually of low quality anyway. In the cities, on the other hand, health care facilities and schools are of excellent quality.

Children from cities also have a much higher chance of getting into excellent universities. City universities have large numbers of spaces reserved for local residents while they have relatively fewer spaces for students from the countryside. If I want my child to have a good chance of getting into a good university, I would raise them in a city.

City salaries are significantly higher than salaries in the country. Jobs in the city are also much easier, on average, than jobs in the country. A worker in the country might spend 14 hours a day laboring outdoors in the fields and make much less money per month than the city worker who typically works only eight hours a day. I want my child to grow up and get a good, high-paying job. A better place to find those jobs is in a city.

Finally, I want my children to grow up into a world that is larger than just their immediate surroundings. In a city they will have a chance to meet people from all over the country and all over the world. They will have chances to absorb history and culture from the cities parks, theatres, and museums. Only in the city will they have the chance to be truly global citizens.


21. The causes of people's longevity today

In general, people are living longer now. Discuss the causes of this phenomenon. Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


现象描述:20世纪初全球平均年龄(life expectancy)大约45岁。到20世纪末,这个数字已经增长到70岁左





经济稳定、社会稳定。极端的例子:前苏联(the previous Soviet Union)解体(disintegration/breakup)



Among various factors that contribute to today's longevity of people are three most obvious ones: the improvement of food conditions, the development of modern medical technology, and finally current stability of economy in our country.

Food conditions are better than before and are still being developed with a rapid pace. First of all, foods are more hygienic. People today drink untainted mineral water, sterilized skim milk, which are cheaply supplied in supermarkets. Furthermore, foods are more nutrient. Not to mention various carefully designed nutrient products. People can just ignore the possibility of being dystrophic, since they can keep nutrient balance by simply taking a cheap pill of vitamin compound every day. Another essential improvement that contributes to people's longevity is swiftly developing medical technology. Development of modern medical technology has always been amazing. Certain diseases such as tuberculosis, pneumonia, and dysentery are now easy to remedy with low expenses, but in the past, they are all probably lethal ones. The dental technology seems developed little except its exorbitantly charged bill, yet the simplest technology contributes to people's longevity most. It is not difficult to imagine that if an individual who lived in the past got a toothache, without certain dental care which is common today, he was certainly in an awful prospect: he might even die of a toothache!

Current societal and economic stabilization is also a very indispensable factor. People have less pressure in a more stable society, the less pressure they suffer, the healthier they are. Today's ideal stabilization even provides people an opportunity to secure their future—buy insurances. Various types of insurances are readily available, which make people feel safe, and have to a large extent reduced people' anxieties, and therefore indirectly contribute significantly to the longevity of people.

22. What makes a good co-worker?

We all work or will work in our jobs with many different kinds of people. In your opinion, what are some important characteristics of a co-worker (someone you work closely with)? Use reasons and specific examples to explain why these characteristics are important.



Healthy co-workers relations are crucial for the success of business. Since average workers spend at least 8 hours a day with their co-workers, their relationships with their co-workers are among the most important relationships in their lives. The best kinds of co-workers will possess team spirit, be hard working, and have a sense of humor.

Co-workers with team spirit will put the needs of the company and their co-workers before their own needs.

For instance, an employee with team spirit might put in uncompensated overtime to help a co-worker finish a project before a big deadline. If the worker who needs help does not meet the deadline, the whole company might lose an important client. If co-workers help each other, even though the rewards might not be immediately apparent, each individual will gain more than if they worked separately.

A good co-worker needs to be hard working. This is the responsibility of every worker in any company. Just as the failure of employees to cooperate will hurt each member of a company, failure of each worker to perform to the best of his/her ability will hurt the company. It will not only lower that particular worker's productivity, it will also damage the co-workers' morale. If I see a co-worker of mine slacking off, I might begin to think to myself, ”Why should I work hard? I can slack off like my co-worker and still make the same amount of money!“ Hard work is not only important for productivity; it is also a crucial prerequisite of team spirit. Finally, good co-workers need to have a sense of humor. Working at any company can be very stressful. Even though it is necessary for everyone to work hard, that does not mean that work cannot be fun. Since co-workers spend so much time together, being able to joke and laugh each other is also important. If an employee is perceived by his/her co-workers as a humorless workaholic, then they might not want to go along with him/her. His/her lack of humor hurts team spirit, and not only irritates the people around him/her, but also damages the whole company.


23. Is it advisable for a teenage student to have a part-time job?

In some countries, teenagers have jobs while they are still students. Do you think this is a good idea?

Support your opinion by using specific reasons and details.

注意审题。是teenager而不是college students。Teenagers have jobs,这显然是一个BAD idea。Teenager,意

指十几岁的孩子——16岁或者18岁以下(18岁以上就是adult了,16、7的孩子往往被称之为 young adults。

参见:[61])。雇用童工(Employing children labor)目前在很多国家是非法(illegal)的。也违反国际儿童保护条

约(International Children Act )。允许雇用童工,或存在童工现象,都是一个国家落后愚昧的表现。


不要说teenager打工可以认识社会,teenager还不具备足够的心理承受能力(psychological endurance),过早步入社会 (early exposure to the real world),只能导致世界观、价值观(out look of world, value, etc.)的扭曲(deteriorated; distorted)。


People who oppose the idea of students taking part time jobs say that students should use their time to focus on exclusively on studying. I would argue instead that part-time jobs helps students focus on their studies, provides valuable practical experience, and allows them a feeling of success and independence that is a perfect complement to their academic pursuits.

A popular criticism of schools is that they are ”ivory towers,“ or places where study and research are divorced from the ”real world". A part-time job related to their major gives students an exciting chance to apply the theories they have learned in school. Chemistry is a notoriously abstract, boring, difficult subject. When a student takes a part-time job in a medical research lab, however, he/she might discover how important studying Chemistry is for saving people's lives. This student might then return to his/her Chemistry studies with renewed vigor. What was an abstract academic pursuit becomes a concrete and interesting goal with a real relationship to the student's life.

Part-time jobs also help students strengthen their resumes, build important contacts with companies, and familiarize them with the contemporary state of their respective fields. No matter how hard they try, Computer Science textbook publishers cannot keep up with the rapid development of new computer hardware, software, and programming languages. C.S. students who wish to maintain a competitive edge in the job market should find part-time positions where they can learn state-of-the-art techniques. After they graduate from college, they might then return to their part-time employer to look for a full-time position, or approach other employers with good references and cutting-edge work experience.

Finally, the feeling of success that comes from holding a part-time job can build students' confidence. Knowing that they can do a job well and be paid for it is an important character-building experience that many students put off for too long. Learning to manage the money that they make will be a critical part of their future lives. If they make mistakes handling their money in college, the results will probably not be disastrous, but will teach them valuable lessons that they will be sure to remember in the future, when they will be truly independent.

24. The advantages and disadvantages of my city

A person you know is planning to move to your town or city. What do you think this person would like and dislike about living in your town or city? Why? Use specific reasons and details to develop your essay.


这是一个讨论假设问题的题目。尽量展开想象。注意:不要只说my city,要指出你所在城市的名字, 比如:Beijing, Shanghai等等。



If my friend Joey wants to move to Beijing, I think even though she might find something she dislikes, she will ultimately like this greatest city in our country. The weather might be one thing that she dislikes. The weather in Beijing is characterized by dry climate and it is much windy and dusty than that of Guangzhou city. Joey is very sensitive about her skin, so she will definitely hate dusty winds in Beijing. Moreover, Beijing's winter is far too much colder than that of Guangzhou, it might take Joey, as many other people came from the South, a very long time to get accustomed to. Nevertheless, she might well enjoy winter in the North, since she has never seen snowflakes in reality before. I remembered the shining of yearning and eager in her eyes when I once told her what the winter in the North looks like.

She might be always irritated by heavy traffic in Beijing, though taxis in Beijing cost much less than in Guangzhou. When I was in Guangzhou, seldom was I trapped by traffic jams. It must be ridiculous for her to have spent more than two hours and still didn't arrive at the destination which is merely 10 kilometers away. And the most ludicrous thing is, even if you possess a private car, it is more likely to be useless, for parking lots are always crowded, which means more time is to be wasted. Good news for her is that the bus system and that of subway in Beijing are well developed and more convenient, and she won't have to bear that odor of bromhidrosis owing to burning weather as she once experienced in buses of Guangzhou. What she will definitely love is the cultural ethos of the city. Beijing has a history probably longer than any other big city in China. To visit all historical landscapes in Beijing, she will need at least three years, no kidding!

Beijing has the most famous and excellent universities, the largest libraries, the richest museums, yet most important of all, her best friend! Amazingly, in this aged city, people are sometimes more international. Joey is especially fond of art, and Beijing is the right place for her, in which concerts of international singers or other musicians are much frequent, and she will even be able to attend Cui Jian's casual private concert in a coffee shop on a rainy autumn weekend.

25. Do you like a large shopping center being built in your neighborhood?

It has recently been announced that a large shopping center may be built in your neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and details to support your answer.



While the proponents of the plan to build a large shopping center in my community believe that it will aid economic development, I think that it will possibly do irreparable harm to our neighborhood. The proposed shopping center will damage existing businesses, provide inferior products, and destroy the environment of our peaceful community.

Research indicates that companies with less than 50 workers employ more people and generate more revenue as a percentage of a nation's GDP than large-scale corporations. This is true in America, where small businesses are considered the engine of the economy, as it is in our community where many people own and operate small shops. Large stores can buy large quantities of goods at wholesale prices. While local grocery, that cannot buy products in bulk, will be unable to compete. Once the competition is gone, the large store can raise its prices and lower its employee's wages. This classic example of exploitative monopoly capitalism impoverishes a community while enriching a small number of people.

The goods sold at the shopping center would be mass produced and necessarily of inferior quality to the handcrafted local goods and freshly grown local produce. Cheap products like plastic furniture would lack the character and local flavor of traditional wooden furniture made right here in our town. Cheaply mass-produced food,laden with pesticides and chemical preservatives, would crowd out the healthier, fresher, and tastier local produce on the shelves of the large shopping center. Low prices from the large store might tempt local consumers to eat less healthy food, endangering the health of local people as well as harming the incomes of local farmers and shopkeepers.

Lastly, I must point out that a large shopping center might bring unwelcome development to our small community. Ugly and noisy roads and parking lots would need to be constructed. The volume of people wanting to buy things at the new shopping center would worsen the traffic situation, which is already bad. Pollution from cars and trucks already has a notably degrading effect on the local air-quality and this is also bound to become worse as the traffic to and from the shopping center increases.


A or B

From my point of view, it is advisable to choose A rather than B. My arguments for this point are listed as follows.

The main reason for my propensity for ____________________ is that ________________.

There is another factor that deserves some words here.In a word, ________________________. While it is true that the argument, I disagree hold a little bit of water, I think_______________.



alter=change or modify(改变)





ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止)


bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露)





bolt=desert or abandon(放弃)



claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命)

clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)

curb=control or restrict(控制)

dip=decIlne or decrease(下降)





foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)

grill = investigate(调查)






map=work out(制订)











foil=prevent from(阻止,防止)

grill = investigate(调查)






map=work out(制订)


















Topic 31 Some people spend their entire lives in one place. Others move a number of times throughout their lives, looking for a better job, house, community, or even climate. Which do you prefer: staying in one place or moving in search of another place? Use reasons and specific examples to support your opinion.



Even though I have lived in the same house, in the same neighborhood, in the same city my entire life, I know I would be happy living in a variety of places. Moving would expose me to new people, new weather, and new housing.

Even if I were to move to another part of my city, I would encounter new people. Each neighborhood has a distinct personality. When I move to that neighborhood, I would meet the shopkeepers and residents that shape that personality. I may even adopt part of their manner as my own so I could be recognized as part of that community.

If I want to encounter different weather patterns, I would have to move beyond my city. Where I live now, it is the same temperature all year. I would like to go to a place where there are four seasons so I can experience really cold temperatures. I would like to walk in the snow and perhaps go skiing. I could learn winter sports if I lived in the north.

Now, of course, I live with my parents in their home. It is a one story house built around a courtyard where our family spends a lot of time. If I were to move, I would like to live in an apartment on a very high floor so I could see all around me. I could also meet my neighbors in the elevator and we could get together for coffee in my apartment.

The more I move the more I would experience change. I would meet new people in everyplace I lived; I could move to sample countries with four seasons or even a continent like Antarctica which only has two. Wherever I lived, I would experience living in housing particular to that area. I would then be a citizen of the world, wouldn't I? Could you call me a foreigner if I called everyplace my home?



Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed (damaged) by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. What is your opinion? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.



People have been living on the Earth for thousands of years. Human activity influences the Earth. Some people believe that the Earth is being harmed by human activity. Others feel that human activity makes the Earth a better place to live. In my opinion, the earth is being damaged by human activity. There are many statements supporting my opinion.

Human activity has damaged natural environment and almost exausted natural resources. Modern industry needs more and more resources, including minerals, fuels and water. So we confront of the serious problems such as the lack of fuels and water. Ecological balance is damaged because factories occupy many places where animals and plants live. More and more buildings are constructed and forests become less and less. If we cannot recognize these problems and solve them soon, we would finally lose the environment suitable for our living.

An other serious problem is “the green-house effect.” Human activity decreases forests and increases the usage of fuels so that the gas of carbon dioxide is output more and more and there are not enough plants to absorb it. The green-house effect is more obvious and more sensible these years. Due to the effect, icebergs in the south polar and north polar melt and the sea level becomes higher than before. I am worried about the cities nearby the sea and hope scientists find an effective method to eliminate the green-house effect.

Although we have advanced machines and our life seems more comfortable than before, we have less chances to approach natures and less spaces to act. The cities become bigger and if we want to have a picnic with our friends, we have to drive a long distance to find a natural place. In fact, the spaces of human activity are being damaged by the skyscrapers and factories.

From the above statements, we can conclude that human activity brings the Earth many damages. Fortunately people have recognized the point and I believe that the Earth will become a better place to live with our ceaseless efforts.






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